Comments posted by Darnko


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+4 1. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video 360 days in 40 seconda

0:16 I saw the tree in the back in the far left jump up.. :O
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+6 2. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Dozey Trainspotter

Why is #7 rated so high for bitching about, "having had submitted this before"? worth so much.???? :O
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+2 3. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Near airplane crash caught on tape

The Jet straightened out when he was down half way and to the end of the runway so who's to say what the wind would be in any given area at anytime.
The Pilot made his attempt and if the wind conditions were opposite and the winder part was at the middle to the end instead, he would of made a good landing.
I think the Pilots are Top Notch, Ace's. :O ;)
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+7 4. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Dozey Trainspotter

Literally one step away from death. :O I think he went to change his shorts. :)
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+5 5. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video The Levitron

A interesting and curious novelty to have and display. ;)
I gave out to friends the type shown at the far left 0:14 for Xmas one year,
my now ex-wife has mine. :|
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+6 6. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Made by Cows

that vending machine at 0:25 a nice touch :) :)
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+2 7. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video The AYD'S Diet

I remember when this happened, and what made it worse was at the time it was a death sentence when you got it.
Nothing was known about Virus yet.. :S
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+6 8. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Dog feels the beat.

he is just walking over to get his snausage.. a great motivator for most dogs ;) :)
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+16 9. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video BMW 330i driving itself

Pick-me! pick-me! I'd do it in a heartbeat :D
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+29 10. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Kopps - Benny's Dream II

Shoot at two guns to get two guns to shoot? :O

my kind of movie along the lines of The Naked Gun:
From the Files of Police Squad! :D 8-) :D
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0 11. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Airbus A380 Brake Test

#9 please don't forget to get video, different points of view, some slow motion and a good tune. Good luck looking forward to it. :) 8-)
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-4 12. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video airspace reboot

I'm always amazed at how the satellites remain in the orbit with the :) earth that allows for things like this to be shown, not to mention my TV working and..... ;)
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+2 13. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video iPad Skateboard

The name of this device sounds like a female personal hygiene product to me.
A maxi or mini.... :S :P
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+9 14. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Cute Golf Juggling Girls

that's awesome.. :O :D Practice, practice and you may get a hole in one... :D
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+2 15. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Parking trough the wall

Thanks #5
I don't see the damage on the back of the car one would expect from driving it through a brick wall. :O 8-)
I thought maybe from a lot across from that building, jumped a gap or something. That's crazy :S
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+1 16. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Parking trough the wall

Thanks #5
I don't see the damage on the back of the car one would expect from driving it through a brick wall. :O 8-)
I thought maybe from a lot across from that building, jumped a gap or something. That's crazy :S
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+10 17. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Pole Vault Fail

He's gonna have a new pitch to his fart sound. :S :O
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+2 18. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Watch the Space Shuttle Launch from Every Angle

An Awesome engineering feat, This Shuttle, Atlantis, has just returned from it last Voyage to be retired after 25 years and about 32 trips. :)

I saw that bird fly by and thought it to be a hawk? :)
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+9 19. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Visible shockwaves from eruption at Eyjafjallajökull

Different English accents saying this awesome Volcano's name. 8-)
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+2 20. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Disturbing japanese commercial

#1 Well Put.. :) :S
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-1 21. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Flooded river destroys road

I would say that the Culvert was plugged with debris and could not do what it was there for, letting water flow through it and under the road.
The Culvert was large enough to have avoided this. When it finally got through the water level dropped quickly. Some through and some around.
With regular maintenance of road ways, this could have being prevented. :S :O 8-)
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+6 22. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Flooded river destroys road

I would say that the Culvert was plugged with debris and could not do what it was there for, letting water flow through it and under the road.
The Culvert was large enough to have avoided this. When it finally got through the water level dropped quickly. Some through and some around.
With regular maintenance of road ways, this could have being prevented. :S :O 8-)
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+5 23. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Dog Girl

