Comments posted by Eddie87


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+18 1. Eddie87 commented 8 years ago on video Happy New Year Snotr!!!

thx happy new year to snotr admin, users and viewers :) <3
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+1 2. Eddie87 commented 9 years ago on video Helium IPA (Berkshire Brewing Company)

Faroe Island
Almost every tourist lykes this beer
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+3 3. Eddie87 commented 9 years ago on video Fireworks malfunction

headset malfunction over here >:)
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0 4. Eddie87 commented 9 years ago on video 11 Million to 1 Gearing Reduction

ehhh ehm ehhh >:)
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+6 5. Eddie87 commented 9 years ago on video Escalator at Malaysian mall reverses direction

well that escalated quickly >:)
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+9 7. Eddie87 commented 9 years ago on video 5 Most Badass People Of All Time

where is Chuck Norris >:)
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+1 8. Eddie87 commented 9 years ago on video Awesome guitar mod

(i) the audio is on the left speaker
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0 9. Eddie87 commented 9 years ago on video Selfie Shoes

Would work best for those up skirt selfies O:)
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+5 10. Eddie87 commented 10 years ago on video SEALs parachuting into San Diego MLB stadium

I'm now scared shitless to ever skydive because of when he said 'Oh shit, this's gonna hurt. :O When a SEAL says that it means it's gonna damn well hurt. :x
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+5 11. Eddie87 commented 10 years ago on video mass of crabs VS. a stingray

The small one riding bareback on the larger one. The octopus just trying to be one of the lads. The mid march orgy. The bastard genocidal stingray. The sole survivor walking through a field of dead brothers. I liked this video.
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+2 12. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Sperm Whale Explodes

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+3 13. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Slow motion Rattle Snake strikes

When a rattlesnake strikes, its head acceler-
ates from rest to a speed of 33 m/s in 0.35 s
seconds. Assume for simplicity that the only
moving part of the snake is its head of mass
160 g. (i)
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+8 14. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Video Turns Child Into Grandmother

Thats amazing :) How do you do? that? :O
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+5 15. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Norwegian Bachelor Party

here is one in Faroe Island
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+12 16. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Ollie the African Grey clicking and whistling

The part at 0:19 seconds where he waits for the piano man to finish is adorable :D
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+3 17. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Blanka is a troll

the Trollmaster :x
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+11 18. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Sir David Attenborough greets a group of cannibals

David Attenborough has to be one of the most treasured people alive today. His contributions to science and public education are almost as outstanding as his personality. It saddens me to know that one day, he won't be around to show people how amazing the natural world can be.
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+1 19. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video What happens when you put a banger in a cow pat

Holy Cow Shit >:)
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0 20. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Animatronics of "The Thing"

0:09 looks wrong
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+5 21. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Slow Motion of an AK-47 Underwater

thats awesome :)

i want to see a clip in a pool where they fire a whole ak-47 magasin to see how it would move :) 3:35 one bullet movement
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+12 22. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video A lightning strike at 11000 frames per second.

If only we could see the footage uninterrupted that would be great. O:)
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+32 23. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Tiger finds a good bed

Hey guy casually chatting with the window down, I'm pretty sure it can reach (and rearrange) your face. >:)
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+17 24. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Self siphoning beads

Basically there is a lot more force on the beads going down (because the string is longer) but the beads going up have to be moving at basically the same speed. So the beads leaving the jar have some upward momentum that gravity has to over come. Thats how you get the cool arc (i) 8-)
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+52 25. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video German Engineering versus American Technology

I was honestly expecting something being torn off the redneck truck >:)
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+20 26. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Fire-fighting plane water bombing a house on fire.

