Comments posted by Acorn


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+17 1. Acorn commented 9 years ago on video Russian steamroller

That´s gonna last :(|)
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+14 2. Acorn commented 9 years ago on video Crazy carrot cutting skills

Vegan stockings :P
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+2 3. Acorn commented 9 years ago on video Hillbilly Weatherman

Happens here in Denmark from time to time..
But then again, we don´t take offense from something as small as swearing.

Use the word GOD and then maybe, MAYBE we will raise an eyebrow and go:
Sigh tsk tsk
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+11 4. Acorn commented 9 years ago on video Something fishy happened...

LOL@#4 :D
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+1 5. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Kids Logic MK2 Magnetic Floating Iron Man

It´s head is too big
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0 6. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 6

Leap without looking does NOT count when it comes to driving..
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+2 7. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Sony's camera filming at full moon looks like daylight

40 people and 1 bottle of wine?

Some party!
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+2 8. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Tailgater gets instant karma

Vertical camera syndrome... :S
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+2 9. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video How Fast Do Burgers Age?

yes yes, but where´s the homemade burger?
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+3 10. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Amazing Magnetic Levitation Device

Roads? Where we´re going, we don´t need... roads ;)
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+2 11. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Making a knife from an old sawblade

Speaking as a butcher, this was very interesting and a fine knife indeed
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0 12. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Road rage karma

I always think "how would i react if it was a family member in the other car"

Would i react with irritation or even violence then?

Be good, you´re rarely in that kind of hurry when you drive anyway.

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+6 13. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Why the moon landings could never have been faked

The moon landing was a race between Russia and the US. Russia lost and never yelled fake.

Never ;)
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+1 14. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Man Walking Backwards through Tokyo...Played in Reverse

How did he make the water jump in to the bottle like that ?!
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-2 15. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Incredible Save by Houston FD

here´s a funny thought.

Instead of saying god or jesus.
Replace the words with Elvis and see how far religion will get you ;)
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0 16. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Anti-Gravity Wheel?

How would this work if it was a ball?
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+7 17. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video 25 angry dogs - What would you do?

#(removed comment).

Dogs don´t need to show signs of anger to be hungry.
And dogs get happy when they see food, so don´t believe that just because you see a dog wagging it´s tail, it means it´s happy to see you!

These dogs shows clear signs of wanting to attack, don´t underestimate pack mentality, even in humans
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+7 18. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Why you shouldn't turn off the light at night

I´m not afraid of the dark because i´m afraid of what´s hiding in the shadows.
I´m afraid of the dark because i know what´s hiding in my mind...
Picture of Acorn25 achievements

0 19. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Michio Kaku: This is Your Brain on a Laser Beam

If we construct a engineered human body that are immune to diseases, stronger and live around 500 years. If you could download in and out to that. Would you REALLY want to come back in that body you have now?
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-8 20. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Pelican Selfie: One beak. One GoPro. One unique journey

How would you feel if i taped a camera to YOUR nose?
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+12 21. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Police cruisers in Dubai


Now make a video about Russian police cars :D
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+10 22. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Meteorologist rides out F4 tornado in armored car

Wonder if an armored car can take a hit from a tree or something bigger!?
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+5 23. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video How to fly a Typhoon Jet

Great graphics
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+2 24. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Watch his left hand

Damn, forgot to watch the left hand, couldn´t get my eyes off his right. Sigh, now i have to watch it all over again :(
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+3 25. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video How Thai Rice Boxes are made

I don´t know why, but now i want one :O
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+1 26. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Space/Time

Did i really watch this right now or did i already do that tomorrow?
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+5 27. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Fish drives his own little electric car

Yeah it´s not the aliens we have to be afraid of, Goldfish in tanks will take over the world!
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-8 28. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video How Its Made - LEICA M9-P Hermès

Think i´ll just stick to my iphone ;)
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+4 29. Acorn commented 10 years ago on video Subaru WRX pulls out cop car stuck in snow

2 very cool cars !
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-1 30. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Amazing Myna bird sounds just like a human

Had i a myna bird it would probably sound like R2D2 all the time
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+13 31. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video I've always heard English is hard to learn.. But this?

Omg he would know what my harddrive is saying!!
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+11 32. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Australia in a nutshell

Aussie people are the funniest people when drunk :)
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+3 33. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Turn your Mouse into a Powerglove

You don´t need a glove, just use super glue ;)
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+3 34. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Helix Fries

I´ll have 2 please
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+2 35. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Chemical Reaction NH4Cr2O7 + HgSCN

Reminds me of the organism from the movie Evolution :)
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0 36. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Truck drifting into garage

I´ve done something like this, just with a bus... with passengers :D
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+5 37. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video The Perfect Shave

Very well done! First professional barber shave video i´ve seen, but still... No one touches my beard!
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+1 38. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Jingle balls

The first 50 sec was great fun.
The last part, well someone could cut that out
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0 39. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Hummingbird snoring

Lovely bird but NOT a good sound for people with Tinnitus :(
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+12 40. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile in Russia...

