Comments posted by Benassi-MBeon


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+23 1. Benassi-MBeon commented 9 years ago on video Guy hand builds shotgun from things bought in airport after passing through security

Well, that´s pretty stupid to put on the internet?
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+2 2. Benassi-MBeon commented 9 years ago on video Sea Organ

#1 Yepp! This would make me go mad! lol
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+5 3. Benassi-MBeon commented 9 years ago on video How a king can loose his crown

He´s looking back like, "I hope noone saw that" ^^
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+12 4. Benassi-MBeon commented 9 years ago on video Dragon's mouth

This is... really weird..
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0 5. Benassi-MBeon commented 9 years ago on video Homeless Man Does Unbelievable Act Social Experiment

Like Jake said, there´s pretty much no people there, it´s the worst spot ever for a homeless person to beg for money. Im very sceptical towards this..
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+7 6. Benassi-MBeon commented 9 years ago on video Team work

How efficient this may be, its really bad for your back the way they lift
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+29 7. Benassi-MBeon commented 9 years ago on video Monster leech

Well that sucks!

(someone had to say it)
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+6 8. Benassi-MBeon commented 9 years ago on video The Backwards Brain Bicycle

A cousin of mine build a bike like this so i have tried it, it took me about 30 min to be able to cycle around 50-100 meters, so 8 months, nah.. I was 23 when i tried it.
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+4 9. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Great Recovery

Wouldnt it be smarter to not try to recover after that so she would run for your rescue?
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+7 10. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Zombie apocalypse? Have no fear, he is here!

I dont want a gunman when a zombie apocalypse comes, i want a swordsman, cuz that doesnt require ammo
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+19 11. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Staying true to the advertisements

Slowminded granny, take her license! It wasnt really a blind curve or anything
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+5 12. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Adrian Romoff: 9-Year-Old Piano Player Wows Judges

#5 Spot on! I agree on everything you just wrote!
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+9 13. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Engine noises

#1 It says TOTAL :)
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+12 14. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video If they'll find it ... they'll play with it ...

A commercial that actually reaches thru
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+1 15. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Crow rescue

Bearmanity restored
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+8 16. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Difference between a fiddle and a violin

He is not only talented, he is raised the right way
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+13 17. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Corgi only listens to owner when he talks like The Beatles

The faces when you need to call on your dog in public :P
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+34 18. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Water Wheel

I really dont get people that throws away crap like this in the nature..
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+14 19. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Keone & Mariel Madrid "Happy"

That was awesome! :D *throwing my shoe at the screen*
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+1 20. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Breaking Bad - A Tribute

An amazing series! Slow starter but gets more and more intense as it goes on. Best character was Jesse Pinkman in my opinion, he was so real.
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0 21. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video I Let My Friends Drive My Ferrari 360 Modena

#14 I did, im sorry
Picture of Benassi-MBeon43 achievements

-2 22. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video I Let My Friends Drive My Ferrari 360 Modena

#9 I dont believe so, most american drive automatics so i think thats the reason
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+1 23. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Guy reviews a gun hooked up to a speech jammer

This was hilarious! xD 4# You need to have the volume pretty high when you do it.
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+1 24. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Look up

#6 Ignoring a call when you are with friend is not the right thing to do imo. It could be something important, an accident maybe, another friend who needs you to be there for her/him, or even a matter of life and death, so answer your phone in w/e situation you are in or you could regret it for the rest of your life, if it wasnt anything important tell him/her that you´ll call back, no biggy. On the other hand, texts and notifications from apps can wait.
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0 25. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Downhill MTB POV through intense South Africa

Wow, he is really passionate about his bike riding 8-) Love it tho :)
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+5 26. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Reporter falls in the river

#1 I think he meant her to grab it..
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+13 27. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video TACO BELL

It really doesnt look tasty, but maybe thats just me
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+10 28. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video ABB Robot Playing Snooker

Yeye we saw that perfectly flawless shot, you don´t need to brag about it!
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+3 29. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Jake Shimabukuro - While My Guitar Gently Weeps

There is at least 2 more vids of him playing this song here on snotr, but its so good that he´s worth one (or a couple?) more :)
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+1 30. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Billy Joel and Jimmy Fallon Form 2-Man Doo-Wop Group Using iPad App

I have no clue who he is, but this was awesome :D
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+7 31. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video THE LION KING Australia

Goose bumps! :D Love it!
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+18 32. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Best earthquake reaction yet

Even if it is a small one, people watch TV, and that includes kids, and you know what kids do, they do what they see, so thats good rolemodeling right there.
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0 33. Benassi-MBeon commented 10 years ago on video Photoshop has gone too far

Have you considered that this could be photoshoped?
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+18 34. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Attach a GoPro to a crab net

Mine... Mine... Mine mine mine mineminemineminemineminemineminemineminemine
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+3 35. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video How to be a Hockey Player

I can´t tell if this is a joke or not
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+1 36. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video This is how they serve ice cream in Turkey

So troll 8-)
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+3 37. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Merry Christmas !!!

