Comments posted by Deathegg


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+9 1. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Camouflaged cat

He was like, "O.K.... I'll be, ummm... over there...." :D
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+7 2. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Don't bully animals...

I wan to add a correction to #7, I would've hoped he attacked his dads dicks head... Much much more amusing...
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+7 3. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Mega Train 2010

Wow! Great job! If only my parents pushed to do those things when I was younger... I could've achieved awesomeness LOL!!!
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+9 4. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video HOW ITS MADE - Gold

Ohhhh shiny.... my precious... i mean um.. yeah, chemical bla-bla yeah....
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+1 5. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Boy Locked In Safe Rescued

I wonder who payed for the safe...
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+9 6. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Zordon the Racist

Ahh.... college humor at its best... loved it!
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+32 7. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Welcome To Hell

Ahhh comedy at it's best... "The jews were right" LOL that was awesome!!
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-1 8. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Cut your carbon emissions by 10%

Not a single golden comment....
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-1 9. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video weird dog

Isn't there a bear in the house with two people? what's that all about?...
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+5 10. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Super High Jumping Cat

He just swings himself into air without any self control :D
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+19 11. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video The Snazzy Napper

I'm afraid people using this would need help with the 'eeaaassy breeeaaathing'....
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+19 12. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Biker Collides Head-On With Old Man

Replay needed. >:)
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-6 13. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Imitating Some Birds

You can't see it but after he cuts the video, all those birds come and crap on his head >:)
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+81 14. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video What happens when an Engineer plays football?

I'm sorry but I really believe this is fake... It just looks not-real, that kinda fake shake of the camera, I don't know... Just looks fake...
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+8 15. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Impressive off the wall shot

So playing that old paddle game finally pays off... :D
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0 16. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Jackass 3D

The "Warning" at the end is hilarious!
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+5 17. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Stretchy Skin Man

MR Fantastic.... sort of.. :D
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+1 18. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Kid Walks Right Through Spinning Hoop

I'm a guy who writes his opinion even if it'll be way down here.
Because what ever I'm thinking, is important.
Wow, nice vid.
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+1 19. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video 3running

The slo-mos are beautiful...
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+2 20. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Bank Robbers!!

Ocean 8?...
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+9 21. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video 81-year-old sweethearts

No age limit on love is there..... :)
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+21 22. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Jurassic Park in real life?!

Down Rex! Down! :D
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+4 23. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Split Personality Call

Only 6 comments on a 1000 days old video?
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+4 24. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Diaper Jeans Hit the Streets!

So the corporates have run out of ideas on how to take your money....
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+7 25. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Golf Ball Hitting Steel

That is too cool....
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+7 26. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Super Baozi vs Sushi man

The sushi crapping himself is incredibly funny :D :D :D
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-4 27. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Anti-homosexuality tape from Uganda

#33 Did you know that homosexuality is said to be a defense mechanism of evolution so that a specie won't over populate earth... So if you say no 'faggots' for 50 years humanity can multiply by 2 almost 3 by that time and especially with all the health care improving lately... Bottom line, no gay = over population of earth... In basic...
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0 28. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Anti-homosexuality tape from Uganda

WTF does he care anyway?.. I bet he know only because one day he woke up and asked himself "hmm I wonder what gay people do in the free time?" then googled something like "gay sex funtime" and found all this 'pu-pu' thing, and then decided that it's not to his liking so he would bring the whole nation against them... wtf showing kids and elders some gay fetish porn... He is one sick poor dude.... Long live privacy :D
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+8 29. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video The Monster

Bon apetitte... ;)
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+42 30. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Tornado during a football match in japan

Thant's some scary shit right over there...

Did anyone notice there was no laughing japanese guy at the corner? :D
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+2 31. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Another Day in the Office

We saw that in a driving class at school... Like every driver is supposed to see the upcoming disasters via various implications... such as that drawer open and stuff.... I really didn't get it =D
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+6 32. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Television is a drug.

