Comments posted by Gringo_el_Diablo


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0 1. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Drunk Driver With Road Rage Gets His Ass Kicked

I hope the UFC films fights like this :)
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+1 2. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Turkish Coffee

Whenever I go to Starbucks I order the Americano! Now that's an historic drink! :)
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+1 3. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Turkish Coffee

#13 ok you did more research then me I've always been told Muslims invented it. All I'm saying is people connect the dots to stuff that doesn't matter when they want it to. Are we gonna protest Hummus and Falafel now? Give me a break.
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+2 4. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Turkish Coffee

#5 coffee was invented by Muslims in the Ottoman Empire. My deepest non-apology if you're a coffee drinker and trump supporter. >:)

FYI just so everybody knows my race is everything....I MEAN EVERYTHING but Asian and Hispanic...but I always consider them my cousins and I love their food! It's a small world after all ;) now let's save this bitch! <3
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+1 5. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Misspelled Tattoos

I always wanted to get a tattoo that said "Japanese" in Japanese! :squirrel:
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+4 7. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video INVERTED BASS SOLO

#1 yes this is what he does on the off season :)
Seinfeld had the sickest bass riffs :squirrel:
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+2 8. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Dumb an Dumber rob a jewlery

Whats with the mob of people running after them after they got away. I wonder if any of them dialed 911 or did we just get multiple camera angles :x
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+6 10. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Experiment! How Does An Owl Fly So Silently? - Super Powered Owls - BBC

I was camping alone at a cabin and sitting outside at night and I know this owl was messing with me. It would hoot right in front of me then there would be like a 5 second delay between his hoots anyway to show that I'd get used to his rhythm. In one of the delays he'd fly right behind me and start hooting again then fly back again to my front. Then I swear he started laughing almost to say do you like how I did that <3
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+1 11. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Speechless Speech / DONALD TRUMP

Donald Trump does not speak for the silent majority. He does not have any solutions and will ruin everything that this country was founded on.
#5 if the US deserves him then Germany deserves him too for the idiocy they created and thouget it was legit. He's the monster from the old playback and we trashed that idea along time ago.
Nobody deserves him.
TRUMP YOU'RE FIRED! Now GTFO and STFU. Your brain called and said you're a mindless idiot with diarrhea mouth.
Seriously dude you're a loser a counterfeit and a bad one at!
This is no Orange Party! It's Blue or Red you freak.
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0 12. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Spider tailed horned viper

I'd like to see the snake try that on a shark. It'd be a different story I tell you what!?!?! 8-)
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0 13. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video The BEST humane mouse trap!

Great idea but I was younger and my Uncle had a summer cabin. The place was infested with mice. We probably caught 50 or more mice bagged them up and put them in a fire pit soaked with gasoline. Then we wrapped a bunch of toilet paper soaked in kerosene around a stick and threw the flaming torch on the campfire. Those were the good ol' days.
What else should we have done? Taken it to the animal shelter?
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-1 14. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video NASA’s View of April 17 Solar Flare

Behold the power of the Dairy Queen Blizzard! :squirrel:
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+4 15. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video You don't need drugs to do drugs....

Wake me back up in 6 months :P they also just found out that babies brains are the same kinda activity as someone on LSD. Which all makes perfect sense now.
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+8 16. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video You'll never forget this moment

Never forget Grizzly only takes 1 bear to ruin EVERYBODIES party! :squirrel:
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+11 17. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Impossible mission

Not only that but we didn't have the squirrel emoji 9 years ago! :squirrel: :squirrel: :squirrel: :squirrel: :squirrel: :squirrel:
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+3 18. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video White student at San Francisco State University hassled because of his dreads

#7 I know exactly what would happen. If it wasn't an ivasion of war and just a complete take over then all that would happen would be an advancement in technology, infrastructure, education and civil rights. The stone age would be over in the middle east and we could finally welcome them into the 211st century. This doesn't apply to some of the countrys and some of those countrys are trying to advance with the kinda society they have but the people have to want it. Look at Dubai....They GET IT.
But people that to over to another country that already has an establisment and doesn't plan on changing it for the better because they just want to bring you down to their primal level is just savage. When it comes down to it we all want the same thing and it's not to kill each don't get it twisted.
Welcome to the future everybody! We did it! :squirrel:
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+8 19. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video White student at San Francisco State University hassled because of his dreads

I had dreads for about 5 years and this Rasta-mon came up to me at my work and said that my hair was offensive to his religion. I said "ok" and that was the end of that confrontation! :)
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+3 20. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video 27

I wonder what 11 & 22 were like ;)
This guy is hilarious I like the previous video of his too bleep bloop bleep thumbs up. :squirrel:

29 says: #2 <3
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+1 21. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Aliens: Are We Looking in the Wrong Place?

Well since Earth is an Alien planet his guesses may not be that far off. Have we come in contact with aliens? Well if you have friends that you talk to then yes. The unique thing about this planet is that we're actually 2 planets living under the same roof called Earth. Maybe it was an "ET plan Planet" but I'm defintly not saying it's Aliens...but it's Aliens :)
Btw if you thought a forgien language was hard to understand wait until you hear an Alien language. They talk faster than someone speaking Spanish!
Oh and reptiles wanna take over the Earth but they have short aligator arms so good luck with that. The Blues are my homeboys. YOU'RE MY BOY BLUE!!! <3
Also Earth invented dubstep and nobody else cause we know how to drop hardcore beats. :squirrel:
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-2 22. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Cannabis oil (THC) kills cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone

#9 it's destroying the cancer which is a fungus. Anything that oxidates and is alkaline helps get did of this disease. Like baking soda water = 7 on the alkaline scale. Excersise or a steam room oxidates. Those are 2 other things people can do if they ever think they're being dealt an Ace of Spades in a game called life. Bet it all in and fight back!
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+1 23. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Cannabis oil (THC) kills cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone

#7 the problem with the kinda trials you're talking about would result in the crash of the cannabis market due to the fact that to get a full report on the plant by the FDA theyd have to put the plant at a Schedule 2 substance which puts a reset button on all the progress we've made by it being a Schedule 1 substance. The only alternative is to take it off the list all together so we can have our cake and eat it too because this is really the one drug that can be used as recreational and as a medicine. So it's kinda a pain in the a ass to figure out exactly what to do with it. I just say leave it alone even if you want to have concrete evidence on the power of it's healing and just label it like a vitiamin but with a age restriction. Figuring this out debate is just like the plant itself....complex.
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+1 24. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Taking Mosqito Killing to the 21st Century

Deadliest animal in the world right there. Put that puppy up on a satellite and kill all the misquitos from space. Just don't let the Canadians get ahold of that mosquito killing tech. God only knows what those shifty eyed bastards will do with it! >:)
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+4 25. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Look Inside The Doomsday Vault That Protects Seeds Of The World (snotr category week)

#2 there's nothing funny about being pro-cannabis & pro-hemp. Thanks, it's good to know it'll be saved but hey everybody lets try our hardest never to use this vault, ok?
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+7 26. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Russian girl hockey player breaks stick over American girls head

So that's what started the cold war... :(
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+2 27. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Look Inside The Doomsday Vault That Protects Seeds Of The World (snotr category week)

They better have Cannabis and Hemp seeds in that vault!!! If not then we really will be doomed! :S
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+3 28. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Blacksmiths of Modern Times ( Snotr Category Week )

I love the soundtrack and all the work that goes into this craft takes a lot of skill more people should be aware of.
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+3 29. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video I'm A Little Teapot (Snotr Category Week)

I'll play this for the kids. That should be fun. They liked that child metal band before :)
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+2 30. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video And yet these people are allowed to vote...

I would've intentionally gotten really drunk just so I could Ace their quiz and prove a point. Seriously wtf is this? These are all common sense questions hence the reason why I would get hammered beforehand. :squirrel:
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+7 31. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Ski Jumping - PEOPLE ARE AWESOME

My favorite winter sport besides ice hockey. They look like flying squirrels so I aprove.
:squirrel: :squirrel: :squirrel:
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+7 32. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Drunk guy using an ATM

The were stars aligned that day! Whahahahaha! :)
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+4 33. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

1. Awesome
2. Cartoons
3. Russia

Thank you S.not.R for all that you do for us! :squirrel:
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+1 34. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Are YOU My Mother?!

#1 that's the best comment I ever read on snotr! There is one thing a squierrel always keeps...his PRIDE!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!! :squirrel:
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+13 35. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Liquid Molten Salt and Water DO NOT Mix

Thanks for the heads up I was just about thinking of doing this. :squirrel:
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+1 36. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Bern your Enthusiasm

#2 Superman is from New England? I thought he was from North Carolina! :P
Anyway what other options are we working with? I'm open to ideas :squirrel:
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+2 37. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video FPSRussia's Day Off With Romanian Poker Player Dan Bilzerian

Didn't this FPS-R guy get in trouble for having a count generator for his youtube page? Its like a mod he used back in the day to just get on the front page of youtube so he can could be noticed by his manipulation of using a program to get views and revenue from advertisments.
I know he's not Russian but I doubt he even knows one Russian word! Seriously wtf is this?
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+1 38. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 8 years ago on video Turkish F-16 Pilot Ducks Under The Glide Slope, Low Over The Plane Spotters

That's soooo ghetto! Hahaha! :x
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+2 39. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The how and why of heroin addiction

Cannabis is medicine that saved my life and heroin killed a few of my friends. Heroin must be the dumbest drug for the dumbest people which is the reason I will never do it.
I also don't drink or smoke anymore so yes drugs are bad but medicine is good....especially if everybody already has the said medicine (cannabis) naturally in the body without ingesting a dose of medicine.
Some people like myself just need a dosage of the med to heal properly. <------- PERIOD!
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+2 40. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Blue Origin Launches reused rocket and lands it again!

#3 that's right and the fact that both companies are from the USA everyone can sleep easier at night when it's just Texas and California competing in a space race as opposed to 2 different countries. :)
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+3 41. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Owl - A Funny Owls And Cute Owls Compilation

one of the most majestic birds in the wild.
they got it going on! :squirrel:
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+4 42. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Racism Test

I enjoyed the video and failed the entire test! :D
I've been proving this point for years. :)
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+3 43. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Fails to Land on Barge

#5 don't get me started! :D
it failed not to fail it's failed attempt to not fail but ended up failing it's failing fail that failed the fail like a final boss that fails! :squirrel:

As for the video all I can say at this point is: Boomshakalaka! :x
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+14 44. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket Fails to Land on Barge

So the rocket finally lands perfectly on a barge that's in the middle of the ocean with the strongest El Niño ever recorded causing the weather to act more wild........and you're telling me it didn't land because of ice build up? what did you expect it's January.

Come on! this isn't rocket science! ;):squirrel: :(|):|:D
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+12 45. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Korean Elsa Toy

Somethings don't have to make sense in order for them to be cool :)
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+2 46. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Happy New Year Snotr !!!

2014 was really hard and 2015 was even harder...even though it looked like it was easy....thank God for 2016! Great things will happen this year! I can feel it! :squirrel:
#7 you said "as I was..." I'm offended and now demand an apology right now before 2016! <3
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+2 47. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Kid twists his neck 180 degrees (exorcist style) and fullbody hugs person behind him!

#6 why not but I still have no idea
#7 by having flexibility or missing muscles that let him be able to do so
#8 to show off and be different
#9 some boy I'm assuming from the Miami Flordia region
#10 inbetween 2012-2013 when #31 had his jersey retired
#11 Miami....Flordia... :|
#12 he's somebodies kid I don't know...don't ask me
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+6 48. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Kid twists his neck 180 degrees (exorcist style) and fullbody hugs person behind him!

it's like one of those things that you could do but really shouldn't....kinda like Heroin... 8-)
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+3 49. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Guy hand builds shotgun from things bought in airport after passing through security

#3 I guess we'll have to buy Old Spice products, tic tacs, Monster, towels, water picks and 8v for the condoms...I guess they'll start selling goat skin or female condoms...or just put up a sign that says "abstience is the safest kind of sex" because that always works :|
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+14 50. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Space debris buildup from 1957 to 2015

Thankfully there is a lot of space in space. Still it looks like an outerspace trash can! :squirrel: lol
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+8 51. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Near death airplane collision with skydiver in free fall

Why did the pilot do that?!?!? They just jumped!!! This isn't Battlefield Heroes where someone can skydive and you turn the plane around to pick them up midair on your wings! That pilot should be fired or sued or jailed or all of the above! Amateur!!! :'(
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+3 52. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Merry Christmas Snotr !!!

Santa is going green and is all outta coal so he's bringing Krampus along this time! >:)
Hope everyone was extra good this year! O:)
Here's to a better 2016! :squirrel:
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+5 53. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Drone falls from sky, nearly crashes on top of skier

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-1 54. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How To Break Your Back On a Trampoline

Well you know what they say...Sucks to be you!! :D
Anyway, How 'bout them Cowboys!?!?! #HTTR :squirrel:
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+1 55. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Ravenmania - Nevermore!

Ravens: Yes
Crows: No
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+8 56. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Typical BMW driver in Warsaw, Poland

I can do that, I just don't want to :| #Rekt :squirrel:
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+5 57. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Polar Bear Dreams

Even though it's not endangered like the Panda Bear....The Polar Bear is still classified as Vulnerable. Considering the climate they live in it'll be alot more difficult to have a dedicated force to try and save them like they're trying to do with the Panda. :squirrel:
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+6 58. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Model Has Six Ribs Removed In World's Smallest Waist Bid

"Together with the skin and associated fascia and muscles, the rib cage makes up the thoracic wall and provides attachments for the muscles of the neck, thorax, upper abdomen, and back..."
Now she's just vulnerable for future problems but you wanna know the real reason why I hate plastic surgery?
They didn't earn the way they look but instead sold out...:squirrel:
*I'm not talking about burn victims etc.(i)
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+5 59. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Darth Trump

It wasn't that bad I thought it was pretty funny and accurate!
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+1 60. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Fake homeless "Social experiments" exposed

#2 I've been saying it, never stopped saying it and even called out the BS before I even knew who made the videos (granted it could've been one of this dudes video but even he understands)
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+5 61. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Motorbike

Here's a Honda GX engine...These have always been really reliable but a little more expensive than what #1 posted. (i)BTW 200mpg give or take
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0 62. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Globe Of Death

#8 it's a motorcycle! it gets like 100mpg unlike Nascar: 2-5mpg!!! :x I can't wait for race cars to go all electric! :squirrel:
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+4 63. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Crazy Monkey Tries to Vandalize Motorbike and Attacks Biker !

#3 You sound CANADIEN!!!:D (much love homies<3) would you throw a rock towards your motorcycle? That was one intense monkey fight. Normally people back down but this dude didn't! What an Epic battle!!! :squirrel:
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+1 64. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Movember Mustache Removal 2015 (not for kids)

Yes! I'm listening to this guy if I wanna learn how to unscrew a broken lightbulb with a potatoe!:x
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+3 65. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Cardistry Con 2015

#4 'Con' is short for 'Convention'....or they're literally saying we'll 'con' you out of all your dough in poker :squirrel:
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+2 66. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Cardistry Con 2015

I like the song but you like this song over the video better #2 *Lyric Warning(i)
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+2 67. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Glowing table

The glow is cool! You'll be able to find the table to put your drink on when you have the lights out and a fire going. :squirrel:
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+1 68. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How to securely remove a broken light bulb base ?

I was hoping he'd get shocked for comic relief! :)
(my hopes were from previous videos posted :P)
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+1 69. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Man survives after being hit by Alabama demolition

I wanna be just like Alabama man! :)
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+5 70. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Lucas Etter - 4.90 Official Rubik's Cube World Record

Coach Harris reacts to Lucas Etter! 8-)
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+9 71. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Tony Hawk enters the first loop horizontally in the world.

