Comments posted by AmazingNixxo


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+1 1. AmazingNixxo commented 5 years ago on video Richard Feynman Fire

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+1 2. AmazingNixxo commented 5 years ago on video Funniest Kickboxing Match Ever

Fake... Obviously.
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-1 3. AmazingNixxo commented 5 years ago on video Seven Million Years of Human Evolution

Hmm, so when did Xenu the intergalactic overlord throw all the alien souls into the volcano from spaceflight adapted 747's? Or have I gotten things wrong?
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-1 4. AmazingNixxo commented 5 years ago on video Seven Million Years of Human Evolution

Hmm, so when did Xenu the intergalactic overlord throw all the alien souls into the volcano from spaceflight adapted 747's? Or have I gotten things wrong?
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+1 5. AmazingNixxo commented 5 years ago on video Untold Story of Property Owners Who Let Us Build Wall On Their Land

More beautiful WALLS less <3 F:x:|:|:x:x:x
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+1 6. AmazingNixxo commented 5 years ago on video First Time Eating Vending Machine Pizza

We want 30 dollar minim wage... No, you get vending machine pizza!:'(:'(:'(
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+7 7. AmazingNixxo commented 5 years ago on video Bruce Lee Interview 1965

"You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend".
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+5 8. AmazingNixxo commented 6 years ago on video Crazy women doesn’t like builders working in the morning

Hehe, she is fucking lucky, there are a lot more aggressive people in the workforce than those two. Who by the way handled the situation far better then I was expecting, good on them.
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+1 9. AmazingNixxo commented 6 years ago on video Scottish accent vs Irish accent (funny)

Let me help you fix that title: Scottish accent vs Irish accent... "funny"
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+3 10. AmazingNixxo commented 6 years ago on video You won't be smarter after this clip

Should have also added a Top Fuel dragster into the mix... Actually think they would win in a straight race.
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+2 11. AmazingNixxo commented 6 years ago on video Crazy falafel skills!!! Long time falafel store owner knows how to serve up in STYLE!!

:x:x:x:x:x:x:x WOW.... Allaha really bestowed the gift on young Mohamed to play with balls... falafel-balls. Is it a gift or a curse to be that godlike at falafel ball?

I'm compleatly stunned and awestruck with his talents... This should definitely, without question, become a new olympic sport!
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+5 12. AmazingNixxo commented 6 years ago on video The most extravagant gun I have ever seen. Owned by Sultan Mahmud I, dated 1732-1733

Pimp my gun... Ottoman edition.
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+3 13. AmazingNixxo commented 6 years ago on video Holycrapola , San Francisco Full of Poop and Needles

AHHHHHHHHH, the smell of multiculturalism! :x
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+5 14. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video What is facts?

Fact: The lügenpresse/fakenews/MSM are, simply, retarded :x and should be considered as mortal enemies <3 to humanity :(|)!
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-1 15. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video It's other explanation is necessary!

Did they borrow that pig H.Cliton 's leash?:x
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+2 16. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video Mirusha Waterfalls - Kosovo

Nice waterfall in Serbia!
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+1 17. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video Backseat Italians

Good video, good... NOW, go watch Gomorrah everyone!

[And you... Yeah you about to down-vote this comment... First, fuck you, second; it's a good show, go watch it!]
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+3 18. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video The hidden oil patterns on bowling lanes

Wanna win 100% of the time? Just pretend you are throwing feminists with three assholes against the wall!

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+4 19. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video Google's DeepMind AI just taught itself to walk

Isn't it illegal to secretly record feminist workout sessions?
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+1 20. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video Psychology of fish - bowl inside tank experiment

Isn't this animal cruelty... You can't just treat feminists like this!

That's just wrong...
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0 21. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video Sacha Baron Cohen recalls the Ali G - Donald Trump interview

I wish he could interview President TD as Brüno the gaylord character! That would be fucking amazing.
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+3 22. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video Lawyer Videos Muslim Welfare Queen ScammingOur System

Oh, I've missed the fun this one...... :|:(
Well, here's obligatory #FuckIslam too, let's all hope the war with those barbarian cunts will be brutal and short whenever it starts...

