Comments posted by 98oktan


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+3 1. 98oktan commented 7 years ago on video You just gotta love British Humour

#1 #2 That's what happens with avalanches - suddenly everything's gone :)
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+9 2. 98oktan commented 7 years ago on video World fastest bumper car

This is pointless, unsafe and noisy. I want one, too.
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0 3. 98oktan commented 7 years ago on video How far back in time could you go and still understand English?

Can we agree that "crapulous" is ready for a comeback?
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0 4. 98oktan commented 7 years ago on video This musical illusion will blow your mind!

Yup, this proves it without a doubt at all... I've got the musical understanding of a doorknob.
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+1 5. 98oktan commented 7 years ago on video Weird stuff that women carry in their handbags

I like how this seemed so cleansing, almost therapeutic, for them.

Something about facing themselves, then starting over and rebuilding.
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0 6. 98oktan commented 7 years ago on video Sex Doll, Sex Doll....are you a Sex doll?!

"Come here baby, let's go for our honeymoon!"
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0 7. 98oktan commented 7 years ago on video Underground City of Australia, Coober Pedy

Australia - where you can live in the basement and still need a fan.
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+1 8. 98oktan commented 7 years ago on video Inauguration Day - A Bad Lip Reading of Donald Trump's Inauguration

#4 You credit the man with a self reflection he clearly doesn't possess.

#5 The media has body odor?
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0 9. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Firecracker

#6 The guy is from Croatia? That must make it so much worse... I'd imagine people down there have had about enough things go bang on them to last them a lifetime.
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+1 10. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Lorry Shunts Car For 100m Along Motorway

#1 Yeah, but on the other hand I'm afraid your tires wear out real quick
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0 11. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Stabilized mountain bike

Stabilization or really really flexible legs?
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+1 12. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video 6 Minutes of FAST WORKERS - Amazing Skilled workers - Kevin Hunte

#2: But they have a plan: Do 50 years' work in 10 years' time, then take early retirement :D
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+3 13. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Chewin The Fat: "Mon" Take A Drink

And I was wondering why he wanted a muffin...
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+4 14. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video 60 different Genders - 2016 in one video

Jetzt verfolgen mich diese Arschlöcher schon bis auf eine meiner liebsten Websites. Na toll.
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0 15. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video New Five Pound Note Plays Vinyl Records.

Little known fact: Churchill had some mad beatboxing skillz :D
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0 16. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video People Doing Awesome Things

Have these people simply never heard of gravity or do they just think it's largely optional?
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+2 17. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video ASMR Rewind Kinetic Sand . Layered Sounds . Oddly Satisfying .

Very soothing. Just nice.
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+1 18. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video THE JETTLE pulsejet powered kettle (longer version)

Well that's a success innit? Only took the better part of 3 minutes (with editing), only left him HALF deaf and only NEARLY set the house on fire.

We'd never have seen if it COULD be done if he had stopped to think if it SHOULD be done.
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0 19. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video The Iron Knight - The world's fastest truck

This would be a nice basis to build a 300+ km/h RV... >:)
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+1 20. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Fails of the Month August 2016 || FailArmy

5:09 It's a win to even try that
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+2 21. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Driving back home

Kurwa indeed... a couple times I wasn't sure whether he's skilled or just really lucky
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+2 22. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video How to ruin someone's Instagram food photo

But she laughed, so all is forgiven, right? O:)
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0 23. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video PodRide pitch v1,1

Is he TRYING to make it sound boring?
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+3 24. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Earthquake in swimming pool

#2 Is it indoors though? Because if not, at least there's no ceiling to come down on you and no furniture to smash into... Stay in or get out, that's the question!
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+4 25. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Insane flood rescue

My (very stupid) first thought: Oh no, he dented the car!

Second thought: wait a minute, the first generation Miata still had a manual roof... why didn't she just open that?
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+3 26. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Russian Taurus 2x2

What is it with the Russians and their super awesome vehicles?

