Comments posted by AryanKnight


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+9 1. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Microsoft Office prank

#8, -likely you're right, as the device is rather some distance from the camcorder, --this does not in any way detract from the clever fun of the device, overdubbing the audio is just a legit way of enabling the PC-viewer to audibly experience a similar aural-reaction to that surprising the naive victim; --seems like really good fun to most normal people-pranksters, we all need a good laugh, even if it's on us...!!! ~R.vH in sandiego
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+6 2. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Dog Leads Police to Fire

-despite some rather inappropriately snide if inane remarks by some, -according to the Alaskan state Trooper, if this big G.Shepherd had not instantly followed his master's desperate command to go get help- "Maxx, -hurry boy, run down and show the Fire-trucks the way to get here to put out this fire!" -the amazed Firemen were desperately lost on the many winding mountain-roads, --and would have taken a different branch that would've delayed critical arrival by 15-minutes, which would have been disastrous and likely fatal to the man injured in his home-workshop (-has since recovered okay, -workshop was a total loss, yet saved the home); --which is why the heroic-dog was presented with a Good-citizen Award! --At'ta-boy Maxx!!! :P
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+5 3. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Barrel Roll!! (with Iced tea)

Yes, i'll have a barrel-Roll served w/iced-Tea thank you! -indeed, Capt.-BobHoover should have Lipton'Ltd. use his demonstration of pouring IcedTea backhanded without loosing a drop whilst doing a full 360-degree barrel-roll, --as a football/half-time rave TV-commercial for $250K (-born in 1922, he was close to youthful age-80 when he did this video) --brilliant pilot and inventor; -his skilled antics sold a lot of those great twin-engined AeroCommanders, as business-people would see him mystically Whooooosssssss -by with engines-off/props-feathered then climb into a loop and then come down into a precision 6-point barrel-roll and casually land coasting still on kinetic-energy up to the announcers-platform where he'd reach-out and wave to the astonished crowd (now that's Show-biz!)--which required an extraordinary 'feeling of oneness with the plane', much as a seagull manages its flight for ultimate efficiency...
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+5 4. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Bike Riding FAIL

-Oh, that's called my "Easy Rider"-trick, --it's always a real crowd pleaser! --Now for my next act you will see me come around once again, but this time the bike is chasing me frantically running ahead of it, --and oh, that last guy wearing all black? --he's still pedaling like mad trying to catch-up...!!!
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+4 5. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Stevie the professional regurgitator...

:D -Stevie'Starr, absolutely amazing physical-control, terrific Showman!!! --but that sweet-powder part has to be a clever trick, as obviously once wet the powder would not instantly return to a dry-powder; ---unless the powder were something other than a sweetener that does not readily dissolve, --but then that's naturally his own ingenious trade-secret!!!
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+3 6. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Flooded river destroys road

What a shame, as it is a delightfully lovely picturesque country-road; --likely should have had three of those big galvanized-steel tubes, --as it appears that if you look to the left at about the 40%-stage you'll see that a tree appears to be growing-up at the outlet-side, whereby who knows what, perhaps a large old mattress may have gotten hung-up and that's all folks; --obviously the sharp-photographer was anticipating just such a tax-payers calamity!
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+3 7. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Non-circular gears and planetary gear.

-as an American Industrial'Designer, -i can advise that the two initial elliptical-gears indeed serve a useful purpose of obtaining an accelerating/decelerating output from a constant-speed driver (right-side gear); -however, the other examples are merely demonstrating interesting mechanical-decor which have no particular useful purpose other than 'artistic curiosity', --which is fascinating to the layman in that it appears rather goofy to one's mind's-eye... -INVENTECH / SanDiego, Calif.
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+3 8. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video airspace reboot

-magnificently fascinating transponder firefly performance, and befitting musical selection... ~Robair in So.Calif.
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+3 9. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Groomsman Taken Out By Windmill

-he got up and had another drink; :S -but like so many guys, the Groom took the fatal-fall in love...!!! :(
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+3 10. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Doggy Beatboxing

-it may seem funny at the moment because it's not physically hurting the dog, --but it's actually not a good idea to engage in this sort of thing with one's dog, as they may well in turn take out their resentment of it, --by later biting a child; --then everyone wonders why Fido suddenly 'turned mean' don't you see... (-after all, dogs are only human!)
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+3 11. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video FAIL!

