Comments posted by BabyJLE


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+7 1. BabyJLE commented 10 years ago on video Living bridges

What documentary does this come from? :)
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0 2. BabyJLE commented 11 years ago on video Unknown Force Changing Cloud's Shape

Air bending training going on.
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+1 3. BabyJLE commented 11 years ago on video Irish Language version of "Cups" from pitch perfect

What a lovely clip <3 8-)
Meanwhile in the comments section above me. Seriously. Wtf...
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+5 4. BabyJLE commented 11 years ago on video Guy gets his bike back from thief by tricking him

#13 Please explain yourself. You mean he could just go and buy another one and let the thief go away? I bet he worked hard to buy that bike and apparently he loves that bike.
Wouldn't you do the same if you worked hard to get something you wanted and that ended up being stolen?
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+5 5. BabyJLE commented 11 years ago on video How do you make intersections safer?

Meanwhile in India etc...
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+2 6. BabyJLE commented 11 years ago on video Defense Distributed's Cody Wilson Explains the Printed Firearm

He has actually has a license to manufacture now.
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+7 7. BabyJLE commented 12 years ago on video Fastest workers compilation

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Aristotle
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+3 8. BabyJLE commented 12 years ago on video That is a LOT of water

Anyone wanna explain what they are doing? :)
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+2 9. BabyJLE commented 12 years ago on video Pee Prank - Car Edition

#6 if its not your kind of jokes then don't insult them. :)
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0 10. BabyJLE commented 12 years ago on video Lightsaber class 101

Should seen the fight between Yoda vs. Count Dooku.
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+2 11. BabyJLE commented 12 years ago on video Godfrey on potential presidents

Santorum 1. The frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. 2.
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+3 12. BabyJLE commented 12 years ago on video The Crush

Reveal. Pretend. Love. Awesome short! :O
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+3 13. BabyJLE commented 12 years ago on video How to make a trailer for an Academy Award winning film

As I read the comments above me and want to join the intellectual discussion but just typed, Lol.
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+3 14. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Jedi Ninjas

Hahaha I loved it!
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+5 15. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Make Your Own Doritos

wait til stockmarket need high demands of gold then sell it.
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+1 16. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video click click click

#8 lawl, I played with my Razor naga just a few sec ago... kinda good game when your really really really bored :)
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+3 17. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video How to lose 2400$ in 24 seconds

So... did you guys see the Lunar eclipse? 8-)
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+3 18. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Leopard Cub Vs King Cobra

Awwwh kitties just wanna play O:) <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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+31 19. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video True Love and Affection - Narayanan Krishnan

<3 One love
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+14 20. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Romeo Fight

Haha! :D Im amused!
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0 21. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video President Obama's payback speech at the White House correspondents' dinner

#20 FFS stop whining, your country is fucked up. No disrespect to all the US citziens. Your country deserve more then just a bunch ppl like you, whining about everything.
Blame Obama? Naga please, you wont be on wow as a playable racial if you gonna whine all day long. Focus what matters, fix your country up. Stop ragin war and how about actually help people in the US that needs it.

Its easier to blame others right? Obama might be the President, but the power still in congress right? Its easier to be more opened minded and easier to debate.
Learn and fix the problems or take a gun and rage quit.
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

+2 22. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video The Man Without a Facebook

#12 " "...Why give Z'berg total permission to sell all your thoughts, pictures, contacts, phone numbers, likes and dislike, along with a running commentary of your entire life." Then dont do any of that. Dont use any apps that requires info about you. I dont like Fb either that much, but its easier for me hold on to my family on the other side of the globe.

