Comments posted by Bergsten


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+4 1. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video New barrier to stop vehicles trying to ram into buildings

#(removed comment) Really?!?!?!? I have only two questions for you: Did they find all the parts that flew off when you hit the barrier? AND Are the still functional after being sewn back on?
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+7 2. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Home-made flamethrower

After seeing I was beginning to lose faith in the supremacy of the American redneck in the world, this video has restored it fully. Even had a little icing on the cake:

"It's a flamethrower.

For what?


My only question is: Where can I get me one o' them?
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+1 3. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Singer Fails During National Anthem

Quick! Somebody give that man a snickers bar!!

For those just tuning in; get some nuts
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+5 4. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video The Irish don't fuck around with their adverts...

All I want to do after watching that is go hug my 7 year old son for a long time.
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+1 5. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video What could go wrong?

And I thought Americans had cornered the redneck market.......
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+2 6. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video iDrop

#15 that has to be the best analogy I have ever heard to explain the difference between apple and everything else. If the Ipod nano I bought my wife for her birthday a couple of years ago is anything to judge by, purchasing anything Apple is the road to a future of indentured servitude with big brother watching every move.
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0 7. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video New cupholder design

Amazing!!!! What will they come up with next? Let me guess, a timepiece that doesn't rely on a shadow from the sun.......
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0 8. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Drag Racer Gets Thrown Through His Windshield...

I REALLY want the cameraman saying "Ah gut the whole thing." @ 1:58 as the message alert on my mobile.....
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+3 9. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Cops in Quebec run over cyclist for riding the wrong way on a one way street

"That guy back there, he is riding his bike the wrong way. Maybe we should go back and talk to him."



"I think there is something wrong with the car, I heard a 'thump-thump'."

"No, it was something in the road. Let me pull ahead and see if you hear it again, eh?"


"Yep, definitely something in the road; that was the same spot we heard it before."
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+27 10. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Design Flaw

Where we ordinary people see a design flaw the contractor sees one more billable item.
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0 11. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Blue Heron eats a gopher

"Gopher, Everett?"
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0 12. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video This Korean guy really knows how to sell his product

#5 one word would work: hammer.

Or, if you don't carry one of them around, then: rock.
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+1 13. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Scotsman teaches a news reporter how to drink scotch

#18 she did say it was worth it........
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+3 14. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Whale Shark Crash Attack

Now I understand why they call those 'wet suits"
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0 15. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Insane Car Race

"kinda the slowest of the bunch; but that's alright 'cause it sounds the best...." Sounds like a Ford Mustang commercial.
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+10 16. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Freedom!

Must have been a hot day.
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+2 17. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Honda From Heaven

#2 The rider is obviously still in heaven, it was only the honda that was rejected. Lets face it, anyone who has had to live with a honda has been through hell already.
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+3 18. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Teen carjackers thwarted by 70-year-old victim's car with stick shift

Seriously?!? I would be surprised if they hadn't been practicing their "power shifting" for years in front of the internet with their bedroom door locked, but when it comes to the real thing they couldn't make it happen! Go figure.
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+39 19. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Tapping the brakes

Bet he has heard her make those noises before.
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+7 20. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Casual trilingual conversation with little girl

Yes, Spanish it is.
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+9 21. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Casual trilingual conversation with little girl

Behold, the power of the human mind!
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+5 22. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Harley-Davidson Project LiveWire

Too quiet for a Harley.
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+4 23. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Throw him a beer!

Yip Skiddely-Doo!!!!!
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+13 24. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Man fights off great white shark

That'll teach him to not climb around the fence and jump off a cliff.......

Then again, maybe not.
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+1 25. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Alton Brown - A daring way to open a Champagne Bottle

Why all the showboating with a sword? If you know what you are doing a piece of stemware will get the job done.
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+1 26. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video $13k BMW motorcycle vs 1 million dollar Bugatti

#4 Show me the bike that I can sit comfortably and have a normal conversation with the driver while accelerating to that kind of speed(or any speed really) and I'll be sold on those zoomsplats.
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+4 27. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Chemistry Life Hacks

Scrubbing is precisely why that cast iron skillet rusted in the first place; a properly seasoned piece of cast iron cookware would not rust like that. They should only be wiped clean with a warm moist cloth only and NEVER see the inside of a dishwasher.
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+1 28. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video The two talking cats

#1 they are discussing how internet fame will change their lives.
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+4 29. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Destroying data

A microwave oven does the job with more flare.....
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-7 30. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video 25 angry dogs - What would you do?

