Comments posted by GOOOFY


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+2 1. GOOOFY commented 16 years ago on video Rabbit and a snake

that's a Texan rabbit for sure. GET OFF MY LAWN!
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0 2. GOOOFY commented 16 years ago on video Drunk people compilation

The guy at the end was definitely not drunk. If he was, he wouldn't have felt his face hitting the asphalt.

Just some shit balance
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+1 3. GOOOFY commented 16 years ago on video The Best of TV News Lip Slips

jeez we're just the internet, it's not like we're going to laugh at you, and mock you, and show all of our other internets how stupid you made yourself look. Have some respect, us internets are ppl too!
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+16 4. GOOOFY commented 16 years ago on video Whales Blowing Bubble Rings

incredible creatures, incredible footage
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+3 5. GOOOFY commented 16 years ago on video the real Pikachu

true say #6
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0 6. GOOOFY commented 16 years ago on video USS Montana

I guess that lighthouse got blasted, since the USS Montana wasn't about to move.
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0 7. GOOOFY commented 16 years ago on video Take a seat

oh no, it's the beginning of humans as portrayed in Wall-E.

What we can't stand while we look for pictures in books at the library anymore?