I can actually say I helped build a Half Pipe for this dude to skate on 13 years ago. He's a living legend! :squirrel:
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+5 72. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Half A River Falls Into This Hole, And No One Knows Where It Goes

Brule's Rules: with Dr.Steve Brule! 8-)
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0 73. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Playing with Fire

I'm "blown away" at what they are able to do with the glass... I always am.
All the glass blowers I meet are really friendly too probably because they have to have an insane amount of patience
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0 74. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Gigantic Explosion at Chinese Chemical Plant

#9 that was my favorite part of the video "wasa hosen hir" ....BoomBoomBoom! :)
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+22 75. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Back to the future

I like how time travel is categorized under accidents! 8-)
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0 76. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Seattle Gum Wall

#6 I know I saw the art in NYC....after I saw a bunch of crazy art like Dali then I see a soup can lol I like Andy Warhol and as a painter myself we have a different definition of art that's all. Just saying I can paint a box of bagel bites and have a bunch of rich people say fascinating. I always get flake for hating on those soup cans lol >:)
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-2 77. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Key & Peele - Retired Military Specialist

How 'bout them Cowboys!? :D
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+1 78. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Seattle Gum Wall

Come on Seattle... just graffiti your walls like a normal city. This is art like the way a Cambell's Soup Can is art = stupid! :x
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+7 79. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Bear sits next to guy

Oh so when its kill or be killed y'all choose to be eaten alive by a pissed off bear. There is no subtext since I clearly speak English and not Metaphorish :P
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+5 80. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Bear sits next to guy

Back in 2003 there was this guy Timothy Treadwell nicknamed Grizzly Man. He interacted with all the bears at his campsite and made friends but always complained about this one bear that was always pissed off for him being there. Later he ended up being eaten by that same bear.
If only he showed that bear who's boss by shooting it and mounting the bears head on a stake at his campsite the other bears would be like 'good we always knew that bear was a dick and now we know not to take Grizzly Man's kindness for weakness!' lol :squirrel:
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+1 81. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Most Creative BMX Rider?

#5 #6 glad y'all like it. He has a really great channel and has the best visual effects for an independent artist
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+3 82. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Most Creative BMX Rider? Play this music over it. My buddy has Boss Tunes! :squirrel:
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+6 83. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Katana Queen

#1 #2 it's a practice blade get off your high horse :P she trained really hard and has an insane amount of control and discipline. Stop trying to bring her down thinking you know what's best. :squirrel:
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+7 84. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Football is awesome

#1 everything isn't sunshine and me I understand your frustation :'(
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-1 85. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

#11 NOW you understand my comment <3
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+18 86. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Explosion Heard Inside Paris Stadium

F#@K TERRORISM! VIVA LA FRANCE! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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+1 87. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Why The Electoral College Ruins Democracy

This is one of the best shows on TV right now.
#1 #2 Why can't we be friends...Why can't we be friends
I seen you 'round for a long, long time, yeah
I remembered you when you drink my wine :)
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+5 88. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Rekonect Sneak Peek

yea so there's that probably invented by some dude that know's what's best but doesn't know jack with their simplistic mentallity. S.O.B that wants to overcharge on pieces of paper. What the Hell man... Why do you suck so much...
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+1 89. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Modern Educayshun

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+8 91. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Store Owner Tired of his Place Being Robbed Sets a Trap

Welcome to Hell sucker! Muwhahahaha! >:)
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+6 92. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Selfie Log

That's cool but I got so dizzy I projectile vomited! :D
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+5 93. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Centipede Devours Roach Alive

Thanks for the nightmare fuel!!! lol :'(
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+2 94. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Motorcycle + wheelie and then the fail

2 wheels, 3 wheels, 4 wheels, 18 wheels that's ok but 1 wheel brings out my inner nerd rage! lol >:)
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+6 95. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Motorcycle + wheelie and then the fail

Good I hate unicycles! :squirrel:
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+3 96. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Sea Lamprey

I used to watch River Monsters all the time. I love this show! :)
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+1 97. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Ocarina Of Time Medley

#8 I see what ya did there...that was punny! :D
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+22 98. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video And That's What a Bike Traveling At 200mph Looks Like

At first I was like is he really going 200mph? Then followed by Oh nevermind! :x
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+3 99. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Ocarina Of Time Medley

This was probably my favorite Zelda game that I beat...This was revolutionary for the N64 and now they have an updated version of it! This is for the hardcore Zelda fans....LISTEN! <3
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+6 100. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video KIDS ARE AWESOME

That was awesome! These kids are pro just imagine how boss they'll be at their skill in 10 years!
#4 check out my tunes lmao <3
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+4 101. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Amateur ATM robbery goes very wrong

Quiters never win! :squirrel:
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+2 102. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Parker Kane McDonalds Cup Dubstep

This party is like McDonalds! ........................ I'M LOVIN' IT!!!!!!!!! :| :D
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+6 103. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Think you can play the guitar?

I remeber I "bought" a ukulele for my Pappy when I was a kid but he couldn't play it cause he had arthritis. So when I started to learn how to play I'd down tune and play "tropical metal" on it. I think he would've enjoyed it...he was the most badass person I ever met. <3 Cool video too :)
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+1 104. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Concrete Absorbs Gallons of Water

#4 you're right when you solve 1 problem and create 3 new ones but your fixing that problem and improving on fixing the new problems. You gotta fix the shit outta that one problem till its done and fixed. These kinda problems are like a Rubic's Cube. It'll piss you off and drive you beyond crazy but it can be done. :squirrel:
#1 Cali is crying because they have a drought and they're water is being sold off to Walmart. Its not like they can buy water from another state they just do it cause of contracts before the drought but at this point they NEED to look somewhere else to buy water from...perferbly from a state that isn't part desert. There is a state that's called "Land of 10,000 Lakes" for christ's sake. :x
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+4 105. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Simon's Cat - Hot Water

My beagle loved cats and every dog he ever met. I miss Buddha so much...whenever I was stressed out he was always there to let me know everything was going to be ok :'( He even got along with the angry street dog min pin I own now and Buddha was the one that trained him to be more calm and now he's a completly different dog but when it comes to cats my little buddy instantly see's really RED! Lol >:)
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+4 106. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Hurricane Patricia has arrived!

Right after it turned into a Cat 5 it was downgraded to a Cat 1. Zero deaths are reported. #3 this is mother natures softer side lol <3
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+1 107. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How Fighting Wildfires Makes Them Worse

I meant *Smokey the correct :P
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+1 108. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How Fighting Wildfires Makes Them Worse

So Alone the Bears moto should be, "Only you can prevent forest fires and only I can start them" In all seriousness this is a major issue that needs to be dealt with before it happens but everyone always seem to know just what to do after it happens. Great Job! :x
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+2 109. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Why you let sleeping snakes lie...

But first....let me take a selfie! :D
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+3 110. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Romanian inventor tests new prototype of record-setting hoverboard

Auf und ab, komm mit aufs hovercraft! >:)
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+2 111. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Thrill-seeker balances over pool of hungry alligators as they watch his every move

Thank you! I try my hardest to translate my sarcasm to text when I'm joking while balancing between articulate word structure. Then there are times I'm either drunk or really high where I just wanna write something totally messed up to make myself laugh and get a reaction from the community :squirrel:
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+3 112. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Thrill-seeker balances over pool of hungry alligators as they watch his every move

Someone has to do it...those alligators ain't gonna temp themselves! :x
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+2 113. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Dancing like a BOSS!

popped and locked! Damn son! :squirrel:
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+1 114. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Back To The Future

Does anyone else love Rick and Morty as much as I do? :)
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+5 115. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Choreographed Performance By 120,000 North Koreans

I guess this would be considered the good ol' days for them...if that's even possible...which it isn't so IDK :P
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+4 116. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Trotify In The Wild

Oh course! All the kids in my school that didn't see the movie were confused as hell. The ones that saw the movie wanted to do it to but I told them to get their own horse. :D
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+5 117. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Trotify In The Wild

Or you can do what I did back in high school and have a friend with long hair hunched over clacking some coconuts as you ride your stallion down the hallway down to the next class. Everyone gets out of your way...nobody wants to get trampled on by your mighty steed 8-)
#1 I love that group! This guy makes some funny songs too
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+5 118. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Loading a ferry in SA

This is like a metaphor if the Cubs win the World Series. :squirrel:
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+3 119. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video English Sports

I like all music as long as it doesn't suck. I like that song its pretty catchy! I can be cynical about a lot of music but they end up getting better and I'm like dammit I like them now :P
This is like mid 00's there are so many artists and so many styles I've heard on mixes its hard to remember them all
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+2 120. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video English Sports

#6 yea I asked this next to me if I mixed those drinks together? He said probably not a good idea so I said well I'm known for making the impossible possible :D I'm sending you a pm
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+10 121. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video English Sports

I was drinking before but maybe after drinking some more it'll make sense. Last Friday night I mixed Jägermeister with Yuengling at a concert and everything was magical and made perfect sense! :squirrel:
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+3 122. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Pirelli, an amazing walk on Christ The Redeemer

Thor was probably like whoops my bad bro :x
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0 123. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video ‘TV reporter’ flies into rage, delivers 'f***ing news' uncensored

That wasn't staged that was just awesome! <3
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0 124. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Deaf Man Becomes Incredible Finger 'Dancer

#1 wasn't Fingerbang a boy band? They were pro.
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+2 125. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video China Traffic Jams

#10 Sifl and Olly is one of my favorite shows! I love Chester! <3
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-3 126. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video China Traffic Jams

And then its 3 A.M.
And I'm on the corner, wearing my leather
This dude comes up and he's, like, "Hey, Punk!"
I'm, like, "Yeah, Whatever!"
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+1 127. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video This is why sports should be played outside

Then I'm throwing dice in the alley
Officer Leroy comes up and he's like,
"Hey, I thought I told you..."
And I'm, like,"Yeah, Whatever!"
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+5 128. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How languages evolve - Alex Gendler

If we want to get to a one world language again then learning to speak English is our best bet....get over it lol :D
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+2 129. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Go The F*** To Sleep Song

Goodnight Moon read by Oderus Urungus (RIP) :squirrel:
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0 130. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video What Happens When Scientists Install A Mirror In The Hoodest Part Of The Jungle?

#6 some of us evolved from trees and have the same dna. Did I just blow your mind!? :squirrel:
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+3 131. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 'Glowing' Sea Turtle Discovered In The Solomon Islands

I wonder if its also a Ninja... >:)
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+6 132. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Brazilian Dove Shampoo Commercial

Long hair don't care :P
#1 that's really funny :D
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0 133. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Pelican Learns To Fly

Go pro cameras are amazing. Its just a camera but the result is video we've never been able to witness before. :squirrel:
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+2 134. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Amazing Birth Of A Hand Blown Glass Pitcher

I like Arnold Palmers :)
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-9 135. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Computer Generated Water Shows How Far Animation Has Come

Fake and First! Durp! :x ...sorry I couldn't help looks so real I can't tell the difference
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+4 136. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 4,700 ft High Glass Walkway in Tianmen Mountain

A have a glass bridge was built too. It reminds me of the leap of faith in Indiana Jones when he walks on the invisible bridge.
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+4 137. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video German Scientists Make Self-healing Rubber
Oh yea Pendulum is awesome! I did a proper nightcore remix of that song and a few others.
I really like the bi polar mix of hold your colour
I know you've heard of Knife Party...."you blocked me on facebook..." lol
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0 138. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video German Scientists Make Self-healing Rubber

NASA developed a material last month that can heal a bullet wound in 2 seconds too. Booyah! :squirrel:
#1 <3
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+2 139. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Slow Motion Attacks From Deadly Animals

Razor Sharp Teeth! >8E
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+2 140. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Power Plant Demolition Becomes Even More Badass When Chimneys Collide

Powerman 5000 - When Worlds Collide! >:)
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+4 141. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Windmill Farmer

To quote Jeff Goldblum "No. I'm simply saying life, uh, finds a way."
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+4 142. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 12 year old kid plays guitar for Green Day in front of 20,000 in Chicago This is everything I believe in a nutshell :squirrel:
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+5 143. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 12 year old kid plays guitar for Green Day in front of 20,000 in Chicago

They're making a new album but I don't know when it'll be released. Its weird to think I've been listening to this band for 20 years. One of my favorite songs they made was American Idiot <3
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+7 144. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Kid Breaks Friends Camera With Airsoft Gun

Break Stuff! Give me something to break!!! >:)
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+2 145. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Porsche balances on other Porsche after crash

Good one #4 the sad thing is VW was just the fall guy for that scandal and other car companies have the same type of devices to cheat the emissions computer. We know how this works blame the germans and it'll all go away. Not this time fools! Bavaria FTW! <3
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+5 146. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Porsche balances on other Porsche after crash

Suck it physics! 8-)
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+9 148. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video If I had half this guy's talent, I'd never be bored again...

Its time for Animaniacs and we're zany to the max so just back and relax you'll laugh till you collapse We're Animaniacs!!! >:)
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+5 149. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video And here comes a knife...

That's a knoif :D
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0 150. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Dangers Of Social Media (Child Predator Experiment) Boy Edition

Oh how social media ruined so many social lives of our society lol remember kids: stop going for a Hot Cosby its better to fall into a Slow Cosby together. <3
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+1 151. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Girl doesn't realize she's in the middle of the wall of death

This is not proper mostpit etiquette! I understand its the wall of death so I blame the lead singer of this band who clearly could see people in the way and did nothing with his MC power to prevent this. Poor girl :(
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+2 152. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Gus, I'm a Grenade!

C'mon! If you're a fan of breaking bad this is some really funny stuff! :x
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+1 153. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Muslim Boy Arrested After Bringing Homemade Clock To School

How to make a clock in 20 seconds! >:)
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+12 154. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Muslim Boy Arrested After Bringing Homemade Clock To School

That's right #3 and on top of that the school had a freakin threat 3 years prior to this bs. Welcome to high school punk!
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+10 155. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Muslim Boy Arrested After Bringing Homemade Clock To School

Search for what the clock looked like and what the clock was in. If it wasn't a clock the teacher would be called a hero. Either way everyone that stands or doesn't stand with this kid wasn't there to know how it all went down. Whatever :squirrel:
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+6 156. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Coca Cola and Pool Chlorine

Corn is the hardest thing to digest and in syrup form its practically sludge. I'm not sorry that I just don't shut up and take it. <3
#1 I bereeve you :D
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+1 157. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video One of the cruelest yet funniest bits I've seen done on Family Guy

I got it bad, so bad...I'm hot for Teacher! :squirrel:
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+5 159. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Seeing this guy get help makes me so happy

I'm going to start doing yoga everyday after seeing this :)
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+7 160. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Why you should buy an acrylic water pipe

Acrylic is trash and should be banned along with the rubber that holds a metal slide piece. Glass and glass on glass will always be the best thing with vaporizers in a close second. Also butane lighters are bad to inhale so a wick like hemp string works great so you don't inhale a noxious gas. I'm being the opposite of a buzzkill friends! <3
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+1 161. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Fails Like Teen Spirit

Bruthal 6 did a metal cover of this song :squirrel:
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+13 162. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Who said ship captains cant have fun ?

