Comments posted by ChewableYeti


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+10 1. ChewableYeti commented 10 years ago on video “Slap her", children's reactions

There is a big link in domestic violence with children who grew up in violent households (parents arguing/fighting and child abuse) and abusive parents.

When they grow up, they are often abusive towards their children or partners, so this video might say a lot about the parents? Or maybe they are simply nice :)
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+1 2. ChewableYeti commented 10 years ago on video Insane steadicam shot

In my school theatre (seats about 400)I do a lot of lighting for most of the productions and it's a really interesting thing to learn about actually, making sure the show runs smoothly and dealing with unexpected problems as they come up can be really chalenging... :)

Does anyone have any idea what that second guy following the camera man is doing?
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0 3. ChewableYeti commented 10 years ago on video U.S. F/A-18E/F Rhino Breaks Speed of Sound

That black guy looks very unimpressed...

But then again I guess you would be if it was what you saw everyday for 8 months at a time.
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0 4. ChewableYeti commented 10 years ago on video Diver attacked underwater by another diver

What i don't get is why he kept attacking her!? :D
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+10 5. ChewableYeti commented 10 years ago on video Firefighter rescues an entire family from drowning

I think after that beach run i would pass out anyway!

Great job spotting them though! :)
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0 6. ChewableYeti commented 10 years ago on video How to properly handle a stick drop

Wow, as a drummer when i am at home and i drop a stick, i always think to myself, what would of happened if i was actually performing! That is a nice recovery though...
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+25 7. ChewableYeti commented 10 years ago on video Heroes of the Year

This is perfect, with police and everything.
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+8 8. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Tuvan Throat Singing

That is so cool, especially with the effect of the ice flowing behind! :D
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+8 9. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video This is how you road rage

Ok, so a couple of weeks ago i submitted this video and it didn't get accepted but now it does by someone else? Ok....
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+20 10. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Vladimir does backflip !

"what happened to you? You look awful?"


Don't they usually put truck tired in cages in case this happens? People die like this...
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-3 11. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video How a drum sounds based on where it's played

This is great, someone showed me this a while back and the guy (Nicolas) is actually an old family friend from when I used to live in France. :)
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+12 12. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Nuclear reactor starting up

Needs a floating rubber ducky. :)

And the blue glow is actually cause by the Cherenkov Reaction.
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+1 13. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video It's hard to not laugh at Segway accidents

This is something my granddad and his brother have developed over in france. I've tried it a few times and its really a lot of fun. Also, there's no risk of spinning round like a segway. Check it out. :)
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+24 14. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video From the cockpit of a plane fighting the rim fire in Yosemite

"Landing gear, landing gear, landing gear, landing gear, landing gear."

Like flying with the wife....
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+10 15. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video The reasons why we drive on the left vs. right side of the road

I really like these series but i can't seem to take all the information in so quickly... :|
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+4 16. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video I'm the alpha monkey

Amazing how an animal can bring happiness to lots of people, like this man.

Also makes me realise how much I want a monkey :)
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+10 17. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Motorized surfboard

Those things are great fun for £10 000 but if you get any water into the petrol engine, well...
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-2 18. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Real-life Superman prank

#2 Underground tunnel or behind a fence?
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+3 19. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Birth of a Pond Time Lapse

Amazing, recently dug one out in my garden i i thought that it was big! :)
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+27 20. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Gyroscopes are amazing!

Cool, so how long 'till anti-gravity?
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+3 21. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Hospital bed, with electrical operation!

French TV ftw! :D
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+4 22. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video I am SOOOOO glad I didn't grow up here.

30x more powerful that a bee sting? Wooooowwww.......

And how do they measure the pain?
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+24 23. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video A friendly reminder to never over-inflate your basketball.

Listen to it.... BAAM! :D
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+4 24. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video opening a bottle of bubbly

Yeah, then drink all the glass bit in it.
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+8 25. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Train derails while cleaning up a train derailment

OOOOOHHH, the irony...
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+3 26. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Train derails while cleaning up a train derailment

Smooth move.....
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+22 27. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Burning stuff with 2000ºF solar power using a Fresnel lens from a old TV

Amazing, but with that gasoline, if the flame had gone up, the whole can would of exploded!
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+4 28. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video How rope was made the old fashioned way

Sorry this sin't about the video, but what happened to the video about mountain biking just before?
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+7 29. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Dog rescue. Russian style...

