Comments posted by AssieChris


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+19 1. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video David Thibault - The new Elvis - Blue Christmas

Holy F#Ck.... The King is back.

WOMEN Shut the F UP!
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+1 2. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Crazy Rollerblader

My gaydar isn't even going off. :D
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+1 3. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Johnball

I thought this was a joke......

mmmm... is it?
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+2 4. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Alan Watts - What is Wrong With Our Culture

I love my life, I work for myself and family. Though its seems you have to be a hippie to be happy in this clip. :|
Im with #5
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+16 5. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video All about a pilot ...

This is how the hole world should work, Everyone following good protocols,
doing there best and being good at it.
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+2 6. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Shaving with a ceramic knife

No caffin and Big balls....thats all you need. :O
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-2 7. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video F18 Fighter - Flying Low

Well Fuck me.
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+6 8. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Springboks celebrate fresh grass

No more comments let #2 take this one.
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+2 9. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Unicycle Football

You know the joke about rollerblading and being gay... well this is the new version. :|
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-5 10. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Deception with Keith Barry

Well its all bullshit anyway.... The end.
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+11 11. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Down Syndrome MMA fighter

All the best to this dude.
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0 12. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video 10 Life Hacks for Summer

Thats sweet, thanks Snotr.
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-6 13. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Ice Ice Baby

Damit just lost another 3 min. :|
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+3 14. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Laser show

Hay Laser guy!
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+2 15. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video The Flying Man

Karma Hero.......... Karma Man :)
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+6 16. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Animal Buddys

OMG this is so fuking amazing............................not
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0 17. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video German Engineering versus American Technology

Don't even bother sticking up for the Mercian automobile they are shit at making this type of thing, thats why they make such fanciful movies etc. They all came from Europe but have forgotten there inherent genius......
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-6 18. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Dog helps owner during floods

Cats suck Dogs balls! :)
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0 19. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Puma vs. Sloth

That would not go down well on Reddit. :O
They will keep loving cats.
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-1 20. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Star Trek: Deshaked

Best show in the history of mankind.
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+1 21. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Intelligent headlight technology

It will now be even more a shame when i hit that kangaroo. :)
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+2 22. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Black bears are just cute and cuddly

There are certain kinds of people that truly believe that this is OK such as this women,,,,This is not ok!
Time and time again people like this eventually die or get very badly hurt.

Even if it attacked her she would still be on its side, and probably say "oh i was in its territory" :S
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+4 23. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Cargo Plane Crash

BOEING must have the technology to integrate full pilot/crew cabin ejector pod in cargo applications like this and all crew should be present on take off and landing,,,

It would of been so nice to see the hole front cabin eject and parachute to safety. :O :| :(
Get it done!
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-4 24. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Sea creatures

Evolution is a sure thing .....BUT #3 if you were a believer you would be up there with the worst, As conviction can be a good thing it can also be the opposite. God is Anything you want it to be.
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+6 25. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Banjo boy returns

So good to see people relaxed and doing things thay love to do. :)
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+5 26. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile In Poland

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-3 27. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Accuracy of a samurai

Yes the Ktana is a very nice sword ,....BUT. There are many others on its level and even better.,,, so many People seam to blow there load over this sword as it has been used so much in popular cloture.
Compered to other swords, i.e.. ( European) made by the celts and vikings and even arabic cultures the katana is very plan and refined but also very young in the world of swords.
Have a good look at sword history and you will find many others 500 to 1000 years older that are just as good and are even not only folded but then platted for maximum flexibility. :)
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+4 28. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Birth of a Pond Time Lapse

Just needed Thomas the tank engine to pass by in the back ground.
Strangely calming to watch.
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+2 29. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Japanese skyscrapers swaying in an earthquake

Thankyou Mr Engineer.
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+2 30. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video So this old man walks by a snake.....