I wonder if this is a relative or (whisper it) a ripoff of the American Rokon? They look very similar:
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+2 27. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Electricity finding the path of least resistance on wood

#4 I think if you don't put some water on the wood first, this would be a nice way to start a fire
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+2 28. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Iraqi tea maker making music with dishware

The Jimi Hendrix of pouring tea
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+1 29. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Sand artist uses entire beach to create incredible drawing

Local vandal defiles beach with giant ass pic, more after the break
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+2 30. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Koenigsegg One:1 heavy highspeed crash at Nürburgring Nordschleife

#1 I think that's the least of his worries...
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+3 31. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video How long with it take you to travel 80 miles

Resolved too early. They could have easily drawn this out to feature film length.
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+1 32. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video The Beauty of Boeing’s 787-9 Dreamliner on Display

"Demonstration by Boeing test pilots. Do not attempt."

As if anyone would let me have the keys to one of those...
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+7 33. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Cat Trying To Escape

Poor kitten. After all that struggle all we care about is the new layout. Which is also poor.
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+4 34. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Porsche Cayenne pushes Smart into Canals of Amsterdam

Good job, I hate those smug little bastards
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+2 35. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Jay Leno Gets 2,500 HP on 2 Wheels - Jay Leno’s Garage

They say don't meet your heroes. But it sure made for a memorable day, one way or another
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+10 36. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video A Tribute to Bud Spencer 1929 - 2016

His family said, "He didn't have to suffer [...] his last words were 'thank you'" :'(
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+2 37. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Strandbeest Bike

I feel like something's missing here. Maybe add some hooves?
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+7 38. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Turning kitchen in swimming pool!!!

Funny how the cat looks to be the one most concerned about all this. Maybe it's smarter than its owners.
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+3 39. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Weird

On the importance of having friends to be silly with :)
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+9 40. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Weather map goes crazy live on the air

1350 degrees... Surprise indeed
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0 41. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Misspelled Tattoos

2:15 Not on first name terms with her father's new flame?
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0 42. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Drunk Driver With Road Rage Gets His Ass Kicked

#10: Hard to tell the difference with some people...
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+1 43. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video James Bond’s Top 10 Kills Will Blow You Away…

Oh no, one of these stupid "talk everything to death" videos... :|
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+2 44. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Fastest Things in The World !!!

3:41 If I tried that I'd accidentally whip myself to death... :O
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+2 45. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Tim Gajser insane scrub

physics, schmysics :D
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0 47. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video BATBAND

180 bucks to look like some back-to-front Geordi La Forge?! Guess I'm not an early adopter...
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+2 48. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video German snacks are quite the mouthful.

#3: We used to call that a Negerkussbrötchen, in those carefree times...

#2: Wow, the English version really sounds so much more offensive to my ears :( - I never really thought about it. We didn't mean it that way, I swear!
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+2 49. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Homemade Hoverbike

How has this guy not ended up in one of those fans yet :O
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+2 50. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Feline Fine

Aww man I want to be reborn as a cat. What a life - never caring about anything at all... well nothing important anyway :D
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+5 51. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Guy Shreds On An Insane Instrument

The lovechild of a violin and a typewriter. Great stuff.
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+5 52. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Owls are awesome

YOLO = You Obviously Love Owls
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0 53. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Russian Dashcam Compilation - March 2016

#6 still worth mentioning here as that moron must have been doing 90 mph.

What always surprises me is how many people just seem to go "Oh, accident" and carry on without stopping... Punishable offense here in Germany and an easy way to lose your licence, too
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+2 54. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Motorised Drift Trike = FUN

Even more fun if you know what his name means in German :D
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+4 55. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Car driver ‘DELIBERATELY running down a cyclist’

#4 That's what I thought!

"Yeah, your honor, so I kinda like accidentally deliberately ran him over, and then..."
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0 56. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Meteor Crash in Spain caught on Dashcam

Damn... "dash cam in Spain"... that should have tipped me off
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0 57. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video How BIG is Samsung?