What's that all about? 1:10
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-6 30. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video One hole & nine balls

I don't understand why people don't spell check their spelling when posting something.
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+9 31. ChewableYeti commented 11 years ago on video Worlds Smallest Car

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0 32. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video 10 Common Science Myths

Snotr, im going to have to completely stop using this website. It takes me about and hour to load a 4 minute video... My internet is not great but youtube is fine.
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+8 33. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Tattoo removal

The laser breaks up the ink particles then they get taken away in the bloodstream. I think.
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+4 34. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Shark Riders - Introducing GoPro's New Dive Housing

I really want one of those propeller things she's got on her legs. They could be so much fun. :O
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+7 35. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Experiments to derail trains

Thats one for the health and safety people in britain, with the people driving the train. :D
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+15 36. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Dog swims with dolphins

i love it at 0:20 with the life jacket :D
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+20 37. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Iceberg Avalanche Barrels Toward Boat

WOAW!!!!!!!!! :D
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+39 38. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Shocking Footage of a hit and run driver - chased and caught

I saw this on TV a while back, she deserves to have all of those fines and being banned from driving...
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+8 39. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Oldest Light in the Universe

Yay, new category, science... :)
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+36 40. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Luckiest dude in Russia

Amazing how ignorant some people are... :| I had to watch it over and over again...
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-3 41. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video golf course Bubble

That's amazing how watertight the earth is...
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+8 42. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Wig from my own hair prank

Great idea you could have a lot of fun with that... :) ( 2:17 derpina )
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+1 43. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Building The Batmobile

Amazing but if i was driving it for the filming, I would be kinda worried about scraping something with it...
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+22 44. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video T-Mobile Customer service....

Hang on... Isn't that security guard guy meant to be doing something about it?
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+22 45. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video AWESOME KO

:O These boxer people must spend quite a lot of their time recovering from hits. :|
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+1 46. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Bushman Ghillie Suit Scare Prank

The thing is, these jumping out at people pranks aren't really that funny anymore. :|
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+1 47. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Gas Station Design Fail

#11 that is supposed to sway like that. If it was rigid, it would just break.
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+1 48. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Amateur accrobats

Wow he must be quite heavy to bring down that big pillar... :|
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+7 49. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video World's Biggest Lego Tower

Wow, always thought that everyone had more Lego than me... :| Where did they get all of thet from? :)
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+18 50. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Bamboo Railway - Cambodia

This is great how they make something really simple out of spare parts. It shows that the big thing aren't always better and sometimes the smaller, simpler things are...
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+3 51. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Wheelchair Bungee Jumping

I love the way they juts throw him off the edge. 8-)
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+3 52. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Giant Rubik's Cube Mosaic, ArtPrize 2010, Pete Fecteau

He must have to calculate the colors before he assembles it.

Probably takes a while. Still, pretty good artwork there.
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+3 53. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Rolling in the deep

Those bits where it slides down sound pretty awesome ( 0:10, 0:14) :O
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-6 54. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Underwater for 10 days

What about eating and drinking?

His skin must be all wrinkly like it is if you go you the pool or have a bath too long...

Still, pretty cool stuff...
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-2 55. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Volvo - Project Re:Brief by Google!

Come on guys, advertising isn't hat bad :|
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-7 56. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Deep Sleep

This is just a parent trying to show of their "beautiful" kids to the world.

The boy didn't seem to be very exited about his dad coming home...
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+17 57. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Imploding Iceberg

They must of got hurt with those ice cubes falling one their heads...
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+2 58. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Mustang Burnout & Chase of RC Drift Car

They must of got through a lot of RC cars...
I'd hate to be the one buying them.
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-1 59. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Black Diamond Jet Team Teaser

They must spend hours practising...

And crashing.
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+35 60. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Street Drummer

That is some amazing bass drum work... I am a drummer myself and even i can't do most of that stuff... :O
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+5 61. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Formula car drifting at the Nurburgring

These car really aren't designed for thins kind of thing... It must of been really hard to drive.
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+2 62. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Olivier Rochon perfect punch front

Those people in the house don't seem very exited...
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+2 63. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Meanwhile in China...

It would be good to have a ride...
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-2 64. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video THE MAN WHO LIVED ON HIS BIKE

Fake... :|
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-2 65. ChewableYeti commented 12 years ago on video Where Amazing Happens (Ridiculous)

No, it's definetly for gays... 0:21
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+6 66. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video Amazing underwater fishing Upside-down

How do they stay upside-down?
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+8 67. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video Best Local News Bloopers of 2011

0:41 What was he thinking about?
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+16 68. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video Full Earth-rise

Its so beautiful it looks fake! Amazing.
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+3 69. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video Hi , we are from the Government....

stupid man from the gorvenment
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-1 70. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video Smart monkey knows how to make a fire

They could be quite useful pets.
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-1 71. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video 100 Years in 10 Minutes

i like bombs
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+5 72. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video amazing street performer

Not as good as beardyman :|
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+2 73. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video Daydream of a Penspinner

I can't even spin drumsticks.
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+2 74. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video Don't mock the quadricycles

they do look pretty fun but again you might as well get a DTV Shredder ::(|)
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+2 75. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video Bungee jumper's cord snaps

Ouch. That's got to put you off for the rest of your life.
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+2 76. ChewableYeti commented 13 years ago on video Super Mario

Does go on a bit too long but still, this guy has got some talent...