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Thumbnail of Why Finland's schools outperform most others across the developed world | 7.30

Why Finland's schools outperform most others across the developed world | 7.30

Published 4 years ago in Documentary. Submitted by thundersnow

Finland has an economy and a population about the fifth the size of Australia's. But its schools consistently outperform ours and most others across the developed world.
Children in Finland don't begin school until the age of seven and they're only in classrooms half the time of…
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Thumbnail of Milk. White Poison or Healthy Drink?

Milk. White Poison or Healthy Drink?

Published 4 years ago in Documentary. Submitted by thundersnow

Over the last decade milk has become a bit controversial. Some people say it’s a necessary and nutritious food, vital for healthy bones, but others say it can cause cancer and lead to an early death.
So who is right? And why are we drinking it anyway?

Thumbnail of Why China is building islands in the South China Sea

Why China is building islands in the South China Sea

Published 5 years ago in Documentary. Submitted by sux2bu

China is building islands in the South China sea and its causing disputes among the other nations in the region; Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, and Indonesia. The US has many allies in the region and uses its massive Navy to patrol international waters, keeping shipp…
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