Comments posted by Geekster


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0 1. Geekster (admin) commented 1 year ago on video Stop Motion Cooking/Tuna

we're having issues posting videos guys, we're still working on resolving them
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 2. Geekster (admin) commented 2 years ago on video The Swedish Coast Guard films the gas leak in the Baltic Sea at Nord Stream

Speaking about the queue guys, it was empty because no videos were submitted. even now, no videos are in queue submited by anyone. I'll publish some videos myself these days.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 3. Geekster (admin) commented 2 years ago on video The Swedish Coast Guard films the gas leak in the Baltic Sea at Nord Stream

Hello guys! I know it's been long ,but a lot hof stuff has happend and as much as I wanted, I kept postponing Snotr due to lack of time, some health issues at times, and planning for my wedding :D how are you guys doing lately ?
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 4. Geekster (admin) commented 3 years ago on video Alternative Math

Hello guys,

Thank you for your comments!

I know, Snotr has been silent in the past couple of months, and we're not gone or done with Snotr, it's just that we're still dealing with some issues with the servers and we can't process videos at the moment. We're currently working on solving this, but we have other stuff to do in our personal lives, so we cant set it as a top priority. Snotr doesn;t even produce enough income to cover server costs, but that's not the issue, we're keeping it alivoe for you, our veterans, as a tradition for ourserlves as well.

We just tried a fix and now it's under testing, so new videos are currently on their way.

You can submit any videos you like to help us keeping the site alive

In the meantime. how are y'all doing ?

Yours, Geekster
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+5 5. Geekster (admin) commented 3 years ago on video Cape Cod 4.0 earthquake heard from boat while fishing in CT 11/8/20

Hello gals and guys,

Thank you for your comments!

I know, Snotr has been silent in the past couple of months, and we're not gone or done with Snotr, it's just that we're still dealing with some issues with the servers and we can't process videos at the moment. We're currently working on solving this, but we have other stuff to do in our personal lives, so we cant set it as a top priority. Snotr doesn;t even produce enough income to cover server costs, but that's not the issue, we're keeping it alivoe for you, our veterans, as a tradition for ourserlves as well.

We just tried a fix and now it's under testing, so new videos are currently on their way. If everything goes well, then Snotr will be up and running.

You can submit any videos you like to help us keeping the site alive

In the meantime. how are y'all doing ?

Yours, Geekster
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 6. Geekster (admin) commented 3 years ago on video Alternative Math

Hey guys, we've been having some issues with Snotr lately, and our system cannot process any videos. We're still looking into this but we're all busy AF nowadays...

Hows everyone doing?
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 7. Geekster (admin) commented 4 years ago on video Wizard of skate

#7 its been like that for years now :) 99.9% of whats going on here its me
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 8. Geekster (admin) commented 4 years ago on video Wizard of skate

Hey guys, long time no see... oh boy, the stories I have, but I'll keep it short
I've been away for a bit due to my medical issues, the latest heart investigation results being pretty bad... but started now a new treatment and seems to be effective so far :) and also corona season hit my family pretty hard. Even tho' we were careful, Many of us got the virus and you know the drill, hospitals, quarantine and shits. For example, I was pretty much ok but my parents were hospitalized, and my mom was in serious condition, but now we are all fine .
What a shitstorm...
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 9. Geekster (admin) commented 4 years ago on video FAKE DEAF-MUTE & PETITION SCAM IN EUROPE. DON'T FALL FOR THIS!

#1 they can't do shit, because today everything is considered racist and offensive. and in places like London for example, they'd rather let these pieces of shit go on with it, instead of being called racists.
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+1 10. Geekster (admin) commented 4 years ago on video Shortage? What shortage?

#1 #2 it's a glitch in our system which sometimes causes this. do you really think we do it on purpose?
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 11. Geekster (admin) commented 4 years ago on video Puppet making made to make music

#4 well it seems the sound ran away from the video :D probably it got scared by the new corona virus xD
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+2 12. Geekster (admin) commented 4 years ago on video Wuhan Market

A wise person once said " some cultures are better than others" . Seems just about right.
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+2 13. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video 8 Cylinder Stirling Engine

Nobody sent videos guys :D the queue is empty. I will try to find some videos to publish
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 14. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Dash Cam Compilation #8 - Car Crash Compilation

guys, we're experiencing problems again with our system. this being the reason why we did not have new videos. A new fix has been deployed and I will test it once my plane lands in London. If anyone's around there, we could make a meet'n'greet :D
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 15. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Is Glass a Liquid?

Hey guys, we have some problems with our system and we can't process new videos. I'll let you know when its fixed :)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 16. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Geekster and friends Quad-biking in Romania Countryside 2019

#5 yep :) behind the camera as always
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 17. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Geekster and friends Quad-biking in Romania Countryside 2019

#3 It's in Transylvania :)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 18. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Geekster and friends Quad-biking in Romania Countryside 2019

#1 I filmed it with my phone and a gimbal stabilizer :D
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 19. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Comedian Plays US National Anthem In Minor Key And It Sounds Disturbingly Russian

#1 thanks! :) I've been around all this time but I was caught up with work and some health issues.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

-2 20. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Useless Directions

this video was so retarded... it was actually funny :D:D sorry guys
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 21. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video The Girl with 1,000-Plus Letters In Her Name | The Oprah Winfrey Show

Hey guys! we're having some technical problems and we cant post videos for the moment. We'll try to get it fixed ASAP :) thanks for understanding
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 22. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Best Ice Cross Crashes, Fails and Action - Crashed Ice

Hey guys! Sorry I was away from Snotr... I was in hospital for a week in very bad condition. Things should be back on track for now :)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 23. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video WINNIPEG VAPE SHOP ROBBERY

#1 as I said before, we never tried to sell the site. If we would sell the site, the users would be informed about the intention of selling it beforehand. Stop spreading this false rumor. Just because it was listed on some website for sale, for which we actually got plenty of offers, we did not sell it. It was just a small test to see a few things. Snotr will be rather shut down than sold. I posted many videos last time because I had the time for it.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 24. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video 1769 Cugnot Steamer

#3 good point! I think this is how Apple started their business model :D
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 25. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Everyone laughed at and belittled her chalk art performance... until the very end of the contest.

Hey Guys! I'm very sorry for the downtime. But I was swamped/flooded with stuff again. Barely had time to sleep at night about 2-3 hrs. Video publishing is now restored.

#4 & #5 I've been around Snotr since the beginning, and I became a Snotr staff member about 9 years ago. Soon, it will be 10 years for me @ Snotr :)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+6 26. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Venezuela Protests in Caracas: January 23, 2019

Hey guys :) no worries about me, I don;t have anything with you guys. I had something with that specific user and thats all. We've been very indulgent with the rules, because the community kept getting smaller and smaller, and mostly only veterans are still here, so we didn't want to get anyone out, but it seems someone really had to cross the line. You can discuss in a civilized manner about pretty much any topic, but not start flame wars, attacking each others and making personal attacks. That's all :) Moreover, the decision mainly belonged to one of our main Snotr creators, but It was mine too.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 27. Geekster (admin) commented 5 years ago on video Confronting The Hot Bitchy Girl

Hello everyone, and hello #13

#13 Unfortunately for you, that was your last comment on Snotr, and last day on it too.

You have been warned many times before to chill down, and avoid turning everything into a political debate, and avoid expressing your obsessive hate for people who have a different political view, and many other things.

It's ok to have your views, but it's not ok to attack others who have different ones. It's like you're attacking a girl just because you're a boy and she's different. It's exactly what you're doing, and enough is enough.

I am not a political supporter of anyone and do not consider myself a political person at all, and I never felt attacked by your comments at any given time, because as I said, I am not picking any political side. But your comments are attacking other people who have a different political view, and I think I made it very clear that this is NOT allowed in here. Period.

I don't care who you support, I don't care in which party are you, I don't care about your sexual orientation, I couldn't care less what race are you, what music you listen to or your food taste. All I care about in here is that you, and others, don't attack each other.

I've watched this video, and now watched it again, and I really have no idea what-so-ever what do you find political in it, where do you see Trump or anything about him in this video. I think you are hallucinating, or you have mental problems, so you should get yourself checked at a doctor. This is a simple parody. IT IS A PARODY. Meaning it is NOT REAL, and you shouldn't take it for granted. if you don't know the concept of the word "parody", look it up in a dictionary.

You keep attacking user sux2bu(and any other user that has a different political view), I understand why, because you don't agree with anything that he's saying, and it's perfectly fine to have different points of view. But it's totally not okay to attack him for his views. As far as I can see, in the past 2 months, the user sux2bu has made almost no comments on videos, but you still bring up his name and try to agitate him and bring him to conflict. But in this chapter, he is smart enough not to reply to your instigations. I am really not picking his side, could've been anyone else in his place now, and he was warned in the past too when he did some stuff wrong. I am saying this because I am very sure that you and possibly others, will say that this decision was made based on a political matter - which is not.

I will make it CLEAR : This decision is purely objective, wasn't just mine, and was taken because you have infringed our website's rules in repetitive times, not for ANYTHING else. For others who don't know yet, it is strictly prohibited to make debates about religion and politics in the comments, because they are sensitive subjects and in most cases will lead to scandal and chaos in the comments. And also it's common sense not to make personal attacks on other people.

This is the final decision and cannot be debated further, because this situation is totally unacceptable.

The only reason why I've made this comment, is so that people will know why this has happened. I really couldn't care less what you have to say, keep it for yourself, because I've warned you many times to behave like a normal person in comments and you've ignored me every time, and started attacking even me, saying I am a right-wing person, which I'm not.

It's a bit my mistake here because this really went too far, and I should've checked the comments more frequently, but I am very busy myself with a lot of things.
I had people complaining about you many times, sent me emails and private messages(some of which have never commented on Snotr, but they read the comments), and I do apologize to them that I did not have time to take care of this any sooner.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 28. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Best of Brian Cox part 1

I like trains O:)
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+4 29. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism

eyyy guysss, lets chill and have a beer :D I like all of you guys, no matter your differences :squirrel::squirrel::squirrel:
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 30. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism

#7 whatsup with your page thing ?
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+5 31. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Political Correctness is a More Dangerous Form of Totalitarianism

Hey guys, we've got some issues with our video encoders and for the moment we cannot publish any videos.
I will get back with more info once it is resolved.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

All the best,
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 32. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Fake dead sea scrolls

Hey Guys!!!

Sorry for the downtime but I'm currently in London for a few days, celebrating my birthday today with some friends!
I'll post now a few videos and I'll be back in a few days.

Thanks and cheers guys!!!
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 33. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video cats versus dogs part II

Sorry guys, been very busy. Shit hit the fan and many problems are happening so I had to be on top of it. Activity restored now
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 34. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Show me the intermediate fossils

#20 Target confirmed. Blast ready in 3...2...1... :x
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+1 35. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Jurassic giant could explain when and why dinosaurs walked on all fours

#8 removed :)
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+2 36. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Whales evolution

Wow it seems I'm late to the party again :'(
Sorry guys... I was really busy these days...

Btw Austin, let me know if you want me to increase the comment length limit :D

How are you guys lately ?
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 37. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video 25 Mind Blowing Hidden Rooms and Secret Furniture

#2 Changed now :) You're welcome!
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 38. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Cheburashka Song

#13 I never said I will, I said what would be the next logical step, but never said I would take it. Just wanted to let him know what is he doing and to chill down a bit. Because whatever and however you want to put it, his comments are quite aggressive and with personal attacks at times. And believe me, it's really not because his political orientation, cause I couldnt care less about things like this, but I care about how people behave in the comments. and And no, I'm definitely not on sux2bu's side. He also has been warned many times about his behaviour, and was about to be banned a few times. Why do you think he went silent lately?

No, it's not about who's next. It's about keeping this place (or whats left of it) nice and cozy. It's ok to express your point of view, I will respect it and help you fight for it, as long as you don't drag it down my throat or someone elses.

I know you and Austin consider me far right brainwashed, but what if I told you that I dont give two sh*ts of a f*ck about politics? Well, I dont give a jack sh*t about them. I am not right or left, I'm sick of politics. I dont even watch TV for the past at least 12 years. I don't own a TV or a cable subscription, Just big monitors that I hook them to my laptop and play on them whatever I want.

It's not about Austin or Sux2bu or anyone else in particular, it's about people who don't behave nice in comments. I've been on Snotr for quite long now, and I know pretty much everything about the changes it went through, the community, about videos, and even the technical stuff happening in the background. Keeping this in mind, I've banned countless people during the years for the exact same reason. And now that there's just a few of us here, not so many people behaving like that, so you might, of course, think I have something personal with Austin. No, I don't have anything with him, I actually appreciate him, he has some really intelligent and mindblowing comments sometimes, giving me the impression he's a smart one. He submitted many interesting videos at times, that I really enjoyed them, and believe it or not, I actually agree with many of his comments. But what I don't appreciate, is that sometimes he goes too far and pushes the line, making personal attacks and getting too much into politics, and you know what I mean by too much. I personally want to thank him for being around Snotr for so long.

I know he's not the only one (at least in my opinion) that does what I said, sometimes I might have missed some comments that would have required my attention and moderation, but I cant be non-stop here monitoring comments. I am very busy right now working 2 jobs, and I try as much as possible to keep Snotr alive. Not that I want to take credits and seen as a hero, but If it wasn't for me, Snotr would be pretty much dead and closed for long now. I'm the only one left who does work here, for free, because Snotr doesn't produce any money anymore. Not even to sustain the server costs.

I know I wasn't perfect all the time. I was wrong in the comments sometimes, I know. Sorry if I ever offended someone without a good reason :D . Nobody is perfect after all :)

So in other order of ideas, I just want to keep Snotr nice and cozy. Thats all. I love Snotr, it's a tradition for me since the very beginning. I was here long before I had the account "geekster". That's why over the years I invested my own time and person in this place, because it's like a part of me :) Snotr will always be for me Ultimate place for great videos.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 39. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Cheburashka Song

#11 I think its quite clear you meant to say that. Even thunders in comment #6 shows she understood the same. Anyways, I have really nothing against your point of view, I respect them actually, like I respect others. I just have a problem of your way of dealing with other people here. You usually start flame wars in comments when there's really no need for. I'm not saying it's just you, but you surely are in the top of them.

"where people are now attacked and denigrated and trolled for simply expressing an opinion. " Oh really?? You don't say? Well isn't that quite familiar? I think I've seen it before, now did I?

You say you are a veteran user around here(I'm pretty much the most veteran at this point, since I'm around since the very beginning), seems you haven't payed attention, but Snotr has some clear rules, that are presented to you when you create your account:
There are 2 of them that I will put them here :

-Stay on-topic. Do not start discussions that have nothing to do with the video.
-Do not start discussions about politics or religion.

Want me to enforce these 2 more? Because I can do that. Normally when users do this repeatedly, they get warned then banned. You have been warned many times before. So the next step would be only logical.

The only reason why lately these haven't been applied, it was because I didn't want people to think they are censored. And while discussions here are within the common sense limits, I have nothing against it.

But you really don't seem to get the point, do you?
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 40. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Cheburashka Song

#5, wow, just wow. You just had to turn a harmless video into something political. Personally I upvoted it because it was nice, but the rest of the downvotes most likely were because people didnt understand anything said in it because it's in Russian. I'm not picking anyones side, but not only Sux2bu did not downvote this video, he did not even watch it. Have a look yourself on his profile - last active 11 days ago, and this video is posted 3 days ago in the moment Im writing this. Actually, none of the users you mentioned has disliked the video. I get it you dont like his opinions on some matters and that you disagree with him a lot, that's perfectly fine to have different thoughts. But man... you sure like to start fights here in the comments, just for the sake of it. You accuse people of things that actually you do them yourself. Sometimes when I see your comments, I genuinely wonder what's going on with you. Chill down man, relax. Try to enjoy life more.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 41. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video The Doomed Cleveland Balloonfest of '86

#6 I've never seen it before
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+1 42. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Video Of Officer Boxing With Texas Teen Goes Viral

#1 actually, I do have his IP address, and it was just banned, including his email. Won't be seeing him @ Snotr for now ;)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 43. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video This Audio Tech demonstrates why people are hearing both Yanny and Laurel

I cant hear shit captin' :squirrel:
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+3 44. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video President Trump meets with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

To avoid another flame war, comments are closed.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 45. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video How NOT to Clean Your Ears | BBC

Hmmm, never had problems with my wax :D And come on, y'all have to admit, nobody likes being seen in public with yellow stuff in their ears.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 46. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Legs for the Piano moon light sonata

Sorry guys, Snotr is on pause for the moment. See you soon!
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 47. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Michael S. Schneider explains how the Ancient Egyptians and modern computers multiply

Hey guys!
Spam issue resolved! Sorry for lately downtimes, I was hospitalized for a bit so I didnt had much time for other stuff. All good now!

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+7 48. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video 20 000 videos - Thank you!

#1 me too <3<3<3<3
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 49. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video The face reveal of How To Basic

#7 good riddance.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+5 50. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video The face reveal of How To Basic

#1 It has been me all along >:)
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+3 51. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Something the music industry doesn't have

Aahhhh.... this video again.... Loving it so much <3
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+4 52. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Baby Pygmy Jerboa

Hey guys, I edited the title and description, sorry about that :D I just watched the video and liked it and posted it - my mistake was that I did not have a look at the title and desc. You all know I'm against political bullsh*t here on Snotr :D
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 53. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Conway Checkers - Numberphile

Sorry guys, it's just that a lot is happening lately and I had virtually no time for anything.... New videos coming now :)
Thanks sux for backing me up, it's pretty much whats happening. :D
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 54. Geekster (admin) commented 6 years ago on video Child Prodigy is a Self-Made Millionaire from Selling Her Incredible Paintings SuperHuman: Geniuses

:warning: :warning::warning::warning::warning:
Austin, please stop attacking/provoking people in the comments. You're like this for quite some time now, and I (and other people, I'm sure) had enough of you and your provocative comments. Be nice to other people, learn to express yourself in a more positive way. Snotr is for entertainment and fun, not for fighting with your neighbors. Don't even try to give me a silly-comprehensive "comeback" of how I am wrong or bla bla. I don't want to hear it. You're nice - all good :D ------ you're not nice - LEAVE. I think I made myself loud and clear. Also, it's nothing personal. Peace O:)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 55. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Crazy trike with rear wheel steering! - The Halfbike

its for sale in romania for about 500 euros. shipping international.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 56. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Happy New Year dear Snotr Fans!

Happy new year everyone! O:)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 57. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Audience Reaction to Steve Jobs Scrolling on an iPhone in 2007

#3 yeah well sorry I can't get the site's standards to your liking lately. the past 3 weeks I had a lot on my shoulders: 9 days in hospital,l next weekend too again in Hospital, new job, lots of trainings, very busy schedule, gotta take care of my dog and my girl, and many other stuff. I get out of my house at 8 and i come back at 9. I have a life too. ]
Thats why when I said Im busy lately, I told you guys to submit vids and I will publish them right away because I dont have time to review them. and lately very few videos were submited and i have nothing to publish. for example now queue is empty,,,

this will change soon but at the moment I am very busy.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 58. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Audience Reaction to Steve Jobs Scrolling on an iPhone in 2007

guys, I have no videos submited from you. please submit some to avoid big pauses
I am writing this from my phone, as I have literately no time to search for videos to submit and publish, Im having a very busy period
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 59. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video A Clever Way To Pick Up Nuts

was in hospital again this weekend, sorry for the downtime :)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 60. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Lazy dad gets 3yr old daughter to do an oil change

#1 I'll have a look on it ;)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+7 61. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Lazy dad gets 3yr old daughter to do an oil change

hey guys, submit more videos, as the queue ran out, and this way we will have bigger pauses between videos. I would submit some but I am very busy lately and barely have time to keep an eye on snotr :D
submit, don't spam with videos :D
Make sure you submit something that would fit Snotr, as I will most likely publish them right away.

sorry but it's a very busy period for me. lots of stuff going on + new job 8-)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+8 62. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Guard Commander Inspection - Arlington National Cemetery

Sorry guys, I was in hospital for a few days. Back online.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 63. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Woman loses hat while watching Astros World Series Parade & fans bring it back up to her

Sorry guys, I was in hospital for a few days. Back online. O:)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 64. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video AirBerlin flying lap of honor over Düsseldorf on its last flight.

I heard the pilots got suspended for this. As far as I know, planes are not allowed to fly over the control tower.
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+8 65. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video This is What Snake Venom Does to Blood

Sharp eye #1 :)

But for example, I havent seen this video , and it was quite interesting to watch ! :D
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-1 66. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Fail Compilation

#2 we know its already here ;) read the description
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 67. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Cross a Canyon on Peru’s Last Handwoven Bridge

Sorry guys, we have some issues with the encoders, I'll try o fix it . when you cant watch videos, click on the " Original Link " on the right side of the page.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+2 68. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video How Color Blindness Works

Sorry guys, we have some issues with the encoders, I'll try o fix it . when you cant watch videos, click on the " Original Link " on the right side of the page.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 69. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Chinese Spouting Bowl in Slow Motion - The Slow Mo Guy

Sorry guys, it seems we have issues with the encoders. I'll try to get it fixed soon
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 70. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video The MOST EXTREME RAILWAYS in the World!! Compilation of Incredible Train Journeys!!

Snotr is back online guys, so is me too :D
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 71. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Suppressor Meltdown! 700 round burst through an M249

Austin, take a chill pill mate. it's just a video ;)
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+5 72. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Free Pizza - Thousand Pizza Pepperoni

Hey Guys,

The videos aren't too many lately because the queue runs out and we have no videos to publish. Publish some more :) and more of you, so we keep the diversity of Snotr :)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 73. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Wakie Wakie

#6 Next on the list!
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 74. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Wakie Wakie

Problem solved :) and no, they are no always the same. they change accounts
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 75. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video The Museum of Failure

windows 8 was actually pretty good, from any point of view. its just that people dont like change, and couldnt get used to it. it was also blamed for so many things that weren't even true. people like to complain. end of story
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+1 76. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Owl 'Swims' for Its Life

I've filled the queue for a few days, everything should be good until I am back. If something, write me a personal message here on Snotr (I get notifications on my phone)
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+9 77. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Owl 'Swims' for Its Life

Hey guys, I will be away for a few days.... There has been a tragic death in my family :'(
I'll try to post stuff when I can, but if you encounter a downtime, please excuse me... :(
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0 78. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Attacked by shark

*sigh* ,i told you before... snotr was never to be sold, it was just an experiment and this has nothing to do with the "auction" that some of you have seen back then on that website
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

-1 79. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Attacked by shark

Sorry guys, Snotr creators said that we will not have any other new admins. :(

Regarding the card - I will make a video soon officially announcing the thing, and I'll ship it to you guys. Let's see how many of you want one :D I can ship about 10-15 of them.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+7 80. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Attacked by shark

Hey guys! I'm back! (again)

Sorry for the downtime. I was a hecking lot of busy, and I was away from Snotr....
Regarding my mother, she is better now, recovering. She had some surgeries at her leg, some titanium screws and plaques in her knee, pretty serious stuff, but she will be better soon.

Regarding Snotr, as much as I am posting videos, judging by the statistics, Snotr is losing traffic and users day by day... which is bad, so I'm not sure what's going to happen in the future. There are no talks in the administration about shutting down, thats for sure for the moment.

Regarding Sizzlik, he said that it is not likely to be back... and other admins are gone too. It's just you and me now :(

As I promised you, as long as I can, I will keep Snotr alive :) Moreover, I am planning a giveaway for you guys! it's not something expensive or such, but I plan to ship worldwide to you guys, some cards made by me (similar to a credit card), titled Snotr Gold Member, or Snotr VIP member (I will find a name for them) and with a nice design along with your username and profile picture on it, and on the back it will be signed by me and Sizzlik (if he will want to join this giveaway too). What do you think ? do you want this to happen ? I know it's not much, it's just something of sentimental value, to have a memory from us to keep :) I will make a video event for this, and the most active and old users, will get one :)

Also, let me know if I was mentioned or asked something in comments in previous videos, so I can get back to you.

Thanks! :)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 81. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video BGT 2017 AUDITION = MAGICIAN JOSEPHINE LEE

Hey guys! I'm back! (again)

Sorry for the downtime. I was a hecking lot of busy, and I was away from Snotr....
Regarding my mother, she is better now, recovering. She had some surgeries at her leg, some titanium screws and plaques in her knee, pretty serious stuff, but she will be better soon.

Regarding Snotr, as much as I am posting videos, judging by the statistics, Snotr is losing traffic and users day by day... which is bad, so I'm not sure what's going to happen in the future. There are no talks in the administration about shutting down, thats for sure for the moment.

Regarding Sizzlik, he said that it is not likely to be back... and other admins are gone too. It's just you and me now :(

As I promised you, as long as I can, I will keep Snotr alive :) Moreover, I am planning a giveaway for you guys! it's not something expensive or such, but I plan to ship worldwide to you guys, some cards made by me (similar to a credit card), titled Snotr Gold Member, or Snotr VIP member (I will find a name for them) and with a nice design along with your username and profile picture on it, and on the back it will be signed by me and Sizzlik (if he will want to join this giveaway too). What do you think ? do you want this to happen ? I know it's not much, it's just something of sentimental value, to have a memory from us to keep :) I will make a video event for this, and the most active and old users, will get one :)

Also, let me know if I was mentioned or asked something in comments in previous videos, so I can get back to you.

Thanks! :)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+7 82. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Primitive Technology: Water powered hammer (Monjolo)

#13 we are not stealing videos, we're actually promoting them. If you are indeed the creator of this video, then you can see that there is the contact info in the corner of the video. You can also see a link on the right hand side that takes you to the original youtube page.

Also, we're not making money of videos from youtube. The site barely makes enough money to cover server costs, thats all. The videos are wholly being submitted by users.

If you are the real owner of this video and want us to take it down, no problem, please write at and prove that you are actually the owner.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+16 83. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Primitive Technology: Water powered hammer (Monjolo)

Hey guys! Sorry for the downtimes lately, but I am terribly busy and I also have this thing with my mom's accident, she's still in hospital , surgeries and stuff. She won't be able to walk 4 months and it's quite bad.... but she's getting better. I write this from my phone cause I'm on the go, but I'll publish some vids when I have some time.

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+1 84. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video The Lego Rainbow - A tiny soccer ball and a machine with 1,150 moving parts.

Sorry about the repost guys.... I was away for a few days and did not have time to take care of Snotr. I had to go back to my hometown because my mom had an accident and she is in hospital... surgery and pretty bad stuff :(
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 85. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video The Raw Sounds of Long Boarding Mt. Lemmon | Ultimate Rush

Sorry folks I was very busy at the office and worked in the weekend too....
Posting will be resumed now . Thanks for understanding :D
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 86. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Better Sleep

#4 Yep Indeed :D I really needed some rest zzZZzzZZzzzzZZzzz.....
Sorry folks I was very busy at the office and worked in the weekend too....
Posting will be resumed now . Thanks for understanding :D
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+3 87. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video After His Mom Dies, Son Takes Apart Her Workbench And Discovers Something Special

#1 Sux submitted this 50 days ago
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+2 88. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Awesome Cats In Slow Motion

Sorry guys.... maintenance :(
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+8 89. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Final countdown!

Hey guys! We made some optimizations to the website. Please let me know if it works/loads faster now!

Cheers :D
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+7 90. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Watch This Guy Build a Massive Solar System in the Desert | Short Film Showcase

#1 It's slower because we are experiencing some technical difficulties. That also being the reason why the posts are so few. We'll try to fix it as soon as possible.
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+2 91. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video If the Moon were at the same distance as the ISS

I know this video is a duplicate, I just wanted to test something out. Thats why I asked earlier if it works for you or not :D
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0 92. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video If the Moon were at the same distance as the ISS

#3 Glad to hear that :D does this video work for you ? what about anyone else ?
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+4 93. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video If the Moon were at the same distance as the ISS

Sorry about the mishaps guys :D something went wrong with the publishing process, it posted the wrong video twice and then the posting stopped, dunno why, I'll have a look into it .

Whats going on lately ? I havent been very active in the comments lately because I undergo through many changes at the moment in my daily life so yeah...

Also, I prepared something very nice for you, which is coming soooon, so stay tuned folks!!! <3
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+1 94. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Don't Mix Electricity And Water!

Hey thundersnow, check your PM box :D
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+1 95. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Boeing 777 landing high winds at Amsterdam’s Schipol airport.

Lets see who will read this commend and notice also that the classic video was changed finally :D
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+3 96. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video ---(NEW UPDATE IN COMMENTS )--- SNOTR UPDATE

#28 Chill mate.

#5 Have you tried this on another internet browser and/or computer? if not, please do so and let me know if the problem persists. Thanks for letting me know!

#7 I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say. Can you please elaborate a bit ? Thanks in advance!

#8 Thanks a ton ringmaster! Your feedback is very appreciated! We know about the video resize thing and we will implement it back in the future. It disappeared when we switched to the new video player, and we have to find a different way to implement it back. That's on our checklist! ;)

#9 Noted! Thanks for the suggestion! The keyboard shortcut thing is already in the talks but we'll see what we can do about the other thing too!

#10 You're very very welcome, Thunderz! <3

#11 Noted! I'll see if the speed control option is possible and if so, we'll implement it and let you know about it!

#15 I'll have a look and fix it! Thanks for letting me know!

#16 lolol :D

#21 Gland to see the CDN system works well for you! And also thanks for letting me know about the invasive ads: unfortunately we cannot control the ads and their actions, I know they can get very frustrating, but we'll see what we can do to change them to more less annoying ones. Thanks too for the support! Ads are the only thing keeping Snotr alive. Without them, we couldn't keep it online, and adblocker can kill Snotr :( I'll come back with an update on that.

#26 Thank you so much for the feedback! Glad you enjoy Snotr! <3

#27 Sure thing! Will do sir :)

@ Others, Let me know here if there's anything else i should know. Thanks a ton to every and each of you!
Snotr is awesome with you! <3

:warning: Video posting will be resumed now. Thanks for your patience! :warning:
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 97. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video ---(NEW UPDATE IN COMMENTS )--- SNOTR UPDATE

#17 ,No it didn't crashed. I didn't post any video on purpose so this message will be seen by as many users as possible.
For the rest of you, I am editing replies for you and will come with an update soon. Thanks :)
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+13 98. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video How to Tell if a Guy Likes You vs How to Tell if a Girl Likes You

Hey guys! Everything is now back to normal, and no problems should be encountered <3
PLUS Snotr is now even faster because we successfully implemented the CDN system :D

Thanks for your patience!

Enjoy Snotr :ghost:
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 99. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video John Cleese on 'helping' his depressed mother

:warning:Hey guys!:warning:

I know this video isn't working and the whole Snotr site is malfunctioning (and also that we haven't posted videos in the last days).

The reason why this is happening is because Snotr is going through a big maintenance, because we just moved the servers to a different location and now we are working in getting things fixed and back to normal.
We know about all the issues from the past 2-3 days and we hope that until tomorrow, Snotr will be back to normal (we are working on this at this very moment).

We are also implementing a new CDN system to make Snotr faster for all users from all over the globe. (google CDN systems for more info)

Thanks for your patience and understanding!

Mucho love, Geek. <3
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+1 100. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Rally Crash Compilation


Hello people!

Unfortunately we are experiencing some technical difficulties and for the moment we cannot publish videos.

Thank you for understanding and sorry for the downtime! :(
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 101. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video When Girls Says No!!!

here you go guys! :D<3

sorry for the downtime, but i traveled back to my hometown to see my parents and for some reason the internet is not working on my phone. now im using my dads laptop to catch up with things here :D
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+3 102. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Hilarious Dogs "Fighting"

Congratz Burimi!!!!! <3

Thank you for being a part of Snotr!
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+1 103. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Wrong Place, Wrong Time

I'll have a look guys. Try using a different browser and maybe computer and see if the problem persists.
Thanks for letting me now !
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+2 104. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video "You hit the fu@king brakes!!"

#3 Yes, we do have a limit but it's interesting why it did not show you any message. I'll have a look into that :) Thanks for letting me know!
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+9 105. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video "You hit the fu@king brakes!!"

Hey guys! I wasnt quite able to go through all the comments lately on all videos, so please let me know if anything new/issues/mentions of me in comments/ etc.
How are you lately ? What's goin on ?

Mucho love, Geek <3
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+3 106. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Impressive F-16 Touch and GO followed by 2 aileron roll's

That really was impressive :O
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+3 107. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video SPOOKY GLOWING PUPPET

Loved it!!!
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+2 108. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Daft Hands - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Simply amazing! Loved it! I'm even more surprised that I haven't seen it before, ant this video is 10 years old on youtube!

Thanks for the upload CorpseGrinder!
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+3 109. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video A hug is worth a thousand words.

This video made my day! :D Thansk BasmanT!!
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+1 110. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Top 10 Legendary Warrior of Ancient History

Hugs for you guys <3:D
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+3 111. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Top 10 Legendary Warrior of Ancient History

#13 See? Thats better JJ :D Im very glad we had this sorted out. Cheers mate!
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+4 112. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Top 10 Legendary Warrior of Ancient History

What the heck #1 ?!

