Comments posted by FatalBaboon


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-1 1. FatalBaboon commented 8 years ago on video America's Got Talent 2016 Amelie and Tommy The Clairvoyants Full Clip S11E01

The talented one is not particularly the girl, he learnt their code and is a good impressionist.
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0 2. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video How to find the water from a Baboon

I would never be fooled like that!
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+1 3. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video Chinese 30 story building in 15 days

And now what happens to the crane?
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0 4. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation december 2012

Yup, it's a lot less fun without music :|
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+3 5. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video A tour of the ISS orbital laboratory

This was exceptional Snotr material, thanks!
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-4 6. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video Tandem skydiving goes terribly wrong

Oh come one, I can't be the only one who saw pointy tits at 0:39
Can't believe you're all just looking at a grandma, did I miss a hype?
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0 7. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video How to weaponize office supplies

I wanna see a how to for women: "Like this, nice and easy!"
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-5 8. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video Epic pole vaulting

I've been looking for the hot chick the whole video. I am disappoint.
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-4 9. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video Imploding Iceberg

I never said anything about someone you'd call "god". I just talked about omniscient bearded dudes in the sky >:)
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+34 10. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video Imploding Iceberg

#3 global warming? icebergs forms and get destroyed every year. It's a natural cycle. Do you believe there's an omniscient bearded dude in the sky too?
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0 11. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors

How is it nano if I can see it?
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+7 12. FatalBaboon commented 12 years ago on video 100 Motorcycle Crashes

Most of it is pure human stupidity, like the guy at 0:42: with so many fails and murphy making laws, he should have known better!
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-7 13. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Drugwar

That girl can talk SEVERAL minutes long about diseases she had that could kill her at any moment, but hey, she started drinking pot's leaves juice and she got all cured. Seems legit.
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+15 14. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video 100 Years in 10 Minutes

#1 The next 100 years? How much we bet it's gonna be the very same madness?
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+1 15. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Slippery stairs on russian subway

Isn't the music a bit... dramatic? it's just people falling ;o
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-1 16. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Can Men and Women be Just Friends?

#14 did you watch the video? dude says that zone doesn't exist.
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+4 17. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Calligraphy

All this cool technology... and they make it write the Bible? in german??
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+9 18. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Insane Guitar Tractor Pull Preston Reed

I was like "WooOt! tractor + guitar = awesome". And then, fingers.

Insane skills indeed!
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0 19. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Tom Mullica - Cigarette Trick

Look again, The cigarettes aren't lit when they come out of his mouth.
It's like a remake of the old flour-cigarettes trick.
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+1 20. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Real Time Rendering Technology

Notice how everything in the video is static, it's one thing to model something, and it's another one to animate it.

Animation requires to have leverage on each "atom" therefore no matter how they duplicate and reuse a portion of the RAM to lower the required RAM, you still need an atomic access to each "atom".

That said, in the future, maybe we can make something out of it, but that's always been the ultimate goal... why do you think we make polygons smaller and smaller?
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-3 21. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Boutaoshi, the new Japanese sport

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+11 22. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video I could have had one of these built already if I had just thought of it!

You know how they say the best part of kids is 9 month before? The best part of that place is the BIG party 3 years earlier ;)
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0 23. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Open-sourced blueprints for civilization.

#22 if your country is america, then i don't see what's so great about it. I for one, wouldn't want to live there.

It's great that he made blueprints for those machines, but all the people who made the open source projects that he mentioned, Linux for example, didn't grow because their original creator went to brag about it on some popular TV talk.
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+6 24. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Best Street Party Ever

That journalist was sooo uptight, I bet she's never been to any party. Let's be serious for a moment, that party must have ROCKED!
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+4 25. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video That's why we love Russia (the Vodka part)

The music was actually decent for once on these things!
And there actually is tons of different Vodkas, it's just that people in other countries wouldn't dare to drink most of them xD
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+3 26. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video 26 People in a Mini Cooper

The title is wrong! It's "26 HOTTIES in a Mini Cooper".

Can't believe it took 17 comments to raise that issue...
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-1 27. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Bizarre Circus Act

So they wear clowns costumes, get inside a small box TOGETHER (better not fart...) and all that listening to irritating music.

Is that recession or what?
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0 28. FatalBaboon commented 13 years ago on video Science of love

You guys are quite amusing, and conveniently entirely missed the point, in order to say it's useless.

The key here is that they were trying to prove that affection (love) is as primary a need as food, not just a secondary thing you could live without.

Where do you think scientists began, when they barely knew anything? how do you think your medicine got tested? And it's damn normal, we're a dominant species.