Hahaaaaaaaaa! Heeee Heeeee, -seems awful to be laughing at someone else's expense, --but then that's what that great old movie "Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!" was all about ---> [ ]
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+3 12. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Monkeydog

yes, one can indeed see that the two are pals just messing with each other; --when i was a kid we had a wonderful 120# white Germ.Shepherd named 'Flash' we obtained as a weee-puppy from the movie-actor Gregory'Peck in LaJolla, Calif.; --anyway Flash was very gentle but also very fast, and he loved to play with our white duck named- 'Donald' whom he grew-up with; --and just for fun, Flash would runnnn over and hold Donald gently by his neck, and when he'd let-go Donald would chase him all around the garden-lawn Quakkkk quackkk quack pecking at Flash running with his tail between his legs... Fun times and memories of endless SanDiego summers at my folks castle like Pt.Loma Hill-top Chateau we thought would be forever, --when lovingly protected from the real world by our beloved parents...
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+2 13. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video BMW GINA Light Visionary Model: Premiere

-Hahaaaaaaaa why not 'MorfMobile'; --well as an advanced-concept Automotive-designer i can say that this technique has been around since the first convertible-top! But such a notion as an entire flexile body while novel, would not save weight nor complexity in the overall envelope embodiment presented by this BMW, --and would not be particularly practical except in perhaps eliminating the cost of door-hinges and the nuisance of their critical assembly-line alignment; -and it would better be a living biological-component if one were to expect a compound-curved surface to yield without problematical resistance. However, i really like this BMW-Designer's low-key presentation, and he certainly did a keen job of selling the 'living-skin or tension-membrane concept' via his clever eye-slit opening headlamps! Otherwise, its likely back to the ol'drawing-board...!!! ~R.vH
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+2 14. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video no comment

:D Hahaaaaaaa! "-was it good for you too? --now come with me my love to zeee'Casbaaaaa!!!'...
-i became educated about this strange (-to a naive human-male) phenomenon when my beloved GoldenRetriever 'Rusty' jumped-fence, and after a frantic 1/2-hr i found him centered at the entrance to a Safeway-supermkt. engaged in just such a situation with a gorgeous Golden 'slut'-bitch (-she had to have enticed him like a whore, as to so shamefully have rampant-sex right there in public, --as he was a total gentleman :P ); --well, after seeing their plight go on for several more wild'n-crazy minutes with customers passing-by pointing and snickering, in desperation i went and grabbed a can of 7Up/soda-pop, shook-it-up good, and then snapped-open the pull-tab right in his face, --which sudden burst of Fizzzzzzzz so startled and distracted Rusty :O , that he lost all of his 'swollen-woodie' and binGo! -flaccidly came free from her! At which point i quickly attached his leash, he bid a fond farewell to this seductive-bitch :'( ) , and we hurriedly departed before the bitches unknowing owner could call authorities to possibly arrest the poor laddie under accusation of 'public-obscenity' perhaps even rape...!!! (-a true: "my most embarrassing moment!"
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+2 15. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Scrat. No time for nuts

-absolutely brilliant cartoonmanship...!!!
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+1 16. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Dog Man

-this Guy must be the life of the party, --wonder if he does this zany-impression while wearing a lampshade (likely the sort with the fringe hanging from the perimeter)? Bet he likes to go to local EmergencyRm's on April-1st, and tell'em--> "help, i've just been bitten by a rabid-dog, then slowly escalate into this wild-tirade, --as his bemused wife watches'em run for cover!!! :D
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+1 17. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Octopus vs Shark

-should have had the narrator swim by the Octopus instead, --then he could have likely given us a brief description about the internals of an Octopus, before pleasing everyone by expiring, --while the Shark observes thinking... "wow, -better him than me"...
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0 18. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video The Stubborn Donk

-and the moral of the story is...??? -i agree @14, --it fell flat at the end, the story-line is not nearly as good as the animation-art... ~Robair in SanDiego Calif.
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0 19. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Only energy source is the wind and the sun.

