Comments posted by Grayling


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+4 1. Grayling commented 15 years ago on video Clean Kitty

Someone get its owner a therapist and the sadist who invented this apparatus a nice water boarding session. Everyone knows that with only a few exceptions, cats instinctively avoid water. This catering to some pet owners' misguided notions of cleanliness is as sick as can be. Anything for a buck. Revolting computerized animal torture yet.
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+1 2. Grayling commented 15 years ago on video Texas sized blobbing

Amazing, every lake in the world needs one of these things.
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+1 3. Grayling commented 15 years ago on video Shower cat

What does it care? The water runs right off it. Most likely an out of the ordinary breed.
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+1 4. Grayling commented 15 years ago on video Giant water slide

21 - make that a cool Fool thing to try.
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-2 5. Grayling commented 15 years ago on video Miss Teen USA 2007

They are saying 20% of Americans can't locate etc. Which 20% of what demographic? 20% of 3rd graders? Licensed Social Workers? Economic Geographers? Behavioral Economists? Grad students? Investment bankers and Government officials? Mid-level state bureaucrats? Businessmen? Sociologists? Commedians? NasCar drivers? Persons in recovery from psychotic breaks? What survey is being referred to? Who designed it? How were the questions slanted? Is that one survey or a compilation of several surveys? How many and who designed them? Was there really a survey at all?
#5. She's stalling. She either misheard or does not understand why she is being asked such an obvious question or its so obvious she thinks its a trick question.
#14. Maps are expensive. A surprising number of schools can't afford them.
#29. We do know where the rest of the world is. Really.