I spend my free time here and youtube and wow and my gf :D
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+5 23. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video 12,000 Year Old Unexplained Structure

Aliens is having fun now,

-Oh, dude. You know that thing you wanted leave behind to confuse the humans?
-Yeah, what about it?
-They totally found it :D omg this is better then the pyramind we build.
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+7 24. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Man climbs up a 40 metre tree

#16 NO shit?!?! Really? You think so?! I would never guess that.. tsss
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+14 25. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Snoop Dogg on Weed(s)

Hes's voice is so smoooooth :)
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+5 26. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Landing blind

#14 Dunno if its a troll or just a stupid comment -.-
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+2 27. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video A new Looney Toons animation

Wow, ACME products are high quality :)
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+1 28. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video How Ancient Egyptians Did Math

I got lost at when he said mathematich, lol did I even spell that right?
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0 29. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Sitting On Top Of The Burj Khalifa In Dubai

well after this footage it appeared that I shit myself...
Really awesome footage thoo ^^
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+6 30. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Fitness-training

#11 says the dude or dudets who has the Wile E. Coyote as a pic...
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+3 31. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Anonymous on Colbert Report

#4 no! Its tiem for ponies!
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+1 32. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video What's the real purpose of a bus?

#9 agree :|
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+1 33. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Homemade Need For Speed Controller

oh nice, Need for Speed : Underground 2
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+5 34. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Young Ball Handling Talent

#12 second it
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-5 35. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Animals


#9 shutup. obvious troll is obvious
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+5 36. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Satan visits the children

Meth is a hell of a drug...
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+4 37. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video You need to get off facebook


"I rather go out and see people in real life, ((call them, e-mail them or chat with them)). Fuck facebook, fuck the "social" network. There is nothing social about it."

Not using facebook. Cool. but then again you use a socialnetwork....
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+1 38. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video Star Trek door at home

#17 dude that would be more awesome that he could be beamed xD
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+7 39. BabyJLE commented 13 years ago on video John Cleese - Soccer vs Football

#37 lol... how long is the american (U.S) history and where are you guys orgin from? :x
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+10 40. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The loneliest animal on the planet

People of Ecuador, please dont get offended.
Its for the animals and the very nature they live in.
But please.

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+2 41. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video 3D without glasses

its just looked fucked up, honestly.
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+4 42. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Mr. Bean at the dentist

Haha :D I want moar!
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+9 43. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Tribute to Leslie Nielsen

"Doctor says that he has 50/50 chance of living, but thats 10% of that"
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-2 44. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Why Yoshi hates Mario

its from
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+3 45. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video HRP-4C - Singing and Dancing Japanese Robot

Remember terminator.... just saying..
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+52 46. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video can u resist?

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+2 47. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

#17 "I have nothing against homosexual, but I am against homosexuality, so I disagree with peaple discriminating those people." oh... wait, what?!
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+1 48. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Sean Stephenson Dance Party Video

Hahahaha wtf?!?!?!
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+4 49. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video What Would You Do?

omfg... Oh L love Snotr at its best with comment and stuff, its fucking brilliant. :D
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+7 50. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Dai Vernon

sleight of hand PRO
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+1 51. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Russian Systema hand to hand fighting masters

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+8 52. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video How to drive a biker insane!

#10 vanilla? Milk? >:)
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+15 53. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video One child's most exciting day last week.

Somebody should slap that girl...
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0 54. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Cuteness overload

:O oh my god... what kind of breed is she?
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+6 55. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Cell Phone Reunion

No surprise there, we all knew that iphone was the douchebag of the party
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+48 56. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The IT Crowd Bloopers

British humor is underrated, too bad beacuse they are awesome
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+53 57. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video 19-year-old tech kid slays the Dragon's Den.

I think this is the beginning of this young man and we will most likely see him more in the future and he's just 19 years old.
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+1 58. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Contact Juggler

that ball gives him 100+charisma
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+16 59. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Snickers Commercial: Road Trip

"Its on, can't you feel it?"
"Can you feel that" That made me laugh hard :D
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+6 60. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video ROBOT CHICKEN: Our Newest Member, Calvin

Hahaha this was awesome :D
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+15 61. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Huge Hockey Trip Flip

I love the fact the song "I believe I can fly" under replay O:)
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+10 62. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Free Flight

I can see my house from heeeeeeeere
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0 63. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The Funny Side Of Formula 1

#11 Thanks! :D
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+5 64. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The Funny Side Of Formula 1