:warning:Listen ALL here!:warning:

1. To make it CLEAR : NO videos "have been registered against Burimi's name" from other users. First come, first served. If you publish first a video, no matter how many people submit it after you, yours will get published and others deleted from queue.

2. All videos that are being posted on the front page lately, have been submitted about 22 days ago ,and just now are getting published due to the big number of videos in queue.

3. ALL videos posted on the front page, are being reviewed and published CHRONOLOGICALLY in the order that they were submitted.

4. " I'm not saying just mine, I'm saying maybe lots of other video's from other users are accidentally going on your number." - No, that is completely not true.

5. Under-thefkin-stand that as I said multiple times, Snotr WAS NOT put on sale , it was just an experiment done by the creators of Snotr. Snotr will not be sold in the near future - we will try to keep it alive as much as possible. During that time when you all asked what is going on, Snotr was not neglected because we dont care, it's just that for almost the past 2 years I do all the work to keep it alive, and since I have a life too, problems too, responsibilities too, a job too, I can't get it right all the time. When Snotr was "neglected" it was actually me being very sick, and my dog too and I had to take care of him too. Lately I am very busy: I get up at 6 AM every morning, and come back home sometimes even at 10 PM (just like I did today again). I have to earn a living too, and in my country it's really hard. I work in a multinational company , for about 10 hrs a day, and get around 350 EUR salary. (sometimes I go somewhere else for some extra) From that money I have to pay everything : rent, bills, food, and so on. In other words, it's hard. ( and no, I am not trying to look like I am in a sorry state, or like a beggar). As I promised not long ago, I will keep Snotr alive and kicking for you guys, and will try to deliver the best quality possible. I will dedicate more time for Snotr from Now on.

6. About the "quicker for them to do that. Also with your user name beginning with B near the beginning of the Alphabet I'm pretty sure that's what's been happening." - its also entirely not true. We do not use automated publishing for videos. I publish them all manually , in the order I specified earlier. There are many videos form burimi, because he submits a lot, just like joeman and thundersnow.

7. About " I'm thinking Admin should reduce your total by five or six points to make it more acceptable to those who have genuinely only had their own video's submitted against their own names. " .
Nope, not happening. His achievement points were earned honestly, and he deserves them.

In other words, as I said multiple times before: we do not favor anyone. We treat all equally. It's not a race who's better than others.

Burimi is an Important contributor to Snotr community ,and I personally, and in the name of Snotr website, thank him for his efforts and contributions.

Judge-Jake , I don't know why you are so angry on him (I'm actually surprised) , but as far as I know he did not assaulted you in any way. Perhaps you own him an apology. I do not have anything against you, I am not attacking you, but please, keep this mess out of Snotr.

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+3 113. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Fat Bike caught on an Electric Fence!

#8 Can you please elaborate that ? :D
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+2 114. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Ship Launches Gone Wrong

Update: The corrupt party finally spoke publicly , and they say the will not revert the retard laws, that they will not resign(after the reporters asked this, since around 1 million people are on the streets as I am writing this) , that the public is being manipulated like sheep. Even the UE congress asked them urgently to revert the laws. There is a lot of tension right now. The country is boiling and the situation is very critic. :(

I am writing this from my phone while I am at the protests myself.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 115. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Ship Launches Gone Wrong

Woah guys! Chill! :)

Update: well the situation hasnt changed, except that there was the biggest protest ever in our country. Whats bad is that part of the media is lying about the number of people in the protests. we are a lot more than they say. even so, some news say that some people are paid by the secret services and the president to participate, which is nit true, they way we are being manipulated and brainwashed, they tell people to stay home. what a bunch of liers and corrupts. For example, the owner of the news channel Antena 3, is in jail due to corruption. This new law order will get him out of jail. Antena 3 is one of the top 3 biggest news channels in my country. They are advocating against the people of the country and they are pro law change . I see many things into the international press, But it's more serious than they say. What is very worrying is that investors and other countries are warning our country that they will lose important partnerships (which are crucial for our country) if this doesnt stop. More exactly, they are warning our parliament and government, not the people, which is good. The people say they wont stop until this will change and the whole government and Parliament is out of service .

Update: the corrupt party are hiring agitators to disrupt the protests, mainly football/soccer fan teams, and they use firecrackers, fireworks, molotovs and other stuff to attack the policemen and destroy everything on the streets. . Many of them have been caught and interrogated and they said they were hired, brought from all over the country and kept at hotels so they can act at night. The protests are peaceful, but they want to disrupt them. The European congress are now discussing this at the moment at Brussels, and they are all criticizing what is happening in Romania right now: not the people, but our government and parliament. Moreover , the DNA ( national anticorruption direction) wants to check everything the current government has done with the new law regulations that are absurd, and want to send them to the court. In response the political corrupt political party (PSD) wants to shut down DNA. this is incredible , they act like a dictatorship, they do all they want. (DNA is very important for Romania ).
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+8 116. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Ship Launches Gone Wrong

Hey guys! Sorry for the downtime! The situation here in my country is very bad, there are protests everywhere and there might be a revolution AGAIN. Its very complicated, its about the political party that has the majority in the government/parliament, and they went INSANE and adopted and modified some laws that allow them to be practically immune and cannot get jailed(while they all have problems with the police and law, because they are corrupt and did many illegalities, stole money, and so on ), and also many more messed up things. They also corrupted the election when they got elected in December. even the president is on the streets and protesting. Its the biggest protests since the fall of the communism, and people will go even harder on this. Pray for us guys! There is a big battle between the president and the parliament and government, and the country supports the president. The political party wants to remove the president from the political stage, and the president might dissolve the parliament and government. There are even rumors that the army might take over. Whatever happens there is a high chance that our economy will fall to the ground and then the whole country be affected in many ways.
This is bad :(
The problem is even worse because the majority of media is being controlled by the corrupt political party and they are manipulating the people. They dont show anything about the protests on the news, or if they show, they say that they are paid people to "protest" by the president and secret services.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 117. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video All new and rare! Tree Fails and Idiots with Chainsaws 2017

Hey guys! Sorry for the downtime! The situation here in my country is very bad, there are protests everywhere and there might be a revolution AGAIN. Its very complicated, its about the political party that has the majority in the government/parliament, and they went INSANE and adopted and modified some laws that allow them to be practically immune and cannot get jailed(while they all have problems with the police and law, because they are corrupt and did many illegalities, stole money, and so on ), and also many more messed up things. They also corrupted the election when they got elected in December. even the president is on the streets and protesting. Its the biggest protests since the fall of the communism, and people will go even harder on this. Pray for us guys! There is a big battle between the president and the parliament and government, and the country supports the president. The political party wants to remove the president from the political stage, and the president might dissolve the parliament and government. There are even rumors that the army might take over. Whatever happens there is a high chance that our economy will fall to the ground and then the whole country be affected in many ways.
This is bad :(
The problem is even worse because the majority of media is being controlled by the corrupt political party and they are manipulating the people. They dont show anything about the protests on the news, or if they show, they say that they are paid people to "protest" by the president and secret services.
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 118. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Watch what happens when a woman hits a police officer in the face with dog poop

#10 or that :)

#11 Yep, to anyone, but especially to a cop. Because if you do, they are legally entitled to beat the living shit out of you and even get charged for it :D:D:D
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+3 119. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Watch what happens when a woman hits a police officer in the face with dog poop

#2 I subscribe to your comment!

#8 I would've beat the living shit out of that crazy woman if she would've threw dogshit at me. Why would you do something like that ? just why?
You just don't do that to a cop!
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+7 120. Geekster (admin) commented 7 years ago on video Tree burns from inside out after lightning strikes it

Interesting how it's not a dead/dry tree and burns like one. Nice vid sux!
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+4 121. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Why Intelligent People Have Fewer Friends

#1 can you please give me more info about whats going on that doesn't let you watch the video ?
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+1 122. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Dog has rhythm and plays drum!

#1 for me it works fine too.
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+7 123. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video HYPNOTIC Video Inside Extreme Forging Factory: Kihlbergs Stal AB Hammer Forging

I'll post this here too so people know whats going on :

Sorry guys . I was very sick for the past days, and my dog was too and had to take care of him too + I had waaaay to many things to do.

About the Snotr sale thing : no, Snotr wont be sold. One of the Snotr creators just did an experiment to see a few things. If the site would've been sold you were the first to find out. If anything anytime something will Happen to Snotr, you will be notified.

I know Snotr isn't doing too well lately, it's just me who keeps it alive for almost the past 2 years, and nobody else. The other few admins which created Snotr about 10 years ago, are not around because they are very busy with their other projects. And I am very busy too with my daily life (not that somebody cares lol), I get up at 6 am, go to work, and come back usually late, sometimes even at 10 PM. But lately, it's just too much for me - that being the reason why I got sick. And no, "we won't get any new staff members" - which is what the Snotr creators said.

I will try to keep Snotr alive for as much as possible for you guys. I know, there were a few downtimes, duplicates, mistakes, low quality videos, that happened because of me, and I am sorry for that . Just please, before you all go in rage/frustrated when you see stuff like that, please understand that I'm only human like you guys, I am nothing above or superior or robotic over you, and I have a life too and stuff and many problems to take care of, and as always , shit happens when you need it the least.

I'm very thankful to see you all giving interest in Snotr, each one in your way: caring, comments, submiting videos, etc. Now that you all saw how much money Snotr makes (in the link posted by sux2bu), perhaps now you believe me when i said in the past multiple times, that I dont get paid for what I do here and that Snotr makes barely enough money to support server costs. Maybe I open up a Patreon or GoFundMe account to support me lol , each penny helps hahaha :D:D (joke)

I really want to keep Snotr alive. Snotr is like a home to me. I tried a few times to warm things up with some events, had plans with them but only few happened. I dont care how, but I will make more time for Snotr to keep it alive and kicking.

I tell you what: this weekend I am totally free, and I will catch up things and will publish lots of videos that were submitted by you guys (VIDEOS EXPLOSION :D ). And I'll think of some more events to make things more interactive. I'm also working on an Idea for Snotr: to get a notification when someone replies to your comment on a video. I think it's very helpful , because, its very annoying to check comments all the time on past videos to see if someone replied, and also what if someone replies to your comment which was posted on a 2-3 yr old video ? Let me know what you think of this and if it's worth implementing :)

Anyways, thank you all for your attention and for your interest in Snotr. Sorry again for everything, I promise to make it up to you guys :)
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+3 124. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Firecracker in toilet.

#19, yes, it's the same Niek :)
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+3 125. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Firecracker in toilet.

hehe, the server costs are covered by Snotr income for the moment, no worries about that. :D
I joked with the patron thing, as in if you guys wanna support me a bit lol :D
Don't worry guys, everything will be fine, and we will keep Snotr, the ultimate place for great videos!

PS: do you want the " videos explosion" this weekend ? ;)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+7 126. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Firecracker in toilet.

Sorry guys . I was very sick for the past days, and my dog was too and had to take care of him too + I had waaaay to many things to do.

About the Snotr sale thing : no, Snotr wont be sold. One of the Snotr creators just did an experiment to see a few things. If the site would've been sold you were the first to find out. If anything anytime something will Happen to Snotr, you will be notified.

I know Snotr isn't doing too well lately, it's just me who keeps it alive for almost the past 2 years, and nobody else. The other few admins which created Snotr about 10 years ago, are not around because they are very busy with their other projects. And I am very busy too with my daily life (not that somebody cares lol), I get up at 6 am, go to work, and come back usually late, sometimes even at 10 PM. But lately, it's just too much for me - that being the reason why I got sick. And no, "we won't get any new staff members" - which is what the Snotr creators said.

I will try to keep Snotr alive for as much as possible for you guys. I know, there were a few downtimes, duplicates, mistakes, low quality videos, that happened because of me, and I am sorry for that . Just please, before you all go in rage/frustrated when you see stuff like that, please understand that I'm only human like you guys, I am nothing above or superior or robotic over you, and I have a life too and stuff and many problems to take care of, and as always , shit happens when you need it the least.

I'm very thankful to see you all giving interest in Snotr, each one in your way: caring, comments, submiting videos, etc. Now that you all saw how much money Snotr makes (in the link posted by sux2bu), perhaps now you believe me when i said in the past multiple times, that I dont get paid for what I do here and that Snotr makes barely enough money to support server costs. Maybe I open up a Patreon or GoFundMe account lol, each penny helps hahaha :D:D

I really want to keep Snotr alive. Snotr is like a home to me. I tried a few times to warm things up with some events, had plans with them but only few happened. I dont care how, but I will make more time for Snotr to keep it alive and kicking.

I tell you what: this weekend I am totally free, and I will catch up things and will publish lots of videos that were submitted by you guys (VIDEOS EXPLOSION :D ). And I'll think of some more events to make things more interactive. I'm also working on an Idea for Snotr: to get a notification when someone replies to your comment on a video. I think it's very helpful , because, its very annoying to check comments all the time on past videos to see if someone replied, and also what if someone replies to your comment which was posted on a 2-3 yr old video ? Let me know what you think of this and if it's worth implementing :)

Anyways, thank you all for your attention and for your interest in Snotr. Sorry again for everything, I promise to make it up to you guys :)
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+1 127. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 10 Common Nightmares Explained

#10 you're very welcome :D glad this video helped your son !
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+3 128. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How to make a funny video, even funnier!

The number of people who don't get this video is too high :D
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+5 129. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Tightrope walking

#2 I don't see any safety tether :S
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+1 130. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Flight of the Bumble Bee xylophone

#4 I was just messing with you :D well, the view counter updates itself automatically at a period of time. thats why it was 0 when you saw it. usually I get the first view on all videos, because after I put a video in queue for the frontpage, I check the video to see if everything was in order with the encoding process, which makes the first view on the video.
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+2 131. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Flight of the Bumble Bee xylophone

#1 No you are not ;)
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+5 132. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video People Who Laughed at Trump and said he would never be President Donald Trump Funny Compilation

Ok Guys, time to chill :) the stew is ready!
I know this argument can be interesting/entertaining for you, but as history shows here on Snotr, it can degenerate in unwanted ways very rapidly. So let's try to keep political debates to a minimum. Keep it civil or I'll close the comments.

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+1 133. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Merry Christmas Snotr!

#5 The video is kinda not much, I didn't have time for a more fancy and good looking video, but it is what it is, and we wish you the best from the bottom of our heart :D
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+4 134. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile At An Airport In Russia...

The driver apparently was found to have 3.9 grams of weed on him, and was incredibly drunk. :x:D
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+1 135. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Kinetic sculpture looks like birds in flight.

"No. It looks like a piece of paper folding and unfolding."
#3 Seems some people dont really get art, now do they? ;)
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+3 136. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Christmas hacks

Chill guys ;) have a break
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+1 137. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video MUTANTS!

You guys are the best :*
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+6 138. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video MUTANTS!

Hey guys! Im still alive('ish). Unfortunately I was very sick these days and didnt have time to publish videos. The queue is full of videos sent by you guys, so preprare for action! . Once I get home Ill put them on the front page. Thanks for understanding dear Snotr'erians :)
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+3 139. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Now that's a finale!

#4 first it was" finally" , but i corrected it to Final. sorry, my bad, i messed up too :D
(fixed now!)

#5 what ? :S
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+4 140. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Can you figure out how to fit the square inside the bag?

I came up with the same solution seconds after he said he needs to get the piece in the bag 8-)
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+2 141. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Chris Rock on Black people

#13 seems you are enjoying the new doubled character limit in comments ;)

#14 we'll see about that soon :)
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+9 142. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Making 24K Gold

that sure was interesting to watch 8-)
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+7 143. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Chris Rock on Black people

#5 we try to keep offensive words to a minimum :) cursing/swearing is not allowed tho'
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+6 144. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Ravers 'dancing'.

seems something went wrong with the encoding of this video. sorry about that :|
I'll try to fix it ASAP
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+1 145. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Farewell haka for retiring teacher

#13 Thanks buddy :D Congratz on your 67 too!
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+8 146. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Fishermen found an unexpected guest in the fishing net

#2 You're taking life too seriously mate. Get some sleep/break.
Mistakes happen all the time - get over it.

Thanks for being a member since 2008, we appreciate it, but if you don't like it here anymore - the X button is up there in the corner. As simple as that.
Take it as a friendly advice, or as an insult, it's your choice.

Keeping Snotr alive isn't as easy as you think. We've all been very busy lately, especially that we moved our servers in a different location which explains why we had a downtime few days ago and also why some videos got repeated. Why do you make such a big fuzz out of duplicate videos ? Just read your comments again and see how much of a big deal you make out of it.

And don't take it personally. I'm not mad or anything at you. I just said what it had to be said.

About Burimi: some people complain about him having too muchv videos on Snotr. As I said a few days ago :

"Burimi submits lots of videos, like more than half of the videos are sent to us by him. He is a huge contributor to our community , and we respect him for that, and we publish all his videos that we think are Snotr worthy.
Thanks Burimi for being an awesome user!
Aaaaand no, we dont favor anyone when publishing videos : first come, first served. "


Just as an information for other users: because we see you like interacting with each other in the comments so much, we doubled the character limit of the comments, so now you can make longer comments without the pain of " your comment is too long, go back and make it a bit shorter. "
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+1 147. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Feminist tries to be a man, but ends up learning that being a man is not easy

#8 double fixed now :D sorry bout that
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+3 148. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Farewell haka for retiring teacher

Look at the emotions on their faces, they really must have loved the teacher :D
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+3 149. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Funny Baby Fails

When I was 3-6 yrs old, I wasn't your ordinary naughty kid. I was playing with 220v electric current :D making experiments and stuff. Im 25 now and I'm still like that. My entire house has somewhere in it some "invention" or some neat improvisation :D My parents had a hard parenthood , that's all I can say.
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+3 151. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Potato cannon

Hahahahah :D you guys are awesome! sorry about my absence, I was very busy lately :(
Aaaaand no, we dont favor anyone when publishing videos : first come, first served.

Its true, Burimi submits lots of videos, like more than half of the videos are sent to us by him. He is a huge contributor to our community , and we respect him for that, and we publish all his videos that we think are Snotr worthy.
Thanks Burimi for being an awesome user!
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+1 152. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Jet blast in St. Maarten

this was very interesting to watch <3
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+1 153. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Make friends with your eyelash mites

#13, yeah, alive and kicking! :D been very busy lately
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+3 154. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Make friends with your eyelash mites

Sorry about this. We just moved our servers to a new location and we're still working on setting up things , that being also the reason for the Snotr outage that happened 2 days ago.
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-1 155. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Idiot crashing his freshly restored oldtimer

for the ones not getting it, check the category :D it got me too!
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+4 156. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video City Streets, Famous Musicians

#2 & #3 this one :" funny prank you played on us with that old car "crash" video mate, hahhahaaah, that was funny, cheers man :) "

he submited a video called something like " dude crashes his freshly restored old car" and it was a 7 minute long video of some dudes getting the old car off the trailer, but nothing happens :D but it was on the edge all the time , hahahah ,even the category was pranks
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+6 157. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video A wise African Tricks a Baboon!!

#5 But I can :D
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+3 158. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Guy Singing His Heart Out Hydroplanes and Flips His Car

#1 Frontal air bags are generally designed to deploy in "moderate to severe" frontal or near-frontal crashes ;)
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+17 159. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Eric and Peety

Who's cutting onions again ? :'(
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+3 160. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Hambone Kneeslap

why do I find this extremely entertaining ?
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+1 161. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Zoom

#4 Apply cold water to burned area >:)
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+1 162. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Perfect hunter

#3 I'm pretty sure you were hunting for a dupe :D
I'm gonna change your username into dupe-hunter :D
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+2 163. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 5 Awesome Ideas

#4 Here's what we did, we switched the site app to HTML5 , because the older version was using very outdated technology and it was very hard for us to implement new features. The current design is still under maintenance, and the video player will be fixed soon. I never had problems with the new player, so I recommend you to try and see if you get the same issues on another computer. Things are moving slow because lately we are just a few people that can take care o the situation, and even the ones that we still are here are very busy with our daily problems...

I am sorry things are not moving as fast as they should, but some major fixes are underway, so stay tuned! 8-)
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+1 164. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The new bidet works alright

#8 Listen here punk! The video was posted by one of the creators of Snotr. He can post whatever the hell he wants. If you don't like a video, then skip it, rate it down, but it's really not necessary to go out of your way and say stuff like " this site is ruled by kids or idiots!". I remind you again : Disrespecting Snotr staff members is not tolerated! Especially when not us were the ones who attacked first ;) (which) And also, you don't pay a damn cent to visit Snotr, it's totally free, it is what it is, so enjoy it or leave it. Remember: the X button is always in the right upper corner.
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+2 165. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The new bidet works alright

Don't like the video? Rate it down and move on, why make so much fuzz about it?
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+5 166. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The Power of Top Fuel Dragsters

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0 167. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 5 Horrifying Plane Crashes Caught on Camera !

#8 You're welcome! Glad we sorted this out JJ :)

#9 I was sleep-drunk when I wrote them at 4 in the morning when I woke up :D you know people be grumpy when sleepy
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+1 168. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 5 Horrifying Plane Crashes Caught on Camera !

#4 " realised over the last few days that I have to be extremely careful how I express my views as my comments either get removed or heavily down voted. ". No JJ, you don't have to be careful. There were just 2 comments that were removed by me, and that was because I didn't want all this to become public so you wouldn't attract negative attention, but you spilled the beans in the comments so... I had my reply as well then :) If some of your comments got downvoted, well thats a whole different story and doesnt have anything to do with this, but you wont be " banished from the comment section of Snotr, " People can have different views on your opinion. I don't care what your opinion is in your comments, as long as it's SFW and doesn't attack others, it wont be removed by me. :)

"it gives me the impression of the kind of guy you might go down to the pub with, have a few beers and crack a few jokes with. " Yep, I'm really that kind of guy :)

". I'm not really happy about having to have a warning for a silly comment but I will accept it (you hold all the cards anyway and the kill button) but I do ask you to understand that just because you found my comment disrespectful it really wasn't." It's ok, I get it now. So don;t worry about it :)
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0 169. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 5 Horrifying Plane Crashes Caught on Camera !

#3 " Sadly, if we don't criticize another user but an admin that becomes a whole other story. I have no idea what JJ did say, but I guess he criticized an admin for approving some video. "
No, this is not how things on Snotr work. And no, it wasn't a difference of opinions on videos. Let's say he wasn't that nice because of a duplicate video that was posted few weeks back. But that doesn't matter anymore.

I don't take things too seriously, but people here forget one thing that was mentioned multiple times : " Disrespecting Snotr staff is not tolerated. Admins here are working voluntary in their free time without getting paid to keep Snotr alive and kicking, and you should respect them for this. " and as I mentioned above, no, we are not any superior than you and don't want any special treatment. We are normal people like you, we have jobs we have lives we have problems too.

It's rather quite annoying to see people in the comments of a duplicate video, racing to who says first that the video is already on Snotr. That's ok, until people start complaining and whining , as if they have paid to watch Snotr. Mistakes happen, as I said, we are humans and do mistakes too, but when I see comments like "you are f*cking useless at your job" just because of a duplicate video, then I stop understanding. There were cases like this before in the past, mean comments just because a duplicate video, and I personally am fed up with it. It's that simple: you like Snotr? great! you don't? hit the X button and leave, but don't go out of your way just to insult people for a small mistake that everyone would do.

"Criticism must be allowed, we all, including me must learn to keep it constructive." I totally agree with that. I'm all for constructive criticism.
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+5 170. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 5 Horrifying Plane Crashes Caught on Camera !

For the ones that were wondering what happened to JJ's comments:

Our beloved JJ almost said goodbye to Snotr. He has to work a bit on his respect for the people who keep Snotr alive and kicking. This time he got lucky, but next time, there won't be a next time.
FYI, JJ already received a Snotr Warning and was also temporary banned from Snotr some time ago in the past. (JJ knows why)

To make things clear:
No, we don't expect you to kiss our asses. We don't expect you to flatter us. We don't expect any kind of special treatment from you. We don't expect you to say " you are f*cking useless at your job".

Enjoy Snotr as it is, or the X button is upper right in the corner. Any disrespect to Snotr Staff will not be tolerated.
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0 171. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The Exoplanet Next Door

Our beloved JJ almost said goodbye to Snotr. He has to work a bit on his respect for the people who keep Snotr alive and kicking. This time he got lucky, but next time, there won't be a next time.
JJ already received a Snotr Warning and was also temporary banned from Snotr some time ago in the past, FYI. (JJ knows why)

No, we don't expect you to kiss our asses. We don't expect you to flatter us. We don't expect any kind of special treatment from you. We don't expect you to say " you are f*cking useless at your job".
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+11 172. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Near miss or epic evade ?

Coming home on a friday night be like....
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+5 173. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag - Souvenir Bat

#1 It's Russia we're talking here about. Unfortunately in countries like mine or Russia, authorities do nothing about this kind of problems. Fortunately my city's authorities is taking action against punks who drive like this, but too bad the rest of the country doesn't. If you watch other videos from them, you can see that people made many complaints but authorities don't listen, so people take the matter in their hands how they can. I admire them, because instead of sitting on their ass and complaining about the problem, at least they try and do something about it. There is really nothing wrong that the guys at Stop a Douchebag do.

Life in Eastern Europe is really hard, and salaries really low (avg income here is about 300-400 $ per MONTH ) and when I see dumb and unthankful people in developed countries such as America or UK, that have authorities that do their job, clean public places, police really do their job (you have no idea how bad the police is here), so much nice conditions and possibilities, and the list can go on, when I see people in America saying "America sucks" and complain about many things, I just feel sad for them and want to punch them in the face. They have no idea how lucky they are to live in a country like America. there are zones in my country where kids don't even know what's a school bus(we don't have school buses here), and walk even 10-15 kilometres by foot to get to school (and in that zones, schools usually don't even have a system to warm the air inside, and sometimes outside in the winter it gets as low as -20* Celsius, which is freezing cold). The monthly money that a kid receives here from the state is 10 freeking dollars, whereas in other countries is hundreds of dollars. we don't get here food at school. we dont have school cafeterias. The only thing that kids get here at school for free is a cup of milk and a piece of plain bread that looks like a corn. that's it.

Be thankful for what you have people :)
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+6 174. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Araabmuzik performing his music live

Why the thumbs down? I mean... you dont have to be a dubstep fan to recognize that this guy has some serious talent.
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+8 175. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How long with it take you to travel 80 miles

Ironically she wears a tshirt saying GEEK ...........
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+5 176. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Jump from 25,000ft (almost 8km) in a net... Without parachute!

#5 No it wasn't. Not only it wasn't a freefall but a flight with a wingsuit, but it was a fall only from 2,500ft compared to the 25.000ft fall that Luke did ;)
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+7 177. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Jump from 25,000ft (almost 8km) in a net... Without parachute!

This just blew my mind on so many levels :x
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+5 178. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Hercules Beetle

#5 A fix for that is already underway! :D thanks for understanding
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-1 179. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Hercules Beetle

That is one big NOPE!
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+30 180. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Airbag Bulgarian test

#2 Bulgarian space program :D
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+2 181. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The 4th of July

:squirrel: stew is ready guys!
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+6 182. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The 4th of July

#6 It's not just about politics... this dude has some serious points about the modern society. Whats even worst is that he's kinda right , just look around you :( I'm talking more exactly about people such as the ones with the Tweeter posts. And no ,I'm not some brainwashed American, I live in Eastern Europe.
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0 183. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Cable snaps on USS Eisenhower during landing

#1 We do some tests. :)
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+7 184. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Yo, wassup?

It's polish :D you can hear Kurwa at the end:D
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+11 185. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Magic For Kids At Children's Hospital

Sorry for the downtime guys :D Other admins are on vacation and I was hospitalized for a few days :D
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+8 186. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Guy Has Epic Graduation Backflip Fail

the way everyone looks back instantly is just priceless >:)
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+4 187. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Paralysed dad walks daughter down aisle on wedding day

Not quite there yet, but surely its a huge leap forward for disabled people <3
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+1 188. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video In-Depth look at the Elusive F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter

#8 oh maybe you mean the B-2 spirit? yeah that is one flat son of a b*tch :x an amazing plane too :D
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+16 190. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Just good clean fun? Chinese detergent commercial

:| :| :|
And they say white people are racist... especially Americans...
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+2 191. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video In-Depth look at the Elusive F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter

#2 you live near a jet fighter base? thats so awesome !!!!
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+4 192. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video In-Depth look at the Elusive F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter

Truly an amazing masterpiece!
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+5 193. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 200-metre long Giant Sinkhole Swallows Dozens 20 Cars in Italy

woah I've been on that street!!
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+6 194. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Here is Everyone Who Has Emigrated to the United States Since 1820

Interesting how during the communist period in my country, everything stops for about 50 years.
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+10 195. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Slug shocked by water droplet

surface tension at it's finest :D
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+6 196. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Fireball

Woah, It reminded me of a falling meteor I saw a few years ago... It was HUGE (the one in the video is quite small) , it was much slower and it made a powerful green light, that it literately lighted up the entire sky a few times brighter than the sun, everything was so bright that I couldn't look even at the ground. because the meteor was moving on the sky quite slow comparing to a regular meteor, the whole thing lasted like 5-10 seconds. I honestly thought that is the end :x I was in the mountains in a camping site full of people, everyone screamed at that point. unfortunately it was like 10 years ago, and cameras werent that popular at that time in my country, so nobody there recorded it... :(
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+26 197. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Russian problem solving

I laughed so hard I almost died :D :x Thanks krazeeeyez for sending this in, you made my day man!
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+3 198. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Harvesting Honey from Giant Honeybees in Cambodia

#2 pun master 2016 :D
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+6 199. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Skipping a piece of sodium in a lake

#6 First rule displayed when you create your account on Snotr:

:warning: Do not post comments where the primary intention is to promote your personal site.

Ignoring that rule will get you banned from Snotr.
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+2 200. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Chopper Ride

#11 & #12 the category of the video was chosen by the video submitter :)
there, fixed now! :D
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+4 201. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Chopper Ride

#6 Removed :)
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+3 202. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Skipping a piece of sodium in a lake

>:) >:) >:)
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+6 203. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 10 Things You Didn't Know About SPAM

#5 Spam detected!
- Initiating anti-spam auto-bots......DONE
- Identifying spamming threat......threat identified!
- Scanning for weak spots.... identified!
- Initiating laz0rs..... laz0rs online!
- Locking on target.....Target locked!
- Firing up laz0rs.... PEW PEW PEW!!!
- Checking for target's vital signs..... Target TERMINATED!
- anti-spam auto-bots entering offline mode.... offline!
- Snotr defense system entering standby mode.....
- ZzzZzZzZzzZzZZZzzzz...........
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+2 204. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Dog Is Reunited With His Owner After Being Stolen Two Years Before

#5 pretty much the same as my dog Pluto :D ::(|)
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+6 205. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video World's Fastest Model Poser

he's so fast that the photographer can't keep up with him :D
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+4 206. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Dog Is Reunited With His Owner After Being Stolen Two Years Before

This really made me go to my dog and give him a 10 min long hug. my dog is very attached to me...
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+16 207. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Dog Is Reunited With His Owner After Being Stolen Two Years Before

The ninjas are cutting onions again :'(
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+10 208. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How To Get Rid Of Headache Or Migraine In 2 Minutes Or Less

For me it worked actually surprisingly well! :D Same for my girlfriend and a few friends of mine that I've sent the video to . There is some placebo-thing going on here but it works amazingly well. :D
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+2 209. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Gold Bar Rim Cliff Riding

#8 A chest mount only holds the camera, has nothing to do with stabilization. made some research and found out that his gopro is mounted on a Gimbal. pretty awesome stuff
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+14 210. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Gold Bar Rim Cliff Riding

does anyone else notice how damn well this video is being stabilized ??? :O especially on bumpy the "road" they're going on and how his hands and bike move
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+1 211. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video NASA’s View of April 17 Solar Flare

#4 It’s called Collide, and it's by Gregg Lehrman on the KillerTracks catalog. :)
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+4 212. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Can the FLUX electric bike tow an Uber?

oh they forgot to mention that they roasted the bike engine while doing that :x
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0 213. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The Orb

I absolutely loved it! :D Especially that it features the pop-station guy (Ashens) :D I really love his videos. recommend you to check them out!
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+8 214. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video What It's Really Like to Fight for the ISIS

#6 Here's the thing with religion:
religion = politics (unfortunately)
faith = your way of living and your personal relationship with the thing you believe in (which I find very okay)

Religion fine as long as people don't go nuts over it and affect(negatively) others.

Personally, I find it extremely dumb and low that in 2016 (2016 people!!!) people still kill for religion.

