Comments posted by BMX_Tavi


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+3 1. BMX_Tavi commented 11 years ago on video Chemotherapy for children diguised as superhero treatment

dude.....i almost cried
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0 2. BMX_Tavi commented 11 years ago on video Now this is a street performer

most of us are average
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0 3. BMX_Tavi commented 11 years ago on video Flatground bike skills

former bmx-er here and i totally agree this
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+3 4. BMX_Tavi commented 12 years ago on video I'm singing in the rain

instant roof
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+24 5. BMX_Tavi commented 12 years ago on video Proof that not all cops are bad.

at least they are doing their job
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+1 6. BMX_Tavi commented 12 years ago on video Hillarious spider mating behaviour

i would pass all that crap and rape her instead
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+5 7. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Submixpro Studio - The Future Of Electronic Music

bjork uses in some of her songs the machine....the eractable
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0 8. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Balloon through fan

how about helicopters?
when will they use this technology?
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+3 9. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video mascot dunk fail

that wuz part of the entertaing
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+3 10. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video milk explosion

i so like those kind of couples
they are so lovely
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-3 11. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Non-circular gears and planetary gear.

what will this be useful for?
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-2 12. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

1:07 flair double tailwhip.....:O:O:O:O now thats fkcuking hardcore!!!!!
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+1 13. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Drunk dude in metro station

punks not dead!!!!!!
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0 14. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Another "Did You Know" Video

how obama will launch those missiles if somebody sabotage the telephone companies first?
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+1 15. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Henry the Hoover's cocaine overdose

naughty henry.....
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+1 16. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Google chrome speed tests

.....because they can
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0 17. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Runaway street saw slices into side of house in Lorain

hahahaha #1
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-2 18. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video moto 2 crash

i hate those vids....nothing special....
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-1 19. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Kill streak of a Darwin's Beetle

why its called darwin beetle?...i mean...why darwin?
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-6 20. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video One evil hamster

awww so sweet when u see how much they can do with that tiny brain
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+3 21. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Water drop falling in sand

i love slow motion!!!!
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+4 22. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Parliamentary voting in Russia

the same thing happens in romania :(
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+4 23. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Standing cat

fuck psychics
this is the next generation of cats that will take control over the world!!!!
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+1 24. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Misheard Lyrics

ANGOLA! :)))))
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+6 25. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Exploding fireworks factory

this is massive!!!!!!!!!!!
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+5 26. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Need an upgrade!

"well what u have was perfectly good then" hahahahahaha
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+1 27. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Follow Me Trailer

freeride :X
i love it
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+5 28. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Tractor flipover

again.....its a shame that i`m romanian :(
#6 in romania
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+4 29. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Table Slide Fail

i dont really know why it on failblog....because its fail editing or because of the guy
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+2 30. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Curious

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+34 31. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video The Transparent Car

very expensive ad i guess
but wtf? they are shell!!!
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+4 32. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Nice camouflage

the black and white filming camouflage the camouflage.....kiddin
verry nice indeed
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+4 33. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video bunny hop flair

#3 it`s a flair
a backflip 180, but i think he`s the 1st that achieve this from bunnyhop
this vid make me miss my bmx :(
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0 34. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Drum Machine

1:38 real breakcore!!!!!
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0 35. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Baby sitter

his wife its better >:)
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+42 36. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Visible shockwaves from eruption at Eyjafjallajökull

just great footage!!!!
fuck nukes...don`t mess with mother nature!!
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0 37. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video LEGO Pop up

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+15 38. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Airbag Seat

i love people with a lot of free time:D
the always make stuff like this and make me laugh
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-4 39. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Nike Sportswear T-Shirt Gun

i want a nike 6.0 one :((
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+4 40. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Flooded river destroys road

"handmade" roads
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-6 41. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video This woman can crush your head

breast cancer?????
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+4 42. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Winscape Intro

this is insane....i wonder where technology will go in a few years....
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-1 43. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Big machine

i want it in my backyard....or garage!!!!
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+3 44. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Telling the time

this vid made my day hahahahahahah
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-2 45. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Penn Station Performers

street art:D
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+4 46. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Crocodile penis eats fish

why would he eat with his penis????
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-2 47. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Dont park where you cut a tree...

