Comments posted by Acquiesce


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+26 1. Acquiesce commented 10 years ago on video Norwegian navy using old warship as target practice

Who is going to clean the sea now? ._.
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+5 2. Acquiesce commented 10 years ago on video How to make the Fastest Wheels in History

I think reading first helps :)
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+30 3. Acquiesce commented 10 years ago on video Jamaican kid makes a bike out of 2 lighters

I don't know why I was expecting a real bike made out of lighters..
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+35 4. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video Man Loses Weight Eating McDonalds

"He also started walking 45 mins a day" Well.., everything is said here right?
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+5 5. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video drawing a realistic light-bulb

FYI: "Time taken 3 hours and 3 minutes" summarized in 3:40 :)
Pretty awesome! Power it now :D
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+11 6. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video Liquid lenses

FYI: The video was released on EuroNews the 21th of May 2013.
And it seems promising!
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+3 7. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video How the Tesla Model S is made

"It's magnificient, it's like a piece of art".
I think he said everything (-:
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+7 8. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video Motorcycle vs. Car Drift Battle 3

Advertising? Where? I did't see any. :x
Should be a Commercial-Cars section for Monster and RedBull
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+32 9. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video Car Transmissions & Synchromesh

From 1936, for those like me who wondered :-)
And it's amazingly well explained!
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0 10. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video Chimps on Ice

Am I the only one amazed? :O :(|)
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-8 11. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video He loves his job

It's just boxes, since you don't know what there is inside you can't tell whether he is doing a good job or not.

The aim of throwing lazily all the boxes is to bring them all close to the escalator so he doesn't have walk. Since all the boxes are in the plane he has done his job.

You are just influenced by the one filming and commenting with his disgusted voice.
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+2 12. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video Fail Compilation February 2013 || TNL

Those guys skateboarding in shirts without helmets are stupid fools 10:06.
And it happens every months.
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+32 13. Acquiesce commented 11 years ago on video 6.8 Magnitude Earthquake Simulated by Underground Nuclear Explosion

If only they could all die while doing such a thing.
Btw why is it in "Awesome"? This is just "Terribly Sad".
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+22 14. Acquiesce commented 12 years ago on video The Big Bang Theory FLASHMOB

If you follow at least a little The Big Bang Theory this is totally awesome :D

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+26 15. Acquiesce commented 12 years ago on video Canyon Gap to Flat

One thing powered by RedBull again.
"RedBull gives you wings"
Apparently not on that one.

Like #1 said, hope he is alright tho.
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+9 16. Acquiesce commented 12 years ago on video Tattoo removal

Seen this?

Same kind of video. And a begining of explanation @ comment 4.
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+60 17. Acquiesce commented 12 years ago on video Downhill Babes Maryhill Freeride 2012

Wearing a big helmet & being in bikini.
Paradoxal much? mhm
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+51 18. Acquiesce commented 12 years ago on video Kara by Quantic Dream

Scary future :O
But amazingly done! :o)
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-5 19. Acquiesce commented 12 years ago on video I Paint

I paint extremely well *
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+8 20. Acquiesce commented 12 years ago on video Kid with nightvision

Cat woman has a kid! D:
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+8 21. Acquiesce commented 12 years ago on video Lindsey Stirling - Shadows

This is called ART :o)
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+18 22. Acquiesce commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Forest Freeride

Beautiful forest :o)
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+22 23. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Slippery stairs on russian subway

Would better warn it's iced than filming this, dangerous much? >.>
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+27 24. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Daytime Fireworks Display

Those are dementors! D:
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0 25. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Wingsuit Proximity Flying

#5 How do birds & other flying animals do to go up too? Its just all about using warm winds which naturaly go up due to their high temperature (=> low density). Its like smoke going up in a fire, warm "air" always goes up.
So if a bird or anything flying, including a Wingsuit, cross a warm mass of air, it'll go up :)
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+23 26. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Working model of Stephenson's steam engine made of glass.

This is kinda sexual :P
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+8 27. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Dare to fight?