-one Ace glider-pilot coming as close as 5-10ft from disaster, tandem passsenger-seat totally wet, --knows just how to critically ride the thermal-updrafts akin to a skilled Surfer, but here riding the crest of a huge phantom-wave; --beautiful thing to behold, they're both so in total concentration of mind with nature... ~Robair in SinDiego where 10,000ft mtPalomar 400"-Observatory resides...
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0 20. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Soap Bubbles Science

-and now for my next act, --a Geodesic-Bubble (ie: sphere comprised of planar pentagonal sections); --unfortunately could only be done via a geodesic wire-skeleton immersed in and lifted from a soapy tub (a 60-degree pyramid would have to be done artificially the same way!). True bubbles necessarily must be substantially round, albeit slightly egg-shaped like the Earth and Moon, --owing the effect of gravity. Some think the Moon is stationary as it always has its one side facing Earth, --however to achieve this feat, the Moon actually must rotate (-think about it...!); --this was not by accident as primitive-minded atheists would have you believe, -it was done by the universal intellect we for lack of greater perception simply called God... ~Theolibertarians International
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0 21. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Fake rope

-very clever visual-illusion prank, much as a mime! However, if a motorist were to be startled, panic and swerve to miss the phantom-rope coming at his windshield, -and the motorist hits a tree and is instantly killed, --could the perpetrators be prosecuted for murder? One moment life is full of fun, -while the next instant it is tragic, --its an enigma...!!! ~Robair in SinDiego
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0 22. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Where Not To Land

-to those smartypants young'ins that think reflex-action is superior to wisdom, --frankly i respect both; --however that being said, think of the skill it took to perform this precarious high-wire trick, --i seriously doubt if any of you could replicate it and survive...!!! (-never seen so many wires(25?) in the sky, -this had to be an accident waiting to happen!) ~Robair in SinDiego calif.
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-2 23. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Double Skateboard Fail

:D Hahaaaaaaaaaaaa! Chevy'Chase himself could not have done a better 'prat fall', --it was indeed priceless! --and yes that laughing-Hyena closure was spot-on!!! --it one of those Snotr's that you can watch over and over, --just pondering what the guy actually had in mind, where he was going in the first place? --or is the game-plan merely just to throw yourself into the abyss and hope for the best... -like geeeeeee hope there's not a shredder parked inside the shed!!!
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-3 24. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Body scanner

-this airliner incident involving the hotpants-bomber was just another false-flag Mossad scheme by the criminal Zionist-terrorist Michael Chertoff the NWO has appointed in charge of our so-called homeland-insecurity; -Ha! Umar'Farouk Abdulmutallab phony attempt to blow-up a Northwest-airliner on Xmas-day, urges we scan the body-of-evidence for U.S.Gov'mt.-lies, the 'real explosive elements'. Let’s give Umar a good dose of radiation with the knowledge that first reveals the 80-grams of PETN-explosive he carried in his crotch lacked a blasting-cap necessary to blow him and the plane away. Instead, lighting with an injection of liquid did nothing but set him on fire. As if no one in the military or intelligence knew that! The M.Chertoff creep has an interest in the Israeli-firm that makes these body-scanners; thus what we really have to scan for is 'conspiracy'. And there is one here. Chertoff’s push for the technology dates back to his time in the Bush-administration, Homeland-Security ordered the government’s first batch of these invasive-scanners -- five from Calif.-based Rapiscan-Systems. These days, “40 body scanners are in use at 19 U.S. airports.” But here’s the kicker: The number is expected to skyrocket at least in part because of the Christmas Day incident. “The Transportation Security Administration this week said it will order 300 more machines.” That’s your money, taxpayer, frequent or infrequent flyer. And it’s your ignorance these "profiteer terrorists" are playing with... ~AK
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-3 25. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

