Comments posted by 4megetbanjo


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+1 1. 4megetbanjo commented 3 years ago on video Kanader canadair water bomber Croatia - vratolomije u Dragi, Rijeka

Them pilots truely know their sh*t
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0 2. 4megetbanjo commented 6 years ago on video 10 Things Americans Do That Confuse The Rest Of The World!

Head lights on cars ar blinding since they are not asymmetric. Quite irritating.
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+1 3. 4megetbanjo commented 7 years ago on video Guard Commander Inspection - Arlington National Cemetery

How robotic
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+1 4. 4megetbanjo commented 7 years ago on video Mole Dig His Way To Freedom

#4 Nah, guess they're blind
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+2 5. 4megetbanjo commented 8 years ago on video UP 844 Highball @ 75mph

Considering the inertia from 1 ton traverse bars each gives your comment full credit CorpseGrinder
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+2 6. 4megetbanjo commented 8 years ago on video World's Weirdest - Pangolin

I want one
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+2 7. 4megetbanjo commented 8 years ago on video Static Electricity On Polyethylene Roll

#7 Here >:)
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+3 8. 4megetbanjo commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

Commercials, Russia and science, thank you
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+1 9. 4megetbanjo commented 9 years ago on video [Incredible Rescue] Incredible Accident

Guess their luck was the car turned around facing the seats in the optimum direction. So what may one learn from that kind of barriers?
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+1 10. 4megetbanjo commented 9 years ago on video Limo vs Train

So much for lowriders
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+1 11. 4megetbanjo commented 10 years ago on video One of those days 2 - Candide Thovex

4:30, must be rented skies :D
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+1 12. 4megetbanjo commented 10 years ago on video Turbine powered RC Jet 440 MPH Speed Guinness World Record 2013

#3 Depends on which country. In mine it would roughly equal the trunk only :|
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+1 13. 4megetbanjo commented 10 years ago on video Crazy Goat

#9 My thung is round :D
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+2 14. 4megetbanjo commented 10 years ago on video An Elephant roar is probably the most terrifying sound ever

Jurassic Park :O
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0 15. 4megetbanjo commented 10 years ago on video Excited Train Guy

#1 I know what you think >:) :P
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+7 16. 4megetbanjo commented 10 years ago on video Dancing with Lights

How futuristic. Awesome I'd say.
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+2 17. 4megetbanjo commented 11 years ago on video Three-Dimensional Mid-Air Acoustic Manipulation

#2 As the inventor of laser once said: This may be cool as a toy maybe...
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0 18. 4megetbanjo commented 11 years ago on video Why You Shouldn't Watch Porn In The Same Room As Your Parrot!

Intercourse and Bird In Hand are neighbor towns in Pennsylvania. Suddenly that makes total sense >:)
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+5 19. 4megetbanjo commented 11 years ago on video Formula One pit stops are amazing

I wonder what the guy between the front jack and the front wheel changer is doing?
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+16 20. 4megetbanjo commented 11 years ago on video Toy Car does 329 KPH

So what happened to the guy swirling around the pole? >:)
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+4 21. 4megetbanjo commented 11 years ago on video North Cliffs falling into the sea

#5 Isn't Cornwall in the south?
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+5 22. 4megetbanjo commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile In Poland

Life "socks"
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+1 23. 4megetbanjo commented 11 years ago on video Motor Vehicles and Mother Russia 2012

Likes the two guys in the Lada that grab their tings and leaves the wreck :D
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0 24. 4megetbanjo commented 11 years ago on video Wow!!

No matter what, that must have hurt
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+2 25. 4megetbanjo commented 12 years ago on video How To Listen To The Radio Using Plants

So, who cares about the cell phone brain boil fuzz?
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+6 26. 4megetbanjo commented 12 years ago on video Red Bull STRATOS Jump

Well #10, this may be true at certain conditions, however, the temperature and air density should also be concidered
I'd rather say less than 1100 km/h
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+7 27. 4megetbanjo commented 12 years ago on video Assassin's Creed slingshot

Did he just point the loaded slingshot towards the cameraman at 1:45?
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+1 28. 4megetbanjo commented 13 years ago on video Ever seen a motorcycle go under water?