Looks like newcastle's nobbys beach.?
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+1 31. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Awesome paintballing

Looks like lots of FUN!!!
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0 32. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Testing Out The New R/C Copter

That dont look real at all.
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+3 33. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Thought about buying a Roomba, then I saw this

This is sooooo funny :D
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0 34. AssieChris commented 11 years ago on video Roadracers with balls of steel

This is some serious shit, you would have to be close to all the family a ride like that. :O
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+3 35. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Surreal Airplane Crash

Good people doing what they love but at the same time becoming complacent with the laws of physics. :(
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+18 36. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Fluid-filled coffee table in motion

Not good when Drunk or about to green out from THC over load. >:)
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+19 37. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video A Bad Lip Reading of the NFL

Did you bring your poshen? :D
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+1 38. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Acoustic levitation

Word #6 8-)
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+3 39. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Motorbike vs. pedestrians

I cant see any harm in that... my 3 year old son would be like "wow motorbike" in his most manly :) .
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+3 40. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Skydive (almost) goes bad

Over confident and out of control, Yes they may have lots of experience BUT silly really.
They will probably kick there own arss's. :(
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+1 41. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Wingsuit Formation Proximity Flying

Rock on Depeche Mode. :)
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+1 42. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Beautiful Moments!

How else can you off set the bad shit.
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+1 43. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video AZO Showreel 2012

Fifth Generation Ninja. Even if he is Korean. :O
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+2 44. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Burnout

OMG the net is full of whingeing soft cocks :'(
Yes you see something and only see all the negatives.
We will make it through.
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-1 45. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Crazy Badminton

Best rally ever on the planets existence.
Mind blowing timing :O
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+1 46. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video VX Nerve Gas

Come on #1 not even a little.......
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+2 47. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video New Extreme Sport: Trampoline Wall

Looks like lots of fun but the music is way to over the really isn't that extreme.
This music should be used on :D a clip with a dude ridding a donkey down a steep gorge at full pace... jumping over big rocks and other dangerous shit,Now thats extreme. :D
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+4 48. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Nice Dubstep Dance Skills

Well f*#k me that was awesome, They have the art of movement down pat.
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+7 49. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video How NOT to Start a Bonfire

I think i can here a Kiwi and maybe an Ausi............ perfect sound bite for the word f#*k.... :O
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+4 50. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Pharmaceutical Ad for Meth

Its really not that funny, loosing a loved one to meth is horrible.
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+3 51. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Meanwhile in Romania

Thats why Romanians are so Hardcore.
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+1 52. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Swarm robots cooperate with a flying drone.

From a defence point of view knock the flying robot out first.......
Note: :| for future reference. :|
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+3 53. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video 38 Seconds With Gustavo Almadovar

I will never forget this guy!
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+7 54. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Zero

Thats ODD, or was it even. O:)
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+2 55. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Flyboard Family

HOW MUCH!!!!!!!!! Any one?
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+6 56. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Duck Family Crossing Highway

Im with #6
All a sudden i need a shoulder massage.
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+3 57. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Nellie, the talking sea otter at Point Defiance Zoo

Sorta sounds like Rubber Johnny
Ha ha ha ha ha ha >:)
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+1 58. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Drift parking with RC car

Get a job!!
But really thats sweet. ;)
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+8 59. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video How much weight can a dog pull?

#2 all animals are innocent.
Looks like the dog injoyed the challange. ie, tail is wagging..
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+4 60. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Afterlife

For all the people who have a negative opinion about this subject should not try to come up with what they believe to be a valid one,
I tends to be to big for most to comprehend. O:)
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+4 61. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video There is a city

me too. #5
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+2 62. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Dolly Laugh A Lot DEAD Batteries! Scary!

That is some scary shit, seriously sounds like a crazy psychopath.
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+19 64. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Trust me, i'm an engineer !

Engineer has same syllables as ''lots of beer.'' :D
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+3 65. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Dive bombing Monkeys

#7 another climate freak. :(
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+1 66. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Crash at Summer X Games 18

Turbo lagg sucks!!
But that is exactly what my hot wheels cars do when i dont line the ramps up.
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0 67. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Rich Forne Shows How to Wall Ride

No helmet though :'(
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+1 68. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Freaky Cat Eyes

I love cats but cant bring my self to buying one,
1. Because they kill are wonderful native birds.
2. i don't want to trap it inside all of its life.