Still, people should mind their own freekin' business when it comes to religion/faith, even if they are atheists. Being an atheist and going out and picking on people just because they believe in something, is just as dumb and annoying as wesboro baptist church trying to push their ideas into people's mind, or as (some) very annoying Jehovah witness trying to convert you, or as a muslim trying hard to convince you that Islam is the right way, and the list could go on. Everyone is free to believe in whatever they want, and others should respect that, it's even in the fundamental human rights:

Article 18 in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 2 - Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

Religion is like a fart: it's okay doing it, everyone does it, but it's NOT OK going in a restaurant full of people and play tuba notes while everyone is eating >:)

#7 aahAHAhaHAhaHAaHHAHA !!! your comment really cracked me up :D :D :D
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+9 215. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Releasing orphaned ducklings

#2 you evil little basterd >:)
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+2 216. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Desert Eagle 50AE - Slow Motion Fire Ring Montage!

#1 @0:27 is not :D
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+5 217. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video TV Interview Interrupted by Explosion and Flying Manhole (Exploding Cover)

#3 perhaps some sewer gas accumulation :x for example, septic tanks must be ALWAYS properly ventilated, or the risk of an explosion is serious :x
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+6 218. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video People Ride A VR Rollercoaster For The First Time

#1 I have a VR device and the FPS is very smooth and graphics are nice too. maybe the guy who edited the video was the first day at the job :D
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+2 219. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Taser Impacts on Bare Skin at 28,000fps - The Slow Mo Guys

Im really curious how many of you would accept to be tased just for the fun of it and see how it is :D I think I would do it :x
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+1 220. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Manhattan shoebox apartment: a 78-square-foot mini studio

but... why ? :S
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+5 221. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Pocket-Sized Slingshot is Crazy Powerful

#1 I did that too when i was kid, but not with a PVC pipe, i did it with a cut bottle :D
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0 222. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video SpaceX Nails Rocket Landing on Drone Ship

#6 ahahahahahaha >:)
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+1 223. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video SpaceX Nails Rocket Landing on Drone Ship

#3 Yes. Look at the smoke
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+5 224. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Sniper kills an entire Squad feat. Jet Desertfox

#3 actually there is :D
There you go mate :
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+7 225. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Guy Shreds in Classical Guitar

Just amazing <3
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+1 226. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr is Back Online!

#12 it's CLASSIFIED :D

#13 Coming up right now sir! :D
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+5 227. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr is Back Online!

#6 Our alarm when something goes wrong with the system :D
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+4 228. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr is Back Online!

#4 Yeah I'm glad to see you're happy that we fixed Snotr ;) Of course we monitor it. But it's a software RAID on really old hardware so the server had to go down to replace the disks. Our host had some problems with this as its old hardware that they inherited when they bought our old hosting company. This added a delay. And then after that there were some problems restoring the RAID which delayed it even more.
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+2 229. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Incredible Near miss - Carlisle river Victoria

#9 Well actually the truck plowed through the car on the right, so your theory kinda makes sense :D
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+3 230. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 'I made world's first mobile phone call'

#1 The sound problem is not on Snotr's side. It's from the original video :D
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+4 231. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

#4 We had some maintenance going on and now everything is working again! Sorry for any inconvenience guys :D
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+5 232. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Five hand piano boogie

#2 I think she's enjoying it too much. A little too much :x
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+18 233. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Incredible Near miss - Carlisle river Victoria

yeah, great near miss. I dont know what to say about the car on the right :x
More like bulls-eye instead of near-miss :S
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+7 234. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Five hand piano boogie

the lady in the back in gold shirt really creeps me out ......... :S the hair, the clothes... that stare... :S
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0 235. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 7 MYTHS You Still Believe About ALCOHOL!

#6 to be hones, I like to drink a small glass of beer just for the initial taste, like 200-300ml, after that beer doesnt taste that good anymore :(
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0 236. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 7 MYTHS You Still Believe About ALCOHOL!

#1 I don't drink or smoke either. :) never did. very very occasionally only :D if I drink ca can of beer, it gets me, if I drink 2, I'm pretty drunk :X
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+8 237. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Power Lines short circuit electric bang belarus

That thing has like 750 kilovolts :O those morons have no idea what they're messing with... as far as I can see they throw something on the power wires, and that thing has some wire that is grounded so it creates the electrical discharge...
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+2 238. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Rainy mood...

#4 The video - yes, the music - no :D

#3 Nice one man :D
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+9 239. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Rainy mood...

By the way guys, in the near future Snotr will have an event that will probably last a few days, in which we will post only user-made videos. The videos can be anything: recording yourself just saying hi to Snotr, or some bloopers, or anything you like :D Stay tuned, and if you have something for Snotr to show, start preparing it :D
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+7 240. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Cash counting machine has sticky fingers

#2 omg that's NEWKLEAR :D
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+16 241. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Cash counting machine has sticky fingers

What if it's rigged and does that on purpose? :S
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+13 242. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Player 2 Is Up

OMG the music is just perfect :D It's been some time since I had a laugh this good :x

thanks Kopi, it made my day ! :D
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+1 243. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Russian Dashcam Compilation - March 2016

#3 the guy at 8:37 died instantly :(
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+9 244. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video White student at San Francisco State University hassled because of his dreads

#6 I have an aunt that works at a hotel in Spain, and she has a colleague which is Muslim, and she always says that Christians in Spain are infidels, that soon the doom will come to them, that they deserve to be bombed and and slaughtered, because they don't believe in Allah and stuff like that.She never went violent but she always keeps picking on them, mumbling around and saying those things. Dude what the F-word... I even heard that in Germany, there are Muslims gathering signature for a petition to ban Oktoberfest because it does not please Allah's will and that it is not moral (which I think it's more important to Germans than Christmas :D ) Again.... what the F-word... I mean I'm not picking on all Muslims, but the ones that do this kind of crap... thats really messed up. I mean if you go in someone's country, and they welcome you as you are, let you stay there, let you work there, you should really respect their nation, culture, and religion, not act like you are offended because they are not like you. Just imagine what would happen if many Christians would go and do the same in a country in the middle east ...
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+1 245. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The greatest driving road in the world!

#7 You're right. There was some international cycling tour and of about 20 cyclists have passed through Romania. At some point they biked on a road close to a gypsy village, they all got attacked/beaten with stones, and had their bikes and stuff stolen. Imagine what a good impression these people got about Romania and Romanians.......... maaan those f***ing gypsies... just yesterday a friend told me that he was desperately looking for his phone in his house, and then he remembered that gypsy guy on the bus that excused himself for pushing him.....
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+4 246. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Lab has a Funny Snore

Yep, its funny and stuff, but that dog is quite obese, and obesity is a very big problem especially do breeds like Labrador or Golden. I have a labrador and each day I take him outside with my bike and I make him run with me, and he really loves it :D
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+5 247. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The greatest driving road in the world!

#5 maybe 500 more expensive than the old Dacia :D that car costs like 50-100 eur
and BTW, they are foreigners too :P those that you seen in the beginning of the video are gypsies from middle east/india

Fun fact: in video says that 40 people died during the construction of the road. Thats what the communist leader said to put in the official news. but actually people living in the area say that at least 150-200 people died. :( anyways, it's an awesome road to visit. We have another one which is very similar, but it passes right through the peak of the mountain. you ride your car at 2140 meters height, and you literately drive above the clouds . Its called Transalpina
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+2 248. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Morning Melody in Pyongyang City

#4 I wonder 2 things :

1. Are North Korea people brainwashed and really believe all that bullsh*t about their leader? Or they are not and just do what they do, talk what they talk and pretend everything just so they dont get imprisoned/killed?

2. Are there any nutjobs out there that actually believe that its just a conspiracy and that Kim Long Dong is good and the country is doing fine and the world is hiding it ? :D

One thing is certain: North Korea sure hates America >:)
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+3 249. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How to Pick Up Girls on Facebook

#9 No problem :)
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+4 250. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Morning Melody in Pyongyang City

Thats really depressing... Anyone watched the movie "The Interview" ?
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0 251. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 27

#6 What? You want out too? I can take care of that.

That user was banned 2 more times on other accounts for very specific reasons, but that's none of your business.

I have my eyes on your activity on Snotr for some time now, and lately you're really getting on my nerves. Even you got a warning from another admin, and you know exactly what it was for. Next time will be permanent ban. Play cool, respect other users and Snotr Staff members and nothing will happen. Trolling included!

:warning: FYI - some of the (common sense) rules of Snotr :warning:

Once you have registered on Snotr, you can post comments on videos. In order to keep those comments clean and constructive, you should keep to the following rules:

Do not post comments where the primary intention is to promote your personal site.
Referral links (like poker/free iPod/$$$ links) are absolutely not allowed.
Flaming and trolling is not allowed! :warning:
Extreme/excessive foul language will not be permitted. This includes cursing, swearing and abbreviations.
Stay on-topic. Do not start discussions that have nothing to do with the video.
Do not start discussions about politics or religion.
Make sure that you read these rules thoroughly. Violating these rules will result in a permanent ban.
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+5 252. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How to Pick Up Girls on Facebook

#6 The Youtube channel:
Enjoy :D
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+8 253. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How to Pick Up Girls on Facebook

#1 LOLOL >:)
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+8 254. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 27

That prick (#1) ain't a problem no more ;)
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+3 255. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How To Make Fire With A Lemon

#5 Bananas are actually radioactive :D everything is possible >:)
See here :
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+1 256. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How To Make Fire With A Lemon

"Science is fun when you know the secret!" :D
Let's see how many people will get this reference :D
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+2 257. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video DOOM - Fight Like Hell

#6 Fun Fact: did you know that the name of the gun BFG actually stands for Big F*cking Gun ? (full name BFG9000) >:) That happened when the first Doom games appeared on market, but the Doom changed the name in 2005 when the Doom movie came out, calling it Bio Force Gun, for obvious reasons >:) sadly, this gun has nothing to do with bio force >:) because it launches an enormous energy-like "projectile " which uses artificial intelligence that allows it to affect/kill multiple targets once it hits something.

#7 A lot of things can become an addiction if done too much and not how they are intended to.It's just like smoking or drinking addiction: if you do it just sometimes for fun on some occasions, it's ok, but if you do it too much it will eventually take control on you.
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+5 258. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 10 Year-Old Blind Autistic Boy Singing

It's good seeing kids like this that are appreciative of life despite troubles they face... Today most of the kids will call their parents useless pieces of crap and worst in the world because they didn't get them for their birthday the right colored car or iPhone, and forget to be thankful that they are normal and healthy, they got bot eyes, legs, hands. etc... Always appreciate what you already have, even if it's not much... it could be much worse :)
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+4 259. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Turbo Encabulator

Instructions were unclear, hand got stuck in the toilet. :x
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+5 260. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video DOOM - Fight Like Hell

#2 I double #3's comment, plus, this game is meant for +18. If a kid gets to play it, it's the parent's fault. Besides, games don't make people violent. I have a computer since I was 3 yrs old in 1993, and played lots of games, especially Doom -like games and stuff like that, never abused of games (didnt play non-stop), but that never made me violent. Despite the fact that I'm a big guy at 1.90 meters tall, about 105kg and I've been exercising a lot so I'm in a really good shape, I could take out 2-3 guys at the same time, but I've never smashed anyone's teeth since I was in high school, and even then it was for a good reason :D I prefer resolving my issues with someone verbally. Do games make someone violent? No, it's the education that they get and how good they can control their temper, just as like someone controls how much they eat. I've seen people with big anger management issues, and they never played games.

Studies find no evidence violent video games make children aggressive

Studies find that :

People who play action-based games make accurate decisions 25% faster.
A driving game improved memory, focus, and multitasking ability in older adults.
Video games encourage physical activity.
Video games improve vision.
Surgeons improved their laparoscopic skills by playing video games.
Children with dyslexia had better reading ability after playing video games.
Kids who play sports games are more likely to then go play the real sport.
Video games can help burn victims manage pain.
Researchers are using virtual reality to help people get over phobias and PTSD.
Kids who spend moderate amounts of time playing video games are more well adjusted.
Cancer patients who play video games have a more positive outlook.
Pre-schoolers who play video games have better motor skills.
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+10 261. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video One of the First Portable Computers

Loved it! :D Videos like this are what Snotr is all about :D
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+2 263. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Meteor Crash in Spain caught on Dashcam

If you read this than it means you got REKT ROLLED >:)
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+4 264. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Guy speaks 19 languages

#1 Well thats because English is pretty much the most universal and easy language out there, so any person that doesnt have English as mother tongue, will most probably know more than one language for obvious reasons. For example I fluently speak Romanian and English too (I started learning English since I was 4 and at 10-12 i could speak and listen with no problems, and when I was like 16-17 I could speak it with really good American accent), Hungarian (can understand and speak but cannot write it because its damn hard :D ) , a bit of Spanish, German and French(learned in school), and I can understand Russian in somewhat quantity.
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+4 265. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video This is What Happens When Two Bamboo Trains Meet on the Bamboo Railway

#2 I was asking myself the same :D
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+4 266. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Potato or Tomato?

#7 sometimes I suck at getting jokes :D
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+3 267. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Potato or Tomato?

#5 I hardly think so. If they messed up Potato and Tomato... then something somewhere went horribly wrong
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+11 268. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Potato or Tomato?

#3 Same childhood I had too man :) It's sad to see that in places like America food is processed at a such a high level that probably only has 1% of the original ingredient. I mean come on, I've seen cheese spray from America (just like whipped cream spray ), I mean seriously ,WTF ???? cheese spray... thats... pure cancer... Perks of living in a country like mine that is not so evolved yet, is that they dont have money to process food that much, so here organic/bio/eco food/vegetables/fruits here are not a thing yet, we still have grown vegetables and fruits and not fabricated ones. for example, most of the fruits/veggies/milk products, are made locally, for example, I can go now 5 mins away and I can buy milk that was milked this morning, and if i go in the morning ,it is still warm. thats REAL milk not what you buy from supermarkets... It's sad to see people thinking that shit in mcdonald burgers is CHEESE , that is not cheese, that is shit. I've eaten stuff from america because my relatives sent me, its not bad, but doesnt taste natural at all. To be honest, no wonder so many fat people are in america and that obesity is a huge problem there, I drank coca cola and fanta from america, and i was shocked how much sweeter they are from cocacola and fanta that i drank from many countries of Europe... Even My uncle after he came back in Romania on vacation from US said that he wants to drink some romanian fanta, because the one in US is just to sweet, he cant finish a half liter bottle. Speaking of fruits and vegetables, Romania lately is actually making huge progresses in export, because our production is 10 times better from other EU countries. ive eaten fruits and veggies from spain, italy, germany, and they all taste like plastic or literately have no taste. Once I had some guests from Spain, and they were shocked how the potatoes, tomatoes and other stuff taste in Romania. We gave them like 30 KG of fruits and vegetables to take with them back in Spain :D
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+6 269. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Potato or Tomato?

When I was 6, I knew how ho peel and cut potatoes, and make french fries or mashed potatoes :D
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+3 270. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Canada for President!

#4 once I bumped my knee into a table and I said sorry :x
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+7 271. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video PAG BRIDGE - HURRICANE FORCE BURA WIND, CROATIA

#1 Well, they're not far from doing that :D
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0 272. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video -Mostly- Russian Car Crashes March 2016

#5 fixed! :D
#6 As far as I know, it means that there is a car service in that way at 30 meters :D
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+3 273. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video -Mostly- Russian Car Crashes March 2016

#1 Actually, you can drive in Russia. People often think that Russians are bad drivers or probably the worst. The title for worst drivers ever goes to Japan/China/Korean/Iranian/Venezuela/Thailand/Iraq/Nigerian etc. drivers. The sheer size of the country, combined with lax — and often corrupt — law enforcement, and a legal system that rarely favors first-hand accounts of traffic collisions has made dash cams all but a requirement for motorists. A combination of inexpensive cameras, flash memory and regulations passed by the Interior Ministry in 2009 that removed any legal hurdles for in-dash cameras has made it easy and cheap for drivers to install the equipment.

There is a popular saying in Russia: “You can get into your car without your pants on, but never get into a car without a dash cam"

Do a search for “Russia dash cam crash” on YouTube — or even better,, the county’s equivalent of Google — and you’ll find thousands of videos showing massive crashes, close calls and attempts at insurance fraud by both other drivers and pedestrians. It’s turned into an online phenomenon because Russians have so many dashcams and almost every accident is recorded. But then there are times like today, when dash cams catch a once-in-a-lifetime meteor falling from the sky, from every possible angle , something that couldn’t have happened just a few years ago.
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+2 274. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The Missing Secrets - Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is surely one of my heroes ;)
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+6 275. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 10 Days in North Korea

#1 It's Snotr documentary day :P
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+1 276. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The Antibiotic Apocalypse Explained (Snotr category week)

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+1 277. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Real programmers use metal ( Snotr Category Week )

#1 watched it too. it was very interesting 8-)
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+4 278. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Proof of evolution that you can find on your body (Snotr category week)

#1 ahahahahahahah >:)
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0 279. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 10 Amazing Science Tricks Using Liquid! ( Snotr Category Week )

#1 #2 Duplicate videos are accepted during this week :) as long as they are not too many
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+2 280. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Solving 3 Rubik's Cubes in under 20 seconds whilst Juggling ( Snotr Category Week )

#1 " Some funny comments. I didn't reverse the video. I wonder has anybody downloaded and reversed it to see if it looks more or less natural? I imagine it would look super weird played in reverse. Should have moonwalked in at the beginning. That would have confused everyone.?" - video owner comment on ppl calling it fake

Personally, I've seen so many things in my life, nothing can surprise me :D
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+4 281. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video CLIFF DIVING JUMP | LASO SCHALLER (Snotr Category Week)

#2 It's a category every day, not every week. Duplicate videos this week are not a problem (as long as they don't become a problem).
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+2 282. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week - Winning Categories

#3 Hehe, thanks! :D
#4 Sure thing Burimi :D Together we can rule the world :game:
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+9 283. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week - Winning Categories

Sorry I posted the video a bit late, but I was very busy today and it took me a quite while to make the video :D

Thanks again to everyone for making Snotr awesome! <3 We are eagerly waiting for your videos!

For people who missed the event announcement video and don't know whats going on, you can watch it here:
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+2 284. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

--------------- :warning: VOTING CLOSED :warning: ----------------
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+8 285. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Shake your legs

#1 he's got a gyroscope stabilizer :D reminds me of this :
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+2 286. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video African man sees snow for the very first time

#14 I think you had too much Snotr for today :D
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+1 287. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

#73 but still, why not vote with your favorite categories ? :D
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+4 288. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video British Drivers

#10 " What if such a thing was said of your (reader's of this comment) country? "

Well, There are a lot of bad things said by the whole Europe about my country and the people from it, that we are gypsies, that we are beggars, that we steal, that we rape... and guess who the hell cares >:) and also, none of them are true because we are confused with real gypsies because of this : Roman = Romanian person, Rrom = gypsie . rrom and romanian are very similar, being one of the reasons for the confusion, and also because they actually come from our country to other countries in Europe. The thing is Rroms are NOT Romanians in any way, they are coming from the middle east zone and India. they have their own language and look completely different from Romanians as face geometry, skin, social behaviour, etc. our country was plagued by them a long time ago, and after they consumed it, started moving to the rest of Europe. Romanians are treated like crap in EU. I have friends that have been beaten, verbally and physically harassed , because they are Romanians... What can i say... this world is a bitch sometimes.. but why caring ? bad people will always be out there because it's in our nature ;) dont take life too serious, nobody gets out alive anyways :D
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+3 289. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video British Drivers

#5 how is that racist?
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+6 290. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video British Drivers

#2 cyka blyat pidar baran jebani >:)
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+1 291. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

#66 You don't have to keep a track, Snotr does that for you :D It shows you how many videos you submitted (including the ones that were rejected) on your profile on your achievements. The third Paragraph in the achievements section on your profile shows (only to you) how many videos you have submitted, and the fourth paragraph shows you how many videos you have approved from the ones you have submitted.

Yaay, seems this is my #1000 comment :D
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+1 292. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

#60 Props to you for being an awesome contributor to Snotr community :snowman:
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+1 293. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Billboard advertising falls on top of two cars during strong winds

dude what :O :O
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+15 294. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video No Ice Fishing for You Today

I laughed so hard I nearly died :x >:) Thanks sux, this made my day :D
#1 LOLOL >:) >:)
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+1 295. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Drunk guy using an ATM

#10 LOLOL >:)
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0 296. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

#50 Apparently it got canceled :S
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+1 297. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Near miss for this horse and cart crossing junction

#5 Yeah let's hope so :x
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+6 298. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Near miss for this horse and cart crossing junction

#3 I won't give it a lick because I dont like raisins >:)
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+13 299. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Near miss for this horse and cart crossing junction

#1 By the way that guy was sitting on the cart, I'm definitely sure he crashed shortly after >:) :x
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+2 300. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

#32 not really, he said he is around Snotr since the beginning, he just didnt have an account yet :D
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+2 301. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

#30 Glad to see you're still here with us! :)
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+3 302. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

#28 yep, its very cool for me too to also see people in the comments that haven't commented in ages :D And even more cool to see this thing being welcomed by you guys! <3

P.S. To get an idea how big Mininova was: it was in the top 100 ranked sites in the USA.
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+24 303. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

Part 2

The Snotr website was created by the actual owners who are Erik, Rob, Niek, Jos, Mattijs (which you never get to see them here, because they are very busy with their main projects) Over the years, Snotr had many Admins and Moderators, but all of them became less and less active because some got busy with their personal stuff, some just quit, and now the whole show is run entirely just by me and Sizzlik. We pretty much do all the work, we keep Snotr alive and kicking for you guys.

Many of you asked us, why does Snotr exist? As some already know (some might not), Snotr is entirely non-profit, meaning we do not make any money from it(we dont get paid, we just get a small Christmas bonus), we are doing it voluntary in our personal time, just for the fun of it. The ads on the website are barely making enough money to cover the server costs and the maintenance. So then, why Snotr? Well, that's because Snotr is like a family to us, it's fun, its a great place which is part of our little lives, part of daily routine, its like a tradition in other words. We keep it alive and kickin' for you guys, so you can have a quality time here, and put a smile on your face :) What is our motivation to keep it going? Your feedback, seeing that you enjoy the work we put in, the fun we have in comments, the new, great and interesting things we discover by you submitting videos.

Well of course, we are not perfect, we are humans too just like any of you, and sometimes we probably did mistakes, we published duplicate videos unintentionally, typos here and there in the titles or in the description, wrong categories, etc.. With those being said, if we mistaken, we're sorry :) I know some users expect Snotr to be perfect, but it ain't, so it is what it is :D

So there you have it, the long-story-short of Snotr and the little people behind it. :)

Again, I want to thank to all of you for everything <3

So what are you waiting for people? Vote now for Trum.... Uhh I mean your favorite categories :D
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+15 304. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

#18 Well it's like this:

Once upon a time........

First there was, which as far as I know was the best and most popular torrent website in the world at that time, but then it got in a lawsuit with the Dutch organization BREIN, and was forced to remove pretty much everything due to copyright infringement (which was kinda BS, because as probably you know, torrenting websites are not hosting the actual content, everything is done P2P). Since then, Mininova is only hosting shareware/freeware content in order to avoid any further lawsuits.

Mininova also includes | |

Snotr started as a side project of Mininova. Mininova was an enormous community of users, and Snotr was made to expand Mininova in a fun way, where users can chill and watch neat videos, especially if the Mininova servers were down for maintenance. So with those being said, Snotr was initially populated by the Mininova community. Then Snotr gained popularity over the whole internet, with an astronomical number of visitors per hour (50,000 of unique visitors was something ordinary back in the day, and some videos had even millions of views, hundreds of comments).

As most of you probably have noticed, Snotr's popularity has faded out over the years, there are not as much users as they used to be, but still, Snotr has remained the same welcoming and cozy place foe everyone that steps it's door :) The drop of the number of Snotr users is due to the fact that websites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, etc., have risen at an mind-blowing pace, today becoming giants. A good example would be what happened to Hi5 and MySpace when Facebook got popular.

Part 2 of this comment below

To be continued...
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+2 305. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

My picks are : Compilations, science, technology . :D

#8 Ronald Jenkees is like a tradition on Snotr, that being a reason why his song ended up in the video (but I also love his music). Search him on Snotr, we have a few videos from him posted a looong time ago :D Nice to see that people are still digging Ronald :D Will put some of his newer videos here soon.

#12 The purpose is to make Snotr more fun :)
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+16 306. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

Now let's see how many of you votes for their category/categories! The more the better! :D

Thanks again to all of you for being an awesome community!
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+7 307. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video World's Funniest Engineering Fails

#3 I actually liked it :D
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+1 308. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Egg Cooking Basics - "Egg Anatomy"

#7 Kinda both xD
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+2 309. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Egg Cooking Basics - "Egg Anatomy"

I love eggs too #5 , gonna go buy some and eat now hahahaha
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+1 310. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Scariest Tow Truck Ever!

#1 they do it with new cars too like #2 showed. I've seen one too
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+5 311. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Meanwhile in America

"Oh, I'm just taking my tree for a ride mister officer " :x
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+7 312. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Liquid Molten Salt and Water DO NOT Mix

#3 well they kinda expected that to happen since he used protection 8-) :D
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+3 313. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Removing Rust With Laser

#13 I bet you could, but only once >:)
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+1 314. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Baby deer saved after being stuck in boulder catch fence

#5 Oh deer... >:)
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+3 315. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Removing Rust With Laser

#9 No problem! :D Cheers to you too!
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+3 316. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Ground Resonance in Helicopters

#3 Yeah, kinda is >:)
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+10 317. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Cat Jumps Over Fence to Get Away from Dog

#1 but instead it's a " weeeee...... OH SH*T!!!! " >:)
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+9 318. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Removing Rust With Laser

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+5 319. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Russian Police Hero

#2 & #3 Well, considering the fact that it's a crosswalk, the Policemen didn't caused the accident. It's easy to say what should've been done after watching the video a few times, but in a quick moment like that I'm pretty much a lot of us would've done the same, but that's just my opinion :P
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+2 320. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Baby deer saved after being stuck in boulder catch fence

#2 I pretty much agree with you mate. Very nice of him but still... I really thought the baby deer is done after that fall...
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+2 321. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Switzerland Mountain Coaster

#5 looked up the song and got it before I published the video :D thanks!
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+5 322. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Switzerland Mountain Coaster

Awesome video! But the song is pure epicness <3 Thanks for sharing #3 :D
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+17 323. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video First Contact

That was brilliant! >:)
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+1 324. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Keanu Reeves is a beast

Ok guys, time out. Who's in for some :squirrel: stew ? :D
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0 325. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video ATM scammers have reached whole new level

#3 Fixed ;)
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+1 326. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Dog Whisperer: Showdown with Holly

#11 Awesome book! I'll read it for sure! Thanks :)

Also yeah, that drama queen at the end really annoyed me too, she was like crying... for what ? God I hate people who like to victimize themselves
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+2 327. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Weddings Around the World

#16 #17 And people say America has a problem with gun control............
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+28 328. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Dog Whisperer: Showdown with Holly

I've never seen an angry Labrador :O
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+3 329. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Weddings Around the World

Hey guys, don't forget Romania >:)
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+3 330. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Be careful on your mobile.Watch out! Double snatch.

#2 #3 Nah, too much guys.. chill. Ever heard of tasers? >:)
They're also making them shaped like phones now >:)
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+1 331. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Iceboating on Lake Massabesic

#4 Avicii in my opinion is really just commercial crap, a trend, no talent no skills what-so-ever, just pre-programmed music on stage and thats pretty much it (thats pretty much everywhere nowadays) Avicii is a trend like Skrillex that will pass pretty soon . There's not much you can expect out of commercial music. Avicii was here in my city last summer at the biggest music festival in Europe ( Untold Festival) and after 1 song I exited the concert, I really didnt understand why people like him so much. Still, ATB (the German guy that was the best DJ in the world for many years) was too at the festival, just DAMN it was AWESOME!
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0 332. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Wintergatan - Marble Machine

#5 No, it is not impossible. You were just not the first who submitted. Submit first and you will be credited for it. Look Burimi for example: he has 620 videos on Snotr you have just 17, and over time has submitted over 1000 videos for review, and he doesn't complain.

#5 #6 #7 By the time you all submitted the video, mine was already published but not visible on the site, but waiting in queue. There were disputes on this subject before, and the answer is simple: first come -> first served. As simple as that ;) we don't favor anyone. When an admin submits a video, goes through the same review process like anybody's else. I submitted many videos that never got published ;)
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+1 333. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How to open a lock with a nut wrench

#8 Thanks for the link, I was really looking for something like that :)

#2 Now I'm pretty much sure I'm gonna get me a few bikes tonight >:) >:) >:)
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+7 334. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How to open a lock with a nut wrench

Gonna' go get me a few bikes now >:)
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+4 335. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Swearing Parrot Goes Berserk After Owner Destroys Cage

#7 Not sad at all ;) It's actually happy.

The guy is in a organisation that rescues parrots like this which are neglected or abused by being placed in a cage (parrots like this don't belong in a cage). And he destroys the cage as a "protest", you can even hear him saying something like" you dont belong there. By the words that you hear the parrot has learned, his previous owner must have been an a$$hole.
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+6 336. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Bird tries to save his friend after he hits a window

#2 yeah it seems like the ninjas are cutting onios again :'(
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+4 337. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Child Marriage Social Experiment!

Of course in the wealthy countries nobody gets something for free, but still, the situation is a whole lot better, better opportunities, help from the state, and so on. For example, I heard in Germany, that people who are poor/homeless, are given a place where to stay and some money, or at least help from the state. Here in Romania if you are pore and homeless, well guess what, you are poor and homeless because the state doesn't give a flying damn. You get absolutely no help from the state. Kids(minors) get every month a check from the state which is intended for buying school stuff/clothes/food, which is........ 10 EUR ....... :| and thats pretty much it. Even persons with handicap sometimes dont get their help (which is not much also), and same goes for people who are sick with cancer or similar diseases.

By curiosity, what is your profession? I remember you mentioned in a comment that you are a nurse at a hospital. Am I right?
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0 338. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Nasa Releases Video of Apollo 10 Astronauts Freaking out About Music Coming From the Far Side of the

#3 Watch also part 2, scientists have not found any explanation to date

#4 Lolol :D good one!
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+1 339. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video London at Night ~ A timelapse

Seems #9 & #11 are only showing their frustration on life, but that doesn't last long on Snotr.
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+3 340. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Child Marriage Social Experiment!

My country can not even handle their own poor people, and definitely wont be able to handle the refugees, ESPECIALLY when they behave like this.

My country unfortunately is somewhere in the middle of the top 10 poorest countries in EU. I know the situation here very well because I voluntary worked during the summers and my free time as a translator and organizer for a non-profit charity organization for about 7 years. I cannot describe what I've seen and heard during these 7 years. Oh, and we've also tried many times helping the gypsies by giving them food parcels and other goods in their villages, and they simply got into our bus and vans and stole everything that could be stolen. We had many similar problems with them so we just stopped going there.

Here the average person gets a 300 EUR salary. Here with a 500-800 EUR salary you are seen as rich. Here lawyers, architects , engineers, programmers, have a salary between 600 and 1500 eur (but these are rare, good case scenarios). So considering that the average person gets about 300-350 eur per month, with that money needs to pay rent, utility bills, food, clothes for the family, send children to school, also pay taxes , gas for car (which is more expensive than most of the Europe - ), internet, phone, and also put something for savings..or not! What would you do with a 300 eur salary?

I really dont want to victimize, but the situation here is already bad and I dont want it even worse.

No offence, but my country does not need THIS: "grateful refugees"

Also, forgot to mention how the gypsies ruined our country and it's reputation, and how we are seen as the scum of Europe because of them.
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0 341. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video We have only one planet

#6 I was just joking... you know ?
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+1 342. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Child Marriage Social Experiment!

#17 Not really. No. They are a huge problem here. They're stealing from people, they're harassing people, they are no good for my country, and I'm the one wrong? really ?

I said Im not racist , because I don't care if they are SYRIANS, or of they are MUSLIMS! They could be russians, americans, italians, I dont care about their nationality or religion! I care that they mess up my country! My country is already plagued by gypsies who come from the same area + india. My house got robbed and vandalized 2 times by them, and many times they entered my yard and stole things, even the fruits and vegetables in the garden. I had some really close calls with them, one being just recently when they tried to steal my phone and my dog scared them away.
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+6 343. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Atlas, The Next Generation

#3 I think so :D I'll talk to the other staff members and see what we can do :)
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+6 344. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Timelapse Cluj-Napoca

#8 I honestly did not know this timelapse thing became a cliche. I know this video ain't even close to perfect but I just wanted to test out how it would look, shot some random scenes, put them together and thats pretty much it. Oh and the part with the credits is not some stock footage, it's a 3D rendering for music visualization made by a guy I met online :) :

We also have the video here on Snotr but can't seem to find it at the moment :D

Thanks for the thoughts tho' , I really appreciate it.
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+2 345. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Timelapse Cluj-Napoca

#4 Nope. Bucharest is the capital of my country and I've been there a few times, but I dont live there. Cluj is indeed a very beautiful city which is worth visiting, with a very rich cultural and historical background. :) I moved to Cluj like 5-6 years ago to go at engineering university and now I live here :D

#5 I'm glad you like it thunder :D
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+7 346. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Timelapse Cluj-Napoca

#1 Thanks cameramaster! :) I still need more shots for it, because hours of recording are compressed in a few seconds. When the weather will get a bit warmer, I will do moving time-lapses with a small robot I made which is USB powered with a power bank, features 2 motors with a gearing system ( ) In my language is called "reductor" which translates high RPM into low RPM with a much bigger torque, and a small circuit that controls the current and voltage for the motors. The robot runs veeeery slow on the ground, but when the video is processed it looks like it goes as fast as a person normally walks, but everything around moves extremely fast (people, cluds, cars, etc)
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+1 347. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Child Marriage Social Experiment!

