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Thumbnail of Deer for breakfast anyone?

Deer for breakfast anyone?

Published 15 years ago in Animals. Submitted by USAnumber1

For a change, here is a harmless animal video :)

Thumbnail of Insane dog

Insane dog

Published 16 years ago in Animals. Submitted by rjavc

This dog has some serious malfunctions... :'(

Thumbnail of Don't bully animals...

Don't bully animals...

Published 14 years ago in Animals. Submitted by Niek

...or they'll get you!

Thumbnail of Standing cat

Standing cat

Published 14 years ago in Animals. Submitted by trancetunes

This cat can stand like a human.

Thumbnail of Clean Kitty

Clean Kitty

Published 15 years ago in Animals. Submitted by Sizzlik

It's called "Animal Spa". Not sure if the cat enjoys its relaxing spa...