Now that's a party boat! :squirrel:
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+4 163. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Scaling the solar system

#2 the reclassification of Pluto to a dwarf planet was done by the opinions of astronomers and not by planetary scientists! Its been a planet for 76 years and to just reclassify it as a hobbit planet is like uninviting it to the party even though its literally the chillest planet we got. 8-)
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+6 164. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Scaling the solar system

Great video but can we please stop denying Pluto its planetary status in our solar system? Its one of the most unique planets that we have! <3
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+2 165. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 35 year old who lives in 1946

That's cool but for me I've always said this ain't no blast from the past I'm coming for your future :squirrel:
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+4 166. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Goats in a tree

The talking goat :)
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+12 167. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Winning Run Of The First American Ninja Warrior Champion

actually another dude finished the course too and ended up going home with nothing since Isaac had the better time and won all that money. This was an insane run I'm blown away he was able to do it with such ease. I've always enjoyed watching this show :)
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0 168. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Most Luxurious First Class Airlines

Burning money is so classy :squirrel:
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0 169. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 5 Conspiracy Theories About Space!

#9 #10 we could easily solve the debate at this point by taking a new picture of the flag on the moon. Besides if it was a lie then good we traded it for leverage cause you do not want the alternative space race losers. We went to the moon believe it and get over it. USA is first again...
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+3 170. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video My New Favorite Video...

Thank you #3 for a second there it felt like life before the internet again....oh the anxiousness!
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+7 171. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video My New Favorite Video...

what song is that? I know its from a video game
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+1 172. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Snails: Life In The Slow Lane

I know it sounds bad but then it'd be an extreme snail! It wouldn't get hurt....somehow....yea maybe that's a bad idea lol O:)
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+4 173. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video July Morning Sunrise Time Lapse

Dam sun would've made sense. I screwed up the pun! Now I'm sad! :'(
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-3 174. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Snails: Life In The Slow Lane

That snail would be way cooler if it were on fire! jk >:)
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+2 175. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video July Morning Sunrise Time Lapse

Dam son!!!!! hahaha! :|
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+3 176. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Bodysurfing - First Front Flip

It'd be better if he did a front flip while on can only dream :)
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+7 178. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Another Death Defying Air Conditioning installation

#2 but I thought we were running out of ideas
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+6 180. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Surfing a big wave while on fire...

I thought it was cool
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+5 181. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Tame Squirrel, Man's Best Friend

You cant stop a Squirrel! :squirrel: God I love them! :)
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0 182. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video More bark than bite? Get your dog a werewolf muzzle.

Whoa that takes it to far. I blame the owners for not knowing how to raise those dogs to be sweethearts. I rehabilitated like 10 something dogs and had like 15 dogs running in my backyard when I was pet sitting 5 other ones. No muzzles no problem! :squirrel:
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+3 183. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Destroying 2,000 Bullets

Punch your lights out and hit the pavement now that's what I call entertainment! :)
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+9 184. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Wingsuit Flight Through 2 Meter Cave

#2 no guts no glory
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+2 185. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Wingsuit Flight Through 2 Meter Cave

I remember a video of a drone trying to do this and failing horribly! This is amazing! 8-)
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+1 186. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Crow riding windshield wipers

He should of video taped it till the end. I wonder how long he'd be on there for :) I still think crows are annoying! :P
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+2 187. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video TRIPLE JOINTED

My thumbs are double jointed so I can grip some ungripple things when I need to. #3 I onced yelled at this guy to buy a belt since he was carrying something with one hand and holding his pants up with his other hand. I like to think he rethought his life decisions after that :D
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+1 188. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 200 Km/h

That's right girl power! <3
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+1 189. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How Russians settle disputes

I took myself on a trip to a waterpark since its the last days of summer and all. It was so much fun I even surfed indoors! :)
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0 190. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 200 Km/h

Don't worry I posted my music and I don't think anybody was ready for it since I have the strangest sense of humor :P anyway that track is cool nothing to be shy about it reminds me of updated 90s dance music...its fun! <3
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+8 191. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Fizzy Fruit!

This would easily make people want to eat more fruit since everyone is obsessed with fizzy stuff. It sounds so good! :)
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0 192. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 200 Km/h

I wish everyday was show and tell lol what you got thundersnow I'm in love with music and so is my soul! <3
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-3 193. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 200 Km/h

This is one of my favorite songs :squirrel:
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+11 194. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Grizzly Bear rolling down a hill at Denali National Park.

Do a bearrel roll! >:)
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+6 195. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video They Don't Need An Orchestra To Play Beethoven

yep I played piano and bass in orchestra. Now I play guitar, sing and program music that my friends sample to make into dubstep. Its amazing what they can do with it! :)
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+8 196. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video They Don't Need An Orchestra To Play Beethoven

Oh I meant pimp in a good way like he was the mac daddy of classical music! Rock me Amadeus! :D
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+10 197. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video They Don't Need An Orchestra To Play Beethoven

Great performance! I played this song on the piano when I was a kid. Beethoven was my favorite to play since he wrote the loudest music so you can really feel the notes he hits. Amadeus was a pimp though! :squirrel:
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+2 198. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Premium gas vs. regular: Which is Better?

My grandfather always said all the gas that's delivered only comes from one truck! He's right again. O:)
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+3 199. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Flying the Barn Line in Switzerland

Flying high and flying free
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+12 200. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video This Corgi Either Loves Or Hates Water

Happy National Dog Day Everyone!
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+5 201. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video iGun

Check mate :squirrel:
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+8 202. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video European Goldfinch Taking a Bath in Man's Hand

Birds are avian dinosaurs that survived the jurassic era. I love birds but crows are pretty annoying :squirrel:
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+11 203. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video This Crazy Guy Jumps Nearly 200 Feet Off a Cliff!

I jumped off a 70ft cliff about 10 years ago...I couldn't imagine going another 120ft! Mad respect to this dude!
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0 204. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Bear on a motorbike

is that really a bear driving a motorcycle!?!? :O
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+1 205. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video END OF THE WORLD

I wished for it to be 1987 again.....minus the berlin wall of course :P
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+1 206. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video END OF THE WORLD

No this is 1987!!! My wish came true! :squirrel:
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+2 207. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video END OF THE WORLD

Well its not Rick Ashtley so don't worry noone is gonna get rick rolled this time :P
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+3 209. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video This Eagle Doesn't Like Drones

#3 they said the eagle and drone were both ok but the drone needed repairs. Yes! Its King Squirrel!!! :squirrel:
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+1 210. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Maybach 62S Failed towed away too heavy

who designed that tow truck? I've never seen anybody try to tow a car like that! XD
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0 211. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How to date in Norway

I've been using the second chart for dating since 1999 lol
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+3 212. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video New shocking footage of the recent catastrophic explosions in China

#5 yea its sad that innocent people died but its not like the chinese are an endangered race of people. Its not even a cynical statement if you compare it to their policy lol
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+7 213. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video New shocking footage of the recent catastrophic explosions in China

Great video (still vertical!!!) but I don't think they understand that's its not a fireworks show :P
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+4 214. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Very Real Dangers Of Social Media

Dam kids get off my lawn!
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+5 215. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video A Visualization Of Every Nuclear Detonation From 1945 To Present

Can you imagine if they set off all these nukes in 13 mins. Good thing they spaced out all the tests :x
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+3 216. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Helicopter flying extremely low over the street

Insane skills :D
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-4 217. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Top 10 Chinese Knockoffs of Foreign Products

#2 good for them! Copyright just restricts innovation! No.1 shows how business should work!!
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-2 219. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Dr Sebi: Man Found “Cures For All Diseases” AND Has The Supreme Court Ruling To Prove It

The only way this kinda healing can work is dedication from the patient to get better. This is healing yourself 24 hours a day and not just getting a couple of hours of treatment. Change your Ph levels and you'll change your world 8-)
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+8 220. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video John Cleese Interview - about PC and societies w sensitives

Once politicians climb PC mountain they try to manipulate reality to get whatever they want. They have these nanny gangs that ruin real debate so they can steer clear of actual issues. If only someone was just honest enough not to havea divide and conquer mindset they could actually bring people together and conquer in unity. I'm tired of the capital of the free world dictate the human experience to just playing the acting roles and do what your told. That sets evolution and communication up for failure.
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+5 221. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video 20 Years, 20 Stories

in my town we have a boys and girls club and an ice skating rink for after school. I always like how after school sports were a break from academics since I would constantly suffer from information overload. If it wasn't for sports I wouldn't have a 3.4 gpa
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-3 223. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Father and son drift

Awesome helmet! Razor Sharp Teeth represent! 8E
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+15 224. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video When Did Americans Lose Their British Accents?

Short was 1776
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+5 226. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Heavy Metal Origins

#3 I'm sure the person in New Jersey that owns Nepoleon's penis would've bought those fingertips. :|
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0 227. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Heavy Metal Origins

Gotta love the OGs of metal. Always good tunes for token :D
#1 painkiller is a classic
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+18 228. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Mad Ramps for your ATV

Say goodbye to all those awesome fail videos :'(
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+3 230. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Does Water Ever Expire?

I drink water with natural baking soda added to it and I also drink vinegar water (with the mother) because I'm classified as "crazy"
also don't eat tumeric and oil pulling is bad for you and so is weed.
Remember I'm "crazy" O_0
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+2 231. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video ‘Barely Legal Voters’ Try to Identify 2016 Prez Candidates- And There’s One Name T

Win or lose Donald Trump saved this election
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-1 232. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video What Life Could You Have Lived?

I'm on probation cause I gave my dad a wheggie which he deserved so as much as id want to do something like this I can't which goes against everything I stand for
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+3 233. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video What level is above advanced stupid?

Stupid intelligent
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+3 234. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Fail Compilation spring 2015 || TNL

I came to bring the pain hardcore from the brain let's go inside my astral plane lol
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-2 235. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video You'll act different...

You know what I'm color blind to all of this and I'm going to hell cause I need a vacation
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+5 236. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Signal Acquisition of New Horizons Spacecraft

Y'all can thank Bush jr. for giving the ok to fund this least he got a few things right...
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+1 237. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Helping hands

I onced saved a baby deer that was caught up in a fence. When a deer is in distress it looks a lot less magestic and a lot more ugly I tell you what!
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+5 238. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Pick a side

If they're speaking english then why can't I understand anything they're saying? 8-)
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+2 239. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Huge wreck at the finish line at Daytona

When I was a kid I always said the guy in last place should crash his car on purpose at the finish line to overshadow the attention the first place driver gets >:)
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+2 240. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Would You Help A Lost Child?

I like how they used the girl to bait the perv even if it was unexpected.
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+12 241. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video All fun and sporting until it isnt - for the human

Who the hell goes shark fishing?
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+10 242. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How it would look like...

It still I'm hungry :P
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-2 243. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Three sisters unbelievable dancing skills 1940s

Looks like this hot red head I used to date but she was a tricky bitch and so was I...
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+3 244. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How To Survive Working With Cats

At one point I was raising 11 rescue dogs and 13 cats but that was when I actually had a life
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-3 245. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Hot Daughter

Chechen out baked beans
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+1 246. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Driving advice

I agree for a joke that bad I deserve the thumbs down.....I ate to much cheese before I typed I'm sorry
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+24 247. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Raccoon...

probably drinking cause it doesn't have thumbs to spark up any ganja
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-1 248. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Pastor Uses Invisible Power to Knock Down Church Members

Jesus Christ man! :|
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-2 249. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Deadly Truth of General AI don't you dare give falco a thumbs down scum
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+4 250. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video First ever front flip at Monster Jam

#1 go see a jam live and then you'll understand. Those drivers are insanley awesome!
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0 251. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Faith No More - Easy

Seeing them live in August for free! Winning tickets is awesome! Can't wait to see the opening act Refused too. Should be fun! Also the album version of this song sounds better :P
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-4 252. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Dog calls camera man for help to rescue another dog

The sign at the beginning says Arabama but I think they're actually in Alabama
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+12 253. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The fight

Still more entertaining then the Mayweather Pacquiao fight :x
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-1 254. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Volvo Pedestrian Avoidance Test Fail

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+10 255. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Al Sharpton vs the teleprompter

Al Sharpton is a poser that pisses everybody off and this just proves how much of a moron he is.
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+15 256. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video About the benefits of road signs...

This isn't the first time moose and squirrel gave him trouble
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+13 257. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Making of INTERSTELLAR Soundtrack

Saw this movie in the theatre. Everybody should see it. It captures what its like being an astronaut really well. I give it 4 monkeys! :(|) :(|) :(|) :(|)
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+7 258. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Bear teases dog with hosepipe

#1 so it's a chicken in a bear suit? :x
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+12 259. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Jason Mraz Sings to NASA Astronauts

Ground control to Major Tom 8-)
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0 260. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video This Guy Could Have Deleted Everything on YouTube, but He Resisted

That's one hell of a way to do it for the lulz .pretty sure he'd be the only one laughing too
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0 261. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Whoopi Goldberg: If you hit a man don't be surprised if he hits you back

I like all the women on the panel disagreeing like they got some feminist dog in the fight....which is funny cause feminists are like cats that wanna rule the world. Meow meow
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+1 262. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Lobbyist Claims Monsanto's Roundup Is Safe To Drink, Freaks Out When Offered A Glass

I'd rather be a complete jerk than a incomplete jerk smart ass! :|
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0 263. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Distracted teen drivers

I wish I had a camera in my car. You'd see me lose my mind when someone goes out of turn at a four way stop and how I enjoy barking at the deer so they stay off the road. I also pretend I'm flying a rocket ship when I'm driving 8-)
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0 264. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Selfie Shoes

I swear hearing that word 'selfie' releases a chemical in my brain that makes me angry to the point where I need to break something :(|)
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+1 265. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Chameleon

I wanna see them as a Squirrel next for he is the true king of the jungle! :E
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+1 266. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Introducing Amazon Dash Button: Place it. Press it. Get it.

Couldn't you just have all these items on a app so you don't have all these random buttons around the house. Its a novelty idea I just don't think its that practical.
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+9 267. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Boomaplane

I did a paper airplane project for the science fair and the teachers didn't like it even though I was explaining aerodynamics for all the different airplanes. I'm still pissed I didn't win! Teacher leave them kids alone!
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+10 268. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Man Gets a Call from a Windows Computer Scammer and Pretends to be a Thief

#1 that would've been an awesome video too >:)
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+2 269. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How to fly a spaceship to the space station

#1 the baby will be considered a Martian of course :D
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-2 270. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video On the Ice: Patrick Kane

Kane is good but I've seen highlights of Ovechkin doing some insane trick shots
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+9 271. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Tricky Penalty Shot

I wanna see that done in a match :D
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+9 272. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Very special icecream ...

I don't know why but it reminded me of this movie
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+5 273. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Adolf Hitler´s personal paint and artworks

I wish Dali would of become a dictator :S
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+5 274. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Bus Stop Sniper With A Laser Sight Prank

That's some next level pranking right there >:)
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+12 275. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Humanoid robot has a sense of self

Thank god Arnold Schwarzenegger is still alive...
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+3 276. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Piranhas Seem Fairly Harmless

Again with the razor sharp teeth!?!? :x
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-9 277. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon

USA is the greatest country in the world.
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+4 278. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Teenager gets shot in the head and calls Swedish SOS, the operator doesn't believe him

What a bitch! She should be fired. If she knew the person she wouldn't be acting like that
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0 280. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Biker Goes Airborne

At least he didn't hit the car...that could've been fatal
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+1 281. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video This Is Why You Can't Outrun a Cheetah

that's why we invented the motorcycle :D
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0 282. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Cinema Space Tribute

space is the's so peaceful
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+1 283. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How to Get to Mars

I hope we solve all our problems in time to actually make it there :|
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+1 284. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Gift wrapping in Japan

That's how you wrap like a boss!
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+1 285. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video What is in McDonalds chicken nuggets?

