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Thumbnail of Wildebeest


Published 11 years ago in Cartoons

From Birdbox Studio

Thumbnail of Wire cutters

Wire cutters

Published 7 years ago in Cartoons. Submitted by ComentAtor

Jack Anderson, a film student just made one of the best animations ever? :)

Thumbnail of Dinosaurs - the true story

Dinosaurs - the true story

Published 3 years ago in Cartoons. Submitted by D-Rex

In the world where dinosaurs have survived and have evolved even to the point of taking their first steps on the moon, a giant asteroid heads towards Earth. The JASA (Jurassic Aeronautics and Space Administration) is active to avoid disaster.

Thumbnail of He's back again

He's back again

Published 13 years ago in Cartoons. Submitted by pignmar41

Thumbnail of Pinky and the Brain prove why old cartoons are better.

Pinky and the Brain prove why old cartoons are better.

Published 14 years ago in Cartoons. Submitted by thundercash

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