Awesome vid! What the name of the song? :)
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+26 65. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Teen trades up on Craigslist

Kudos for him for working so hard :) Im impressive
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+3 66. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The Argiope

So is it the same way when Spider-man gets laid?
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+7 67. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Raven Attacks RC Plane

Johnny, The raven. Be good to to RC plane Johnnie.
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+6 68. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Taïg Khris - Mega Jump from Eiffel Tower

Wait... He "jumped" to a ramp then falled on his ass and he got a world record?
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+5 69. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Jay's Tiny House Tour

Awesome house, just don't get fat. Then you will be OK!
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+33 70. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Cute dreaming kitten

I'm overpowered of cuteness!
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+2 71. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video NASA's heliophysics fleet.

This dude has an amazing voice
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+8 72. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video World's Largest Skateboard Disaster

@8 yes you'r not a doctor, now pls shut the fuck up!
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+5 73. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The Most Amazing Invention

after he saw the truck crashing with all his pepsi
And then he tried to make pepsi of his iwn but instead he made a time machine without knowing it...
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+7 74. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi Truck Crash on Dallas Tollway

...oh its just pepsi...
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+8 75. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Foot 2010 - Put it where you want it (Rémi GAILLARD)

when he said "Im gonna shot you'r balls" and the hit was prizeless
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+33 76. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Working Lego Sniper Rifle

I want the schematic!
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+4 77. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video How a differential gear works

My IQ just went up a few points :)
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-5 78. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Red Bull Really Does Give You Wings...

@10 its not a Ferrari, Its Red Bull but it has a Ferrari 056 90-degree V8 engine and a Renault gearbox. I think.
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+7 79. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Transformer Owl

is he an Decipticon or an Autobot?
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+4 80. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The surprising science of motivation.

Very well made and very intresting but does he have to SCREAM sometimes! :S
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-1 81. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Purse Snatchers on a Motorcycle Beaten by Angry Crowd

and this is just for snatching a purse, imagine if they robbed a bank or commit murder :S
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+1 82. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Japan's ramen robot

What have we learned from Terminator! Never give a weapon to a robot!
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+6 83. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Weirdest Animals On Earth

Now its time to create a real pokéball
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-4 84. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Cute Golf Juggling Girls

I wood let them juggling my balls... just saying...
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+2 85. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Big machine

Imagine if that thing was a Transformer :S
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+2 86. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Orange County Police Pursuit

Hahahahahaha I watched while listening to Benny Hill! Haha fuking hilariuos!
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+4 87. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The Story of Bottled Water

Well, glad that I live in Sweden. The most clean tapwater in the world :)
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+3 88. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Amazing chinese acrobats

Made in China
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-6 89. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Mom Meltdown

is she the mother to angry german?!?!?!!?!?!? Sounds like it!
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+6 90. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The Regurgitator - Britain's Got Talent 2010

Regurgitator... never heard of it, then the audince went oohhh so I knew I had to watch it xD
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+9 91. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Angry Wife Crashes Husband's SUV

Wow... just wow...
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+3 92. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Rotifers - Just add water!

Wow... but they could never survive against Chuck Norris
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+6 93. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Basic overview of Asian Hornet

Imagine the size of the hornets Queen :S
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+7 94. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Bathing with Piranhas

where are the bloopers of this clip >:)
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+5 95. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Fast, Faster Rear View

...and holy crap that was awesome :O
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+38 96. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Kid falls off horse and is attacked by crazy ostrich

Probably the most accurate videoclip title O:)
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+1 97. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Water - Whiskey experiment

Stop at 0:52
look at the right side of the card, its not really sealed between the glas. so the water can push and the whiskey gets down. 8-)
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0 98. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Japanese gameshow

only in japan...
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+10 99. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Whiny girlfriend ?

Why didn't he hit the button in the first place :S
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+8 100. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Unbelievable excavator stunt

at the top he said. -now what?! :S
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0 101. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video 4 Guys act like their girlfriends

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+2 102. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Hostage rescue exercise in Russia

#17 You beat to it! :D LOL at 0:12 Only in russia
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+2 103. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Adobe Photoshop Cook

#16 ... I would kill myself
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+2 104. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Your life and Videogames

Nice, put this on school asap!

