Comments posted by CrackrJak


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0 1. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Driver ejected from car

I agree with #8. I know a guy that was driving his pickup truck in a thick fog.
A semi-trailer jack knifed across both lanes, fortunately the pickup driver was fast enough to be able to slide and he laid down on the passenger seat. The pickup's top was shorn completely off as the rest of it went under the semi-trailer. If had been wearing a seat belt, he'd have died.
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+7 2. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Fire In A Fireworks Factory

Fireworks, that are made in the USA, have to be made in isolated sheds surrounded by large berms of sand well away from any other similar sheds.

The reason for the isolation is made apparent in this video, so that the whole factory doesn't explode.

I used to work at an ammunition manufacturer, they have to store their 'powder' the same way, only they take the added step that the bunkers are underground.
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+5 3. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Diver Saves Puffer Fish From Hook

Rather dangerous maneuver because puffer fish are poisonous.
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+3 4. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Working With Bears

Balls of Steel
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+13 5. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Japanese lunchboxes.

#3 and #4 You two just don't get it do you? Japanese society sees food as more than just something to eat, it's supposed to look good too. Bento boxes are not just made for the kids, they are made for adults as well.

Culinary art is not a "disgusting waste of time" if those that eat it both appreciate the effort put into it and enjoy the meal itself.
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+5 6. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Hanging with the Lions on a Zebra car

getting licked by a cat is the at at the top of the 'I love you' behaviors of catdom.
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+5 7. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video POV Of A Firefighter

Scary. Much appreciation to firefighters like these.
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+4 8. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video For snooker friends only ...

Even if you don't know how to play snooker, he just shown everyone how the game is played. Extremely difficult to do.
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-4 9. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video No, I said stop stop stop

Today's cars are made like junk, this just helps prove that.
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-19 10. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Economic Hitmen

Anti-Capitalist Propaganda, that's all this is.
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+9 11. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Don't buy puppies

I highly doubt that made-up statistic.

I know for a fact that Pets Mart and other shops get their puppies, and kittens, from local shelters, not 'puppy farms'. In fact most of the animals they have are adults, not puppies or kittens.

But let's take a look at the real reason why 'puppy farms' exist in the first place. Greedy purebred breeders, that charge $500 to $2000 for a puppy, which is a ridiculous amount to pay.

The best way to get a puppy is through a shelter, most times they may not have the breed of dog you would like, but they can either put you on a list. Should that breed of puppy come in they will call you, or you can contact breed specific rescue organizations.

Either way, spay or neuter the puppy you get, there are too many strays euthanized already.
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+10 12. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Heart stop beating

Craig Lewis, a 55-year-old Texas man, lived for five weeks without a pulse. He died due to underlying disease.
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+3 13. CrackrJak commented 12 years ago on video Tiger tank start up

They were cranking the generator to charge the starter motor.
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+28 14. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Military Jet Landing on an Aircraft Carrier

If you pay attention, on the left, you'll see "The Ball" a red light with green bars on each side, that tells the pilot they are on the glide path and their wings are level, or not.
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+3 15. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Redneck Fun

That was better than many of the 'Dukes of Hazard' jumps I seen on TV as a kid.
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+10 16. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Redneck mechanics: Tank Tracked Truck

Bob Chandler, The guy that made Bigfoot 4x4, did this years ago with a Ford mini-van body.
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+6 17. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Life's Too Short- School Scene

My first reaction to seeing Justin in the chair was, "Oh hell no!"
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+4 18. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video click click click

Looks like a good way to break your mouse.
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+10 19. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Why did the salmon cross the road?

To show the possum that it could be done.
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+4 20. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Mountain Coaster

#1 You do see the lift right ? The carts slip off the end of the tube and lifted back up to the top where they are slid back onto the beginning of the tube.
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+5 21. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video How to not escapce from parking service

Picking up someone's car, like this, while the driver is still inside would be considered kidnapping. I'm betting that crane's hydraulic system will cost more to repair than the car. Dumb moves on both parties.
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+1 22. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Dare to fight?

That's a bit unfair, don't ya think ?
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+1 23. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Sleeper Car

Nice wheelstand :)
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+1 24. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Rocket Launch 35 km (22 mi) above earth

116160 feet, Yup that's over 100,000 feet that's officially into 'space'.
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+7 25. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Robin Williams - The smart kid

Robin Williams is nearly certifiably crazy, but he makes money so they let him stay out in public. hehe. :D
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+5 26. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Hoover Cat

At least they'll be fewer hairballs.
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+1 27. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Runaway Crane

It snapped those poles like twigs. :O
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+6 28. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video LSD Research

Technically what is happening is someone's brain while they are on LSD is a huge release of serotonin and a flood of misfiring neurons. What is reportedly being 'sensed' is nothing at all, the brain is just going loopy with too much input. The main problem with LSD is that it can and does restructure the brain in ways we don't fully understand and that can be a very bad thing. LSD can cause schizophrenia, depression, mania, and a host of other psychosis. Also LSD can be stored in fat cells, which at a later date can lead to a secondary unexpected trip at any time.
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+4 29. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Senior-Friendly Grocery Stores

#5 Berlin has been an 'international city' since the end of World War 2, in two of the occupied zones, in old west Berlin, spoke English quite regularly.
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+5 30. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Fantastic helicopter show

Just flying a helicopter normally is hard enough, what this pilot is doing is extraordinary.
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+4 31. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Pimp My Bike

Dishonest title is dishonest.
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+2 32. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Monty Python - Village Idiots

East Anglia, Isn't that where they came up with the theory of Global warming ?
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+3 33. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Metamorphose

It's the creature from the black lagoon, Kill it with FIRE! Ahhhhhhhh.
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+4 34. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Mosquitos Sucking Blood

Damn little vampires, if there was one insect that i would wish extinct it would be mosquitoes of all types. Mosquitoes cause more sickness and death than any other creature on earth by carrying malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, and other pathogens.
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-3 35. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Monster Tajima's Record Breaking run at Pikes Peak Hill Climb

Under 10 minutes, Way To Go!
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-7 36. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Ukraine's got talent children performance

#8 the Cyrillic languages are very close to one another though, not unlike the Latin based languages.
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+32 37. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Exploding Fail

This is the very definition of impatience.
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+4 38. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video QLOCKTWO

#5 JoelVA, Yeah $1,100. I can understand making a profit from your invention, but you can buy an ipad2 and install an app that does the exact same thing for a lot less.
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+1 39. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia

I've seen some truly asinine driving in my day, but these really take the cake.
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+6 40. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Scientist gets too close to lava lake! - Richard Hammond's Journey to the Centre of the Planet

What would possess someone to get that close to a surging lava lake, like that ?
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-3 41. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video "The plan "

Anarchists by any other name are still anarchists.

You may dislike or even hate the governmental system you live in, but it can be changed peacefully.