So, apparently acting like a frightened prey item by screaming and flailing about while backing away is supposed to get dogs who are defending their home to lay down quietly and allow you through.

Don't worry, if that doesn't work you can always threaten to sue the owner for not teaching their dogs to stop barking at a dumba$$ when they wet themselves.
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+5 31. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Gas station on Fire

#6 it even has a nifty new paint job and functional full time air conditioning now
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+3 32. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Slip and slide in Australia

#2 If you listen to the songs lyrics at 1:00 it may help to explain the water......
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+3 33. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Afe Tower's demolition in Frankfurt

#3 Just called the Ghostbusters; it isn't a ghost, just a skeleton. They did mention, however, it seemed odd that a skeleton produced that much ectoplasmic dust......
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+1 34. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Are you are a good liar?

#17 I honestly don't know.
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+4 35. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Game Of Thrones Real Castle

For the rest of us old buggers out there: Blender~=Photoshop
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+30 36. Bergsten commented 10 years ago on video Security kid

#1 What you say is true on a certain level but it looks like this kid has transcended that and arrived at a higher place. He didn't run away and complain "Somebody should do something!"; he just did it. Sure there were risks in what he did, but there are risks with everything we do. If 9 out of 10 people reacted to criminals the way this kid did there would be very little crime.

Kudos kid!! Don't ever let those reflexes be taken away from you!!!!
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+10 37. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Barge wood

Unloading must be one hell of a ride for any crew on board.
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0 38. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Why Does My Body Do That

#4 Maybe the chills girl would help you answer that.
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+4 39. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video How to handle a road rage confrontation

And that, boys and girls, is how NOT to feed a troll.

Please note how the troll, in the absence of the reaction that they all crave, becomes ever more irate, confused, and impotent.

Please, don't feed the trolls.
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+2 40. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Just another cog in the machine

#10 I agree that management and the union are flip sides but I don't agree they are the same coin. At least management doesn't screw the people who don't work for them.

If its not all about the money then why were union dues deducted automatically from mypaycheck(not by my choice, I was told its the law) while I worked in a union shop as a non-union employee?
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0 41. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Wins of 2013 (So Far)

Can't help but think Darwin's ghost feels cheated @ 0:34
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+1 42. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Manual wipers

#1 You gotta hand it to the engineers at LADA, they think of everything.
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+5 43. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Samir...You're breaking the car!

OK, gotta admit I'm a bit wierded out:

Yesterday a vid of my wife's driving( ) only she was speaking Korean; today a vid of my wife in the passenger seat only she is speaking in a male voice with an Indian accent.....

Not sure I want to know what is next
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0 44. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Are you a Boy or a Girl ?!

Dude, stop touching your nipples! Pat is Back!!!!!!!!!
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+2 45. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Fail driving test

Didn't realize my wife could speak Korean.........
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+2 46. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Gas tanks explosion in Russia

Is it just me, or do the car alarms sound like a video arcade?
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+1 47. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Whales almost eat Divers

I'm betting The diver in red's dry suit isn't really a dry suit anymore.
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+3 48. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Weird "Talent"

Where have you been all my life? You can call me Ellen if you like.........
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+1 49. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video GoPro Rock Climbing Fall

Can anyone explain; Why?!?!

Life is precious, why risk losing it to climb a rock?
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+2 50. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Mesmerizing Chinese crepe vendor

Now I am hungry again.
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+1 51. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Russian soldier has a bullet stuck in his forehead

#13 Um,,,,, that WAS the medic pulling out the bullet; you should see what he uses to remove tonsils!!!!!!
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0 52. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video A grizzly ate my go-pro!

