Comments posted by Fil


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-3 1. Fil commented 14 years ago on video The Backwards Girl!

I hope she's pretty when she grows up!
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+13 2. Fil commented 15 years ago on video Spider man faceplant

If only he could web the mouth that's talking! >:)
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+2 3. Fil commented 15 years ago on video Dear loser...

Say it in your head like the boat captain from Family Guy and then put on the end - "I guess that I don't like you is the um... general theme of what I am trying to say here." :D
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+3 4. Fil commented 15 years ago on video Non-illegal robbery

This would be a "public domain" robbery :D
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0 5. Fil commented 15 years ago on video Forrest Gump in one minute

I've never understood this saying... You do know what your going to get, you just look at the little pictures under the lid! Gawd, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to... oh wait, I see the problem. :D
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+78 6. Fil commented 15 years ago on video Heroic dog saves his buddy

Wow, that is so cool. :D Gotta like dogs, I don't know how some people around the world could ever eat them! :O
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+3 7. Fil commented 15 years ago on video Lots of crashes

Wow, not the usual type of crashes you see. Even though you couldn't say for sure if anyone was actually killed in any of these, most were new underwear time for sure! :O
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+54 8. Fil commented 15 years ago on video Japanese Ronald McDonald

Can I have a Big Mac, hold the acid please?

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+3 9. Fil commented 16 years ago on video How to cheat on any test

"First make sure the teacher is looking"??? If the teacher isn't looking long enough to make a friggen phone call just sit next to your friend and ASK or use your phone to get the answers from the internet, look at your cheat sheet from your pocket.. etc. Maybe this is supposed to be funny? :|
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+2 10. Fil commented 16 years ago on video The Doghouse

Well I thought that was GREAT! I've seen comedy shows do worse and that was an ad. Besides, we've all been there - I did the one where you tell each other not to buy anything for christmas.. so I didn't. :S
Picture of Fil19 achievements

+1 11. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Evolution of Dance 2

If you'd never seen the first one you would say that was great; alas sequels never tend to live up to expectation. On it's own it was actually pretty good but I highly recomend people who haven't seen the first do a search for the original "Evolution of Dance." ;)
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+7 12. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Girl wants a car... real bad

I am assuming that this is one of those vids that are actually an ad and nobody is sure if it is or not. If it is real, and I hope it is, it just proves to me that no matter what the language or culture we all have the same problems with women! :D If they weren't soft and squishy and smelled nice we would throw rocks at them :D
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+2 13. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Spiderman in X-Men Movie

I thought the funniest thing about this is that the girl on the left laughs but I doubt she ever knew what was funny because she never turns to see spiderman. :D
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0 14. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Remi Kart

That was funny as! And going past the speed camera at the end..fantastic! 8-)
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+7 15. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Girls are always forgiven

Reminds me of the time I went to give the finger to a car that cat me off and turned it into a wave cause the girl was hot! Weak weak man... :( :D
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+9 16. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Drifting gone wrong

I must watch too many of these, the first thing I thought was, "Cool, that car's hazard lights come on automatically after an accident!" :D
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+7 17. Fil commented 16 years ago on video 40 inspirational speeches in 2 minutes

Wow, nice to see someone watches even more TV than I do! Cool :D
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+2 18. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Teamwork

That's the real life version of Meg from Family Guy :D
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0 19. Fil commented 16 years ago on video The coin shoe

I wish they had these machines in Australia! The banks wont count out all your change from ya piggy bank for you like they would in the good old days... you think they would be trying to keep customers happy with the economy in the toilet! :D
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0 20. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Microwave man

I've seen worse! I wonder why the douche judge on the end buzzed him off so quickly? Maybe he was touched as a child by a stage performer that made his sense of fun dissappear! :D
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+3 21. Fil commented 16 years ago on video World's first amphibian quadbike

You can see one of these things being in a James Bond flick where the bad guy steals something and gets away from the cops by going from land to water. :(|)
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+2 22. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Hovis ad

I was going to make something like this but I didn't have the bread! :D

*sorry* :(|)
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+8 23. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Crowded Japanese train

Damn University kids and their world record attempts! :D
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+2 24. Fil commented 16 years ago on video Chicken transformation

I am sure the "original" is on youtube somewhere but here is another link to it

Also pretty damn impressive... but the one with the chicken is funnier!
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+26 25. Fil commented 16 years ago on video How not to park your car

Ahh, that would be the car pool! :D