wtf were they thinking?
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-2 48. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Fry an Egg

ready to eat!
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+3 49. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Uphill Maniacs

they have COJONES!
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+1 50. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Best Idea Ever

we, people, so like to simplify things:D and have more free time... natural .... a brilliant ideea :D
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-3 51. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video How Beat A Nail

why would u beat a nail in grindstone????
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+2 52. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Pentecost island bungee jumping tradition

i`ll stay in romania!!!
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-2 53. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Hitler reacts to the Hitler parodies being removed from YouTube

if i will see this move once more i`ll be expert in german language.....dammit...this its nice...but there are hundreds of parodies with this part of the movie...
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+2 54. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Timelapse of the Construction Of A Plane

looks like lego:D
very nice
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+5 55. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Soap Bubbles Science

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0 56. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Dancing skeleton show

#1 i think the guy that controls the skeleton have better moves than the skeleton
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-1 57. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video The Atomic Cannon

i want one of this home!!!!!
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+10 58. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Chinese kid beatboxing

he should buy a new mic
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+7 59. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Rotifers - Just add water!

just great!!!!! science day on snotr:D
really now...snotr should add a favourite button
i would definitely /fav this one!!!
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+2 60. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Bathing with Piranhas

crazy old bastard!
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-2 61. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video 3D facade projection

technology overwhel me!@!!!
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-1 62. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Garbage explosion

#8 it says smth about kurva wich means bitch :D
thats the only word i understand
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-2 63. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Grandpa dancing

well......2 bad cuz he`s old :D
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+4 64. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Hong Kong Architect

what if u wanna throw a party?
and u need to shower and the other to party?
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+5 65. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Flip flops. they are a hassle

that happens me often....ahh wait...its that me....mmm its seems not >:)
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-3 66. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Super Burn Out FAIL!!!

has anybody expect that?
really now...i wuz expecting to loose control and "jump" into a car or something:D:D
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-3 67. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Math Failure

well....a brunette its dumber than a blonde????
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-2 68. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Water - Whiskey experiment

water experiments amazes me more and more and more!!!!
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-3 69. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Fallen Art

wasn`t this posted on snotr before????
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+1 70. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Axis Of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song(s)

actually there its a "rule" in commercial music......and its called the rule of 4 or something like that
i dont really remember...i`ll search it up
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+5 71. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Pixels invasion

probably the best vid ever
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+3 72. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Dogs vs police car

bite the bastards!!!!!
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+7 73. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video 1968 "ASCII" Animation From Russia

holly crap!!!!!1 this is brilliant!
the last one requires a lot of work and time....very nice indeed
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-1 74. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Fail Compilation

nice compilation....but i really don`t like the ones with bike or skate cuz i used to ride bmx and belive me that i know that they really suck
very nice indeed :D
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-5 75. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Ferrari 250 GTO wash

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+11 76. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Crossing the road

this is madness!!!
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+8 77. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Humping animals

i said what what, in the butt
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+7 78. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Switch to silent, Now.

well done commercial!!!!
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-4 79. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video The Giant Claw movie trailer

hollywood shit!!!! :))
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+3 81. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Starcraft 2 Beta Shit

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+7 82. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Balloon festival in time lapse

just great
thank u snotr!
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-7 83. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Over

why not upload the whole famili guy series?
damn i hate animations.....when they are not beavis and butthead
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-2 84. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Taiwanese Boy Sings Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You'

0:28 girl its very hot.....or its just me?
anyway i have a "thing" for asians girls (not all of them)
and no words about that guy....really now i think its better than original
i wonder if hes having "balls" anymore:D
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+2 85. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Awesome downhill skateboarding

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+4 86. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Apollo 11 slow motion launch

i wouldn`t understand a shit if that guy wouldn`t explain :D
damn nice
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-5 87. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Insane Car Mod

how in the name lord its that possible?
damn this physics!!!
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+9 88. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video 160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

aww......this compilation brings me old memories!!!!!!!
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+3 89. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Trololo

playback???? :D
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+4 90. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video 4 Girls act like their boyfriends

its just me or the beer at the begining its a twist off one?
fail vid title:D
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-1 91. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video 4 Guys act like their girlfriends

nice one! true
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+23 92. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video How to make a fire faster!!

well.....not so brilliant, b`cause when u are in the middle of the forest u won`t have elecricity to power that vacuum cleaner
i`ll stick to the old ways!
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-2 93. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Lumber transport in Russia

timber transport with LADA
that car its a lada
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+2 94. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Bizarre Japanese potato chip commercial

japanese are bizarre
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-1 95. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Kim Peek