That is so goddamn badass 8-)
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+3 27. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Hanging from hands over nothing

At 00:35 does the guy filming say "dammit that was shit"?
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+62 28. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Falstaff the Raven

They have ravens at the tower of London. They have had the same blood stream since the original birds in the reign of King Charles II (reigned 1660-1685) and are fed fillet of steak, salmon and chicken breast. A common raven has the life expectancy of around 10 years but the ravens at the tower of London average 23. Just thought I would share that rather boring piece of information. (i)
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+2 29. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video How not to film a ship launch

#4 Chuck norris >:)
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+4 30. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Now this is a street performer

why do people buy Wii fit, when you can do the same and get money >:)
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+27 31. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Old man skateboard tricks

you are never too old to learn new stuff :D
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+3 32. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Cargo Plane Crash

Rest in pease crewmembers <3 :'(
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+1 33. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Hand-built 14.5 Feet Tall Bike

shit the chain fell off xD >:)
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+34 34. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video 720 turn on a skateboard without holding the board

Land a world's first ollie 720 live, get a 24/25 from the judges. Some people are hard to please.
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0 35. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video SpaceX rocket hovers 820ft (320m) and lands

#2 how do you get ∞ away from gravity?
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+10 36. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video SpaceX rocket hovers 820ft (320m) and lands

what comes up must come down 8-)
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+3 37. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Close Call

Boom Headshot >:)
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+1 38. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Why Are We Afraid Of The Dark

one man one desire to write a comment in the dark >:)
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0 39. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video X-Ray vision of a person eating & drinking

recording Awesomeness :D
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+23 40. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Unbelievable Wingsuit Cave Flight!

In flight, pilots use a technique called "Relative Motion" to establish if they will clear a mountain pass or not, well ahead of actually getting here. Using Relative Motion, Alexander Polli can easily line himself up with the gap, and stabilise the motion on the other side of the gap: this ensures he is correctly lined up a LONG way before he gets there.
So, he knows if he's going to live or die - there's no guesswork involved.
Having narrowly escaped death several time under a paraglider, and knowing many now-dead adventurers, I can assure you Alexander Polli won't die of old age, as he is the proverbial "bold pilot".
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+14 41. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video How a face changes depending on the lighting

You can really see that effect around the 00:30 with the blue lighting. Just pause a few times and you can see how the lighting from below and the sides brings out unflattering lines under her eyes and shadows her forehead in odd ways.
From above, you see high cheekbones, smooth skin, and well shadowed eyes. This is a really cool video, thanks for sharing. :)
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+1 42. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Mysterious swaying plant

the plant is likely to be a palmetto frond, the shape of which causes it to catch even the slightest breeze like a sail or airplane wing.
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+1 43. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop at 130,000 fps

Thats awesome :(|)
It would be nice to see 1.03 (1.6576km/s) mile glass break in 1 sec, that is 3707.9456 mph (3707.9456km/h) :P
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+8 44. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Concrete pillar is subjected to load until failure

now crush a Lonsdaleite stone (machine vs stone) >:)
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+4 45. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Baby giraffe stands up for the first time.

looks like bambi on ice :) cute <3 <3
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+2 46. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Tennis entertainer

thats so funny xD
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0 47. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Dry Ice ERUPTIONS! How to Create Experimental Explosions! - Joe Genius

#8 thx, i want to try too upload different stuff on snotr just to see what is the best, this was just to try something new, i like the dry ice stuff but that guy is kinda annoyning.
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+22 48. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Epic drunk failure at the lake

what would you do to a drunken sailor what would you do to a drunken sailor what would you do to a drunken sailor early in the morning,, I know lets trow a beer at his head >:)
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+1 49. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Yesterday in Russia!

he didnt have alcohol in his body >:)
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+2 50. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Somewhere in Canada, someone has raised an army of Saint Bernards

i would never go on a vacation witout them, imagine how it would be if you where on a trip for a long time and come home to them all happy to see you and every one jumps on you <3
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+2 51. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Sneaky octopus

thats amazing :)
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+1 52. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Tiger Cub's First Prey

i love this video :) animals hunting <3
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+2 53. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Stop Eating Food: The Soylent Experiment

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+4 54. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Stop Eating Food: The Soylent Experiment

#5 you can follow on
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0 55. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Extreme yoyo-ing