Now that's what a water cooled motorbike looks like
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+2 29. 4megetbanjo commented 13 years ago on video World's first vending machines with a transmissive LCD

Sorry, what's the idea????
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+2 30. 4megetbanjo commented 13 years ago on video A very close call on landing with broken nose-wheel

Hey, you scratched my runway!
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-2 31. 4megetbanjo commented 13 years ago on video National Guard trucks drown

#7 Your ignorance about petrol driven engines is truely put on display here. Any petrol driven engine will surely stop running the moment water floods the electrical parts
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0 32. 4megetbanjo commented 13 years ago on video What not to do when your little brother annoys you

#8 Big brother gets black eyed peace, I guess.
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+1 33. 4megetbanjo commented 13 years ago on video Aviation Nation 2008 - F-22 Raptor Demo

Actually #3, it's going vertical after only 23 seconds from start.

Like the gear drawing in the second it's airborne.
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+1 34. 4megetbanjo commented 13 years ago on video Art With Salt

#8 Yeah right and then try to hold your sneezes back :D
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+11 35. 4megetbanjo commented 13 years ago on video A Guy Walks into a Bar "What's Your Name"

Them facial expressions - priceless! :D
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+4 36. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Showdown in a pub

Tamp tamp tamp, the floor is stiff Bambi
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+3 37. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Noncompliance

Hair has been dyed >:)
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+2 38. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Spectacular 100mph Train Crash Test

OK. Point made! I'm in for nuclear power then :D
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+19 39. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Falling Crane

Exploding tires. Nice >:)
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+63 40. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Load Fail

Camera fail
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+7 41. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Pilot pretends to faint

That's just an arranged prank. Who would have any nerves for holding a camera steady like that if it actually was for real. You guys are the ones hwo gets pranked.
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+1 42. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Whac-a-mole cat.

Play - rewind - play - rewind - play - rewind...
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+4 43. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Crazy traffic in India

Ups, sorry
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+4 44. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Crazy traffic in India

...And when the Russians adapded that system:
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+3 45. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Enjoy Your Flight

#16 So, obviously not Ryanair
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-6 46. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Well, that's one way to play the guitar.

Try look bored for a nickle.
STOP STOP, I can't afford it!
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+2 47. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Tractor flipover

Romanian rednecks.
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+5 48. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Super Burn Out FAIL!!!

Good ad for effective brakes
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-2 49. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Japanese gameshow

Something I don't understand: How can the japanese be so dumb and still populate that much?
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+1 50. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Americans can't remember when 9/11 happened

I pretty much agree with you #32, and one should always be suspicious to the official statements (as well as conspiracy theories of course), however, one thing is for certain: If you push a dog into the corner, it will bite you. I guess the Americans have been dealing with the "frog in the boiling water" analogy for too long, meaning: If you take them unenlightend ppl out one by one, nobody cares. What the terrorists, muslims or whatever had to do, was to make one severe strike in order to get the Worlds attention of this practice. There's nothing strange about that and by all means - it worked! The ratio between the souls the Americans has "taken out" in foreign countries compared to the casualties at the 9/11 attack is for someone else to comment on.
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-3 51. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Worst burglar ever

Yeah #(removed comment), but he's an oaf getting away with it
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-2 52. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Worst burglar ever

Yeah #(removed comment), but he's an oaf getting away with it
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-1 53. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Cheeseburger in Hydrochloric Acid

That's probably why vomiting isn't my favorite sport.
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0 54. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Manual wiper blades

Pls send some more of that eastern stuff. That really makes my day.
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-3 55. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video How NOT to be a Soldier

Go for the knee caps
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+4 56. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video How Not To Flip Over A Car

Who pulled the chauffeur out in the first place?
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+4 57. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Toll road accident

Yeah, burn that F****** toll shag down.
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+1 58. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Guy Driving Wrecked Car

What's wrong dude? This is how I did:
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+1 59. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video The frustrated trumpet player

Beavis and Butthead laugh :D
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0 60. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Trampoline fail

#22 I guess all three things at once
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+2 61. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Know what you're getting into...

He looks pretty pissed to me >:)
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+2 62. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Good race

Excuse me #9 what's the connection?
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+13 63. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Only in Russia: Lada footage

His right rear tire need to be somewhat inflated. Other than that...?
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+5 64. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Godly Tetris skills

Get a life!
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-2 65. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Incredibly Stupid Cinder Block Cannon Explosion

Darwin Award Committee, look out, here we come!
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+2 66. 4megetbanjo commented 14 years ago on video Why Don't You Park Your Car

Bad bowling skills, you missed one. Next time try slightly more crosswise :D