She must have heavy duty callused, thick skin on knees, hands as getting around like that can't be easy to do. :O :(
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+2 24. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video New York City in 3D in google Earth

That was a fun ride, never been there until now. :)

#10 instead of getting all upset and making this bad you could of gave a link to see place you speak of? :S
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+4 25. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video 76 yrs old granny tears up a big book like it's nothing and lifts 24 kg. dumbbels

That is one tough old bird, and a great attitude of life as well. :) :D
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+4 26. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Microsoft Office prank

I'm surprised that in today's world that they would want to pick up an object, such as this CD case. I would expect to see people run or back away. :S :O
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+3 27. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Angry Wife Crashes Husband's SUV

I'm not sure if it's timing, the crime or whatever, but some people can't handle stress very well at all.
. Now a days we can get to see more of the real life action, but men and women been doing this kinda stuff for as long as I can recall.
There was the guy who drove the front end loader from the Job site through the house so, or the other guy who flew his small airplane into his ex-girl friends parents house. No one was injured except the guy in the plane and that probably fit into his plan. And on, and on.... :S :| ;)
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+5 28. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video No place to park your car?

Now I wonder if I could use my '78' Dodge Omni? ;) >:)
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+4 29. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Grandpa dancing

I think he was a dancer that started young. That's not just a only 1 time fluke video. He's one of those people that love dance, watch it but more than that getting out there.
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+3 30. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Hong Kong Architect

#11,#21,#(removed comment), I thought the same thing watching how and where these things are taken care of. Not only to wake someone up so you can drop a deuce, but it's that you are doing it in someones Bedroom.
I know some people that have to have as much noise in background such as the fan ,a radio and running water in sink noise so they feel comfortable enough so they can do there thing. :S :S
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+5 31. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Panda Attack

I strongly agree with the people that say there are lines and fences you do not cross. Come on, back leaning "right" against the Panda enclosure, he should be the jacket not what he had on when it happened :) .
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+6 32. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Dog Man

He's really got that down.
If you had a few sound only clips of real dogs snarl and him and you had to pick out the one that's not a Dog,
I don't think I could do it anyway.
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+4 33. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Yellow Lab Grabs His Own Diner

It's a great clip. You can tell when a Dog is happy and knows he done good.
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+12 34. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Traffic in Russia

First one there gets a date with Olga.... :S
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+4 35. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Manual wiper blades

Ingenuity, doing what needs to be done, and don't get the Windshield wiper mad at you.. :)
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+4 36. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 Low Pass Flyby's of All Time

#23 It is a requirement of "Top Gun" pilots. Here in Canada the instructors are with the Pilots in training and they say it is
the training exercise they fear/hate the most. That speed so close to the ground they have no time to correct an error.
The only woman to complete this training was sent to intercept a MIG and send it home or else, a first.
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-3 37. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Slipping Down Stairs

This is the first time I seen such a event. Our school was one level, now I see there was reason for that plan. My thing was to take the top to bottom in as few a steps as possible. At home I could do it in one step. ;) 8-)
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+10 38. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Nut bra to the rescue

I liked it, although a bit course. If you never experienced one of these indignities to some degree it probably won't be funny. :) :D :S
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+5 39. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Employment

This was a real hoot! I love the traffic "light" at 2:38
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+6 40. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video METEOR!