Most of my dates usually end like that...

Damn drivers!
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+2 41. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video This engine sounds so sexy

Great job!

Now a earth day is 1 minute shorter.. Thanks! :(
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+3 42. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Van Damme is still Cool, apparently.

The only reason this is safe for him to do, is all the plastic in his face will soften his fall
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+2 43. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Morphing Magic Table Surface

And in 2 years we will be kissing our Iphones too...

oh no
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+11 44. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Iranian guitar player approaches speed of light...

Ho Lee Fuk !!
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-1 45. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Young

Utrolig irriterende at se på!
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+15 46. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Alan Watts - What is Wrong With Our Culture

I think you totaly missed the point LightAng3l

He paints a picture of the human culture or rather the lack of.
In this world, we are fed by micro rewards, living unaware and without a care, that our way of living is slowly but surely, suffocating our planet.

As a species we are without direction, being led by the few people whose soul purpose is to make more money for the sake of making more money.

Everyone agrees that life should be cherished, but not many can afford it
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+10 47. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video A look inside a Cryonic facility

They have another box in the basement for your soul ;)
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-2 48. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Magician hides a bandana

Diga loo diga lay
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+2 49. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Scared ?

If you like those things and your cat knows.. it will never really like you!
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0 50. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video "The Singing Tree" in action!

Where´s my drumsticks? I´ll give it a go !
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+5 51. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Ice Ice Baby

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-2 52. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Whales almost eat Divers

Not to worry, whales can´t swollow a human ;)
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-1 53. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video The woman who got 69 red light cam tickets

Just call the police and follow her, then shoot her dead and walk away a free man.. You can do that in america lol
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+5 54. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Boxer giving Baby Kisses

What a great dog. This kid gonna grow up to be the next dog whisperer :)
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0 55. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Juggling Around Iceland

Very nice, except for all the balls and shaking camera
Picture of Acorn25 achievements

0 56. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video So this is what we eat at all the major US pizza places...

This is insignificant compared to the artificial sweetener Aspartame.
Who the hell was that bright human who came up with the idea to put an biochemical warfare agent in our food.
For the love of all that is fair and holy, do NOT eat or drink anything with Aspartame in it or anything called "Light"
Check the ingredient list of what ever you buy and save yourself a slow death and protect your children, because you pass it on to them too!
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+2 57. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video 2 headed Snake

Like one head wasn't enough!!
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-20 58. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Babies Enjoy The Simple Things In Life

For gods sake!

Give those babies an Ipad NOW !!
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+2 59. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Inside a 1st Class Flight

I´m hungry
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+13 60. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Self Repairing Tire

Will it work on my wife?
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+6 61. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Why the whole banking system is a scam - Godfrey Bloom

The sad part is, people still believe in democracy.
But democracy only works until money is presented.

"democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others"
Sir Winston Churchill
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+4 62. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video GoPro Rock Climbing Fall

I do not get why people do this
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+1 63. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Falling like Dominos...

I hate domino vids...

All of them
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+33 64. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video The BEST Listening Dog in the WORLD

Had a girldfriend just like that
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-7 65. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Our sun compared with the largest star ever discovered

Chuck Norris balls are bigger!
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-8 66. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Scuba Diver caught in scary rip current

Should have called it "big invisible whale suck in diver" :D
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0 67. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Euro dominoes

i hate dominoes
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+2 68. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Inhaling hexafluoride

Want to hear Vin Diesel try hexafluoride !! 8-)
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-6 69. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video 60,000 bottle caps later...One awesome wall.

With a quick eye scan.. I highly doubt that there is more than 6000 caps on that wall
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+12 70. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video The Namaqua keeping it's cool

We still don´t know for sure how old the human race is.

Last evidence found, dated back 250.000 years and some speculate that it could even be a lot more. How smart we were at that time, no one knows for sure, but it was long before the neanderthal who was "believed" to have lived 300-600.000 years ago
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+8 71. Acorn commented 11 years ago on video Wow!!

I do not like this video...
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+11 72. Acorn commented 12 years ago on video How To Listen To The Radio Using Plants

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-19 73. Acorn commented 12 years ago on video The Lost Thing - Short Film

Hope this video gets lost
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+3 74. Acorn commented 12 years ago on video Tough Guy

I´m pretty sure that HER screaming knocked him out.
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+2 75. Acorn commented 12 years ago on video Attempted murder !

- Humans! -
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+10 76. Acorn commented 12 years ago on video The currency of the new economy is trust

Which one? she has 3
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+43 77. Acorn commented 12 years ago on video Fake beggar bust.

Well... Work is work, isnt it?
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+17 78. Acorn commented 12 years ago on video Don't interrupt grandpa's chat...

Guns don´t kill people..
Americans kill people!!
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0 79. Acorn commented 12 years ago on video Green Technology for Japan

Habitable 15 years?
That´s a big understatement !
Try 50 to 150 years, they don´t know yet :(
It could even be double that.