I fear Anonymous will not remain peaceful much longer, they are inspiring people to 'get involved', but I can guarantee that some of those who do involved will not remain peaceful.

Ask yourself this, Is it worth throwing the baby out with the bath water ?

Is it worth loosing your safety and security for the freedom of anarchy ?

I'm not saying we should remain ignorant sheep just taking what is given us.

I'm saying this sort of rhetoric leads to violence and that violence leads to more governmental control until all that's left is violent revolution and few if any of us want to really live in the anarchy that follows.
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+8 42. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Very accurate rifle

Probably got a clod of dirt stuck in the end of the barrel, that backfire could've killed him.
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+1 43. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Choosing Your Landing Spot FAIL

Guess he didn't need that spleen anyways.
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-3 44. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Lion takes a nap

Not to nitpick but that's not a lion, That's a Siberian Tiger.
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+15 45. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Lake Covered In Volcanic Ashes

Looks like the biggest pit of quicksand ever.
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+3 46. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Ridiculous traffic intersection in Iran

How does such an authoritarian regime have such chaos on the road ?
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+1 47. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Nothing to worry about...

Looks he's Sheik M'Drawers.
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+2 48. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Bubble Baby´s Laugh Slow Down!

That kind of laugh will haunt your dreams.
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+3 49. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Double swing FAIL

Well, I guess we can tell who will eventually win a Nobel Peace Prize.
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-3 50. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video 5 vs 300 ... ouch

Soccer fans are thugs, they form gangs that have rioted, beaten people, and even killed.
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+11 51. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Gas station fireball

It's called a Bleve - Pronounced as Ble-vee.

It stands for Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion, They are one of the most dangerous types of fires to fight and have killed many firefighters in the past.
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+2 52. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Dueling Babies

The Corsican Brothers perhaps ?
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+5 53. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Making money ...

He needs to call up his state's Dept. of Weights and Measures and ask them for an audit of this station's pumps.

If the Dept. of Weights and Measures finds that station is being fraudulent they can be fined and loose their business license.
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-5 54. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Cat Meets Fox

Show me the cat fox. :)
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+6 55. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Who defends the rights of animals?

First off, Animals do NOT have 'rights', They have protections in many countries but not all.

Now having said that, It obvious these remaining animals are being mistreated and they should be humanely removed to other zoos or euthanized if they can't be moved.
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+2 56. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Unbelievable excavator stunt

This is how you can get a bulldozer into and out of a vertical shaft without having to rent a heavy crane.
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+44 57. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video WSB support race crash

The bike handled itself better than the driver did. :)
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+6 58. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Work Accident

#11 is correct, This is a rolling mill accident, obviously the metal jammed in the mill causing the rest of the bar to fold and loop outside of the machine.
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+1 59. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Can't stop laughing compilation

Needed a good laugh this morning, This fit the bill. :)
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+5 60. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Tanker Truck Fire

I don't know about other countries but the USA mandates that fire suppression systems be installed at all gas stations. All an attendant has to do is to pull a pin and hit a big red button and the whole area is covered in a water/foam mixture to suppress a fire.
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+4 61. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Bottle of water + microwave.

#14 When water heats to steam it expands with a ratio of 1 to 1700. That means that 10 cubic centimeters of water will expand to fill 170 cubic meters of space within seconds. This property of water is why steam has been so useful to us over the decades, and still is today.
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+2 62. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video 1950's Commercial for Coca-Cola

#4 Dr. Pepper out dates Coca-cola
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+9 63. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Cute Puppies Attack

This would make for great therapy for depression. :-)
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+3 64. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Skydiver's near impact

I think seeing the tops of the mountains getting close gave them their first clue.
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+24 65. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Rear View Girls

If you seen a camera hanging down someone's backside you'd likely stare too.
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+16 66. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Corvette Burnout

Ruined a perfectly good Corvette :(
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+6 67. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Landing blind

That is absolutely insane to have to land a plane in that kind of fog.
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+11 68. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Microwaving An Egg

Blew like a handgrenegg :O
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+10 69. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Knuffingen Airport

At least there are no strip searches at that airport :D
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+5 70. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Mattel Tommy Burst

As with any toy that was really fun, The goodniks had to ban them.
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+10 72. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Rare Siberian Tiger walks public road in Russia

I'm guessing this driver was unaware that this tiger has been known to jump over 30 ft. and chase down deer and elk.

I don't think he would've dared open his door if he had. Heck the glass on those doors wouldn't have protected them, had that tiger really want them for lunch.
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+3 73. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Icey Cables

Btw, That sparking is dangerous to your eyes if you continue to watch it in person. Watching this video won't hurt your eyes though.
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+7 74. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Satan visits the children

The Mysterious Stranger is a book by Samuel Clemens, quite an interesting read but don't take it too seriously. It's about being a writer, and how writers can invent whole worlds in their imagination.
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+1 75. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video The Secret Life of Cats

Love this video :) <3 <3 <3
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+26 76. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Drum Corps Edinburgh Military Tattoo

One of the best independent drum corps ever.
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+6 77. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video 100 Famous Rock Guitar Riffs

Some of those riffs would sound better using the guitars they were originally played on, but it was a good effort.
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+1 78. CrackrJak commented 13 years ago on video Star Trek door at home

You know what, I'm sooooo impressed about this <sarcasm>, Because my local Walmart store does the same thing without using an air compressor.
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+1 79. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Russian Car Crash Compilation

I think we can safely replace the words "Blond" and or "Female", with the word Russian, when it comes to driving jokes.
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+32 80. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video One Hell of a Hockey Hit

Blatantly illegal hit, and before that he was attempting to hook him with his stick. No.14 should've at least received a major penalty for that.
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+2 81. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Supercharged Engine Blows

Too much boost, I'd be surprised if they didn't detonate and ruin a cylinder or two.
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+5 82. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Speeding Camera Lottery

Speed cameras are on their way out in many cities, for several reasons.

They cost cities money to maintain, The tickets are challenged much more often, they don't prevent accidents, and they don't catch people driving drunk.
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+3 83. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Weightlifting Fail

Bad technique, He should've separated his feet a little on the jerk. Without that he leaned back to far, put all the weight on his heels, and he fell backwards.
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+3 84. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video pole dance fail

From the number of dance pole failures I've seen, These things must be made in China.
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+18 85. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Reverse Graffiti : Ossario

Notice how they only decided to clean the wall after he drew the skulls on there. Assholes.
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+3 86. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Shiny Suds

Loofah Loofah Loofah Loofah!
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+15 87. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video You just can't fix stupid

That last one was hilarious.
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+9 88. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Japanese Fire Extinguisher

That is amazing, Although I don't think ammonia gas is very healthy to breathe.
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+5 89. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Swat Team Prank

Not funny, Just lame.
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+9 90. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video RC Helicopter Skills

For those of you wondering, "How..?"

