Comments posted by CornerGeek


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+10 1. CornerGeek commented 14 years ago on video how to pack your bag

#29 A zip file is a bunch of files that are compressed
and stored in a single file that can be uncompressed at a
laiter time, hence
Picture of CornerGeek23 achievements

+25 2. CornerGeek commented 14 years ago on video Red Wasp vs. Giant Spider

Wasps do not loose the stinger and die like a bumble bee,
he lives to kill again....
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+24 3. CornerGeek commented 14 years ago on video Red Wasp vs. Giant Spider

Who's for lunch now be atch!
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+21 4. CornerGeek commented 14 years ago on video The original car wash for COWS

1) 2) 3) These are female Dairy cows, they are raised for milk and are not generally slaughtered for meat. They live a better life than steers (a male cow that had its nuts chopped off)which get turned in to the tasty steaks and such.
Typical, the female gets to go to the massage parlor and have her tits pulled a couple of times a day and the male dies early and gets hes nuts clipped. MMM Cheeseburgers :D
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+6 5. CornerGeek commented 15 years ago on video Extreme christian view of Pokemon

Don't spent your money on pokemon, send us all your money
instead and we'll make sure you go to heaven "Wink Wink"
o yea I need your kids to meet me in my chambers, they need some
special saving.
Friggin hate self righteous assholes like this cramming shit
down peoples throats. I'm guessing he's the one going to need
the saving in the end.
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+9 6. CornerGeek commented 15 years ago on video Morons and motors, they dont match

MV Agusta F4I - $18,000
I'm a fag shorts - $24.00
having to change your shorts after
you crash your F4I cuz your a tard - PRICELESS!
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+9 7. CornerGeek commented 15 years ago on video The difference between Viruses, Trojans & Worms

Symantec should spent more time designing better software
instead of commercials to sell there crappy bloatware.
Symantec was awesome... in 1998 when it worked great, been down hill ever since. Try making software that does not take a supercomputer to run and a half hour to install or uninstall
and you'd be doing all of us computer techs a favor when we have to uninstall your crapware to actually fix a problem with software that really works to remove viruses.