Comments posted by Facade


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+7 1. Facade commented 15 years ago on video Lucky Dog Rescued

Giant shredders? I see. What about the WMDs? FYI. Al-Qaeda weren't even present in Iraq until AFTER the "liberation". For what its worth, the liberation only traded on set of problems the Iraqis had for another. Are they better off? Depends on who you ask. If there were people being killed before, well - thats still happening and FWIW, the war didn't solve anything - except for Oil/Gas and cashflow issues for Exxon et. al.
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+4 2. Facade commented 15 years ago on video Balloon Bass Box

If he can do that with balloons - I'd love to hear him play the guitar!!
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0 3. Facade commented 15 years ago on video Flyingkick by Cow

#5 there is no mention of what the animal is for. The translation goes something along the lines of:
Oh man, Oh brother, swear to god what...
The language is Urdu.
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0 4. Facade commented 15 years ago on video Awesome car race

Excellent vid - loved the camaro and the charger - even before the alien mods >:)
Picture of Facade10 achievements

0 5. Facade commented 15 years ago on video Crouching tiger, flying tiger

Vid is pretty old - but always wondered what happened to the poor guy. Lucky guy.
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-1 6. Facade commented 14 years ago on video Manual wiper blades

#16 1 for upstroke and 1 for down... hmmm... reminds me of a very popular activity among men.
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-2 7. Facade commented 14 years ago on video Hostage rescue exercise in Russia

#38 get your info corrected. These "hostiles" were not firing on anyone, and the AK 47 was the Journalists camera mistaken to be a gun. That was not a hot zone by any measure. The "Hostiles" were not firing on anyone. That was NOT a hotzone.
Picture of Facade10 achievements

-2 8. Facade commented 14 years ago on video Hostage rescue exercise in Russia

#42 as you said so in your own words "PROBABLY". Also, the military has itself acknowledged that the journalist's camera was mistaken for an RPG. Please do not defend the abominable act, as that only highlights inhumanity, and that is what brews hatred for our country around the world.
Picture of Facade10 achievements

-2 9. Facade commented 14 years ago on video Hostage rescue exercise in Russia

new rule of engagement: Kill first ask questions later.
At the risk of being redundant, these guys were POTENTIALLY a threat. Not to mention the children. What if these guys were also trying to protect them selves from the islamic militants. We possibly turned them against us. Next time they leave the houses guess who they'll be aiming for. When it comes to convicts, we go all out to protest against the death penalty. When it comes to "potential" threats that include children, we don't miss a beat to press the trigger. Wonder why the world hates us?
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-4 10. Facade commented 14 years ago on video The Long Road Home

lame... knew in the first 5 secs of the vid whats gonna happen.
#9 as long as its not these guys doing the rescue