Someone might get lucky and find an extraterrestrial nugget :D 8-)
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+4 41. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video What is a browser

I use Firefox mainly as my I.E. crashes alot and although it is polite and says it's sorry and thanks for the report you sent. Goggle, we won't go there, I did give it ago.... ;)
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+7 42. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Scooter Vs Garage Door

#7 That was my thought he doesn't seem to make any kind of evasive movement at all. ;) :O
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+26 43. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video How to pronounce Snotr

I was saying it right which is not normal for me, thanks! :)
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+7 44. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video The End

Geez that's coming up fast..anyone know of an extra seat on a Space Ship, hiding behind a Comet for E.G, :O :(
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+3 45. Darnko commented 14 years ago on video Man vs. Wild

It seems the grosser it is, the more protein it has. :S :S
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-1 46. Darnko commented 15 years ago on video Bush & Clinton Speech

I like the little :(|) on the Mantle in the background. :P
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+2 47. Darnko commented 15 years ago on video Dog Senses Earthquake moments before it happens

#24 Sex, Drugs and Rock n' Roll
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-7 48. Darnko commented 15 years ago on video Blown Away

Vodka maybe? :)
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+2 49. Darnko commented 15 years ago on video Dave Chappelle

A true classic.. Dave has a great sense of humor... like others I miss his show.
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+1 50. Darnko commented 15 years ago on video Anyone for a pancake?

who does a "hot" pancake slide off face back 0.36 in pan in their pancake routine anyway?..should've stopped there..ouch...
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0 51. Darnko commented 15 years ago on video Horse Gets Revenge

I've never seen a Horse have this reaction to someone "crossing the line" with them. The fact that this was caught on tape, it makes me wonder what else happened that wasn't caught on tape or shown. I say NEIGH!!
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+3 52. Darnko commented 15 years ago on video Wrong restroom side

0:54 is the only guy who looked back again for a peek
and also had the biggest smile walking in on the second ones. 8-) :(|)
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-3 53. Darnko commented 15 years ago on video Horrible plane crash

No fire, first time I've seen a plane crash as tragic and bad as this with no smoke or fire. :O :(
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+42 54. Darnko commented 15 years ago on video News blooper

now I want to hear the Hampster story.......
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+6 55. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Good morning!

that's funny, his 'play' gets stuck on
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+8 56. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video New Apple Macbook Wheel

seriously funny... 8-)
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+5 57. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Yoshimoto Cube

ahh...two , gold & silver, cube, ahh..... star... :P
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-1 58. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Idiot compilation

way to go guys!
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0 59. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Girl malfunction

painful I couldn't watch (listen) the whole video. :S
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-12 60. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video One of the world's first videogames

cool but would get boring quite fast 8-)
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0 61. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video The stupidest exercise machine you'll ever see

lol for people with more money than brains 8-)
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+3 62. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Two drunks try to mount horse sculpture

retards... :(|)
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+6 63. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Giant urban beach ball

it would have to be filled with Helium as that much beach ball would be fairly heavy I think, a cool idea :(|)
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+3 64. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video He loves a fat girl

oh so very bad........ :S :( :'( :S
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+6 65. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Atmospheric cloud wave

Mother Nature Rulez!! :(|) 8-)
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+33 66. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Idiot of the year?

Is it the same cameraman that always loses focus at "that" moment in all videos? In this case a Alligator eating finger food. :(|)
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+2 67. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Firing an employee

she only killed one laptop after all.. 8-)
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+1 68. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Yucko the Clown: Spring break

reminds me of Another famous clown, John Wayne Gacy >:)
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+3 69. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Bad hangover

He has been on an 8 year twist off.... :(|)
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+2 70. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Titanic in 5 seconds

I thought Titanic it hit an ice berg 8-)
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+2 71. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Beat machine

He's a creative time killer :(|)
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+4 72. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Stupid people

1:18 so funny it hurts >:) 8-)
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+1 73. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Meeting women

LOL Bloody Brits, way out there 8-)
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0 74. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Restaurant prank can hell to be a greenhorn 8-)
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+20 75. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Artificial insemination

...uck the pint give me a gun!, :O Life sucks but that is way out there. :O :'(
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+2 76. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Dew sled

ruff...about time.. ruff ruff
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+2 77. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Bad day at the office!