#9 thanks :)
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-15 56. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Extreme yoyo-ing

one weird question how many likes does the biggest likes person on snotr got? please like so other persons can see the question
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+1 57. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Golf fails compilation

#5 that clip is from liveleak dot com but there is alot off web sites that got good clips
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+1 58. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Deadly chopstick skills

i was waiting for one to spring back at his face :x
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-6 59. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video CN Rail Train wash out.

one thing missing in this clip the train crossing the track/landslide 8-)
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-6 60. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Welcome to the magical shop

#4 i know thats my upload i know thats not the best prank but i have uploadet alot just to get it on snotr and at my opinium thats the most borin off all i tried, but wtf just a new prank on snotr good or bad i miss it alot.

i hope a Admin see this comments, and agree.
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-3 61. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Welcome to the magical shop

one thing i miss is pranks on snotr ive tried too upload alot off them but the one that comes in gets alot of dislikes.

like this

i have tried alot but they dont come..

thumbs up if you agree that there should be more pranks in snotr.
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+2 62. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Quadrotor vs. Tesla Coil

here is a test from top gear :)
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+1 63. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Ultimate Friendship Test

#3 you should try faroese beer thats the top of the line ;) here is a link{90838642-5E84-4F21-8392-A9737F72ACED}

i love gull (the golden beer) 5.8% and the taste is nice :)
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0 64. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Lucky skateboarder

his face priceless
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+23 65. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Ultimate Friendship Test

i have been in a situation where a friend was in trouble 2 guys hit him and i came to help and he ran away and i took alot of hits and kicks alone against 2 guys without any reason :(

so i think that it is a good thing too test friendship i learnt it the hard way but life must go on :)
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+1 66. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video NASCAR pit crew tire change POV with purple glowing brake rotor

i know where i´m going next time i´m goint to change my tyers
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+7 67. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Hard to sleep with this next to me...

sounds just like my dog i almost died in laugthe the fyrst time it was right in my ear :D
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+12 68. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video "The most amazing beaver experience of my life"

just in beaver >:)
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+1 70. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Chimps Held in Captivity for 30 Years Play in the Sun for the First Time

igot the comment #15 how would people comunicate?
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+1 71. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Chimps Held in Captivity for 30 Years Play in the Sun for the First Time

what if you people be in there for 30 years witout teaching them anything, how would the people be like? is there any experiment on that? that would be nice to know
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+5 72. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Is it better to walk or run in the rain?

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+5 73. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Three Sticks

one man one desire >:)
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0 74. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Mouse VS Cat

from the mouse, mom and dad i just scared a cat >:)
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+10 75. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Amazing badminton shot!

the guy in black was thinking lets keep it low and i´ll score >:)
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0 76. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Taylor's Day on The Price is Right

holy crap :O O:)
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0 77. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Horse Gets Revenge

good job horse <3
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0 78. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Deer Jumps Into Lion Enclosure

ohh deer O:)
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-1 79. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Act of sportsmanship gives Texas high schooler a shot at glory.

#5 Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't.. shit.

i´ll rather cry than shit while im playing this video >:)
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0 80. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Gorilla having fun playing in the leaves

lets dance :D
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+24 81. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video A Feral Cat Hunting

cat goes Asian mode >:)
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+4 82. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Shredding Glass

what is the window tint at 2:42 called?
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+8 83. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Car Backflip

#5 isnt it possible with a 4x4?
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+13 84. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video German Nivea ad - their reactions are priceless!

it would be fun if the person was on the real wanted list >:)
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-1 86. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Roger Federer.... You Can't do that

like yell, dislike silence xD
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+1 87. Eddie87 commented 11 years ago on video Afraid to fly ? ride a jet !

#5 *weirded :)
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+5 88. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Garnet Exelby, the Immovable Object

big gamer was aiming for triple kill >:)
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+3 89. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Fish geyser

we eat fish for the rest of the week >:)
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+23 90. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Emergency braking

thats awesome :)
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+4 91. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Years and years of practice ...

the guys on the right side on the screen 0:14 got a wakeup call >:)
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+57 92. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Swedish...