Not much wind today, is it?
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+1 38. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Air Horn Classics from Ylvis

Haha, love it xD
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+5 39. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Mountain mirrors to bring light to the dark Norwegian town in the middle of a valley

Wouldnt it be better to not build the town there in the first place?
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+1 40. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Picking Up Girls In A Fat Suit

#5 Guess you´re right
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+5 41. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Picking Up Girls In A Fat Suit

I hope there´s more keys, cuz if confidence is the only key, then im screwed
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+4 42. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Mountain bike backflip over a 72-foot gap

I love that he is humming on a song xD
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+1 43. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Father makes son hold an "I am a bully" sign as punishment

#5 You do know that you read signs almost everywhere on the road? Why would this one be more dangerous than others?
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+5 44. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Father makes son hold an "I am a bully" sign as punishment

Respect for the father indeed! Most parents today, when they get to know that their kid is bullying they just say, "You shouldnt bully, its mean" and give them an icecream. Atleast here in Sweden..
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+18 45. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Extracting Honey

Oh honey, i love you
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+8 46. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Skilled dart thrower

The good thing about this sport is that you cant cheat
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+37 47. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Rock Fall

#4 Good eye mate :)
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0 48. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video What happens when you put a camera on a helicopter rotor

#1 Uhm, isnt he filming and not taking pictures? When filming, isnt the shutter opened constantly?
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+6 49. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Man with an unexpected voice

Even if the title made me ready for an unexpected voice, i did NOT expect that!! :O
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+1 50. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Adele 'Someone Like You' - performed on a bass

Thats pretty skilled to do on a only four string bass too
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+8 51. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video UNDERCITY

Urban exploring at its best
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+42 52. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video A Water Bomber cools off a traffic accident.

When we were about to see the result he shuts the camera off, nice..
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+1 53. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Making SOLID Nitrogen!

Serious question: Why doesn´t the water freeze to ice when -200C nitrogen is poured on it?
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+5 54. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Surprise camera

Seen this before but this was the best one yet :) and what a cheerfull litle kiddo at 1:34 8-)
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+2 55. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Inside a running engine

#1 My guess is that this is a two stroke engine, not a four stroke, which does what you explained
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+11 56. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Norwegian Bachelor Party

Well, if it was me in that situation, bachelor party and all, i would suspect something wasnt right when i can hear voices from all directions, I mean, the people you hear in front of you, are they standing in mid air? I dont think so
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+7 57. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Guy buys a 100 year old saloon piano and makes magic happen

Love the bass tunes! 8-)
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+16 58. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video molten iron throwing

Just dont let the rednecks find out about this!
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+1 59. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video The European Union Explained

The ONLY thing i find positive with EU is that its easier to travel between the EU countries if you´re from a EU country yourself
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+8 60. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video 7-year-old plays "Sweet Child o' Mine"

Thats pretty impressive hehe, looking forward to see her rock the world when she grows up :)
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+31 61. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video The first step to save mankind ...

Too bad the warranty doesn´t cover water damage
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+3 62. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video SpecialEffect: the Gamers Charity

That money cant bring happiness is bullsh*t, cuz it can..
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+1 64. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Beat "Boxing"

Only an asian can beat him
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0 65. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Electric fence...

I say its a dare
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+35 66. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Welcome to the magical shop

Americans gotta be the easiest people to fool lol
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+25 67. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video How animation was done in the 30s.

So many people for one cartoon.. I wonder how they go profit
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+3 68. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Stunt man jumps over speeding Lamborghini

I dont want to imagine what happens if he gets hit :|
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+11 69. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Why Do We Wear Clothes?

If we wouldnt wear clothes, there would be nowhere to put your hands!
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+35 70. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Japanese skyscrapers swaying in an earthquake

Pretty amazing engineering :O
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+28 71. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video A new Ferrari F458 crashes trying to overtake..

If he cant even make a normal overtake, then he doesnt deserve a car like that..
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+5 72. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Dozens of species show up in front of camera trap in threatened Peruvian jungle

So the jaguar probobly watched him the whole time he was checking the camera.. he was lucky he wasnt hungry
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0 73. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Ambulance in Venice

#13 You wont get a boat planing in there..
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+9 74. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Fail Compilation January 2013

First of all, 1:40 was a win, second of all, he is lucky he fell at 5:51 otherwise the car would have hit him which would probobly have made it worse
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+5 75. Benassi-MBeon commented 11 years ago on video Ambulance in Venice

My own theorys:

Why its not fast, if it goes faster the waves could reach up to maybe open windows, or tip/fill other boats.

