Comments posted by Foxer57


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+10 1. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Packaging Playing Cards In China

Lets see how long it takes them do deal some cards!
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+9 2. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Cool looking storm

One word to describe this: Badass.
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+42 3. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Stupid Biker

What-a dumbass!
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+3 4. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video firefighting helicopter

OP: That's what she said. ;)
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-14 5. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Wipeout's Top 10 Moments!

Ninja Warrior is WAY better than this crap! ;)
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0 6. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video First time machine

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-1 7. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Water - Whiskey experiment

Pretty cool!, though all of the scene cutting makes me wonder if this really works.
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-2 8. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Where Are My Front Wheels

Well, looks like someone got fired on Monday. :D
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-3 9. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video New ATC Regulations

Would you be willing to stick a needle in your eye ball? LOL!!! >:)
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+82 10. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Yellow Lab Grabs His Own Diner

Holy smokes, that is a huge fish! :O
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+37 11. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Robocop Rap

Long, but very cleaver, nice upload! :)
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+24 12. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Traffic in Russia

That looks pretty insane! :O
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-2 13. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Manual wiper blades

This guy must be cousins with this guy: >:)
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+5 14. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Avatar 2 Trailer

Haha! Well made! And #3, it PHenomenal. ;)
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+15 15. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Christian Channel Gets Pranked By Fresh Prince of Bel Air

BAHAHAHA! Nicely done! :D
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+7 16. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Jump Street

That looks like so much fun! :D
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+10 17. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Motor crash

Oh snap! >:)
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+22 18. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video The homemade flying hovercraft

That is BADASS! I want one so bad! :D
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+23 19. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Depressed whale

Cool sketch, with a twist! ;)
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+29 20. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Smart Birds

Wow! Pure genius! :P
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+44 21. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Wake up prank

Just let it hang out there dude, eww... :S
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-5 22. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Ghost Car

Call the Ghost Hunters! :P
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+3 23. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Don`t try this at home

That's a fail! >:)
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-12 24. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video First time in a vegetarian restaurant

Yum! Flower Pedals! :S
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+2 25. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Guy Driving Wrecked Car

That car is sure to pick up the ladies! :P
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+14 26. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Accident at Pink tv

Looks like she has some sort of orgasm, still creepy.
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+7 27. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Lion Hugs woman

Sniff, sniff, so cute! :'(
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-3 28. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Ariane5 Launch

Cool as always, but haven't we seen this before? :|
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0 29. Foxer57 commented 14 years ago on video Banker looking at "wallpapers" instead of charts

#2 I'm thinking its Gmail, but you never know with this guy rofl!
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-5 30. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Bathurst driving

Kinda sort cool, maybe? :S
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-14 31. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2- TDM Sniping Tips On Quarry By Hutch

Noob tubes are for people who don't appreciate the game. Don't be a fuck-stick and be one of those people who runs around, dieing in hope that they can kill those one or two people with their tube.
In my experience of playing COD4, people who want to be noob tubing fuck-tards generally do WORSE than people who play the game as they should.
And aren't noob tubes less effective than they are in COD4?
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+6 32. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Sesame Street - Behind the Scenes

A lot of practice! Cool to see what happens under behind the scenes. ;)
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+10 33. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Girls 'stuffed dog show'

Bahahahah! Closet Fail! >:)
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+3 34. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Heckler vs. Comedian Joe Klocek

Man that guy is PWNED! Hard to tell if it is staged, I'm going to go out on a limb and say its legit. :)
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+2 35. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Boat vs Bridge

Bridge Fail!
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+4 36. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Water Bloopers

Haha! Great complication! My favoites are 0:35, 1:00, and 1:09. Bring in the Fail!>:)
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-2 37. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Batman Vanishing

Harvey Dent, can me trusted? Well he is the bes... Batman? I found something! :D
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+1 38. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video "Le chance" compilation

The best part was when the guy almost got decapitited by the motorcycle (1:08), along with the other motorcycle guy (2:40). :O
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0 39. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Self Defense

#5, I was treating it as if it were portrayed in the video. :P
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+2 40. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Self Defense

Wonder what would happen if he pulled the trigger and it clicked... :( And yes, #(removed comment), it does get pretty old.
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0 41. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Drifting In Zimbabwe

What! Very cool! Surprised it hasn't been done since now.
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+1 42. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video SARCOS half human half robot

Wow, engineering feet!
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+3 43. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Jon Stewart owns Fox "News" Channel

News Fail!
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+1 44. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle accident

Smooth move jack ass. >:)
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-2 45. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Lucky train inspector

Definitely fake, look at how quickly he is pulled from one side to next.
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+5 46. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Hawaii Chair

Just imagine trying to get a bj on that, boy that would be hard.
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+1 47. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Skydiving from one plane to the next...

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+1 48. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Contact Movie Intro

Very clever!
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+5 49. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Now THIS is a chick magnet!

Sweet, the chick thing is kinda fake, but awesome car regardless.
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+24 50. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Buzzard Gets Clipped By Wind Turbine

Poor thing, could hear its wing snap! :'(
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+4 51. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Gas Truck Rescue

Snap, that was close!
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0 52. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Drugs make you ugly

Creepy, but its over rated and they have a million and one pictures of these people so they only choose the best.
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-1 53. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Hippies crying over dead trees

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+3 54. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Longest ear hair in the world

Major WTF.
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0 55. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video AGT - Yodeling

Impressive, but jesus thats weird.
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0 56. Foxer57 commented 15 years ago on video Taylor's Day on The Price is Right

That kid so fucking lucky! :D