I think they use silly puddy I could be wrong :S
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0 286. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video A Beretta shotgun being made

that gun is getthoblastastic!
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0 287. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Kids Logic MK2 Magnetic Floating Iron Man

Its a cool toy but dam expensive
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0 288. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Making of Wooden Shoes

those shoes cannot be comfortable
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+1 289. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video How to deliver beer the lazy man's way

the quickest way to get there is to go straight through
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+1 290. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 6

I hope they were wearing their seatbelts
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0 291. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Ferrofluid sculpture

that's kinda trippy
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0 292. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Slo-mo of an Apple iMac being destroyed by a 20mm anti-tank gun

I feel the same way about apple
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+1 293. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Awesome boomerang throw

I always wondered how someone hunts with that
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0 294. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Gaston Push-Up Contest

I like how the girl was the prize XD
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0 295. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Valentinesday Prank

I'm sure they'll be upset when they realize it wasn't real :P
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+1 296. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Woman's arm wrestling

dam girl where have you been all my life
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+1 297. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Smart police dog

Clever girl
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+1 298. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Land Rover diesel vs Dodge 3500 diesel tug-o-war

time to go muddin
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+9 299. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Skiflying World Record - 250 m - Vikersund

this dude broke a world record and you don't like the color of his gloves! XD
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+4 300. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Military Ray Gun • ADS Electromagnetic Radiation Weapon

But first let me take a selfie :D
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-2 301. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Rat attack on Cat

Brian Williams was there when this went down :x
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0 302. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Super Mario World -- Credits Warp in 5:59.6 (First Time Ever on Console)

my favorite console game will always be Robotron 2084
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0 303. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video One Woman, Three Men, fight!

#12 I just saw "Kingsman" and this wasn't in it. This must be the Korean version of it.
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+3 304. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video A mysterious explosion in Donetsk

Someone didn't put their cigarette out. Smokey the Bear says "Only you can prevent chemical factory explosions" :|
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0 305. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Slinky Master

I am the Slinky King I can do anything!
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0 306. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Mercedes-Benz "Fable" Commercial

This Mercedes is awesome. It's like the German version of an Aston Martin. yay!
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+1 307. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Woman sexually Harassing Men. Social Experiment

wonder what would happen next if the guy at the end was all into it....ewwww
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0 308. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Fly with the RAF Red Arrows

I love the royals in real life even though some may think differently in my animated one >:)
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+2 309. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Top Soccer Shootout Ever With Scott Sterling

Scott Sterling is my hero :x
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+2 310. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video The Giants of Iceland

he eats spinach just like popeye :D
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+1 311. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Man catches bird (seagull) with bare hand

Over rocks and trees and sand
Soaring over cliffs
And gently floating down to land
She proudly lifts her voice
To sound her mating call
And soon her mate responds by singing
Caw Caw Caw

Come with me
Lesbian Seagull
Settle down and rest with me
Fly with me lesbian seagull!!!
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+9 312. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 9 years ago on video Now What?

#4 "They hate us cause they ain't us" :)
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+11 313. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video 5 Mind Blowing Facts About Your Smartphone!

The smart phone is a good idea for some people but for me I like my things seperate. Old Skool baby!
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+3 314. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Lars Andersen: a new level of archery

if they gave cops bows and arrows they would get more respect as nobles of the land or something like that
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+3 315. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Millions of tiny red crabs

Here's your soundtrack >:)
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+3 316. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Mile of Pi - π (3.14159265359....)

My name is serious and powerful. All that hear my name run in fear. My name destroys tacos with razor sharp teeth. Get it right 8E
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+3 317. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Mile of Pi - π (3.14159265359....)

This is a trailer for an awesome movie called pi....also #3 you just got burned by #4 :(|)
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+5 318. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video This is why you don't lock your dog in the car

#5 your dog rocks! Boxers have an awesome personality
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-2 319. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Strange water faucet

they should make a female version! 8D
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0 320. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Korean girls taste American snacks

This video would be better in slo-mo :*
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-3 321. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Never trust your colleagues

What has he... what has he... what has he done to deserve this :x
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+1 322. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Elderly driver confuses pedals, speeds through car wash destroying all equipment inside

The old guy was thinking "turn down for what whippersnappers!"
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+5 323. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Meanwhile in Sweden, fishing with fireworks

It only works with dynamite mate!
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+4 324. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video The best TV-show exit

That's how winning is done! 8E
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+1 325. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Time and Again - 15 Countries In 4 Minutes

#1 he only spent 16 seconds in each country so I think he agrees with you
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+1 326. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Football fans in rocket-speed escalator

Well that 'escalator' quickly!!! :|
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+6 327. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Giant oil rig being thrown around by heavy seas

At least the oil rig wasn't puking :x
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+3 328. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video CCTV Captures WOMAN Stuffing a Plasma TV Up Her Skirt in Costa Rica

Two words: Vagina Clamps :S
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+2 329. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video The Bot Fly

The extraction kit he was using is a smaller version of a acupressure cupping kit they use on sore muscles. It brusies your skin extracting the bad blood from your body which makes you fell rejuvenated 8-)
Also the new prodigy song goes with this video! XE
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+5 330. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video A Cheesy Love Story

...and then they devorced over a can of pringles
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-1 331. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Bill Gates drinks water that used to be human poop

I want to eat a poop burger with my poop water and then poop it out so time and space will bend to my will! MuwhHhahaha >:)
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+3 332. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Unbelievable waiter cutting steak

I've been a bacontarian for 15 years. I eat a strict vege diet + bacon. Because bacon = power.
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+8 333. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Drunk Street marks in Russia

Vodka... water... it's all the same thing. :x
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0 335. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video This is How they Fish Piranhas in Brazil

The emoticon :E stands for razor sharp teeth! It started as a tribute for a min pin and how many times they say razor sharp teeth on shark week :E from that the BFH clan RST was born along with the emoticon (i)
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+18 336. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video This is How they Fish Piranhas in Brazil

They got a boat and this poor girl is fishing from a tiny plank of wood...don't fall in or those tiny razor sharp teeth will get ya! :E
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+4 337. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Wheelchair Freestyle

That is one tough dude.
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+5 338. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video A Firework Lands Inside an Apartment

whatever you do just keep filming! XD
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-2 339. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video "The Cup Song" - With Guns

This song is about the 2nd know what they say....if the 1st Amendment doesnt work there is always the 2nd! :*
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+2 340. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Car Crashes Time 6

here's some music for the video! :x
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+1 341. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Ronnie Russell Bowls a Perfect 300 Game

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+2 342. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Train engine turbo failure

keep going and ride it till the wheels fall off :x
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+5 343. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Pig Savors The Flavor Of His Treats

Feed him a donut...just because ;)
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+4 344. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Good Doggy

good luck doing that with a miniature pinscher. mini pini's are the cutest lil dogs with razor sharp teeth! :E
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+6 345. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Riding 150mph with no helmet !

"Imagine a fly getting into your eye" - John Lennon
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+6 346. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video 5 Most mysterious sounds recorded in space

dubstep is mysterious nobody knows where it came from :D
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+3 347. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Omen

He is the Hurdy Gurdy Man!
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-2 348. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Misnomers

I think I'm less confused now :x either way awesome video
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+1 349. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Meteor caught on camera at a Modest Mouse show

I will always love you Buddha :'(
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+8 350. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Very informative lockpicking video, with a cut-away lock

...and I already robbed a bank. Thanks! :*
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+19 351. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Monster gold nugget discovered in Butte foothills

That is the biggest Butte Nugget I've ever seen! :x
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+4 352. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Zombie apocalypse? Have no fear, he is here!

The sound of gunfire also attracts more zombies so a long sword or katana would be good. I also suggest a chain mail shark suit and blow torch cause it's fun :)
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+5 353. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Homeless guy gets a birthday wish

These videos are heartwarming but since they're all monetized on YT you can only hope the intentions are actually pure...
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+1 354. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Frustrated Driver Makes His Own Parking Spot

#8 I don't agree with you. why didn't he just find another place to park it?
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0 355. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Frustrated Driver Makes His Own Parking Spot

I agree #1 As soon as the other driver gets back I'm sure it'll be pretty easy to figure out who smacked into his nice ride. I personally used to own a really cool 2 door Geo truck until a mini-van blew through a stop sign in which it was totaled :|
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+1 356. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Could you be a "Super Hero"?

#5 Most of his "clients" aka "patients" would of been dead by the time he went through all the legal bs to make money off the vaccine. Damn Heartless! >:)
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0 357. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Laser pointer vs chickens

Love that Chicken at Popeyes O:)
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+3 358. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Drone flying through fireworks!

2:28 almost! >:)
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+3 359. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Remote German village sets up own fast internet

COW FIGHT!!! that's how they make cheese! :|
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0 360. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Is Watch Dogs Possible?

If it ain't broke don't fix it.... if you try to fix something that isn't broken you'll just break it..... :|
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+9 361. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Historic Bike Flip in FMX competition

#1 Watch it again after you take your crazy pills!;)
...kinda lame!?!?! Great Scott Man!!!:O
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-1 362. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Soccer player has sudden heart failure and gets revived by an implanted defibrillator

Sports are like a war since people die in the field & they're not fun! O:)
comment corrected(i)
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+2 363. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Soccer player has sudden heart failure and gets revived by an implanted defibrillator

Sports are like a war without the killing & they're fun! >:)
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+1 364. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Karma at the hockey game

You have angered the Hockey you must pay in BLOOD! :x
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+2 365. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video A Brazilian Family With Twelve Fingers

"They'll get my raygun when they pry my cold, dead, eighteen-fingered hand off it!" :x
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+1 366. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Low Speed Chase in Oregon

This matches & it's funny XD
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-1 367. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video The Freshest Drum Cover

I can do the same thing on my drum machine :|
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-1 368. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Teen carjackers thwarted by 70-year-old victim's car with stick shift

any1 between 13-22 just needs to get decked in the face 8-)
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-1 369. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Tortoise

In Nature the Tortoise is just that much of a vindictive mofo(i)
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+1 370. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Ukrainian kid with balls of steel

I can do that 2ft from the ground.... where is that video? :|
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-2 371. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video This Thunderstorm Time Lapse Is Absolutely Nuts

Why can't anybody silence this slave?!?! :x
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-15 372. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video This Thunderstorm Time Lapse Is Absolutely Nuts

There's a storm coming... and you're gonna f#$king die!!!
Who's to blame? Not me... I didn't kill anybody
my hands are stained red from the healing medicine & my innocence will save my life...
~*~Praise Muhammad peace be upon him~*~
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-4 373. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Dont blink

I'm faster....That's why "they" call me Masterblaster! <3
also: is he on drugs!? He's making faces like Hunter S. Thompson! :S
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-4 374. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Christopher Hitchens getting Waterboarded voluntarily

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+3 375. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Amazing Guitar Player

people need to hear this to & from work. it's great motivation!
Keep on Rockin'!!!
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+39 376. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Perfect Texture

hipster ownage is the best ownage. :x
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+1 377. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Diver attacked underwater by another diver is gonna make millions!
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+1 378. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video How To Make Pancakes Like A Druggie

I used to suck dick for waffles but now I'm a priest! >:)
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-2 379. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Surfing China's river wave

dude none of you are surfers so you dont't understand's about the waves bro even if the location could be waaaay better.
(i)also I do declare cool chillin betty nugz bro, marley the joint and bust the grindage!
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+4 380. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Man fights off great white shark

GoPro or GoDie! >8E
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0 381. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Best use of the Oculus so far

just add a shitter & a feeding tube so it can make being a vegetale that much more fun! (i)
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+1 382. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Sewer Diver Loves His Job

as they duct tape his suit up he says, "...we will be very safe" :x
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+2 383. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Drunk

Wow, this is awesome! I'm going to watch more on their channel.
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-1 384. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video The Narwhal's Mysterious Tusk

They didn't looked that trapped....behold the power of editing! >:)
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0 385. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Breaking Bad - A Tribute

Reminds me of EVIL BACON.
If bacon is the root of all evil how can I bring home the bacon?
Eat more Evil Bacon!!! >:)
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+3 386. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video NASA spotted a square "hole" in the Sun

that no good. 8-)
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+10 387. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Fingersnapping the Super Mario theme

OH SNAP!!!! :|
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0 388. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Small bird flying at speeds of 90km/h on the freeway

Paul Engemann - Push it to the limit (1983)
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-5 389. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Pen Spinning

We can always blame the genetically modified & engineered food that's feminizing men & over feminizing women which is why so many women get cancer.
None of this applys to me since I'm natural & will always look like a freak of nature trying to be something that it's not: human :D
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+11 390. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Swarms of tiny robots build things

I hope they learn to feel & independent decisions; like invading & destroying the human race. It'd be so cute! 8D
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+4 391. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video There is a reason they call it a "suicide grip"

dude on the treadmill doesn't even break his stride; like a boss
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+1 392. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Sometimes Security Cameras catch a gem!

throws object on ground + can't open door + runs away to pick back up the "important" object + runs back once the van is ok... which = I don't know 8-)
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+4 393. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video NYPD Cop accepts dance battle against street artist

#3 Thank God! >:) The whole time I was thinking the crowd must really believe in that gun's safety catch :x
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0 394. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video New speed skiing World Record

When I grow up I wanna be a pornΩtar too!
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-2 395. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Harvey's Redemption

#1 my teamate was high sticking & connected with my loose tooth. I spat it out & kept on playing with blood pouring out my mouth since I wasn't injured... but they stopped the play & bench me... wtf!?!?
Another time 1/2 of my fingernail was bent backwards & I kept on playing till the line change. The coach bent it back in place which hurt like hell since the adrenaline wore off! ^^
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+8 396. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Sepaktakraw

and the fan goes wild...
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+5 398. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Set up a fake cult for a pizza delivery

Whoa! not something to joke around about...Pizza Cults are Real!!! >:)
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-1 399. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video The Chilliman

I love Jenkem Ghilli Chilli
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+5 400. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video This is your body on weed

Eat ALOT of Hemp seed hearts or hulled Hemp seeds....the seeds taste more like nuts
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+1 401. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video The weirdest hotel in the world

So WTF actually goes on in "Hotel CasAnus"!?!?! :O
Is the Hotel moto "Come on in & take a load off @ Hotel CasAnus. Where there is always open vacancies"
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+9 402. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video This guy has mastered his act

#1 Don't worry since there was no tobacco in his cigarette... ;)
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-2 403. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Magic is Everywhere

My Mind has just been Freaked! :O
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0 404. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Reinventing the Piano

It gives off a different type of deep emotion the "normal" style of piano playing doesn't gives off...(even though it does :P) I figured it wasn't NIN but Trent should reach out to collaborate....Just Be-Cause
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+1 405. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Time-lapse compilation of thunderstorms,the milkyway and northern lights

So that's what God looks like O:)
Also: Funny rock face @ 3:30 >:)
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-4 406. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Reinventing the Piano

I am 99% sure those hands belong to Trent Reznor....but he could be the chosen %1 :O
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0 407. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Suicide Coffin Drop In at Burnside

JENKEM! :O in huge letters & I instantly think "OH GOD NO NOT THE BUTTHASH!" XD
Look up have no idea :x
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-1 408. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video How to properly handle a stick drop

#7 If a drum machine doesn't have drum sticks to drop then it wouldnt be a machine that drums.... Your a chicken let me know your expert opinion on drum sticks. Do chickens even use drum sticks to drum if they already have built in drum sticks?!?! Why do chickens make good techno with "drum machines" if they already have built in drum sticks!?!?!?!?! :O
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+1 409. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video World's Fastest: 270.49 mph Hennessey Venom GT

Why didn't they celebrate with a bottle of Hennessy flavored Kool-Aid in true gansta fashion? Even if you add the letter 'e' it's still Hennessy :P
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0 410. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Can You Solve This?