Why its so loud, other boats in the way cant move to the side as fast as a car so if the siren is louder they will get more time to move out of the way. (They will hear it further away)
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+2 77. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video NYC Subway Beatboxer

Pokerface challenge
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+5 78. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Tony Hawk 2013

This makes me soo wanna play the game again! 8-)
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+19 79. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Turn your 4x4 into a tracked vehicle quickly

#2 No, look at the wheels at 0:30
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+28 80. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation december 2012

That last dude crapped his pants, just so you all know
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+9 81. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video April 24, 1926: World's oldest dash cam footage?

Is he driving a minicooper? He seem to fit everywhere..
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+7 82. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video The guy who appears in almost every movie and TV series

What can I say.. He´s a perfectly looking nerd
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+5 83. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video People are Awesome 2012

I LOVE this song!! :D

Laurence by Feint
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+5 84. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Ultralight Aircraft Emergency Landing

She could atleast had said SOMETHING, so he knew she really was okey..
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+32 85. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Manager Scores Wonder Goal from 40 yards

Love his "wave" at the end: "That was nothing.." :P
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+1 86. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Flawless - Dance Act - Britains Got Talent 2009

#10 Maybe they are basic, but that sync is really hard to beat
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+7 87. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video NASA | Earth at Night

Astonishing! :O
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+3 88. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Mc Donald's Song

#2 Don´t know when it was exacly, but he has been on it yes
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+4 89. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Mc Donald's Song

It´s Todrick Hall if someone wonders :)
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+12 90. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Ancient Archery

I wanted a closeup when he shot those 10 arrows in 4.9 sec..
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+4 91. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Anamorphic Illusions!

Its so frikin realistic! :O
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+27 92. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video The birth of a spraycan

Who knew it was this dramatic to give birth to a spraycan..
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-8 93. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video A helping hand ...

Lamb: Thank you! Mommyyy! This guy saved my life!
Mommy: Thank you kind sir! 8-)
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+10 94. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Street Drummer

#3 You mean that he moves it around? If so, I think its for the "moving" sound :) (scratches on the ground)
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+8 95. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video The Big Bang Theory FLASHMOB

Haha love it! :D
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+24 96. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Armless girl with a special license goes to the drive-thru.

The amount of respect for this girl is HUGE!
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+1 97. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Scientists discover extraordinary new carnivorous sponge.

#3 Because of the amount of money we are spending on the space stuff, we cant even imagine that number
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+12 98. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Scientists discover extraordinary new carnivorous sponge.

Why try to find life on other planets when we havent even found everything on earth yet? 8-)
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+2 99. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video The moon illusion

#2 Couldnt say it better myself, +1
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+2 100. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video La Luna

Wasnt expecting that end haha
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+5 101. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Downhill Dog

Dreamscape - Oldie but Goldie :)
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+7 102. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video How to tie a bow tie.

This is called a fly in swedish :D
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+3 103. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Too late to run now

It sounds so soft 8-)
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+8 104. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Did You Know Gaming - Grand Theft Auto

GTA 2 was the best :D, with cheat ofc ;)
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+20 105. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video R/C Car Chase

Would be so fun to get a bunch of friends to buy cars like these and race like this :D
Btw, nice landing at 2:00 after a 90 degrees angle :P
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+6 106. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Tough Guy

She hates him alright..
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+12 107. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Incredible Leopard kill caught on camera

Those camere shutters :O
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+5 108. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Too Fast to be Good

#1 Its acutally she who drives hehe. "I stoped for a reason.."
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+7 109. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation September 2012 || TNL

Omg, why does pretty much all dont use a helmet!? Pure stupidity..
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+9 110. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Glass Sculpture Created In Seconds

He makes it look so easy
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+2 111. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video French Chef treats meal

Wish I knew french!
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+5 112. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video GIFS With Sound Part 2

0:49 :D :'( :D :'( :D :'(

1:24 Awwwww, how cute :*
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+2 113. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Lightning Hits The Sea - Bay Of Kotor, Montenegro

Again! Slower slower slower!!
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+2 114. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Motorcycle On Fire Explodes

Please, stop spoiling the videos in the title of description! Otherwise it was really cool
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-4 115. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video 10 Useless Human Body Parts

#8 Thats the only reason. And the big bang is not proven either. Niether can i prove that God exist, but thats what i choose to believe, tho i can say i have seen prayers got answered but most people would say it was luck or w/e. So if you choose to believe, you will get a reason for life, be worthful and useful, but if you dont, i hope that someone will make you understand
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-7 116. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video 10 Useless Human Body Parts