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+1 23. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video World's fastest talking man sings Michael Jackson's BAD in 20 seconds

Now do the whole nuremberg speech in Swahili, exclusively wearing a traditional vietnamese conical hat and inhaling sulfur hexafluoride at a shopping market in Mecca. <3
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+4 25. AmazingNixxo commented 7 years ago on video Real Housewives of ISIS

Love it! Good to see that people still have some balls even in this sick disgusting SJW feminazi cunt society.

Good humor, good laughs... Brings us all together!

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+3 26. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Migrants in Sweden viciously attack CBS Camera Team

Well, looks like those nukes we've been stockpiling will be put to use in the near future. Or at the very least I really wish all SJW are put on an island somewhere and nuked out of existence for advocating and actively encouraging the rape and destruction of Europe.

But seriously, the right is rising across the whole continent (slowly but surely) and I really do hope that one day I'll see you all burn for what you've done!

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+2 27. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Drawing Heaven

CNN: "Breaking news: credible sources to CNN, God is a kremlin agent"

I honestly don't do know who's more insane, the "God crowd" or CNN.
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+3 28. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video 10 Most Dangerous Jobs In The World

Being an openly retarded gay transexual black midget rabbi tumblrina blogger in the third reich... Would probably top the list.
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+3 29. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video George Carlin on Soft Language

Severe mental retardation became feminism!
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+1 30. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Why Socrates Hated Democracy

Absolute military dictatorship is the way forward. At least until we've eradicated the SJW's from all corners of the world (or at the very least Europe). :* Fuck em' all to death!

(It's a joke, just for those retarded :x snowflakes out there that take shit way too serious.).

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+9 31. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Hiding from Police in the refrigerator

Freeze motherfucker!
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0 32. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Hambone Kneeslap

Eminem in early access beta v0.7.3.
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+6 33. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Zoom

Yeah, you show those sexy chromosomes...
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+1 34. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video The luckiest dog alive

LUCK beyond comprehension...

His luck would be equivalent to me winning a hundred million dollars by/while pressing "Post comment"...
Not only did the car coming in around the corner at about 200 Km/h miss him while he was "jogging" in the middle of road... NOT only that, but it missed him by flying over him, because he happen to be in the center of a jump... THAT is fucking incredible.
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+2 35. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Hillary supporters agree with Trump quotes

You can just as easy take (hand picked) quotes from Hitler, go to Israel (or literally anywhere in the world) and get extremly many random people to agree with the statement.

AND no I am not comparing D.T to fucking Hitler, he isn't even in the same League...

"Sooner will a camel pass through a needle's eye than a great man be 'discovered' by an election."
--- Bruce Lee
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+5 36. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Bringing a Typewriter to a Computer Science Class

Title correction; Hipster bringing a typewriter to a computer science class because that is what hipsters do sometimes...
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+8 37. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Kosovo Kaleidoscope

Yeah, who doesn't want to go to Serbia!
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+3 38. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video The biggest asshole in the world

I want to see a movie about this fucking guy...
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-2 39. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video DiGiorno Commercial

#6 Eh, like, grow up.

It's absolutely clear that every single frame of this culturally appropriated systematically islamophobic video is actually racist because it shows the holy prophet Mohammed (pizza be upon him) dressed as a genderfluid entity, especially if not covered in a traditional non-westernized/westoppressedinized burqa. Educate yourself you racist, homo/transphobic bigot. [BLOCKED]

#Islamohopia, #Transphobia, #Homophobia, #BLM, #Whiteprivilege, #WhiteCisMaleBabyTears, #DrownWhityFuckRacism, #ImWIthHer, #FeeltheBurn, #Drumpf, #LGBTQRSTDGTA4
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+1 40. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video DiGiorno Commercial

If this was made or aired today outside of the internet... There would be riots and most probably lead to some small war.
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+4 41. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Owners Manual not included

WTF is it?
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+1 42. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video The Art Of Bi-Polar

#5 <3<3<3<3 <3<3 <3<3<3<3 ::(|)
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+5 43. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video The Art Of Bi-Polar

#1 I really, really, really have the most badass super smartass comment, I promis you it'll be the best comment you've ever, ever, ever read on the internet, NO, in anywhere and everywhere written language has existed or will exist...