#13 & #14 My dad got guns too for that issue, and my mom also got pepper sprays. The incidents with the "immigrants" in my country are numbering up, so I'm seriously thinking to get a gun too, at least an air-soft one. Last year in December I almost got mugged by 3 of them: I was walking my dog, and there was this guy seeing me using my phone. When I saw him I immediately put my phone in my pocket. He asked me to give him my phone to "make an urgent phone call", and I said no and walked away on the alley. I heard him mumbling as he didnt like my answer and I noticed he's following me, then I felt my dog is pulling forward in the leash, and when looked back forward another 2 of his friends suddenly appeared from the bushes. I was circled, and knowing what's next I yelled my dog's name and he instantly charged to one of them and jumped to his face, but the leash was not so long and he stopped just centimeters away from his face. They got scared and ran away.

I'm not racist, I'm not hating, but I wish this pieces of scum to get out of my country.
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+3 348. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video London at Night ~ A timelapse

Nice job cameramaster! I'm also into time-lapse videos. I have a few tests on Youtube too. Currently working on a big project which I'm gathering shots for it for like an year now. Will post it soon here :D

I'll post my time-lapse video too to see what you guys think :D it's my very first attempt of such video so any criticism will be welcomed :D

I learned a lot since then and how to use Sony Vegas too, I hope the new project will turn out nice :D

Later edit: I just posted the video, check it out if you want :)
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0 349. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Girl cries like a supercar (original)

#24 Jake, calm your beak, it's just a simple video. You're making way too much fuzz for it. Don't like it, downvote it. As simple as that.
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+11 350. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Millipede vs Centipede

#1 Title correction : one big Nopede vs. another big scary Nopede :x
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-4 351. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video We have only one planet

#1 Wrong, the US alone has so many bombs that it could rip the Earth apart >:) So if we go, we can take the earth with us for sure >:)
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+3 352. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Girl cries like a supercar (original)

#15 Im trying to understand your opinion, and I respect it, but I'd say its too much philosophy just for a retarded funny video :) Never take life too seriously mate nobody gets out alive anyways >:)
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-2 353. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Girl cries like a supercar (original)

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+1 354. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Girl cries like a supercar (original)

Why so serious guys? :S

I remember when I saw the original video, it was in the description that it's a 15 yrs old girl that was desperate and stalking her boyfriend.

I can delete the video if you REALLY want to, but still, it does not infringe any rules of Snotr regarding prohibited contents such as extreme violence, gore, abuse, nudity or pornography, NSFW, etc. If it contained any of these, the video wouldn't be published in the first place anyways.

In my opinion, it's a matter of taste (51% of people who voted liked the video). If something doesnt fit your taste, just downvote it(thats what the voting system is for, to show your appreciation), no need to make big fuzz about it :) I'm talking in general not, not just about this particular video. We just cant delete videos just because few dont like them and ask to. if we go this way, maybe we will get to delete 2 videos in every 5, just because some people dont like them.

Hope that clears it up :)
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+4 355. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Absolutely insane downhill race in Colombia

#4 Can pretty much say the same about football ;)
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0 356. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Hardcore Henry - Trailer

#6 No problem :)
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+6 357. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Hardcore Henry - Trailer

#3 hey we have the Personal Message (PM) system going on now :) Check it out at the top right corner. You can send private messages to anyone by visiting their profile, then it will remain as a conversation in the PM box. :) This way thundersnow wont miss a single message from you :D
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+6 358. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Smartest prank ever? from Brazil

:warning: ANIMAL RIGHTS :warning:

-Animals have the right to be tasty

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+2 360. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Christmas lights

9 years ago, first video on Snotr... Damn time flies so fast!
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0 361. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Calling Out People who TEXT AND DRIVE

#7 Not really :x It was a T-shaped intersection, and she was waiting for the street to be clear and then go, but she forgot to look in front of her because she was busy with her phone. I was minding my own business, Was at the half of the crosswalk, and she just rammed into me without looking. Obviously all cars around her started honking and other pedestrians were yelling at her. I went to her window to ask her what the hell is wrong with her, but she wanted to run away from it and got into the intersection without checking if other cars are coming, and she was almost hit by other 2 cars. The intersection was jammed and everyone was mad at her, and she just ran away.
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+5 362. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Fail Compilation july2015-february2016 || TNL

#4 OMG your comment really cracked me up >:) >:) >:)
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+3 363. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Four men save mom & child from sinking car

I heard in some news report that she was using Apple Maps :x
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+4 364. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Calling Out People who TEXT AND DRIVE

A few weeks ago I was hit on the crosswalk by a girl who was texting. Luckily she didn't had any speed but I made a little dent on her hood :x
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+3 365. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Homeless Veteran's Intense Reaction To Bait Car Prank

#4 Thanks! :)
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+6 366. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Homeless Veteran's Intense Reaction To Bait Car Prank

#1 #2 , Well it seems the videos on his channel are not that popular, most of them are under 90K views. So in case they are monetizing their channel, they barely get a few dollars per video.

We have another video from him on Snotr (Don't remember where on Snotr) :

At least that one looks kinda real to me. Hope this one is real as well, because you're right: people can be pretty big douche-bags when it comes to making money.
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+2 367. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Gimbal

Damn I really want one of those :D
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+3 368. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The guy playing the piano without hands (river flows in you)

#4 Pretty interesting point of view right there, mate :)
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+2 369. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Skydiver's near impact

" Why is everyone pulling out their parach...... OH SH*T SH*T SH*T!!!! " :x :x
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+2 370. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video The guy playing the piano without hands (river flows in you)

Yesterday I was at the lake park with a friend, and we were enjoying this view while sitting on a bench and talking how beautiful nature can be:

Then a blind person with a walking stick just passed by... My heart melted... :'(

Be thankful for what you have, folks, enjoy small things in life! :)
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+3 371. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video MV22 Osprey unfolds its wings

The Osprey V-22 is truly a piece of art. One of my fav aircrafts out there. My respect to USA for creating such beauty :)
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+5 372. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video SHERP

#9 You can buy your very own SHERP here :D

this thing also has a lot of features included or optional .
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+1 373. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Broncos fan spends $21,000 on Superbowl tickets, doesn't tell his wife

#10 There is a fine line between being a passionate fan or being plain dumb.

#11 LOLOL dude you really cracked me up with that :D :D :D :D :D :D
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+8 374. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Broncos fan spends $21,000 on Superbowl tickets, doesn't tell his wife

Oh no, this is not dedication what these people are showing, this is pure dumbness! It's not about the game anymore, it's not about the fans anymore, it's not about the competition anymore (because I'm pretty much sure these games are already decided who to win), this is just a business for dumb people. Nobody in their right minds would spend THAT much on a messed up game, and not even telling his wife(I'm pretty much sure that in his case, 21k is a life changing amount of money)his wife seems to matter less than a stupid game. Gotta love it how they think they are part of the game and that they matter in all this thing, and they even say " we're not going to lose" like he is part of the team or something :D LOLOL little did they know all that matters for the "game" is their money, and nothing else. These brainwashed fans really think they make difference other than making the directors and the teams rich :D I really cracked up when he said "we're not going to", like he wins the game or that they have ANY influence in the game's outcome :D
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+11 375. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video SHERP

#4 nah, maybe for better visibility because it gets splattered with ice and water
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+8 376. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video SHERP

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+2 377. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Crazy guy in a Honda

#3 #4 #5 Fixed! ;)
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+3 378. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Maine State Trooper Helps Save Driver from Heroin Overdose

#6 whether he knows it or not :S
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+12 379. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Maine State Trooper Helps Save Driver from Heroin Overdose

So sick to see so many people saying " OMG all cops are douchebags", "all cops are fatasses and eat donuts " and many similar stuff like this. Remember: each family has a black sheep! Just because there are videos online with douchebag cops, doesnt mean that all of them are that way. This is how the media works: why show videos with cops doing good stuff when we can show a video with a cop that does something bad, gets viral and we get money. I am more than 100% sure that there can be 99999999x more videos with cops doing good things! Such as :

My respect for all the cops, firefighters and ambulance teams that risk their lives for us, and who work all the time, even during the most important holidays without complaining like many of us do. <3

(i) Fun fact: Maine in my language (Romanian) means Tomorrow :D
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+3 380. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video What I learned from President Obama

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+1 381. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Car Parking at Abu Dhabi new Airport Terminal

#2 I hope this answers your questions about why we don't have flying cars yet :)

In other words....
So you live in a house. Do you prefer a car crashing into your yard or one crashing into your bedroom ? >:)
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+1 382. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video FPSRussia's Day Off With Romanian Poker Player Dan Bilzerian

Well, here in Romania he is considered Romanian. He's been on the news for so many times with stupid stuff like "lets see what the famous Romanian poker player Dan Bilzerian is up to now" , mostly paparazzi stuff. Personally, I dont like the guy :)
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+1 383. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video FPSRussia's Day Off With Romanian Poker Player Dan Bilzerian

#4 His origins are in Romania(his dad has his origins from Romania more exactly) both his parents are not true americans. Even his and his dad's names are Romanian :P
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+11 384. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video How food is served in an Afghan wedding!

I don't see any uniforms... and they're all running like they stole something :x Are you sure they are serving the food ? >:)
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0 385. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Thirty Years Ago Today, America Watched The Challenger Shuttle Explode On Live Television

#7 thanks for the link :) I'll watch that for sure! You just woke up mu curiosity :D
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+3 386. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video 5 Shocking moments caught live on Twitch

When seeing number 3, I am genuinely impressed how there can exist people so dumb on this world, but then I remember natural selection is a thing...
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+2 387. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Cooking up a box

#2 This is not 9gag ;)
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+10 388. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Holes in the International Space Station!

#1 I'm pretty much sure there's a topic about boobs in space at NASA, and I mean a scientific one :D
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+4 389. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video Thirty Years Ago Today, America Watched The Challenger Shuttle Explode On Live Television

Since I was a little kid I always was passionate about science, planes, spaceships, computers etc, and I remember when I was like 12, I saw the Columbia re-entry live on TV, and when I saw the explosion I couldn't believe my own eyes. :'(
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+4 390. Geekster (admin) commented 8 years ago on video "Hoverboard" Fails and People Vs. Technology

#1 Fixed! :D
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0 391. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

#32 you mean to go out and kill :squirrel: :squirrel: for the stew? :x
Ummm.... Heyyy guys!!! Have you ever tried vegetarian :squirrel: stew? :x
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0 392. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The how and why of heroin addiction

#9 That's a totally different story my friend :) Medicinal use of vs dumb use is by far not the same thing.
#8 In all the case we can think of, drugs are not solving ANYTHING, they only make the situation worse. And even so, not all people use drugs because of an emotional situation, in fact, the number of people who use it for that purpose is soooo little compared to the ones that use drugs, just to use drugs, because it's kool. Let's not excuse drug usage by giving EXCEPTIONS as EXAMPLES.
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0 393. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

:squirrel: stew is ready guys!
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+7 394. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video How to sink a boat

Listen the Titanic soundtrack while watching this :D
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+3 395. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Boy Dies After 911 Dispatcher Says "Deal With This Yourself"

Seriously? He should be jailed for what he did!
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-3 396. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The how and why of heroin addiction

#3 You can always choose :) It's really not like someone forces you to do it. I can say I had some really hard moments in my life, not just that car accident I mentioned earlier, and I was never tempted to do drugs. For example, I dont smoke or drink at all. I think I drink maximum 5 times per year, and even then it's just a bit just for the taste. I never got wasted in my life... I mean I drank I got dizzy I got funny but I could always walk in a straight line and make my own decisions. I've always had my limits. My dad for example never smoked or had alcohol in his entire life, except that little sip of weak wine at church every month when it's the Holy Communion / Lord's Supper. And no, it's not a religious thing, I simply don't like to drink. I just see it's just wasted money, I dont find any pleasure in it AND it's not good for the body. So why do it? Seeing me talking like this about alcohol and cigars, Imagine what I think about drugs :) In my opinion is the entourage what makes the consumption of these things so popular.

Anyways, all drugs are bad, period. It's not because I say it, but if we look around and see how the society is build, and how many laws against drugs are out there, can we even doubt that they were made with no purpose? These laws against drugs have a very powerful back ground, I mean we can see it for ourselves, just see how much of a social problem the alcohol/drugs are today, how many people die and how many families are ripped apart because of them. It's not the drug that kills (only in overdose cases), it's the addiction they create. Drugs are addiction: Drug - a habit-forming medicinal or illicit substance, especially a narcotic.

I dont condemn the people who do it ,it's solely their problem what they do with their lives and I couldnt care less what they do in their private time, but when their drug use starts to affect other people and society in general, it's wrong and they need to be stopped.
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+2 397. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

#22 Indeed, the kid might deserved a lesson but we have to remember that kids can be really stupid and still its just a game. No need to be this serious about it. If he talks trash, just exclude him from the team or just ignore him.
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+1 398. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Boy Dies After 911 Dispatcher Says "Deal With This Yourself"

#3 sux, I think that happened in the US if I'm not wrong, can you find out what happened to the dispatcher ? :)
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0 399. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

What the hell sux :x
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+1 400. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

#16 sux get your gun, we're eating :squirrel: stew tonight, the rest can wait in the dining room :)
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+2 401. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The how and why of heroin addiction

Remember folks, drugs are bad for you ;)
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+2 402. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

#11 Good point! Couldn't say it any better myself ;)
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+9 403. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy Shoots Little Kid With Airsoft Rifle For Talking Crap

If the kid talks trash, then just exclude him from the game and never allow him back, maybe notify the parents for his behavior , but as a grown-up man he shouldn't have lowered himself to the kid's level and even shoot him. Looks like somebody needs to grow up.
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+11 404. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Blue Origin Launches reused rocket and lands it again!

#2 Perhaps SpaceX rules, I'm not saying otherwise, but its a very good thing that there is a competition in this field between companies. Competition is what moves things forward :)
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+4 405. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy Risks life to prove physical law

#8 Good point mate! :) They should definitely try it out with a lubricated pipe :D
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+4 406. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video "I must go... my people need me!"

Just like my dog when he sees his friends :x
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+3 407. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy Risks life to prove physical law

I dont know about you guys but the way that pipe shake up and down at the end, gave me the chills... I mean it just doesnt look as the most sturdy object that you can rely your life on :x
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+4 408. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Dad being dad

#5 Thanks sux! :)
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+5 409. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video What happens in Romania after a video goes viral

Lol, this is like a tradition here :D same happened with "Alooo" and Ianchi :D

Here's "Alo" for example, sorry I couldnt find the best video :D All of these I mentioned, happened first in one of the biggest university campus in Romania, which is in my city, and then the whole country followed up :D

Still, gotta love how that man is getting bitten by a dog while smoking a cigarette, not giving a jack sh*t :x Cristi is the name of the dog owner and he calls him to come and take the dog.

Here's the full video :
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+31 410. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Dad being dad

When I was 14, I had a terrible car accident... I was riding my bicycle and a drunk driver going with 110 km\h lost control in a right turn and plowed into me at full speed. Woke up in hospital from coma, after 3 days I went in clinic death because my body couldnt resist the injuries (both legs were broken like you see in kickbox fights, with one broken bone poking out through the skin, serious spine injury that almost had my spine broken and half paralyzed, almost lost 1 eye, my skull had so many cracks in the back side that I literatelly had a hole in my head, hole from which I lost 1 liter of blood, left elbow broken, broken liver, and many many other serious injuries and broken bones.... I was really done for, and doctors didnt give me any chances of surviving) I was in hospital for months, couldnt walk for more than half an year, and after I recovered from many surgeries I had my casts removed from both of my legs, my muscles from my legs were so atrophied I couldnt walk on my own legs... and I remember my dad carrying me around just like that outside because he couldn't afford a wheelchair for me, so I could feel the rain/ the snow, see the sun, see the nature... even thought we didn't had the best financial condition, he always loved and cared about me so much and tried to give me a better childhood than he had (he lived a big part of his childhood in orphanages) . Love you dad! <3
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+11 411. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video This is how Russian spetsnaz deals with terrorists

#1 But efficient! :x
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+6 412. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Good boy ....

#1 20 years ago you would have freaked out to this video ;)
I personally appreciate how far technology has got today.
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+11 413. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Seems like an honest guy to me!

That "totally being honest" at the end cracked me up :D >:)
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+10 414. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in Russia

cyka blyat :x
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+5 415. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Bunch of people crashing in the same corner in an amateur rally

More like people racing who gets first to the crashed car :D
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0 416. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Zordon the Racist

LOLOL that ending was epic :D :D :D
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+6 417. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Fails to Land on Barge

#1 Stuff happens yaw :D
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+28 418. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video How a tank crosses trenches at low and high speeds

#4 Yes - more tanks :D
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+2 419. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Space Station Crew Restores Full Power to the Complex During a Shortened Spacewalk

#2 Oh yeah?

- John Smith has commented on a video on YouTube. -
- Shared publicly - Yesterday 3:56 PM -

"Water in helmet because they are filming under water, not in bloody space. Fake, fake, fake!?"
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+6 420. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Space Station Crew Restores Full Power to the Complex During a Shortened Spacewalk

So imagine that it's 2016 and there still are people who think's these videos are not filmed in space but in giant swimming pools... who think that we haven't been to space... or on the moon...
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+5 421. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video A normal 3x3x3 Rubik's cube is too easy for you ? Then try this 22x22x22 Rubik's cube

#2 Was a typo. Fixed ;)
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+5 422. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video This is what 8 million Instagram followers does to your notifications

To be honest, I thought there is a special kind of app for social networks for people who manage this kind of accounts. I think facebook has one for celebrities
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+3 423. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Driving in Kenya is a deathwish

#12 I have some friends from Nigeria that came in my city for studies, and they mentioned many times how surprised they are seeing people here respecting the traffic laws so vigorously, especially that people here keep their lanes, use turn signals and respect the traffic lights :x
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+2 424. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video "The Falcon has landed"

#4 Elon Musk is the real deal! Hope he won't be turning into a douchebag any soon <3
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-1 425. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Driving in Kenya is a deathwish

#8 its not a one-way street :) people really drive that bad in those areas...
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0 426. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Hilarious Infomercial Struggles Compilation

Gotta love infomercials :D :x
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+3 427. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video POV | Manizales Extreme Urban downhill Race 2016 | Phil Kmetz

#1 They do, trust me they do :D
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+2 428. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Zimmerman trial lawyer gets trolled live in the courtroom on Skype

#1 Not really, but this comes to my mind >:)
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+2 429. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Do you do poison?

I've just got pets at home >:) :x
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+8 430. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The Most Accurate Hacking Scene Ever

He just nuked the internet >:)
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0 431. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Darth Trump

Vote for Trump!!!
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+1 432. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Baby's First Taste of Bacon

An entire comment thread about bacon :D gotta love Snotr :D
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+4 433. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

#31 Seems you don't get it :D The :squirrel: stew is a tradition on Snotr, thats why we even introduced its own emoticon :P Stick around to see what's it about .
#32, join us for some :squirrel: stew ? It's delicious, winter edition :D
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0 434. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Text-to-Speech chat in online game

This is genius >:) A game voiced by Stephen Hawkins 8-)
I played this game but I could never get enough the voice chat feature >:)
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+2 435. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

#29, sorry, but I can't hear you over the sound of how good the :squirrel: stew is, right #27? :D
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+5 436. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

Here it is :D :squirrel: The kitchen was a bit busier than regular :D
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+4 437. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

#25, Not really, no. I was just stating my opinion. It's silly how easily people get offended nowadays. For example, I'm Christian/Agnostic. People talk a lot of crap about Christianity, but I never felt offended. When I was a kid I was highly discriminated because of my religion, I was beaten, I was abused, I was spit on my face, beaten with eggs, got run over with bicycles, I was being called names, I had very few friends, the door of my home was all written with names and hit with eggs, I was forced to do humiliating things or else I got beaten, and after all I was just a hopeless kid, but I never victimized myself, even though I never did something do deserve that :) Today it's like a stupid trend to feel offended and to victimize yourself even from the smallest things. That's why I say religion is the root to all evil ;)
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+3 438. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

#22 not defending Christians, but did YOU even read the bible? I'm surprised by the high number of people that dont know the difference between the old and the new testament. Long story short, in kiddies words, the old testament shows how life was before Jesus came on earth, and in the new one is how Jesus showed them the right way to live, because how they did it before it was wrong. Many people accuse Christians because of the weird verses in the old testament, the old testament is there just to show how NOT to live today :) thats why it is recommended that if you read the Bible, to begin with the new testament :)

#23 Just because you don't agree with me, that doesn't mean you're right ;)
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+3 439. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

#20 you really need to take a chill pill mate ;) I don't know what your facts are based on, but judging by the video... well, some things are more than obvious ;)

Religion is the root of all evil on Earth. Period. Don't tell me there's no link between the terrorist attacks and religion in that certain area, because the internet is full of propaganda videos of the Terrorist groups, and they all yell "Allah Akbar" while doing it. most recent example: the terrorist attacks in France. I even have friends that witnessed some of the attacks, and they heard "Allah Akbar". No linkage, huh?

Still, religion should not be mistaken with faith.
Religion: a group of people that believe in something in a specific way. (or more like politics today)
Faith: it's your personal living and relation with the God/Entity you are believing in.

I think there is a fine line between religious persons and faithful persons. ;) I do respect someone's faith and his view on life, even if it's different than mine, but I do not respect and tolerate when someone forces me to accept their way (which is the main cause of the majority of the terrorist attacks in this video: killing others that believe different, killing the "infidels";)

It's funny that for example, the Charlie Hebdo thingy made fun of other religions as well in their publications (especially of catholic christians), but guess who decided to blow him up... I dont care what bad other religions did in the past, we're talking about 2016 here and there are still people who kill in the name of religion. The past was very different, people were brainwashed and did not have access to information like we do today. We live in modern times now, where people think way different than they did hundreds of years ago, and where wars and killing for religion is "so last year", but it seems some cant get over it.

Oh and BTW, you actually did downvote #19 ;)
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+1 440. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

#12 So you're saying that the terrorist attacks in that certain area have no link to religion? Wow... just wow...
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0 441. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

#7, I'm sorry, but seeing stuff like this you can understand how stereotypes are being born. And you can't really blame them. Stereotypes aren't born out of nothing ;) And if the current situation is not critical enough, all this mess with the immigrants invading Europe had to happen.
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+3 442. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 YEARS OF TERROR

#5 you sir, deserve my upvote! :)
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+3 443. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video NASA Space Shuttle 'Last Second Zipline'

#5 Thanks! The hounds had a good meal ;)
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+2 444. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Taking skiing to another level

Asia? That is Easter European architecture all the way :D I read somewhere that it's in Bosnia 8-)
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+3 445. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Taking skiing to another level

If that's not Russia, must be an eastern European country for sure :D
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0 446. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Address hotel in Dubai on fire but countdown and fireworks didn't stop

Who's making a barbecue in the middle of new year's night ?? Oh wait...
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+7 447. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Watermelon boy at the cricket

I ate a whole unpeeled onion as a challenge, and I won a full day of all I can eat from any food place :D It was a challenge from my uncle when I was only 16, and I had the "luck" get spiciest onion in the world :x my airways and my stomach hurt so bad, I had to chug down almost 2 liters of goat milk to calm it down >:) The smell was so bad that I was literately choking on because of my own breath :x
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+1 448. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Mike Tyson Falls Off His "Hoverboard"

#5 fixed! :)
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+7 449. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Happy New Year Snotr !!!

#5 as I was saying earlier, nowadays, if you speak 3 words, 5 people will get offended :)
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+9 450. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Happy New Year Snotr !!!

Happy New year to you all guys!!! :D

Thank you all for another awesome year here on Snotr! It was a really fun time for me, and I hope it was fun for you as well!

You guys ROCK! All of you! :D

Hope you have lots of fun and a great time today, and my best wishes for you for the next year!!
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-1 451. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Baby's First Taste of Bacon

Bacon is overrated :D

*grabs popcorn*
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+6 452. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Borromean hairpins gear system

#1 You just sounded like a high-school student asking what math is good for in life :)
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+4 453. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video What happens when you copy a VHS twenty three times

I still have 2 VHS's and many tapes :D all in great condition
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+1 454. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Live from the Flight Deck

#22 a 12-hour flight ? woah! that's quite something! from where to where if I may ask ? :D
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+3 455. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Live from the Flight Deck

Hey guys, :squirrel: stew is getting cold! :D
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+1 456. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Live from the Flight Deck

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+6 457. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Kid twists his neck 180 degrees (exorcist style) and fullbody hugs person behind him!

Call the exorcist! NOW! :O
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+1 458. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 36,000 Kids You Don’t Want to Mess With

#9 that's why we have guns, tasers and pepper spray for self defense, you know... :D more fast and efficient, instant results :D
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+6 459. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 36,000 Kids You Don’t Want to Mess With

Personally, I do not consider that living in that kind of environment during your childhood would be the best choice. I mean there's too much competition between the kids, and they will all try to focus to try and be the best, which is not bad, but will take them valorous amounts of time. It's good to have hobbies, it's good to have passions, but when stuff like this is done for a living in the year of 2015, I find it as a bit of waste of time.
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+7 460. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 36,000 Kids You Don’t Want to Mess With

#2 Well, #1 has a point. Healthy and physically yes, but mentally, not so. I mean, I was raised in the country side (most of the time), and we had many animals, I had my own horse to ride, wandering on the fields and hills, woods, going after mushrooms to cook, planting potatoes and all sorts vegetables, had orchards with our own fruits, milking cows and goats, had huge fields of corn, wheat, we even had a real wild wolf that my grandpa has rescued as a cub (he was injured) which turned out to be a great and extremely intelligent companion... it was sort of a farm life, but I enjoyed it to the max :) It was even more awesome because I lived there with my dad's family (12 brothers and sisters + grandparents + my whole family).
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+5 461. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Guy hand builds shotgun from things bought in airport after passing through security

#5 well well, look who is back :)
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+6 462. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The Myhtbusters give a demonstration on GPU vs CPU using a giant paintball machine.

Your other brothers can't deny...
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+8 463. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Man saves falling kid

#6 you broke the chain :(
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+8 464. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Man saves falling kid

incredible save
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+3 465. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Merry Christmas Snotr !!!

#9 Same here :S here we usually have strong Russian-like winter, and now its spring-like warm outside...

"Thanks Volkswagen! :x " - The most popular joke in Romania right now >:)
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+1 466. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Merry Christmas Snotr !!!

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+9 467. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Merry Christmas Snotr !!!

Merry Christmas to you all guys! :) I hope you all have a wonderful time with your dear ones, good health long life, and may your best wishes come true! Thank you all for being awesome and making this community what it is!
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+2 468. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Maiden Flight of the JB-9 Turbine Powered Jetpack

#2 rhyme master :D
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+13 469. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Solidarity when it is 40 degrees in Australia

#2, It's true, some do it for the "likes". there are many fake people in this world.

But still, there are also many good people out there who does this kind of acts of kindness, and are not doing it for the "likes" , even if they post it on the internet. Still there are many people who do this and don't film it at all, and doesnt even tell anyone.

Fake or not, these kinds of videos are very good in my opinion, because they usually hit the sensible part of the viewer, making him care more about others around him, and also encouraging him to do the same. Sharing is caring :)
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+2 470. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video One World Trade Center Elevator Ride Show Animated New York Skyline From 1500s To Now

I was expecting 9/11 to be included in the animation. Not that I am morbid or something, but it would have had a much greater impact :)
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+4 471. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Happy Holidays from The International Space Station

#12 Good point! :) Today things are so messed up, that if you speak 3 words in public, at least 5 people gets offended by them.

But you know what ? I just dont give 2 sh*ts of a f**k if people get offended by what I have to say (as long as it's something reasonable). It's them what's the problem with this world.

The religion of the state that I live in is Christianity, and now on live TV they avoid to say things like Merry Christmas, or Happy Easter, and instead try to say Happy Holidays, so they won't offend Muslims and other religions. I don't have really anything against religions that are different than mine, but that thing is reaaaaally messed up... and oh... if you are not Christian but you live in a Christian country and get offended because you see on the streets or on TV things like "Merry Christmas" , then let me give you the biggest "F*CK YOU", and back the heck off my country from where you came, or I'll f*cking rip your head off :)
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+1 472. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Do You Wrap Gifts for Blind People?

#6 it's just that opinions like this are better to keep them for yourself ;)
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+6 473. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Miss Universe 2015: Host Steve Harvey Names WRONG Woman Winner

Wow... just wow....
If I were him I would dig a hole and hide :x
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+2 474. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Happy Holidays from The International Space Station

#10 yes you're right, thrusters :D I mixed them up sorry, English is just one of the languages I speak
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+2 475. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Happy Holidays from The International Space Station

#7 probably not, because jet engines are not such a good idea on the ISS >:)
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+8 476. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Happy Holidays from The International Space Station

#2 Noticed that too :D or he looks like he holds the ultimate fart :x
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+5 477. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Heroes of 2015

#2 Finally someone that acknowledges Russia not only for dash cam videos :D
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-2 478. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Kevin McCallister from Home Alone, 25 Years Later

#1 I understand your surprise, but please, no racist references in the comments.
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0 479. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Ravenmania - Nevermore!

say nevermore :D
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+10 480. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Never trust a map

And of course, NEVER trust Apple maps :x
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+14 481. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Australian Spider Attack

You can just feel the terror and fear in his voice when he says "ITS ON ME" >:) :x
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0 483. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Ravenmania - Nevermore!

waka waka wakka :D
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0 484. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

#50 yes but with a bow is more halal >:)
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+4 485. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Bad Dog!

Is he gone now ? Can I get out? :x
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+2 486. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Chris Ramsay // Street Magic

#2 & #3 who doesnt love card tricks :D
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+1 487. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

#48 Nope! you need to be eco-friendly because the bullets will release CO2 into the atmosphere >:) , grab a bow and hunt like a man :D
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+2 488. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Ravenmania - Nevermore!

Nevermore :D
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+2 489. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

Seems I'll be joining the club and be working too, but what the hell :D of course I'm gonna make time for some stew :D :squirrel:
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+4 490. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Ravenmania - Nevermore!

waka waka :D
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+5 491. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Ravenmania - Nevermore!

Liked this so much, made a ringtone out of it :D:D
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+3 492. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

*AHEM* *cough*
so, what are you guys up to for the holidays ? :)
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0 493. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

#39 look closely in the comments and you'll see that there still is people against it.

#41 why do people always have to give the exceptions as examples ? you think the campfire your neighbor did is what pollutes and kills the planet ? it's the enormous number of cars, and factories and plants that pollute Earth. I mean seriously, nobody in the right mind would think that fire for reasonable appliances is the problem of our pollution. And there IS electric technology for cars for the long run. it has been demonstrated many times, but there are CERTAIN oil companies that don't allow this to happen ;) in fact, its not the smoke and pollution that kills this planet, humans do :) Humans have the same living pattern as a virus: they go in one place, multiply, consume the resources(kills), and moves to the next area/target when the previous one is depleted.

Anyway lets change the topic because I think we're going nowhere with this. What are you guys planning to do on holidays ? :)
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+1 494. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

#37, the scientists are currently developing transparent solar panels for public use :) they can be also used as windows.
No matter what oil-enthusiasts are saying, electricity is the future ;)
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+2 495. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

Squirrel stew is ready guys :squirrel: :squirrel:
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+1 496. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

#26 ,I wasn't "comparing" them, I was just trying to portrait how it is better to use electric appliances in dally life rather than polluting ones, since we have the technology to do so. Good point though :)
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-2 497. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

#13 I hope you were just joking with that comment, because otherwise it would have been a really, really, really dumb one.

