Comments posted by CamelotVegito


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+14 1. CamelotVegito commented 13 years ago on video Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song

#6 Then, please by all means Explain the last 4-10 years of Music. Between Auto-tune killing the real Vocalists. Pop-stars killing the meaningful lyric. And what passes for Rap now killing itself. And everyone that plays Classical music bleeding off into pop killing the Beautiful arrangements that have lasted hundreds of years. Please explain how you "Need an Original Melody and Meaningful Lyrics?" The point I got from this and the 7 other versions I have heard was Originality is dead.
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+14 2. CamelotVegito commented 13 years ago on video RNA interference

#(removed comment), #7. Please keep your bronze age Mythology to yourselves when discussing the advancement of man it cheapens it, and to one like myself only seems to be a cop out for ignorance.
"Religion is like a Penis. It is fine to have one, even be proud of it. Just don't swing it around in public and for goodness sake don't shove it down the throats of my children."
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+6 3. CamelotVegito commented 13 years ago on video Face-Off With a Deadly Predator

#9 Narwhal.....
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+1 4. CamelotVegito commented 13 years ago on video Before and After Joplin Tornado

I live less than 30 minutes from there Near Cape Giradeau Missouri. Drove through Right after the tornado ran it's course. I had been cleaned up a bit when these shots were taken. The Roads were Covered in the remnants of trees and houses.
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+1 5. CamelotVegito commented 13 years ago on video Global Warming Warning

#2 Surfing in Kansas and Colorado.
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+7 6. CamelotVegito commented 13 years ago on video Chop your own arm and survive

This might sound cruel but, That's what the tard gets for sticking his hand/arm in a RUNNING MACHINE! Ok, I feel better now. Seriously I hate stupid people....

Also #4 LOL nice, Thought that about 50 or so seconds into the vid.
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+3 7. CamelotVegito commented 13 years ago on video River Turns Green

Meanwhile in Chernobyl..... Is what I would have named this.
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+3 8. CamelotVegito commented 13 years ago on video How things are made: CD

#11 I was on the front page and it said "Parody". Kinda figured it was fake then.....
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+1 9. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Wiley Vs. Rhodes

Wow, PortugaL26 Why? Why did you break your usual thing of uploading good vids and, bring us this crap?
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-2 10. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Battle of the Year 2010

#1 The judge by Crowd Reaction. Measured in Decibels.
For most of em it is just pure hype.
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+22 11. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video How to save someone from drowning

All I could think the whole time was. "So that is where the phrase came from......" Blowing smoke up someones ass. Epic!
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+3 12. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Mackensi Emory 2010 Sampler

Wow, who went on the thumb down spree? Someone trying to feel good about themselves again?

Also, if you don't like what said before then get over yourself because I have 18 years under my belt of training in the field of martial arts. It is merely my objective opinion, using my expertise of the subject.
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+2 13. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Mackensi Emory 2010 Sampler

She needs to seriously work on her Flexibility instead of strength training. 90% of her moves were slowed down because of her lack of the elasticity in her muscles and tendons; and about 80% of her kicks in general lacked the Extension needed to make it work, because of that you can see her almost topple over a few times. Overall not too bad for a 13 year old though.
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+1 14. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video The Birds

I want to shoot a Punt gun at it sooooooo bad.....
In the case of you not knowing what one is...
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+2 15. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Coyote Vs. Man

Luckily, the Coyote in Missouri where I am at are more laid back. They have food everywhere in the wild still. I have actually pet a wild pack leaders head in front of the 6 following him. He was pretty cool. This one was just playing with him even a single angered or really hungry would take him he didn't seem to have any defensive weapon or anything.
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0 16. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 All Time Michael Jordan Dunks

@#9 I thought the Number 1 dunk was going to be that one the WHOLE time. Then Notta. That one was Fucking Epic. Saw that shit Live when I was a Kid.

Here is the youtube clip for it.
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0 17. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video SNES - 100 Super Nintendo games in 10 minutes!