He's changing the pitch (angle up/down) of the props rapidly back and forth. That is why it can seem to float sideways and fly totally upside down. It can take years and a lot of wrecking of these expensive toys to learn how to fly them this well.
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+3 91. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Crane Drops Pallet

This just seems too contrived to be real.
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0 92. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Great White Shark Accident

He won't be getting his deposit back on that scuba suit after that, I'm sure he loaded it up with his own crap.
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+1 93. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Portable speakers

#7 Does have a point, Even though this was more of a review than an advertisement.
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+3 94. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Guy Jumps Over a Bull

There are cave paintings of people doing this in ancient Greece.
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+12 95. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Space shuttle rocket booster test

Uhm, That was not a 'Booster' test, That was a shuttle main engine test. The boosters burn different fuel.
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0 96. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Girl Gets hit with a Pinata Stick

Did you hear her head go :Thunk: ? Owwww!
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0 97. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Crazy fight breaks out on tv show

Wow, Haven't seen a TV show fight like this since Geraldo got his nose broken.
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+39 98. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Hard Sea

Wow, That ship looked as tiny as a bath tub toy in those rough seas.
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+1 99. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Climbing through Everest's Khumbu Glacier

I'll wait till they build a ski-lift
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+10 100. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Largest EOD detonation so far, Khost City Afghanistan

#3 Thank You for serving in the military, It it can't be said enough. Putting your lives on the line to keep us safe here at home and freeing those that have been oppressed, It's too bad the good part of your job there isn't reported on, As it should be.

Veteran's Day is only 2 weeks away, I invite everyone to thank a vet for their freedom and go out to a veteran's day parade. God Bless All Veterans. :)
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+5 101. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Bullfrog Hunts...Anything!

0:40 Hypnotoad!
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+4 102. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video World's First Human-Powered Ornithopter

.....I'm guessing there was a horrible failure right after the end of this video, Right ?
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+3 103. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video El Camino del Rey 2010

#11 I read the same story about the supposed plans to restore El Caminito del Rey, But it seems nothing has come of it. It appears as though it has deteriorated a lot more since the original video and with both ends now destroyed it's really not worth the risk of climbing on it.
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+45 104. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Chihuahua Escape

#2 To figure out how they did it, So you can see the weakness and make improvements.
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+2 105. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video James Browns Greatest moves

'The hardest working man in show business'
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+2 106. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video What would you do?

No one wants to talk about these things, But as a percentage of each races population Blacks commit more crimes. Over 30% of crimes are committed by blacks and blacks are less than 15% of the total population. Whites commit 60% of the crimes but are 65% of the population. So whites commit more crimes overall, But blacks are more than twice as likely to commit crimes than whites. To put this is a better perspective, If both populations were even at 30% each, whites would be committing less than 30% of the crimes and blacks would be committing over 60% of the crimes.

The black woman was correct in this video and she's not racist, We are all just very aware of the statistics in our country. Having said that, I'd have called the police on the white guy but I wouldn't have confronted either of them.
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+32 107. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video bubble bath

I bet that was a heck of a mes to clean up :)
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-3 108. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video A solution to the US national debt?

#20 The debt didn't explode from buying guns, rockets, or tanks.

It's exploding to save the banks from their failures on mortgage loans, For the so-called 'Stimulus' projects, And Obamacare. Blaming George Bush is wrong, This mess is on Obama's head along with the democrat leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.
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+21 109. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Bowling 12 Strikes On 12 Lanes With 12 Balls

Someone is in the back with an all black bat or stick knocking the missed pins down.
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+6 110. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Babies eating lemons for the first time.

It's amazing that although we speak different languages, We have the same basic facial reactions/emotions around the world. :)
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+14 111. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Unique multiplication style

Looks like it would work ok, Until you have to multiply 7987 X 9899
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+29 112. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video birdie

It's just a seagull, Nothing to see here, Move along.
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+1 113. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video What if Pulp Fiction had a laugh track?

Pulp Fiction turned out to be Vincent Vega's worst week ever.
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+4 114. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video RC helicopter skills

#10 No, He's just changing the pitch of the propellers back and forth quickly.
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+62 115. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video extreme pogo

I bet that concrete tastes nasty. ;)
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+14 116. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Squirrel vs Snake

It's not a rattlesnake, There is no rattle and it's head is not that of a pit viper.
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-1 117. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Tripod Fish

#5 God does have a sense of humor, Doesn't he ?
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+17 118. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Queue to the first McDonald's in Soviet Russia

You have to understand that during that time, Russians had had decades of experience waiting in lines for any and everything they wanted to buy in soviet Russia. They were professional line waiters by then.
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+64 119. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Steve, are you with me ???

Steve has earned an achievement: G Lock Award
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+7 120. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Crash Accident Of Car And Scooter On Highway, Hong Kong

This happens a lot, People get distracted from seeing the results of one accident. Those drivers slowed down because of the 1st accident, Get impatient and inevitably speed up to make up for 'lost time'. The distraction, The thoughts of 'I'm going to be late', The impatience and the resulting increase in speed often lead to a 2nd or even 3rd accident.

So, Don't be distracted, Calm down, And don't get impatient. Don't speed up recklessly after being held up in traffic and be aware that others may be distracted and not being as prudent as they should be.
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0 121. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Penguins chasing a butterfly

They are like, "Darn it, Why did we ever stop learning to fly ?"
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+59 122. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video No Landing Gear

Any landing you walk away from is a good one, This pilot was more than just good.
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+2 123. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Catching Snapping Turtles by hand

What is with all the hate on here ?
Yeah he's dirty, So what, He loves what he's doing or he wouldn't do it.
How many of you can honestly say that they are as satisfied with their job as he is ?
Not many of you can, I'm sure.

Geesh, The guy is making a living catching turtles for meat for restaurants.
Turtle soup is good, you should try it.
Leave the guy alone, He's high on life.
At least he's not contributing to the drug problem.
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+10 124. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Pacific Sun Cruise liner in very heavy seas

There had to have been people hurt sliding across the floor with all that furniture. :O :O :O
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+30 125. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Kid on bike vs. tree

Reminds me of my first rides :D :D :D
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+7 126. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Bowling Fail

He still went over the foul line.
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+135 127. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Kid from Hell

This video should be shown in every high school teen pregnancy prevention class.
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+2 128. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Cats vs. treadmill

No, Wonder my best friend has such a busy job fixing treadmills all the time.
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+7 129. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Drill baby drill.

Let's address why the BP oil spill happened. #1 There has been a ban in place on shallow water oil drilling for over a decade now, Put in place by democrats. #2 Drilling for oil in deep water is very risky and few companies even take the risk. #3 Oil companies have an excellent record for land and shallow water drilling, Not so for deep water drilling. #4 If BP had been allowed to drill in safer shallow water it would've done and it would've been safer. #5 BP oil's largest political contribution in the 2008 election was for Obama, McCain/Palin didn't receive a dime from BP.
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-2 130. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video New Chinese Bus Concept

I can think of at least a dozen reasons why this could be a nightmare.