Zombies xD
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+1 93. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Neg's Urban Sports - Skittles

next stop the Bank xD
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+2 94. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Puppy Christmas

soo cute O:) Merry Christmas everybody <3 :)
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+1 95. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Free Hugs Amsterdam Edition

thats awesome :)

#3 there is Movember, next step is to start something new like Hugtober that would be funny to see the change in oktoberfest in Deutschland :D
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-7 96. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Drunk English in Indian Restaurant

like if you think his daughter Lily Atkinson is hot :P
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+1 97. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Laughing in the subway

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+3 98. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video A tour of the ISS orbital laboratory

sorry about my English but what if it where a hall with higher weight, and have a gym, and put higher body weight, would you become a super human if you are training for a while when you come too earth?
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+1 99. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Mouth Juggling

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+2 101. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Jeep Climbs Up A Steep Rock

Mans best friend.

Dog: are everybody ok?

why did the person driving take the dog on that trip :O
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+18 102. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Alpha Kenny Body

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+4 103. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Crystal the Monkey

this is monkey business ::(|)
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+2 104. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Meow Compilation

#12 Cheers :)
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+6 105. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

#55 i´m epileptic but im glad that i don´t got problem with flashing images
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+5 106. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

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+46 108. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Caterpiller commits suicide

pick me pick me :D
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+4 110. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video Sheep Cyclone

#6 or mario kart shells :(|)
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0 111. Eddie87 commented 12 years ago on video If classic games had DLC

whats the name of the game 0:44 ??
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0 112. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Halloween Illusion Costume

where can i buy one of those?
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0 113. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video "Bad Salsa" not bad at all !!

so its true never judge the book by the cover (bad salsa aka Pro salsa)
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+1 114. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Dirt biker saves a calf

#3 wtf? the officer must be from the city. why didnt the call the farmers police force :)
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+1 115. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Best Cry Ever

look at the floating arm 0:18
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+1 116. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Brain scientist explains how she felt her stroke as it was happening

i had brain bleeding (on my left side) in 2005 and i forgot almost everything before the bleeding (i remember 5-10% of my life before the damage)..

i still got troble with my brain, i dont got the same memory now i forget fast. when i was at the hospital my mom where there all the time only 45 min she wasnt there and i didnt know the name and didnt know who she was (like meeting a unknown person on the street).

ive been learning alot after, like starting a whole new life, and it is kinda weird, but life must go on.
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0 117. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Rapping 100 Movie Titles

awesome :D next challenge 1000 movie titles :P
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0 118. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Awesome pilot skills

now i´m ready for camping :D
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0 119. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video The Mute Button

the last he has a hangover, and pays for the silence :D
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-2 120. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Fifty people One Question

nice video,, ;)

my biggest regret is that i left a girl that i loved for my life, i was an idiot to keep an on and off realationship, i´m sad on my self i thing of her every day, i dont want to break her heart again, that is the stupidest thing i did in my life.. :'( but every body does mistakes in there life, and people learn of mistakes (its not good that is that way to learn that way) why cant people not learn it the easy way, like if you see on sigarett pack (Smokin Kills), (Use condom 99,9% more safety), (Drive safe that safe innucent people and youre self) and so on, why cant people get it in the brain. The brain is almost a univers that no one can understand like if you say to a kid dont look in that box and you lay a box in the room then the kid cant stop trying to do the oppisit, its weird but true.

Sorry about my bad English i hope you understand the meaning.
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+1 121. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Papua New Guinean man on escalator

everybody got their one fear
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+1 122. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Slight miscalculation

gotta hurt
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+1 123. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Just look at his face!