And regarding to your statement about CO2 in atmosphere,you're right,it was always there.Just look here and see HOW it was always there :

Sorry, but I have to say I'm surprised by the increasing number of people that enters an argument without having any idea whats going on, just for the sake for it.If you're saying CO2 is not poisonous,go tell that to chinese people from Shanghai, that are literately killing themselves to provide Murrica companies with stuff, for a few dollars to make a living...and don't tell me that they do it for Europe too, because here in Europe most of the stuff is produced locally, we don't have our homes all labeled Made in China. We're not like the most typical American company crApple, that pays and enslaves the poor chinese people to do their dirty work. America is the biggest Chinese importer in the world.
#16 no, not at all, but that opinion is just plain dumb as a rock.And let's keep it to human"era" ;)I'm sure that before the dinosaurs the CO2 levels and other chemicals were so high that would kill a person in a matter of seconds. And still, what you just stated is a THEORY. Theory is something totally different from FACTS . Facts are proven scientifically , as where a theory ,it is yet to be confirmed or infirmed. And still, we're not talking here that CO2 is provoking global warming, we're talking about how high levels of it are not good for earth and us humans. Dinosaurs had a much greater tolerance to CO2 than us Humans, everything was much different back then.If you want to see how poisonous is CO2, put your car in the garage and close it, start its engine and leave for a few minutes, then enter the garage and see if you are going to last for more than 5 min. No,why? bcuz you are being poisoned with CO2.
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0 498. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

Let's make some things clear: everything that runs on gasoline or other flammable substance sucks. Personally for me I think it's silly that in 2015 we still have cars propelled by mini-repetitive explosions, when we have the mighty ELECTRICITY! electricity can simply replace ANYTHING that runs on flammable substances. You can heat a home with electricity, you can power cars by electricity, you can cook using electricity, you can use electricity to filter water, to lift up things, to communicate, you can even use electricity to melt metals for metallurgy. Electricity is the future, but someone still has to make money with oil... The planet? f%^k the planet, we need money, who needs our planet.
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+6 499. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video US Town Rejects Solar Panels Fearing They 'Suck Up All The Energy From The Sun'

Misleading? Just like the description of the last video you submitted? :)

Originally from Sweden? She was just born there, but She is American, with american citizenship, from North Carolina, USA, just like these solar powered fruit cakes. I saw all this in the description of the original video you submitted and also I did a little research, and when I read the title, I instantly noticed you intentionally wrote "from sweden" in the description, for obvious reasons ;) even the doctor is not in the right mind... I mean just look at him how's he is talking about her like she's some sort of hero...

Still, I'm not here to bash you, but it's absolutely ridiculous to defend these freak shows just because they are American. Remember, every family has a black sheep, including America ;)
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+4 501. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Obese Guy Reacts To Another Obese Guy Lose All The Weight

#2 indeed it's true, but as many nutritionists say: it's harder to maintain your weight after a wight loss than the actual weight loss. at least for the first 2 years. In my opinion, depending on how fast you lose weight is directly proportional to how fast you will gain it back if you are not trying to maintain your weight after the wright loss. for example, i lost 10 kgs in about one month and 10 days, and I put them all back in like 1.5 months
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+16 502. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Thai dunk tank

#10 We get the joke, but let's try and keep a decent language in the comments :)
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-6 503. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Darth Trump

Vote for Trump!!!
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0 504. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Francis Gets His Warcraft Account Hacked

Still watching this from time to time and I crack up >:)
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0 505. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Young woman in Finland FIGHTS BACK when thieves try to STEAL from her store

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+9 506. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video How to prank your dog

#2 That was really nice! :) thanks for sharing man
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+5 507. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Young woman in Finland FIGHTS BACK when thieves try to STEAL from her store

#3 & #8 has a point... here in Romania they did all sorts of bad stuff. For example, just like in Slovenja , they burned their refugee camp down because they requested to be taken to Germany and they were taken here instead in this "poor" country as they said it. I even have friends that told me similar things which they live in different european countries... One of my friends runs a Domino's store, and there were several attempts to get in and steal the cash register, 2 of them got away because he pepper sprayed them but in the third attempt he went beast mode and knocked them the f*$K out and then called the police. the thefts have been arrested and guess what: they were refugees. no offence but you escape your country because of war to save your life, and then complain that " the food is like dog food" the wifi is slow" " we are protesting because we werent taken to germany..." , some of them destroyed the help(food, water clothes) they received form gouvernment. if you do this considering the circumstances, then back the #$%^ off back from where you came and get nuked or else I grab my chainsaw and make you regret the day you were born. Im not gonna generalize, not all Syrians are bad but i've seen shitloads of bad stuff they did since they came here, and I do not agree with them coming here. Period. I dont care if I offend anyone , and even if I did , it's people who like o victimize theirselves which guess what, creates stereotypes. And again, Im talking about "that" kind of people, not in general.
Just look it up on Youtube, it's all over the place to see what they are doing just because the want to go to western europe to the richer countries.
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+7 508. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The Light Switch

1# It's not the lights that kill the planet... It's us humans: the way we throw trash, the way we cut trees, the way we pollute nature with cars and other facilities that puts smoke and chemicals in the air, when we have electric technologies for cars and lots of appliances for decades now but not used because someone needs to make money. It has been proven that we have the resources and possibilities to end worldwide hunger and poverty, to stop this massive pollution and reverse it's negative effects, but people don't just do it. We have the knowledge and possibility to go on other planets and search for water and in future , but we aren't able to save our own water. It's ignorance and selfishness that kills our planet.
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+6 509. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Storm causing a waterfall to flow up

Whoops! I forgot how to waterfall :x
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+4 510. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video C'mon son, let me show you

I laughed so hard I almost pooped a little >:) >:) Even more when you see the black smoke coming out of the exhaust which means the car engine is at max acceleration :D I think he didn't use how to use the car's transmission :x
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+3 511. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Young woman in Finland FIGHTS BACK when thieves try to STEAL from her store

Trying to talk or to make a joke in 2015 be like:
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+6 512. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Pie to the Face Game

this looks like fun :D
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+3 513. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video I'm HIV positive, do you dare to touch me?

Kitos :D :D
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+4 514. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video How To Make Thunder Caps

Thunderclaps... reminds me of the warrior's first AoE ability :D any WoW fans? :D
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+1 515. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Amazon Prime Air

Finally my bow hunting skills will pay off <3 its just like Kinder with bigger surprises >:) >:)
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+9 516. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Tree Trunk Carving

#1 show us some of your carvings :D
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+4 517. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Man survives after being hit by Alabama demolition

I just cracked when I saw his dirty face and under it the Demolition Engineer title >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+3 518. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video little girl zumba

Little kiddo really has some kool moves :D I usually dont watch this kind of videos, but this one really made me laugh :D
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+7 519. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video How to Prank a Prankster

I just love it when pranks backfire >:)
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+2 520. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Awkward Moments Compilation

#1 There, fixed it! :D glad you liked it :squirrel:
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+5 521. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Gigantic Explosion at Chinese Chemical Plant

#4 Punny you >:)
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+7 522. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Seeing Color For The First Time in 24 Years

#2 Thanks for the kind words man! :) I'm very glad to see you enjoy Snotr and appreciate the work we put into it.

Long live Snotr!!! _\\//
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+8 523. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video World championship knife cutting

Am I the only one super-annoyed by the woman that keeps "cheering" in the background? >:)
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+4 524. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

Update: just got to know that another 2 of my friends that live in Paris are ok. They live exactly in the building across the street from the restaurant that was blown up by a kamikaze terrorist.
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+3 525. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

#16 I feel you brother :(
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+3 526. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

#7 My mom finally managed to contact my relatives, and they are all ok :D thank God!!! But still, I feel so bad for the ones that died and the injured ones :'(

Also, not 12 hrs apart from the events in Paris, another terrorist attack took place in Bayreuth, killing lots of people.
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+16 527. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

#2 witnesses report that in the time they were attacking, the terrorists were yelling "for Syria!" and " Allahu Akbar".
I have friends and even relatives that live in that zone where the attacks took place. The friends I have there told me they are ok, but I couldn't contact my relatives yet... I hope they are ok... :(
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+5 528. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

French media says around 100 people dead only in Bataclan Concert Hall........ total over 160 dead people they say
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+2 529. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Make a Human Powered Mobile Phone Charger

#5 because its a :warning: :warning: :warning: FULL BRIDGE RECTIFIER :warning: :warning: :warning: :warning:
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+7 530. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Belarus emission test

#2 Nope, it's an Alfa Romeo 156, 1999 model :)
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+12 531. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video And That's What a Bike Traveling At 200mph Looks Like

"And That's What an Organ Donor Looks Like" :x >:)
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+4 532. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Windcatcher Airpad

#2 LOLOL >:)
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+2 533. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Sick Euro Truck Simulator Setup

#4 Bail out, this vehicle has had it >:)
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+13 534. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Sick Euro Truck Simulator Setup

Or you get a job as a truck driver :D 10x better graphics and more realistic physics, you get to touch real truck parts and you get money for doing it :D
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+7 535. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video A Military Surveillance Blimp Came Loose In Maryland And Floated Into Northern Pennsylvania

Nah guys :D nuke that basterd down >:)
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+23 536. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Meanwhile in Japan...

This is why people have trust issues :D
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+3 537. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video People crushing it at work

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+6 538. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video People crushing it at work

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+7 539. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video People crushing it at work

#3 I agree. That method is still very used in my country. Needs no fuel, no parts, just a small stone to sharpen it :D Also keeps you in shape and healthy, plus your back muscles are super-carbon-fiber-power :D I remember when I was a kid and my grandpa leached me how to use one of these things, it took me some time to learn the skill, but then it was quite easy. He even made me a smaller scythe so I can go cut the grass with him for our horses and other animals. And no, I don't wanna hear anyone " nobody in their right mind would teach a kid how to use that, its a weapon, its dangerous ", kids back in the day weren't so freekin' stupid to put the damn scythe in their mouth >:)
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+2 540. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Man Carves Pumpkin With Guns

So, who wants some :squirrel: stew ? :)
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+4 541. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Romanian inventor tests new prototype of record-setting hoverboard

#7 I can confirm that he is Romanian, he just lives now in Canada. Typical press "mistake" I guess >:) dem basterds taking credits from us
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+2 542. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Medieval Rope-Making

#7 you just had to do it :D
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+4 543. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Medieval Rope-Making

Such good times now that I think of it... I remember we had lots of animals. We had 7 horses, cows, pigs ,sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, guinea fowls, rabbits, dogs, kittens, pigeons, geese, we even had a wild wolf that we raised, because we found him lost in the woods, and I have never seen a dog more intelligent and loyal as him. His name was Dingo and he was protecting our house like nothing else, but he was playful as a Labrador, and never aggresive (surprisingly). I Had my own horse :D his name was Doru, and he was born the same day I was born, and I was my best friend and i grown up with him. I miss so much riding my horse in the woods...
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+4 544. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Medieval Rope-Making

Continue of my last comment:
Of course you can grow your own veggies and fruits, but I guarantee you that they will be almost the same like the ones in supermarkets, thats because the seeds are DNA modified to change their shape, lifespan, color and texture, and also they need to be treated with a lot of chemicals during their growth . Here we still use the same seeds and growing methods like our grand grand grand parents used, and NO chemicals at all :)

My parents usually get visited by people from all over the world, and all of them, when they ate fruits and veggies grown in my own garden, they all said that they have never ever eaten such delicious stuff. They were just blown away how much difference it is between them and the ones found in supermarkets. For example, real tomatoes taste completely different from what you can buy in shops, they are incredibly delicious and have different texture and shape.

This is what REAL tomatoes look like:

This is what real tomatoes looked in the past and not the crap that we buy in shops :)

Also, we have here yellow tomatoes and green ones:

#1 Glad to hear you like it :D The only things that suck here are roads and government, but in the rest, everything is beautiful . In my opinion , I had a great childhood, and most of it was in the countryside with my dad's family. In that area, there are a lot of authentic Roman forts and buildings from the Roman empire. My grandma even owns a land that has some old Roman buildings on it, and she allowed the archaeologists to make a dig site there for research, and they found lots of stuff underground. I remember when I was 4 that I was with my family on the field to plant potatoes, and when we dig the soil, we found about 20 gold coins from the Roman empire, as old as 2000 years :D

Here's Romania today:
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+6 545. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Medieval Rope-Making

Lol, I remember when I was a kid, my grandparents were making rope exactly this way. Actually, everything was being done exactly the way people did it hundreds of years ago. For example, there was that big machine called "razboi" (means war in english) and it was used to make clothing, bed sheets, towels, etc. My grandma still has 2 of them which are 100% fully functional and at this time they are extremely expensive (20k-30k EUR) , one being 300 years old and is highly sophisticated, it's as big as a whole room, and because it's so big its needed to be build inside the house. I remember playing with it when I was a kid haha :D.

It looks similar like this, but way more bigger and more complicated:

And actually, the "razboi" thing is still widely used today. Romanians are very traditional :D Here, the sales for alcoholic drinks such as Jack Daniels, Ballantines, Teachers, etc. is very low, thats because we have that thing called Palinka, and its 100 times more better than anything you can buy on the market, and thats because its done exactly the same way as it was hundreds of years ago, and its way more expensive than Jack Daniels for example. In my hometown it is made the best Palinka in the world.:D Trust me, everything on market is sh*t compared to it. Usually it's made of plums, but it can be made out of other fruits too, even potato :D Also, little Romania might not be that known by many people, but we have some of the best quality fruits and vegetables in the world :D because we still make them like hundreds of years ago. To be honest, veggies that can be found in supermarkets are very processed with chemicals and have literately no taste (here we call them plastic veggies, because they look very nice but taste of nothing). Nothing out there, even how much BIO and ECO it will be labeled, will never taste even close to traditional homemade veggies :D
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+7 546. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Stop taking pictures of me!!!!

People like her is what's wrong with this world :|
I mean seriously, couldn't she just move the damned car and behave like a civilized person without making all this circus freak ? No, because if she could, she wouldn;t park the car there in the first place .
I am done, I am so done.
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+7 547. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Extra Gum: The Story of Sarah & Juan

#1 you basterd >:)
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+2 548. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video How a Differential Works

#4 thats my video :D
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+9 549. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Roofing 1 bundle 70 seconds

#1 & #3 , if you look closely, many times he nails above or below the tar line, which compromises the impermeability of the roof. And also, usually for this operation, most roofers use 6 nails. Sorry, but these guys as I see it are just in a hurry or too superficial to do quality work.
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+2 550. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Mao's Mangoes

#4 Eu as fi mai ingrijorat de partea estica a Europei... fara suparare da' aici chiar nu se mai intampla nimic, motiv pentru care toti pleaca in strainatate. Aia dovedeste ca acolo se intampla ceva mai interesant decat la noi. Normal ca si la ei se intampla rele, da incearca sa vezi lucrurile bune prima data, nu fi roman tipic care vede numa' problemele altora da fix e ale lui nu :) Referitor la China, e nenorocire ce se intampla acolo si prefer sa traiesc categoric in Romania decat acolo. Acolo e spalare pe creier in masa, totul e suprapopulat si pur si simplu nu contezi deloc. Acolo muncitorii lucreaza la Foxconn pe un salar mizer, dar daca ai face exact aceeasi chestie in Eu, ai castiga cel putin 2000 eur. Sincer, dintre toate partile lumii eu zic ca in Eu e cel mai bine sa traiesti, doar dandeste-te la fiecare parte a lumii. Tu de unde esti? Eu is ardelean :P
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+4 551. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video How a Differential Works

I think they explained it 10x times better back then :D
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0 552. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Mao's Mangoes

#2 I strongly disagree :)
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+3 553. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Pirelli, an amazing walk on Christ The Redeemer

@0:13 for somewhat reason , its so calming, makes me feel so safe and peaceful... God bless y'all! O:)
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+7 554. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Wet Soccer!

@1:34 The guy in the background seems to like the show a bit too much >:)
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+1 555. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Village flooded by lava

#3 No, I just have no idea what he meant by that.
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+4 556. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Village flooded by lava

#2 I don't get it :D
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+3 557. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Turkish Ice Cream Man

#39 ?????????
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+2 558. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Turkish Ice Cream Man

#36 nah that one is legit >:)
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+1 559. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Turkish Ice Cream Man

Damn, I'm late to the party again... :x
Man this is soooo true :
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+4 560. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Over 8,400 Photos From The Moon Missions Were Just Uploaded To The Internet By NASA Today!

#3 So much burn for conspiracy theorists... >:)
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+7 561. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Over 8,400 Photos From The Moon Missions Were Just Uploaded To The Internet By NASA Today!

What a way to start the day!!! :D
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+3 562. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The Amazing Birth Of A Hand Blown Glass Pitcher

I love food <3
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+6 563. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The Amazing Birth Of A Hand Blown Glass Pitcher

#1 mmmm, now I really want lemonade :D
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+2 564. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Close "clear air" lightning bolt - Darwin, Australia

#2 I was expecting something more spectacular :D
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+9 565. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Close "clear air" lightning bolt - Darwin, Australia

Damn, I really wanted to see the spot where the lightning hit :D
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+2 566. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video German Scientists Make Self-healing Rubber

#3 & #4 nice to see Pendulum fans here :D I'm a Pendulum super-fan myself :D
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+4 567. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video $21,000 plane ride in one-bedroom suite

I never flew with a plane in my life, despite the fact that I love aircrafts :D
In november is gonna be my first time and I'm soooo damn nervous :x :x :x
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+14 568. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Adorable Cockatoo Peekaboo

#2 You're missing the point my friend :D The last time the woman says peekaboo, the parrot doesn't reply with peekaboo, but with Allahu Akbar >:)
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+1 569. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Girl doesn't realize she's in the middle of the wall of death

#13 your feedback is much appreciated, thanks! :)
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+1 570. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Gus, I'm a Grenade!

#10 I understand your idea and I agree with it, but just because only 3 videos did not satisfy everyone's taste, there's really no need to complain about it. Out of all people who rated the video, almost half of them liked the video and thumbed it up. So unless we're talking about 20 videos in a row with (VERY) terrible rating, your argument is invalid.

I'm not trying to defend myself here or anyone of the staff members, but still, keep in mind that this website is available for you totally free, you don't have to pay a single cent to see the videos, and also everything that me and other staff members do here, we do it in our free time and is purely voluntary, meaning we don't get paid for it :) The ads on the site are just barely covering up the website costs to keep it running.

I hope I didn't sound mean or anything like that, we're all humans after all and we do mistakes so we need to understand each other. I'd say that everyone instead of seeing and pointing out that 3 videos in a row had a lower rating than normal, should see first that at least 90% of all videos here have a very good or even maximum rating :)

Also, I don't want to sound like I cant take criticism, but I just wanted to clear out some things, and yes, of course comments like yours are taken as feedback to improve the daily video feed.

Last but not the least, I want to acknowledge you for your comment and thank you for it, for me it's a way to see that users care about Snotr :)
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+12 571. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 15 Seconds of GTA V

The game's graphics are really amazing #2 :)
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+2 572. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Girl doesn't realize she's in the middle of the wall of death

#10 sorry, didn't mean to be mean, but I saw some similar comments on the previous video so I just clarified this thing :)
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+3 573. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video This is the most metal air drummer ever!

#2 nah man I think it's Stairway to Heaven from Led Zeppelin :D
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+7 574. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Northern lights filmed in real time in Iceland! Really spectacular to see

#3 man I always crack up when I see your profile pic in the comments :D :D :D :D
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+1 575. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Girl doesn't realize she's in the middle of the wall of death

#3 & #6, if you don't like a video, simply rate it down and move on. What's so big deal about it ? A video can't just satisfy everyone's taste and that's it.
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0 576. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Gus, I'm a Grenade!

#3 & #6 Nobody obligated you to watch this video. If you don't like it then don't watch it. You can judge by the title and rating of a video if it's for you or not.
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+5 577. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Muslim Boy Arrested After Bringing Homemade Clock To School

#15 I just pointed out what's on the news, as I stated earlier I dont care about the muslim stuff.
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+8 578. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Muslim Boy Arrested After Bringing Homemade Clock To School

#14 It was later found out as shown on the news that his father is a well known political stuntman who even named his trucking company "twin towers transportation" (mocking 9/11 possibly ? ) .
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+6 579. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Muslim Boy Arrested After Bringing Homemade Clock To School

Also I just remembered: when I was in high school, I used to participate to lots of science fairs and did this kind of "inventions" for science class. When I was in 10th grade, I did something that looked very similar to what Ahmed did, but had a different purpose: a device made out of a landline phone that when called, it can trigger a switch using an electrical relay. That switch can be used to turn off or on house lights, or a pump for a water sprinkler in your garden for example. One of the teachers kept telling me it looks like a bomb >:) and to be honest, it kinda did >:) I'll ask my dad if I still have that somewhere at his house and take a picture of it, and if he does I'll post a link with the picture with the thing :D
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+11 580. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Muslim Boy Arrested After Bringing Homemade Clock To School

People often misuse the word "invention".

INVENTION : U.S. Patent Law - a new, useful process, machine, improvement, etc., that did not exist previously and that is recognized as the product of some unique intuition or genius, as distinguished from ordinary mechanical skill or craftsmanship.

I attended electronic engineering university, and one of my hobbies is creating all sorts of things just like the kid Ahmed does, but I can't call myself an inventor or say that I invent stuff.

I don't wanna bash on the little kid, but I did some research and here's exactly what he did:

Of course things like this get viral on web like crazy, and also people with very good knowledge in the field analyzed in depth the situation and observed the same thing: in terms of "invention" it's really a big stretch. A good example here is famous evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins.

Here's another good example from a well known Engineer from University of California that shows how the clock is not "invented" by him, (he also explains why it is a hoax):

The teacher got scared and acted this way because his clock was not showing time and was counting down, speculating that it might be a bomb.

I prefer to remain impartial here, but most regular people will say it looks like a bomb.

What I'm against to is the fact that he claimed he "INVENTED" the clock to impress the teacher, but by far he haven't invented anything, and also he did something VERY dangerous: the clock is using a transformer since it doesnt need high voltage in order to work, but the transformer is under high voltage and it was EXPOSED with no protection whatsoever , and if someone from the class touched it, he would be most likely electrocuted and possibly even killed... also exposed high voltage components are a dangerous fire hazard, and it could have started a fire in the school.
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+4 581. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Small terrorist attack

And here I am, broken harted,
Tried to shit, but only farted... >:)
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+6 582. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The Sewer People of Bucharest, Romania

I recently was in Bucharest few days ago, and it's for real. I've seen these people with my own eyes. :( I feel so hopeless when I imagine that there are so many people like this, and there's so little I can do for them...
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+2 583. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video More bark than bite? Get your dog a werewolf muzzle.

#6 is correct
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+8 584. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video No problem ...

Hulk mode >:)
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+2 585. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Yesterday, while refueling

Accidents waiting to happen...
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+2 586. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Dragon's mouth

What the heck did I just watched :S
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+3 587. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Spider at work

THe music gives it the finest touch :D
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+2 588. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Cenote Angelita: "Underwater River"

Woah :O Who knows what kind of things hide in that river... I would rather call it the nope-river :x :x
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+4 589. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Small training with small army

This video costs $20K per second I think :D
Perhaps one of the most expensive videos on Snotr :D
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+4 590. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Supercell Time-Lapse

#1 Same here :) this shows how powerful nature is...
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+1 591. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Russian Flying Tractor Race

This resembles Romania so good as well :D :D :D
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+6 592. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 5 Most Haunting Space Disasters

I was incredibly shocked when I found the NASA engineers knew already what fate awaits the Columbia space shuttle... I still can;t believe it :(
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+4 593. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Dog Saved 1 HOUR before being Euthanized

Not all super heroes wear capes :)
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+6 594. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Drumming Legend Buddy Rich Shows Why He's Billed As 'The World's Greatest Drummer'

#1 something like this ? >:)
Wait for it...

BTW I watched too that movie Nd it was genious! I recommend it too!
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+2 595. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Hotel California

#36 Ok I'm even more confused now :S

#34 Mostly Indie rock :)
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+6 596. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video This Corgi Either Loves Or Hates Water

#2 I think it was yesterday, but what the heck... happy National Dog Day everyone!!! :D ::(|)
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+17 597. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Is this crossfit or just a really confused dude?

What? First time seeing Peter Parker at the gym ? :D :D
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+4 598. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Hotel California

#17 Nope, still can't comprehend your comments... You just type so much and I try to read, but my head just doesn't compile it... Are you high on something? :D

#18 Well I don't have time for bands anymore, but I still play the acoustic guitar in my free time. It's a very good way to relax O:)
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+6 599. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Hotel California

#14 I'm having a hard time understanding your comment :S
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+8 600. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Awesome goal

IDK but it can be accidental as well :D
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+5 601. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Hotel California

#9 Yes of course it was intentional :D What did you think :D :D
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+6 602. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Hotel California

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+3 603. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Formula One pit stops are amazing

Huh?? What just happened? Damn I missed it :D
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+20 604. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Hotel California

I am an ex-musician myself, and I gotta say that I was blown away by their perfect synchronization and skillz :D It's pure awesomeness :D I think I watched this video like 10 times before I published it :x Many thanks to the uploader Joeman, this video sure made my day and made it to my favorite videos list :squirrel:
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+4 605. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Audi RS 3 "Birth"

#4 fixed :)
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+8 606. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Man Shaves Face With An Axe

That's nothing... I shave my chest with a lawn mower >:) :x
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+3 607. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Drone Fail,Win & Crash

#6 I have a slight feeling you hate drones... amirite ? >:)
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+2 608. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Bear on a motorbike

That motorcycle can bear not just hoomans :D
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+15 609. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video V6 engine working paper model

At first I thought it's just a display model with no functionality, but then he attached the balloon and I was blown away :D
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+1 610. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Snotr now has a messaging system for users! -PM System-

#26 , Well, we will see what we can do about it, but you can improvise your own by rating the video. After you rate a video, the rate buttons turn grey when you come back to the video, which means that you already viewed it. Hope it helps :D
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+4 611. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video END OF THE WORLD

So, uhh... whats going on? >:)
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+1 612. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Snotr now has a messaging system for users! -PM System-

<3 Thank you all for your kind words and nice feedback! <3

It's really nice to see that people have a good time here on Snotr, and also to see that they appreciate our (voluntary) work :) We aim to keep Snotr the awesome place that it always was: a small cozy place with nice people and also " The ultimate place for great videos" :)
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+7 613. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Snotr now has a messaging system for users! -PM System-

#4 Read the description ;)

#5 haha, thank you man! Here's a squirrel for you too :squirrel:
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+2 614. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Koa Smith's 27 Second Skeleton Barrel

@0:36 I think that didn't turned out how he wanted :D Sounds more like a distress call :x
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+6 615. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Maybach 62S Failed towed away too heavy

#2 We don't promote squirrels :D
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+17 616. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Snotr now has a messaging system for users! -PM System-

#1 Thanks for the awesome feedback! :D

#2 We already have this thing on our schedule, as Sizzlik mentioned it many times in the comments. It will be fixed soon, I promise! :D
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+4 618. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video New shocking footage of the recent catastrophic explosions in China

#12 is correct
Im such a basterd >:)
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+2 619. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Scary Tornado caught on dashcam Tainan

#10 is definitely correct
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+2 621. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Scary Tornado caught on dashcam Tainan

#8 is correct as well
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+1 623. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Scary Tornado caught on dashcam Tainan

#6 is correct
Also, title is correct.
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+10 624. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video New shocking footage of the recent catastrophic explosions in China

#5 I never said people dying is something interesting :| No person in the right mind would say that. Read my comment again, maybe you'll figure out what I wanted to say. If you still don't get it, I meant about the fact that the authorities are suspiciously trying to cover the story up for somewhat reasons.
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+17 625. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video New shocking footage of the recent catastrophic explosions in China

@0:16 "I think that might be a gas station"
No girl, that ain't no gas station :x

As I read the news, something really messed up is going on there, not just with the explosion but also with the story itself...

As I understood, for somewhat reason the Chinese government is trying to hide all this. A lot of stories have been deleted from the internet by them, and also, on Chinese TV news they barely mentioned about it in the morning and that was it...

"Police are keeping journalists and bystanders away with a cordon as many as a few kilometers from the site. On China's popular microblogging platform of Weibo, some users complain that their posts about the blasts have been deleted, and the number of searchable posts on the disaster fluctuated, in a sign that authorities are manipulating or placing limits on the number of posts. For obvious reasons the local authorities are keeping complete silence on the question of what toxins may have been released after the explosion..."

"I just tried several times to retweet a critical comment on Weibo by @LiYuan6 about Tianjin but "permission denied" - Leta Hong Fincher,Tweeter "

Read more about it here, its freekin' interesting:
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+4 626. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Scary Tornado caught on dashcam Tainan

#3 is correct
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+1 627. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video You Thought The Slingshot Ride Was Scary Before

#2 You're very welcome! :)
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+8 628. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Experienced worker

#5 Actually, good quality porcelain is quite tough and hard to break compared to normal procelain :)
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+5 629. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Cyclist Crashes Into A Porsche At Full Speed!

#11 Dude, what is your problem? :|
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+3 630. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video A Visualization Of Every Nuclear Detonation From 1945 To Present

#13 We will see what can we do about it in the near future :)
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+2 631. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video A Visualization Of Every Nuclear Detonation From 1945 To Present

*ahem* sorry I'm late for stew guys :)
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+1 632. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video [Incredible Rescue] Incredible Accident

That is what I call a serious closecall!
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+4 633. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Helicopter flying extremely low over the street

#4 #15 #16 #17 It happened in Dnepropetrovsk Region, Ukraine :)
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+5 634. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video X-Files Extra can't keep a straight gangsta face

Some movie bloopers are hilarious :D That guy's face was priceless... I LOL'ed so hard :D :D :D
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+11 635. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video China looking to dominate basketball in 2025

#2 Don't worry mate, by 2025 I'm sure they'll do something about it :D
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+2 636. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Tesla's new charger prototype

#9 & # 12 I think cars that are powered on mini explosions(fuel) are "so last year" :) The future is electric! :D
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+7 637. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Surfing with a modified motocross

That surely looks fun :x
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+7 638. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Russia shows muscles

cyka blyat :x
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+2 639. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Police fail compilation

Lolol first one and 0:50 happened here close to me :x :D
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+2 640. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 2014 Big Crash Fail Compilation Nürburgring

OI OI OI OI !!!! AI AI AIAIIA AII AII !!! >:) >:) >:)
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+4 641. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Don't Stay in School

#13 or emo ? :D
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+5 642. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Don't Stay in School

#10 Well I agree with you, some stuff you actually use, but most of it you don't... :D I actually use now stuff from physics and math in daily life since I work in programming: for example hexadecimal,decimal, binary numbering systems, cartesian coordinating system... etc. In 3D graphics its also good to know linear algebra or trigonometry. In Android apps for example its good to know physics, such as formulas and equations , basically mechanics...
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+10 643. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Don't Stay in School

Well, his point is not wrong... but its just too negative. He only mentions the wrong things about school and not the good ones... That's not a good way of seeing things in life!

I personally think that it's the dumbest thing not to go to school. Just because school system sucks in his country, doesnt mean all do! Look up Finland and Denmark schooling systems :) I know, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs left school and got successful, but it's wrong to give exceptions as examples... and humans always tend to do that :) Some kids want to go to school more than anything and they cant... because they don't have money , or there is no school in their area, so going to school is a privilege to them, and not a right... sadly.

I live in Romania, and here we have one of the hardest educational systems in the world. What we do in early years of high school, that's stuff people do in University in US, and I'm talking about the difficulty of Math, biology, physics, chemistry, etc.. I showed what kind of math and physics I do in High school to some friends of mine in US and they were shocked, bcuz they did that in University.

Still, I don't regret I went to school at all! School indirectly teaches us a lot of social conduits, and many other stuff. One day when I was in high school, one of my colleagues complained about what use has math in life, and of course all my other colleagues started as well. Teacher then asked if anyone thinks different and why math is good in life? I was the only one that I raised my hand and said: of course I wont use Pythagoras theorems or similar stuff in daily life, but math is the sport of mind, and helps our brain to work more comprehensive and faster , in other words more logic. Just like you want to get a fit body, you need to exercise, so is your brain :) If you don't use it, it gets dusty!

Stay in school kids, I know some things are messed up, but school is good for you. It has been proven over decades: Knowledge is power! :)
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0 644. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Millionaire

Can't find my words to say how brilliant this was :D
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+3 645. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Plane crash in Lake of Shkodra (Scutari)

Many thanks #5 :D
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+9 646. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Rare Footage Of The World's Largest Tentacled Creature

Deep seas are a big mystery :)
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+1 647. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Keurig 2.0 coffee maker: do not buy!

#23 Haha, glad I could help man :D
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+3 648. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video One Sousaphone Ruins An Entire KKK March

#20 Yeah Sizz I definitely want some too! :D
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+5 649. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video One Sousaphone Ruins An Entire KKK March

:warning: Guys, my flame-war-o-meter is tingling! :D
Don't start it again, please :)
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+3 650. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video One Sousaphone Ruins An Entire KKK March

#3 You've missed the whole point of the video my friend :)
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+4 651. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video One Sousaphone Ruins An Entire KKK March

#1 Can't you hear the woman that keeps commenting on the video? :D
He does exactly the same thing as this guy:
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+4 652. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Close Call

#1 I thought I was the only one who noticed the toenails :D
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+2 653. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Keurig 2.0 coffee maker: do not buy!

#14 haha thanks! all that time I worked back then in customer care service finally paid off :D :D

Now seriously guys, I don't get it why do you complain... this is how I see it: you have a bottle in your hand that says Vinegar on it, you open it up and then drink it, and then " oh goshhh this thing tastes horrible!!! Snotr is your fault why didn't you tell me that this bottle that says vinegar on it has vinegar in it?" :D
:D , why so serious guys? Here, have this little Space Invader :game: as a compensation :D
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+12 654. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Keurig 2.0 coffee maker: do not buy!