I was thinking decimals but still in ascending order. I probably would of been the one person yelling & swearing at him after awhile! XD
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-1 411. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video How to properly handle a stick drop

A drum machine wouldn't do that........ya know, have soul! :P
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+1 412. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Heroes of the Year

I like how 2014 just started & by the end of December they will still be considered 'The Heroes of the Year!' XD
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0 413. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video A needle-free vaccine patch that's cheaper than a needle

#7 "...purely financial viewpoint" couldn't of said it better myself. This is clearly still undebatable.
"Wir haben die Medizin!" >:)
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+1 414. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Algae Lamp

I support putting a bunch of Algae Lamps in every city. I also support commercialized Hemp since the logging industry is only good for keeping Lumberjacks employed. Don't guilt trip me with your "self-rightous animosity" for not caring about "going green" because Hemp is still under undebatable unconstitutional law. As for Carbon Taxes (which wouldn't interfere with sponsored Nascar that get under 5mpg) I MAY consider paying the tax if ALL motorsports are modified/banned & 18-wheelers are converted to bio-diesel then everybody would know how important it is to "go green" but in until then there is no chance in hell you can convince me! :)
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-3 415. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video A needle-free vaccine patch that's cheaper than a needle

#4 Yes & No...but I don't need to take a shot that causes encephalitis to treat encephalitis. Over $2.7 billion was paid to vaccine injury victims as compensation. This isn't up for debate & anybodies opinion is irrelevant since I'm basing everything I say on ice cold facts(i)
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-5 416. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video A needle-free vaccine patch that's cheaper than a needle

I don't believe in overactivating my inflammatory immune cytokines with a mercury/aluminum cocktail vaccine that leads to neurodegeneration. If I want my immune system to be responsive so my body can fight off a foreign agent I'll digest sodium bicarbonate for oxidation & mother of vinegar to detox...but if your already sick take this asap & feel better almost instantly. flu shots are the biggest scam & I really don't care how you'll judge me but when it's time for your forced inoculations & you end up with a vaccine injury just remember who had your best interest at heart!
"What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over" >:)
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+4 417. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Don't film and drive!

I repeat the video @ 0:17 cause let's face it... I have an evil sense of humor >:)
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+4 418. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Damien Walters - Human Loop the Loop

Aspartame! The feces of genetically modified E.coli bacteria never tasted so good! :D
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+1 419. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Squirrel vs. Hawk

I rescued & bottle fed 3 abandoned baby squirrels until they were old enough to live in the woods again.
"To know the squirrel is to be the squirrel!" XD
The hawk never stood a chance against his squirrelly wrath! >8E
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+7 420. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Scotsman teaches a news reporter how to drink scotch

so it's cleaning the glass by wasting the expensive 50 year old whiskey? A bottle of Evan Williams would of cleaned the glass just the same...funny video though I just know some gutter punks that drink liquor off the floor if any is spilled! XD
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0 421. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Would you help a child in need?

I kinda agree with #3 it's like their crying wolf but I understand it's like a PSA to help people in need. that's right #7 Just a few hours ago this clean shavened dude with an expensive jacket asked if I could spare any change...I flat out told him "No, that's my money... get your own"
sorry, if I don't feel bad suburban kids that are probably just to lazy & stoned to get work <3
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+1 422. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Alex Honnold Free Soloing

Ask "What is the North Face?" to someone that wears their jackets. I guarantee you the majority have no idea what it is or the history! XD
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+4 423. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Pharrell Mashup (Happy Get Lucky)

Awesome video it is! I've always like Jack's videosongs from back in the day. Them two always collaborate well together. Here's the artist information....
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0 424. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Just a Man Ironing a Shirt

yea it should :D thought this video could have some funny theme music to give it some flavor! :P
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-1 425. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Just a Man Ironing a Shirt

#16 If you think this video was boring play this in the goes with this video perfectly
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+3 426. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video A C-130 "Fat Albert" preforms a Jet Assisted Take Off (JATO)

HEY HEY HEY! It's a plane full of Jello pudding pop zip zop zoobity bop with shing shong shamma lamma frazzle nazzle ropple stopple in cargo as well 8-)
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+3 427. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Fisherman catches more than he bargained for

these guys sound drunk...I mean they are fishing so it's kinda expected. I can only find the 30 sec video online so we may never know why he was so enthralled with his ring & finding Jason :(
but that is exactly what fishing legends are made of! :)
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+16 428. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Wall of water hits Newlyn Bridge

Boy, that escalated quickly... I mean, that really got out of hand fast! :O
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+3 429. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Cat trying to apologize

#11 get a job
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+2 430. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Cat trying to apologize

#9 What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic thing I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent response, were you close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on snotr is now dumber for having to read your comment. I award you no thumbs up, and may God have mercy on your soul...
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+4 431. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Cat trying to apologize

How do cats end a fight? They hiss and make up! :x
How is cat food sold? Usually purr can! :D
What do baby cats wear? Dia-purrs! ::(|)
What do cats read in the morning? Mewspapers! :D
How does a cat sing scales? Do-ri-me-ow! :O
What do you call the cat that was caught by the police? The purrpatrator! :S
What is a cat's favorite color? Purrrrrrrple! :P
What is a cat's favorite car? The Catillac! 8-)
What does a cat like to eat on a hot day? A mice cream cone! :(|)
What is a cat's favorite movie? "The Sound of Mewsic!" :*
Who was the most powerful cat in China? Chairman Miaow! >:)
Why did the cat cross the road? It was the chicken's day off!!! :|
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+1 432. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Don't Tell Mummy!

I think #9 believes people actually agree with the #(removed comment) statement he made! :O
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-1 433. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video People Are Awesome 2014

#6 I don't know the name of the song but it would be in the catagory of: Ambient/Atmospheric DnB/Breakbeat or just Chillstep. It's not a new gengre of electro unless it has 'step' at the end of it(i)
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-2 434. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video The manliest gym ever

They must go through so many cans of WD40! Good God Man! :O
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+1 435. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Schumos Coffee

This all could have been prevented if she just put the coffee in her water can't argue with fact(i)
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-7 436. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Avalanche in italy

(in case you didn't'a recognize!) XD
I'm an Avalanche... knocking down yo trees
and anything else that dare stands before me
just a rollin rager as the white hurricane amazer
use snow like a deadly lazer
pewpew shoot the cold phaser
make a dash but in seconds flat it's a lightening flash
got this grip of a whip as the Avalanche goes smash!
just bashin & trashin while gettin my fat stack'on
cause pound for pound you won't last a round... son
kiss the ground when you that hear that sound
of the Avanlanche... coming to yo $*#$&@%$ town
cant stop! wont stop! uh uh, uh uh(i)
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-7 437. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Kentucky All State Choir sings the National Anthem in an 18 story hotel

now I'm offended that it was only sung in Engrish. I'm drinking Shasta for now on...
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-2 438. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video 10 of the Wealthiest People (Dead or Alive)

It could also be titled "10 of the Wealthiest People that Worship Evil!" I have money so you must die peasant!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! >:)
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-1 439. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video How pringles are made

#8 I always wondered by so many people buy potatoe chips buy home make everything else. It's not like theiy produce a bag of magic! Homemade Chips are perfect & no bagged of chips can come close to how good home made is.
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+9 440. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Subaru WRX pulls out cop car stuck in snow

After the video ends the cop pulls him over & gives out a ticket for obstructing traffic. Thank you for keeping our streets safe! >:)
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+1 441. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Super Bowl Commercial

COKE! is a business & they could care less how any of you people feel emotionally or physically. There ad's are propaganda to promote sludge water....just like mcdonalds it's product is processed garbage.
They hate me & I hate them right back >:)
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+3 442. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Two deer fight and get stuck together...

I was hoping they would start shooting at the deer right after they set it free. Also all they would have to do is chop off the head of the dead deer & the other deer would just shake it off or look like a badass to the doe deer..."yea you see what happened in my last fight babe? I ripped his freakin head off...I AM ALPHA BUCK!"
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0 443. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Shooting Snowballs

It's amazing how his innovations use self-sustaining engineering for his complex but easily constructible slingshots. Very awesome to have since you can use slingshots to hunt small game & save ammo. While projectiles need manufacturing & maintenance it becomes impractical not to make or own one.
Indubitably!!! 8-)
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+1 444. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Paving road like a boss!

I love this music! they should use it for other mundane labor jobs too & make a cut scene of one of the workers humming to the tune before the music drops back in :P
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+7 445. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Security kid

"I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!" said the robber with the masterplan :'(
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+9 446. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Rotating head

real art in real motion. reminds me of flipbook cartoons
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-2 447. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 10 years ago on video Keep children away from windows

sounds like the kid got a beat down at the end...that'll teach him.
& the dude filming is a sick basterd or just being cautious...I just feel like he could have done more than video some kid about to fall to his death :S
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0 448. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video Good Morning

0:21 natural red eyes O_O
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+1 449. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video Can You Walk on Water? (Non-Newtonian Fluid Pool)

Dat right thur ain't nuh water you tellin' meh!?
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+1 450. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video Secrets of the Living Dolls

reminds me of when GWAR killed Marilyn Manson
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0 451. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video The world's largest single firework

I thought the Russain's made the world's largest firework ;)
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-1 452. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Why care about anything then? Why not just breathe a few gasps of air & die in to oblivion...
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-1 453. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Good chance it was an Interdimensional Entity/Demon....The red ones are mean as hell. Any disbelief doesn't justify the kinda energy force I've been harassed by (high pitched screaming, pulling hair, banging on walls unfortunately not on video)
Video I did record: 1.In a very cold room (aka dead space) 2. sing/scream over loud music (frequency) 3. Camera settings to negative & set the camera lighting to fluorescent (visual) You'll see "UFOs" flying around the room, camera jumping in & out of focus & scences skipping...I have little white orbs ALL on VIDEO if the mods on snotr wanna upload it or y'all can experiment & see if the same thing happens to you if not I guess I'm a freak of nature(i)
This happened more after a good friend of mine just passed :( ...but before that my radio station would change channels, I'd see random white fog appear/disapper & red illumination in the woods. What do you expect when you work/live on a historic battlefield
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-5 454. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video Moving Illusions

I agree #1 ...I smell virgin! 8-)
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+7 455. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video Extreme Barbie Jeep racing

Alot of kids are wondering what happened to their Barbie Mobile... :'(
Yeeeehaw! :x
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+2 456. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video The TronicalTune

That device will save at least the 50% of band practice since the drummer always plays when your tuning so it takes longer!!! >_<
here's my band...almost 15 years together! >:E
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+5 457. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video Unexpected Turn While Cycling Downhill

Back in the day the first commentor would say something stupid like "safety FIRST!" :|
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+1 458. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video Handheld Laser Rifle for Nuclear Decommissioning

(i)Robots are the enemy & we just armed them with freakin laser beams attached to their heads!
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-7 459. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video How to start up a Boeing 737

After the pilots started up the plane they'll still sit on the runway for at least 2 hours before taking off! >:)
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0 460. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video Farting Old Man

that's right #5 it's called "bad grandpa" & it's way funnier
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+2 461. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video Craziest Train Ride Ever in Cambodia

It's also Ladies Night in Cambodia :P
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+2 462. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video DIY turntable that plays the very record that it holds

'Why didnt he paint the rest of his fingernails?' is the real question the real question is how the hell is sound being produced on that record???
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0 463. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 11 years ago on video The evolution of a raptor suit (Jurassic Park)

#6 Raptor flash mob anyone? XD
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+12 464. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Want to be a sound engineer?

"I've got the brains, you've got the looks...Let's make lots of money" >:)
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+17 465. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Skydive (almost) goes bad

He was under the influence of Red Bull
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0 466. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Motorbike vs. pedestrians

If he rode a Harley those pedestrians would get the hell outta his way(i)
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+9 467. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Airbus A380 approach

If your the pilot landing a plane and the computer calls you a retard then one would assume they were not landing the plane properly 8-)
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+3 468. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Sandwich Emergency

#8 putting meat between bread!?! Great "invention" XD Now let us dare to be stupid and say Italians perfected the sandwich(i)
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+2 469. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Fake injury FAIL

there was a split second of fear over the pedestrian's face when he realized the SUV's tires were coming to explode his head all over that false claims concrete(i) EPIC WIN!:x
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0 470. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video HOW WEED WORKS: THC

#5 That doesn't make sense mmmkay(i)
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+1 471. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video cat vs super mario sound effects

they are rollin` in Persian Rugs like true gangstarz....they have a movie poster of Scarface on the wall somewhere in the house(i)
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+1 472. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Air Balloon Festival Explosion

@captain_sensible it must be their first time seeing a fireworks show since the majority of everyone on this planet know for a fact that the big fireworks happen at the end of the show hense the phrase "Big Finish"(i)
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+3 474. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video The Athlete Machine - Red Bull Kluge

WTF does Red Bull have to do with Golf? And when did we start calling Golfers Athletes? Need more Golf propaganda?--->
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+17 475. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video How NOT to Start a Bonfire

At least they shot an arrow to ignite it... not as reckless as it could have been :x
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+8 476. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video 38 Seconds With Gustavo Almadovar

60 seconds with Gustavo Almadovar's 1st remix:x
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+3 478. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video No fish for you today

so much for the catch and release program...who wants Sushi!? :)
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+3 479. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video The TOUGHEST Bridge In The World

#1-#13 Drive a bigger Truck....Problem Solved(i)
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-3 480. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Unbelievable Knife Skills

Sorry I just prefer Melt Banana :(|)
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+3 481. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Unbelievable Knife Skills

what's even more messed up is that he considers that music... :'(
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+10 482. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Ice Bomb

If it according to plan the ice would break and he'd be trapped under the ice sheet OR he'd find his way back to the ice hole with failing attempts to climb out since it's damn near impossible to do so without a rope....(i)Almost fracturing his spine and staying on top of the ice was the best case scenario:x
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-1 483. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Chicken VS Barney

does anyone like Chicken Techno anymore!?!
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+10 484. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Waterfall swing

you should also be able to reverse the program for summertime splish splash!:'(:'(:):)
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+7 485. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Ridiculous Edited For TV Movie Lines

Watch out for Strangers in the Alps or else John Goodman will take a crowbar and go crazy on your Corvette!(i)
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-1 486. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Guy Shoots His Dog

Miniature Pinscher is The Greatest Dog on Earth!(i)
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+2 487. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Cheating in Middle School

#7 gets a 21 thumbs up salute! That will teach him not to copy and paste next time.... Plagiarizin` aint so satisfyin`:)
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-2 488. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Cheating in Middle School

This video was funny but #3's copy and paste joke was not OG 8-)
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+4 489. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video a touching tribute

#5 we need a montage! :x
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+2 490. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Baby Gangnam Style Lunch

Seriously I liked this song years before it was even made and now that everyone likes it I must hate it in order to keep my hipster status quo(i) The same thing happened with my love for Pizza...why does everybody have to love Pizza dammit!!!!! :'(
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+2 491. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video And then he saw my wife ...

#5 Ordinary bears are "Godless Killing Machines":P Good thing she can clap her hands and say "NO" for defense. Almost wanted the bear to show her that (s)he's a WILD ANIMAL(i)
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-1 492. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Too Fast to be Good

The 2nd car is pissed at how long it takes them to pass the truck. Thumbs up if you think the truck is at fault! >:)
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+2 493. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Meow Compilation

(i)Limp Bizkit should be played over EVERY cat video.
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+1 494. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Gotye - Somebody That I Used to Know - Old School Computer Remix

now record it on a 4-Track for optimal vintage performance 8-)
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+5 495. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Fail Compilation September 2012 || TNL

Helmets are overrated when you have a skull to break your fall :x
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+1 496. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Parking Fail... Reversing Good.

