Comments posted by Griffen


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+30 1. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video How to Shoot an Anvil

He missed the road runner
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+8 2. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video This would make a great Halloween costume

#4 - maybe the fact you like transformers is why you haven't got a girl...
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+49 3. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Baby elephant

It'll probs have a heart attack when it farts
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+51 4. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Ready? Falling!

well there goes his faith in humanity
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+2 5. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Water powered Spud Gun

#9 - "hited a sheep" as in, "Maaar I gone and gots me sum dinner! I hited a sheep with this her paaaaataattoo gun!" ?
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0 6. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Water powered Spud Gun

thats not the first thing thats "gone off in his face"
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+29 8. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Pixar intro parody

I'm never going to be able to look at that start animation in the same way
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-7 9. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Biscuit Rap

Worst series on tv - dont no how this lasted so long
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+60 10. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson fail

Thats exactely the reason why michael jackson had a squished nose
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-12 11. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Awesome icehokey goal

When i want to watch it again i just click "play" again - i don't need a slightly slow motion version after or different camera angles or to carry on listening to that crap music...
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+1 12. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Leg work

I'm 22 and this is shit
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+4 13. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Spider man faceplant

The wall must have been made of the same material as bathtubs >:)
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-4 14. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Driver soaks kids at bus stop

#17 - you would know
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-4 15. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Driver soaks kids at bus stop

Michael jackson would have liked this - he liked splashing kids
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-5 16. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video The Red Sparrows

I think its spelt "Spaka" not "sparrow"
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+4 17. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Awesome football shooter

I bet he still misses the bog when he goes for a slash
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-4 18. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Skydiving into a Stadium

Lets not...
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0 19. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video NZ bungee jump

i don't understand why he edges so slowly to the edge when he's guna jump off anyway - its not like it matters if he falls :S
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+1 20. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Scooter fail after fail after fail...

Least he had a helmet on so no one could see his face - the other people on these sort of videos aren't so lucky >:)
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+2 21. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Love!

Good soundtrack - simple but effective
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+6 22. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Hidden Camera Prank Gone Wrong

I always wanted to see this happen to a prick who does a hidden camera show. If anyone watches Balls of Steel they'll know what I mean when i say i want it to be the "annoying devil"
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+20 23. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Horse kicks moron in the face

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUCH! I was guna say that would rattle his brain...but yeh you know where i'm going with that one >:)
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-5 24. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Home made fireworks for halloween

Why has this crap even been put on??
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+1 25. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Don't provoke your neighbour!

The man is a 35 year old gulf war veteren with TWO black belts in karate and jiu-jitsu. He's called Jason Smith, and is now quite the hero in the british tabloid the sun because of this video! haha legend
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+5 26. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Falling tree nearly hits car

Why did no one shout TIMMMMMBBBBBEEEERRRRR!? They won't get a chance like that again :'(
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+1 27. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Funny animals

If I were the kid who had that dog in the clip starting 1:10 id make sure to shut the door when I went for a wee :|
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-4 28. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Hawk takes on a rattler

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+4 29. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Giraffe in quick sand

I think i must have missed this episode of Planet Earth with david attenborough :S
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-5 30. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Hawk takes on a rattler

#3 - who doesn't? >:)
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+1 31. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Hawk takes on a rattler

Bet it couldn't beat my trouser snake
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+7 32. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Imperial duck march

What you can't see is the chinaman chasing them... >:)
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+11 33. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video The Crawl - 1997

It amazes me why people do it! This isn't exercise its dangerous
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-2 34. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video The Crawl - 1997

Am i missing something? How come there's other runners....wait for it...."running" past?
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+32 35. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video The Incredible Cocktail Machine

all that for a vodka lemonade with a dildo in it??
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+1 36. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video 10 puppies vs 1 cat

If you feel sorry for the cat you should see what they did to the fox! >:)
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-16 37. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Top 10 funny/cute cat moments

Wheres the video of me putting my cat in the blender?? - i agree with #(removed comment)
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-13 38. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Gas station explosion

Is it just me or is snotr going downhill recently? what with this and 4minutes of 'highfiving' :'(
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-16 39. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video High five in New York city

Ok i got the idea after 4-5. This video should have been 30secs long *yawn*
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-12 40. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Where shooting stars come from

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaa - this isnt funny at all
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-9 41. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Twitter in real life

This is a good video and ima let it finish but Beyonces video was one of the best videos of all time
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+2 42. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Balloon space flight

Be great if that landed in your backgarden - you could edit the video by dressing up as an alien and adding some footage in just before the balloon pops. That'd give them something to talk about >:) Great video
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0 43. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video CSI - Best Intro

Did anyone else nearly fill their pants when they saw the spider at the end or was it just me?
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+7 44. Griffen commented 15 years ago on video Cat jump gone wrong

I felt that :D