Comments posted by Apocalypse11


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+25 1. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Low Pass

staring death in the face much? that must have been what...4ft off the ground?
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+25 2. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Horse Kicks Cameraman In The Head

well, hes going to have a headache :x
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+82 3. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Spinning the hulahoop

Am i the only one hoping she smashed something expensive?
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+9 4. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Penguin Leap Of Faith

why did the penguin cross the ravine?
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+8 5. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video I normally do this on Sundays

that could well be deadmau5's studio, sounds like him at the end
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+71 6. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Baby laughs at a torn up paper

"HAHAHA heres your birth cirtificate!"
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+9 7. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Home Made Roller Coaster

safety first... or not
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+99 8. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video School Band Cover Rage Against the Machine

i think the girl in red had a bit too much coffee that morning, shes only got a flute!
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+5 9. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Tiburon in a school of fish

#2 try a small explosive in the middle of them :(|)
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+38 10. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Entrance/Exit Skills

karma's a bitch
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+5 11. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Salting the road Russian style

as funny as this is, im assuming you all watched the latest fail compilation, it was half way through that ;)
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+20 12. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video FAILs January 2011

2:51 BOOM HEADSHOT, gotta love kinect adventures, until the parents start to take it too seriously.
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+8 13. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Life on the Wire!

balls of steel
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+15 14. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Epic touchdown turns ugly

did anyone catch his name? (no pun intended), anyone know what happened after?
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+10 15. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video A shiny smile

well thats 64 seconds of my life i wont get back :|
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+113 16. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Barney Stinson 'Hey Dude' To Robin In Gym - How I Met Your Mother

did anyone else not laugh? :S
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+3 17. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Own Goal

well thats embarrassing!
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+5 18. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video 7 Billion

#2 i know, thats what i meant :) problem is though, if you build a city under a city, surely the city on top would collapse depending on the size underground?
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+20 19. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video 7 Billion

I hope you all like caves, because were moving underground!
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0 20. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Self-Driving Road Train

2:50 id like to see that lot move to the left hand lane...
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+4 21. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Vivaldi Four Seasons Summer Theme Cover

now thats talent! awesome!
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-4 22. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video METHANE ROCKET TEST (Nasa)

wow, i would not like to be in the team testing that, without a gask mask anyway :(|)
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+2 23. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Thousands of fishermen empty lake in minutes

like a scene from resident evil 5
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-3 24. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Javelin guided missile!

#14 is right, black ops is appauling, its like Inception cod style... and i might be wrong but theres no such thing as a valkyrie missile... mw2 had it all right with the javelin, however apparently once the javelin is fired, the person who fires it has to set a lock on a target, and then the missile uses infra red to keep tracking it until it hits, whereas on mw2 you just fire it and run away, but then i guess if youd fired it you wouldnt want to just stand there and get shot while sending this missile around the map (like you do on black ops)...

awesome technology none the less, must be saving lives out there somewhere, but then do the taliban even have tanks these days?
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+7 25. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video How things are made: CD

1:03 microsoft sam says... "now cut to-wards your fingers" :x
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+7 26. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Blizzard Time-Lapse

#1 dont think so, i havent seen this before...

amazing even if it has been posted before, i find it awesome how it can build up to such a height so quickly, dont think id like to have it all the time though :P
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+5 27. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video New Year's Eve 2011 in Dubai

Agree with #15, this was a bonfire night display compared to sydney and london's displays 8-)
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+9 28. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Unexpected maid service

occupado! :P
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+3 29. Apocalypse11 commented 13 years ago on video Bungee Jump (Russian style)

I dont think that dog has been fed in days, look at the way it follows her along the wall
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-2 30. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video PVC Instrument

definately someone trolling snotr, with nothing better to do than vote totally valid comments down... but yeah shame this had already been done, but kudo's for making his own i guess
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+2 31. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Massive Underwater Explosion

wont be long before this shits going down in korea imo
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+1 32. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video FD contest

#19 why should i have to? it wasnt a question
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0 33. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video FD contest

thanks #13, sorry its not very clear and were all just meant to assume FD means fire department... just because theres a few lanky guys in tights climbing up a ladder... dunno what country your from #2, looks more like some weird event in the olympics
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+50 34. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Coachella Festival

thats so weird, looks like a small village toy set moving on its own :P love these videos!
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+21 35. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Pimp Your Ride

only a black guy :P (not racist, its obviously awesome).
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+4 36. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video How Royal Mail work

ahhhh 1:58 "Cardiff" so thats where my mail is sorted, shame it takes 3 days for a dvd size parcel though, tell you what though, the shit would hit the fan if that system had a power failure (yeah they probably have a backup power supply but what if that failed too :P)
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+2 37. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Japan National team vs 100 kids