3:19 is my favorite, I can't relate as all I have had to replace so far is a keyboard for my laptop, take out a Copier and a Desktop Comp., awesome. >:)
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+1 78. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Bathtub harbor

This is the first I've seen this type of photography, I'd like to try it someday. 8-)
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+1 79. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Help Iceland!

yah, I agree with her 100 proof 8-) 8-)
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-5 80. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Tom Green Owns Xzibit in Freestyle Battle

#14 yah Tom Green is the pooh poo
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+4 81. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Goalkeeper

lol caught me by surprise, :O >:)
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+1 82. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Army accidents compilation

I agree with #1 and #(removed comment). Those guys in the Helicopter 5:5 just sitting in the doorway did seem to stay inside until the end, hopefully they all lived. 8-)
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+4 83. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Art with sand

Geez with that Music I was expecting something magical to happen, and nothing special at all happened. :( :(|)
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+1 84. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Cable PSA For Old People

Funny, but so close to truth as she has been around for a lot of changes to TV and Computers. :D :(|)
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+2 85. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Accident collection

some pretty great moments caught on tape, I enjoyed it. 8-)
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+17 86. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Need a buddy?

Normal kids get royally grossed out at the thought of their parents mating. :(|) :(|)
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+2 87. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Gladiator Spider

I like those big dark compound eyes. 8-)
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+2 88. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Something went wrong

oh thats got to hurt in so many ways >:) :(|)
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+2 89. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Kid with a fake ID buys beer and porn

#7 I wanna party with you.. :'( :'( :( :| :'(
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+3 90. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Drink Milk

don't get it sorry, but i hope to hear about it
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0 91. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Polar friday and monday

that's hilarious, captured each perfectly :(|) 8-)
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0 92. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Washington Mutual advertisement

he got way more out of his than I did mine.. :(

:(|) 8-)
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0 93. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Weird water accident

old faithful :(|)
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+3 94. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Cyanide and Happiness - The Sign

so true, that's the way I to believe it works and such a simple illustration..bravo 8-)
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+2 95. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Household injuries

These guys make the Dumb and Dumber pair look like geniuses. :(|) 8-)
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+1 96. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Peace dove fail

he or they seem to be old enough to know dif. between an alive and a dead bird and the dead ones don't fly
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+1 97. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Snake attacks after losing body

I wouldn't be playing with it, just because the head got separated from the body doesn't make the poison harmless all of a sudden. I remember as a kid being chased around by headless chickens and turkeys at butchering time, the nerves aren't dead yet in all of these cases.
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+3 98. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Extreme Biking

that "insane speed" could haved knocked a slower rider off the hill, an added element of danger for everyone. :(|) 8-)
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+2 99. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

#27 READ #26

I know where you are, because your still in your shelter you built with the end of the World being caused by those darn computers crashing back in 1999 into year 2000. (and it rained havoc everywhere)??
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+3 100. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Hungry hamster

got milk?
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+2 101. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video True Love

#3 you'd have a hare on your plate
I don't get the Eagle part though, why is he on his knees?
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+10 102. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video The end of the world

are you guys ever grumpy....I liked it all, used to have this album of Pink Floyd,
#3 lol...
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+6 103. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Stars in the space

700 million times bigger, well I guess I won't go that way. 8-) :(|) 8-)
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0 104. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video World fastest clapper

lol #22 ....great comments but 22 is the one I was looking for.
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+3 105. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video World's largest shotgun

#16 Thats 12 to 15 Ducks in how many pieces?
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+2 106. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Urban music

the best thing about this one is #3 "damn smiley!"
bahaaaa haha >:)
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+1 107. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Playing tetris on a building

That's quite imaginative as it would be no small feat.
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+2 108. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Human catapult

not a bad idea, I've seen where Professionals missed or bounced off the net. ;)
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+7 109. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video A smart woman on the highway

I would've left out the Video description to see if anyone really thought the same as in video. :(|) 8-)
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+6 110. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Oktapodi

lol.. who thinks of this stuff, a love/action story of octopuses lol 8-)
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+1 111. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Jimmy Kimmel vs Eminem