Now the car will need a new paint job...I wonder what color they'll pick! >:)
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+1 497. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video GIFS With Sound Part 2

#10 Music video @ 2:17 by: Mindless Self indulgence's side project: The Left Rights: video by: Vyncent Flaw!:
That's all I know besides the Whitney Houston Dubstep Remix @ 1:30
Hope that answers your question :D
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0 498. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Motorcycle On Fire Explodes

Video Tape the explosion then call the Fire Department when it's convenient remember to ask for Mr.Shrapnel! :x
(i)White Car finally moves @ 1:04 after being hypnotized from staring at the fire... >:)
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+9 499. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Much respect for this guy

looks like a tank was driving on the roads again :O
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+3 500. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video 250kg WW2 Bomb found in Munich

Wernher von Braun for peace O:)
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+14 501. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Teaching Idiots How To Respect Pedestrians

#8 exactly. The lesson I learned is drive a heavier car! :D
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-1 502. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Baby elephant playing in the water

for once there is no peepee nor poopoo in an elephant's poopool :(|)
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-2 503. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Van explosion

Miss Daisy was driving the third car and Vin Diesel was driving the white car at the end(i)
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+1 504. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Irresponsible...

#17 & We will take off our shoes and throw them at each other for water and fud :D
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0 505. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Volvo's new Pedestrian Airbag

"people are hard and cars are soft..." The More You Know!(i)
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0 506. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video High 5, ladies

I only wish he had more asses to slap :'(
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-1 507. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video The Invisible Bicycle Helmet

People said it's impossible to make a bike helmet look cool...this almost looks like a neck brace :P
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-3 508. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Magnus Carlsen - the Mozart of Chess

The title is an antonym. A synonym would be calling him "The Justin Bieber of Chess" BOOYAH! :x
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-6 509. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Magnus Carlsen - the Mozart of Chess

How the hell do you compare Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart to someone that just plays a chess game. One guy composed 600 works of art while the other models on the weekend. Might as well call him the Micheal Jackson of Chess if that even makes any sense in the least XD
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-3 510. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Crazy Ukrainian Guy

(i)GZA - Hip Hop Fury [Feat. RZA, Hell Razah & Dreddy Kruger]
Wu-Chronicles: Chapter II [Track 3]
G. Grice, R. Diggs, T. Drayton, J. Dockery, S. Ansari, C. Smith
The Arabian Knight
Dreddy Kruger, GZA [The Genius], Hell Razah, RZA [The RZA], Timbo King(i)
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-6 511. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Crazy Ukrainian Guy

FYI #5 Wu Tang Clan aint nothin to **** with Genius! 8-)
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-1 512. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Fans showing the way

repeat 1:07 to a beat :P
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-4 513. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Crazy Ukrainian Guy

He should have stayed home and read a book! :x
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-6 514. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Crazy Driving

Vin Diesel is the greatest actor OF ALL TIME(i)
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+13 515. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Kangaroo and lemur play tag

found the sound for the video ;)
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+1 516. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Grenade fishing gone wrong...

#7 unless you're Crocodile Dundee and using Dynamite to Fish (i)
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-1 517. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Pull-ups on a 110 metres high tower

I can see someone do that from the ground and..... O:)
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0 518. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Elephant crashes the pool party.

#4 #6 The peepee was already in the pool before the elephant showed up and made them go poopoo! 8-)
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+35 519. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Elephant crashes the pool party.

and pee! >:)
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-2 520. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Afterlife

Young Romans... The night is young like you... Forget the morning....
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-4 521. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Dunk of the summer

thumbs up #4 for stating the obvious and not understanding the rules of the game ;)
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+2 522. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Fastest reader...

I will say one thing for her, 'Opipi. She does have a nice big ole behind. I'd like to put some barbecue sauce on that butt and just baaubblubblubblubb AaaaOooooOOooooooOOOOOooOOoooo!!! :D
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-2 523. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Dunk of the summer

but he clearly self passed the ball to himself which isn't allowed but its a "NBA Jam Game" nvm
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-6 524. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Dunk of the summer

Blow the whistle and let me hear the crowd go 'Boooo' referee. The ball has to hit the backboard in order for a self alley oop to be legal. Doesn't count >:)
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-1 525. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Dog brings the cat home

Mini Pin Madness! :D
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-2 526. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Paper Speakers

Steve Guttenberg gotz dem ghettoblastin` out Dre hey Hey HEY!
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-1 527. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video BBQ Chip Bandits...Busted

School News is Real News? :|
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+6 529. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video 500 Magnum vs Watermelons

Gallagher 2.0! :P
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+4 530. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video How To Get Your Baby To Sleep

"Lars Ulrich is the biggest douche bag in metal(i)- Dave Mustaine
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0 531. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video How far will you go for Fantastic Delites? - Delite-o-matic

Over celebrate and make it rain rice crackers up in that bitch!!! :D
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+6 532. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Hairy Back Prank

I'm scared to think of what the next 'Hair Prank' SnotR will post... :O
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+5 533. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video The one that got away! Shark bait

1:02 jajajajaja!! :x
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0 534. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video T-Mobile Customer service....

Rock On Neo Rockers!!! ...Rock On!
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0 535. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Massive Concrete Construction Fail

Its a Greyhound Advertisement.:(|)
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+40 536. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video NettleBox 2. Virtual reality surface

Hooray For Boobies!!!>:)
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-1 537. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Son Electrocutes Dad While Fixing Car

This car must run on a 8 Volt battery... that must be why he doesn't get hurt... Car batteries are powerful and not good for practical jokes(i)
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-3 538. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Unintentional Flying Tents

Outdoor camping...of the Future!
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-2 539. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Polar Bear Throws A Rock Breaking Window at the Zoo

"POLAR BEAR, bustin up the endone
make a sucker jump straight out the WINDOW
keep it get low kid thats for shit flow
like an asshole, bitch its official" :D
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+9 540. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Australia's Got Talent 2011 - Freddy Mercury

"We're puttin the band back together...We're on a mission from God"(i)
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0 541. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Soccer Ninjas Attack

Fighting is a sport believe it or not and if one of these "soccer" players went toe to toe with another player I would pull out a card for sportsmanlike conduct! They got rejected for hit and runs >:)
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+3 542. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Soccer Ninjas Attack

If you've seen enough Hockey fights this will look like a joke to you cause it is. I hope no one got pretend hurt! :O
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0 543. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Welcome To Life

anyone else find it funny they want advertisement for "The Atomic Brain"!?!?
Let's bring the dead back to life just to make them want to kill themselves for not being able to afford a pop up blocker! "SCIENCE!!!" 8-)
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-6 544. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video 24h of le Mans - Toyota crash

the car was already past him when he reacted & turned... in fact he probably saw the dude hauling ass in his rear view mirror and acted drastically not to lose his position or he just wanted to start the turn early but it happens so fast it's hard to blame anyone
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0 545. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Angry Peregrine Falcons

All they need now is a wooden sword and they can slay that dragon! 8-)
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-1 546. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Scooter Jump FAIL

he didn't deserve it, he had hoodie! :x
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0 547. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video plastic surgery gone bad

#5 that's the least freakiest video from Aphex Twin. You should check out Chris Cunningham who makes most of the videos. Good Day Sir! 8-)
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+5 548. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Life is Beautiful

X-Treme Violinist @ 1:08!!!!! $!%@ing Radical!
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+2 549. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Coca cola , mobile ad demo

...or buy the World a R.C Cola and let them know how you really feel! :x
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+2 550. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Catch the end of the video they should have had her eating the still screaming Schnitzel! >:)
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0 551. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Dolphin Stampede

SnotR is Legendary!(i)
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+1 552. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Jon Gomm - Ain't Nobody

Oh man, I can't wait to see the look on all those little "ikemans" faces when they hear this crunchy groove! :O
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+5 553. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 12 years ago on video Elephant Knocks Down Tourist

The elephant thought he was trying to poach his ivory...if he be knuckin they be a buckin and ready to fight :P
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0 554. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video How LN2 exploding and loud

SHAKE IT MONKEY!!!:(|)::(|):(|)::(|):(|)::(|)
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-1 555. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Friendly turtles do a 'high five'

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-2 556. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video You Don't Know Sh*t About Iowa

Iowa citizens give us boo-boos on our feelings! :'( :'( :'(
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+12 557. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Return to Pine Island Glacier

cool story bro! 8-)
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+1 558. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Redneck Fun

Suzuki made this 4x4 street legal! Fun lil' "truck" just stay the hell off the highway :x Jeep is still better :D
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-6 559. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Arrow to the knee

NERDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:)
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+2 560. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video ELEVATOR FARTS

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+3 561. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Basketball Header

The foul is called "Goaltending" and the punishment is rewarded points for the shooter(i)
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+1 562. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Philosoraptor Song

Im sure this was what he was trying to go for #2 is right :D
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-3 563. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Craziest thing I've ever seen

why was the commentator so happy!? XD
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-2 564. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video what happens to your bag when it goes behind the rubber flaps at check-in.

(i)vid. almost as shitty as "what happens to your poop when it goes down the toilet"
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0 565. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Super Mario

this is arguably the greatest video on snotr :D
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+1 566. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Capturing footage at the speed of light

no money shot? no entertainment!(i)
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+2 567. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Drifting Arab Style

#15 it's built like a rock... oh like a rock. suck it mini coop! 8-)
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0 568. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Eagle Fight

Steve Miller broke up the fight! (i)
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-9 569. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Demolition man

American silo's can't even fall anymore!!!! >:)
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-2 570. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Organic Food Myths

the background music calms me down & the way he wears that dress shirt with no tie reassures me that he is hip and with it! :x
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+3 571. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Gangs Taking Their Violence Online Via Twitter

#13 they know what it is...they are laughing at him saying "187 IN..." when it's "187 ON..." >:)
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+3 572. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video What happens when two corvettes line up?

#15 yea i saw his brake lights too. *Also they are in Texas which is filled with long roads that go on forever but they had to race there for more dumb reasons.(i)
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-11 573. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video What happens when two corvettes line up?

#12 You jealous of the muscle brah? XD
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-3 574. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video The NASA Effect

#3 Thanks, however I got that from the titles at 0:04!!
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+6 575. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Fire skating fail

#4 I was hoping they were smart enough to use Kerosene since Gasoline normally does this ---->
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+14 576. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Sleeping dog

It's cute until you start asking questions :'( I'd rather EAT SHIT then eat a Dog <3
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+5 577. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Tri-Love

BREAK IT! & make this lame ass video interesting...."I spin it round and round to go durp de durp" :x
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0 578. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Greatest Scene In Film History

#15 Thats the first thing I thought of :'( Anders Behring Breivik once said, "DURP DA DURP DURP DURP DA DURP DURP DA DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP" :|
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+1 579. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Heady duty burnout

He listens to the 'Smokey and the Bandit Theme' during every burnout(i) YEEEEEHAW! :x
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0 580. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Fail Compilation October 2011

This is about 10 Episodes worth of footage for those TV show's that plays .Net videos :|
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+5 581. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Cuelight Pool Table

Can you say REPOST!? :| Funny that it isnt :P
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-3 582. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Optical effects of travelling close to the speed of light

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0 583. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Farting on Campus

That was the best day of my life right there was the best day of my life!!! hahahaaha Oh YeaH Busted Big Time YEaaah! XD
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+42 584. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video 10 Questions for Stephen Hawking

"Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace." - Bill Hicks
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0 585. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video How A Virus Changes The World

Those Tips were CRAPPY...."If you poop on your hands wash it off" <-----DURPPP!!!!!
So if you have OCD and wash your hands 100 times a day you will inherit "Zombie Earth"
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+4 586. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Mountain biker taken out by buck

He was being hunted by the mighty Jägermeister! :O
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-4 587. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Two black bear cubs climbing on hammock

A POLAR BEAR would use a block of ice as a pillow and a blanket of snow as a blanket!!!!!! >8E
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+20 588. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video An accident of evolution in mammals

The real mystery is who killed the giraffe?(i)
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+5 589. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Johnny Knoxville eating german "Currywurst - HOT Edition"

if you get hurt laugh it off :x
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-6 591. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Fantastic helicopter show

This is how Darwin killed himself
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+1 592. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video A gamer's communte dream

This video was literally an ad on the FRONT PAGE of UTUBE! DURRRRRRRRP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x
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0 593. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Incredible Mini Golf shots

I hate this video... but not as much as I HATE GOLF!!!!!!! >_<
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+18 594. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Fishing Dog

Labrador Retrievers are amazing dogs...I'd be surprised if he didnt catch a fish.
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+6 595. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Secret Knock Detecting Lock

fun to have for when people show up to party but I wouldn't trust it to replace an actual key :P
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-9 596. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video America's first jet plane,1942

#4 then you don't know America...
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0 597. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Real Time Rendering Technology

I can't tell the difference since the video looks like it was recorded with a camera phone.... lmao :D
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+1 598. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Driving in Asia

#2 your right but it's insane how much they ignore their blind spots...Trained monkey chauffeurs might do better :(|)
6:42 truck was gunning her down? :O
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-10 599. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video FPSRussia - Automatic Glock Explosive Bullets

this is CrapR! whats the point? 6.2 million already saw this on y0utube.
another "russian fps" next new video Freddy W. snotrw/ cutting edge y0utube subscription of the most popular videos and reuploadin them @239p. <----thats not snotrwtf
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-5 600. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Kittens on Decks

#7 cause you can mix 2 records and make something original------>
Turntables single-handedly added sound effects that no guitar could match. Ice Ice Baby was a looped rip off....get over it! Just because a dooshbag like Thomas Edison invented the turntable doesnt mean you have to hate it.
#3 if you want to hate anything hate the improper use of auto-tune. if you cant sing (see #2) simply stfu >:)
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0 601. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video The World - Connecting Living!

life feeds on life...until chickens can fire guns! :O
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-2 602. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video How much does a crane cost?

the best part is when it drops! :O
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-1 603. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Balotelli failed trick shot - Mancini takes him out

My crappy comment is still better than this video! "BOoOOooOOoooOOoooo!!!!"
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+1 604. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Video Coat

T-Shirt of the future...He should have played the scene from "2001: A Space Odyssey" on it ---->
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-1 605. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video His beer walks away

the Can needs to pull out a squirt gun and shoot beer at you!!
when cyborgs attack they get you drunk!(i)
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+2 606. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Fleet Commander

I remember playing the 1983 Star Wars in the is this dagnabbit I think my head just exploded! :x
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-2 607. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Crazy downhill biking in southern Utah

Those Mormons really do ride their bikes everywhere! Is this Mormon training camp?! :D amazing footage! :O
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+1 608. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Judge appears out of nowhere to depart fight.

more action happens in a hockey game then referees just skating fast... :|
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+4 609. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Martin Jetpack 5000ft flight

I hope its sold with the parachute.... ;)
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+2 610. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video tv fail compilation

1:43 is staged remember not to laugh... :|
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0 611. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Big fat baby

Do that in a Theater! :D
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-2 612. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Russian truck KAMAZ going per.... river?

In Russia river drives you to run out of jokes...:S
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0 613. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video REAL ANGRY BIRDS

ghettoblastin` contraption! :x
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+3 614. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Hard drive teardown

I miss my Tandy 1000... :'(
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+14 615. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Baseball Bat Defies Gravity

even the bats are taking steroids! >:)
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+4 616. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Highway Condom Explosion

that was almost a minute! :|
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+4 617. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Handfeeding a great white shark

Even "experts" get muddy britches when playing footsie with ol' sharky ;)
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-1 618. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video AT&T Network Flash Mob

seeing this commercial is like a hammer to my head....
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+7 619. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Who is Charles Manson?

He may be a lover but you ain't no dancer.... Look out! >:)
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+9 620. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video How to rip a phonebook in half

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+3 621. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Nice Magic trick on Americas Got Talent

#5 from where the audience was sitting I doubt they would least he wasnt trying to levitate :x <---Magic Trick Fail
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+8 622. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video The Clay Pigeon Golf Shot !