#11 :edit:
Dear user marleymanbob,

Thank you for your inquiry sent to our technical/financial department,

Unfortunately I cannot issue you at this time with an invoice consisting into a refund,
since initially you have not paid anything in order to browse the content with #ID 15709 located on our Website,
as it was purely your choice in the beginning either to access this content or not.

For further reference, before accessing a video content please consider consulting the Title and Description of the video, as well as the rating and number of views in order to decide if the video content fits your personal preferences.

If you have any further questions or issues, do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Best regards,
Admin Geekster, Snotr team
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+1 655. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Huge Fireball Caused By Explosion at a Chemical Plant

Oh guys, haven't you heard? This his how they mass produce barbecued meat for the global market :x Instant barbecue for everyone >:)
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+1 656. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Asian garden littleton new hampshire

This is just too disgusting... even for Romania :x
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+4 657. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Keurig 2.0 coffee maker: do not buy!

#3 We just try to keep things diverse :) In case you wanted to buy one of these, Snotr just saved the day for you!

Moral of the story? Don't buy the Keurig 2.0 :D
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+6 658. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Futuristic Jetpack Is Flown In Front Of Audience During Smithsonian "Future Is Here" Festi

Futuristic? Nah, I had this already in 2005 in GTA San Andreas :D
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+3 659. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Random Acts Of Kindness

#14 well said! :)
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+3 660. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video What level is above advanced stupid?

I don't even... :x
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+5 661. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 10 Craziest Drugs

Remember kids, drugs are evil :D
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+2 662. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video I'm 7... What's your problem?

#3 Don't worry man :D Experts and studies say that we all have the ability to sing well and, just like how going to the gym improves everyone's physique, a person's singing skills can be trained to a reasonably high level. Never lose hope O:)
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+2 663. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video I'm 7... What's your problem?

You really don't need talent or skills to make this video. I play drums, piano and Electric/acoustic/bass guitar too I analyzed each small video and they are all simple and repetitive patterns that can be done with just a few minutes of practice. All you need to make this video is someone with (somewhat) good editing skills, and musical instruments. Just like this guy:

Well I'm not saying the kid doesn't know how to play :D I've seen his other videos and he's got some talent, but I've seen far better from younger kids :)
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+2 664. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Signal Acquisition of New Horizons Spacecraft

#8 Yeah well each family has a black sheep >:) >:)
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+4 665. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Random Acts Of Kindness

#8 you really cracked me up with that one :D :D :D :D
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-2 666. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video You'll act different...

#8 I meant 1974 :D damn I always mix them up :D :D Just like the gas pedal with the brake :x (NOT!!)
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+7 667. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Random Acts Of Kindness

#5 you missed the whole point of this video.

Making a ton of money you say ? Check out their YouTube channel:
They have just a few other videos there: all have around 50-100 views only. This one has only 300K views, it got viral by luck, which means they gave all the money from their pockets and even if they made money out of it, might be just $15 :) I have a YT channel as well, and have much more views than these guys, and haven't earned a single cent ;)

I understand your point of view, and let's suppose you are right... but at least they made a good thing helping out these people ;) Have you helped out someone in the recent time?
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+10 668. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Random Acts Of Kindness

#2 Random - adjective
Definition: proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern.
Example: the random selection of people.
I think that the fact that a random guy that went into a random shop making gifts to random people makes something "random about this..." .

#3 Plot twist: that guy's name is God :D
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+1 669. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video And the winner is ...

Skill? I'd say it was luck here :D
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+2 670. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Signal Acquisition of New Horizons Spacecraft

#3 There were always (lets say) "limited" people around. It's just that now because of the internet they are more visible. On average intelligence has risen the equivalent of 20 IQ points since 1950, so this is a significant jump. According to the Flynn effect(which has been proven in the past 40yrs), people will get smarter and smarter in future.
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-2 671. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video You'll act different...

I heard that until 1975, pink was a man color... :D
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+4 672. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Melanie Raccoon riding bike

Racoons are like a bigger hairy mouse with a fox tail :D and I sooo want one :D
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+14 673. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Random Acts Of Kindness

:warning: Guys please! Just enjoy the video and NO flame war about religion in the comments! Thanks :)
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+8 674. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in the Far East

Spare for some BitCoins? :D :D :D :D
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+16 675. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Van hits 100,000 miles

So these Allahu Akbar videos are a thing now :D But I prefer Allah Snackbar >:)
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+4 676. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Cant touch this...

Guys look, a 3-headed monkey!
:(|) :(|) :(|)
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+7 677. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The writers for The Powerpuff Girls were seriously ahead of their time

To the people who don't get the video, this might help:
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0 678. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Losing control!

Sorry guys, but you have been warned!
#38 Thanks mate :D
----- :warning: COMMENTS CLOSED :warning: -----
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+4 679. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Don't ever slice open a tire

#6 Fixed :)
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0 680. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Losing control!

:warning: Ok guys, 1 more flame war comment and commenting will be disabled. Just don't push it. :warning:
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+1 681. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Losing control!

Look guys! A 2-headed monkey! :O ::(|)
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+3 682. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Losing control!

#(removed comment) #4 #8 #9 #10 #12 #15 #19 Guys guys guuuys! Come on mates, can't we enjoy this innocent funny video without flame wars ? :D

#14 & #18 LOLOL >:) (and I'm a Christian)
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+2 683. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Losing control!

#1 exactly my thoughts!
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+7 684. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Escalator at Malaysian mall reverses direction

#1 You basterd >:) >:)
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+9 685. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Plastic Bottle Skill

So yea :D , just like some non-asian people make tattoos on their skin with japanese/chinese letters but have no idea what they mean, asian people seem to do the same but with clothes (look at the kid in the background) .
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+3 686. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Drone Smashes Into Airplane Wing While Takeoff

#9 No worries mate :)
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+5 687. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Drone Smashes Into Airplane Wing While Takeoff

#7 I never said it's all about materials ;) I said speed :ghost:
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+6 688. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Drone Smashes Into Airplane Wing While Takeoff

#1 had a small feeling it's fake too, but wanted to share it with you guys to see what you also say.

#5 Yes, it's very possible. Look what birds can do to planes:

Now imagine what a drone made of plastic and metal can do. It's all about speed here: if you throw a bullet as fast as you can with your hand at a car, it will just bounce and make small dent, but when you fire that bullet, it will get right through the car :D
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+10 689. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Pastor Uses Invisible Power to Knock Down Church Members

I'm a Christian myself, but I gotta say.. damn, this is wrong, this is so wrong... And it's not just 50 people, look at the size of that place and how full of people it is. But oh well, every family has a black sheep >:)
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+4 690. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Right, left and right again ...

#20 Thanks for the nice feedback Joeman :) I'm really glad to see that people enjoy Snotr :D
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+5 691. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Right, left and right again ...

#14 You need to take a chill pill man... Nobody asked you to submit videos in the first place. It's all voluntary, so please don't complain about something you yourself wanted to do. And no, you don't need to have all the time in the world to sumbit videos to Snotr, because you use the submiting script that makes any video just 2 clicks to submit. Your videos were always welcomed and we thank you for your work, but understand that other users submit videos as well and as I said : First-come, first-served. If someone else got the post before you, it means that they found it and submited it first. We have many duplicate videos of yours from other users that submited the same vid after you and didnt got posted because you were first, so if you'll stop submiting, we'll just post the same vids from other users. No need to get angry about it.
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+10 692. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Right, left and right again ...

#1 Mate, you need to relax. Why so serious? We receive dozens of videos from many users everyday, and they all go through a voting system and they are all sorted by date,user,etc. . Sometimes we get flooded with video submits from users and at times it takes some time for a video to be published. We don't favor any users nor we disfavor any: First-come, first-served :) I really don't see why it's such a big deal for you, but please stop sending such emails as Sizzlik said. If you want to tell us anything else or you got some concerns or suggestions, feel free to email us.

#5 No, we don't. is a 100% non-profit website, all the income coming from the ads is going into server maintenance costs, so you can come here at any moment and enjoy some fun and interesting content for your viewing pleasure. We do all this for fun, and to keep Snotr "the ultimate place for great videos" :)

With all these being said and clarified, I want to thank all our users being such a great community :D
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+7 693. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Randy Orton RKOs!

@2:00 , the man speaking in front is the mayor of my town, I saw this live on TV :x as well as this one:
(my mayor again)
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+3 694. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Muslims Read Hate Comments

#10 ... I'm still trying to understand if your comment is a joke or are you really that stupid?
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0 695. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Car sing-along goes wrong

#8 Just another example of what I'm trying to point out:
Just seconds after the impact, he lights up a cigarette :D

But still, the video should be the last thing they think about in this situation ;)
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+12 696. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Old woman in Romania can't stop singing for a week

7 day continuously ? That's 168 hours :D The world record for continuous singing is just 105 hours. Fast, somebody call Guinness World Record team >:)
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+25 697. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Car sing-along goes wrong

You can see how much some people are whoring/caring for online attention when the first concern after the car stops rolling is the video "we're not posting that video". :|
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+2 698. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Rallye Ronde de La Durance 2015 crash

"Uh lalalalal OH LALALALALAL!!!" >:) >:)
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0 700. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video 3x3x3 WORLD RECORD

Actually, if you keep pausing the video, he finishes at 4.8 sec, but it takes him time to process that he solved the cube drop it and press the buttons
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+2 701. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The Ingenious Design of the Aluminum Beverage Can

Aluminiu? Anyone? :D No? :D
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+8 702. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The Backwards Brain Bicycle

I've cycled all my life since I was a kid... I wonder if I could ride a bike like that :x
Thinking seriously to make one 8-)
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+7 703. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Old Man Riding Bicycle

You can tell he's a pro just by looking at his legs :)
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+2 704. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video It's not a toy...

#5 Did you try to turn it off and turn it on again? >:)
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+2 705. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Strangest "things" on the Nürburgring

The DHL van and the helicopter cracked me up :D :D :D
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+15 706. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video It's not a toy...

Man... That was an incredibly powerful and emotional video... It's so true it hurts... damn... something got into my eye :'(
I recommend watching it twice because a lot of things will make sense.

Many many thanks to the uploader Dushan for sending this in! One of the best videos I ever watched!
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+5 707. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Big Dog beta

For those wondering, it's a parody of this video :D
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0 708. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in Russia

#10 Yeah I know, I know bits of both Russian and Polish :D but kurwa fits perfectly xD
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+11 709. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Somewhere in Russia

Oh kurwa! :x
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+1 710. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video The masochist tractor driver

#2 actually it is :D
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+9 711. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Plane Landing vs Wind

That's some neat skills right there :)
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+16 712. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Chameleon

#3 & #4 There is a fine line between art and porn/nudity.

If "little suzy" is too young to see a colored "side-boob", then she shouldn't have access to the internet or a computer unsupervised in the first place, so that's your fault here. It's like calling your dog guilty for chewing on your TV remote, but you left it on the ground.

If you think this video was NSFW, then turn on your TV in the middle of the day when it's supposed to be safe for kids, and browse a bit the channels, I bet that in the first 10 mins you will see a nekkid bewb or a$$ or something NSFW ;) Speaking of TV, I stopped watching it 10 years ago. It's the worst content possible and as I am watching it I can feel how my IQ is lowering.

PS: I think "body-painting" is enough of a warning that there will be skin shown in this video. I mean it's only logical, what do you expect? Body painting on clothes? :D
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+13 713. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video A brave little dog gets rescued from the river.

#3 I would literately rip his leg off and beat him with it (the guy who did this).

#2 I'm a dog owner too, and watching this kind of videos gets me very emotional and furious at the same time. I can't even begin to understand how sick in the head some people are to do stuff like this. :|

Some people will say "it's just a dog... an animal, why so much fuss?". Well it's because it happens that dogs are the most innocent and loyal creatures on Earth, which gives us (humans) class at any hour. Imagine a world with humans with the qualities of a dog... oh wait, there is, it's called Heaven O:)

No offence, but the more I know people, the more I love my dog...
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+18 714. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video A brave little dog gets rescued from the river.

The ninjas are cutting onions again :'(
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+14 715. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video How to Become Gluten Intolerant

#2 100% gluten-free, user-friendly, all-vegetal, bio-dynamic, solar-powered, carbon-neutral, eco-friendly :D :D :D
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+32 716. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video How to Become Gluten Intolerant

(i) Fun fact: Gluten is just a protein and has nothing to do with being healthy or fat. Just a very few people are slightly allergic to it because they have Celiac disease. Unless a doctor has diagnosed you with this disease, your are most likely suffering of placebo effect :P Interesting how our grand-grand-parents could live long and well with gluten food, I mean *cough* normal food. :D

(i) Fun Fact 2: All this fuss with gluten-free food is just another marketing gimmick just like bio/eco/dynamic/carbon-free food , all meant to get the money from the stupid. :)
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+1 717. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video What happens if you scream out of a window in Sweden at 10 PM

#5 Never heard of that one, I only witnessed the "ALOOO" one which was kool :D
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0 718. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video New 2015 Macbook

#7 are you serious ? :D :D :D :x :x :x
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+7 719. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video "Stop a Douchebag" 2 Bully vs. Wrestler

#14 Check out their other videos, they were threaten with guns before... No big deal for them :D
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+9 720. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video "Stop a Douchebag" 2 Bully vs. Wrestler

Don't worry #11, one more peep out of our space invader :game: and I'll shoot up mah' laz0r!

#12 Good one! :D
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+7 721. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video "Stop a Douchebag" 2 Bully vs. Wrestler

#(removed comment) You perfectly fit the definition of a person who will be banned from Snotr if won't stop all this nonsense trolling.
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+9 722. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video A 5 Year Old Street Kid Goes To The McDonald's for the First Time

#(removed comment) Are you some sort of wise guy? :|
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+7 723. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Funny guy makes Royal Guard Laugh at Buckingham Palace

#3 I think it's more than obvious what I meant.
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+12 724. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Funny guy makes Royal Guard Laugh at Buckingham Palace

#(removed comment) Having a bad day or what?

:warning: Heads-up people! :warning:

For a pleasant experience on Snotr, we do not allow hateful, obscene, offensive, racist, sexual, or violent words in any public area of our website. Disobeying this rule will get you banned from Snotr.
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+2 725. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Now this is a huge yet gentle Pitbull

#1 sharp eyes mate :D
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+2 726. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video African man sees snow for the very first time

#9 Well that depends on the person. A Londoner there is a higher chance to understand a Scottish speaker since they live close to each other and most probably he has encountered more Scottish people than an American. But also I have met people from UK that were having difficulties understanding Scottish people.

#7 well it seems that #4 was fast0r than you today :D
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+7 727. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video African man sees snow for the very first time

#3 I agree with you, but as far as I know its a fact that non-native English speakers understand other dialects better than native English speaking people (since they speak/understand other language(s) as well). I also know this from personal experience because I was a translator for a humanitarian organization and talked in English with people from all over the world and could perfectly understand English spoken with Russian or Scottish accent for example, while other people from the group that were from America, could barely understand something. There is a saying that behind each sign there is a story. i can say that the same could go to the subtitles :D
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+3 728. Geekster (admin) commented 9 years ago on video Man says "I Love You" to his wife 15 years after being silenced by ALS thanks to eye track

So, ahem, what's going on? :)
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+2 729. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Millions of tiny red crabs

#10 Merry Christmas ? :D

Did you post that comment using Internet Explorer ? >:)
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0 730. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Slinky Master

Interesting how he's performing it so well, despite the fact that he uses a plastic slinky :) Metal ones work the best.
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+2 731. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Millions of tiny red crabs

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0 732. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Life in a shipbreaker yard

#9 Overpopulation you say ? Let's put things like this:
Thinking in average, every person in world would have around 75 kilograms. With that being said, technically all people in the world would fit in a cube with each side of 800-1000 meters. We would all fit in there. Put that in perspective with Earth's size. So, overpopulation ? Nah, it just manipulation ;)

Regarding to comment #5 , well indeed he seems like a very frustrated person. His point does sound mean, but in that mean comment there is some very big truth in it. Its just that, until you live in this part of Europe , you can't understand how it is, and what frustration truly means... One of the main problems in this country are gypsies. Our whole noble Dacian reputation was ruined by them. We are seen in all Europe as scum, sub-human, trash. etc. because of them. There were protests against Romanians in many parts of Europe, especially Italia, saying "Romania take back your gypsies". they are not ours! This also happens because of the media, because media=manipulation. They only show you what THEY want you to see, and not how things actually are. I am not racist when it comes to gypsies, despite the fact that they attacked and robbed my house multiple times, and also I am terribly sorry but I cannot give any good example of gypsies. I really love all the people in this world. But when I see them and what they did to our country, what can I say... I am sorry for them that they are like this. I encourage you to make some research on Romania's origins and gypsies origins.

These are gypsies:

These are romanians: - local friends of mine

And to simplify everything in just ONE simple image:
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+6 733. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video #Equality

#3 Exactly my thought :)

The future ain't what it used to be...
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+11 734. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Very strange sound in the Swedish language

Police officer: Good morning sir, you know why I pulled you over?
Citizen: *whup*

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+12 735. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video The best TV-show exit

I don't even... :x
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+1 736. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Unbelievable

#7 There were actually talkings about this :D
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+4 737. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video A master in his craft

#2 Nah son... :D
This one fits it perfectly: >:)
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+19 738. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video How to deliver beer the lazy man's way

Scientists recently discovered that beer contains small traces of female hormones. This was proven by giving 100 men 12 pints of beer and observed that an astonishing percentage, 100%, started talking nonsense and couldn’t drive.
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+1 739. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video A fireworks facility in Colombia exploded Sunday in the town of Granada

Evacuation plan: run and run as fast as you can :x
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-2 740. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Would You Take This Bet?

#1 Is that a rocket in your pocket ? >:)
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+17 741. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video This is what new year in Berlin looks like

Looks more like freekin' Beirut >:) :x
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+2 742. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 5

#8 why so serious peacinu? :D
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+5 743. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video World's Master Carver

#4 It doesn't need to have a function, just shows his impressive skills :D Just like skateboard tricks, practically useless but so nice to watch :D
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+13 744. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Excited puppy spots its owner

Either excited or really needs to pee :D ::(|)
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+6 745. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 5

#2 Nah son, I know Russia is Russia, but people think russians are very bad drivers because of these videos... which isn't in fact true... Bad drivers are everywhere, but the thing with Russia is that over 75%-80% of the cars there have dashcams, being the country with the most dashcams installed on cars, and that being the reason why there are so many videos with car accidents from Motherland Russia. Bad drivers are everywhere and accidents happen all the time :) It's just that they record them and others dont :D I mean come on... we're both romanians :D you know you can't go a day driving without saying " DUMNEZAII tai !! mortii si ranitii ma-tii !!! sa-mi fac schiuri din crucea lui ma-ta!!! bagamiash si scoatemiash, OH KURVA!!!!"
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+4 746. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video This cat is crazy!

:warning: Forcefield activated :warning:
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+2 747. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Cinema Space Tribute

#5 Glad I could help :D Enjoy the movies 8-)
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+17 748. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Somewhere in Africa ...

" Samyr you're breaking the car!! :x "
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+16 749. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Cinema Space Tribute

#2 Here you go :D

«2001: A Space Odyssey» (1968, dir. Stanley Kubrick)
«Alien» (1979, dir. Ridley Scott)
«Aliens» (1986, dir. James Cameron)
«Armageddon» (1998, dir. Michael Bay)
«Avatar» (2009, dir. James Cameron)
«Battleship» (2012, dir. Peter Berg)
«Cargo» (2009, dir. Ivan Engler, Ralph Etter)
«Elysium» (2013, dir. Neill Blomkamp)
«Europa Report» (2013, dir. Sebastián Cordero)
«Event Horizon» (1997, dir. Paul Anderson)
«Gravity» (2013, dir. Alfonso Cuarón)
«Guardians of the Galaxy» (2014, dir. James Gunn)
«Interstellar » (2014, dir. Christopher Nolan)
«Lockout» (2012, dir. James Mather, Stephen St. Leger)
«Lost in Space» (1998, dir. Stephen Hopkins)
«Man of Steel» (2013, dir. Zack Snyder)
«Mission to Mars» (2000, dir. Brian De Palma)
«Moon» (2009, dir. Duncan Jones)
«Oblivion» (2013, dir. Joseph Kosinski)
«Pandorum» (2009, dir. Christian Alvart)
«Prometheus» (2012, dir. Ridley Scott)
«Solaris» (1972, dir. Andrey Tarkovskiy)
«Solaris» (2002, dir. Steven Soderbergh)
«Star Trek» (2009, dir. J.J. Abrams)
«Star Trek: Into Darkness» (2013, dir. J.J. Abrams)
«Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope» (1977, dir. George Lucas)
«Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi» (1983, dir.Richard Marquand)
«Starship Troopers» (1997, dir. Paul Verhoeven)
«Sunshine» (2007, dir. Danny Boyle)
«The Fountain» (2006, dir. Darren Aronofsky)
«The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy» (2005, dir. Garth Jennings)
«The Last Days on Mars» (2013, dir. Ruairi Robinson)
«The Signal» (2014, dir. William Eubank)
«Thor: The Dark World» (2013, dir. Alan Taylor)
«Transformers: Dark of the Moon» (2011, dir. Michael Bay)

And I personally recommend the following :D :

-Both Star Trek movies - super awesome
-Oblivion - super awesome
-Apollo 18 - very interesting
-Interstellar - mega awesome
-Europa Report
-Last Days on Mars
-Mission to Mars
aaaand last but not the least - Prometheus
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+1 750. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Top 5 Worst Phones Ever!

#6 Same here mate :(
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+4 751. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Top 5 Worst Phones Ever!

So, what's the worst phone you've ever had guys? :D
I had the Nokia N-Gage, but it was pretty cool for me 8-)
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+25 752. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Kid Super Appreciative Of Prank Gift

The ninjas are cutting onions again... :'(

#1 This can happen anywhere, not just in western Europe. He speaks Spanish so e can be from Spain which is actually a western European country. And also not all rich kids are spoiled and act in a bad way ;) It's not the money that does it, but a bad education. It's true that a lot of rich kids are spoiled, but actually its their parents that spoil them, giving them money instead of time with them, giving them money instead of love, giving them money instead of education, because some people really do think that money is the solution for everything, and sadly it's not :( I say this because I have a few friends and relatives that are rich as f**k, their parents own lots of business, companies, hotels, etc, they have everything that they could possibly need, and I can give them as example as good kids which enjoy small things in life and don't act like a spoiled brat, because their parents had time for them and do know the special values in life, feeding them with love and not with money . :)

To have a good life, its not about the money, it's about enjoying small things in life... A morning walk, fresh air, the sunrise, the smile of a person, the joy of helping someone, having a tasty meal that makes your stomach feel good, spending time with loved ones... These are a few things that makes me love life, despite the fact that I live in a very poor and corrupt country...(Romania) :)
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+9 753. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Careful where you swim!

#1 A (careless) person :D , I mean come on, you can see from a kilometer away that there is a freekin' croc in the water... dunno what the heck he was thinking...
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+1 754. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Serbian minister of energetics almost killed when ice ball hit him on head

Oh it was just some Serbian dude playing Angry Snowmans :snowman: :D

Or is it a new version of this prank ? :D

Just imagine him showing up with that look after this happened >:)
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+8 755. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Fartman - Mr Methane

OMG the one in the end really cracked me up :D :D :D
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+2 756. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video What would you do if you saw this in person?

They said it was a huge asteroid that in case it would had hit the ground, half of Russia was gone. Here's why the impact never happened:
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+16 757. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Romanian TV Host's Ladder Demonstration Fail

What makes it even more funnier is that the host that climbs the ladder is talking about the career of the girl in blue, and he mimics every step on the ladder by her achievements :D and when he makes the last step he is thinking what to say about her next step and then sh*t happens :x also, then the other host (girl in black) says "well thats the next step in her career" >:)

and ALSO, notice how when the guy gets up, the first thing he does is checking out the girls ass >:)
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+6 758. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Brave mongoose hunts Cobra on the road

Such fearless basterd >:)
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0 759. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video ISS Resupply Mission Antares Rocket Explodes on Liftoff

#1 I just know that I'm gonna rot in hell for laughing at your joke >:)
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+3 760. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Ever wondered how massive a termite queen really is?

#13 It's body distends. What starts off as being the length of a dime extends to be about the size of a human index finger.
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+2 761. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Giant wolf spider

#7 Same here man :D
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+2 762. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video The artwork of a very expensive handmade wristwatch

#8 It's in human nature :) "we love the ones who ignore us, and we ignore the ones who loves us" I hope it makes sense :D
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+4 763. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Giant wolf spider

:edit: Title edit: Giant nope spider :x
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+1 764. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Amazing rocket propelled helicopter

Its quite impressive when you think that this helicopter has no engine at all :D
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+6 765. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Food Experts Get Pranked With McDonalds

#2 & #3 You're welcome :)

The original video on YouTube had subtitles, but they were only featured there and didn't noticed...

Thanks for bringing it up! :D
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+15 766. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Playing around with my pet mantis

Pretty nice threat display :D What a cute little fella' ::(|)
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+2 767. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 1

#1 & #2 I heard there are talks in Russia to make dashcams required by law :) Meanwhile, in some other countries they are Illegal...
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+10 768. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video How Fast Do Burgers Age?

:idea: Tip of the day: Going on a long hiking trip? Get McDonalds cheeseburgers :D They won't rot over time, always fresh :x
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+3 769. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Man Goes Crazy During Street Interview and Rips Shirt

I dont know man... I found the reporter so cute, I couldn't take my eyes off her :D :D :D
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+2 770. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Slovakia's flying car

@0:53 I thought the propeller will hit the ground... Or at least the back of the plane looks a bit too shaky before it takes off :D
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+1 771. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Dog SPA

It's like a video of me washing my dog :D ::(|)
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+11 772. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video How about a spider snack...

#2 Still nope :x I have arachnophobia :x
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+20 773. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video How about a spider snack...

That is one big pile of NOPE :x
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+3 774. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Cheating prank

Prank backfires! >:)

Reminds me of this:
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+2 775. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Boeing steals the show

#11 Judging by the size of these planes, going vertical is something you really don't see everyday. :)
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+2 776. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Boeing steals the show

#2 but it's possible 8-)
Check this:
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+10 777. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Homeless man fights group of scammers

Those are for sure scamming gypsies. I can recognize them from miles away. They are not Romanian or Bulgarian or Hungarian gypsies: there is no such thing. There are only gypsies, and they have a foreign origin which is nord-west of India and nord-west of Pakistan. Don't mean to be racist, but they are a plague for all countries where they have migrated, because they only cause problems. All they know is how to trick people and steal. They attacked my house like 5 times and stole stuff, and I wasn't the only victim in the neighborhood (which is pretty messed up because my house is in a very calm/peaceful zone). The worst thing about them is that when they "invaded" Europe, first were the Eastern Europe countries, Romania being affected very badly. Later on they learned that other countries in Europe such as Spain, France, Germany, are more rich and more stuff to steal so they went there, and that's when the disaster happened: other countries consider Romania as the land of gypsies and because some people are not informed/educated properly. The confusion is made because they came from mainly Romania and other eastern countries, we are Romanians and they are Romes (Rom - gypsy), and the names do look similar, but there is a FINE LINE between a Romanian and a Rom. The biggest scumbag here is the media because they tell the people such things, wrongfully informing them and hating us for really no particular reason. There were very racist protests against us in all Europe, with racist jokes even on the news... That's just so WRONG! It's like some people label Germans as "angry Nazis"... FOR WHAT ?! I have friends that live in Europe and got beaten up and harassed just because they are"Romanians". some ppl really need to educate themselves before they talk. I'm not targeting anyone here in the comments, I'm just talking in general.
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+6 778. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video The Perfect Crime

#1 I agree! The music gives it the finest touch! >:)
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+23 779. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Tongue Twister Rap

:idea: Tip of the day :idea:

Did you know that rap actually stands for Rhythm And Poetry ? :)
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+6 780. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Vaccum cleaning isn't easy ...

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+3 781. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Vaccum cleaning isn't easy ...

#3 Same law here in Romania Sizz :D
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+2 782. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Guy connects 244 9v batteries in a row...

#3 Thanks for the clarification :D
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+3 783. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Guy connects 244 9v batteries in a row...

Well, batteries are rated in amp/hours, a 9V battery has between 500 and 800 mAh(milliamphours). If you put the batteries in series then the amperage will stay the same, only the voltage will be bigger. If you put the batteries in parallel then the amperage will be higher, but the voltage will be lower. That depends on the configuration that you make. For example: if you have 2 batteries (each has 1.5V and 500 mAh), if you put them in series then you will have 3V and 500 mAh, but if you put them in parallel you will have 1.5V but 1000 mAh.
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+7 784. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video F16 EXTREMELY low landing

#1 good one :D
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+1 785. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Solar Roadways Indiegogo

I am really sick of this type of ideas ! Not because they are rubbish, but because they are SO COOL AND USEFUL and they ever get practically used, and remain just IDEAS. That's so sad :'(
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+2 786. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Drunk

LOLOL gotta love these series :D
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+8 787. Geekster (admin) commented 10 years ago on video Interrupter gear or machine gun synchronizer

invented by a Romanian 8-)
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+22 788. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Hey Kevin

Yaw wsup dawg I was sleepin' :D
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+1 789. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Merry Christmas !!!

Chuck Norris was born before his father :D
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+12 790. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Merry Christmas !!!

Chuck Norris can whistle in 5 languages :D
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+19 791. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Ylvis - Norwegian taxi prank

If you don't have idea what's going on, here's the english subtitled version :D
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+9 792. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video The TronicalTune

As a guitar player I had no idea this existed 8-) Pretty awesome !!

#1 I also use G-strings app on my phone, but those apps have lacks of accuracy, still they don't work like a real tuner :) And still, this cool gadget is very precise
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+1 793. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Ice slide...

@ #9 & #10 You're welcome :D
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+6 794. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Oregon Christmas Tree Harvest With Helicopter

#5 I was asking myself the same question... there are POV videos of this kind of stuff but none of them are THAT fast...
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+6 795. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Ice slide...

#7 I guess you'll find here what you are looking for :D

Also, read video description. It's quite interesting 8-)

#4 It's actually a fullsized helicopter with 2 people on board :D
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+11 796. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Ice slide...

@ #2 & #3 :D

Sure money can't buy you happiness... but it's better to cry in a BMW rather than on a bicycle >:)
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+2 797. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Dadholes

Do not eat that sand :x
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+3 798. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Ultimate Politicians Fails Compilation

The man at 3:10 is the mayor of my town bwhahahahahah >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+6 799. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Magic For Kids

That was so cute... Poor kids :(
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+7 800. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video POV of the recent skydivers mid-air crash

That was some serious close call... I think its the most good and detailed POV video of a plane crash to date 8-)
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+47 801. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Anesthesiologist lets guy knock himself out

Happy 12345 everyone !! :D
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+2 802. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video iDiots

#6 me lol :D
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+12 803. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video IBM Research WatsonPaths: helping medical staff in decision making

I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you aren’t actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with its surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed, and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague. And we are the cure.
Agent Smith - Matrix
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+2 804. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video A look inside a Cryonic facility

#8, Of course I listened, but CAN you replace all water in the body ? I hardly think so...
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0 805. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video A look inside a Cryonic facility

It's kind of a scam. This could be proved that is impossible in many religious ways.
But scientific ? Here's how :

Our body is nothing without water. [@ 75% of our body mass is water]
When the body is put in the freezer, the water in the body gets frozen.[No sh*t Sherlock! :)]
When water freezes, it expands and also crystalizes. So when this happens, it breaks the
membranes of your body cells, which is fatal for them. [this explains how frozen bites happen].
So when your body gets cryogenically frozen, it kills all your body cells aka your body :)

On to the other hand, studies say that there are is a species of frog that when it gets frozen doesn't die. It enters some sort of "hibernating" state, because it is not completelly frozen, compared to human cryogenics. :) more info here :

So will it be possible in the future ?
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+5 806. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video How to chop wood like butter

#3 I reffered to Bill Gates's quote when I talked about laziness ;) laziness often creates ingenuity.