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-1 96. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video New ATC Regulations

another collegehumor fail
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0 97. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video DIY Cymatics

i just discover this about 2 weeks ago but still amazes me
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0 98. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Jaguar

well thats an audi TT not jaguar:D
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-1 99. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Make a Fireball that You Can Play With

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-2 100. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Japanese McDonald's ad

#5 in the butt??
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+1 101. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Golden Age of Video

now that is a lot of work!!!!!
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-2 102. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Halloween Class Video

someone its under the table!
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-4 103. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Epic dog food commercial

#1 no
this is DOGSHIT >:)
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-2 104. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video One of the worst escape attempts ever has been caught on CCTV

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+1 105. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Oktapodi

i kinda hate animations but this one is pretty good
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+27 106. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Fun in the classroom

wow....!!!! brilliant!!!!!!!!!
how does it really work?
and what`s the soft name?
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+6 107. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Deep sea footage

TED never stops to impress me!
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-3 108. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Chamonix ride

pretty impressive......but i used to ride bmx and i`m used with this kind of stuff, yet, pretty impressive! i like it!
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-1 109. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Polish car tuning

i think the guy who makes this movie also made
dunno why
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-2 110. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Cheeseburger in Hydrochloric Acid

i own a cheeseburger from mcdonalts from november 2008 and its still intact and smells like mcdonalts....i even have that meal ticket....shall i make a video about this? no mold, its not rancid....pretty disturbing
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+31 111. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Slipping Down Stairs

#1 u shouldn`t be desapointed b`cause snotr wuz once a very cultural its full of fails and ownage clips
and that its boring somehow
ontopic: SKILZZZ!!!
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-1 112. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Kid transports bricks

no wonder why they are called slaves
I don`t intend to offend any of u guys
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0 113. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Kid transports bricks

no wonder why they are called slaves
I don`t intend to offend any of u guys
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+12 114. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Flooded meadow

awwwww this made my day....or my entire`s like a piece of heaven!
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+7 115. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video A movie about chat roulette

why did u destroy that laptop???:((((((((
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-5 116. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Freestyler

this is preety old
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-7 117. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Employment

i wuz expecting that
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-6 118. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Wake-up Prank

it`s shame that i`m romanian!!!
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+1 119. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Forehead Tittaes

well...i subbmitted that
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+3 120. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Mad Granny Alert!

i wanna see more.....what happens next?:D
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+6 121. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Top 20 5 Second Films

actually is 5 sec * 20 movies its 100 sec...the whole movier its 3:18 min hmmmm
where am i wrong? nehhhh just kidding
i vote for the second....the one with my opinion its the best
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-4 122. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Singstar game

wrong category supposed to be in commercials right?
and i approve #14 just because its a romanian song...and i`m from romania....neahhh kiddin i hate that song but the commercial is sick!
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-7 123. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video The Grudge Girl

i subbmitted that two :'(
very nice!!!!!! >:) >:) :D
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-1 124. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 Jackie Chan stunts

at 2:30.....i saw some bmxers going down that building
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+5 125. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Points of interest

i`ll never wear that kind of glasses
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+27 126. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video The Phobia Workshop

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-12 127. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video 4 hands 1 guitar

hell yeah!!!!!!!!!! TEAM PLAY
now try that with a mandoline! lawl
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+24 128. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Shamwow guy in jail

"computers?" lawl
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-3 129. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video David MeShow

its just me, or its another copy of this guy work???

its kind or okay but not original at all
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+1 130. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Crazy door

wasn`t this Sf for about 2,3 years ago???
i really wanna know how the future will look like
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+4 131. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Wake up prank

i don`t want those guys as friends! for sure!!!!
well...poor quality, but nice prank :D
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+14 132. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Mosaic cubes

brilliant! :(|) :(|) :(|)
but what`s next? 1st was mona lisa build from coffe cups, now this
what will be next? michael jackson made of breadcrumbs?
i`m just say`n
nice job, very nice job anyway
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-2 133. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Lockheed Martin P-791 Test Flight

the future kirov airships????
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+1 134. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Mustang drawing

that`s just.......i have no words
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-4 135. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Who Are You?

damn japanesse ppl :D
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-4 136. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Melbourne Hailstorm and Flooding Footage

well....what about global warming?
aw! yes! BULLSHITS!
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-4 137. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video The Food Lift

at min 1:50 he insert a corn in the food lift
i wonder how will the corn lift?
sorry for my english
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+11 138. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Fed-ex Commercial

sorry for the quality guys!!!!!
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-9 139. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Guy Driving Wrecked Car

so what?
maybe he wuz having an accident and now he`s going home
it happens to me and some friends too
nothing special
what is all about snotr these days?
and those guys are very opinion
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+4 140. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video How to park for free

now try that with a jeep:D
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+3 141. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Vacuums

werid new age childrens
i think i`ll start collecting toilets
i think every parent would like to have such a child
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-3 142. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Cat catches bat out of the air

