Comments posted by Aquaman


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+1 1. Aquaman commented 13 years ago on video Cirque Du Soleil: Kooza - Wheel of Death

I just saw Kooza on Sunday, Feb 27, 2011 in Tokyo. During the Wheel of Death performance, there was a REAL accident toward the end. :S While jumping rope, the performer slipped from the highest position and crashed onto the floor on his back, with his right shoulder seeming to hit first. This was definitely NOT part of the act. The other performers quickly stopped the wheel before it would hit the injured man. Emergency personnel rushed onto the stage immediately. He was conscious, but writhing in pain. After stabilizing him, he was carried off strapped to a backboard. Very tragic. So far, I haven't read anything about the accident on the news sites, so I'm hoping the young man wasn't injured too seriously.