Comments posted by Daire


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+6 1. Daire commented 12 years ago on video How to operate the KURATAS

Gasoline in a diesel engine? :S
Also that smile to shoot feature is kind of wrong
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+2 2. Daire commented 12 years ago on video Truck Explosion at McDonald's

I prefer flame grilled burgers tbh
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+2 3. Daire commented 13 years ago on video Quantum Levitation on a Wipe'Out Track

As soon as i saw the "Liquid Nitrogen Tank" i knew it was fake. Its clearly a C02 canister. No liquid nitrogen would ever come in a bottle like that.
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+3 4. Daire commented 13 years ago on video Tri-Love

The tripod probably costs as muchas the lens :O Cool video though
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0 5. Daire commented 13 years ago on video 5000 miles, 930 people & Hitchhiking!

Song please!
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+2 6. Daire commented 13 years ago on video 10 Things I have learned about Mountainbiking

This video makes me so happy and proud to be a member of the most unique and amazing sport on the planet!
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+1 7. Daire commented 13 years ago on video REAL ANGRY BIRDS

Shame that its fake, awesome video other than that!
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-3 8. Daire commented 13 years ago on video How to scare a cat

everyone who complained is a faggot
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+14 9. Daire commented 13 years ago on video Visiting ElK City

Serious laughter at the old guy running away! :D
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+1 10. Daire commented 13 years ago on video High Speed Albanian Police Chase

#7 They do all their own driving, they have years of experience driving the fastest cars in the world, this was nothing for them
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0 11. Daire commented 13 years ago on video Life Cycles Stance Films OFFICIAL 2010 Mountain Bike Trailer

i submitted this before the movie was released and its only now someone else gets the upload, ha
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+21 12. Daire commented 13 years ago on video Bored fans imitate referee

Simon says....
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+3 13. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Air Bag for Cyclists

Ill take my Troy Lee Designs D3 anyday over this :x
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+5 14. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Danny MacAskill - Way Back Home

nice to see its been uploaded eventually even tho i submitted it the day it was released.
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+9 15. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi MAX - Display King

how were Pepsi allowed use Coke's logos in their ad's?
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0 16. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Mega Train 2010

#10 they are good friends and its only a bit of messing with each other! :D Like all bikers shud do on the trails!haha
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-1 17. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Mathieu Bastareaud huge hit on Rory Lamont

This is how you make a human taco! >:)
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+66 18. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Packaging Playing Cards In China

What a depressing job to do everyday, awesome skills though
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+10 19. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Crankworx Whistler - Mike Montgomery's Slopestyle Run

i was watching this live and it was even more amazing, Crankworx is the Christmas of the MTB world!
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+1 20. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Hilarious Toy

Im sitting right next to one of these right now, Tickle Me Elmo ftw
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+4 21. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Thru Religion

#7 Brilliantly put! Well done man! :D
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+2 22. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Glowsticks in a toilet.

I had a glowstick broken and smeared over my face a party 2 days ago and after about 10mins it started to sting slightly so i decided to wash it off, as soon as the water hit my face, the stuff started to burn REALLY bad! Still really fun to do though! >:)
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+2 23. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Fireworks Incident

Oh no... :'(
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+28 24. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Monkey cooperation and fairness

That was amazing, it cool to see how smart they really are compared to us greedy humans :(|)
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-16 25. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Mass panic in Netherlands

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-4 26. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Follow Me Trailer

No problem, i just love to share what I love on this great site that i have been using for years. And to #9 if you actually did this sport like i do you would know that it is one of the most physically demanding sports around and the most ballsy
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+6 27. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Incredible Bike Run

#9 ya thats it, great DVD
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+11 28. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Incredible Bike Run

#6 It shot with cable cams, cameras just fly down along wires over their heads.
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+26 29. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Ricky Gervais - The Bible

snake gag was excellent! I love this type of humour so much!
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0 30. Daire commented 14 years ago on video We all get distracted sometimes....

4chan tab rules
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+32 31. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Polish car tuning

wtf just happened?
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-2 32. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Top 20 5 Second Films

0:40 is by far the best!haha
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+40 33. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Singstar game

haha excellent! her face is priceless! :D
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+5 34. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Toll road accident

#(removed comment) u do have to have to take into account that they were running from the cops so for all u know they could be murderers..
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-4 35. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Rules of the Road

this vids like my wife,
it blows
Picture of Daire36 achievements

-2 36. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Goatpipes

thats just freaky as hell...
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+3 37. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Never kiss a monkey!

thats one extremly long piss!haha
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+16 38. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Mosaic cubes

Amazing, these people are so creative, i could never think of any thing like this ever!
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+4 39. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Hospital Jump

its definitely the worst crash ive ever seen. >:)
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+47 40. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Who Are You?