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+2 143. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video The Italian man who went to Malta

#2 its veeeeeeerrrryyyy old
i remember hearing this when i wuz like 9 years and wuz old school that probably its like 15 old or more
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-1 144. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Horror Film

#5 yes the same guy make annoying orange and this to. if u are interested in more check daneboe`s channel on youtube. he has some cool stuff
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0 145. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Simple method to make fire

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-5 146. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Cat lift

thats why all americans cat are fat!
i think that "thing" worth for about 1k dollars, maybe less....and what for?
this reminds me of movie idiocracy
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+20 147. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Train vs Flood

no fear
it`s just water
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-2 148. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video A truck

for mother russia!
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-3 149. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

fake and gay
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+2 150. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Beer Gloss

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+5 151. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video A Brief History of Pretty Much Everything

lol CRIT HIT!!!
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+5 152. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video The Hexakopter

absolutely amazing....i wanna see this device in real dimensions
the next thing will be pe UFS-s :D 8-) 8-)
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-2 153. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Annoying Orange

#3 i bet u`re american :)))
americans don`t know how to have fun:D
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+2 154. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video How to humiliate someone in Modern Warfare 2

i don`t know what`s beyond ownage but this is beyond epic, this is BIBLICAL:))
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0 155. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Mercury thiocyanate decomposition

are those like....roots?
i think that substance is reacting with sand...that`s why it grows so
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-17 156. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Ladybug Flight Fail

is this fake?
or it`s just me....?
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+2 157. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Lucky Days!

not lucky for all of them :D
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-5 158. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Ariane5 Launch

now that`s pollution!
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-1 159. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Propane Explosions

"i felt that heat"
i felt that........explosion"
why girls allways try to copy us?
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-2 160. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video Annoying sleep-over

this is not a prank...this is stupidity
but still funny :))
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-3 161. BMX_Tavi commented 14 years ago on video AIDS Ad

offtopic: lol i submit this video 2 weeks ago and they didn`t post it
now they post it when other user submit it(sorry for my english)
ontopic: very nice indeed!
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-6 162. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Bush & Clinton Speech

of course it`s not real
a reporter couldn`t talk like that to ex presidents....right? i mean c`mon he yells at g. bush
anyway politicians suck
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+1 163. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Dance Fail 2010

#1 mine too
still funny
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-3 164. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Street Hero Bus jump

reminds me of mirrors edge :D
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-7 165. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video He'll be back

this is sooo old....i remember watching this in primary school
i wuz haveing so much fun in that tims....still funny thoo :D
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-14 166. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video The love life of a ninja

i hate animations!!!!!!
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+43 167. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Thirsty Cow

omg! now they descover their "secret"
we won`t drink milk anymore guys :'(
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-1 168. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Pac-Man Illusion!

this guy is insane!!!
and he also he seems to have a lot of free time
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+1 169. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Another Water Experiment

#6 maybe they are americans :))))))
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+21 170. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video SNL Robert De Niro

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+1 171. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Romanian truck driver

i`ts not old....i`m romanian and this wuz made last year cuz i saw the scandal at tv but it seems that was filmed by phone....a low quality phone
sorry for my eng :)
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-10 172. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Kitten Anti Virus

i wish it wuz so easy.....
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-10 173. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Hitler Reacts to Wolfenstein 3D

omg is boring boring!
there are so much versions of this
i like the xbox one the most
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+4 174. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Tough day

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-1 175. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Love!

i like better nowdays cartoons
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+11 176. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video New: The Internet

15 million ppl???thats the nowdays world of warcraft community!!!omfg >:)
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+2 177. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Cat jump gone wrong

bad aiming!!! just great :))
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-2 178. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video US Army Firefight Headcam in Afghanistan

snow in Afghanistan??????
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+23 179. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Biggest man on earth?

that`s insane!
seriously i don`t wanna look like that!
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0 180. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Durex Ad

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+8 181. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Pretty Fast

that`s insane!!!!
without a doubt :D
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-1 182. BMX_Tavi commented 15 years ago on video Techno Viking

i like his body!