Guess now we know what the last thing the hiker who was carrying that cam saw...........
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+1 53. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Chemistry Teacher Experiment Goes Hilariously Wrong

Is he sure he got it all?
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+1 55. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Meanwhile on Irish public transport

#6 Is there any other kind of music?
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+2 56. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Amazing policewoman

#(removed comment) "unacceptable for a police officer" to show some humanity??? I for one think it is great. After all Inspector Javert and the terminator did not make good police( neither one got their man in the end)
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+3 57. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Made my brain dizzy ...

Gonna watch it for the sixth time in a moment and still not sure if I can get my head around what is going on.........
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+5 58. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Man vs Windshield WTF

Never buy a cheap knock off of the original "Trunk Monkey"
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+3 59. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Three Sticks

Multitasking at its finest!
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+3 60. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Awesome paintballing

Yep, the white hat always wins when it comes to corporate "viral" videos.....

Now that I got that off my chest, how do I get in the drivers seat of one of those cars?!? Looks like one hell of a lot of fun >:) >:)
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0 61. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Head-on collision and a massive engine explosion.

#10 that is true but those batteries tend to burn extremely hot and fast when they are damaged and the insides exposed to oxygen. Take a look at That battery was only pinched it a vice, a car accident would cause much more damage to the housing.
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+1 62. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video F-18 Catapult Launch (Cockpit Footage)

#6 / #7 looks like a version of Tetris to me.
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+11 63. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Russian reaction to meteor

I think he needs to pull over and smoke another bowl to calm himself down. Maybe the good folks in would be kind enough to share their blueberry trainwreck if they haven't already.
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+20 64. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Georgian National Ballet

dizzy just watching it.......
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+2 65. Bergsten commented 11 years ago on video Best bartender in the world

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+3 66. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video How To Wash Your Cat

If that was my cat, it would have been a multipurpose video; "How To Wash Your Cat" and(from the cats perspective) "How To Perform Multiple Home Surgeries On Your Human Using Only Your Claws"
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0 67. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Watch this before you choose to be an electrical engineer

I haven't laughed that hard in a while! Just goes to show, some days you are better off staying in bed. :(|)
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+2 68. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Best news bloopers 2012

1:48 The vacuum cleaner man has seen your WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?
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0 69. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Truck accident

Where's the beef? Oh, never mind, it is just picking itself up in front of me.........
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+6 70. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Yesterday, at the crosswalk ...

I'm certain I have seen something pertaining to this while reading the scriptures about the end of days. If I remember right it said something like,"And verily, the delivery van shall cloak itself in pedestrian clothing, and cross at the place designated by the law of the land, all the while displaying the flashing lights of hazard." :(|)
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+5 71. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Terrified driver chased by road rage ''lunatic"

Another arrogant jacka$$ gets just what he deserved, criminal charges. Didn't expect a dash cam did ya, Jack?
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+41 72. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Surprising

Wish my wife would learn that trick........ >:)
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+1 73. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Ping Pong Barbeque

Why do German rednecks not compare to a good old fashioned American redneck? With the American redneck at least there would have been some kind of explosion?!? At least a "Hey ya'll, watch this...." I want my 2 minutes back.......
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+22 74. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Tale of two trains

Yep, watched it twice with both eyes, then 3 times with one eye closed(just to be sure), but still only saw two trains going down their own tracks.... Did I miss something?
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+2 75. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Man Catches Foul Ball While On Cell Phone

a better catch than most of the paid players can make on the field......
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+4 76. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Cat Special Forces

#8 Spidercat climbs again. Go Spidey!
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+1 77. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Girl Accidentally Gets Kicked In the Face

Guess that is one way to get the hot chicks to fall into your arms. Not one I would recommend though.
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+5 78. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video What if Money Did not Matter?

"all retch and no vomit, it never gets there." I gotta admit there are days at work I feel the same way, however, when my 5 year old wakes up at five thirty in the morning on a day he is with me at work yelling, "Today is the best day ever, is it time to get up yet?" does it really matter whether it is my dream job or merely something I enjoy doing.
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+1 79. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video One of these sh***y days

Mama said there'd be days like this....... :O
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+1 80. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Pharmacist sprays robber in face with pepper spray...