Gamers 4life <3
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-2 105. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Dont call big guys fat

"That is assualt, that is assualt" Pussy >:)
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+6 106. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Monkey using tools

Nature, you've done it again... you to slow-motion camera...
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+6 107. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Who needs a steering wheel?

#17 couldn't agree more but then again... they are in Russia :)
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+5 108. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video The Completere History of Jack Schitt

Haha man this is awesome! :D
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+17 109. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Michelle's Tongue Tricks

damn teaser...
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+2 110. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Wind Waker Unplugged

talk about multi-talent
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+2 111. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Trapped Power

OMG hahaha one of the best video's I ever seen on snotr :D
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+16 112. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Francis Gets His Warcraft Account Hacked

He's an actor Boogie2988 on youtube. Francis is one of his roles. He's funny and awesome. You should look at his page on youtube.
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+14 113. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Machine

Its and old dude... beacuse I hear all the rust
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-1 114. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Pay attention!

#12 /agree
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+11 115. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video 5-year-old Savannah's Calm Call with 911

Wow, touched my heart like an instant :'(
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+3 116. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Old man beats up thug

For some reason I just can't wait to get old 8-)
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-1 117. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Squirrel Fight

#17 Haha, they are goddamn ninjas!
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+8 118. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Fiddling Beaver

If a beaver can do it! So can I! ::(|)
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+4 119. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Conan O'Brien Cheetos portrait

Man thats chessy 8-) All Hail to Conan O'Brien O:)
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+4 120. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video cebu dancing inmates

#3 Whatever, I think even prisoner would like to be a part of a tribute, beside.
They have done this before.
If you'r dad lived in Philippines, maybe he forgot to mention that Philippines has huge tv expand through out the country.

Yes! Maybe, They can make as professional dancer. 3rd world country? I dont think so, get you'r facts straight.
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+2 121. BabyJLE commented 14 years ago on video Good song :D

@#2 /agree sounds like fuking cats... but credits for them, doing it for the lulz or where they serious?
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+1 122. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video The love life of a ninja

@3 /agree! :P Awesome vid!
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+6 123. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Arab Smooth Criminal

@#9 Why the fuck not?!?! >:)
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+6 124. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Online Gamer meets Offline Gamers

@17 oh man, you'r such a noob... ::(|)
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+2 125. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Online Gamer meets Offline Gamers

More of this pls½!!!!
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-2 126. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Google Nexus One: The F*ck u iPhone!

Even the name owns >:)
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-5 127. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Transparent wall

Scientis, you did it again.
Christinaty, you failed and came with nothing... bitch...
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+4 128. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Prankster Highlights

Legendiary!!! :D
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-10 129. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Honest Spam

FAIL! Jesus was born on a summer. Christmas is not a christian celebration, its was in the beginning a greece peasant celebration. The christanity STOLE the celebration, beacuse they WERE a bunch of greedy fuckers, sad but true.

Epic gift, these ppl are pure goodhearted :)
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+5 130. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Former Ku Klux Klan leader Johnny Lee Clary

@#(removed comment) I almost feel sorry for you :(|)
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+4 131. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Fireworks as seen from a RC plane

Response FIRE goddamit! fire at will! >:)
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0 132. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video My Heart Will Go On performed on flute

not even good :'( funny though... :(|)
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+9 133. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Quick Job

ELITE!!!!!! :D 8-)
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+10 134. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Fluteboxing

OMG! I got his spit on my eye!! 8-)
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+38 135. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video How to convert a porn movie

I just got visual molested :'(
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+17 136. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Is That a Gun in Your Pants

Nico Bellic in GTA has it... CJ in Gta:San andreas has it...
Max Payne has it... :(|)
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+3 138. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Make a Fireball that You Can Play With

#3 Im a fire mage to, can I join 8-)
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-2 139. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Zlatan Ibrahimovic goal