#1 on the list is, What happens if there is a car wreck under it that stops the buss and the cars underneath catch fire? I don't see any emergency exits or ramp.
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+5 131. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Chicken Nuggets

Well that lesson worked well didn't it ? LOL :P :P :P
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+3 132. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Chewbaca on American Idol

That just blew Simon's mind, The look on his face was of utter astonishment.
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+1 133. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Kid's Got Some Nerve!

This little pervert needs to be tossed in juvenile hall for awhile.
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+2 134. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Albino Squirrels in Olney..

huldu These albino squirrels are not a separate species, They are regular gray squirrels with the albino trait. There are albino squirrels elsewhere as well, and gray squirrels are not endangered at all.
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-7 135. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Video Games and Moral Choices

Games are supposed to be an escape from real life, If you start making them just like real life who the heck will want to play them ?
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+8 136. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video One way to wake your buddy

Someone please teach that douche to hold the camera still, Egads!
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+18 137. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Cruise ship

Was rolling around like a bathtub toy
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+5 138. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video A redtail, tiger shovel nose catfish hybrid

That's the first fish I've ever seen that likes to be petted.
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+2 139. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Break his iPhone before he breaks your heart

That's an Evil little app.
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+32 140. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Tesla Roadster

In 3-5 years the batteries will be dead, There is no decent recycling plan for them and new batteries are tens of thousands of dollars.

It's simply not worth the costs.
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+1 141. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video bionic legs

#7 Agreed, It appears to be really slow in walk mode.
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+5 142. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Dude Fights Giant Bird...

#(removed comment) No you didn't have to and No most wouldn't
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-2 143. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Chinese bike acrobatics

In America kids ride their bikes, In communist China kids share one bike.
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+3 144. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Flying Submarine Aircraft - Russian technologies

The Ruskies also attempted to develop a jet submarine/hydrofoil/aircraft but the 1st prototype was destroyed in testing.
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+5 145. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Painting water.

#10 This sort of art has been done for centuries and with an hour or so of instruction you could do it nearly as well.
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+1 146. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Home made instrument(s)

So he basically made a harpsichord with pickups, Then used various means to vibrate the strings, Right ?
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+18 147. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Little North Korean girl amazing at guitar.

She didn't have a smile on her face for the whole beginning of the video, Then out of nowhere she shows this forced looking grin. She's a great guitarist, Too bad she's lives in a country that crushes all free expression. :S
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-2 148. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Blue Angels

To be specific these are F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, Probably the best plane the US Navy has until the F-35s go into service.
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+3 149. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Huge backflip in wheelchair

Do a barrel roll
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-2 150. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video How to find the water from a Baboon

#(removed comment) There are people just as stupid as that baboon, Which is unfortunate.
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+12 151. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Fast Lane (Elevator)

I was very underwhelmed by this :| :| :|
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+2 152. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Lemurs are junkies

#2 Sounds familiar with humans and marijuana, Doesn't it ?
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-8 153. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Shovel Man

Where is the dog catcher at ? Geesh.
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+2 154. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Prison Activities

#1 Actually the term is not "Drop the soap" now... The term now is "Toss the salad"
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+3 155. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Trilobite Beetle

#1 Predator ? Try Aliens, Egads.
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+4 156. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Truth About Japanese Food

I was never fooled
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+9 157. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Reporter Enjoys Close Call

The translation from the bus' point of view, "Quit saying I'm a wreck, It's not my fault, Turn off those cameras...... FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
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+3 158. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Sneaky Racoon

The Cat FTW!
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+22 159. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video TanDEM-X launch

#4 Several ballistic missiles do that, It's done to avoid damaging the tube/launcher and, In the case of a submarine launch, Propel the missile above the water.
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+3 160. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Dancing in the rain

Why are they doing this on the streets, They could be getting paid to do this in front of an audience.
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+65 161. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Bmx fall

I think he had Drain Brammage before he made the decision to attempt the jump.
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+4 162. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Would you buy the pizza after watching this promoter?

He's getting peoples attention and that's his job, He's doing quite well at it too :-)
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+3 163. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video heavy rain in omen

This is what happens in any flat desert when it rains, Flash floods are very dangerous.

2 inches of running water over a road can sweep a car off the road.
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+2 164. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Alphajet and Mirage Aircraft

Meh... Compared to the F-22 these two are like clay pigeons.
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+19 165. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Super Strong Caution Tape

I'll take a few rolls of this, Please :) :) :)
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+31 166. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video What happens when crude oil spills into the sea?

Oil Companies have a lot of experience with and can drill for oil in shallow waters (Less than 1000 feet) very easily. Deep sea drilling is much riskier and very few companies will take the risk.

Unfortunately the US policy toward offshore drilling has forced oil companies to drill in the deeper and riskier waters, Instead of the shallower and safer areas.

This policy needs to change now or we will run out of oil, or face many more spills like this in the future.
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+4 167. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Bugatti Veyron Supersport

#20 Shelby makes very safe cars and the SSC Ultimate Aero has a skidpad of 1.05G and better braking distance than this Bugati. So I believe you owe an apology.
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0 168. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Bugatti Veyron Supersport

SSC Ultimate Aero: 257 mph, 1183 hp, base price is $654,400.

Buy American, Save yourself a $1 Million.
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+1 169. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Hero turtle rescues upside down turtle

Turtle Tow Truck :D
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+23 170. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video kitten

Kittens experience mind blowing copy cat :D :D
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-1 171. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The 'real' simple life.

You would really have to love eating veggies to survive that way.
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+3 172. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Setting your nose on fire

Fell off my chair laughing at this! :D :D :D :D :D
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+7 173. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Horse and Buggy Fail

Talk about Mr. Toads wild ride. :O
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+34 174. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Tree Branch Falls On Power Lines

And this is exactly why you don't fly kites near power lines kids.
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+4 175. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Man gives wild lions foot massages.

Not really 'Wild' lions there, But then again you can never really tame a lion either. Roy Horn learned that lesson the hard way.
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+51 176. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The orangutan and the hound dog.

Brother from another mother. :) :) :)
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+5 177. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Cool Car chase

This is better with the audio.
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+9 178. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Train HOOOOOOOORN

Just keep rewinding from O;33 :D :D :D
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+3 179. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Construction team work

I agree with #16 two conveyors would do the work of 6 people each there, Save a lot of labor cost.
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-5 180. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Grocery Store Wars

Organic food is more expensive and poorer in quality. There are very good reasons why science has helped us make better food. Pasteurization, Fertilization, Hybrids, Pest Controls, And such have allowed us to make more and better food to feed our ever growing population.