#16 cheers :) i thought it was somewhere along those lines
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+34 38. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Japan National team vs 100 kids

why does EVERY japanese tv show have some mugshot video feed in the top left corner?
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+52 39. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Bullet Proof Glass

thats one lucky solider... scary to think that shit happens every day out there for no real reason and some of them arent that lucky to be behind bullet proof glass
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+6 40. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Gource

im doing software engineering in uni, im pretty sure its just how the programs develop over time like #4 said, and each branch is another part of the code, with the center being the main program and the things flying around are the programmers, doesnt really show anything to do with a program though, just a structure and loads of lines and circles lol, still quite fun to watch anyway :P
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+11 41. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Australia's Next Top Model - Final Fail

#1 usually you have to watch the video first to actually post a comment, bit eager to get first comment? people stopped that like a year ago where have you been. obviously women were behind this mistake, thats why they and technology dont mix, funny how the woman just struts the catwalk at 2:41 and doesnt seem to care about the other girl.
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+10 42. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video car almost kills skateboarder

that was so fast i didnt even realise the blue flash was the car i was looking for :O
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+20 43. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Spectacular 100mph Train Crash Test

so in the 1980's the terrorists were using trains to slam into nuclear power plants eh? time flies... literally
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+5 44. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Kraki the Octopus Broods

0:56 fail lol, gotta love the slow ones which gives you enough time to curse after, other than that, i wouldnt like to be disturbed if i was inside a pressure cooker
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+10 45. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Homelessness can happen to anyone: Drew's story.

inspirational video, i mean this guy is obviously not simple (if he is truthful about his qualifications) although perhaps hes just not trying hard enough to get a job to do with his interests, i dont know, but i guess thats the american way.

on the other hand, it shows the problem with britain today, someone who doesnt deserve help (coudlnt be bothered to learn in school / dropped out early ) can just walk into the job center and sign up for £200 a fortnight, and just lie his/her way through the "job seekers", and even get a house paid for by the government, its wrong. :(
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+5 46. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video August 19,2010 Bull leaps into crowd in Spain

im pretty sure the bulls intentions were clear from the start, he runs up into the stands, 0:15 the bull thinks "MOTHER FU-" starts running and then owns the guy with the red shirt!

moral of the story: you have to be a complete dick to wear a red shirt to an event like this
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+77 47. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Guy With Cerebral Palsy Doing Stand Up Comedy

the title made me think it was a joke or some sort of piss take, but this dude has guts to do stand up, and is actually really good :)
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+3 48. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Contact Juggler

4:23... yet another woman out of place :(
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+10 49. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Snickers Commercial: Road Trip

even though its about snickers chocolate, that advert is just one total mind-fuck, :O
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+18 50. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Female Moped Crash

why am i not surprised... its a woman.

#1 you mean like an aeroplane? :P
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-6 51. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Twin tornado Water Sprouts captured together

pretty sure their comparing sizes :)
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-6 52. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video The French Air force saluting the 50 years of cartoon character Astérix

i dont know much at all about that macromedia flash maker thing, but id imagine it wouldnt be hard to just draw a few white lines behind a plane in frames, if its real, then its impressive thats for sure ( for the french anyway :(|) )
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+1 53. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Tiny Turtle Takes Tiny Taste

i thought he was guna bite the guy, then i saw the size of the thing :(
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+30 54. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Leaf Blower Man

my dentist uses one of these on patients :)
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+4 55. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Cats vs. treadmill

the one that walks away at the end 2:38 is like "i cant believe i live with this retard" :P
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-2 56. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Crashproof motorbike

its so obviously fake by the way the camera man doesnt even follow the biker after hes turned and steadies the camera as if he knows something is going to happen :(|)
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+7 57. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video Pool Jump Attempt

Anyone else hear Nelson Muntz at the end 0:29 ? >:)
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+42 58. Apocalypse11 commented 14 years ago on video The Chipophone

This is awesome :O time to go play my sega megadrive! 8-)