Comments posted by Alaric


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+2 2. Alaric commented 6 years ago on video Crazy falafel skills!!! Long time falafel store owner knows how to serve up in STYLE!!

#6 not forget the paperless toilet skills....
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+2 3. Alaric commented 6 years ago on video Lifegaurd Fired for Saving a Man's Life

#4 "Privet" meaning: A Russian greeting equivalent to "hello" in English and "hola" in Spanish
"Hey man, privet!"
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+1 5. Alaric commented 6 years ago on video A motorbike rolls out of this plant every 18 seconds

From Very Fake News site CNN. Makes You ask: how close was this report to reality?
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0 6. Alaric commented 6 years ago on video Russia Hardbass Crazy Dance

Here is how Dublin parties:
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-3 7. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video How to find true North without a Compass

Hate symbol at 0:08.
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+1 8. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video The Ultimate Paper Airplane

Skill level: WHITE (caucasian) ! :):)
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+3 9. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video Killin' in the name of the orchestral music !

Seen/heard it before. Symphonics ruined Metallica's music too some years ago..
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+4 10. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video Water cooled 72,000 lumen flashlight

This makes WRC night stages pointless.
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-6 11. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video NFL 2017 Bad Lip Reading

Negro Felon League...
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+7 12. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video The world's fastest reflex

If U have mongrel friends like this U do not need enemies...
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-5 13. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video Stephen Hawking and Stephen Fry

#4 Einstein was a plagiarist, communist, Zionist and a fraud. He is a constructed myth. Search: "New “Genius” Show Sells Einstein as The Smartest Man Ever But It's a LIE".
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-1 14. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video Free gifts at your neighbors door...

According to Urbandictionary:
Klemm (#2):
A huge, beastly dyke of only the beastliest persuasion. We're talking like 6 foot plus, 250-260 pounds, of man-woman. Possibly has a dick-clit, which is self explanatory.
-Yo, check out that fucking klemm over there!
-Yea, what a fuckin' wilderbeast.
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0 15. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video 261 kph water rocket trike

#2 M=mile - Unit of measurement. k=kilo=1000 of something - not unit of measurement. "kph" does NOT make sense!
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0 16. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video How to catch a bus.

This film is probably meant to teach the "new europeans" how it should be done.
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-6 17. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video American Pravda: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullsh*t\

Exposing CNN and other j#wmedia lies is important but we come to Snotr to get away from this s@it.
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+2 18. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video Food waste is the world's dumbest problem

Love trumps hate... did not watch the rest.
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+3 19. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video Shaken...not stirred.

It is really amazing how safe these things are nowadays..
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+1 20. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video Hairpin U-turn Drift

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0 21. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video Great escape ?

I believe he was the driver - in Russia's far east they have a lots of imported RHD cars from Japan.
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+1 22. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video 25 beer cans halved

No beer was harmed during this stunt. Those were emptied cans filled with water. Look close: opened cans, no foam.
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+7 23. Alaric commented 7 years ago on video Don’t forget the handbrake!

#4 yellow rear plate and peoples accents - location UK. (Yes their cars are RHD).
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+5 26. Alaric commented 8 years ago on video Skydiver loses shoe during dive

Nutshot was dangerously close...
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+22 28. Alaric commented 8 years ago on video Driving back home

This video is fake. There is no way he could fit his balls in a 126.
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+4 30. Alaric commented 8 years ago on video TV Interview Interrupted by Explosion and Flying Manhole (Exploding Cover)

Flying Cover (Exploding Manhole) perhaps?