Going back to organic is akin to going back to the dark ages.
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+11 181. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Rollable OLED screen

Your next generation smart phone will have a screen that pulls out from the side of the phone like this.
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+3 182. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Super Baozi vs Sushi man

That ending was hilarious! :) :) :)
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+10 183. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Remember Modems?

That's part of the old "Handshake" signal used to link up with the servers modem.
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+25 184. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Parachute Hang Up

Why couldn't they have just reeled him back inside the plane ?
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+2 185. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Television is a drug.

If television was that annoying, I wouldn't look at it.
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+18 186. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Whales Blowing Bubble Rings

With the way 'Whale Wars' demonizes Japan, You'd never believe these animals aren't sushi by now.
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+2 187. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Wood chopping machine

That is inventive and impressive.
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+2 188. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Salmon Pink Bird Eating Spider

If you ever have one of these crawl around on you, It feels really creepy.
Spiders are rather lightweight for their size and you expect them to feel heavier than they are. They also just 'feel' weird the way they crawl on you.
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+1 189. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Sitting down without a chair

His legs never move at all.

I'm guessing the legs are not real, They are part of a structure supporting him.
Of course this would mean that he is a double amputee, and that the back of the chair structure runs underneath his shirt and pants.
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+2 190. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Soccer Ball K.O.

He was out before his body hit the field.
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+35 191. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Amazing LED setup

That'll leave some epilepsy prone people shakin' on the floor.
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+5 192. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Texas police secretly deploy spy drones.

So how is this different than manned planes or manned helicopters that already patrol the skies on a regular basis ? What the big deal ? We are already being surveilled and not just from the air.
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-9 193. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Rats laugh when you tickle them.

Annnnnnd... Just how is going to be practical or useful ? Ok, He discovered what he thinks are rat laughs. So how does this help the world any ?
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+4 194. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Landslides hit Italy after heavy rain

Hydraulic force can move mountains.
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+6 195. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Kitchen headbutt kid!

0:03 over and over again :) :) :)
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+3 196. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video One Trillion Dollars

Actually the debt is now over 13 trillion dollars.
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+7 197. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Under the Bridge

:O :O :O
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+4 198. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Parking trough the wall

Well at least he didn't go completely through and end up pancaked to the pavement.
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+21 199. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Another "Did You Know" Video

I knew something was 'fishy' about most of those 'facts'.
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+6 200. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Merry-go-round of death

Newton wins again ! :D
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+2 201. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Tractor flipover

Looks like it survived the flip.
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+10 202. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Transparent Car

Nice Ad :)
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+5 203. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Ibex with itchy bum

Who blasted comments 1 through 7 with negativity ? They weren't that bad.
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+5 204. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Flooded river destroys road

Hydraulic erosion can be truly amazing and scary.

The culvert was not anchored in concrete, It's obvious it didn't have a concrete spillway either. A properly designed culvert wouldn't have failed like this.
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+5 205. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Treadmill Bike

This has to be the most inefficient mode of transportation ever
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+5 206. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Red Bull - Akte Blanix II (Connecting flight)

That was more dangerous than they made it look. Balls of Steel. :O :O :O
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+5 207. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Big machine

That's one big dang machine!
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+4 208. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Story of Bottled Water

#1 If they don't get that oil spill under control and cleaned up, you may not have tasty tap water for too much longer sadly.
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+6 209. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video New York City in 3D in google Earth

Looks like they repeated some 3d 'skins' on most of those buildings.
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-6 210. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Soccer fans Dream come true

This is the way soccer should be played. :D :D :D
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-1 211. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Euro dominoes

The 'Euro' is falling about as fast as these dominoes.

Silly Europeans are going to regret tying all your money into one currency for all.
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+4 212. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Concrete Breaking

#5 This was a Guinness World Record attempt at brick breaking, They have certain standards.

I doubt he could get away with such a lean mix without it being discovered by the Guinness World Records judges.
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-3 213. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video A homebrew trick called Lampuh!

This can be done digitally with special sensors that identify each bulb and each switch cover.

You could do the same trick, Inside a little computer game, And no one would be amazed.

You can change languages in windows and type different characters, Then switch back to type English, Again no one would be amazed.
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+9 214. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

#6 These were captured munitions and explosives. Disposing of them ensures they won't fall back into enemy hands.
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+6 215. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Best Idea Ever

#5 This was first thought of back in the 1970's. So it's not that people are getting lazier they are just digging up older solutions.
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+2 216. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Atomic Cannon

They also had tried out an atomic device on a M65 recoiless rifle.
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+5 217. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Instant HOT ICE

#12 No, It can cause a chemical burn. So don't think of even doing that. Besides it would likely clog your water gun and make it useless.
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-2 218. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Japanese gameshow

This is very very old.
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-1 219. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video 150 year old Alligator snapping turtle

#2 Mike Rowe isn't just 'some guy', He's no animal expert but he certainly has a lot of 'hands on' experience with animals.
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+4 220. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Whiny girlfriend ?

She deserved that :)
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+3 221. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Incendiary Burnout

I've seen people set their cars on fire doing burnouts like that.
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+5 222. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Cops beating innocent student, then attemt a cover up

"Those policemen should stand trial for aggravated assault and be convicted based on the video evidence."

No one said that that won't still happen, Plus this kid has a hell of a good civil suit as well.
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+19 223. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Americans can't remember when 9/11 happened

This a classic example of editing, They interviewed hundreds of people and the vast majority answered the questions correctly, It was only the failures they shown.
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+2 224. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Where Are My Front Wheels

How could this happen ?
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+3 225. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Parkour Fail Compilation

Was it just me or was this video really fuzzy and pixelated ?
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+4 226. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Highliner

This guy got in trouble for climbing Delicate Arch in Utah, Which is a state symbol for Utah.
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+11 227. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Drum Machine

Was really boring until 1:22, Then he really opened it up. :)
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+8 228. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Balloon festival in time lapse

Not complete chaos, Notice how a lot of them caught the lower air current towards the right and then elevated to catch the upper air current toward the left then lowered back down landing in nearly the same general area that that took off from.
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+2 229. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Apollo 11 slow motion launch

#6 There is still time to reverse Obama's mistakes. Constellation/Orion is a good program and It'd be a crying shame if it was ditched for good because of the Moron In Chief.
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-3 230. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video What Trololo guy is really singing

His name is Eduard Khil and he actually did sing that song, And still can.
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+31 231. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Logorama

A bit long, But interesting. :)
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+2 232. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Skittle Touch

Man that's worse than being King Midas, At least he got gold from it.
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0 233. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video DIY Cymatics

Kill it with FIRE!

j/k :)
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+5 234. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Nature by numbers

Don't forget fractals. Nature seems to follow fractal equations as well at various depths. Fractal sets couldn't even be properly calculated until the computer age, Before then the Mandelbrot and Julian sets were just fuzzy indefinite shapes.
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-4 235. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Chamonix ride

#(removed comment) Yeah, Right. You don't disrespect monuments like that for any reason. I'm not hating on the guy either. He has talent, But obviously doesn't have common sense to know what not to do his stunts on. Perhaps karma got him though, Notice the flat tire.
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-6 236. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Chamonix ride

I thought the tricks he did on the soldiers monument was disrespectful. He should apologize to everyone for that, Seriously.
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+1 237. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Traffic in Russia

Did they shoot his car ?! :O :O :O
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+3 238. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Long Road Home

Never argue in a car. Even if she lives, He could claim she distracted him and caused the accident.
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+26 239. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Fire Fart Disaster

I think he got a fart bubble trapped in those tight jeans.
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+7 240. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Paypal - The new iPhone app

#4 That message thing could get really annoying too.