00:46 it looks like his eyes is falling out xD
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+1 124. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video what Pi sounds like

#20 thanks for the link, it is amazing how easy it is to learn pi when you learn it with sound, now i remember that 32 digit pi, and i´m gonna study more. :P
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+1 125. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Individuals from Sudan are brought to the USA, cultural differences emerge.

they should come to Faroe Islands. A nice quiet place to be in :D
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+1 126. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse 2010

#3 red red mooooooooooon - Bob marley special edition :D
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0 127. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Doggy workout with owner

what is the dog doing when the owner is groaning? xD
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+2 128. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Amphibious Car

it would be nice to see a police chase vs a boat car :D
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0 129. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Entrance/Exit Skills

he used all his energy dancing >:)
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+1 130. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Whales Blowing Bubble Rings

#26 the new generation got a different taste. :D
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+3 131. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Gali the Alligator

special tv show for zombie kids >:)
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+28 132. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Top 5 Super Organisms

#1 submit a video of the whales then :D
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+4 133. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Mattel Tommy Burst

the start of young army guys >:)
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+1 134. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Winter Fails 2011

Awesome :P i want more O:)
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+3 135. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Marcos is back

nice car,, :P
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+1 136. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video How Ancient Egyptians Did Math

23 / 2

1=1 2=1
2=1 4=1
4=0 8=0
8=1 16=1

2+4+16= 22 now you know that you miss 1 to get 23 so you 1 / 2 = 0.5

1+2+8= 11 + 0.5= 11.5 8-)
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+1 137. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Tourist Swarmed By Monkeys

nice clip ::(|)

do any of you know what website that clip is from? (the logo on the top left side)
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0 138. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video The Memristor

i only got one word Awesome :O
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+5 139. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Seal screams like a man

LoL.. :D

it eminds me of this video >:)
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+4 140. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video 7 Billion

i think that there will be a problem with food (many people died in year 2000 and the number was alot higher in 2010) :/
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+13 141. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Slo-mo Balloon Bang

this is beautiful ::(|)

0:21 looks like ribs :D
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-1 142. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Amazing! Hannibal's Elephants of War

#4 would be funny to have a fruit party xD
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-1 143. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Amazing! Hannibal's Elephants of War

#1 lol xD nice video. Do you know if that fruit works on people the same way? :P
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+13 144. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Backwards Last Second Basketball Shot

he stopt for a moment thinking dear god please help me) O:) xD
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+2 145. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Funny Store Robbery

i was waiting for the store owner to trow that hammer.. >:)
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+16 146. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Good Husband

hard working sacrifice >:)
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-1 147. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Super Chill Monkey Does Hollywood

sweet :(|)

wouldn't it be nice to have monkeys in public? ::(|)

one thing the need to learn is to speak human language.. ::(|) :P
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+1 148. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video World Population

sorry for asking,, if there is more people wouldn't it be more babies then?

or what?
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+1 149. Eddie87 commented 13 years ago on video Get off the brakes

nice place to sit with popcorn and a coca cola.. >:)
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+12 150. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Snow Shovel Prank!

thats awesome >:) i cant belive people are walking at the line, you could make a way too a cold lake and they would walk that way and splash >:)
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0 151. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video BendDesk: Multi-touch on a Curved Display

it would be good to edit images with :P
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-1 152. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Skybridge Malaysia

#4 don´t forget skydiving :P
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+11 153. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Skybridge Malaysia

now I know where I´m going to spend my next vacation :D

thats so beautiful :D
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+15 154. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Did u know

thats awesome :D how is the process when it's twins?
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+5 155. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Air Bag for Cyclists

what happens if you sneeze (thats a sudden movement) would it activate the airbag?
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+6 156. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Nice slap

that really sound like he´s been hit with a leather belt >:)
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+17 157. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Silence please

where is achmed the dead terrorist when you need him >:)
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+6 158. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Def Leppard

#1 it would for sure be a good sound effect in a church.
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+1 159. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Battle of the Brains

#8 do you have any links to some good brain training (intelligence)? i want to see how it works, see if i can improv my IQ. i have tried two IQ tests and my result where 118 both times.
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+9 160. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made - Car Batteries

should we then get money for old batteries that we deliver? :)
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+66 161. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video The boxer

i think he used all his energy warming up >:)
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+2 162. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Demonic Dog Hates The Remote

the dog is trying to say "don´t you change the channel i´m watching animal planet" :D
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+3 163. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video AK-47 Fail

