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Thumbnail of Lecture to parents..

Lecture to parents..

Published 9 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by Sizzlik

..or every other person..from a 6 year old.

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Thumbnail of Parisian survivor’s response to ISIS attacks and murder of his wife.

Parisian survivor’s response to ISIS attacks and murder of his wife.

Published 9 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by Austin

From Antoine Leiris. A remarkably resilient and thoughtful reply and reaction to the violence that has impacted his family and the citizens of Paris.

Thumbnail of How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?

How Does A Homeless Man Spend $100?

Published 9 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by DryBarber

Thumbnail of What's Your Biggest Regret ?

What's Your Biggest Regret ?

Published 8 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by Glubok

A chalkboard stood in the middle of New York City asking passersby to write down their biggest regrets. As the board filled up, we noticed that all of these responses had one alarming thing in common.

Thumbnail of World War II - Loss of Life Visualized

World War II - Loss of Life Visualized

Published 8 years ago in Inspirational. Submitted by Natan_el_Tigre