#1 I'd be more worried about the kids getting a hold of it.
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+34 241. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 Low Pass Flyby's of All Time

Number 3 only misses the soldiers head by a few feet ! :O :O :O
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+4 242. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Russian Onslaught

The Russians killed nearly as many of their own troops as Germany did. The Russians shot any of their troops that tried to retreat, Executed any that tried to desert or had battle fatigue. They threw their soldiers into a meat grinder, Quite literally. Stalin was a brutal dictator and there was nothing 'Glorious' about it.
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+2 243. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Dumb & Dumbest

That's Good One.
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-1 244. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Roller skates freestyle

Not bad but not skated cleanly either.
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+5 245. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Christian Channel Gets Pranked By Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Meh, Not funny :P
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+17 246. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The real spiderman

Too noisy to useful for ninjas.
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+40 247. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video HEAT 1X booster test

It's a company named Copenhagen Suborbitals, They plan on privately launching a man into space. This was a test fire of their main rocket engine.
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+4 248. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Amazing sniper shot

Today they'd just sneak up behind him and tazer him.
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+11 249. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Motor crash

It's a good thing this wasn't a horse trailer or else he'd have......
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+10 250. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Cat is shocked

Poor kitty's mind will never be the same again.
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+2 251. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Jim Playfair Loses His Composure!

#12 Has a good point, The referee made an awful call.
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+1 252. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Bike Accident

That was a wicked sickening sounding *SnaP* :O
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+8 253. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video How to beat the high cost of gas

That's really sneaky there.
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+22 254. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Chicken murder

Pretty much a cluckdensed version of nearly every 'Law & Order' episode.
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0 255. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The machine is using us

#9 More like mostly benevolent organized anarchy.
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-6 256. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Toll road accident

Did we just witness a suicide here ? :O :O :O
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+3 257. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Amazing vehicle recovery truck

Ok, That's just scary. Gone in 60 seconds has now dropped to gone in 20 seconds. :O :O :O :O :O
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-3 258. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video METEOR!

You can see it explode and split into at least 2 pieces.
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+11 259. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Aborted Landing

The tail hook did contact the deck. If he had hooked a wire at 0:09 , He'd have slammed the front end of the plane down very hard.
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+20 260. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Baby hates Miley Cyrus, loves Bon Jovi

There is some hope for the next generation, After all.
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+1 261. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The homemade flying hovercraft

That looks like a lot of fun :) :) :) :) :)
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+41 262. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Matrix Pill

Let's give him the suppository... LOL :D
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+8 263. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Internets, The Google and The Tubes

Whenever someone points out Obamaisms, They are called racist.

57 states ?

Navy Corpse-Man Christian Brossard ?

The Cambridge police acted stupidly ?
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+12 264. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Reckless driving in UAE

Both Insane and Unsafe on a public road.
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+4 265. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Crane Fail

The brakes on the far right crane let go, That was the high pitched whine you heard.
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-18 266. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Funny football moments

This is S O C C E R, Not Football. :P
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+4 267. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Dont call big guys fat

#3 kmmde, Agree with you totally. Insults are the last refuge of the inept and weak minded.
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+8 268. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Ghost Car

I believe the car went under the fencing and the fencing snapped back down.
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+6 269. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video What is a browser

Most people don't have a clue how the internet works or their browsers.
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+9 270. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Ed Alleyene-Johnson

Put a Smile on my face. :D
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+10 271. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Melbourne Hailstorm and Flooding Footage

Wow, Now that's a storm!
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-5 272. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Tractor vs stone

Caterpillar tractors are normally painted yellow and black.
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+13 273. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Food Lift

They really sell these at And other items as well.
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+6 274. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Bad toilet day

That was a stupid place to put a port-a-potty.
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+20 275. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Samsung - Own The Angels

Angles... Not Angels...
Was like, Those certainly aren't angels.
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-2 276. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Football idiots

This is another reason to dislike this game.
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+9 277. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video A big tv ...

Bigger is better, At least with tv's :) :) :) :) :)
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+4 278. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Babies and fathers

#13 Totally Agree 0:51 FTW!
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+4 279. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Guy Driving Wrecked Car

Using a tow truck service is expensive.
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+60 280. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Motorist Hits Guy

3 times ?! Was that attempted murder :O :O :O :O
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+4 281. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Duck and Dog

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, But don't pick your friends nose.
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+6 282. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Musical Tesla Coils

Vintage4life: Uhmm, Lightning storms produce a lot more ozone than these coils and yet we are still all alive. If you knew just how many ppm of nitrogen there is in a cubic meter of air you might faint thinking we'd all suffocate.
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+8 283. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Winch Madness

The water in that canal looks so bad that he'd need a tetanus shot afterwards.
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+2 284. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Dinner for RR

I'm wondering if the tablecloth was made of silk or something.
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+11 285. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video You know, I...

IF you think this is funny you should see how Barry uhms and ahs when he doesn't have a teleprompter handy.
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+4 286. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Pool table mod

Not practical for playing a serious game of pool, But it does look spectacular.
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+6 287. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Who killed the cat?

This chick was too stupid and irresponsible to even be a cat owner.
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+5 288. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Incredibly Stupid Cinder Block Cannon Explosion

At least they lived, I've seen several videos of taliban fighters blowing themselves up trying to setup an IED.
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+1 289. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Why Don't You Park Your Car

#12 obviously a broken nose for the backseat passenger, Airbag deployed on driver side as well.
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+5 290. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Webdesign clients in real life

Sounds just like the way the government handles outside contractors.
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+5 291. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Father

We've allowed our government "Social Safety Net" to take over responsibility for our kids and our parents, And it's very sad. We are loosing our culture and heritage at light speed. It's a shame. :'(
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+14 292. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video In Control

Dumb :P
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+17 293. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video VW - Horror

Uhmmm.. Gremlins, One of my favorite 80's movies, Definitely had a VW beetle and it certainly had a hard time starting in the movie.
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+5 294. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video How not to Drag Race

He blew the rear differential apart, I couldn't handle the torque. It was definitely attached correctly, It's likely it wasn't rated for that much stress.
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-1 295. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video So you think that you can fly?