Don't do this at home. They really shouldn't light of using Helium as it can be dangerous due to the risk of asphyxiation from lack of oxygen. 8-)
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+3 112. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Cat vs printer

cats, not happy until it breaks.
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+1 113. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Hamster Ball 'swimming'

#9 "just how retarded do you have to be to make a double post,"

Be patient your almost there don't feel left out.
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+1 114. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Hamster Ball 'swimming'

fun to watch anyway ;)
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+1 115. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Hamster Ball 'swimming'

fun to watch anyway ;)
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+1 116. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Scare fail

I don't think my first instinct would be to punch Wolfman? in the face. :O
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+4 117. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Prison Break - dog version

My folks had a dog like that. It's not cruelty, just the natural progress of escape proofing an enclosure so the darn dog doesn't get out... 8-) this one is not yet complete. :D :(|)
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0 118. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Ninja cat comes closer while not moving

that's funny, and it all went along/together so purr-fectly. >:)
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+3 119. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Darth Vader plays The Blues

WHOOP! WHOOP! ;) :(|)
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+3 120. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Ivan Sutherland's sketchpad

#5 Ditto...
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+7 121. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Messing with Steven Seagal

It's just like watching a Mr. McGoo cartoon! 8-) ;)
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0 122. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Pressure point knockout

If they're happy kicking and hitting each other let them at it, also giving out a Video once in awhile so we can check the progress of their absurdity, let them.
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+1 123. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Guards that beat a fan are beaten by more fans

The cop that I thought was guilty of brutality, bottom right jabbing with end of stick, was the first to run and get away. F'nn A holes.
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0 124. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Speed cooking

Boooo... :(
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+2 125. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video A dog attacks a shark

A shark cruising or hanging out in a Jet Stream is f#@ked, how did he get up there? ;)
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+3 126. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video How to scare the sh*t out of someone

I agree with you #7. Another case of bad acting and comedy sketch writing. :(|) 8-)
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-3 127. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video The elevator

that Elevator stops,I'm crying like a little girl.
:O :'( :'( :O
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+5 128. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Zoom into Concrete

Concrete is chaos! ;) :(|)
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+4 129. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Funny (but dangerous) 'mishaps'

some funny stuff... Call an Ambulance for the err Ambulance!!.
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+4 130. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Flexible furniture

Since it's butt ugly and looking very uncomfortable, it might be all right to give it to the kids for their play room, then you'll see how tough it is. :(|)
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+4 131. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Beach Bloopers

lots of lip stands. funny, and some with that, "I'm cool, meant to do that", look.
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+1 132. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Super jump

I think part of it is his ability to get his legs up closer to him when he is at the highest point.... nice jump! 8-)
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-4 133. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Scary fish

what a load of crap..
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+4 134. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Honesty: car mechanic

thats funny stuff
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+2 135. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Sean Connery voice club for men

very funny idea.
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+6 136. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video American Idol parody

you know you're famous when Simpson's puts you in an Episode.
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+2 137. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Darth Vader plays golf

that's great, very funny!
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+2 138. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video iHologram

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+3 139. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Juggling in a cone

how or what would make a person even think of doing something like this?
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-2 140. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Messing with Chuck Norris

#5 #7 8-) What, is it like.."Stop or I will Program!, then you'll die of boredom"? 8-)
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+4 141. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Messing with Chuck Norris

#5 #7 8-) What, is it like.."Stop or I will Program!, then you'll die of boredom"? 8-)
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+3 142. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Awesome shadow performance

good stuff, could of had more of these
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+3 143. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Awesome shadow performance

good stuff, could of had more of these
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+2 144. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Child prodigy

like watching somebody's boring home movies, well I guess it is.
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+8 145. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Guy with helmet vs. goat

