Comments posted by 0m3ga3


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+1 1. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Cat attacks breakdancer

"They are very intelligent creatures"...
I hope so... >:)
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+2 2. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Optical Illusions

I think they are perfect screensavers :)
Adding some more 'protection' to my laptop.

Great collection!
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-2 3. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video A Normal Day 2

Th3s3 guyz d3f1n1t3ly h4z th3 sk1llz0rz. :)
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0 4. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Funny accidents Compilation


"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit"

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+1 5. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Funny accidents Compilation

I agree with #7. I hope all of those people got well soon.

Besides the 'human damage' this is soooooo gooood :)
The 'Chuck Norris Cat' at 01:49 is when I first fall from my chair :D
The 'Water Kamikaze Rocket' is another >:)

R3sp3c7 4 teh cr3@t0r !
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+3 6. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Is it a truck or a pub?

I have just one question:

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0 7. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Walters & Shieff episode 3

#12 #13 - Thank You Guys/Girls :)
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+4 8. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Walters & Shieff episode 3

Great skillz :(|) You guys are incredible :D

Bonus monkey for including the not-so-succesfull moves :(|)

Anybody knows the name of the music starts at 00:30 ?
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-1 9. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Little giants versus a real one

Was this a part of some sort of a cultural fest, or just a free day in a sumo school ?

I found the voice annozing because it's volume only. I'm half-deaf now. (It's my fault: forgot to lower the sound.)
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+4 10. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Too cool for his own good

I'm really don't care if it staged or not.

At 00:55 his slippers flying away... rotfl. That's a good one >:)
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0 11. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Chess Game

Great... but somewhat a bit sick :)
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+1 12. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video BeatBoxer

Folks like him always reminds me Police Academy :)

Nice :)
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+1 13. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Rock Balancing Art


I played similar games with my defeated drinks (beer-bottles) in my favorite bar. My most complicated one however was only four bottles big 'tower' with a mug of beer on it.
It was taken a few hours to construct - 'cause the bottles need to be emptied then I had to wait my brains come back - but it is not impossible. Even in drank.
My friends talked out of continue but this guy is restore my faith in balance. (Especially without booze.)

Nice stones... or statues ?
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-5 14. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Badass police dog

I don't get the point. If they want to use brutal force, why they make a dog insane? :S

Yo guys, train a tiger instead! (Train to don't eat the suspect before the judgement) >:)
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+1 15. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Bugs compilation

At 00:59 I thought first she sneezed a butterfly :P
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0 16. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Duck and Cover

I can't believe it is taught after Hiroshima and Nagasaki. :O The victims of those places (and the human stupidity :S ) should teach more than any videos. There is NO cover only if you are already 100 feet deep in a bunker and the radiation is still a factor.

This short from the Terminator 2 is seem more realistic.
That's for duck and cover kids... smile at last and hope it's only the cam's flash. If it doesn't you wouldn't smile forevermore.
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+2 17. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Real Transformer

Yaaay :)

After I played a few days with Red Alert 3, I expect some bigger, but this one is a good begin for a mecha.

Build it 1:100 ratio and please lend me for a walk >:)

Besides humour: it would be good for 'vis maior' areas in the world. Wreckages rarely cuold travelled by wheels but little robots can go through everywhere (with a camera or some tools for ex.)

Go Mecha :D
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-5 18. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Coolest cameleon ever

NOt again :(
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+1 19. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Coolest cameleon ever

Very amazing creature it is indeed :)

I like their unusual looks and their capability to adopt to almost everything quickly. And their leg and their moves :D

I think it may be 'post-processed' but not sure... cameleons can change realy fast, however - as I saw before - their pattern fractions changing as one, not partly. It may differ between species though.
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+2 20. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Sesame Street explains the Madoff scandal

At 00:55 the Cookie Monster said:
'Me so sorry Ernie, baad market!'
That was a great gag :D

However it's reminded me how some moneybag bank leader left the market, with full pocket, leaving the rest ay the Cookie Monster leaves Earnie...

With puppets somehow its fun :) and a few cookies is not as serious as someone's house. :|
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+2 21. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Tallest Man Meets Smallest Man

Awww :'(
Sorry for that, I did not sense that I sent it three times...
May I delete the unnecessary ones somehow ? :S
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-1 22. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Tallest Man Meets Smallest Man

I do not know...

However their unique appearance makes them famous I'm not sure they ever could have 'normal' life. I hope they are happy with theirs... :|

Guy's I wish you the best. :)

The tall lad seems to cripple along... (first I tought that he leans against the people on the crowd :) )

Another strange thing: they are from the same country. I'm do not want to overthink it but mathematicaly it's chance... low. :O
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0 23. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Tallest Man Meets Smallest Man

I do not know...

However their unique appearance makes them famous I'm not sure they ever could have 'normal' life. I hope they are happy with theirs... :|

Guy's I wish you the best. :)

The tall lad seems to cripple along... (first I tought that he leans against the people on the crowd :) )

Another strange thing: they are from the same country. I'm do not want to overthink it but mathematicaly it's chance... low. :O
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+2 24. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Tallest Man Meets Smallest Man

I do not know...

However their unique appearance makes them famous I'm not sure they ever could have 'normal' life. I hope they are happy with theirs... :|

Guy's I wish you the best. :)

The tall lad seems to cripple along... (first I tought that he leans against the people on the crowd :) )

Another strange thing: they are from the same country. I'm do not want to overthink it but mathematicaly it's chance... low. :O
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+1 25. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Ninja Bear!

Is this bear some relative of the Kung-Fu Panda, the legendary Dragon Warrior ? :P

I think so...

(Also I think the great Ninja Master should avoid the night tainigs in the zoo.)