#33 -Hahaaaaaaaa--'Blockhead' the more you yak, the more you prove what a brainwashed sissy you are, --you've not understood a word i've said! Moreover, i've intentionally scuttled your silly Big-block Dodge, as to point-up how you think, -i've re-engineered the C3Vette in ways you can't imagine, purposely to reveal to idiots like you that a 25%-smaller motor can be designed to outperform your sledgehammer big-block to put-out more power, yet still achieve good fuel-mileage (-but it's all obviously beyond your ability to comprehend)... ~R.vH
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-3 26. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Hitler Sings

Hahaaaaaaa! -very well edited compilation, --but is sad to see that so many still seem terribly brainwashed by the hateful Holohoax-fable that jewZionist Holly-weird and the global Jew-supremacists have concocted toward their quest of their NWO-tyranny desire to enslave mankind. Jews always perpetrate some colossal fraud whenever they have frazzled the world such as after WW2. Wm.D.Pelley published "The 45-Questions Most Frequently Asked About Jews" in 1939 which documented that 8-million European-jews moved to America during 1932-1939. Another 1.2-million Eurojews moved to Palestine during 1934-1939. When Mikhail-Gorbachev finally unsealed the USSR archives, -it revealed the Soviets were harboring several million Jews. --thus only a relative Jews died during WW2 of Allied-bombing caused Typhus; --there were absolutely NO death-camps according to the Russians, whom had every reason to support the Jews anti-German hatefulness!! Moreover, of all the factual memories written about WW2 by any of our Presidents & Generals such as Patton & the German-hating Jew Gen.Eisenhower, and by the European Leaders such as Chas.deGaul, ---none utter a single word of any Saint-Hitler Holacaust, except of the terrorized German-people, whom were the actual WW2 victims, struggling to save their nation from the very Jew-Rothschild/Rockefeller Bank'ster-mafia communism/Capitalism, --which if you've noticed is now eating America alive...
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-3 27. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Get out of there!

-Okay i can take a hint, ---i'm Out'o herrrreeeeee...!!!
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-4 28. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

#20/23/25/33- LB187 --it matters not that you and your lemmings are hitting my sage commentary with your negatives, --it remains that there are nevertheless some intelligent persons that read the Snotr-commentaries and they can see that you are just a 'full-of-it-Chump' that thinks his TV-news education is all he needs to know; ---that's what is really sad with the likes of you pathetically brainwashed... with you its- "Amerika love it or leave it!" Instead of Bank'ster NWO- Amerika, let's restore it back to- 'Jeffersonian Republic America'!!! Nevertheless, you'll hopefully live and learn;
Ha,--besides, you're likely a Big-blockhead type, while i've a naturally-aspirated modified/Chevy-smallblock C3-Vette that will leave you like you're standing still, and being much lighter owing extensive use of aluminum, will trounce you through the corners as well... ~R.vH
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-5 29. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

#27 -well actually, you may likely preferred i had chosen the term 'Teutonic', however according to the esteemed Oxford-dictionary you're incorrect my friend, for they agree with my usage---> Aryan: "a Caucasian white race person of non-Jew descent. Again, you've been brainwashed by the Zionists into self-hatred owing that the Zionists control our Public-library Sys., and thereby allow only those books which support their primitive-minded bigotry and quest for world domination via their religio-political supremacist belief; which have the world in turmoil through their having hyjacked most of the world's Treasuries (Iran being one of the nations which have eluded them, -thus the fine Iranians are being targeted by the nasty Israeli Zionists to be wiped off the face of the globe)! It's an issue way to complex to be revealed here, but suffice to say i concur with #28 somewhat in that the ancient Nordics had migrated from the Euro-india region, thereby having adopted the Aryan-term; --perhaps it should be termed 'Euroaryan'... Hope this helps our understanding that Aryan was used by Americans and Germans before Saint-Hitler attempted to liberate that freedom loving nation from the ruthless Zionist-Bank'ster Communist/capitalists (anti/Free-enterprise) which you may have noticed are in a vicious Foreclosure-war against naively gullible Amerika, and their destruction of the Dollar so as to force 'we the sheeple' into adopting their worthless NWO Rothschild/Rockefeller play-money!!!
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-5 30. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Donald Duck - The Spirit Of '43

