Comments posted by Cheezymadman


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+6 1. Cheezymadman commented 15 years ago on video Amazing sniper shot

This video is a classic. It's also why the crime rate in Dublin, OH is half the national average. :D
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+2 2. Cheezymadman commented 15 years ago on video Producer Flips Out

This is called the Director's Track, or Producer's Track. It's only audible to those in the studio and the surrounding technical areas, and only over headsets. It doesn't go out over the broadcast at all.
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+2 3. Cheezymadman commented 15 years ago on video The end of the world

First of all, #26 wins today's Godwin's Law Fail Award.

Secondly, I'm really glad that we've gotten this far in the comments without the obligatory "overzealous Christian who denounces everything in the video which disagrees with his/her religion" post.

Thirdly, awesome stuff. This kind of thing is why I'll always watch Deep Impact before Armageddon. Disaster movies where the earth is destroyed are so much better than the ones with happy endings. Which is why my favorite war movie of all time is Dr Strangelove.
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+2 4. Cheezymadman commented 15 years ago on video Unbelievable trick

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+1 5. Cheezymadman commented 15 years ago on video Explosive skateboarding in slow motion

bigsteve, the song is by M83
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+1 6. Cheezymadman commented 15 years ago on video Front wheel drive tricks

Well, now I can check "FWD sedan with trailer hitch" from the list of "Ridiculously useless things to see"
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0 7. Cheezymadman commented 15 years ago on video Motorcyclist and sheep

#3 It's not like he was holding the camera with one hand and driving with the other. It's obviously a helmet-mounted camera, so what's the problem?
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0 8. Cheezymadman commented 15 years ago on video Pretty good driver

Great driving by the getaway man there, but not smart for the cops to be trying the PIT maneuver (the name for the "tap the back end" move) at those speeds. If the guy wasn't so good, he'd be sideways on the other side of the highway, right in oncoming traffic.
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0 9. Cheezymadman commented 15 years ago on video Dynamic Tower

#22 There is no point. The people of Dubai build stuff like this all the time. Which is why we're paying $3 a gallon for gas.