Awesome end :D
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+5 28. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video 600lbs Sumo Vs 169lbs MMA Fighter

"You cant even kill this guy with a samurai sword ... hes too big" LOL :D
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+3 29. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Waterfall of fire

Now drink it on fire :)
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+7 30. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Two black bear cubs climbing on hammock

Nawwwww! I want the same bears ! :D
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+9 31. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video A Bridge Too Far

Quite impressive :O
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+24 32. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Wedding Proposal

Damn, this made my eyes wet :)
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+7 33. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Samurai Hayashi on Japanese TV Show

The best thing is that we all understand Japanese :D
But he has skills for sure :P
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+33 34. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Reaction of a gay guy to 2 Girls 1 Cup

mhmm, i didnt know 2 girls 1 cup.., & fuck, i googled it. Thanks snotr! :P
This warning is like a "dont do it!", & u always do it :( meeeh
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+3 35. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Deer runs over dog

I'll never be scared of those dogs anymore :x
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+30 36. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Bear Grylls: Balls of Steel

They cleary say at the begining of each video :

"Bear Grylls and the crew receive support when they are in potentially life threatening situation as required by health & safety regulation.

On some occasions, situations are presented to Bear so he can demonstrate survival techniques.

Professional advice should always be sought before entering any dangerous environment."

So its not about fake or not, they have never claimed that it was all true.
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+6 37. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video GreenPeace - Inspiring Action

#6, true story, but not sure your kids will be glad to face that problem.
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+9 38. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video GreenPeace - Inspiring Action

#3, not sure radioactive wastes are "friendly",
"Just saying"
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+28 39. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Table 7

Lesson of the day : Asians are very kind :)
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+1 40. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia 2

If they are all 5yo like that wee girl at 4:38 no wonder why lots of accidents happen :P
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+3 41. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Short compilation of pranks

Made my day! :)
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+51 42. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video UCI MTB World Championships DHI 2011

"Dannny stay on ur bikeee!!!!" : DDD
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+1 43. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Stuxnet : The Real Deal

Hacking war in progress.
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+2 44. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Kilian Martin: A Skate Illustration

A w e s o m e .
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+74 45. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Highway robbery

Taking advantage of people kindness? Bastards.
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+58 46. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Freetraining

Now lets do that on a french TGV at 500km/h :D
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+11 47. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Drunken russian falls from 5th floor

That shouldnt be in accidents but in awesome :D
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+3 48. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Post It Animation

This might be a waste, might be a pointless thing, might be people having too much free time, this looks awesome & its, once again, amazingly done!
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+1 49. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Bread Animation

#1 it might be pointless but its well done & well thought.
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+3 50. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Very deep hole ...

#1, im sure u meant "thats deeply interesting" :)
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-3 51. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video 2 girls, two fails ...

#2 I thought it was sheeps :P
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+4 52. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Mosquitos Sucking Blood

That 2:22 sound will hunt my night :D
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+6 53. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video 1 Old man 1 bottle

I bet he does parkour! :D
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-6 54. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Redneck Monster Truck Tug Of War

Trying to maw the lawn? :x
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-6 55. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Gay Parents Bashed

#(removed comment) #6 "This is pathetic", U are right dude, u are pathetic.
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+1 56. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Stand By Me - Playing For Change Song Around the World

#4 #9 sry for the repost :O
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+2 57. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Marco Tempest The magic of truth and lies (and iPods)

Confusing :O
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-6 58. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video A little incident

"The video will not appear on the website unless we accept it.
Only funny or interresting videos will be accepted."

Is this funny or interresting? mhmm :(|)
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-4 59. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Dude Visits The Tattoo Artist

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-1 60. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Easy Coil Gun

One question, why not Recycle? Doh
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+1 61. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Adrenaline

5:53 is damn impressive :O
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+1 62. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Move

#1, Rich guy, very rich guy...
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+4 63. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia

At 1:32 they are having an orgasm, for sho.
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+5 64. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video Parkour Kid

Russia's got talent!
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+4 65. Acquiesce commented 13 years ago on video The World - Connecting Living!

Nature. 8-)