As a non-native speaker, I often have trouble pinpointing accents. Is this guy British or Australian?
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+1 58. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video The Chase

Beautiful, yet deadly - Mother Nature is a true female 8-)
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+1 59. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Not all heroes wear a cape

There's still some good people in this world.

What's going on at 6:31? Didn't get it...
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+1 60. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video And yet these people are allowed to vote...

#9 don't worry, you could ask a bunch of Germans questions about German history and they'd get a lot of it wrong too.
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+14 61. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia

Many people won't shut up about how these modern SUVs aren't real offroaders...

This one steps up to the challenge.
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0 62. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Near miss for this horse and cart crossing junction

Forget sportscars. Two horsepower is enough to get you in trouble.
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+2 63. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video World Premiere - BMW Vision

Could afford it if I had the money! 8-)

What's up with that steering though? You'd need an entire soccer field to make a full turn...
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0 64. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video A tourist joins street musicians

"So you're playing music on the street?"

"Well we used to but these days it's really more of a rental business..."
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0 65. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in 1980 before common sense was invented

A fool and his 40 million dollars will soon be parted...
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+1 66. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video First Contact

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+10 67. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Cat Jumps Over Fence to Get Away from Dog

Motivation is everything!
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+4 68. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Dragged behind a Ferrari F50 ! Wakeboarding

If this is hard to bear, you probably don't want to see all the other stuff they're up to in expensive cars...
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+2 69. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video SHERP

Want. So. Bad.

This vid had me giggling like a loon.

"Let's go onto the ice!"

"But won't it break?"

"Of course it will! That's the point!"
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+2 70. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in Germany

#8: I HOPE the whole building was up for demolition... Otherwise someone's in trouble now >:)
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+12 71. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Fail Compilation july2015-february2016 || TNL

9:34 Why chipmunks shouldn't drive
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+2 72. 98oktan commented 8 years ago on video Do You Speak English?

Is that Simon Pegg?
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+3 73. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Earth opening during earthquake

Say no to crack.
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-1 74. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Sea Organ

This is to music what "the plot" is to porn, you're all like "Get to the point, dammit!"
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+1 75. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Amazon Prime Air

After his first four words I really thought he was going to do the Prince of Bel Air :)
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+1 76. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Tree Trunk Carving

Those cats wear too much makeup.

Other than that, I like it a lot. I think "timelapse" should be a category of its own.
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0 77. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag - Game of Trains

Ouch, that took a nasty turn in the end... :O
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0 78. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Pregnant Girlfriend Prank Backfires

What's up with these two? How does their relationship even work? How can you just take treatment like that and not be out the door in 2 seconds flat? So many questions... :(
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+3 79. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video This Is Not What You Want To See While Looking Out A Window In A Plane

#5: I think the highest point (whatever that thing is called) isn't actually metal, but some composite.
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+6 80. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Cute Boxer

Oh, I think he HEARS alright... it's just that he doesn't listen.
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+2 81. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Dead alive fish

Okay that's it I'm going vegetarian.
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+4 82. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Fail Compilation spring 2015 || TNL

I'm into Schadenfreude as much as the next guy, but a hoof to the face? Decidedly unfunny. :S
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0 83. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Storm in France

#10: ...pants?
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0 84. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Drift parking with RC car

#9: Thanks, that explains why it looks as if the car can't NOT drift, I was wondering about that
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0 85. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video All fun and sporting until it isnt - for the human

0:44 "jump back in!" :O Now why would you do that?
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0 86. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Adaptive Gripper

For all your melon-groping needs
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0 87. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Always Give 110%

Wimps and posers, leave the hall :P
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+1 88. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Stay off my clean floor human!

#5 you mean there are cats WITHOUT mental issues? 8-)
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0 89. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Billiards Anyone?

#1 indeed, crossing the line between billiards and martial arts... Awesome stuff.
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0 90. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in the Far East

What a great idea. Even those who don't care about people in need might spring a couple bucks for the laugh.
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+1 91. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Cut Your Grass Like A Boss!