#11 the Goat is just doing what Goats do, Human .. getting dumber every time he butts head with that Goat
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+1 146. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Top 20 Olympic gymnastic fails

that last one look like an serious inner ear infection....
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+2 147. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Monkeys on ice

now I've got diabetes.
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+2 148. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video How not to use an escalator

why are moderator's making these comments. If there is no comments there really shouldn't be anything to moderate. It seems to me that the moderator in this thread should of cut himself out of it
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+2 149. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Supermarket domino

hard to watch because of unsteady camera work, and too slow at times :( :'(
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+3 150. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Car crash test compilation

Often the only thing I find wrong with some Vids. is the soundtrack that goes along with the entry, this is an example of such a thing for me.
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+7 151. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Police car vs. deer

didn't feel a thing.
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+4 152. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Cops vs. gate

I would have been great if all there was behind that, was a guy sitting on a crapper.
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+1 153. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Magic fridge

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+5 154. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Down the stairs

at least we know he won't be multiplying.
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+1 155. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Fat astronaut

i like the way he moves, but it looks a little tight in the crotch area...
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0 156. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Rabbit and a snake

that's great, that snake must of really pissed of that snake. :(|) >:)
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+4 157. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video The Man of 101 Voices

really great stuff, right on impersonations! especially the characters I don't know
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+6 158. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Guiness Good Times

there really are some good creative ads these days, this is not one of them.
#7, you wish
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0 159. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Barack Roll

wow...a black guy singing and dancing
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+2 160. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Dramatic Cat

I like this one too... lol
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+3 161. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Johnson Automotive commercials

he's related to BeetleJuice.
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0 162. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Virtual barber shop

now I'm itchy ;)
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+2 163. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Virtual barber shop

now I'm itchy ;)
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-1 164. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Neg's Urban Sports - Skittles

I think there is a law against that. :)
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-1 165. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Neg's Urban Sports - Skittles

I think there is a law against that. :)
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+7 166. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Advanced toilet

oh I hate that when that happens.... ;)
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+4 167. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Stay still...

they make good Traffic Cones.
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+1 168. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Bert and Ernie rap

that sure doesn't sound like Bert and Ernie.
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+3 169. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Bert and Ernie rap

that sure doesn't sound like Bert and Ernie.
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+3 170. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Eyelid powerlifting

way too much time on his hands....
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+19 171. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Whales Blowing Bubble Rings

they don't look Japanese.
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+5 172. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video The Best of TV News Lip Slips

very telling shits...slips
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+4 173. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Air rings under the water

I've seen the Dolphins playing with them, very cool. :D
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+7 174. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Drunk Kitty

he's loaded.........
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+2 175. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Lady Rating

Is that Kid still alive, broken bones healed or whatever?
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+1 176. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Ford SportKa vs cat

That car is soooo evillll......, I luv it..!
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0 177. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video 2008 Taipei 101 new year fireworks display

That was a lot of explosives they put on that brand new sky scraper, very nice colorful show on most of the building from top to bottom. ;)
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+2 178. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Horse does backflip

I think the Horse gave himself a surprise as well as the, "Driver"?!.
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+1 179. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Where the Hell is Matt?

I like how long it took for the guy up on the ladder took to turn around to see the copter crashing behind him.
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+7 180. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Skydiver climbs on the wing of a plane

He sure makes it look simple.
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-2 181. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Egg prank goes bad

poor retards, feel sorry for them. :'(
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0 182. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video George Bush is funny

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0 183. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Achievement whores

"I give great comments", that's a real
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+2 184. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Nugget shoe polish

the woodpecker had same size fireball as the clock towers, one awesome pecker it was.
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0 185. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Every anchor dance now

I'll take two of they on... 8-) ;)
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+6 186. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video US voting machine

:) COME HERE! COME HERE! lol that's so funny
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+1 187. Darnko commented 16 years ago on video Tay Zonday's new song: Cherry Chocolate Rain

"Chocolate Rain", great a song about liquid shite!