Next Challenge: Get a hole in one with a shotgun! :S
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+6 623. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Washington dc escalator mishap

Orange Reflective Jacket Man saves the day! ....or he just stands there :O
*Also @0:47:guy to the left is taking pictures! WTF!!!
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+4 624. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Fail compilation February

This trash makes it on here after a rigorous approval process?
*the video itself is the fail: I get it. nvm. :D
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+2 625. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video The 1990 Nintendo World Championships

#8 my favorite quote from The Wizard is "I love the's so bad"
Oh, it was "bad" all right!:D
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+7 626. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Enjoy winning

Charlie Sheen is a Brew Master! ;)
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+14 627. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video World's widest slip and slide

#3 orange rope @ 0:53! I found it! :P
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-1 628. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Skiing on waves

We already have Surfboards but try it with a Snowboard next! XD
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+6 629. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video 30 Years of First-person and First-person shooter

#9 Bad Company is at the end of the video... but what they need to show is the preview for Battlefield 3! No joke, it puts everything to shame!
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-1 630. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Close Call On Slick Street

I agree #4 & #9 but it was tempting to have a trend of "woman driver" comments despite being unable to see the driver. I love women according to snotr I am one:D
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+3 631. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Close Call On Slick Street

Caution: Woman driver ahead :O
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+4 632. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Smart police officer nearly kills himself

The commentator needs commentating :D How pompous can you get? Pretty sure it's against the law to be any kind of pedestrian on the highway....drunk or not.
Why is everyone hating on the cop? #18 he didnt even go for his gun! :P
What are you talking about!?
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-3 633. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video SUV

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+5 634. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Video Game Foods

long and pointless intro after 2:00 they finally showed 2 people eating and drinking...oh and it was in the morning....AMAZING Video :O
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0 635. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video American Idol: Backflip fail

Your the next person to be idolized for singing a song you didnt write as we over produce your passionless vocals into a autotuner.... and within 2 months noone will care that you won some stupid half ass talent show due to the fact that your so unoriginal (i)
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+7 636. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Barney Stinson 'Hey Dude' To Robin In Gym - How I Met Your Mother

I like the laugh track..... it helps me know when I have to laugh....otherwise I wouldn't know! :|
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+2 637. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video From Zero To Hero

Listen to the audience reaction! First two shots that were missed the crowd cheers and when he made the final shot they "AHHHHBOOOOOO! >_<"
Away Games are fun to win! >:)
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+4 638. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video A strange invention from Turkey

Next he'll impress the crowd with VHS players & neon windbreaker jackets from the 1980's! :D
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+4 639. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Huge kick

You already know who was gonna get knocked out before the kick.....
Look at that defense! Well done sir! 8-)
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+23 640. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Bungee Jump (Russian style)

0:13 didnt sound or look good ::snap:: :|
....but she's ok! :*
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+6 641. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Escalador stairs eating

Oh my god I lost my balance......uh Badouche!!! :x
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+58 642. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video How to fix a small dent in your car

HAHAHA YEEEAAAHHH huh huh huh huh!!!! :x
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+3 643. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Icy Hill Makes For Great Bumper Cars

After the crash everybody blames everyone else >:) <---bad
Spokane has a Thai pizzeria....great city.
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+47 644. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Explaining Canada to Americans

"Explaining America to Mexicans" would be fun to see! :D
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+2 645. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Pepper Spray!

Test 1: Pepper Spray
Test 2: Buckets O' Pee
@ 1:03 the guy is refilling the bucket
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+4 646. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Crazy twins run out and get hit on motorway

So they have a strong will of life flowing through their veins and all they want to do is kill themselves! makes sense.....NOT!!!!!:D
#24 "Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks" - Snoop Dogg
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+20 647. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Why police officers train so hard......

Pork flavored Donuts make me go nuts! :(|)
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+16 648. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Color changing cop car!

That looks expensive! Good thing the taxpayers have alot of cheddar.;)
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+1 649. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Gimme a hug

He was about gonna stick it in....what a freak!:O
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+6 650. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video World Record Snowmobile Jump

3 people are standing on the ramp because nothing ever goes wrong :x
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+4 651. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 13 years ago on video Freeboarding In Austria

Cool video but as a driver they can piss off...:P
#6 I agree! >:)
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+2 652. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video FAIL Compilation 2010

#18 because the fails are reaching a climatic euphoria! I'm raving over the stupidity while I eat glow stix! GIVE ME A FAT BEAT!!!! :x
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+3 653. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video One Hell of a Hockey Hit

He really wanted that puck! :x
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+10 654. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video H-Bomb in Space

...but it sounded so cool on paper! :x
it's like having a gun and not ever shooting practice? 8-)
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+8 655. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Sci-Fi RailGun, for real

That was funny! It's like the Death Star charging up just to fire a 9mm round! >:)
Joking aside.... great find #6
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-1 656. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Ariane Launch, 18:30, 26/11/2010

Put the trash in Space....more room for us :(|)
btw America did this 50 years invent some anti-gravity shit then I can be impressed 8-)
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-2 657. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Kayak Waterfall Descent Record

#4 and/or a virgin :)
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+6 658. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video pole dance fail

#10 it clearly said on the Barbie Stripper Pole Box that it was for kids 25kg and under...who else could actually be supported by that pole....really(i)
replay 0:25 over and over it's still not funny! jk >:)
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+7 659. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Truck Dodge

Keep on....Truckin`!!! :x
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+1 660. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Rally Car Flies Into Trees

#11 the best view is from the middle of the road and alot of "rally enthusiasts" agree with me even if you dont. Binoculars oh yea oh ya CABS AHER! Tshirt time! (i)
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+3 661. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Extreme Chinook Helicopter Troop Extraction

@ 1:24 one of the troops said "...fucking sketchy!"
YEAH IT IS! I just be crawlin' to the choppa'! :O
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+6 662. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Sum Ting Wong

he's also going 20kph at the most with his hazzards on in broad daylight.
it's dumb but he could be alot more reckless
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+2 663. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Dolphins see themselves in mirror

#13 but if Dolphins are so smart why am I not trapped in a dolphin made cage?
and also some Dolphins are known for rape and should be in Dolphin prison
I also agree with you 100% btw but I like debate yeti! 8-)
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-2 664. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Lego AK-47

He should make himself a Lego Turban as a fashion statement! :)
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0 665. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Def Leppard

The kid that performs after her will do some White Belt Karate! Hooray Talent Shows!!!! :D
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+2 666. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Silence please

Shown on M90 and also on a cable tv show....hope this wasnt uploaded on Snotr because the admins thought it was real like this ------------>
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+4 667. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Oklahoma State's Amazing Interception

Can you people comment on a video without comparing Football to Fußball and vise versa...Americans just need to understand that Soccer is a curse word :P
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+5 668. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video 80 lb. Piranha

This guy is from a show called "River Monsters" and he's caught some scary ass fresh water fish before like sharks yes fresh water sharks!
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-1 669. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Skiers & Snowboarders are kissing the Planet

#2 Your Right!! ......MOM!!!! MORE HOT POCKETS!!! >_<

Shaun White isnt in this video since he's godlike...almost never makes a hardcore mistake
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+1 670. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Hermes Fingerskate

Fingerskating is will always look more X-treme than a real Razor Scooter....X-treme Razor Scootar!! :|
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+1 671. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Visual Improvement

I thought he was about to hold someone at knife point for their Clio....Damn you Public Relations! Just make it a 30 second action movie even though Dr.Phil thinks I'm wrong :(
Still funny(i)
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+5 672. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Tasker Vs Senn

If enough fights broke out like this in Golf it might actually be considered a real sport
Hockey not a real sport?? Where the fuck are you from!?
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+1 673. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video An Absolute Legend on Jeremy Kyle

#3 I totally agree! Dr.Phil is an American Douche! >:)
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+1 674. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Shark kills seals

What does "predaterry" mean? :D
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+2 675. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Who needs sleep when you have coffee?

What a Tweaker! EPIC FIAL!!! :|
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+14 676. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made - Condoms

#5 unless that's what she's into ;)
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-2 677. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Rudolph Balloon Christmas Parade Tragedy

Best Christmas Ever! We got Deer Jerky tonight! :(|)
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+6 678. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Renault F1 car plays God Save The Queen

sounds like it's great for the engine (i)
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+4 679. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Chauncey Billups

This is the ONLY time they have called traveling in the NBA and it's called on a shot that was made from 75ft! >:)
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+2 680. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Snowboard Face Plant in Cold Water

1st off the trick would have been cool as shit :x
With friends like these who needs.... assholes that film themselves laughing at you while you freeze your ass off in a icy lagoon!(i) he is clearly stuck :| i still laughed >:
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+2 681. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Boomerang Trick

#1 All he did was bend his knees....pretty sure that's a flawless victory >:)
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-1 682. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Tokyo Time Lapse

#2(i)there are 2 things I don't trust:
1.People that drive on the left side of the road
2.The Metric System

Very Flashy City! :(|)
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+3 683. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Let's fight

(i)Jedi Force will knock you on your ass!
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0 684. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi MAX - Display King

#18 my 4th grade science teacher showed us what they did in that video. we got the same effects on our eggs except it only took 3 weeks. the teacher was a hippie and was all about organic food. aside from that coke built an empire on exactly what it's name is derived from and noone really cares :D

#19(i) WATER is an element for life and is in no way in the same category as some ****** ***** ***** :P
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-1 685. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi MAX - Display King

#16 Pepsi and Coke are not enemies as long as they have you believe there are only 2 sodas to choose from...
They are known for selling trash so why not team up! :D
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0 686. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi MAX - Display King

Coke and Pepsi just make a product at the cheapest price for mass production.
They spend more time on advertisements then making something drinkable.
Coke has had nothing but controversy even after they put cocaine in their drinks.
They are known for selling trash...
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+1 687. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Racoon Tearing Up The House

Coax him out with Fried Chicken and Grape Kool-Aid! ;)
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+1 688. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Rock Star Attitude Fail

+1 (i) #31 The definition of a "State" is also "Country" ... ^^
That's why they are so big on "State" "Rights"
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+1 689. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Rock Star Attitude Fail

+2 ::(|) #23 America is 50 different countries your stereotyping was racist as well...
I'm down with diddy durrty money too I'm apologize sincerely
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+44 690. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Not Scared Of Heights

Why aren't they wearing a helmet! :x
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+14 691. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Rock Star Attitude Fail

1.Drummer has no fucking rhythm
2.I think he just realized he had no chance of getting laid by playing a fake guitar <3
3.Look at how high the guitar is on him! This isn't 1950 Buddy....Holly! <---see what i did there... BAM!!!
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+3 692. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Jewellery Shop Robbery FAIL

Looks like a bunch of defenseless people with alot of expensive diamonds...

Also: WOMEN THAT SCREAM DURING FIGHTS!!!!!.....SHUT THE #&%$ UP!!!!!!! Your a concentration killer!!! what productive result are you going to get from freaking out!?!? :x
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+1 693. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Crane Drops Pallet

I hope they weren't trying to make it real... :|
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0 694. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Bike Roof Crash

I pledge allegiance to The Sheltie Dog Flag and for all those who fought in valiantly to have The Sheltie Dog Flag wave high in the sky! I salute you Sheltie Dog! >_<
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+1 695. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video bus driver fights with child

This is the same bus driver when he was a younger lad...
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+27 696. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Chinese President In France On State Visit

Going Green is for the Peasants you disposable Pawn! >:)
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-2 697. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Guy Jumps Over a Bull

#8 if this is from anywhere it's Spain so.. Your Wrong! :D
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+2 698. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Baby Left in Car

A Crack Head saves a baby that was left alone in a car!!!

Also: I like how they are arguing with the baby still trapped inside the car! hahaha
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-1 699. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Craftsman Tool Commercial

#1 #3 more like IDM Gabba Ghettotech Dubstep Schranz Yorkshire Bleeps and Bass to be exact....
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+1 700. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Japan National team vs 100 kids

6:40 OooooH SHEEENAHNAH!!!! >_< almost got a goal... ^^
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+7 701. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video concrete barriers

#8 $#@%*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<
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+19 702. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Newsday iPad Application

He didn't know there was a fly on the table... ;)
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+1 703. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video When Deer Attack

#6 is right. take out the back legs and you win.
The back legs are strong for a deer but have no range of motion so Judo can easily defeat any Deer. Science Fact!
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+10 704. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The nations of the world.

I have this Animaniacs song on their actual CD! I think the CD is 15 years old now... :P
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+1 705. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Dad Teaches Daughter How To Skateboard

anybody else get happy when they it break? >:)
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+3 706. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Rollerblades+ Roof=

What trick was he trying to pull off? It's like he didnt even care and wanted to get least his friends are there to help! >:)
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+2 707. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Indian kitchen

They could move the table closer but why would they! This is what #8 said :D
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-2 708. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Washington Capitals vs New Jersey Devils

at the very end: 2 opposing players drop gloves and hug it out! wtf are they doing!? hahahaha
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-1 709. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Aston Martin ALMS Flying At Mid-Ohio Raceway

Slingshot science! It'd be even cooler if he got it to spin like a UFO! :D
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+4 710. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Snowkiting at it's finest

They are getting insane hangtime! This looks cooler than water-kiting... On snow you can have a longer run.
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+3 711. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video robot transforms

anybody making fun of American engineering is just saying it out of jealousy cough cough #6
they would outsource the toy if they made it in the states :D
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+57 712. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Woman survives a serious accident

#3 you are easily surprised
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+8 713. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Poker Hand

someone needs to shuffle the deck better.... :P
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+4 714. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video First NES commercial

Did you have to shake or smack the NES robot in order for it to work?
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0 715. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Ring of Fire

"BP" changed their name to "DP" & they are really SORRY this happened AGAIN
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+4 716. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Fire Breathing Gone Wrong

They all kept on laughing until they realized his FACE WAS STILL ON FIRE!!! >_<
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+6 717. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Australia's Next Top Model - Final Fail

No matter who wins let it be known that I don't fucking care! =D
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+65 718. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Chihuahua Escape

The other dog had a better escape plan ;)
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+53 719. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video mountainbike stunt FAIL

His face was the ramp...Both jumps were a success >:)
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+5 720. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Sean Stephenson Dance Party Video

1:45 Is when the dance party goes pro >:)
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-9 721. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Devils Pool

He jumped really close to the other dude & accidentally knocked him over....but he didn't
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+5 722. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Public Buses Cross Flooded Bridge in Nicaragua

Gold Medalist in Bus Surfing! :D
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+4 723. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Powerfull model speed boat

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+8 724. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Parachuting from 100,000 feet

"I really had no sensation of falling because I had no visual reference on anything so I thought I was really suspended in space...."

Don't you just hate Mondays! >:)
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-2 725. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video shooting test

They are kinda reckless with the gun after they shoot it...
It only takes one accident and the fun is over O:)
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+4 726. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Hilarious Co-Driver

We need a Celtic Translation j/k
1:10 WTF is he saying!?!? :P
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-3 727. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Easy goal...

Another reason why this is the greatest game on earth :(|)
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+9 728. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video IKEA releases 100 cats into its UK store

They might piss and shit everywhere & scratch up all the furniture! Who knows! >:)
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+6 729. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video easy robbery

They were both asleep with the register open!?!
Must have made a deal with the robber beforehand! ;)
Everybody is in on it!!! >:)
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+5 730. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The Indian Female Version of Chuck Norris

beyond the cheese lies this movie....stick to ballywood
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+13 731. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Bird dance off

& the one on the right is really rocking out to the Haddaway!
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+8 732. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Amazing Pool Trick

#1 The end was kinda cool....He got a mini GOOOOAAAALLLLL!!!!!
Are you not entertained!!?!?! I was >:)
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+6 733. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Geek and Gamer Girls Song

Vulcan Salute Fail @ 1:10
I'm sure everyone else that noticed are just as outraged as I am!!! >_<
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+19 734. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video 6 Year old football wonder kid

I enjoyed shaking my head to the awful music :P
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+3 735. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Perfect Job Interview!