Look at me! Look at me! I'm a comment! Thumbs up here! NO! Not there! Here! Right here! Look at me! :D
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+5 33. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Chatroulette Endmost Piano Ode To Merton

There were some pretty wierd dudes there.... :D
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-1 34. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Statue moving fail

Ummm... refunds? yes, no?.... no?.... >:)
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+39 35. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video OUCH!

just clicking on 0:17 over and over again >:)
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+5 36. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Donald Duck - The Spirit Of '43

To beat the evil destroyer of peace?.. That should stick.. =D
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+6 37. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Monkeydog

It's in Israel, a place called Ape Park...
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0 38. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Chubby Baby Does Weird Tile Slide!

Then again... I wonder if the high shriek is coming from her mouth... or her butt....
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+20 39. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Chubby Baby Does Weird Tile Slide!

Oh my god that is one of the most bizzare and funny thing I've ever seen!! :D :D :D
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+2 40. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Fish or tadpole? Five miles deep.

#4 Is a tough mother fucker!!! >:) >:)
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+2 41. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Sonic and Mario's Awkward Reunion

Checkout Peaches expressions XD, Nice vid ++
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-3 42. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Incredible Bike Run

Those were like the coolest Powerangers I've ever seen!!!! :D
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-2 43. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Super Burn Out FAIL!!!

Karma... I bet that was like at 2 pm and people were taking their naps...
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+8 44. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video The History of the World in 75 Seconds

Advanced stupidity!! XD
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-5 45. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Fallen Art

That was a rather.. shady video... Didn't get it... Good work though :D
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+3 46. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Americans can't remember when 9/11 happened

#15 I read down till your post and had to add this... This is dedicated to all non-mainstream stories aka conspiracy lovers...
How dare you all say that this is the government doing... 3000 lives lost.. That is 12000 families ruined... 12000 families that will never wake up the same, never smile truly and never feel the joy of life coming upon them...
I saw movies about the conspiracy, I heard it all, but no one had the answer for the 3000 deaths.. An excuse to attack Afghanistan??? Go to hell, you and all who dare mark these 3000 lives as an excuse...
It's exactly people like who make question the lives of 6000000 jews at WW2 or any other mass death in the past century

So screw censorship, Fuck you and Fuck all who disrespect peoples lives, any life. Labeling them as an excuse for money and power... Disgusting...

#32 If I could vote + 30 times I would.. Couldn't agree with you more.
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+5 47. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Americans can't remember when 9/11 happened

#7 You've heard way too much Sum 41... And #22, you really are goddamn stupid, if i had the chance I would hit you in the head and when you yell at me I'll just say "whats the matter? who cares who did it? you got hit in the head, end of story", It's about preventing the next attack... Way to go #28!!

Hell, I have something to say about anyone... Wow great vid, it really made a conversation, very contraversal, I like it.

Peace all!!! :D
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+16 48. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Pixels invasion

Damn that selfish dude who threw away his TV!! >:)

Great video!! I really enjoyed it! :D
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+33 49. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Dogs vs police car

So that's what the dogs do if they catch the car.....
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+2 50. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Unbelievable excavator stunt

#22 Allow me... If he would by chance have to dig a deep and narrow hole, He would most likely have to be inside the hole and it is highly possible that he would have to be in the deepest part as well. And so as seen in this short movie, he would be able to disconnect his digging claw and store it elsewhere and then climb his way up out of the hole. Hope it helps.