#3 She/he surely has a black belt... for a black bear I think it's quite normal. :D
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+2 26. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Loewe sound

Bwahahaa :D

I'm eagerly wait the extended version with:
- echo
- reverse playing >:)
- rewind/fast forward
- Jog Protection (for the balance) :P
- motion blur (why not ?)
- crossfader
- EQ presets (ok. Classical is very good, but what about jazz for example ?)

One of the best ads what I seen - and heard.
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+4 27. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Breakdancing with a drill

... to rap music
... in break style
... with tools >:)

It's a call for monkeys . :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+4 28. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Fat cat gets stuck

Ok... Garfield vs Door 1 : 1 :P

Poor cat, it is obvious sign of lack of (enough) moving.
Bring a friend to it, what means less food (divided by two) and more play. However if someone can't take care one cat that one will not keep on with two.
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-2 29. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video The most expensive BMW ad ever

That guy knows ... >:) >:) >:)
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-6 30. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Mickey Mouse vs Disney Land visitor

Ohh... I left the :(|) monkey heads :(|)
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+4 31. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Mickey Mouse vs Disney Land visitor

One monkey head for the try of tricks in that hm... 'uncomfortable' costume - to say at the least.

Go Mickey, go ... :D

The kiddo has the skill too ;)
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+7 32. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Dangerous view from a beautiful waterfall

Sweeet... :)

#2 The water seems to be really shallow there, so the only danger if someone slips in the very edge of the waterfall. Otherwise the fallen only has to fear from bruises.
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+18 33. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video The Crevasse - Making of 3D Street Art

Really astounding... :)

Definitely a great piece of art.

I like to see one in person...

(And a practical use of art I like the idea to place paintings like this after - or even in place of - some road signs like speed limit... This should be a more stylish way to tell some crazy people to slow down. Even just to make a closer look.)
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+8 34. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Drunk Monkeys

If this ever seen by Darwin... :P
It's the most obvious proof of relationship :D

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)

Here we come, walking down the street
We get the funniest looks from everyone we meet.

Hey, hey, we're the Monkees
And people say we monkey around,
But we're too busy _drinking
To put anybody down.
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0 35. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Wii Breakfast

Awww this one hurts....

RL Geeekz Masterzzz >:)

However they're funny geekz at all... :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+2 36. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video MTB Hamster Wheel

Wowwwww... :O

I don't know which one is the best: the construction or the by-rider ?

How you gone up ??
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-1 37. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Crossing the river

The revenge of the Dark Tree :P

water : snowrider - 0 : 1
tree : snowrider - 1 : 0

tree wins :)

(nearly with K.O. :D )
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-4 38. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Robot controlled with rat brain cells

Poor little fellow...

I don't like the idea. Will the humans more careless with the environment with each other then with themselves if some or the whole of their body would be 're-placeable'?

Another side of the tale: this robot is contolled by a rat-brain... but how long can a rat brain 'live' (if it can be named life) without a rat? How long a rat can live without a brain?
How many rats died for this one 'walking machine'?
Are we need robo-rats so badly? (don't we have enough 'bio-rats'?)

Plus a human brain and nerve system differs from rat brain and nerve system... will this knowledge ever usefull for human organs?

Will we being a re-programmable 'good worker of the society'?

Have you ever read 1984 from Orwell?

I think we shold not choose that path.

"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."
— Albert Einstein

I think we should make peace with nature. Without slicing it.
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0 39. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video PGA Tour commercial

Amazing :)

Sure hand, good swing, aaaaand basket in the hole :P

Everything can be used in practice even golf. :D
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0 40. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Backflip Guy

First of all I must bow before his determination and endurance. :)

However I suggest before he injure himself go to a few lessons of aikido or judo (or something like) where he surely will be taught to fall correctly. ;)

This practicing reminds me my first tries in kung-fu. I was horrificaly supid and I made everything as bad as it possibly could. But I newer has given up to practice - WITH elders and masters. So take a big breathe then blow it out (no master likes the loud ones) then think a bit and ask someone who has the knowlege.

It is laughable at now - as was I - but if you so determined it will be better in some day.

So do not fear to laugh even on himself. :D
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+5 41. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video World's luckiest deer

Supa'deeer Powaaaa :P

I think the evolution has developed the deer with invisible personal shield.
The Lord watched the Dune and learnt it well. :D
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+1 42. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Kid's pet mouse ownage

Maybe... Flowers for Algernon ('CHA?LY' as a film) let makes you think otherwise... 8-)
However it is basicaly a simple solution (works fine for 5-10 years old kid). :)

By the way: how will you explain this 'little hangout' if the kiddo sees a bat later ? :P
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+1 43. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Heineken - Macarena

Will it be posted to the series "How it's made" ? :)

The evolution of dance :D
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+4 44. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video The Pomegranate Phone

OmyGOD !

I definitely need one! I have only one fear: as a left-handed I'll surely will pour my coffe on my neck during shave and I'll do it in a conference....
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+34 45. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Human slingshot

Wowww, horizontal bungee-jumping :P
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0 46. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Canoe launch fail

They aren't the last folks who try to find the Titanic with canoe, are they ? :)

I think that's not easy in the moment but for god's shake why they didn't leave immediately ? :|
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0 47. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Zorb Fail

I HAVE to have such a ball :)

(Even if it doesn't fit into my flat or if it does I definitely will not. Only inside of that.)

I want to see my cat's furry face when see this 'little' ball :D
(And yes, I want to fly to the Moon if it plays with the ball a little and leash it's claws... :P )
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+22 48. 0m3ga3 commented 15 years ago on video Bowling fail

Don't laugh!
Try to hit a sprinkler with a bowling ball...
It isn't too easy after all :)

(An expensive hobby to hunt sprinklers with this way I think... :D )