#5 Agree. No matter what the video says i think they are there for some reason. So i think this vid is pretty much bullshit, because we are not coming from the monkeys, that would mean that we are here on erath for no reason and we are useless and worthless, and thats not what i believe. Feel free to downrate, its my opinion.
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+3 117. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Just for the Millionaires

If i could afford this, I would deffinetly not spend my money on this crap, I would donate it for sure, honest
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-1 118. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Wakeboarding Upstream in Slovenia

Too much slowmotion.. got annoying
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+11 120. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Man gives crooks taste of their own medicine

Smart move! >:) But why didnt they still take the jewelry? You dont need a van for that..
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0 121. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video The Lion King Bloopers

Haha love it :D. And 3:30, who didnt see that one coming? :P
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+4 122. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Games We Play

Plying! all of these except for the lava game. And the first one, im holding a chainsaw instead, and it went all around the globe to the other side of the car xD
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+2 123. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Don't give up!

There is some strange liquid in my eyes so i can barly see..
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+16 124. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video The Human Jukebox

Such a great idea to get more cash in the jar(s) 8-)
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+5 125. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video THE LION KING RISES

Never thought about this before, but FAIL on the moon at 1:08! "Hey guys! Its almost full ring!"
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+25 126. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Hill Climb Quad Roll

I could use one more replay..
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+13 127. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Gamarjobat - Japanese comedians

These guys are awesome :D
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+23 128. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Baby Bird Egg Hatching !

Poor thing :(, where is his/hers mother?
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+2 129. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Dogs Match Music Notes Perfectly

Imagine when they are fully trained :O
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0 130. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Fun with a subwoofer and water

Slow motion in real life! :O
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+2 131. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Honest Trailers: Titanic

And even moore waving! :D
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+2 132. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Stealing Time

#9 This was the whole thing. But Finite films have done lots of short films, you can check out their channel on youtube:
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+4 133. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Solar powered crowd sourced health care

Its made by "Improv Everywhere"
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-1 134. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Volvo - Project Re:Brief by Google!

#1 Yepp, use adblock like #7 said, for firefox tho, cuz I have never seen those things ur talkiing about
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+26 135. Benassi-MBeon commented 12 years ago on video Top 100 First World Problems

102) Justin Bieber
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+23 136. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Awesome Parrot

Its on repeat.. now how do you turn it off?
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+6 137. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Ride the bowl with a Vespa

Meh, he´s just driving... nothing speciel... it just looks "klumsy"

Good Camera tho
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+8 138. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video 50 Cal Machine Gun VS. 250 Watermelons

"not only does she work at mcdonalds, i think she come here a lot" >:)
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+10 139. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video The power of animation

Why dont he just smell it a litle harder to fly up there :P
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+7 140. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Petey The Dog Plays Volleyball

#1 and 4# He is using his teeth not his nose
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+2 141. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia

If you think about the population in Asia, then there is a pretty big chance there is a retard on the road where u are driving.
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0 142. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Handling branches

Now let him do this with no bended sticks :)
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+1 143. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Optimus Prime Transformation in K'NEX

This just wasted 23 seconds of your life
Picture of Benassi-MBeon43 achievements

+6 144. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Russian spiderman - Sergey Devliashov

Adrenaline junky :|
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+5 145. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Bush Man

"That was a sucker" >:)
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+23 146. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Tribe Meets White Man for the First Time

They are like aliens for them. Imagine if there would come someone here and show you something beyond your imagination, wouldnt you freak out?
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+5 147. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Girls Fail Compilation 2

at 0:47 you can hear something break :x
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+9 148. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Mr Bean - iTunes ad

The description says it all :)
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+3 149. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Aviation Nation 2008 - F-22 Raptor Demo

Boring, he doesnt even do anything special
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+25 150. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Australia's Got Talent 2011 - Chooka

This is insane! Im srsly speechless! Its amazing!
Picture of Benassi-MBeon43 achievements

+1 151. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video This is why we love Poland

"wannabe russians"
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-1 152. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video You better don't dance in america...

This should get thumbs down and not up right?
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-1 153. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Airplane crashing

hm, was it shot down or was it an accident? cuz the description says they were killed
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+16 155. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Cat Can't Catch Rabbit

And the rabbit keeps running while in the air :P
Picture of Benassi-MBeon43 achievements

+12 156. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Scary walk

I almost get goose-skin just by watching :O I hope noone fell when they build this thing ..
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-4 157. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video Karate Guys

so boring..
Picture of Benassi-MBeon43 achievements

0 158. Benassi-MBeon commented 13 years ago on video World's Best Tricks Volume IV (2011)

This is insane skills! Some Looks like Werewolfs without wolf form
Picture of Benassi-MBeon43 achievements

+1 159. Benassi-MBeon commented 14 years ago on video Bird poops in mouth

Bullseye! :P