...until one day Mr Jenkins next door had it with the noise and brought out the red turtle >:)
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+3 92. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Artist draws famous logos by hand

This guy can write.
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-1 93. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video More Bubble Magic

1:02 that's one sick ass bong she's got there
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0 94. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Cars Trapped In Fire Storm

Well, all in all traffic seemed to be well behaved and orderly...
I don't (want to) know how I'd drive if the world was on fire :S
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0 96. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Japanese toilet training

I shouldn't have sung along... damn near crapped my pants here
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+2 97. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Linear Shinkansen, 603 km per hour achieved

Does it make passengers solve riddles (yet)?
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0 98. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Thousands of people stuck in a tunnel sing "Lean On Me" together

Encore: I'm so happy to be stuck with you
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0 99. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Dropping a car

Fun fact: When enough force is applied, cars behave like liquids 8-)
Was quite surprised that roof (almost) snapped back into shape
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+1 100. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video A good chase

World's most annoying siren, yet most people don't seem to even notice they're supposed to make way...
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0 101. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Indy Lights Best Finish Ever

Dipsy 1st, Tinky Winky DNF :D

Now is there something wrong with my ears or is this commentator really unable to pronounce Dempsey?
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+1 102. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video Mamurderia

Be VERY suspicious when she wants a little brother to "play with"... :|
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+2 103. 98oktan commented 9 years ago on video The Most Beautiful Way To Stop A Bully

:O Oh wow... why can't I like this thing twice...
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0 104. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Wheelie bar TV Commercial 1965

I wish my grandma had had a car like that!
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+4 105. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Dying Light

Shotguns. When plagued by zombies, try shotguns.
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0 106. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Close to 200 cars pile-up

Honk three times if you miss summer... :(
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+1 107. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video A master in his craft

No prizes for guessing his favourite band... :)
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+1 108. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Terrifying onboard video of a rally from the mid 80's

On the subject of crowd endangerment, Röhrl once looked back in an interview and said, "They should have put us all in a long line and punched every one of us in the face." [for taking such a risk]

It couldn't happen today, and that's just one more reason why Group B is the stuff of legends.
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0 109. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Fastest street legal car in the world

This must be such an awesome adrenaline rush... :O
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+1 110. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Guy does perfect backflip... with his 4x4 Jeep

Phew, so much flippin' negativity. I for one admire the lengths he went to just for the sake of our entertainment. O:)
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0 111. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Biker Watch Dog

#15: My thought exactly: Who trained who?
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+1 112. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video How Not To Change Lanes

Figure skating is my favourite motor sport!
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0 113. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Red - Jay Chou Portrait with Coffee Cup Stains

She's banned from every coffee shop in town!
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0 114. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video 1500' TV Tower

He's friends with high places! 8-)
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0 115. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Do not flip a Xbox 360 while playing a game

It sounds like it's in pain... :O
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+1 116. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Michelle's Tongue Tricks

She's more hypnotic than that lava lamp I once had... just... wow. <3
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0 117. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Cutting a 26,000 lb granite block by hammer and chisel

#11: For his next vid, he'll play a melody on this thing
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+2 118. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Customer service in Japan

We call it support, he calls it his apartment :)
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+1 119. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Cheapest racing exhaust in the world

0:48 Gentlemen, startle your engines :P
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+1 120. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Fishing tv show bloopers

He pulls off the rare feat of making Tim Taylor look competent :D
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+1 121. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Remarkable space saving furniture.

Brought to you by the Transformers school of furniture engineering :D
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0 122. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Gymnast Shawn Johnson Put To Sleep At Only 17

I wouldn't put it past some parents though... :|
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0 123. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video How NOT to get out of a mud hole

#13: Yeah, it looked real good before it started looking bad >:)
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+1 124. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Puberty...

#5: It's sad cause it's true... :(
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+1 125. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video Laser Cleaning with High Power Short Pulse Laser

I could use one of those for my car...
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+11 126. 98oktan commented 10 years ago on video No, That's Not A Turd In The Toilet

Great... sh*t yourself right in front of the toilet