Its a me! Mario!!! >:)
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+12 41. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Duck and Dog

ok, im going to get a duck right now!
Picture of Daire36 achievements

-4 42. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Umbrella vs tornado simulator

theres so many things i would do with one of these machines! >:)
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+3 43. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Mad Brits

i love this song so much! :D
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+36 44. Daire commented 14 years ago on video How to pronounce Snotr

i just call it Snot-R
Picture of Daire36 achievements

+21 45. Daire commented 14 years ago on video The Sandpit : tilt-shift timelapse

oh i seriously love these vids, they make boring stuff look so cool! :)
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+3 46. Daire commented 14 years ago on video February Fail Compilation

February was a gooooood month! :D
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+5 47. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Why Don't You Park Your Car

he didny park the car there, at 0:01 you can see the car that gets hit sliding to a halt and it starts to skid backwards. The BMW was out of control also and going way to fast so its really his fault, guys with the camera had nothing to do with it
Picture of Daire36 achievements

+3 48. Daire commented 14 years ago on video When its too cold to fly...

Stealing RayWilliamJohnsons lines now is it?
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+5 49. Daire commented 14 years ago on video These guys are insane!

this event was held annually until this crash when it was cancelled due to health and safety. Awesome cartwheels from the passengers!lol the group of people they hit, one of the girls was knocked unconscious aswell
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+3 50. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Horrific Traffic Accident

pwnd, some epic Engrish there at the end aswell!
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+34 51. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Skydiver does the unthinkable

Ive seen it done before and its still really cool. Its actually a paraglider
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+28 52. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Man Tasered After Truck Crash

well he was obviosuly guilty of something coz he ran, he fucking deserved it.
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0 53. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Buttered shower floor

the door was just the icing on the cake! >:)
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-1 54. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Getting thru a traffic jam

#1 its was ice, u can see the hills in the background are covered in snow
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-1 55. Daire commented 14 years ago on video Red Bull Stratosphere
Heres all the info you need guys!
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+10 56. Daire commented 15 years ago on video News Report

Perfect! :D
I love Charlie, pure dead pan humour.
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-4 57. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Helping Hands with Capuchin Monkeys

Do your dance Mojo! :(|)
*ugh ugh uuugh
And so on..
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+7 58. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Europe from point of view of estonians.

best vid ive seen in a while! :(|)
Im Irish and yes u do tend to steal our jobs pricks! >:)
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+2 59. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Cool-ing your computer

You can do it with Vegetable Oil as well, works just as good 8-)
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+1 60. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Hot dog

good ad
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+3 61. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Best fails of 2009

#8 Satellite-Oceanlab
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+7 62. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Frustrated truck driver

hey what about the cheeky fucker who sneaked in behind him to pass all the traffic too! >:)
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-9 63. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Deadlifting 150 kg

Barak Obama can supposedly benchpress 200lbs, impressive! :O
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+8 64. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Travis Pastrana

i stayed up till 5 in the morning to watch this live. it was savage!
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-5 65. Daire commented 15 years ago on video 2-wheel driving world record

#2 How did u tink that was real. He stopped at the lights and managed to stay upright! :P Fake but cool!
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+1 66. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Bird Hates Other Bird

woody woodpecker in the flesh! :O
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0 67. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Porsche GT3 173 mph

Everyone heres bitching about him endangering the bikers lives. What were u watching! The bikers are just as bad for going that speed on public roads too. They obviously were racing him and they knew the risks aswell. Awesome driving. And the bikes were beating him in acceleration but in overall speed id say the Porsche would win(depending on the bikes of course)
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-11 68. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Racist HP webcam

fuking niggers always complaining! :(|)
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+19 69. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Rally Crash

i hope he took a photo during that! 8-)
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+22 70. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Russian Talent Show

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+3 71. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Red Trapdoor Spider

im counting 9 plus legs!!wtf
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+55 72. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Playback

omg the fail is too powerful in this one.
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+3 73. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Misheard Lyrics