Nostalgia'd so Hard, Thanks man.
Also, I remembered around 85% of them and the names lol.
@#19 I could do most but not all.
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+2 18. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Terrific ride

Epic, I think this should be a new Olympic Event. "Equine Pole Vault"
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-1 19. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Airventure 2010

@ #1 Carpet Bombing run.
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0 20. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Aron Ralston's Story

*In my best Jigsaw Voice* "So Aron were going to play a game."
That is all I could think the entire explanation of how he got out.
Amazing story though. Only difference is when I go out, I have many knives I take and they are all Razor sharp. Including a Nice hatchet.
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+2 21. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video This guy climbs like Spiderman!

Wow, Eat your heart out Assassins Creed!
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-1 22. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video We Like War

#3 No you need to watch Zeitgeist. The US isn't in control. Never has been. It isn't any ONE country's fault in all reality.
Though Having been born, raised, and lived my entire life in the US the main problem here is Misinformation. Religious fanatics spew lies about everything they don't like and keep it going since most religious people here Refuse to question anything, Until they "Declare War" on it. As long as it is a Noun, or Verb. Someone in the US hates it and will piss and moan till its gone. Everyone here's head is too far stuck up they're own asses and pet projects to Fix the legitimate problems.
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+2 23. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video AngelShark

:32 "Get that Salad outta here!"
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0 24. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Rollerman

21st Century Replacement for the Luge anyone?
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+25 25. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video C-17 Airdrop 4 Humvees 50 Paratroopers

#3 Let us consider for a moment the speed of the Aircraft. Dropping in after the Hummers you would still wind up quite a ways away. Where as when you Circle back around to the GPS guided landing site and drop the troops you can land them within 15-50 meters away from the hummers every time. :)
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+6 26. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Bullfrog Hunts...Anything!

#6 Hell yea Thought that too about 1:10 ish.

#13 / #(removed comment) Dude don't ever feed the trolls.....

#15 I totally thought about the "Rock toad Belly" thing of his.

Still quite impressive though, to be that voracious of a predator with none of the normal defenses or "weapons". I mean not even a single friggin Tooth.....
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+5 27. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Devils Pool

#4 Your right we wouldn't catch you dead there. You would still be alive there. You wouldn't die till you hit the bottom. :D
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0 28. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Juggle a Bobcat at work

I actually used to work at a farm where we had to drive Bobcats. That is actually pretty easy once you get the hang of the SUPER sensitive controls. Doing a Catwalk is more fun though!
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0 29. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video 32m (107ft) handmade bungee jumping and rope swing

Ummm they say it is a 30 meter bungie. not 32 just so ya know. Also Looks fun as HELL!
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+5 30. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Homemade Drum Kit For Guitar Hero

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0 31. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Hot Blonde Chick Got Skills

... That is a bike set up for stunts. She has no skills I have seen people do a "Cat Walk" on those after only a few tries, And I might add without crashing a 60k bike to do it. Also, 2:25 this is what happens when she left the kitchen.
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+2 32. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Bottle Opener

Noooooo! Alcohol abuse! Red Card for party Fouls! Ejected from the game!
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+42 33. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Heineken - The Tube

I think, I may have just shat myself from how awesome that is.......
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+5 34. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Chameleon in super slo-mo

*In my best black voice* "Damn Nature You Scary!!"
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+7 35. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video The Best Motivational Video You Will Ever See!

I almost cried Manly Tears! Bravo!
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-17 36. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Fishing tv show bloopers

#(removed comment) I don't even know where to begin with you, that sentence hurt my brain.......
Also, Another damn re-post, Jesus Christ people there is a Search function you can use to find out if someone else has already added this..... Just because it is New to you, does not mean its New to the world.
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+3 37. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Weirdest Animals On Earth

First one is a Mudkipz something we all love!
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+3 38. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Hitler Sings

#1 Worst Really? The Catholic Church had a Higher body count than Hitler in they're first decade. And they did things even Hitler said was cruel.
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+7 39. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Donald Duck - The Spirit Of '43

#8, Personally I am far from a Nazi/Aryan such as yourself. But I do agree with most of what you have said. If anyone has seen Zeitgeist you would all mostly agree as well. This kind of Propaganda is what screwed the USA. Because, everyone loves a Cartoon. No one likes the truth.
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+75 40. CamelotVegito commented 14 years ago on video Awareness test!

Fucking Epic!
:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) 5 MonkeyHeads