Comments posted by Dannelito


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+2 1. Dannelito commented 8 years ago on video Kids Losing Balloons

I find it puzzling with the creepy music :|
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+5 2. Dannelito commented 8 years ago on video Hope Pro 4: Adam Brayton RAW

I found this to be really nice change :) You could get a better feeling of the high speed which other videos dont give
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+10 3. Dannelito commented 8 years ago on video Working Through Emotional Barriers

I understand most of what he´s saying and it´s mostly true. One thing though, I don´t like, is him telling both the kid and the father that being black is gonna be hard. That´s just counter productive and creates racism. Everyone nowadays is so eager till eliminate this that we end up creating it. Surely they will face people that´s racist but to imprint a child that society is working against you i do not think is a constructive way :(
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+1 4. Dannelito commented 8 years ago on video Jay Leno Gets 2,500 HP on 2 Wheels - Jay Leno’s Garage

Look closely and you´ll see that he didnt even try to turn to the left (he steers to the right). It seems he just tried to counter the slide(caused by the bump). What do you think?
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+12 5. Dannelito commented 8 years ago on video Why you can't scan or photocopy modern currency

Hmm this seems untrue. I just did "not" try it and it did "not" work ;)
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+2 6. Dannelito commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

Short films, Inspirational and accidents :)
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0 7. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video How driverless cars will change cities

Yeah this might be a good idea, but i believe in a car-free city :)
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-2 8. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Imagine The Possibilities

well.., so this is what you get from Barbie when they´re trying to adapt to feminism :D
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-6 9. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Seeing Color For The First Time in 24 Years

how does he now which color is which if he has never seen any?
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+1 10. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Always buckle up !!!

seem like he was hit in the head by something flying from the carriage
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+4 11. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Supercell Time-Lapse

These weather phenomen are so fantastic :O I want to go there and see them with my own eyes
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+21 12. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video 5yr old reaction to becoming a big brother

#1 Isnt he actually saying "He CAN sleep in my bed" judging by the answer from the mother "Thats very kind of you" ?
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+15 13. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video 20 Signs China's Pollution Has Reached Apocalyptic Levels

well luckilly we have the US to help us set goals for enviromental friendly standards, like 3 ton v8 cars for daily work commute :x
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+4 14. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Homemade 40W Laser Shotgun annoying neighbour...
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+1 15. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Car sing-along goes wrong

They actually asked eachother if they were ok first thing
#5 and #6
You guys did notice the tire exploded right? But maybe it was the camera how secretly punctured it...
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+4 16. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Six-seat van carries 51 workers in China’s Guiyang

Im sorry, i cant find this amusing :| The sheer thought of how this peoples worksituation may be makes me sad. The driver might not even be the one responsible for this money saving strategy. This is just cruel and dangerous.
But maybe im wrong and they all were happy to enter the van travel through intense traffic and risking their life :D
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+4 17. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Climate Change in 12 Minutes - The Skeptic's Case

You might be aware of that the "ozone hole" are healing. We noticed the destruction of the ozone and some substances where forbidden hence the problem with the ozone is not a problem anymore
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+3 18. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video How to Become Gluten Intolerant

During the baking of bread nowadays many companies insert more gluten into their bread then normal when just using flour. This is done to make the bread softer and more juicy. Though not 100% verified I find it plausible this might cause an increase in how many who becomes gluten intolerant. Compare this to other allergies and diseases. When you come in contact with an not "natural" occurring substance you might develop and allergy againt that substance. For example nickel allergy when exposed to nickel in a necklace.
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+8 19. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Arthur does traffic

#1 alright sir
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+2 20. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Power Big Meet

Well, as a swede I wouldn't glorify these events too much. There are a lot of drinking involved and littering :/ Though its fun to watch some of it :)
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+7 21. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Idiots

Old new though i am smart and has figured this system out because i have glasses 8-) Time to take advantage of idiots without them
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+1 22. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Octopus gets crabby

Why doesnt the crab just snap off one arm of the octopus with his claws? Seems he should be able to defend himself
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+1 23. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Wheel of Fortune contestant solves 17 letter puzzle with only one letter

Peter Griffin still rules though ;)
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+1 24. Dannelito commented 9 years ago on video Science of flame...

Say whaat Whilliams!
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-5 25. Dannelito commented 10 years ago on video Waiting 10 Months For The Perfect Drone Footage

What if the video had to buffer for 10 months... would it still be worth it?
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+2 26. Dannelito commented 10 years ago on video Shooting Snowballs

swiiish booom! HAHAHAHAHA :D
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+42 27. Dannelito commented 10 years ago on video Zero Visibility

um seem quite foggy upfront, lets keep the speed to get through faster :S
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+3 28. Dannelito commented 11 years ago on video Evolution got it right on running...

A quite unfair comparison but hey, what strange things are we not willing to do to twist sience into something we want it to be :P
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0 29. Dannelito commented 11 years ago on video How Carabiners Are Made

No safety lock on the gate :O i wouldnt climb with that, guess its not approved in my country
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+3 30. Dannelito commented 11 years ago on video South Korea's Innovative parking places.

Its the perfect solution for the company. It makes it easier for people to choose the car over other alternatives. They get good publicity and it doesnt make people save so much oil that the oil-company needs to shut down gas-stations. They are an oil-company, why would they want to sell less oil? I hope Im wrong. :/
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+2 31. Dannelito commented 12 years ago on video Tax Dollars At War

and it seems like the majority of the american people like their "just wars" or so the tell themselves
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+3 32. Dannelito commented 13 years ago on video Acrobatic Dog

"A young woman was walking along the street....."
That is sure one strange young women or am i missing something :S
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+6 33. Dannelito commented 13 years ago on video Drag Race: Bugatti Veyron vs R35 Nissan GT-R

Thats a lot more to that. I find it hard to understand but horspower is the most important when you have a gearbox. This link explains it
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+4 34. Dannelito commented 13 years ago on video Full Earth-rise

So true
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+9 35. Dannelito commented 13 years ago on video Slippery stairs on russian subway

0:42 epic phone controll :O
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+12 36. Dannelito commented 13 years ago on video Girls Fail Compilation 2

What happens at 4:10
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+18 37. Dannelito commented 13 years ago on video Awesome Jeep

Thats one odd looking jeep ;)
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+1 38. Dannelito commented 13 years ago on video About Conformity

thats one good saying. Really something to think about in some situations, hope you dont mind me using it :P
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+35 39. Dannelito commented 13 years ago on video Fortress of Solitude cave

looks like supermans crystal cave :)
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+26 40. Dannelito commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Ninja Kick In Real MMA Fight

impressive :O
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+4 41. Dannelito commented 14 years ago on video FAIL Compilation 2010

i heard he survived :S
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+7 42. Dannelito commented 14 years ago on video Supercharged Engine Blows

they have a big fan in the front blowing at the radiator, so i dont think it was the cooling that was the problem. ;)
And btw i think they know what they'r doing. tuning a car comes with trouble and it didnt sound that serious either. they surely dont have to throw the engine at the junkyard :)
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+36 43. Dannelito commented 14 years ago on video Fishing Bloopers

must be the most boring soundeffects ever
totally ruins the vid :/
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+34 44. Dannelito commented 14 years ago on video Super Easy mode

We come in peace. Yeeey
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+5 45. Dannelito commented 14 years ago on video Getting thru a traffic jam

why did the car start to slide?
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-1 46. Dannelito commented 15 years ago on video Freerunning

like this sport :)