#1 This should be an Olympic sport. It takes just as much talent and practice and is amazing to watch.
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+9 296. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Pancakes II: Pancakes for your face

Hmmmm, Looks like crepes, not pancakes.
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+2 297. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Train vs Flood

Takes a lot to stop a train, a lot more than that foot or two of water.
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+4 298. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Police chase ends in beat-down

the idiot tried to kill a cop by running him over, I say what the officers did was understandable outrage. I don't care what color the suspect was or what color the officers were. You attempt to kill a cop you get what you deserve.
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+4 299. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video What Does Marsellus Wallace Look Like?

Captures the scene in the movie quite well, Just using excellent typography.
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0 300. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

I'd be calling Judge Judy over this.
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+2 301. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Kitten massage

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+2 302. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Kitten massage

#3 The cat getting the massage looks like a Ragdoll and the one giving the massage is an American Shorthair, I believe.
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+11 303. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video How to dump your boyfriend

#2 She'll need a Red Bull for that.
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+27 304. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Old man beats up thug

Thug boy got served. He deserved it too.
That 67yr. old man was likely a Vietnam Veteran.

He's fortunate that old man didn't have a flashback and snap his neck.
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+1 305. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Squirrel Fight

They usually try to bite off their opponents tails in a fight.

I know that sounds weird, But it's one of a squirrels greatest asset.

They absolutely need their tails for balance and to keep warm.
A tailless squirrel doesn't live long after it being bitten off in the wild. Most escape with a shortened tail and it's debilitating.
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+19 306. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Winter sports in russia

Mother: But Dr. I don't understand, How did my son die ?

Dr: He jumped 5 stories off the roof into a pile of soft snow.

Mother: But could soft snow kill him ?

Dr: A 3 foot icicle beat him into the pile.

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-2 307. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video The Hexakopter

Impressive, Most Impressive
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+2 308. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video General Larry Platt - Pants On The Ground!

#14 Didn't watch the video the 2nd time, or the 3rd.... There is a pause button. Thanks for the time back though. If I pulled my pants up any further, They'd look like overalls without the straps.

My comment was really a protest against the lack of quality videos lately, As if no one else noticed.
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-7 309. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Horrific Traffic Accident

Now this is more like it, Violence and massive damage!
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+6 310. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video jew's harp in Lithuania

Did this really require the use of the sepia filter ?
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-2 311. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video General Larry Platt - Pants On The Ground!

I still want my 2:25 mins back!
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+2 312. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Woman Can't Park

Pathetic, But nearly as bad as most womens parking fails on the internet.
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+1 313. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Train vs Van

Was the driver of the van giving the pusher grief over helping him ?
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+1 314. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Mercury thiocyanate decomposition

Cyanogens are known for large expansion, Used a lot in that foam-in-a-can.
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+6 315. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Where are my fries?

Is anyone else having problems with the golf cart video crashing firefox ?
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+1 316. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Amazing ice hockey goal

Was deflected right over the goalies head and he didn't even see it. :)
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-4 317. CrackrJak commented 14 years ago on video Ball Jump

Agree with #1 #8 & #9
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+9 318. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Chump & Clump wait for the bus

Ha! They built an igloo after the credits :D
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+1 319. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Rocket fuel plant blows-up

I believe that this remains the largest chemical explosion on record, as energetic as a W54 nuclear weapon. More than four kilotons (eight million pounds) of the product exploded, creating a crater 15 feet (4.6 m) deep and 200 feet (61 m) long in the storage area.
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+2 320. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Watch cat

That situation could get very dangerous. That bear is getting conditioned to eat garbage, Which could end up in tragedy someday.

Brave cat though.
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+3 321. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video The unbelievable Hummer

This is one of those evolutionary mysteries. This bird has no intermediary or precursory forms in the fossil record. There are birds and humming birds, Nothing in-between. They are also pollinators, Which means certain flowers depend on them to produce seeds.
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+3 322. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Public-access TV Host Bombarded With Prank Calls

This is why good call screening is necessary.
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0 323. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Incredible new tire

Michelin shelved any plans to make these for cars for several reasons. Tread life was shorter, Turning harder, Ride was harder, and they made a lot of noise.

Some have criticized how Michelin designed it's "Tweel" as the main problem and are continuing to promote a better design.
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-2 324. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video New way to catch fish

Pigs can be rather intelligent as well, But we still eat bacon.

Dolphins are not endangered and although I'd never eat it, I wouldn't impose my food ethics on the Japanese. The Japanese diet is certainly healthier than the American & European diets.

It annoys me when people say, "Ohh those poor dolphins!" and never give a thought to the tuna being caught alongside them.

Let the Japanese eat what they want, Unless it's and endangered species.
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+52 325. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Thirsty Cow

Cows need to milked twice a day, If they don't the pressure builds up and can be painful for them. So they do this.
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-6 326. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Kung Fu Baby !

I think we have the new 'Dramatic chipmunk' here :)
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+5 327. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Antiques TV - blanket

This is where the blanket ended up.

It really is a national treasure, Because these blankets are so old there are usually only fragments left of them.
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-4 328. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Amazing soccer juggling skills

#6 It's S O C C E R. Real Football is a full contact sport.
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+4 329. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Another Water Experiment

It all has to do with Surface Tension.

Soap makes water 'Wetter', Allows it to break up into much smaller particles. This is way soapy water gets your clothes clean, It allows the water to soak through instead of beading up.

The pepper is floating on the outside 'skin' of the water, Initially, The soap destroys that 'skin' and then because the top of the surface of the water is curved the pepper slides down the sides till it reaches the rim of the bowl.

This is not magnetic or electric repulsion.
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+2 330. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Honda CBR 1000RR Fireblade

This guy must have a death wish. Totally insane.
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+3 331. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Romanian truck driver

I've heard of truck drivers going stir crazy before, But this is ridiculous.
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0 332. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Let's wait for the train to cross

That's the first time I've ever seen engines in the middle of a long train.

#16 I believe the law states that trains can't block an at grade crossing for more than 5 minutes, For the very reason you stated. This train barely made it under 5 minutes.