No it's shit, compleatly worthless, actually it's probably the embodiment of sadness and loneliness in one comment form, complete waste of online space. In fact it is the worst comment ever written in human history... The internet should be taken down and physically burned for even mentioning its existence...

forget I've ever said anything.¨

Maybe, maybe.... maybe... don't forget all of it... Don't be an extremist... No one actually forgets "everything" am I right?

Come to think of it, this information about that comment is worth allot, allot of rich people are willing to hire smartasses nowadays? So this could probably make you rich. SO absolutely never forget it...

Actually, I now genuinely believe that you should tattoo it under your skin so you never forget it and so that no one else steals this valuable information. Treasure and cherish it with your life, always... Tattoo it under the skin of someone you love, without them knowing about it of course, because, because, love is a mysterious force don't you agree? And focus your entire life force to achieving one goal; carve the the comment on the surface of the sun, our Helios, by hand and with an Ice pick...


But on the other hand the comment was actually shit and most probably racist, misogynistic, transphobic too, somehow.. SO it would actually be best if we just forgot about all of this crap and just continued whatever we where doing back in 1772...

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-3 44. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Bizarre Opening Ceremony For Gotthard Base Tunnel In Switzerland

This is exactly how I imagine ISIS spending their free time.
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+4 45. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Sweet potato patch

#4 Bad day, what can I say... I'll restrain myself (a tiny, tiny, tiny bit) in future comments...
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-9 46. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Sweet potato patch

We would all still be living like this if the "feel more think less" bunch of idiots had any real influence. Fortunately for us all they were occupied with watercoloring rainbows in only menstrual colors, inviting useless words like "mansplaining" and pool pissing group therapy.

But, nevertheless, it's fun to see that guy showing an alternate 2016 if feminazis cunnies had invaded civilization.
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-2 47. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Female meteorologist forced to cover up – WHILE ON AIR

Really thought this was some Islamist bullshit.. Well, guess christians still have outbursts of insanity too.
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+4 48. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Charlie Chaplin - We think too much and feel too little

We have too much fucking feelings and to little thinking... It's killing us.
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+1 49. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video High Velocity Aerial Filming

Thought we would see the new Gripen E fighter in action... :( Cool video nevertheless
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0 50. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Prey robbery from cheetah

Our bushmen used manly A BGM-109 Tomahawks to steel the gay cheetah's prey... The good ol' days when we all had hairy balls and smoked unfiltered cigarettes. Today though we only steal their prey with weak small BGM-71 TOW missiles. And we have tampons on our cigarettes. :(
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+1 51. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video What's it like being shot wearing KEVLAR body armor

#2 Pussy weakling 1 :'( {You also win; you get to be a vagina for a year}
#3 Pussy weakling 2 :'( {You also win; you get to be a year's supply of tampons}

#1 Not pussy weakling + smart.
#4 Not pussy weakling + compassionate.
You both win 3 weeks every month with #2 for a year, have fun!

Good video overall! :D
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+1 52. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Water Fountain Show at Lotte Department Store in Busan, South Korea

Sponsored by Shillary Clitons water conservation organisation.
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0 53. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video BATBAND

Oh, yeah... That'll happen... This is compleatly NOT bullshit... They are surely honest and have the best and brightest scientist on the project so that they can ensure delivery of an awesome piece of revolutionary technology... BUT, as you all know; all good and honest revolutionary projects in the history of the world started with you sending money to the nigerian prince... In order for you to take part in this revolutionary project, that will also feed all the starving children in the world (if the kickstarter goal is meet), send as much as you can to: We need ::(|) to get rid of world hunger and boring ol' headphones...
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+2 54. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video THE WORLD'S LARGEST ARTISTIC (RAIN)WATER MOSAIC BY ARTIST BELO

What now after it's finished? Hang it on your wall? WTF do we do with it now?
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0 55. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video The Monkey Business Illusion

In about 30 years or so we'll see videos like... OH so you saw the gorilla, the one leaving the bench, the color in the background BUT did you see that one girl had black shoelaces when the video begun?
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+8 56. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video What It's Really Like to Fight for the ISIS

If the nuke was ever to be used again I really hope it's used on those fuckers. Just need to get them all into one spot, probably by shaving and putting lipstick on a goat somewhere.
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+2 57. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Footage of DYT vessel Super Servant 4's float-on yacht transport method in Martinique!

