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Thumbnail of Dinosaurs - the true story

Dinosaurs - the true story

Published 3 years ago in Cartoons. Submitted by D-Rex

In the world where dinosaurs have survived and have evolved even to the point of taking their first steps on the moon, a giant asteroid heads towards Earth. The JASA (Jurassic Aeronautics and Space Administration) is active to avoid disaster.

Thumbnail of Social Justice Warriors, Bias Response Team

Social Justice Warriors, Bias Response Team

Published 4 years ago in Cartoons. Submitted by sux2bu

Thumbnail of Dale Gribble on Global Warming

Dale Gribble on Global Warming

Published 4 years ago in Cartoons. Submitted by thundersnow

:D :D Read more…

Thumbnail of Homer, Katrin and Janine Eat Their Way Through New Orleans

Homer, Katrin and Janine Eat Their Way Through New Orleans

Published 5 years ago in Cartoons. Submitted by jbond

Two Swiss girls love the Simpsons as much as they love New Orleans. So of course they needed to recreate this sequence!

Thumbnail of How Socialism Killed Venezuela

How Socialism Killed Venezuela

Published 5 years ago in Cartoons. Submitted by sux2bu

“The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”