-terrific Holly'weird cartoon piece in support of the ruthless Rothschild Bank'ster-mafia that St.Hitler was so valiantly trying to overthrow in Europe, yet this sort of BS propaganda was successful in convincing half of America to go over an murder decent hard working Germans that were weary of Communist trying to destroy their culture; --therefore what goes around, comes around, and we've now become Amerika! They wont tell you this in screw'al boys'n girls, but in 1913 the arch-criminal Rothschild/Rockefeller jewZionist's hyjacked our usTreasury, and installed their illegal phony-front so-called FederalReserve-Sys. & IRS-henchmen so as to extort the laborious earnings of the American-worker in support of the jewZionists endless warmongering against freedom-loving people by the big bully nation with the cutsie candy-stripe flag. Are Americans really so dumbed down by such Jew-media propaganda as to believe the Clinton Bush Obama puppet Presidents give a ratsarse about our precious usConstitution & BoR? Wake-up, like our Representatives, these traitors are the best politicians and agents of self-anointed robber-baron kings Rockefeller/Rothschild that money can buy...!!!
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-6 31. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

#(removed comment) You snidely come across as one of those brainwashed warmongering Americans so proud to be murderously invading foreign-nations for your Zionist-masters. Very sad mentality, --when look about you dolt, we've some 50M illegal-alien invaders that the Zionist-Bank'sters have enabled to criminally trespass and violate our usConstitution & BoR and to destroy our economy, much as our illegal-alien puppet-Pres.; -hummmm, are you one of these criminals...?
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-6 32. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

#24 -instead of merely parroting, try engaging your lame-brain before placing your big-mouth in gear! Am ex-military, and i'm ashamed of how pathetic our usMilitary has become, -total failure to simply protect our borders, which is their job-1. We've no business occupying some 130 nations; --the warmongering Pentagon is totally controlled by the Commie-loving Zionist that brag about dumbed-down Americans like you being used as their gun-fodder to kill innocent albeit hated Arabs for them upon command. Resent your very shamefully insulting remark about my being of Aryan-decent, as should any other German-lineage American, --our nation's Founders as writers of our besieged usConstitution & BoR were all of Aryan-decent, and i am particularly proud of their contribution to further man's quest for freedom for all Gods races. You've obviously been adversely indoctrinated into 'self-hatered' by our shameful Pub.School-sys. and Zionist-owned media... ~R.vH in SanDiego
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-7 33. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Dog Girl

-indeed, i recall many decades ago having personally seen a caged-girl, perhaps in her late teens, that was purported to have been found in the wild living amongst wolves as i seem to recall; --but at the time i just presumed she was being paid to be caged and likely cycled home and was a normal gal after-hours! Yet long after that eye-to-eye encounter with her, --i would lay in bed fantasizing as to how it would be with that enchantingly lovely blue-eyed black-haired creature, and teaching her to be strictly loyal to me as her only man... However, as it turned out, a svelte green-eyed gal i tried to tame took me for everything i had; --so now i am content to be living with an actually more civilized wolfdog (male) whom is like my shadow...
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-7 34. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Ibex with itchy bum

-Now that's one very Horney 'gay' animal! --however, apparently a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do, --and well, necessity is indeed the mother of Invention, -certainly a well developed sense of itch scratching, it took considerable finesse as to gingerly not do damage... (-good musical selection!)
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-9 35. AryanKnight commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

-more dynamite profiteering by the warmongering munitions industrial-military Pentagon bunch. It is sad that they use naively gullible young-men so imbued with testosterone (-hear their excited reaction to the nasty explosions), whom have so long been used as gun-fodder for the entertainment of the greed-driven Zionist-Bank'sters that have owned them and us since 1913 when these Zionists hyjacked our usTreasury and installed their illegal Fed.Reserve-sys. & IRS-henchmen as to thereby extort our earnings for their maniacally devious anti-social NWO satanic-quest >:) for ultimate global-tyranny...