How can we justify having one. :(
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+15 69. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Kite surfing special

frickin awsome!!!
till you get skull dragged..
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+3 70. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Throwing a Box of Garbage Into a Volcano Lake

I wonder what it would look like if we thrugh some one in ..........mmmmmm like that silly prick who shot all thoughs people in Norway 2011. :|
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+31 71. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Driver ejected from car

So many fatal outcomes there and he just about dodged them all.
Very lucky dude.
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+3 72. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Blonde and parking

Obviously got no problem in getting pregnant.
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+2 73. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Soccer Ninjas Attack

Can any one tell me why soccer players are such pansies.
Its just so un masculine.
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+5 74. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Scooter Jump FAIL

wwwooooooo.... good commentary .... not.
Dose any one wear a helmet on the net.?
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+3 75. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Russian Kurt Cobain

Holy christ that was unreal....... :O
Full respect to 2 3 4 5.
Someone show Dave!!!
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+6 76. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Big tornado close call

Well siad #9 this young man will look at this vid in a couple of years and be so embarrast, but its pretty common at that age ......or IQ level.
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+8 77. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Fireworks Factory Explosion

Holy fu#k how can this keep happening in such a highly controlled environment. :O
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+45 78. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Bartending Skills

shaken not stirred
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0 79. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Apocalyptic Island Of Waste In The Maldives

Don't worry everything will be fine.........
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+1 80. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Catching The Big One

Aussie Aussie Aussie...
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+2 81. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Amateur accrobats

100% proof this is the worst type of male, speedo's+hair band = no understanding of physics at all.
In Australia Speedo,s = budgie smugglers. :D
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+1 82. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Burglar's Bloopers

Yes #16 he is hurting so much.
The initial adrenaline has warn of and only left him with desperation.
Sad thing is he would probably do it again. :O
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+3 83. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Truck Explosion at McDonald's

Don't think so #12
LPG on the back of the truck. the tank (bleved) exploded.
Is that a kids toy truck flying off the back at the point of explosion.
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+1 84. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Duo Maintenant

The benefits of have a small,powerful,flexible girlfriend.
Yes please. >:)
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+23 85. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Sony Xperia Active

Give it to a plumber or builder for a week and see how it gos.
;) good size though.
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+1 86. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Strange Delicacy

This freaked me out that much all i could do was laugh,,,, :O
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+18 87. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Stunning Fighter Pilot Training Footage

Inspiring engineering. 8-)
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+3 88. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Beat Battle

Number one got it in one. :O
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+12 89. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Funny Muay Thai

Love the song cant get it on Shazam though. :P
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-1 90. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Somewhere over the Rainbow played on cats!

Thats some realy old shit. ;)
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+5 91. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Rescuing stranded dolphins

No one new what thay where doing or why thay where doing it, Man or Dolphin.
Well maybe the dolphins did. :(
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+4 92. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Astronomer's Paradise

Yes with out the light we have today, this why the night sky meant so much to are past ancestors.
Mind blowing!
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+5 93. AssieChris commented 12 years ago on video Meanwhile in China...

436 trolleys, mmm yes..
rain man style.
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-2 94. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Jedi Ninjas

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :| zzzzzzzzzzzzzz the end.
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+1 95. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Trippy Sky Phenomenon!!

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+36 96. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Dog feels the groove

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+5 97. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Quantum Levitation on a Wipe'Out Track

Transport will become silent.
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+3 98. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Head On Car Crash

I'm with #6.
Could not have given a better comment.
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+2 99. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Help is on the way ...

Aussi Aussi Aussi!!
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+6 100. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Samuel L. Jackson Reads "Go the F*** to Sleep"

Its bed time at my house....
I have 2 kids, 2 and 4 ..mmmmmm
Should i ?
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+1 101. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Accidents waiting to happen,really

im with #5
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-6 102. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Machine tries to take over the world!!

Sounds like a bunch of cock slappers to me.
When shit happens sometime you just have to deal with it.
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0 103. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Earth temperature anomalies from 1800 to 2009

Yet more bullshit about global warming. :(
Geology shows it was hotter in the 1300.
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+3 104. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video First Ever Skateboard Side Flip

Did it in 1992, But didn't think it was that awesome.
I was to afraid it was gay......... :(
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+1 105. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Gaki no tsukai - Banana Game

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+4 106. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Fire department examination

He could of got up there faster if he hung on to the
top part of the ladder.
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0 107. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video Drunken russian falls from 5th floor

professional Russian.......?
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-15 108. AssieChris commented 13 years ago on video The power of friction

I'm with #(removed comment),
Nice try though #8