The way the engines were staggered this made me believe they were arranged to go over a mountain pass and they planned on splitting the train into 2 or 3 pieces in a rail yard afterward.
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+5 333. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Bullet Proof Glass

He might've killed himself there if the glass had broke. How high was this "Skywalk" ?
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+6 334. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Close

Yes, These were Valets for a hotel in St.Louis messing around with people's cars... They've since all been fired.
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+6 335. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Dog Senses Earthquake moments before it happens

Many animals can sense the precursor waves of an earthquake that we can't. Earthquake detection systems are investigating these waves in the hopes of developing an alarm system.
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+3 336. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Wooden robotic arm

Leonardo DaVinci would be proud of this guy.
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-1 337. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Fun on a snowmobile

Jaw Dropper!
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0 338. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Overtaking

Was stupid move to try and pass in the snow.
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+5 339. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Hot dog

I thought this was going to be a ketchup commercial.. LOL
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+1 340. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Policeman faces death

This idiot mus have drain brammage to think he'd get away with stabbing a police officer inside a detention center.
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+4 341. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Arcade Chopin

These DDR/Guitar Hero type games no longer impress me. Bunch of lazy programmers re-hashing the same game code for big $$$$$.
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+3 342. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Smart-ass spelling bee winner

I'm no medical expert, But this kid is showing signs of Aspberger's Syndrome. Many with this condition are highly intelligent, socially awkward, clumsy, and "Geeky". He's not trying to be a "Smart ass" he's just not picking up on the metaphors and vocal clues.
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+14 343. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Blind kid playing piano

This goes beyond just "Visualization", What he's doing. He is truly feeling the music, Controlling it as the notes flood out.
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+6 344. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Dave Chappelle

Dave was funnier than Arsenio Hall, Chris Rock, and Eddie Murphy Combined. Love it when the guys head explodes.
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+9 345. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Tightrope tricks

Actually this is more like a "Slackwire" than a tightrope.
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+2 346. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Robotic Water Snake

Looks like they still have some kinks to iron out with exactly how it swims. But still, It's going to be very useful.
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+4 347. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Former Ku Klux Klan leader Johnny Lee Clary

But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. Matthew 5:44
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+3 348. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Brand new asphalt in Bosnia

I hope they took those shoes off before they entered their home and walked across the carpet.
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+7 349. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle jumps over 24 trucks

Wow.. His back tire just barely made it over the black/blue line when he landed. Awesome Jump.
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-9 350. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Smart cat opens door

Looks like somebody bombed the first 8 comments. -7 to -16 ? That's really harsh considering they aren't bad comments.
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+3 351. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Fat guy jumping on to ice

That was a really stupid thing to do.
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+5 352. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Rollerblading

#3 The thing is with Ice skating, You don't have to tell your parents your gay. Once you tell them you like Ice Skating, They just know inherently.
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+1 353. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video The Creation Of The World Cup 2010 Footballs

I thought the game itself was boring. The making of these bored me even more!
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-2 354. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video How Not To Steal A Plasma TV

Thieves like this have their "head on a swivel". It's the biggest tell-tale sign and security personnel look for it. They knew he was going to attempt the theft before he even opened his bag.
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+1 355. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Lucky Policeman!

Missed by mere inches.. Wow!
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+8 356. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Star size comparison

They need to do the reverse of this video, About the tiniest of tiny moving on out.
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+4 357. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Dog foils robbery attempt

Robbing a gun store with a guard dog, Dumbest criminal of the year.
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-1 358. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video 150kg of Thermobaric Explosive vs. Car

150kg of explosives was definitely overkill.
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+1 359. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Parking a Ship

I believe this is a ship salvage yard. They cut these ships apart to salvage the steel there. So, It's like crashing a car in a junkyard.
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+2 360. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Hillarious spider mating behaviour

Is that audio real ? :O If so that's hilarious! :D
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+16 361. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Tape measure master

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+9 362. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video L.A. Springs a Leak

I bet she wasn't laughing later when she turned on her faucet and there was no water. I'm sure they had to shut off that water main and that means lots of people without water.
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+1 363. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Rally Crash

Drivers side rear tire detaches at ballistic speed. Wow.
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+2 364. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video First person attack of an Owl

Owls have special feathers that make them nearly silent fliers as well.
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+31 365. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Top Gear - Bugatti Veyron vs McLaren F1 (Drag Race)

Over the standard drag race strip, Which is 1/4th of a mile, The McLaren still wins. The Bugatti didn't get wound up till after 1/2 a mile.

I say the real winner is still the McLarem F1 in a "Drag Race".

Top gear wanted the Bugatti to win, That is why they chose a 1 mile course instead of the standard 1/4 mile. IMHO
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+5 366. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Amazing optical illusions

Definite contenders for illusions of year.
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+5 367. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Student brings typewriter to class

Back in the day, They very large rooms filled with typists and typewriters for all sorts of companies and government offices.
They were very noisy and some people went deaf in "steno pools".
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+5 368. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Instant Rockstar


8. Wake up in hospital with IVs in your arm and a pounding headache.
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+2 369. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Near hit

That would've been a horrific wreck. I couldn't understand the narration and have no idea what country that's from and even I could tell that was STOP sign. Wow!
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+9 370. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video The rear-view motorcycle helmet

Very Good Idea. The only problem that might have is, How well would it handle truck headlights at night. Truck headlights always seem a lot brighter and annoy me when I'm driving a car. That could be a major problem for a motorcycle rider with this helmet riding at night.
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-3 371. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Chinese rocket fly-by

They still faked their spacewalk in a neutral buoyancy tank.
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-2 372. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Clutch explodes In racecar

Funny car engines produce around 8000 horsepower, 40 times that of a street car. Even the best clutches made for these cars have to be rebuilt consistently.
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+1 373. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Baby Vs Cobra

Ritual or not, Even with the cobra's mouth stitched up and fangs removed. This is not sane. The kid still could've been struck in the eye and blinded.
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-15 374. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video The Nom Nom Cat

That's one funny deline :D
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+6 375. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Infinity Mirror

These have been around a long time, Uses a one-way mirror and a regular mirror. The lights are sandwiched between the 2 mirrors.

you can have a similar effect if you connect a video camera directly to a TV and then aim the camera at the TV.
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+21 376. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Speed climbing

Btw, He died when a rope he was using for a "controlled free fall" broke. Kind of ironic, He was known for not using ropes and when he did, It broke and killed him.
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-2 377. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Yummy McDonalds crap

I'm going to have to agree with #11 McFries have no water left in them after they are fried. They are like freeze dried foods. However once they are re-hydrated in your gut they do breakdown. A good example are fried pork rinds, They'll keep nearly forever because there is no moisture left in them.
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-2 378. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Incredible Near Hit

That car looked more like a pinball.
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+3 379. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Red Trapdoor Spider

The cricket walked over some invisible threads of silk, That's how the spider knew exactly where it was. Perfect definition of the word Ambush.
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+2 380. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video US Special Forces Hostage Rescue

The lines were annoying, But I guess they couldn't be helped. Awesome Rescue. God Bless Our Troops.
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-2 381. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Fluteboxing

I'm surprised the lens wasn't covered in spit by the time he was done.
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+3 382. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Canadian, Please...

They still have pictures of the Queen of England on their money. :-P
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+16 383. CrackrJak commented 15 years ago on video Marriage Proposal FAIL

She was a beotch for slapping him like that in front of all those people. From the looks of her, That's the first last and only proposal she'll ever get.