I long for the day that communism starts working and there are 8 billion of those puppies, one for everyone of us! Yeah, long live glorious leader...
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-2 58. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video What is You?

#7 So in other words... You're old... Well, just sit down, relax and smoke a Marlboro (or whatever) my old wrinkly friend because I am here to tell you that we, awesomely intelligent and breathtakingly gorgeous ATHEISTS are going to fix that little nasty business (soon to be -"formerly" ) known as "aging" and "death". Just hang in there for another 200-500 years and we'll transplant that little consciousness of yours right into our shiny super space servers where you can once again enjoy "dripping your pork" ;).
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+1 59. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video How To Make Fire With A Lemon

Wanna know how to start a fire in Syria? All you need is Trump as president, a BGM-109 Tomahawk LAM, and a lot of ISIS cunnies in one spot.
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-3 60. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video PL-01 Stealth Tank made in Poland

Made and presented in REDengine 3. You can practically see Geralt deepthroating triss (or wait is the other way around?) in the background.
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+6 61. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video How BIG is Samsung?

Wanna see how BIG my Samsung is? ;) <3

Ha, that is my new pick up line. >:)
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+6 62. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video The Missing Secrets - Nikola Tesla

I respect Tesla but this bullshit makes him look like a fucking cartoon character. This scientifically illiterate program with this pseudo scientific tone doesn't legitimize his genius only makes his legacy and true inventiveness look like a fucking joke to anyone with any real scientific knowledge... He was a gifted individual and an overly eccentric electrical engineer... LEAVE it at that, enjoy his contributions to the world and his unconventional personality don't pervert his and our history with pseudo scientific nonsense.
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-1 63. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video The Science of Cheating ( Snotr Category Week )

Feminazis trying to explain why they are registered as Pizza Hut on our phones.
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0 64. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video 10 Amazing Science Tricks Using Liquid! ( Snotr Category Week )

Hmm, I think I've seen this video once already here on Snotr? Not sure though.
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-3 65. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Shake your legs

Feminazi yoga?
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-1 66. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Why You Should Not Ride a Horse Drunk

Ah, a social justice white knight on his multicultural unicorn! Not often you see them without their retardedly reinforced feminazi armour nowadays.

Sorry sorry, I just had too... :D
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+8 67. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Dog Whisperer: Showdown with Holly

That is strange behaviour as far as I am aware...
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-1 68. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Millipede vs Centipede

Like I always say... Everything with more than 4 legs: kill.

That is it, none of this bullshit "oh it's an important natural animal in.... bla bla bla"... Kill it make sure it's dead and burn it. Every time you let a thing with more than 4 legs live you contribute to the death of a puppy and kitten.
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-1 69. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Girl cries like a supercar (original)

How SJW's sound when they look down at their phones and realize that they have a million missed calls from their own sanity and rationality.

#11 Because most people today are SJW pussies (AKA Western ISIS) and most of them have lost their fucking minds.
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-1 70. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Smartest prank ever? from Brazil

Be careful with those piggies AKA SJW's their feeling might get hurt.
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-1 71. AmazingNixxo commented 8 years ago on video Man having fun with whip spider and getting bitten

Kill it... Simple, don't let anything with more than 4 limbs live, ever. That is the rule I live by. Just count the legs, more than 4 legs/limbs = dead no questions no bullshit "oh I am going to set it free" crap...
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-1 72. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video DOGS ON THE INSIDE - Trailer

Anders Behring Breivik wants a bengal tiger to pet because he feels lonely and bored!
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-1 73. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Racism Test

Soon enough we are all going to room 101 for reeducation! [Sadly not a joke anymore]
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+1 74. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Good boy ....

