Comments posted by 420


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-6 1. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Live crabs vending machine

vote down #11 everyone
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-3 2. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Moral Pharmacist - Social Experiment

#9 nobody is forcing you to reply to his post. gtfo
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+47 3. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Beer Slingshot Fail

thats karma for throwing away beer. i hate these guys so much
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-2 4. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Top Thrill Dragster POV

thats nothing compared to the tower of terror at dreamworld
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+6 5. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Moral Pharmacist - Social Experiment

up the bum no babies. thats the advice she really needed
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-7 6. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Lizard Drinks Orange Juice

portgual26 = worst uploader ever
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-3 7. 420 commented 14 years ago on video HRP-4C - Singing and Dancing Japanese Robot

portugal26 = worst uploader ever
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+8 8. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Lions attack

wtf. where are these violent images i was promised ??
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+21 9. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Photoshop's New PhotoBomb Tool

#1 i feel ur pain. i was expecting a funny video
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+8 10. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Guy Has Different Way of Doing Tequila Shots

tried it. not as fun as it looks
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-17 11. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Tech Support

big bang theory sucks big black hairy man balls
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+31 12. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Tech Support

screw this video, i wanna jerk it
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-2 13. 420 commented 14 years ago on video C-17 Airdrop 4 Humvees 50 Paratroopers

GPS... oh yeah and GPS information takes into account GPS.. and a GPS to the GPS.. dont fogtet your GPS !!!
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+8 14. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Indian kitchen

this is so stupid... why not just stand next to each other??

in before racist ban
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+30 15. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Poker Hand

this one is more entertaining:

but since i'm not Portugal26, i can't get it uploaded
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-9 16. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Doggy Doesn't Want a Bath

portugal26 - do you have ANY life whatsoever outside of SnotR?? i mean thanks for the vids but seriously, do you just sit in front of your computer all day looking up videos to upload here??
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+4 17. 420 commented 14 years ago on video TED Talk: Self-Teaching

so this genius realized that giving the internet to poor people will make them smarter ?!?!? how is that an amazing discovery, everybody already knows that !!
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+7 18. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Bike Lake Jumping

#2 southern hemisphere FTW !!
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+26 19. 420 commented 14 years ago on video YouTube in 1985

0:09 just like this video
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+44 20. 420 commented 14 years ago on video stop smoking

big whoop, everyone knows smoking is harmful. telling smokers that its bad for their health isn't going to help them quit. they need to understand the psychology behind the addiction and how your mind plays tricks on you so you think you're actually getting some sort of benefit from it.

i highly recommend any smokers out there who want to quit to read "The Easy Way To Quit Smoking" by Alan Carr (or something like that). its not like this video that thinks that scaring smokers with health issues will make you quit, it just clearly explains that smoking is like wearing shoes a couple sizes too small so you enjoy the feeling of taking them off
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+4 21. 420 commented 14 years ago on video All a matter of balance

gotta love ether
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+3 22. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Guy Screams For Mum On Slingshot

i live across the road from that. you hear some funny screams sometimes hahah
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-17 23. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Fail Compilation September 2010

i disapprove of this video
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-13 24. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Fail Compilation September 2010

i approve of this video
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-3 25. 420 commented 14 years ago on video 8 BITS

Portugal26 uploads some really horrible videos. He's ruining SnotR !!!
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+43 26. 420 commented 14 years ago on video The Whiz Biz

i'd prefer it if she used it the other way around
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-16 27. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Chihuahua Escape

why would you be filming your dog like this??
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+81 28. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Excellent speech

I will wear a ridiculous amount of padding so I don't get hurt!
I will play for 1 minute then spend 10 minutes talking about the next play!

WHO AM I????

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+1 29. 420 commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

i couldnt give a fuck what others do so long as they arent hurting anyone, but homosexuality is a gross disease. no sane male with a good upbringing would ever want to prance around getting their shit pushed in
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+5 30. 420 commented 14 years ago on video Is It Possible: Super Human Elasticity

needs ( . Y . ) imo...