Comments posted by Doolang


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+7 1. Doolang commented 9 years ago on video How an Earthquake, Tsunami, and Firestorm All Hit Lisbon at Once

I like the joyous music at the end. :|
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+6 2. Doolang commented 9 years ago on video Easy Cheese 3D Printer

.........Gross! :S
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0 3. Doolang commented 9 years ago on video Drag race car is too overpowered starts flying

It's still there... Camera zooms back....and he's going fast.
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+1 4. Doolang commented 10 years ago on video Snowstorm Timelapse

Can't really tell, but we got about 30-40 cm during this storm.
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0 6. Doolang commented 12 years ago on video A 5 year old child plays the piano

Yes...he is.
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0 7. Doolang commented 12 years ago on video Using a can to make supercar noise

Helmet rules!
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+1 8. Doolang commented 12 years ago on video 135 People Jump Off A Bridge In Russia

So if your friend jumped off a bridge.................
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0 9. Doolang commented 13 years ago on video Bashing in the office

Is that Shawn Of The Dead?
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+2 10. Doolang commented 13 years ago on video How to rip a phonebook in half

Just got a new new phonebook! I'm off to rip the shit outta the old one!
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+1 11. Doolang commented 13 years ago on video How things are made: CD

#6 If you don't find any humour in this, then climb back under the grouchy rock from in which you came.
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+8 12. Doolang commented 13 years ago on video Birth of A Botfly Maggot: with "Doctor Bugs"

That guy's effin crazy!
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+1 13. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Delicious lunch

**barfs in mouth*** :S
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+5 14. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Fire Breathing Gone Wrong

Safety 4th!
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-3 15. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Family Guy Coyote and Roadrunner

Another repost
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-3 16. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Family Guy Coyote and Roadrunner

Another repost
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-5 17. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video River Ride - Amphibious Bus Budapest

Horrible music. Couldn't watch.
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-1 18. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Kid on bike vs. tree

HAHAHAHA!!!! Love it! :D
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+1 19. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Stupid Biker

This guy, and many other bikers, need a good swift kick in the head. What a retard!
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0 20. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Tug Boat Ride

Safety 4th!
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+2 21. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Screaming Goats

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+3 22. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Dumbest tattoos ever

Tall SKinhead loser 2:17
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-2 23. Doolang commented 14 years ago on video Old school Fail

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-1 24. Doolang commented 15 years ago on video Insane motorcycle drifting

These are the people who keep our road safe!
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+2 25. Doolang commented 15 years ago on video Cocktail genius

^ I is just so horrible! :|
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+3 26. Doolang commented 15 years ago on video Fluteboxing

Does a flute have a spit valve? I'd hope so.
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-1 27. Doolang commented 15 years ago on video Comfort Wipe commercial

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0 28. Doolang commented 15 years ago on video Hippies crying over dead trees

What a buncha retards!
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+3 29. Doolang commented 15 years ago on video Mickey Mouse vs Disney Land visitor

MM serves the kid!
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+3 30. Doolang commented 15 years ago on video Dream Fail

This rules!
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+2 31. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video Record breaking coconut chopper

"and worst of all he should not miss the coconut and hit the boards!!!!!!!!!!"

Those ain't boards! That's a steel girder!!

I love this video!!
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+1 32. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video Crazy guys

Why does everyone have to use such overly gay music for their videos? This music is for over emotional manboys... Toughen up fellas!
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+14 33. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video Very complex Kung Fu move



n. pawn

1. Something given as security for a loan; a pledge or guaranty.
2. The condition of being held as a pledge against the payment of a loan: jewels in pawn.
3. A person serving as security
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0 34. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video Girl malfunction

Lol!!! #10 "take another joint" Dickweed!!

On aside note, I think we need to put her down.
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+2 35. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video Guitar speed record

What's this guys name?
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+13 36. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video Gun prank

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+4 37. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video Photorealistic speed-painting

I give the music an F-!! Absolutely horrible! Awesome paint skills though!
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+4 38. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video Where the Hell is Matt?

Funny.,,,I just get that goof dancing around the world video.. No choppers here
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0 39. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video Is he lip-syncing? I wouldn't say so...

What an assh@le!!
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0 40. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video "Pretty much everywhere, it’s gonna be hot"

My favorite video on this :D site!
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0 41. Doolang commented 16 years ago on video The world's highest building

I like the Eddie Van Halen box at 4:39