Di gyal dem steal all tree
Sean-A-Paul, so mi give it to, so mi give it to, so mi give it to
To all girls, Fight mi den an fatty naughty shorty
Baby girl, all my girls, all my girls, Sean-A-Paul seh well
Woman di way di time cold I wanna be keeping you warm
I got the right temperature fi shelter yuh from di storm
Hold on gyal I got di right tactics to turn yuh on
An girl I, wanna be di poppa yuh can be di mom, oh oh
(Verse 1)
I got to di gyal dem bruk out pon di floor from yuh dont wanna wuk his performa
From yuh dont waan nuh man weh caan tun yuh on gyal mek mi see yuh hands dem up pon yuh
Caan stand Pamela nah eat yuh nah nyam steam fish nah nuh green banana
But down in Jamaica wi give it to yuh hot like a sauna
(Verse 2)
Pampas pose an gyal yuh got di chest out but yuh nuh waste out cau gyal yuh impress out
An if yuh des out a mi yuh fi test out cau I got di remedy fi mek yuh de-stress out
Mi haffi plot it becau mi God bless out an girl if yuh want it yuh haffi contest out
A nuh lie weh wi need set weed haffi test di machess out
(Verse 3)
Gal know so mi crazy no di straight up a nuh pigeon an flava show
Time fi wi mek baby now so stop gwaan like yuh a get shady yo
Woman dont play mi no cause I no frets an fat nuh Grady yo
My lovin is the way to go my lovin is the way to go
(Verse 4)
When yuh roll wid a playa like mi wid a bredda like mi gyal there is no odda
Dont need to talk it right here just park it right here an keep it unda cover
Cau mi love how yuh fit inna yuh blouse an yuh fat inna yuh jeans an mi waan discover
Everyting bout yuh baby girl can yuh hear weh mi utter
(Verse 1)
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh
even after reading it i still cant make out most of it
Picture of Daire36 achievements

+1 74. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Chinese Factory

he fell coz he was sitting down when he went off the ramp! lol
u think he'd know that from makin the things! 8-)
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0 75. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Sliding

fukin awesome!
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+1 76. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Sesame Street - Behind the Scenes

2:10 is freaky with Ernie just staring! 8-)
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+3 77. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Japanese Fanta commericals

what an excellent video!! students reactions are priceless!
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+13 78. Daire commented 15 years ago on video The Sims Horror Movie

"wheres the ladder gone?"
I loved doing that to my Sims!lol
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+11 79. Daire commented 15 years ago on video The Burj Dubai

"highest point in the world"
Burj Dubai-2,684ft
Mt Everest-29,029ft
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+5 80. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Taylor's Day on The Price is Right

amazing! Lucky bastard >:)
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0 81. Daire commented 15 years ago on video New Ship

these boats are made so they are virtually impossible to tip over, physics is on there side! 8-)
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+2 82. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Is That a Gun in Your Pants

#10 its is a real PSA, its in Bowling For Columbine.
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+2 83. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Best Death Scene Ever

White Ninja? Pretty redundant unless he is in an arctic setting >:)
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-2 84. Daire commented 15 years ago on video ARES I X Test Flight

#15 its impossible to reach light speed anyway so it doesnt matter
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+20 85. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Awesome Jaguar

I just think of "The Hangover" when i see this, at least it wasnt Mike Tysons tiger! :D
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+5 86. Daire commented 15 years ago on video A little bit tipsy

he was on alot more than alcohol! >:)
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+3 87. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Predict a homerun

EPIC!! if only it had got the 2nd deck!
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+16 88. Daire commented 15 years ago on video One man band

co-ordination to the max!! :O
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+1 89. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Cameraman 'shagged by a rare parrot'

Stephen Fry is a GOD 8-)
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-2 90. Daire commented 15 years ago on video The Incredible Cocktail Machine

im gonna call CGI on part for this one, looks like somethings when they are falling are fake but i dont see why they didnt just go to the effort of doing it anyway??? :S
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+3 91. Daire commented 15 years ago on video 4 Chords, 36 songs

#(removed comment) technically if u like one of them u have to like the rest so coz its basically the same song! haha :D
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+1 92. Daire commented 15 years ago on video CSI - Best Intro

anyway i can download this off snotr?
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+2 93. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Violin Robot

#3 that is an epic win my friend!!! >:)
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+8 94. Daire commented 15 years ago on video What Virgin mean?