I don't envy the bugger but gotta say he's lucky he wasn't in Texas. If he were she would have emptied a .38 in his face, not a can of bear repellent. Ya don't mess with Texas!
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+3 81. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Don't mess with the teacher!

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+10 82. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Too late to run now

#8 no need to go to youtube(unless of course you like watching ads), good old snotr has it right here:
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+2 83. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Star Wars FLASHMOB

#10 , #12 gotta admit an x-plane ( ) flyby would have been really cool too........
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+9 84. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Child Actor Henry Thomas's Audition For E.T.

3:05 "OK kid you got the job" >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+3 85. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Unleash the 007 that is in you

#5 I think he would have passed her, but he would have had her phone number and address for later...... ;)

Need someone to use the other ticket after all........
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+8 86. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Get Off The Fence!

Bet the kid won't touch the fence again, even after he puts on a clean pair of underwear.
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+7 87. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Cat and his slave

Maybe someone should introduce this cat to the one in this video -
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+7 88. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video a touching tribute

#5 I agree we need more people like Fred Rogers. We have all said, at one time or another, "Someone should do something about that." Not many of us take the next step, as Fred Rogers did, and follow that with, "That someone is ME."
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+3 89. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Too Fast to be Good

The poor sap was skidding out of control as soon as he landed at 00:13 . I would be amazed if he recovered from that(but then again this is on Snotr, I have seen stranger things happen here). The roundabout was only icing on the cake.
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+7 90. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Truck tire explodes

#5 you forgot the last step: After coming to a complete stop, call someone to bring you a CLEAN PAIR OF UNDERWEAR!
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+16 91. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Very unwelcome Guest

#6 That has the ring of truth in several different contexts.
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+2 92. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Charl Schwartzel's Four-Putting Fail

I've had days like that too. Too many of them.......
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+15 93. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Hammer To The Head

Hey buddy, you are supposed to ring the other bell......
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+8 94. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Huge underwater snake tries to eat eel

Guess the snake bit off more than he could chew.....
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+3 95. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Slingshot slip'n slide

#2 "alcohol was involved" pretty much sums up my college career and about a decade after that. Nowadays I am no less crazy, I just have a better understanding of how long the recovery time is.(it gets longer every day) That sure looks FUN!
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+9 96. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Teaching Idiots How To Respect Pedestrians

#2 or turned him on his top.....
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+2 97. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Baby Wakes Up With Every Emotion

"Mean look" or "I'm filling my diaper" look?
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+5 98. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Experiments to derail trains

If the ends of the rail on either side of the gap were not aligned I bet the 8 inch gap would have been plenty.
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+3 99. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video How English sounds to non-English speakers

About as understandable to me as a typical conversation with my wife......
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+25 100. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Windsurfing instructor

Can anyone give me the number of a windsurfer instructors school? Doesn't necessarily have to be a quality school, I just want to be a windsurfing instructor...............
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+6 101. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Another Road Maniac on the Loose

Kudos to the person on the silver bike that was the ONLY one to stop and help!
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+2 102. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation July 2012

2:59 WATCH OUT FOR THAT....... never mind, you found it.
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+2 103. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video A classic WTF

situation normal here, nothing to get excited about.......
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+6 104. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video No Head Camel

"He's got an itch I think." Don't all of us guys have an "itch"?
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+1 105. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video How to wake up your wife

Somebody is one step closer to a shovel up side the head in the middle of the night.........
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+2 106. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Queensland Australia Flash Flood

I think it is more likely he is locking his front hubs so the 4wd will work properly. Letting the air out only helps when you are on a soft surface such as sand where you want less ground pressure per square inch to keep from sinking in. On a hard surface such as pavement one wants more ground pressure so increasing the air pressure would be more helpful.
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+1 107. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Most Awesome Dumb Americans

Stupid is as stupid does.
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+17 108. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video 135 People Jump Off A Bridge In Russia

I am reminded of my mother asking me as a kid; "If everyone else was jumping off a bridge, would you jump too?"
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+4 109. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Parking free

I bet she would be a lot better (and safer) driver if she put the phone down that you can see in her right hand at 00:09
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+3 110. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Polar Bear Throws A Rock Breaking Window at the Zoo

#4 if you were looking for a windup and throw baseball style of course you were disappointed, last time I checked bears didn't have opposable thumbs.
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+7 111. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Unintentional Flying Tents

#13 about #9: A troll is as a troll comments, and if we feed them they never go away....... Enough said.
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+1 112. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Welcome To Life

Shouldn't this be in the category Parodies ?

