Comments posted by Garreh


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+6 1. Garreh commented 7 years ago on video Woman Chases Down Runaway Car

Biker was coming down the road from the right but going too fast to stop - screams inexperience...
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+7 2. Garreh commented 9 years ago on video A terrible accident Head-on collision of trucks

Driving far too fast for the conditions. Could of been avoided!
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+4 3. Garreh commented 9 years ago on video Got a mole problem on your golf course?

#1 Nope, he's from "Up North" for example, Yorkshire Way
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+14 4. Garreh commented 9 years ago on video How Russians settle disputes

He should of ran him down as soon as he pulled that gun out.
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+16 5. Garreh commented 9 years ago on video Road Rage Karma

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+8 6. Garreh commented 9 years ago on video Driving advice

#6 It doesn't matter if he brakes sharply, the driver behind should of being paying attention. You can actually see he doesn't react until the very last second. He had a full 5 SECONDS from when the driver hit the brakes to avoid the accident!

Simply not paying attention.
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0 7. Garreh commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 1

#11 Absolutely no chance...
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+13 8. Garreh commented 10 years ago on video Car explodes on impact

Wow... fair play to all the other road users that helped them! You don't see this very often anymore.
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+6 9. Garreh commented 10 years ago on video Moment of Impact

If you look closely at the front wheel of the Mazda, it was slightly wheel spinning trying to beat the oncoming car by the looks of things. Mazda driver is the one to blame and they will be liable for both cars involved. Had this nearly happen a couple of times to me whilst driving. There are some absolute IDIOTS on the roads these days who cannot drive to save their own lives!
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+3 10. Garreh commented 11 years ago on video Uromastyx likes his belly rubbed

Damn that pesky cricket that got away!
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+32 12. Garreh commented 12 years ago on video Guy Shoots His Dog

What an awesome dog!
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0 13. Garreh commented 12 years ago on video Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR

If you read Canyon Crest K9 Training Center's Website, it actually says that the dog had a heart condition :(

Poor thing, it's really tough :(
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+2 14. Garreh commented 12 years ago on video Don't buy an Iphone 4S in Turkey ...

Imagine how he felt when he saw that...
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+7 15. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video True Love

Fair play.
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+5 16. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video How to not escapce from parking service

#11 Yes it's a specialized recovery system used only by police forces (Correct me if i'm wrong)
This enables them to put Clamps on all 4 wheels and lift it off the ground onto the back of the truck. It was deigned to removed illegally parked cars from very tight spaces in city centers.
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+35 17. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video Man Slams Through a Glass Door

Ouch! That must be pane-full!
Picture of Garreh38 achievements

+29 18. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video Day vs Night

This is actually pretty cool!
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+3 19. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video Gay Parents Bashed

#(removed comment) #6 I am actually disgusted with your comments. ANYONE should be allowed to raise a kid.
What you've said about mother and father: What if the mother walks out and leaves the kid with him? Is he allowed to raise a kid because there is no mother involved? It's the same scenario.
"they can't reproduce themselves, therefore they have no rights to have kids?" This my friend is a load of BOLLOCKS! They should be allowed to raise kids, it's their choice, their rights and Law does not stop them.
You both need to take a look at your views, because you have absolutely no right whatsoever to discriminate. At the end of the day, they are still human beings with feelings, and have every right as the next person does. How would you like it if someone came up to you and said "I don't like you because you look like a worthless piece of crap"?
If you walked up to me in the street and started discrimiating me, my girlfriend or my friends, i would of smacked you right in the face for saying something like that to me...
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+4 20. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video SMS while driving

Absolutley brilliant way to try and discourage people from texting whilst driving. If you're enough of an idiot to use your phone at the wheel, then you're asking for trouble...
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0 21. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video Amazing Magic Rings Illusion

Any idea what the tune is? Very talented though!
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+3 22. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video Giant Lego Machine

That is one of the most EPIC Lego mindstorms setup I've ever seen! I WANT ONE NOW!!!
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+24 23. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video China Popcorn

Man, that's just awesome!
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+3 24. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video Make a Wish

#(removed comment) How would you like it, if it was your son? Dickhead...

#5 Fair play!
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+4 25. Garreh commented 13 years ago on video Funny Store Robbery

Personally, if I were the store clerk, i would of thrown that hammer at him.
But this is hilarious!
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+3 26. Garreh commented 14 years ago on video Guys gets slapped then slaps back.

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+2 27. Garreh commented 14 years ago on video Computerized Rim Design

#12 Yeah the size of the fine haha.