Can I keep it!? Please I promise to take good care of it and feed it!
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+3 75. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video This is how Russian spetsnaz deals with terrorists

Hope they at least got the fucker(s) inside...
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-6 77. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video A Simple Mind Trick Will Help You Think More Rationally

Do you want to be a rational person?

1. Drop your stupid fucking religion and don't become a SJW pussy in that process.
2. Enjoy life and try to help others fight against religion and SJW's so they too can find some joy...
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-2 78. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video The world has never eradicated a parasite. But Jimmy Carter is about to.

The parasite he (and ALL of us) should focus on is religion and faith, worst sickness humankind has ever faced...
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0 79. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video The Most Accurate Hacking Scene Ever

#5 They are on wifi... Hehehe
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-1 80. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

Feminists riding the cotton pony!
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0 81. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Human machine gun

That is the future of all my door knocking... My mom is going to kill me when I go visit her next time! >:)
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+1 82. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Contact Stick Juggling

Hmmm, looked cooler then I imagined it too look when i read the title of the video.
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+6 83. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Parisian survivor’s response to ISIS attacks and murder of his wife.

Maybe they don't have his hatred... BUT, they got mine.
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+2 84. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video The true Ball Handler

Yoga flame!!
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+9 85. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video GoPro: Pole Vaulting With Allison Stokke

#4 AH, 63 is the new 13... It's time for you to get your first summer job!
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-1 86. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Sick Euro Truck Simulator Setup

#6 Yeah, everything was much better than today. You had world war II and good ol' racially segregated communities. Yes, the good old days when everything wasn't a complete waste of time. Today's youth only has video games where no actual humans get hurt or even wounded, what's the point am I right? It's the Goddamn downfall of a wholesome society when younglings are wasting their time making something instead of breaking everyone else's shit and nuking Japan.

Kidding aside. In actuality everything that came before Tetris was a waste of everyone's time.
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-7 87. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video How filmmakers manipulate our emotions using color

BS, if you get manipulated by fucking colours then you need to go on some mood stabilizing pills fucking weaklings.
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+4 88. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Deaf Man Becomes Incredible Finger 'Dancer

WHY is it important to emphasize that he is Deaf? I don't see how professional finger baninging/finger"dancing" and deafness are related in anyway.
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+1 89. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Coca Cola and Pool Chlorine

Someday someone will put Uranium-235 in coca cola and start to bombard it with neutrons...
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+9 90. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video 35 year old who lives in 1946

He lives in the "pre nuke" time of the fallout games [if the game was located in Britain that is]! Where's his pip boy 3000? Also no Mister Handy, nonsens... Every household had one!?
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0 91. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video 5 Conspiracy Theories About Space!

Yeah, everything is false... Rome was the first civ to build a space shuttle, so they win... Oh wait, no no that's just me confusing reality with the game Civilization 5 again. Russia actually won the real life civ game, so we are in reality living in the "just one more turn" era!
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-2 92. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video People Being Awesome

Asians being people... WAIT, that sounds, hmm, wrong.

Asians being Awesome... Yeah, this should be the tile.
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-4 93. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video The Pharao That Would Not Be Forgotten

OMG it was a joke SJW fuckwits!
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-4 94. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video The Pharao That Would Not Be Forgotten

Most powerful female politicians in history... Eh, no... Obama and Putin are the most powerful female politicians in history...
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+4 95. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Survivors of Dad Jokes

#4 By your uniform insignia Herr General der Humortruppe!
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0 96. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Toddler Crushes Homemade Ninja Warrior Course

THAT is not a real ninja warrior course! Where are the aerial assassination scenarios, the throat cutting, the ninja star to the eyes stages? Come on...
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0 97. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video More bark than bite? Get your dog a werewolf muzzle.

WOW I want this for man mini pincher!
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+2 98. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video No problem ...

I wish I could do this to other people's parked cars... Just move them so I could get out!
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-1 99. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Who are you to say that?