P.S Thank you #1, I had no idea what's "Wetten dass" and before I had to go and google it you provided an answer. :D
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+1 51. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Chubby cuppy cake boy

I bet he'd blow up if I pinch him >:)
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+12 52. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Balloon festival in time lapse

OMG! The giant cow ran away!! Hehe, just kidding, yeah very nice vid
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+4 53. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Taiwanese Boy Sings Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You'

I bet no one expected that from a fat chinese dude... But damn look can be deceiving, we got proof for all those pregidous bastards...
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-7 54. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Trololo

Wow... The category has it dead on!... I don'y thereis anything worth commenting except I'm fifth so... >:)
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+7 55. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Redneck Art

That is cool :D ! But what about all the hungry children in Africa?... >:)
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+4 56. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Entrance

no one would bother reading down till this post and rate it....
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-4 57. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Polish car tuning

fake... :P
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+3 58. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video The Long Road Home

Wow he was smooooooooooooth....

#(removed comment) you can't really compare....
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+17 59. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Manual wiper blades

Once again man outsmarts mother nature even in without technology!!!
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-1 60. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Cheeseburger in Hydrochloric Acid

I seriously thought that old dude was an old grandma or something on the thumbnail.. XD
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-2 61. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Singstar game

There goes the little girl's childhood, not to mention the thousand of dollars and hundred of hours therapy its going to cost >:)
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+1 62. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Truck Jumps Crazy Fan During Race

A new pair of pants is in order....
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+42 63. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Goatpipes

Oh my god the description is a lie!!! That is EXTREMELY weird!!! :P
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+12 64. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Blind soldier learns to 'see' with his tongue

This incredibly amazing.. How did they manage to think of something as stupid as deciphering your surroundings with little tingles on your tongue... pretty clever.. :P
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+32 65. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video The Phobia Workshop

Hilarious!! :D
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+9 66. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video When its too cold to fly...

it looks like a family guy scene, but real! :D :D :D
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-3 67. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Psycho girlfriend smashes Xbox

umm... why whould a tv go black when something is unplugged?.. it should go blue or have a big "no connection" or something..
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0 68. Deathegg commented 14 years ago on video Seth MacFarlane's Secret

I liked it... Maybe my sense of humor needs tuning :D anyway.. Please don't post anything if you don't have anything that you really want to say.. like just "gay" or a comment about someone who was supposed to be dead..
Two reasons; firstly it really lowers this site rating.. And secondly, it just take room down in the comments section.. Shame.. :D
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+1 69. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Jet Boat Maitrise (aka Insanity)

Four thumbs for those dudes!! (including the ones on my feet) :D
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-9 70. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Rocket fuel plant blows-up

Oh my ****en god... It's just like an apocalypse movie.. But real :O
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+11 71. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Thirsty Cow

That's some sick fetish >:)
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-3 72. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Google Nexus One: The F*ck u iPhone!

WOW!! One Google Nexus 1 comin' up! :D
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+1 73. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Dog Senses Earthquake moments before it happens

Whoever thinks the guy moved the chair exactly like the dog, did you consider the possibility that the man moved because the dog suddenly just darted out?...
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+8 74. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Dog Senses Earthquake moments before it happens

That's amazing.. He really sprinted out! Wow!
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+22 75. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Blind kid playing piano

Incredible he actually feels the music! to remember precisely where each note and and when to tap it with amazing precision... wow.. No words.. except those above of course =D
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+27 76. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Drifting Idiots

#(removed comment) then don't write :D you just wanted to be first! admit it!
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+1 77. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Techno Jeep

Amazing... i never thought #(removed comment) could be so stupid >:) Just
joking, it really is amazing, if weren't for the video I'd never guess the music came from a Jeep :D
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-1 78. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Facebook status: married

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-1 79. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Mouse VS Cat

It's funny because it's not like a mouse is attacking a kitty or something.. that's a big fat cat! Brave mouse!
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+2 80. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video The Longest Way

amazing... taking his own dream to his own hands.. speechless...
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-5 81. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video What A Roadside Bomb Looks in Real Life!!

it's a cute trampoline.. >:)
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+3 82. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Harrier Extremely Low Flyby

new set of pants and a new set of underwear...
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-5 83. Deathegg commented 15 years ago on video Woman parking a car

Everyone has something to say about the driver.. How about the cameraman? She at least accomplished something.. :D