On second thought, I find it frightening how close some of those videos come to our reality so never mind.
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0 113. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Fire In A Fireworks Factory

Need fewer fountains and more aerials in the next show.....
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+6 114. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Runway Model Fails

Feels like I sprained an ankle just watching that.

Maybe someone should let the designers in on a little secret most of us know....

With sensible shoes one can walk without difficulty or as much risk of injury.
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+2 115. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation May 2012

6:29 That's gonna leave a mark.......
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+4 116. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Flying Horse

#4 the unicorns are bringing the rainbows.....
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0 117. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video How Not To Perform A Back Flip

that's gonna leave a mark...........
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+8 118. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Sand Storm

#2 he just wants some poor sap to fold for him.
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-1 119. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Penguins Jumping Onto An Iceberg

add a leopard seal in the water and you will see them all up on the ice, propelled by a jet of poo.........
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0 120. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Swimming lessons for a Mastiff

there was a mastiff in the video? All I saw was two bikinis at the edge of the pool that I wanted to see more of..........
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+1 121. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Cycle-Skating - The New Sport of 1923

#7 you got that right and I believe the indicator that the brakes have worked is laying on the ground wimpering "mommy"......
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+3 122. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Trespassers release footage from top of Shard 2012

Is it physically possible to install more cctv cameras in London?
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+8 123. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Treadmill Fails Compilation

0:17 Wondering what the thought process was that led the poor bugger to try to ride a unicycle on a treadmill, I would like to be able to stop myself before I do something that foolish.......
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+24 124. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video AH-64 Apache Crash in Afghanistan after Insane Maneuver

Hey Y'all watch this! ---- OOPS!!!!
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+15 125. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Lie Detector

#1 I want one of those little boxes for my desk! (as long as it has a mute button) >:)
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+3 126. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video For snooker friends only ...

I have only ever played 8 ball, but he was definitely in the zone. Well shot!
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+2 127. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video The $8Billion IPOD

For Sale: Must sell! fully loaded Ipod, cost 8 billion, but will let it go for 3 billion or make an offer. Serious inquiries only please.
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+1 128. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Dad of the year

I am once again in awe of the human spirit; obstacles can be overcome, no matter how insurmountable they seem.
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+2 129. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Animal sneak attacks

0:56 Excerpt from a TSA training video?
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+1 130. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Somewhere over the Rainbow played on cats!

now lets see him do that with real cats
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+2 131. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Flying DeLorean Quadrotor

#8 one point twenty-one jiggawatts. Guess we'll have to wait until Apple releases their next version of iphone to get a battery with that kind of performance.....
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+3 132. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Man Terrified During Bobsled Ride

Next up, the luge...........
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+5 133. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Catch

Had a dream like that once.....
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+44 134. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Subaru Forester

It is good to know I am not overweight, just getting closer to the Japanese engineered sexy.
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+1 135. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Helicopter Crashes During Top Gear Korea

#6 Riki Tiki Tavi was not available for the filming.(too busy eating eggs)
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+1 136. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Guy Wins a Million Dollars on The Price is Right

@#6 with a little bit of "I think I am about to wet myself" thrown in
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+6 137. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Take on Me North Korean Style

North Korean Style, or Lawrence Welk style?
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+7 138. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Best fight ever!!!!

nah #7, they are fishslapping
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+1 139. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Insane Trapeze Acrobat Hanging off a Helicopter!

@7 this guy isn't so much Bello Nock as he is NUTS!!!! Then again, have always thought Bello Nock nuts.......
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+40 140. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Explosive Bubbles

I swear I heard my wife there towards the end..........
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-1 141. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video What Is Squashing

Be afraid....... Be Very afraid......
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+12 142. Bergsten commented 12 years ago on video Dude Cheats Death On a Cliff with a Snowmobile

@master_shake- almost did