Comments posted by Dexter


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+22 1. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video Project Natal

"actual product features and functions may vary" LOL... Yeah, maybe just a little. It was all looking semi-plausible up until the voice recognition part, what a load of bull. I'm sure that is going to work like intended.

Video game: For 100 points, what is the capital of France?
Kid: Paris!
Video game: Your answer is "Banana". Do you confirm?
Kid: No...?
Video game: I'm sorry the answer is Paris.

I really can't see this being released and working as shown anytime soon. Maybe in around 5 years or so.
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+6 2. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video Kid on drugs...

They call them fingers, but I never see them fing... Oh wait, there they go!
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+5 3. Dexter commented 17 years ago on video Brilliant prank - No reflection in mirror

She was saying that she sees their reflections fine. Just messing with them further.
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+5 4. Dexter commented 16 years ago on video Axe Imprints

One day the Axe Corporation is going to get sued for false advertisement. I wear Axe all the time and hot women don't have random sex with me.
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+4 5. Dexter commented 17 years ago on video Coca Cola cares about you

What a confusing commercial.
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+4 6. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video Elevator

1:15 was the funniest. You can slowly hear the music getting louder as the elevator comes, LOL!
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+4 7. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video Guy dumps bucket with ashes on girlfriend

There are so many videos of douches always pranking their hot girlfriend, I just don't get it. If I had a girlfriend like that I would treat her like a queen. Nice guys really do finish last, huh?
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+3 8. Dexter commented 17 years ago on video Lightning flashes at night

The song is actually called "Day After Tomorrow". It's by Harald Kloser.
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+3 9. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video I can't believe it's not cocaine!

I wouldn't be surprised if apple made this. They would make millions just like every other useless app they put out. This is almost as good as the 10 grand useless gem app.
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+3 10. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video The Musical Genius - Derek Paravicini

"He can barely count to 10". Yeah, but he can easily count to 4 though!
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+2 11. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video Adecco, better work, better life

Yeah, I worked for Adecco once. It really sucked. The place I was sent to paid $20/hour normally, but I only got paid $9/hour through Adecco. Bunch of crooks. They profit from all the money you earn, and they just give you minimum wage.
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+1 12. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video Heidi Klum as a pizza girl

I guess that dude that thought she was hitting on him died a little inside. Poor guy.
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0 13. Dexter commented 16 years ago on video Interesting new video player

What's so amazing? It just has a scrolling feature enabled on the screen. You can click anywhere on the screen move your mouse back and forth and it will ff/rewind the playback. It just looks cool because they happen to click on the certain object. Boring...
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0 14. Dexter commented 16 years ago on video Is Family Guy A Racist Show?

It's not racist if it's true.
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0 15. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video Comfort Wipe commercial

"Tired of touching dirty toilet paper?" You realize you still have to touch toilet paper to put it on your stupid stick. I don't know about you guys but I never get crap on my hands or touch my ass with my bare fingers when I wipe.
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-1 16. Dexter commented 17 years ago on video Guy solves two Rubik's Cubes at once

It's amazing how advertisements work. I bet that fake "energy drink" company are going to make millions because people actually believe they will be able to solve Rubik's cubes in 1 min or less after drinking their flavored water.
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-2 17. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video Greater Egyptian Jerboa

I thought you were going to lose that finger, lol. That thing looks so evil, but it's not. Or maybe it is? They are just waiting for the right time to make their deadly attack and take over the universe.
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-4 18. Dexter commented 15 years ago on video Badass police dog

Poor dog. It must go through a lot of abusive training to do those things.