#3 the kid was just asking what virgin meant coz it says it on the bottle of virgin olive oil next to the kid! so she didnt need to tell her about sex! >:)
Excellent video!
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+17 95. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Guy with a Bow

I thought mythbusters proved u cant do the "Robin Hood"
over all though this is amazing! :O
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-1 96. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Banned commercial: bad eyes

fuking HI-Larious
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+2 97. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Man stares death in the face, and then takes a picture of it

us Irish dont feel this emotion u all call "Fear"....we are men and we know it! >:)
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+4 98. Daire commented 15 years ago on video RC freestyle

its seems to hav a very low speed to achieve lift! 8-)
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+20 99. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Slow-motion bullet + gelatine

the spiral effect in the gel is unreal! :O
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+12 100. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Mother Lover's day

now this is why i vist Snotr daily! O:)
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+9 101. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Machine Gun Fail

least it didnt explode! :D
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+8 102. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Awesome model railway project

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-5 103. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Karate Boy vs Chicken

Love thus video!lol
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-8 104. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Garage door opener

wow did not know there was this many Pedo's on Snotr??

I feel accepted at last!! :(|)
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+3 105. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Smart Bird

Alfred Hitchcock was onto something man!! >:)
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-2 106. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Stupid people compilation #2

1:27 its more like a Slip 'N Die than Skip'N Slide :(|)
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+4 107. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Magnet drops super-slowly through an eddy tube

thank god for Wiki >:)
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+1 108. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009

@#12 are you serious?? it says his name at the start of the vid and its in the title.. :|
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-4 109. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Electric shock prank

OMG Is that steve Carrell????
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+1 110. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009

Trials Bikers are gods wen it comes to control and skill...i can find lots of these kind of vids if ye want them!?
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0 111. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Guy jumps off building, superhero Bubbleboy

really look at how he looks completely fake really...still entertaining
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+13 112. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Cups and steel balls

#4, fake or not its still very entertaining to watch! :)
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0 113. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Amazing accidents

#14 is right...its from final destination...
id never eat from a Chinese restaurant with the word suprise in the name. :S
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+8 114. Daire commented 15 years ago on video How to crush a car

They should hav put a balistic gel dummy in between the sled and the car so we cud see tat be vaporized!
This was the most awsome Mythbusters ever!
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+6 115. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Kid utterly fails at bike trick

just to lot everyone knoe he was trying to do a massive skid but never pulled the brakes or they failed! >:) darwinism at work! :(|)
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+4 116. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Guy dumps bucket with ashes on girlfriend

Excellent!! I would kill him!
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-14 117. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Cat Shit One

people who watch this kind of shit need to get a grip on life ffs..
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+1 118. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Star Wars theme on tesla coil

you can see how powerfull that is becoz the lightbulb behind him is lighting up!!
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-1 119. Daire commented 15 years ago on video PowerThirst

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+2 120. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Bad Cheetah

is mountain dew like sprite and 7up?? Its not here in Ireland. :'(
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+1 121. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Honda Rube Goldberg machine

wats up with the video drought??? Upload sumting plz!
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+4 122. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Porsche 911 commercial

zf1=Epic win :(|)
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+4 123. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Acrobatic builders

That guys back will be very bad in a couple of years from doing that! :O
still very cool and definitly the fastest way ive seen of moving cement!! >:)
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0 125. Daire commented 15 years ago on video World's coolest pencil sharpner

thats has just given me so many ideas of things i want to shape with a lathe!! >:)
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0 126. Daire commented 15 years ago on video MTB Hamster Wheel

And this is only the tip of the North Shore iceberg! :P Ive seen things that most normal people wouldnt even consider putting a bike on! >:)
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0 127. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Awesome basket ball prank

is it just me or do u find it weird the blsck guy missed and the little chinese girl scores! :S
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+8 128. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Backflip Guy

running up the wall was hilarious but wen he tried to flip up and smacked his feet off the ground...that must have hurt! But its more determination than ive ever put into anything!
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+10 129. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Top Gear bloopers

yes it is Sizzlik
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+9 130. Daire commented 15 years ago on video World's luckiest deer

bet he was onli a noob to sniping!lol
shud have used a .50 cal! >:)
The shooter cud do with a pair of these--> 8-)
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-2 131. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Confusing prank call

that was epic! :D
i would love to meet this guy and shake his hand!! >:)
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+7 132. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Time Warp - Tazer