Math (and science) can answer all those questions...... ALL of them.
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+1 100. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Here's How Being A Pessimist Can Actually Be Good For You

Like I've always said... WAY too many happy-go-lucky, positive tongue and cheek motherfuckers out there in the world spraying their bullshit optimism in everyones face!
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+4 101. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video 10 Signs China's Military Is Weaker Than You Think

Not China you should have your eye on... It's the fucking Danish, they are secretly talking with the rest of the scandinavian countries to go back to and become a new Viking empire! If that happens, none in the still existing fishing/coastal villages/towns around the world will sleep well ever again! >:)
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+1 102. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Man Shaves Face With An Axe

Now do a bikini line!
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+1 104. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Police fail compilation

Heheh 9:00 is fucking priceless!
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+2 105. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Rare Footage Of The World's Largest Tentacled Creature

A baby Reaper!
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0 106. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video One Sousaphone Ruins An Entire KKK March

Hahahah!!!!!!!!... Perfect!
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+8 107. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Did you see something?

Seems perfectly safe! (From where I am standing or rather sitting and watching this video ATM).
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-6 108. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Shiny....

I don't even want to know what stain that would leave on my wall... EVERYTHING with more than 4 legs... Kill it...
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0 109. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Which is Nerdier: Star Wars or Star Trek?

Meanwhile on Thessia... (those who get it, get it.)
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+1 110. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Adaptive Gripper

Looks like a thing...
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+1 111. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Awesome People

"Awesome" is a very subjective word... Good video nevertheless. It's "Inspiring"... (also a very subjective word).
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0 112. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Is This Standard Procedure For Knee Surgery?

#15 Yeah because you can prevent accidents or fucking sickness by "taking care of your body".
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0 113. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Red hot ball of nickel vs a jawbreaker

What is it his melting and why?
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+1 114. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video Onion News Network attaches GoPro to a sparrow

Now put a google street view car on a baby dolphin! You know, to map out street view in Atlantis! >:)
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+3 115. AmazingNixxo commented 9 years ago on video The Dress

Just put the picture into photoshop and use the droplet tool. Done, you'll get the exact (hex) color of it, or to be more precise; you'll get the exact color (hex) of the pixel you took a sample from! After you've gotten a good sample go to this site; to get even more useless information about the color! Have fun! :)
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+16 116. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video Girl gets bionic fingers

Great tech!
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+5 117. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video Mission Impossible Squirrel

How does one train a squirrel? This is an interesting video! Thumb up for this one!
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-7 118. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video A Lesson in Forgiveness

Everyone of you who thinks this is "cute", "good" or "positive" are fuc**** pieces of shit. You need to be shot so you can "forgive"! Maybe I can be the one you forgive? Just line up!
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-6 119. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video A Lesson in Forgiveness

He should still be executed! Shooting at kids or innocent people in general is not acceptable...
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+9 120. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video Guy in Audience offended by stereotypical joke

Who is that guy? I want to see more.
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-2 121. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video Maze game reaction

Really fake. But funny!
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+7 122. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video Shaolin Monk Throws Needle Through Glass

Ah that is nothing, most rednecks can do it with a wooden toothpick.
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+15 123. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video Tactical innovations

Power to the rednecks!
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+4 124. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video Bollywood Action Film

Well, if nothing else, it's a real eye opener to the FACT that the WEST really has all the movie talent on this planet. And just to be fair, the Russian guy "translating" this movie makes it 10 times worst.
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+1 125. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video This guy uses his feet to target practice

There is noting keeping rednecks from theire guns!
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+3 126. AmazingNixxo commented 13 years ago on video Insert Coin Stop-Motion Animation

Very nice idé! :)
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0 127. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Serbian special forces

#18 Well FUCK YOU too you comment removing fascist pussy!
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+4 128. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video German Shepherd

Hmmm, hard to decide between them and Dobermann's. What do you think?
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-2 129. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video H-Bomb in Space

Why do I have the feeling that this is some kind of "redneck" celebration ceremony, like a birthday party or maybe a cow wedding? HMMM....
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+3 130. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Michael Winslow the man with 10,000 sound effects!