Something like this:

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+53 807. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video How to chop wood like butter

See what laziness makes out of people :D pretty clever 8-)
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+19 808. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video INSIDE a Spherical Mirror

If teachers be like him, schools would be sooo much diffrent !
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+3 809. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Clever way to test batteries

:snowman: Dunno what to say about Duracell batteries... I had duracell batteries in a radio controller and they leaked so bad, they ruined the controller... And the thing is, the batteries were about to expire in 2017 :|

Duracell = best batteries ? well... I'd think again
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+5 810. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video PhysX - Real-Time Fluid Physics Demo

#4 I agree with you on that point :)
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+23 811. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Kenyan High Jump

There was a big running marathon in my city... and of course, a kenyan dude was on 1st place :D
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+28 812. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video The Quadrocopter Car

Dear Santa................. >:)
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+9 813. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Basejumper's parachute fails

#1 If you look closely, at the moment where he smashes on the ground, he dodges by a few centimetres a white metal structure with spikes on it , his parachute got tangled in it. You can see it afterwards at @ 0:31 - 0:32

That makes it even more awesome :)
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+1 814. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Insane RC helicopter skills

He's also well prepared of a posibble zombie apocalipse :D
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+32 815. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Cargo Plane Crash

:O :O :O !!! I feel so sorry for thr crew members... :'(
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-3 816. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video 1,000,000 matches lit all at once

#2 You're wrong :P then why does a grenade explode, since is sealed? :) the principle is quite simple :D

#1 It would make BOOM :x

Phosphorus is explosive somehow, if you put a small amount of it on an anvil, like from a few matches, and hit it with a hammer it will make a really loud boom.
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-1 817. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Neighbour of the year picks up 17 year old from School in a Lamborghini, then matches and doubles al

:D well.. that car is... wow... just wow...
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+24 818. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video "We Are The Explorers": This NASA ad will be played before showings of the upcoming 'Star

Too bad the gouvernment doesn't invest money in NASA's space programs no more... if in 1969 was possible to go to the Moon, imagine what we could acomplish with today's technology... we only have plans, but nothing practical... shame that a lot of money is spent on wars, drugs, and lots of unecessary shits, and not on space programs, poverty, schools... no wonder people are becoming dumber and dumber in time... :|
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+6 819. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Gyroscopes are amazing!

I was doing that with my bike wheel as a kid :D
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+1 820. Geekster (admin) commented 11 years ago on video Fail Compilation February 2013 || TNL

@ #1 & #7 : I've seen the entire video and his suspensions just got destroyed :D
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+15 821. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video the greatest "oh crap" moment caught on camera

Bwahahahahahahaha :D:D:D can't stop ROFL :x
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+2 822. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video GIF with sound

#6 sorry, I used shazam to find the song for you but no luck :(
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+7 823. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Loud sounds over Sweden

Oh that's just me playing Crysis 2 on my new surround sound system >:)
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+20 824. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Firefighter Mask with Interactive HUD Display

I think they ejoyed playing Crysis 2 :D
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+9 825. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Drive Thru Invisible Driver Prank

Best prank of 2013 :D
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+13 826. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Red Hot Nickel Ball In Water

#2 Thanks a bunch for the video ! :)
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+11 827. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video A large mantis eat two bees at one time

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+8 828. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video World's Shortest Train

It's the only video on the web with it.

Also only this picture, but by the color of it I can tell it's not the same train.

Still I am suspicious about the single axle... only a Segway could have that balance , and since this train is older than the internet, could be called fake.

But not 100% fake, the world is full of weird stuff so I won't be surprised for it being real :D
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+65 829. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Epic car fail(s)

And the first thing he does, is lighting up a cigarette :D

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+4 832. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video DMX "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer"

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0 833. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Mouth Juggling

#14 :D:D:D:D:D:D BWHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA !!!! a BIG thumbs up for you !!! :D your comment cracked me up laughing :D
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+1 834. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Mouth Juggling

#4 wait, what ? :|
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-11 835. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Nice Dubstep Dance Skills

hipsters... those hats are looking like working helmets :D
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+22 836. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Train Hits Sewage Truck

One day two boys were walking through the woods when they saw some rabbit shit. One of the boys said: "What is that?"

"'They're smart pills," said the other boy "Eat them and they'll make you smarter."

So he ate them and said: "These taste like shit."

"See," said the other boy, "you're already getting smarter."

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+9 837. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Misheard Song Lyrics

Even now can't stop laughing :D :D :D :D :D
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+4 838. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Meanwhile in Romania

Super tare cand romanii ajung pe Snotr :D
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+1 839. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Gustav Hoegen's Animatronics

Who knows the first movie ?
the one with spacesuits
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+8 840. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Unbelievable Knife Skills

#5 it makes me wanna punch that asian women in the face 5 times in a row
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+1 841. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video 25 of the most creepiest places on earth

FALSE (somehow) ! Number 16 is located in Romania, Because Transilvania is in Romania. :)
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+3 842. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video So Real it's Scary

#5 @Bejzik can you post the link please ?
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+29 844. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Real World Telekinesis (feat. Neil Turok)

I think this kind of videos would be more educative than stuff that is being learned in school...

It's simple and not boring, neat ! :)
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+8 845. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Red Bull STRATOS Jump

Some quotes remain in history forever....

-Neil Armstrong: " One small step for man, one giant step for mankind"

-Felix Baumgartner: " wobowosz kawaskkasksf asdfasdfaar wooz kashasdashh watshm "

if you know what I mean :D
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+6 846. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Canyon Gap to Flat

#2 a run like that is very possible with no accidents at all, He jumped before and others did, but the problem was he miscalculated the jump, some say that he got scared and that's why he jumped off the bike, the fact is that he had too much speed so he could not land the bike on the ramp, so he jumped off the bike to avoid extra damage from the metal parts of the bike :)
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+2 847. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Peter watching a movie intro.

bwahahahah :D
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+5 848. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

#50 Thanks a bunch ! it's nice to have fans :snowman:
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+14 849. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

Thanks to all of you for all the fun we've had on SnotR ! It's nice to see that you all enjoy your time so much here !

We, the staff members, have tried, trying and will try everyday to keep "SnotR: The ultimate place for great videos "

With the help of you all, SnotR is what it is today !

Happy 10K everyone !!! <3
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+3 850. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Rare Images - dolphin giving birth

That's for sure #5 Sartre , they must act with caution and keep a low profile when in the ocean
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+27 851. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Rare Images - dolphin giving birth

Interesting how the small dolphin knows how do swim, and to follow his mom, and stuff like that. It's like he is pre-programmed to do so :D If you look at a human baby when he is born he doesn't know what the heck is going on... I always wondered that... it's like when a small chick cracks the shell to get out of the egg, already knows how to walk and who's his mom.... this world is full of mysteries... what a beautiful world to live in :)
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+1 852. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video New iPhone 5 commercial

something called fly-over :D:D:D:D that cracked me up BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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+3 853. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Insane drive harasses cyclists

#14 and by the way: a new "trend" for gypsies is the following: they take one of their small kids, and they go near by a road and waits for a car, when a car comes, they throw the kid in the front of that car to make an accident and he asks you to give monneh or else he will call he cops... or that he will sue you... can THAT be called HUMAN ? NOPE ! and lots of very similar techniques are being use by gypsies.... it's not about being racist here, it's about being human !
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+24 854. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Insane drive harasses cyclists

They can consider themselves lucky ! :D In my country, really not far away from me, a group of 29 cyclists from Canada were making tour of Europe, and in a village they've encountered a group of stupid gypsies which threw with rocks at them, knocking them all down, stealing their stuff and beating them up. They all ended up in hospital... Now they don't want to hear about no freekin tour of Europe no more :x and ya' I know, it's RUBBISH AND STUPID !!!! But still, ppl have heard about romanians doing bad stuff in Europe, it's not us, it's the gypsies !! Because the media is making confusion between rroms and romanians. It's a totally different thing ! they also infected our country... and they only beg and steal, if you ask a gypsie to work for some money he will refuse you with no thinking... not all of them are bad, but kind of 90% are no good. No offence if I sound racist, but that kind of gypsies broke in into one of my houses and stole one of my bikes and my dad's tools and anything expensive they could find...
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+22 855. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The escape of a prisoner ...

meanwhile in Romania... :D
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+40 856. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Demi Lovato owned by x factor candidate

She got owned BIG TIME ! :x
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+2 857. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video 3 Seconds Later and This Man Would Be Dead

#11 @ Sizzlik, that was a good one :D
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+3 858. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video High 5, ladies

@ #16 & #17 : why so serious ?
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+28 859. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Plasma speaker: making musical sparks

Already did it at home, its freekin awesome ! :D
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+19 860. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Another Idiot on the road

Vodka has been involved... somewhere :D
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+17 861. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Mechanical Thimblerigger

How does it manage to get the ball from one cup to another ? Or is it stop-motion animation ? :D
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+1 862. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Celebrities Read Mean Tweets

sooo epic >:)
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+21 863. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video TV Reporter Was Hit By A Drifting Car During Live News

I bet the driver was like "GET OUT OF THE WAY STUPID ! " :x
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+3 864. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Tree relocation

#1 Engineers that designed this type utility vehicle tested before producing it at large scale. And the tree has the ability to heal and regenerate if it is cut[including the root] I'm just saying :) I did a little experiment in my back yard and I have a few trees that makes 3 kinds of fruits. The procedure is called Grafting: , simple but very interesting :)
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+15 865. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation June 2012

One of the best I've seen in a while :D
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+23 866. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Check Your Eggs

I'm gonna check my eggs right now :D
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+10 867. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Bear Cub

How did he got there in the first place ? :D
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+2 868. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video If You Are Bald You Need This

#6 thanks a bunch ! :)
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+4 869. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Party Rock Anthem on bottles

you can make music pretty much out of everything :)
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+6 870. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video If You Are Bald You Need This

Can someone translate a bit please ? I'm really curious what they are saying:D
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0 871. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Deer for breakfast anyone?

#113 In order to watch our videos, you have to install Adobe Flash player. Also make sure that you have JavaScript enabled, which is enabled by default in most web browsers. Finally, Cookies should be enabled, which is also a default setting.
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+15 872. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Soccer Ninjas Attack

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0 873. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Turf Blister

#12 I think #5 meant if it's safe to drink water from it before jumping on it like an idiot :)
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+61 874. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Duckling follows man in the park

awwwwwwwww ::(|) ::(|) <3 O:) cuteness overload
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+19 875. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Jimmy Kimmel Hooks Kid Up To Fake Lie Detector

Jimmy Kimmel's shows are awesome ! :D
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+22 876. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Honda Civic Under Egg Sized Hail Attack

|:warning: System message :warning: : -external shields activated !
|:warning: System message :warning: : -shields are sustaining heavy damage!
| :warning: System message :warning: : -shields are working at 73% of full capacity!
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+3 877. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Dad riding with daughter on ride

Gotta' love those amusement parks :D
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+1 878. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Solution for global warming...

#12 that was brilliant ! :D
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+32 879. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video School Bus Crashes Into House

#1 because wearing a seatbelt is too mainstream...
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0 880. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Skydiving without a parachute

#15, User "Scratchy" submitted this video first. (i)
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+3 881. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Skydiving without a parachute

Ballz of steel ! #9 When you see him balancing that means the wind is powerful from a side and he tries to keep on course. Your argument is valid :)
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+6 882. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Inside of a CT scanner at max speed

#2 #4 I've been in both types of machines, and both had long tunnel :D
Both scary and loud. One difference between them is that CT scanner is faster but not so healthy because of the x-rays, and MRI is much healtier because of the magnetic resonance but it takes longer to perform the job, and when I got out of the MRI after a bit above half-hour for a brain scan [ to see if it's still there >:) LOL joke, because of an accident with my bike ], my vision was all blurry, couldn't see a thing...

Oh and MRI scanner sounds like Dubstep, really ! :D
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+2 883. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Touchscreen with real physical buttons

This was first a concept of Nokia :) strange, eh ? :D
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+1 884. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Dirtiest PC... EVER!!!

#11 I also asked myself the same question and I tried that for curiosity on a few computers but nothing happened :) As far as I know fan-coolers have a built in circuit board that includes a protection for this kind of stuff. Maybe engineers that projected the fans have thinked of this fact, because some people are taking their computers to IT service for dust cleaning where they use pressured air, and when cleaning circuit boards it is highly recommended to use canned air and not a vaccum and brush, because a vaccum can damage/short circuit the parts of the motherboard.
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+7 885. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Spirit Of A Denture

Arrrghhh !! Shivers me' timbers :D
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+34 886. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Home made drums

#1 He is an actual local friend of mine :) He is some sort of music prodigy... you'll freak out when you see how he can play drums, violin, acustic/electric/bass guitar, harp, flute, beatboxing etc... In this video he is in the school dormitory of his university of conservatory (music) :D His name is Sergiu Homone, we used to play in the same band years ago :)
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+54 887. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video O Fortuna Misheard Lyrics

My computer couldn't handle the epicness of this video and blew up :D Maaan this video made my day :D
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+6 888. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video How to Deal with Noisy Neighbors

#11 That song rulles ! :D Long live Romanian artists !!
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+2 889. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Pipe Makes Laser Noise When Hit With A Rock

#8 Thanks for pointing that out :D
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0 890. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Trololo

Rest in peace Mister Trololo... :(
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+2 891. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Gas Station Design Fail

#5 I have no idea :D
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+42 892. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Adorable Hamster Gets Shot and Pretends to Be Dead

Cuteness overload ::(|)
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0 893. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Saw Trick explained

Just awesome !! :D
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+34 894. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video And A WTF To You Sir

#(removed comment) Stick to LiveLeak then.
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+5 895. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Big tornado close call

This is freekin' ridiculus, you gotta be freekin kiddin me :D
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+6 896. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Asian girl masters xylophone and drums

#3 She is korean :)
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+10 897. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Asian girl masters xylophone and drums

#(removed comment) This is not Youtube :)
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0 898. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Girl hits roof on school bus

Can't stop laughing :x :D >:)
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+19 899. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Making Cotton Candy Like a Boss

Funny that he's not asian :D
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+13 900. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Best marriage proposal

#4 Could be it, but still the video is "awwww" :D
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+2 901. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Helicopter crashes, very lucky pilot

#11 That is the turbine, and that helicopter has an air turbine, almost every helicopter has one.
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+9 902. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Helicopter crashes, very lucky pilot

#3 That's the sound from the air turbine :) If you look closely, the pilot wasn't dumb and was aware of the hanging cable, but somehow the propeller sucked the cable and boom ! Interesting... I've seen a lot of helicopter crashes and I've noticed the tail of it breaks first in the impact... Shouldn't those be much more resistant ?
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+42 903. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Roof Jump Into Kiddie Pool

And Darwin Award almost went to.... :x
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+38 904. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Vacuum Cleaning Fail

Wireless technology :D
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+7 905. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video ZeroN

Next: gravity gun :)
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+48 906. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video 18 kg Barracuda Jumps Into Fishing Boat

A woman is in bed with her lover who also happens to be her husband's best friend. After makind love, while they're just laying there, the phone rings. Since it is the woman's house, she picks up the receiver. Her lover looks over at her and listens, only hearing her side of the conversation...

"Hello? Oh, hi. I'm so glad that you called." she says speaking in a cheery voice.

"Really? That's wonderful. I am so happy for you. that sounds terrific...





She hangs up the telephone and her lover asks, "Who was that?"

"Oh" she replies, "that was my husband telling me all about the wonderful time he's having on his fishing trip with you."

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+2 907. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Game of Thrones Theme on 8 floppy drives

@ #3 #4 I got this one :D :idea:

Drives + Tesla Coils + Laser Harp + Digital Guitar
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+19 908. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Oberfranken Steakknife Massacre

So I heard you like zombie apocalipse :D
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+3 909. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Game of Thrones Theme on 8 floppy drives

Dubstep origins :D

The same effect can be achieved with tesla coil/coils and a MIDI controller. :idea:
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+12 910. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Reality Show Reunites Father and Son

We all love happy-endings, especially when it's not just a movie :D <3 ::(|)
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0 911. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Self Balancing Unicycle

Based on Segway technology.
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0 912. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video One step closer...

#2 Yeah Sizz it's great, but still we have to be careful so the machines won't get TOO smart, to take over us :D I'm just sayin', remember what happened in Wall-e, right ? :x
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+4 913. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Blackberry Actually Made Something Cool

It's like a camera with buffer :D
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+2 914. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Baby Bird Egg Hatching !

Interesting that the shell of the egg is sealed shut, and when the "birth" starts, the bird starts to crack the egg. When the process starts the little thing strats to breath, since it makes voice noises, so that means he must act fast and break the shell before he runs out of air. I'm a bit confused :D If anyone has knowledge in this sort of stuff, can he explain more detailed a bit what's going on ? If it's so small how can he crack the egg by itself ? Since it never did that before, how did it knew that he has to crack the shell ? How does it know that his mom is actually his mom ? it's like he had some pre-installed "software" :D he's a mini-champ BTW ! ::(|)
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+7 915. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Juggler

He's got balls :D

Nice performance indeed!
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0 916. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Live Dubstep Song Creation

#3 Good one ! :D
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+10 917. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Dustin Hubel - Contact Juggling

:warning: @ #3 #5 #6 #7

We noticed the warning about Snotr and our coders are looking it up.

The problem has been identified and will be soon fixed. It's just a glitch in our servers, so ignore it, there's nothing to worry about. It happened before and we got it fixed. It also happened to other big official websites.

Snotr is safe. :snowman:
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+20 918. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Reporter Talks To Old Friends. Very Old

:warning: We noticed the warning about Snotr and our coders are looking it up.

The problem has been identified and will be soon fixed. It's just a glitch in our servers, so ignore it, there's nothing to worry about. It happened before and we got it fixed. It also happened to other big official websites.

Snotr is safe. :snowman:
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0 919. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Cabbie Falls Into a Sinkhole

#3 he thought that the water isn't so big near the car
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-1 920. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Watch out for the modern pickpocket

Just amazing how far thieves can go...
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+5 921. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Penguins Jumping Onto An Iceberg

#2 Thanks !
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+5 922. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video AH-64 Apache Crash in Afghanistan after Insane Maneuver

:warning: #23 Watch your language ! Keep your comments on-topic.
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+16 923. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Retinal implants restore partial sight to the blind

Just imagine when this implant would work even at 50% of the capacity of one human eye[estimated to 576 megapixels] , and would be implanted to a person who was born blind and now is, let's say 25 years old, and will see for the first time... Imagine his reaction... It would be something at a whole new level for him. Perhaps he won't understand what he sees or who knows, but still...

By the way technology evolves, this will be possible pretty soon.

That will be priceless. <3
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+49 924. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Guy Plays Canon Rock On A Ruler

Like I've said before... there are soooo many interesting and awkward ways of making music :D and this is one of them :snowman:
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0 925. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video What happens if you flip a starfish upside down?

interesting :)
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+1 926. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Look mom no hands !

#25 yep he is romanian :)
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+11 927. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Honeybee Swarm With Bare Hands

#7 bees don't attack unless provoked. I have an uncle who has a business with bees for honey production, and he told me if you know how to handle bees and don't represent a threat for them they won't attack you, most probably.
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+5 928. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Forklift Operator Puts Coin in Bottle

#8 it's because the camera has an image stabilizer.
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-1 929. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Look mom no hands !

#7 you are right on that point.
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+54 930. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Look mom no hands !

So, what's YOUR excuse ? :)
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0 931. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video She won

Bwahahahahahahha :D:D
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0 932. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Made by Cows

Great ! :D milk milk milk milk <3 ::(|)
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+2 933. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Demolition man

#20 #13 dude you need to chill the heck down
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+1 934. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Antarctica Condition 1 Weather

hahahahahha :D:D
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+1 935. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Ronald Jenkees

FUCKING AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 THIS GUY ROCKS I HAVE ALL HIS CD'S !!!!!!!!!!!
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+11 936. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video 7 Year Old Pizza Tosser

Anyone noticed the hot chick skinny pants in the packground ? >:)

No. Cause this kid is awesome !
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+227 937. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Epic Motorcycle Win Fail Stunt

A rookie police officer pulled a biker over for speeding and had the following exchange:
• Officer: May I see your driver's license?
• Biker: I don't have one. I had it suspended when I got my 5th DUI.
• Officer: May I see the owner's card for this vehicle?
• Biker: It's not my bike. I stole it.
• Officer: The motorcycle is stolen?
• Biker: That's right. But come to think of it, I think I saw the owner's card in the tool bag when I was putting my gun in there.
Officer: There's a gun in the tool bag?
• Biker: Yes sir. That's where I put it after I shot and killed the dude who owns this bike and stuffed his dope in the saddle bags.
• Officer: There's drugs in the saddle bags too?!?!?
• Biker: Yes, sir. Hearing this, the rookie immediately called his captain. The biker was quickly surrounded by police, and the captain approached the biker to handle the tense situation:
• Captain: Sir, can I see your license?
• Biker: Sure. Here it is. It was valid.
• Captain: Who's motorcycle is this?
• Biker: It's mine, officer. Here's the registration.
• Captain: Could you slowly open your tool bag so I can see if there's a gun in it?
• Biker: Yes, sir, but there's no gun in it. Sure enough, there was nothing in the tool bag.
• Captain: Would you mind opening your saddle bags? I was told you said there's drugs in them.
• Biker: No problem. The saddle bags were opened; no drugs.
• Captain: I don't understand it. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license, stole this motorcycle, had a gun in the tool bag, and that there were drugs in the saddle bags.
• Biker: Yeah, I'll bet he told you I was speeding, too.

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+10 938. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Dangerous Way to Feed Wolves

his hands and his face are pretty exposed, but intact :D
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+17 939. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Harvey's Electric Air Bike

That is a brush-less electric motor as far as I know and it is used on profesional RC aircrafts :D it has something like 12 poles. The motor is only that purple colored thing, the rest is a battery and controlers.

I also did with my friend some sort of car out of a ruined RC plane, it had 3 wheels and it was propelled by a brushless motor . and the servo-motors which was driving the flaps from the wings, we used them for brake and steering, it was an immense succes ! 8-)
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+1 940. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video How It's Made - Mail in North America

its not how is made in my contry, everything is manual :D
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0 941. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Boston terrier vs. kitty

mehh... :|
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0 942. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Cut throat make-up - Video

so realistic :O
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+6 943. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Push to add drama...

just cool :D
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+46 944. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Fun at work

This made my day ! :D
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0 945. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video More catnip!

#6 no, you are not :D
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+1 946. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Stunning Fighter Pilot Training Footage

Foarte fain gandit Mircea #25 ! Fac un suc ! :D da ai citit macar sub titlu ??

Now everyone, chill the heck down ! Don't complain about war when you see planes , religion is also a very big key-factor for wars ! There is a fine line between religion and faith ! Lately, religion is more like politics...
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+28 947. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Monster Truck Double Back Flip

#3 me too.. but still, Awesome !!! :D
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+93 948. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Stuck on the Road: Who Would You Help?

Somebody give this dude a solid gold medal ! :D
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+1 949. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Robot Band The Hubos

Reminds me of Kraftwerk .. ? :D
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+11 950. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Tap Prodigy

If you listen to this whithout seeing the vido is like someone is typing at a keyboard very fast :D
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-1 951. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Blind prodigy playing a song on the piano after hearing it for the first time

no problem man !!
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+6 952. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Tom Schaar Lands The 1080

where's Tony Hawk ? I mean, his 720 was owned by this kid...Congrats !! :D
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+2 953. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Tow Truck Accident in Norway

Just so you all know, the other driver is SAFE and in one piece, not injured at all... impressive eh ? I read that on a news report. :D
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+2 954. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Blind prodigy playing a song on the piano after hearing it for the first time

There you go #16
Freestylers - Cracks (Ft. Belle Humble) (Flux Pavilion Remix) :idea: 8-)

You're very welcome :D
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+3 955. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Whipper snapper

#17 he did not convert anything, just put the fact that speed of sound is 340 meters per second... Some drink from the fountain of Knowledge, but you only gargled :game:
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+2 957. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Thirsty? Lemon Lemon Lemon

#13, you mean "bored" :D
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+30 958. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Cello Wars (Star Wars Parody) Lightsaber Duel - The Piano Guys

Luke and Obi-Wan are in a Chinise restaurant and Luke's having trouble.
Finally, Obi-Wan says, "Use the forks, Luke." :D
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+39 959. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Whipper snapper

The sounds made by the snappers are actually mini sonic-booms :idea:
because the tip of it goes over the speed of sound .
That's what my dad told me when I was little when I asked him why does a whipper makes that sound.
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+2 960. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation March 2012

You shall not fail !
wait, what ? :D
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+3 961. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Men With TALENT

beer beer beer, Im going for a beer :D :idea:
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+8 962. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Grizzly Bear Devours Trainer

See that ? A baseball bat ! just in case... but, mehh... look at the size of tha tthing, I'd say it's pretty inefective against that freekin' big bear:D
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+12 963. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Largest Coffee Bean Mosaic

Now that's an artist ! No computer help at all !
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+57 964. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Don't buy an Iphone 4S in Turkey ...

Mother of fake phones :O I was expecting for a complete ripoff.. how far evil mided persons can go :D
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+39 965. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Thumbtack Art

Try to do it whitout the help of a computer....not easy , eh ?
Whoever can do this only by his imagination, is an ARTIST !
Anyway, it's interesting how small things can go together and form a very big thing :D
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0 966. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video A Different Kind of Boss

His name is Ernst Prost ? HAHA Prost in my language means Stupid,idiot,fool,blockhead,goof.... etc.

Now on topic: like a boss :D wait, what ? HE IS THE BOSS :D
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+13 967. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Questions no one knows the answer to

OK here's a good one [ not a single proffesor in my engineering university was able to awnser it] : I usually think of a lot of stuff, and one day I was thinking: everything moves. Us, planets, solar systems galaxies ETC. because of the universal expansion. Even when you sit on a chair, then get up go to the fridge and then go back on the chair, your are not in the same place where you was when you first stood on the chair, because Earth is moving trough universe at high speed. And my question is: HOW do you know when you stay perfectly still in one place? For technical reasons, this will only be possible in outer space because Earth is moving. Every time you measure something, you actually compare it to something else, like measuring height or lenght ..... But how can we manage to do this ? because there is no not-moving reference position to compare your position to it. Imagine that some phenomenon could happen if this will happen , no one knows ,and no one can prove me wrong, because nothing in this universe stays still... it keeps moving :) I gotta say, this really put me on thinking. And now on video topic : I personally thought on every single fact in this video, and I must say, it was VERY interesting to watch. worth every second 8-)
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+2 968. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Epic pole vaulting

pole vaulting... like a boss :D
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+7 969. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video A Cello Love Story

Piano guys are simply awesome ! :D
If you enjoyed this video, you'll love this one !

It's a StarWars parody made by them 8-)
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0 970. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Very Bad Choice In Background Music

ROFL!!!!! :D
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+5 971. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Cockpit view of a night landing!

#5 because the airport is VERY big :) and the plane has to reach to it's terminal, not to mention that other planes are landing and taking off... so our plane must not be in their way . Imagine how you go home from work :)

later edit: #6, sorry man, I did not saw your comment coming :D
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+3 972. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video See around corners using ultrafast time-of-flight imaging

very interesing concept, but it's just a concept... it has to be worked on a lot more to be used in day-by-day life :) still pretty impressive :D
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+7 973. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Reunion between Anita and the wolves

At almost the end of the video I see that the wolves are somehow fighting for the girl, if that's so, she must have been a very good wolf keeper :)
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+2 974. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video How to do things faster

brilliant 8-)
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+2 975. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Black Bike Vol. 1

#14 ,yeah , the clip made the song popular somehow, haha :D
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0 976. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Black Bike Vol. 1

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+1 977. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Elephant knows how to use a touchscreen

Imagine whoat the elephant could do with a Galaxy Tab or iPad :D
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+2 978. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Black Bike Vol. 1

#8, no man, Danny Macaskill would be it :)Best trial biker in tha' world <3
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+1 979. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Walk Up Mountain; Get Buzzed By Glider

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+3 980. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Man vs. Canada Goose

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+3 981. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Off Roading To A Whole New Level

In Soviet Russia, your car is also a boat :D
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-1 982. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video CALVAIRE FRUITE

Awkwardly drawn cartoons... :S
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+3 983. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Grizzly charges

once in a lifetime experience :D
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+2 984. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Amazing rescue of a blind dog

yeah.. true story.. but wait, what about milions of almost dying children by starvation all around the world ? not to mention all the sick ones because the hard conditions of living... so much ignorance... so little I can do... DAMN ! EVERYTHING IS WRONG IN THIS WORLD !
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+3 985. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video football player shares booger with young friend

eewwwww :x
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+2 986. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Hanging with the Lions on a Zebra car

::(|) Amazing how cratures of mother nature can cooperate sometimes :D It's quite interesting how this man keeps his calm, or ... yeah... he doesn't give a s:xit ... The lions love him and he knows it. ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) <3 <3 <3 <3
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+2 987. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Best Howl Ever

If my dog was like this one, I would have hired him to be a siren in case of emernegcy :D with these sounds I bet the area would be evacuated in no-time :D
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+2 988. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Catch me if you can!

Science is fun when you know the secret :D
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+2 989. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Japanese Fire Extinguisher

awesome ! :D
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+1 990. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Lost 1984 Video: young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh

Steve Jobs : You know Gates, Macbooks are pretty much just like cheap useless notebooks.
Bill Gates: Indeeed....
Steve Jobs: Well I resolved the cheap part :D
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+10 991. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video JONATHAN ANTOINE AUDITION - BRITAINS GOT TALENT 2012

NEVER judge someone/something by it's appearence :)
It gives me chicken skin haha :D


I appreciate him very much ! Depsite his physical look, he was not ashamed and did what he had to do! Way the go man !!! but wait, what ? the girl is only 16 ?! wtf ? she looks like at least 23 to me :D

[sorry for previous duplicate comment]
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+39 992. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video JONATHAN ANTOINE AUDITION - BRITAINS GOT TALENT 2012

Never judge someone/something by it's appearence :)
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+13 993. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Lost 1984 Video: young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh

#5 really ? Fan of Steve Jobs you say ? Tell me about it :) What did he did to be so freekin famous ? He made some overpriced gageds and he was considered Jesus Christ of modern gadgeds and technologies.. And also if you are a hardcore Steve Jobs fan you sould be aware that he COPIED not invented his work.. it was stolen... inform yourself if you don't believe me, Google is your best friend :) and also, in 2001 i think, Microsoft launced TabletPC, and nobody gave a f:xck and when iPad was launched all the world was like "OMG OMG THIS IS TECHNOLOGY FROM FUTURE "... I'm into computers since 1993 since i was a kid.. And I know what I'm talking about :) I did my homework laddie. Yeah and just so you may want to know, when Jobs died, tons of ppl from all over the world were with apples instead of candles and all sorts of shi:xts... but in the same days, the man who invented C programming code,Dennis Ritchie died, and NOBODY gave a f:xck ! Dennis Ritchie's contribution to all the technological advancements in the world of modern computing is immense. Most of the digital computation, sophisticated programming and the Internet are deeply entrenched in two inventions that he was deeply involved in: The Unix Operating System and the C Programming Language. Steve Jobs has been injudiciously celebrated as the greatest inventor of the modern world when he died and has been celebrated and anointed by the media as the uncontested Newton/Einstein/Edison - all rolled into one - of the 21st century!... Why ??? Tell me about how he made the world better...?! Check this ! . And just so you know #5, the iPhone continues to lose its competitive edge to Android-based phones:) and here's some more interesting "hot" stuff about Steve Jobs's Apple ;) [I had to cut half of my comment because it was too long Snotr said :D] I've seen on the news that a kid gave away one of his kidney for money to buy iPad 2.
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+33 994. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Lost 1984 Video: young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh

Life was much easier when apple and blackberry were just fruits...
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+13 995. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Lost 1984 Video: young Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh

A Romanian paved the way for Steve Jobs well before 1984... His name is Stefan Odobleja :). He laid the fondations of cybernetics in 1941. Also see this...

Someone was out of inspiration ...
Problem, apple fans ? >:)

linux&android FTW !!!!
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+2 996. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Ocean currents animation

Pretty interesting :) keep them coming snotr :D
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-4 997. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Ukrainian Drunk Master vs Glass Bottle

Ok this one also I think it has been in every fail compilation >:)
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-5 998. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Late Reaction

awww man ! c'mon !! why downgrade #4 ?? that was freekin hilarious :D :D :D
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+3 999. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Trike Drifting

#5 ROFL :D good one
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-17 1000. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Late Reaction

This is what happened in his brain after the ball smacked his head :D :
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+2 1001. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Awareness test!

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+10 1002. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video World Earthquakes Visualization Map 2011

1:52 ....... :'( Interesting how Motherland Russia has almost no earthquakes :D
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+3 1003. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Beat Battle

#4 what do you mean ? :D
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+18 1004. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Beat Battle

Never underestimate what your body is capable of :)
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0 1005. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video This Guys Is Nuts

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O
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+3 1006. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Underwater for 10 days

Yeah I was about to ask what #5 asked...and I also have a question: How did he slept? Because I can see he has a oxygen mask but only for his mouth , his nose is not covered by anything. I think if he would be fallen asleep he would drowned...How could he sleep there ? and you cannot stay awake that long as a normal person... I know that the world record for staying awake is something like 11 days... If he stood there for 10 days and also did not slept , he would've got a special record :D But this video is a bit vague... cause a lot of details are kind of missing... like in a super-fast TV news-report : " Good evening! A man stood under water for 10 days! this is the man under water, this is the man getting out of water after 10 days, he seems to be ok, well have a good night thanks for watching Channel 5 news! " ROFL :D [I also believe that sleeping floating among water is pretty relaxing :D] Great video though !This one put me on thinking 8-) :D
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-7 1007. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Underwater for 10 days

dude, does anyone know where did he took his bathroom breaks?
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+35 1008. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Rolling in the deep

There are sooooo many interesting and awkward ways of making music :)
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+4 1009. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Aurora borealis, northern tip of Norway.