Jobs done.. >:)
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+3 164. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video What happens when we try to walk in a straight line blindfolded.

i and 2 friends walked on the top of a mountain (almost a flat surface) once and it became night we walked in a circle (to the right) we ended in the same position 2 times, and later on the trip we saw city light even then we startet walking a little bit to the right, its very weird. :O
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+5 165. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Firefighters Christmas

i would almost set fire to my car to see that fire truck coming to turn it off >:) thats the nices fire truck i have seen :) merry christmas everyone :)
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+11 166. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Power of the Sun

thats awesome :) what would happen if you put a mirror at the beam?
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+2 167. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video The Birds

he said they are flying back and forward, i was waiting for the birds to attack the camera man >:)
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+1 168. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video BE-200 Multipurpose Aircraft

Why buy waterballons. this looks alot funnier to play with >:)
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+3 169. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Evil Hamster

why get a rottweiler guard dog when you can get the Evil Hamster >:)
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+2 170. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Zordon the Racist

lol.. i miss Power rangers :D never thought i´ll miss them again until now >:)
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+1 171. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Weird guy roasting his chestnuts

the Pyrocycle >:)
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+4 172. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Mark "The Knife" Faje

We want more we want more >:)
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+2 173. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Huge dust storm in Australia

that looks like a mountain from a distance. >:)
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+3 174. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Shadow puppets

Thats awesome
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+2 175. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Watergun Assassination

Roflmao >:)
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0 176. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Mean Prank!

thats a good prank >:)
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-11 177. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Girl goes crazy with her cam's special effects

try not to laugh?? you mean Try to laugh, and thats hard >:)
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+2 178. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Electric Power Line Explosion

A laser beam from a UFO >:)
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+2 179. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Insane Gymnastics Routine with Ball

that would be a tricky woman in basket ball >:)
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+10 180. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video The History of the Antikythera Mechanism

night at the museum >:)
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+4 181. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Lexus’ Driving Simulator, really the best in the world

where can i buy that :O that would be allot of fun to play with destruction derby >:)
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+2 182. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Space shuttle rocket booster test

give it to all the fire departments in the world >:)
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-1 183. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Craftsman Tool Commercial

and thats how music came to earth :)
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+7 184. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Bad idea to park your Van behind an Airbus

the only thing missing is the parking ticket >:)
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-3 185. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Wrong Turn

there is a guy running on the left side 8-)
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+2 186. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video SPIN

where can i buy that equipment?? :O i would like to try some pranks >:)
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0 187. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Psycho Skater

if i tryed to do all the tricks then i would have seriously broken all the bones in my body :O
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+4 188. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Jet ski freestyle

thats Awesome :)
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+35 189. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Person swapping experiment

it is incredibly easy to mess with other people´s mind. >:) this is awesome :D
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+2 190. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Pianist Frog

thats crazy frog when he is having a relaxing day >:)
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0 191. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Biggest toy car circuit ever...

How much rocket fuel did you use? :D
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+1 192. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Mathieu Bastareaud huge hit on Rory Lamont

Thats for shore BA from the A-Team >:)
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+4 193. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Girl Gets hit with a Pinata Stick

Boom headshot >:)
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0 194. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Old windows commercial

thats the world best gamer pc :P roflmao >:)
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+1 195. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Underwater lake

Thats Awesome :O
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+1 196. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video a contortionist squeezes herself into a plexiglas bottle

thats gotta hurt :O
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+14 197. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Squirrels Fight For Carrot

just like in ice age scrat hunts a nut >:)
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0 198. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video To ride an elephant...

the elephant likes a nice monday massage >:)
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+3 199. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Bobcat loads itself onto truck

this is how to park :)
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+2 200. Eddie87 commented 14 years ago on video Cat Slaps Dog

the cat says. not now we are on camera :D