#(removed comment) "there especialy when you cant use your brain" wow
You dont play football dont you :S Tactical intelligens is more then a talent. And by that you have to know what you do.
Its just like floorball, same thing there. The rules?
Then you are a badplayer at that too. :|

Im wondering if you even play sports or just a fatass, who's sitting all day and criticising ppl 8-)
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+5 140. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Honda's U3-X

#7 I had the same though to! Hahahahahahah >:)
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+4 141. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video This would make a great Halloween costume

#5 Hahahahahaha >:)
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-2 142. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Water powered Spud Gun

It would be more EPIC if they actutally hited a sheep >:)
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0 143. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Ten things a gynecologist should not do

Hahahah classic! :D
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-1 144. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Chinese kid singing ‘Loving You’

That dude has some issue
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+6 145. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Close call

#(removed comment) How the hell do you run >:) ?!??!
Lucky dude there :D
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-4 146. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Un-pimp your ride

Sverige är överallt :D med andra ord
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0 147. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Lifted

Haha, poor guys. So many switchies :S
The human is a heavy sleeper tough :D
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+1 148. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Bizarre Japanese potato chip commercial

o m g the hell?!?!
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+3 149. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Norwegian Military Drill Team

Pure awesomeness
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+12 150. BabyJLE commented 15 years ago on video Blues around the world

I agree, really good music when you combine all the nations.
Love it! O:)
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+11 151. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Cat wanders in during live weather forecast

Not a professional... An ELITE! :D
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+3 152. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Discovery Channel - I love the world

Wow! Best vid ever 8-)
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+2 153. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video The best tennis players ever

$100 that ball was an aftereffect, much cheapier then a robot dog :D
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0 154. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Lada commercial

Hahahaha :D
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+2 155. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video It all comes back to you

Carma strikes back! >:)
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+1 156. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Battlefield SNAKE EYES!

Hahaha! He found Snake's eyepatch! :D 8-)
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+3 157. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Umbro - Dog

Hahaha, an oldy but still it makes me laugh every time :D
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+6 158. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Japanese hot girl formula

Oh my god :O
Hahaha gonna try this one out :D
Thank God we have Japanese O:)
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+3 159. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Do not flip a Xbox 360 while playing a game

omg! Test video is posted 2 months late! :'(
I bought Call of Duty 4 : Moderna Warfare then after playing like one week, guess what happened?!?!
I fricking flipped my 360 and my game was destroyed! :O

...Gametag: Dratius

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+7 160. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Slow-motion karate brick-breaking

Ewwww :D
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+2 161. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Stupid cop doesn't like to be called "dude"

Hahahahhaha :D

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0 162. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Matchstick Cube

Now that's cool 8-)
What's the name of the music? O:)
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0 163. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video sudo rm -rf /

ohh cute Kitty :*
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

+1 164. BabyJLE commented 16 years ago on video Worst horror movie trailer ever

LOL! Worst trailer ever! >:)
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

-1 165. BabyJLE commented 17 years ago on video Singapore navy

This has to be one of the coolest advertisement :D
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

0 166. BabyJLE commented 17 years ago on video Singapore navy

This has to be one of the coolest advertisement :D
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

+3 167. BabyJLE commented 17 years ago on video Dance Monkey, Dance!

Im a monkey too :(|)
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

+2 168. BabyJLE commented 17 years ago on video 1st Person Bike Trail

Watch out for that tree!! :(|)
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

+5 169. BabyJLE commented 17 years ago on video You Sucjk at Photoshop

Hahaha Photoshop Rules :D
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

+2 170. BabyJLE commented 17 years ago on video Planets in scale and size

I agree with Aliquantulus, rjavc and dave9191
I thought the sun was big until I saw W Cephei :O
and now I feel very small and afraid of the universe 8-)

Is there any planet or sun bigger then W Cephei? :(|)
Picture of BabyJLE32 achievements

+4 171. BabyJLE commented 17 years ago on video Best scene from the Office (US)

:D Gonna try this one >:)