So beautiful Mother Nature... and we destroy it... :'(
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+1 1010. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video There are many ways to open a bottle of beer

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+2 1011. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Mad dog

#14 yeah, thats what i meant. dogs need to know who's the alpha male in the house :) and #11, he is kind of right :) Anyway, is it just me, or even other people hates the people who are obsessed about their dogs ? Like they treat dogs much more above than a human being... It's almost like he's insane... I'm just saying. One day I was outside with some friends, in the park, and a man was with his dogs a bit far away from us, and one of the dogs ran to one of my buddies and tried to bit him for no reason, and he said "shoo" a few times to the tog to make it go away, but NOT touched the dog even with a finger, and then the owner came very angry and started to beat my friend with the dog's leash saying continuously " HOW CAN YOU SAY SHOO TO MY DOG ? HOW CAN YOU AFFORD TO SAY THAT TO MY DOG ?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO SAY SHOO TO MY DOG ? " maaaaan that was freeeeekin awkward, he tried to tell the owner that the dog tried to bit him, but the owner was acting like SATAN himself... that freaked us out... And I've seen other dog owners like that... for all those who act like that : "I wish you a LOT of heat! " AKA BURN IN HELL FOREVER BITCH !!!
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+18 1012. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video How can LEGO aid scientific research

In my university we have some scientific labs with only lego robots and stuff. Prtty cool :D When I was in first year of college, a teacher showed me and my groupmates a part of the university, and when we got in the labs with robots and the ones with lego robots, i splited up from the group and remained with the lab assistant in the robot lab and the group gone without me, I was like sooo enlightened what I've seen there :O you could find everything in there ! 3D lego printers, flying robots similar to birds and not with propeller, cars, quad helicopter with panoramic cameras capable to lift a 1.5 liter coca cola bottle, ETC. A lab assistant told me that when they want to build a real robot first they made it out of lego because its easier do detect projecting errors and if the robot breaks it is very easy to rebuild it. NEAT things I tell you 8-) Maaan, there were hundreds of robots there. I got in love with that place. Science is FUN when you know the secret 8-)
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-1 1013. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Bobsled ride , helmet cam

I dont get it #1 :S
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+12 1014. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Mad dog

No offence , really, I also love animals, I really love animals.Especially dogs and hamsters ::(|) ::(|) but there are some dogs that you raised it since it was a small new-born puppy, and when he is big he starts to bite you and mutilates you... I've seen tons of cases like this, even persons that I know, or on TV... No offence again, but when I see this kinds of dogs , when you treat him all his life like a member of family with love and affection and at some point he jumps on you and mutilates you.... I would grab a freekin axe or a baseball bat and stab him in the face 10 times in a row. If you will downgrade I will understand, but think of what I've said :) I also plan to get a labrador dog ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|)
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+3 1015. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video For snooker friends only ...

sorry for off-topic .... but why downgraded so much #(removed comment) ? really folks ? did he said something like " SNOOKER SUCKS" OR " SNOOKER IS THE WORST GAME " or "WORST VIDEO ON SNOTR" or something like " SNOOKER PLAYERS DONT HAVE BALLS SO THATS WHY THEY PLAY WITH BALLS" ????? I've seen a lot of pointless downgrades in the past time.... #(removed comment) only shared his point of view... I'm not into snooker, but I play it a lot on my phone :D it's really fun game ! I also enjoy watching it on Eurosport on TV before I go to sleep, it makes me fall asleep much easier :D
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+14 1016. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Evolution of the moon

It's a lil bit offtopic, but here's my question 8-) : why did NASA stopped expeditions on moon and other reseaches ? They did it like 50 years ago... with old technology.... and we had very good results. and now if you look around you see a lot of super hi-tech technology...Now it can be done so much safer and smarter because human kind gained so much knowledge since then :) Imagine if they would send a satellite just like Google Maps uses.. we would get a whole new perspective about moon! That could prove that moon landing was/ was not a lie! Just like you see your house on google maps you could see the remainings on moon, the cars , the shuttle ETC . I'd say it would be possible :). this video says a lot . They say "no monneh" but if that's so, they could be sponsored by a lot of big freekin' companies just by posting some stickers on the space shuttle :) and that IF we ignore the theory that moon landing was fake, which somehow I find it hard to believe . :)
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+1 1017. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Bike trail of death

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-1 1018. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Cow Kicks Woman in the Face

No man, she deserved it ! She should be in the kitchen >:) >:) >:) >:) :x :x :x :x
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+9 1019. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video See, what I know with my skis!

The feel you get from extreme sports is PRICELESS ! :)
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+2 1020. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Imploding Iceberg

#5 DUDE u stole my joke !! :'( I used it in a previous video comment :D cheers anyway
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-3 1021. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Imploding Iceberg

If you believe in God and he doesn't exist, you've got nothing to lose, but if you don't believe in God and he exists, you've lost everything. As simple as that #13 #10 #4 #8 :) I'm just saying.....
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+3 1022. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Imploding Iceberg

It's funny that they are all cheering but when the ice bullets are coming towards them everyone shuts the #$%# up >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+3 1023. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Peeling an apple.

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+3 1024. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Guacamole

Veeeery nice stop motion clip :)
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+7 1025. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video No, I said stop stop stop

Owwww I remeber this !!! It was first on ebaumsworld in 2005 !!! I had a collection of fails on my Nokia 7600 in 2005 and this one was included. I was like a boss with that fone ... hah old days :D
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+4 1026. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video World Record Paper Airplane Distance

Very impressive 8-) I guess even building a paper plane could be serious business :D
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+7 1027. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Subaru Forester

#(removed comment) It's all over your face :D
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-12 1028. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video New unboarding technique

Keep downgrading my comment >:)
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+8 1029. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Story of Sushi

All they care about is MONNEH ! MOAR MOAR AND MOAR MONNEH !!! :'( However, we are considered objects and not humans by the govenment...
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-11 1030. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video New unboarding technique

I think this one has been in every fail compilation :D
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-22 1031. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Gladys Ingle of the 13 black cats

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+33 1032. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Sugar Art

Sugar art level: ASIAN :D 8-)

#1 dude, you've never seen how melted sugar looks like ? take a spoon and put some sugar in it and keep it above some fire, you will see what I'm talking about :)

when I was little I was doing that sort or thing but I was also putting a tooth pick in the spoon in the melted sugar and waited for it to cool down, and then got out the melted sugar out of the spoon, all melted in one piece with the tooth pick in it as some sort of handle :D and that's how I was making myself some sort of lolly-pop :D I know I know, maybe sounds silly, but what the heck...I was just a kid :D

--O --O --O ---O lolly-pops :x
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+7 1033. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video 8.429GHz overclocked

y u no like #2 ?
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+4 1034. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Sheep Cyclone

what does FYI means? :S
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+4 1035. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Reason Why You Need A Dash Camera (2)

#4 You're welcome Sizzlik :D
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+11 1036. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video The Reason Why You Need A Dash Camera (2)

#1 I'm glad my video post made you to take the right decision :)
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+5 1037. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Fort Steuben Bridge Demolition

" KABBIM !!"
let's see who gets it :D
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-3 1038. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Red Bull Stratos

Yeah I look forward to it, but... wait, what ? Why redbull all over his face ? I know... they are sponsored by redbull., but really Jim ?
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+20 1039. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Dead stick takeoff

#2 he's having a flygasm :D
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+5 1040. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Why is this not on the market ?

Better install some sort of taser system in the handle >:) that'll teach the thief a SHOCKING lesson :D
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-2 1041. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Flat Frog

hmm... nice toads.. wait, what ?
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+6 1042. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Swing of Change

I believe this video shows to racist people that other races aren't so bat as they first thought, and the barber realized he did wrong to the black guy. I hate racism.... and in the end, we're all people... Ask me what race am I, and I will awnser you " I'm human". A good example : dogs. There are a lot of dog races, but when it comes to "love", race doesn't matter :D Why ? because they are more human than humans sometimes... Or at least that's my little point of view :) Great video Snotr !! Keep them coming
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0 1043. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video SUPERHERO

I laughed my ass off :D
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-4 1044. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video In Memoriam

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+1 1045. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video street trial et dirt backflip vintage ladies bike

Best video in a while !!!! I laughed my ass off when he first wreckd the bike :D :D :D :D :D
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-5 1046. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Another amazing bike downhill

I would need maybe +30 sec to 1 min extra time to this track :) that's because I use a hardtail mtb for street/skatepark/dirtpark. This one is a Downhill mtb, and you have a big advantage for this kind of tracks because of the big suspension travel on the front which is 200 mm [in my case is only 100 mm which is perfect for tricks] and besides, a downhill bike also has back suspension, which absorbs a lot of shock, but will not help you when you want to do tricks :D it's almost impossible to do a bunny hop on flat. Anyway, I tell you from my experience, nothing compares with the adrenaline-rush when riding a bike in extreme ways :D
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-3 1047. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Formula car drifting at the Nurburgring

REALLY JIM ?? :| why downgraded #1 & #2 ??
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+11 1048. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Formula car drifting at the Nurburgring

Am I the only one who wished to have a car like this when when he was a kid ? :D
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+18 1049. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video In Memoriam

I dunno what to say.... this is symbolic in some way, like when he put himself on the pitch near his wife, he just made it to heaven where his wife was... I guess thats why he died... some sort of sad happy-ending :'(
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-3 1050. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Anonymous Having Fun During Interview

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0 1051. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Making of a Shade

Y U NO LIKE #16 :D , it's just a fact I've found on wiki 8-)
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+1 1052. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video world first 720 double tailwhip - FISE Costa Rica

#10 good one :D
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+8 1053. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video THE MAN WHO LIVED ON HIS BIKE

Life is like riding a bicycle: to keep your balance you must keep going :)
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+1 1054. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Anonymous Having Fun During Interview

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-2 1055. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Making of a Shade

The most wood waste ever, is in US where they build houses out of it. (i)
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+1 1056. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video world first 720 double tailwhip - FISE Costa Rica

Been there. Just awesome ! :x
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+2 1057. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Making of a Shade

@ #2#6 #7 #9 #10 The remaining small wood pieces are also used to make furniture :) Nothing is wasted. And this is a custom shade,not available on the market, the woodsmith made it for himself :)
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+8 1058. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Anonymous Having Fun During Interview

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+6 1059. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Dude Cheats Death On a Cliff with a Snowmobile

#5 cool video :) I thing I've saw it before on snotr. Yep there it is : :D Anyway, why ppl downgraded #(removed comment) ? :D
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-1 1060. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video OK Go - Needing/Getting - Official Video

.... or simply use FL studio 8-) [faster,better,cheaper] but nice idea indeed :) I wonder about the costs of making this video (i)
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-3 1061. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Leaping Lizards

It's interesting to see that technology tries to imitate mother nature, but fails :D
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0 1062. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Samsung Phone Guide

The second manual could be useful... but... Why so much paper wasted ? really Jim ? I mean we cut trees to make paper to write on it "Save the trees" .... seems legit ? not to me !
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+31 1063. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Best worker

Being lazy at work - like a boss 8-)
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+13 1064. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video new born deer

Aawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|)
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+33 1065. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Why It's Good To Have A Dash Camera

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+4 1066. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Bounce... Bounce... Bounce... SPLASH!

#16 well I'm not sure :D , but thanks for reply ! :)
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+7 1067. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Bounce... Bounce... Bounce... SPLASH!

I also posted this like a month and a half ago, maybe two. I wonder what happened to it :S
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+6 1068. Geekster (admin) commented 12 years ago on video Amazing Forest Freeride

Bitch please ! Riding a bicycle freekin' rocks !!! But this video is kinda lame... This is what downhill means !! This is my life :)
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+27 1069. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Homemade Synthesizer

Does anyone remember Kraftwerk ? 8-)
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+18 1070. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video LADA: best brakes in the world

wait, what ? :S
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0 1071. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Can Men and Women be Just Friends?

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-1 1072. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Boxer excited to go for a walk

My girlfriend's cat died a few days ago... so sad : :'(
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-4 1073. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Animals Sing "12 Days of Christmas"

Mehh, I say this one is better :D
happy new year everyone !!
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0 1074. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Monkey man

at 0:47 that was freekin' awesome ! Not even spider-man would have done it better :D
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+2 1075. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video MTB trip in Austria

Learn to ride a bicycle, you will not regret if you live :x
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+3 1076. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Going Downstairs

I'm also a street biker, and riding a bike in extreme ways is what I call FUN ! :)
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-10 1077. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Lil' Drac

Really heart-moving video ! but this could be done with millions of children of Africa :) why world ? why... :( why so much hate and war... Why can animals live in PEACE and humans not ? why so much technology to destroy... WHY the gouvernment HAS the cure for cancer and other horrible deseases and does NOT release it to the people ... ? why so freekin' much monneh wasted on wars when that monney could actually save the millions of poor people...
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+4 1078. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video click click click

A great way to f*ck up your mouse :x
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+4 1079. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Kawada's Nextage robot: one step closer to replacing humans

Yeah, they want to make everything automatic... I know that some things are better automated but they're taking it too far... I mean : in the future I can see that everything household will be automatic... The lazy-ass humans will get so fat that they will all use hi-tech mobility scooters, because everything automated they won't have to move for anything, It's so sad to see so many fat people because of lazyness and 150%-fat-food .

And now on-topic: cool engineering skills they have 8-)
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+1 1080. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Hero

Really Jim ?
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0 1081. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - The Vet & The n00b

very cool video, but I also submmited this, and never got here... I wonder what happened to it :)
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0 1082. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation November 2011

at 0:36, can anyone tell me what that means ? because in my language is some sort of curse :x
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+2 1083. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video BCB Wall Breaker

Mehh, no HD slow-mo on this one... :S I bet Kung fu Panda would do a better job :x
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-6 1084. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video The NASA Effect

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
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-5 1085. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video The NASA Effect

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
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-12 1086. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video The NASA Effect

#1 Your picture is what makes us stay on this video >:) [Awesome video indeed]
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+1 1087. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Last Minutes with ODEN

I had 6 hamsters in about 15 years, and they all died... I miss them, all :Piki,Piki, Piki, Schnautzer, Anthrax, Schnitzel. They were so cute and fluffy... :(
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+2 1088. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Tri-Love

This video must be japanese... :x
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+41 1089. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Stupid People Own Guns Too Video

Yeah, close call :x

I also submmited the exactly same video on Snotr , a long time ago, but it never got here. I wonder what happened to it :)
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-6 1090. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Worlds Tiniest v12

Thinking to make one for my RC car 8-)

2 weeks later : Geekster has set the world record for the World's most powerful RC car :D
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0 1091. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Ukulele Weeps

#9 This one has better quality 8-) so whatever, just MUCHO THANKS to the one who posted this !!!!
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+9 1092. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Biped robot riding a bicycle

Pretty cool ! We do stuff like this in our university :D 8-)
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+8 1093. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Jack Challoner - Extreme Tunnel Trials

Learn to ride a bicycle/motorbike. You will not regret it if you live :)
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0 1094. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Holy Ride

That was easy, we did even harder at up-down cup in 2010 8-)
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0 1095. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Pictures

too cool :)
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+9 1096. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video World's first vending machines with a transmissive LCD

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+4 1097. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video PETMAN anthropomorphic robot

Bwahahahah #7 EPIC one dude !!! I'm giving it 4 monkeys :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 1098. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video PETMAN anthropomorphic robot

Lance: What do you get when you cross a robot and a tractor?
Luke: Dunno. What?
Lance: A trans-farmer!
Luke: LOLOL !
Lance: How about this one :What did the man say to his dead robot?
Luke: What ?
Lance: Rust in peace !
Luke: ROFL
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+8 1099. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Adrenaline

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+13 1100. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Changing Education Paradigms

Despite the fact that it's a long video, sure was worth to watch ! :) I believe that in most countries, the government should invest much more in education. A lot of children are no longer interested in studying, like for example, in America, there are a lot of fat kids full of Mc'Donalds crap playing with Pokemans and stuff ... and poor kids in India who are pretty inteligent, but have no conditions to study because of the poverty... :)
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+4 1101. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Four Bit Maze

Like I said before, Science is FUN when you know the secret !
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+1 1102. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Drop test

#(removed comment) Man dont tell me that when you drop your phone you drop it at exact angle and exact height with full accuracy ?? This test shows that iPhone is pretty fragile than other phones... iPhone is cool but, i would reallly preffer that samsung
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+1 1103. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Time Twister - LEGO Mindstorms Digital Clock

Those lego robots are awesome ! In my university of electronic engineering, We have LOTS of laboratories full of these kinds of robots 8-)When we want to build a robot First we make prototipes of legos because there are so many advantages, like discovering errors & bugs, and it is really easy to construct. A buddy of mine made a printer which makes 3D sculptures in birthday cakes, pretty awesome !
8-) Science is FUN when you know the secret !
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+43 1104. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Can anyone decipher WTF she is trying to say?

A Chinese and Steven Spielberg were drunk in a bar. Spielberg suddenly slapped the Chinese..

Chinese: why?

Spielberg: Because you bombed Pearl Harbor! My father died there!

Chinese: But I am Chinese, not Japanese.

Spielberg: You fool! Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Taiwanese, you are all the same.

The Chines punched Spielberg.

Spielberg: Why did you do that?

Chinese: That's for sinking the Titanic.

Spielberg: But Titanic was sunk by an iceberg, stupid!

Chinese: Iceberg, carlsberg, spielberg, you are all the same!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D
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+2 1105. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Best Portable Computer..

I don't know why, but I have that akward feeling that this was posted here before :D But awesome video indeed !
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0 1106. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video According to Microsoft the Future is Like...

How come they still use LCD displays at 1:15 >:)?? I bet they never saw THAT coming :D
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+44 1107. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video F1 vs bike vs race boat

I was recently riding with a friend of mine.

We were coming to a red light, and he shoots right through it. I ask him, "Why'd you do that?" He tells me this is how his brother drives.

We come to another red light, and again, he shoots right through it. I ask him, "Why'd you do that?" Again, he tells me this is how his brother drives.

We come to a green light, and he slams on the brakes. My heart nearly goes into my throat. I shouted at him, "Why do you do that?!"

He replied, "You never know, my brother could be coming the other way." >:)
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-5 1108. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Halloween Illusion Costume

I was about to post this vid :D
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+52 1109. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Bob, the hamster

Bwahahahahahah !! :D :D :D :D :D "Hi I'm Bob " LOL :D
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+1 1110. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Starting A Car With A Dead Battery In Russia

Good jokes y'all :D
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+25 1111. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Weird Bikes

My greatest Thanks to the man who invented the bicycle !! 8-) Cycling is my way of living :D
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0 1112. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video How to make glowing ice

awesome :O
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+4 1113. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video How A Virus Changes The World

Sorry for off-topic but what's wrong lately with Snotr's side Ads ??
I mean... If someone wants to see porn : Google is his best friend !
But why ? This is Snotr here guys !!! Keep it clean ! Keep it SNOTR :)
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+2 1114. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Old couple playing piano

I liked the way he smacks her ass :D
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0 1115. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Parkour Training Fail

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-1 1116. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Close encounter with a lightning bolt

Now DAT' waz close !! :x
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0 1117. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Wine Glass Music

Just amazing
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+10 1118. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Man Slams Through a Glass Door

doors ? we need no doors >:)
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+31 1119. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Eric's Giant Wooden Spinning Top

MAD SKILLZ - he has them :x
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+2 1120. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Gali the Alligator

wait... what ?
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+3 1121. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Most balloons burst simultaneously by arrows

LIKE A BOSS 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
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0 1122. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video FAIL Collection

The sound works great for me, I dunno what could be the problem guys, I uploaded this video and the sound is syncronised with the video perfectly
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+2 1123. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video RC Round Up

Dear Santa... :D
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+1 1124. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video New ambulance

Just awesome :D
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+4 1125. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video 10 Future Technologies That Already Exist

#5 What do you mean ? Sorry but I'm confused :D
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+25 1126. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video 10 Future Technologies That Already Exist

Starting to think that the cure for cancer or AIDS already exists... Don't you think ? 8-)
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+1 1127. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Guy imitates engine sounds

This dude is taking farting to a whole new level :D
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+10 1128. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Dara O'Briain - Honey, We're Killing The Kids

Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, but he only gargled :D
Nice joking skillz indeed 8-)
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+6 1129. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Planet Green

wait, what ? :S
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+1 1130. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video A Love Tap

#16 yes I did :D Thanks for credits
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0 1131. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video A Love Tap

What is the name of the song ? ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|)
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+5 1132. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Fireproof balloons

I was doing that when I was a kid... I discovered it for myself :D I sooo miss my childhood... all day doin' crazy experiments and stuffu 8-)
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+20 1133. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video A Love Tap

Awww ! How romantic ::(|) <3
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+5 1134. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video UCI MTB World Championships DHI 2011

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+2 1136. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Epic Frog

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+2 1137. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video POC Bike Excursion

DANNY MACASKILL & MARTIN SODERSTROM are the best bikers ever !!!
Danny does trial style and Martin does street/dirt !
They're my heros ! They inspire me ! 8-)
My life is on 2 wheels !
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+1 1138. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video World's Biggest Swing

Must try it ! [8-) safety goggles on] - LET'S DO IT !!!
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+9 1139. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Garden Spider Vs. Giant Wasp

Well the thing is that the wasp was injured [I guess] :D but still the spider would be the winner because they are deadly predators... I'ts akward to watch a video like this when you have aranhofobia >:) Ick!
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+10 1140. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video The US President warns about astroid impact

Some have drinked from the knowledge fountain... but he only gargled >:)
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+1 1141. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video The Long Astronomical Perspective

It reminds me of a song.... : "what a beautiful world" .... ;)
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+2 1142. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Levi's commercial

This is so inspiring !

@ #6 your comment was pure epicness >:)
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0 1143. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Crazy Hail Storm

Yeah I know how it's like, it happened to me when I was at the country side, very dangerous ! it could get you killed !
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+3 1144. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Hexacopter FPV Flight in Cameroon

Dear Santa... :D
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+6 1145. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Painting the fuel tank of a Royal Enfield Motorcycle

@ #6 & #11 : what's a green card ? :D
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+1 1146. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video 3-year Old Piano Prodigy Richard Hoffmann

Thats some in-born talent there !
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-1 1147. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation June 2011

7:24 is an actual WIN !!
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0 1148. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video This motorcycle race is the craziest

YEEEY finally something from my country :D
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+13 1149. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Paul Zerdin

awesome skillz >:)
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+41 1150. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Tire Deformation

SLOW-MO videos are always cool 8-)
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-4 1151. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Running Through A Tornado

#5 @ gringo, dust devil you say ? >:) you play Warcraft, eh ?
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-10 1152. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Running Through A Tornado

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+28 1153. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Floating fire ant raft pushed down on the surface of water

Co-op mode activated ! 8-)
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+3 1154. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Just look at his face!

My uncle did that once to me >:) and after the ride, my first thought was : where the heck is the pukebag ? :x
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+29 1155. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Pocket Rocket

I'm sorry, the title is Pocket Rocket :D
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+23 1156. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video This Penguin loves being tickled

Cuteness overload ! awwwdododo ::(|) ::(|) ::(|) ::(|)
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+5 1157. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video The Art of FLIGHT

Wohoo ! they've been in my country :D Romania FTW
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-3 1158. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Flipbook Animation: Sonic the Hedgehog

Hey I also submited this video ! something like a few weeks ago or even a month, but didin't appeared on Snotr.Did he submited it before me ? Can a moderator/admin explain this to me pretty please ?:D thanks in advance
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+18 1159. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Almost lethal fail

That mini heart attack when you realise you're doing it wrong >:)
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+41 1160. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Making money ...

My advice : fire up the gas station >:)
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+3 1161. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Faceplant

parkour FAIL >:) >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+1 1162. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Messing up with a 'bully'

I was also bullied in primary school.... just like this "fat" kid.... just because I was a diffrent religion 8-)
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+22 1163. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video The Coolest Bird In The Planet

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+25 1164. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Polar Bears playing with spy cameras

awww, polar bears are so furry and cute.... ::(|) and also dangerous >:)
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+18 1165. Geekster (admin) commented 13 years ago on video Time for another car.

Classic fail >:)
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+4 1166. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Portable chair

#2 I don't know much about it, the video looks kind of old.... I don't think that chair is strong enough but the idea is brilliant :(|) 8-)
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+4 1167. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Go Kart Racer Celebration Fail

Michael Schumaher wanna-be >:)
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+33 1168. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Mr. Bean at the dentist

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+13 1169. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Rock Star Attitude Fail

Anger FAIL >:)
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+6 1170. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Squirrel Fail

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+27 1171. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Trumer Beer Machine

Beer beer beer, I'm gonna' drink a beer ! >:)
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+4 1172. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Showdown in a pub

Now this is what I call ENTERTAINMENT! >:)
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+5 1173. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video What is DNA Sequencing?

Pretty interesting ! It was worth to watch ! 8-)
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+10 1174. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Tribute to Leslie Nielsen

You just can't find good actors anymore in nowdays
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-8 1175. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Cameron Marshall ASU Hurdle

Chuck Norris undercover ? >:)
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+4 1176. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video World's youngest transexual

Another reason to be proud of who and what you are >:)
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-6 1177. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Massive Underwater Explosion

owww looks like Portugal26 replyed, let the war start >:)

Show 'em Portugal !!!
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0 1178. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Tiny Owl Gets Tiny Snacks

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+4 1179. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video basball knocks out pitcher

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-1 1180. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Shopping While Black - Social Experiment

surprising 8-)
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-8 1181. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Stanford Gymnastic

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+17 1182. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Tow Out Big Wave Body Boarding

INSANE ! >:)
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+12 1183. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Freezing to death, but surviving thanks to the cold

Impressive ! 8-)
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-8 1184. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Open wheel car race crash

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+9 1185. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Family Guy Coyote and Roadrunner

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+4 1186. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video History of Greed

I wonder if that trick works with money 8-)
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+17 1187. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video History of Greed

Sometimes, mens are SO CREATIVE :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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+28 1188. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video History of Greed

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+10 1189. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Riverdance

so who wants to dance ? :D
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+21 1190. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Heineken - The Tube

beer beer beer.... I'm gonna' drink a beer. :D
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0 1191. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Tarp Surfing

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-1 1192. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video michael jordan breaks backboard with dunk

you all got me wrong.... and downgraded the comment like some stupid idiots, it was a question, tierd of reading ? push back button on your browser..... WHAT I MEANT WAS : why is it so important when this happens?
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+3 1193. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Chinese bike acrobatics

Well I'm a professional cyclist[ one like the videos with downhill and tricks in skateparks] and I'm impressed by the strenght of that bike which supports so much weight..... ::(|) :O
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+18 1194. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Stretchy Skin Man

I wonder what he can do with his woody >:)
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0 1195. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Paintball War

#5 Thank you very much for the awnser ! and also #6 !

That was very helpful ! 8-)
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+6 1196. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Paintball War

I got THIS question: the video before this one with the mattres is the video 4998, if you look at the link, and this video is 5001, why skipped 4999 & 5000 ? just look at the end of the link on the adress bar :D

please a moderator awnser me because I'm confused :D
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+4 1197. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Paintball War

Evacuation plan: 8-)

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-7 1198. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Ferrari Powerslide

>:) >:) >:) >:) IN SOVIET RUSSIA, CARS DRIVE YOU >:) >:) >:) >:)
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+2 1199. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Nice Day for a Kickabout

In Romania, tree kills YOU! >:)
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-5 1200. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Shovel Man

im not kidding but the building structure you see in the image has been projected by the last communist' architechts called Ceausescu Nicolae, i know because i see those buildings every day and the appartaments are small as match boxes,
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+21 1201. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Man carves watermelon into something beautiful.

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+37 1202. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Super Strong Caution Tape

so who wants some duct tape ? >:)
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-4 1203. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Parallel Bar Nuts Disaster

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+19 1204. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Fire in the hole!

she never saw a grenade in her life i think..... >:)
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+35 1205. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video The best "Come on down" ever on The Price is Right.

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+9 1206. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Happy Fox

in a cage or not in a cage but that FOX is defenetly HAPPY !
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-2 1207. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video The Oogpister Beetle

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-5 1208. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video The Growing Box

staged !!!!!!!!!!!
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+6 1209. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Anti-homosexuality tape from Uganda

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+18 1210. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Brand new bike, brand new fail!

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+2 1211. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Aggressive maneuvers for autonomous quadrotor flight.

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-23 1212. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Track Star Destroys Unsuspecting Woman

Black dude WIN !!
Romanian whore FAIL !
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+3 1213. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video How a differential gear works


thumbs up for this video !!!
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+1 1214. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Balls to face plant

EAT MORE SAND !!!! >:)
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-7 1215. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Dozey Trainspotter

Old train WIN
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0 1216. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Rats laugh when you tickle them.

I think the mouse says " let me gooo let me gooo !!!"
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-7 1217. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video FAIL!


my computer couldn't handle the epicness of this video and blew up :D
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-3 1218. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video The Dawson's Bee

you like them ? very well then ! watch discovery channel then !
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-4 1219. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video The Dawson's Bee

#11 watch discovery channel or animal planet channel then....
c'mon people! THIS IS SNOTR ! we want to see crashes ! we want to see parodies! we want to see new technology and stuff !
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-1 1220. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Parliamentary voting in Russia

Looks like this is not happening just in Romania 8-)
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-5 1221. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Dog Girl

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+53 1222. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Elevator rapist owned by a kid

who needs Chuck Norris ? 8-)
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0 1223. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Adobe Photoshop Cook

Brilliant !
I give it 5 of 5 Monkey heads
:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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0 1224. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Sheepfilms GIF Compilation

HOW CUTE :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :D :D :D :D :D 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
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-12 1225. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video The Thuggie

since I posted a few times "I give it 5 monkeys :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) "
now a lot of ppl does it .

please use your own stuff man .

cheers everyone !
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-1 1226. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Great Way

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-3 1227. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Satellite Car Chase

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-8 1228. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Old man beats up thug

#4 - Motanum , please don't copy me ! I was the first one with the monkeys !
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-8 1229. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video These guys are insane!

old but good ! 8-)
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-2 1230. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Wassup!

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-1 1231. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Buttered shower floor

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0 1232. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Sheepfilms GIF Compilation

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-9 1233. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Buttered shower floor

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-1 1234. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video cebu dancing inmates

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+6 1235. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Goose attacks guy in kayak

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-3 1236. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Propane Explosions

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-4 1237. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Stewie kills a hooker



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-1 1238. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Police Roadblock

okay so we talk about fones and cameras here or we talk about the video ?
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-2 1239. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Just Passing By

is it just me or this was already posted ??
please let me know .
thanks in advance !
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-6 1240. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Death Swing

who wants to barf ?
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-3 1241. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Stewie kills a hooker

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-1 1242. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Annoying sleep-over

the annoying guy looks like the user makemebad from youtube, check out his videos, they're awesome, he's name is Damian !

kewl video btw !

I'm giving it 3 monkeys :(|) :(|) :(|)
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-5 1243. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Banker looking at "wallpapers" instead of charts

I'M GIVING IT 5 MONKEYS :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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-3 1244. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Can you spot the dirtbag?

@ #15 & #10

5 Posted 21 hours ago by wts (admin)

Draigtor - one more time I will see you downgraiding the comments for no reason you're out

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0 1245. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Air Show Comedy

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+15 1246. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Can you spot the dirtbag?

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-1 1247. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Dog rescue in a Swiss lake

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+6 1248. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

:(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 1249. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Amazing ice hockey goal

5# you're right ! i see a lot of good coments which are not displayed because the bad rating....

anyway, GOOD GOAL !!!
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

0 1250. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Beach Ball Faceplant

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

-4 1251. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Pizza Guy Pranks

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 1252. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Who needs snow!

USELESS expensive thing.
go get a real bike 8-)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 1253. Geekster (admin) commented 14 years ago on video Augmented Reality T-shirt

this is simply USELESS ! :|
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

-8 1254. Geekster (admin) commented 15 years ago on video Belgian apartment building collapses

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 1255. Geekster (admin) commented 15 years ago on video Hitler responds to the iPad

I saw this video but it was about Boxxy !

cool video anyway !
it made me laugh ! 8-)
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+19 1256. Geekster (admin) commented 15 years ago on video Roborat

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 1257. Geekster (admin) commented 15 years ago on video Dance Fail 2010

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 1258. Geekster (admin) commented 15 years ago on video Look At My Horse

I heard this 6 days ago, and I can't get it out of my head :D
Picture of Geekster80 achievements

-2 1259. Geekster (admin) commented 15 years ago on video Narwhals

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+3 1260. Geekster (admin) commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle jumps over 24 trucks

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+1 1261. Geekster (admin) commented 15 years ago on video Rambo destroys a building

Picture of Geekster80 achievements

+4 1262. Geekster (admin) commented 15 years ago on video Heck of a Genius