excellence man!! love slo mo!
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+1 133. Daire commented 15 years ago on video More risk, more fun

love the 1st MTB scene! looks intense! This is the way almost every one should live their lives! :D
Oh btw i have so much respect for this guy!!2:05
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-2 134. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Excessive Celebration Fail

youd swear to god it they thought it was a real sport....
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-2 135. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Bavaria spoofs the Heineken walk-in fridge ad

love this stuff!!! cheap too!! lol
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+2 136. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Fuck: Edward Norton

woo hoo for the Irish!lol ;)
I think this is the best rant in a movie ever! i remember seeing this movie late one night and i was just blown away!
Great actor :)
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+2 137. Daire commented 15 years ago on video Guys on motorcycles playing with police

why dont the cops arrest them on the spot??
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0 138. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Russian drinking hits

why tank u Focus!:D:D:D
ya im not very good at the old gaeilge so >:)
anyway this is cool enuf the car one!
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+4 139. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Bull jumping

so this is where that picture comes from....right...
this is mental!
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+1 140. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Russian drinking hits

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+2 141. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Huge bomb detonated underneath lake

hope no one was standing with this camera!! :D
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+7 142. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Record breaking coconut chopper

haha ya put ur coconuts on a metal girder so if u miss the steel will stop ur hand! :D
Got me laffing though and thats all that counts...
1 pina colada for this guy even tryin!
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+3 143. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Spider cat

haha brilliant! love watching kittens doing anything! :D
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+2 144. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Extreme Biking

wow a quarter of a million views! :O :O :O
well done snotr!
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-2 145. Daire commented 16 years ago on video You Gotta Do The Cooking By The Book

#18 Thats EPIC!:L
Taught this was hilarious! >:)
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+1 146. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Puppy vs. Mirror

That was hilarious! Couldnt stop laughing! :D
I love dogs like this! So cute! :)
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+1 147. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Karate painting?

cool! :)
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-1 148. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Jason Latimer's Laser Magic

f**k the magic!! I want that frickin lazer!!!:O
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+3 149. Daire commented 16 years ago on video How NOT to jump out of a driving car

he is dead for sure...tat completely crushed his skull and snapped his neck for sure! i always wanted to see the rest of the vid!!! :D
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+2 150. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Grape stomping fail

that was THE funniest thing ive ever seen! >:)
The male presenter was about to laf! :D
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0 151. Daire commented 16 years ago on video The 'Minority Report' OS brought to life

wow! :O
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+1 152. Daire commented 16 years ago on video When a woman asks for a massage...

fucking great!! :D :D
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+1 153. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Ninja parade slips through town unnoticed once again

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+2 154. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Awesome car

cool....wud like to see how many mpg it does due to weight loss?? 8-)
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-1 155. Daire commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

This video is also known as the second coming....of Chuck Norris.. >:)
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+3 156. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Everyday risk

ive seen this happening actually...
there way a kid inside it pushing it around for fun and all of a suddent there was a massive bang and glass was everywhere!
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+3 157. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Never leave your cell phone unattended

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+5 158. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Amazing guitarist

Ive been plaing for 3 months now and if i was half as good as this guy id be gtting somewhere!! :O :O
i hav so much respect for this guy including the fact that he even made the move to learn with his feet!

Respect for a ledgend!:L
Picture of Daire36 achievements

+4 159. Daire commented 16 years ago on video KaBoom

Javelins rock man!!!!
Picture of Daire36 achievements

0 160. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Unnecessary Censorship

>:) >:) >:) HAHAHA 1:25 is the best!!!
Picture of Daire36 achievements

0 161. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Wipeout - Funny new game show

1:46 to 1:48 is the best!!! :D
Picture of Daire36 achievements

+3 162. Daire commented 16 years ago on video It all comes back to you

wow thats a violent ad :O
good but violent! :D
Picture of Daire36 achievements

0 163. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Ford SportKa vs cat

I had a fight on Youtube bout this video...i think its funny as hell!!! :D
she did not :(|)
Its fake so get over it!!! this ad is very well done and the slogan is amazing then...
Its an ad..get over it!
Picture of Daire36 achievements

+3 164. Daire commented 16 years ago on video Best PC service ever!

Just as i taught...its fucked. >:)
Picture of Daire36 achievements

+2 165. Daire commented 16 years ago on video I don't need subtitles

:D:D:D very funny!!!
I love it!!