He is good but it is strange that one can make a living by "making sounds". Oh don't take me wrong it is fucking incredible what he does...
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+4 131. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video no way through

Nooooooooooooooooooo way through!!!! YEEEEESssssssss propaganda crap bs. Sure it has happend more then once, but it is not on going on a regular basis.
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+5 132. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Remo Williams bullet dodge

That has to be the most B scene I have ever seen in MY LIFE!
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-3 133. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video An Elvis Presley painting

Painted and died thanks to the same thing!
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+3 134. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video The best "Come on down" ever on The Price is Right.

There are pills for those thing now!
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+3 135. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Mishka the talking dog

Alaska Malamute?
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+6 136. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video walking assist

I'll use it for sleepwalking!!!
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+3 137. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Music Clock In Shibuya, Tokyo (Japan)

Homer would of loved one of those doughnut clocks!
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+17 138. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Extreme Toe Wrestling

I am getting a good ol' redneck "vibe" from this "sport"!
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+2 139. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Fat kid

#11 HEHEHEH!!!!!!!! Agree!
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+17 140. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Savant meets Savant

Interesting! Good video!
Although I recommend seeing the whole thing. It is a very good documentary! And if I remember tight this is part of a BBC Horizon documentary.
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-1 141. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Massive Cooling Tower Demolition

That proved the big bang theory!
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+2 142. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Rollable OLED screen

Can't wait until they replace this whit ordinary newspapers! So that I can get a HD screen thrown at the house every morning instead of a paper!
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+1 143. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video How a differential gear works

Fuck that was a cool video!
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-11 144. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Bowling over a chair

Next time CAR!
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-7 145. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Crystal Ball performance

Played with balls much? Looks like he would become a really good (ball) massage therapist!
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+9 146. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Fishing tv show bloopers

For everyone that says he is a redneck, YOU ARE WRONG! A real redneck fishes with automatic rifles and and high explosives!
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0 147. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Kopps - Benny's Dream II

From now on I am gonna copyright my moves!
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-1 148. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Stewie needs a bath

#15 agreed! It's a shit show! But Stewie is kind of cool sometimes though.
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+3 149. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video First!

Well well motherfuckers I am the first one to comment this video from this computer I am sitting on right now.
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+3 150. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Don't mess with Ukrainian lawmakers...

OK, so why where they throwing things at each other?
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+11 151. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Serbian special forces

#(removed comment) Fuck You.
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+20 152. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Evangelical TV: Mom spanked the gay out of me

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O
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+1 153. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Big machine

Fucking small machine you can barely see it from the surface of Mars!
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-1 154. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video no comment

I have grown up with all kinds of dogs, manly Dobermanns and this is completely normal. The female can go around the fucking house (in this case street) for 45 minutes with the males dick inside of her. So shut the fuck up about this ignorant BS that this is somehow animal cruelty and "poor dogs" crap. I hope she fucking starts running!!! >:)
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+60 155. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

Redneck new year!
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-3 156. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Would You Intervene?

My point! NEVER LEAVE your home without your trusty companion the Beretta 92 9mm. If you don't have the balls to intervene, the 9mm has.
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+3 157. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Fallen Art

Great video, finnaly some art on this site! >:)
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0 158. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video The History of the World in 75 Seconds

Fuck shit video!
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-3 160. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Aborted Landing

same thing happend to me last week when I was landing my imaginary plane. Hmmm 8-)
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+8 161. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video The homemade flying hovercraft

Interesting little thing that hehehe. :D Wonder what fun one can have with that. >:)
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+1 162. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Where is the owner?

Well that is one way you can get back at him! Though there are better, faster and simpler ways. Just go fuck his mother AND/OR sister(s). DONE!
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+14 163. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Boy gets a special Pokemon card

Someone forgot his Ritalin!!
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-8 164. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Boy gets a special Pokemon card

Stupid ass kid! Hope he fucking loses it!
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+4 165. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video The Internets, The Google and The Tubes

#(removed comment) Agree!
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+3 166. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Google: don't be evil?

#8 You too? Maybe if we invest togheter we can >:)
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+2 167. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video The Thuggie

He only watched Scar Face 95 times! PFFF Armature!
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+4 168. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video A big tv ...

Very predicable still funny!
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-1 169. AmazingNixxo commented 14 years ago on video Accident at Pink tv

WTF? This is a "Pink" FAIL