The show is called "The Whitest Kids You Know" it's like a "Kids In The Hall" rip off :P
Their other skits are REALLY BIZARRE :O
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+8 736. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Obsessed El Camino guy

ay dios mio el camino is el diablo! >:)
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+46 737. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video parkour with ladders

#2 but it has electrolytes!! =D
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+5 738. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Chinese traffic accident compilation

Peripheral Vision Fail! O_o
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+4 739. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Cool looking storm

"scary monster storm eat car for breakfast!!!" :O
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+1 740. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Chimps Vs. Children

If I was the kid I would eat the monkey to show the other monkeys who's in charge...
Am I Smarter or Dumber???? Either way I am KING KONG!
#8 same here :(|)
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0 741. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Alex Liiv BMX face grind...

If he wore my Motorcycle Helmet there would absolutely be NO injury to his face...
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+5 742. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Guy walks into traffic...

#40 could be happened like this all the time in other countries lol
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+1 743. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Load Fail

The new dent goes great with the horrible paint job....for a car that doesn't even start
I'M SOOOOO MAD!!! I'M MAD AT YOU!!!!!! >_<
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+1 744. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Snake Regurgitaes

You want a Snake making a B-Line in the other direction??? WE GOT THAT B-ROLL!!! :D
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+3 745. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Chicken Nuggets

The Human Conditioning Project: How to Digest Poison :(|)
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+38 746. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Guy walks into traffic...

OMG!!!! He was doing a dance called the "Crip Walk" aka CRIPPLED WALK!!!
The irony is to good to be true! >:)
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+6 747. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Drumming washing machine.

The BIGGEST drum machine I have ever seen! =D
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+1 749. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Mind Control Robots

A new invention called "ESP" :P
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+1 750. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pool Jump Attempt

When a pro gets cocky....sometimes they fail :P
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0 751. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Funny football Fight

Don't you hate it when Football stereotypes are 100% accurate?? :P
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+2 752. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video EXTREME Longboarding Bombay Hills NZ

#9 I was about to say: the closer he gets to the back of that truck the faster he is going to go.
He used the truck as a slingshot :D
...insanely dangerous if the truck stops with you 1cm. away :P
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+1 753. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Feeding A Raven From A Train

If he's feeding the bird while being cameraman then WHO'S DRIVING THE TRAIN!?!?! :O

"HELL YEAH!" said the bird
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0 754. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video How to make a Daft Punk helmet

Music cuts out whenever he gets to installing the lights in the helmet....kinda lame
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+6 755. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video BMW X5 Stunt

I thought it was a Toyota until the BMW crashed safely into that telephone poll.... >:)
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+11 756. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Security Guard Takes Himself Out

The gun falls out whenever he flips and he doesn't seem to be in that much of a rush after he loses his dignity :P
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+1 757. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Freebord - Choe team ride

I swear I've seen a longer video of this on Snotr and it had different music.....
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-3 758. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video David Beckham amazing pass.

Is this from that 1 and only game David Beckham was in? :P
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+5 759. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Truth About Pizza Commercials

Local Pizza will always be better...
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+3 760. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video History of Nikola Tesla.

Time to rewrite history again.....First doesn't always mean original >:)
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+11 761. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Prison Activities

Making strip club blueprints/escape plans! :D
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+3 762. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Baby born with 12 perfectly functional fingers.

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-8 763. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Hero donates 200 kidneys

I'm pretty sure this is "REAL" news....I don't see any difference
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-9 764. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video will it blend

Will I care? <-----That's the real question! :D
#3 Why are you laughing you sick bastard?
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+3 765. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Man carves watermelon into something beautiful.

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+2 766. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Lightning strikes 3 of the tallest buildings in Chicago at the same time!

What did I tell you!?! 1.21 GIGAWATTS!!!!! GREAT SCOTT!!! :O
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+3 767. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Grandpa rides in the back

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+4 768. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Support Crane Needs Support

That dude standing there would be ALOT more pissed if it fell the other way! :*
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+11 769. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Spider crab sheds it's shell

Where's the Benny Hill music!? :P
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+4 770. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video TanDEM-X launch

Looks like it was about to fail @ 0:03
I've never seen a rocket stale like that on purpose (even with the 2 impulses)
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+3 771. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Massive 2 Airbag Explosion In a Clothes Dryer

Hurry! Run 10ft. away from the explosion! :P
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+2 772. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Press Conference Hop

"I'm tired of these guys" - Chicago Cubs Coach 0:50
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+3 773. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pole Climbing Fail

#2 not only are you right but I wouldn't be surprised if the other competitors did the exact same thing...
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+2 774. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Latvian girl...

Cheaper than a Roofie... ;)
pause 0:11
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+2 775. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Car crash

He started to run a second before the car floored the gas pedal but after he got past the door @ 0:07 he recognized the CAR in inside the building...Fail Plan: Run Inside where it is safe! :P
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+2 776. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video 8 square meter dream home

Propaganda! :*
"Simple, Small...a Dream House...tinier than a parking spot"

Majority of people would think this is idiotic to live out of 24/7....good idea but not for ALL people
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+3 777. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Raven Attacks RC Plane

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-8 778. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video A close look at carbon fiber.

So the Carbon Fiber in that dude's bike is broken as the commentator galoots about how strong Carbon Fiber is! >:)
Reminds me of a NIN video... :P
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+22 779. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Bed Bugs

I wonder if my Bed Bugs ever fight with my Lice or my Crabs.... >:)
What an Epic Micro-Battle that would be! 8-)
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+4 780. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The USB Typewriter

Alot of people are used to typewriters & there are collectors that would buy alot of these...
I wish we could see how it works 8-)
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+7 781. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Ramon Dekkers

It's amazing how well he controls his hyper activity by not continuing to decimate the other "fighters"....

186 Wins (95 KOs), 20 Losses, 2 Draws!!! O_o
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+3 782. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Drunk Driver Goes All General Lee Out of DFW

that's right #9 Dukes of Hazzard FTW again! :P
Boss Hog is gonna be so mad! lol >_<
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-1 783. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Drunk cop tries to pass a sobriety field test

#21 and now you own "Budweiser" for $52 Billion! "The Difference is Drinkability" <-----Shit has drinkable elements as well!

Bear Grylls "drinks" elephant shit 8-)
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+2 784. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Drunk cop tries to pass a sobriety field test

So I'm the only one that thinks the video reminds them of "DUKES OF HAZZARD" ??? =D
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-4 785. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Drunk cop tries to pass a sobriety field test

Right now, ole' Boss Hog is happier than a pig knee-deep in slop but
Bo and Luke took off faster than bad news travels! :D
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+11 786. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video NES Stop-motion

Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, B, A, SELECT, START!
The only way to win! :D
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+15 787. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video I shot your ex-girlfriend

The joke just went right over my head! :D
more story isn't a bad thing... :P
Cool Uniforms! >:)
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+1 788. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Drunk girl at 7Fest

#3 He's not there to babysit! Ever been to a fest? If he was so "concerned" about her well being then he would have to help out 1/2 of the crowd just to feel less guilty!

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+5 789. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Judge Milian owns some idiot lawyer

"Cocaine is a hell of a drug" - Rick James :P
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+1 790. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Priest OFF

The Priest eats the poo poo like ice cream
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+8 791. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Judge Milian owns some idiot lawyer

She has brass balls of Justice! 8-)
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+5 792. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pregnant with Balloon

Abortion has never been so funny! =D
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+4 793. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Kitten Wearing a Tiny Hat

You get what you deserve! :D
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+4 794. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The more oil spills change, the more they stay the same.

I will not be silenced!! Let her play Softball White Guy!! =D
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-4 795. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The more oil spills change, the more they stay the same.

in short: she lies by what she doesn't say....and she's a bull dyke! :D
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-5 796. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The more oil spills change, the more they stay the same.

I'm glad we're getting more news on the site.... but what we need is news without a sponsored directed agenda that always influences the percentage of truth that CAN be told....she still lies BIG by 5%-10% & that's not real journalism even with the expensive suit they wear to make it look real...

@0:37 Yeah! Screw you White Guy! >:) Let her play Softball! >_<
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+8 797. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Fareed Zakaria blasts media.

What I heard: They have the power to do everything else but when it comes to crisis they are not responsible.... #1 you should be ashamed of yourself
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+12 798. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video This is one wild 4X4 rock crawler

#2 or it's a Jeep Willy something regardless this can go anywhere!
"My Hummer can do that...." NOT! >_<
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+58 799. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Eliica 640HP Electric Car full acceleration

#4 it's cleaner until you have to dispose of 80 BATTERIES!
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+19 800. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Eliica 640HP Electric Car full acceleration

For high speed stats, design & history of the car:

#1 it takes 80 lithium-ion batteries
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+2 801. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The orangutan and the hound dog.

I give this Orangutan 1 APEhead! :(|)
Not to be confused with the closely related seen here---> :(|)
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+2 802. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Base jumping at Bean's Blue hole

YES #25 & your Uncle is also Drown Proof - To Pass Drown-Proofing: Trainees enter a 9-foot-deep pool and complete the following steps with their hands and feet tied: bob for 5 minutes float for 5 minutes!

We used to be Fish you know! :(|)
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-2 803. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Base jumping at Bean's Blue hole

Wow, he wasted 0:50 of breathe just to prepare for the plunge!
I estimated the time he held his breathe to be 3:25
(if the video was shot in real time)
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+6 804. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Savant meets Savant

Sounds alot less incredible for all those people that dropped acid! jk :(|)
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+5 805. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Top Gear - Car Darts

Looks like an Olympic Sport to me :D
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+3 806. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Horse race announcer loses his voice.

0:45 - 1:08 his voice gets so high from excitement & that's why I can't stop laughing
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+3 807. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Kaka vs Drogba - PEPSI Commercial

Adam Sandler - The Goat (Skit)
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+61 808. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pool Jump Fail

White man can't jump....but at least he can swim! ;)
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+4 809. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Giant water balloon bursting in super slow motion.

I wish there was a way to keep the ball of water floating like that and throw that at somebody! >:)
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-3 810. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video MAKING OF Football 2010 from Remi Gaillard

He's like the Jimmy Urine of Football! :P
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+8 811. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video It takes a car prowler just a matter of seconds

Everybody knows that Car thieves always use a's apart of their uniform! 8-)
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+3 812. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video A volley of volleys from Lampard and Shilton

Frank Lampard is actually Patrick Duffy! ^^
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+38 813. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video When you get annoyed from airport security

This man is a hero and none of you know why :D
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+7 814. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Anti-homosexuality tape from Uganda

THIS JUST IN: Preacher in Uganda arrested for eating an alter boy's 'pu-pu' :P
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-2 815. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Crowd goes airborn

Don't worry he meant to do it... it does look like he did it on purpose... :|
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+4 816. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Police Sledding On Riot-Shield

#17 I'm just wondering where you get off sounding like a pompous nimrod as you badger another person's incompetence due to your own lack of saying anything positive....
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+9 817. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Parachute Hang Up

#5 because they have more confidence in the back up parachute! XD
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+4 818. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Red Bull Really Does Give You Wings...

Red Bull Really Does Give You Wings! :D
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+3 819. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video 4 Minutes Of BBC News Blunders

Whoops! :P
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+11 820. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video next best thing since mentos

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-9 821. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Ozzy Osbourne scares people at wax museum.

Ozzy Osbourne is the better/living Elvis!
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0 822. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Street Bike Jump

That's how he got the name Street Bike Tommy XD
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+4 823. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Statue moving fail

Statue breaking = The Ice Cream
Statue Falling on Head = Cherry on Top! >:)
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+3 824. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Get out of there!

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-1 825. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Weirdest of Guiness Book World Records 2010

#15 and the girl on the far right is about to vomit
dont blame her! XD
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+49 826. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Japan's ramen robot

A million dollar robot making 15 Cent Ramen Noodle! :P
That's one of the coolest things ever! :D
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+5 827. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Weirdest of Guiness Book World Records 2010

Driving with 7.5 m long fingernails is only a good idea to a Woman...sooooo she handicaps herself on purpose with fingernails that long?
What a dumb bitch! ^^
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+12 828. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Fun With Toothpaste

#5 its called Fire's like acupuncture but without needles
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+17 829. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video 10 Craziest Child Preachers

I hope their parents burn in hell >:)
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+8 830. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Subaru Outback: Lap 'n' Snack

You literally learn more about the Lap 'n' Snack than the Subaru.... with it's headlights on during the daytime :P
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+4 831. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Kitten suckles air

Wow, that's on the verge of creepy! ^^
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+6 832. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Salmon Pink Bird Eating Spider

#8 That was a failblog quote :P
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+4 833. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Salmon Pink Bird Eating Spider

Hey You! Snotr Viewer! You have a spider on your back!!!! >:)
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+33 834. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Dozey Trainspotter

I submitted this video 3 weeks ago!
Whatever as long as its up...
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+3 835. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Texas police secretly deploy spy drones.

#15 "Internet is considered by them as a distraction"
I couldn't disagree more & I don't have to explain why 8-)
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+8 836. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Texas police secretly deploy spy drones.

Taxpayer approved technology! >:)
( case you didn't know)
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+7 837. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video San Francisco in 1905

Considering that the Model T didn't come out until 3 years later.... alot of people did have cars!
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+2 838. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Bicycle rush hour

#3 GO Green with your guilt and give up all you got to save the planet but not yourself ^^
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+3 839. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Cool solution to clean up oil disaster

To bad they don't want a good disaster to go to waste....
it's easier to fix then what they want you to believe....
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+23 840. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Darth Vader as a GPS

He needs to look away from the mic everytime he talks just like chocolate rain....
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+4 841. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Mass panic in Netherlands

#35 I couldn't agree more!
=People fear the unknown so much they are put in a state of shock!
~Fear Deer caught in the headlights!
~Whatever happened to organized chaos!
~Action movie stars do it all the time!
~Keep it together and keep your insecurities to yourself!
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+7 842. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Birds Cover A Parked Car

#3 The birds eat Taco Bell Beef! :D
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+3 843. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Birds Cover A Parked Car

#1 That's not cool! I Like VW! XD
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+8 844. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Kopps - Benny's Dream II

Cool tricks but the ninjas are still alive! XD
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+13 845. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video mascot dunk fail

#3 I think alot of people think its apart of the show....even though you can tell he's in serious pain
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+74 846. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The Orchard Spider

Hey PortugaL26! No disrespect but who's dick did you suck to get so many videos approved.....or Snotr just has a bug fetish I guess ^^
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+2 847. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Determination

He smashed his head 35(+/-)times! ...but he already knew that
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+35 848. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video airspace reboot

Why are they all flying to Amsterdam?
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-5 849. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

Que in the random music at the last minute of the video! :D
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+1 850. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

Que in the random music at the last minute of the video! :D
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+17 851. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video iPad Skateboard

nothing new is invented
everything is rehashed garbage
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+7 852. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Drunk Guy Falls Through Fence

BEWARE OF DOG!!!! >:) >:) >:)
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+2 853. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Spiderman's Weakness

The script is exactly how I feel about this video!
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0 854. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Runaway street saw slices into side of house in Lorain

Bank Foreclosure saved the neighbors! I'm sure they're better off now! :|
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+12 855. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Cute Golf Juggling Girls

Balls + Hole + Wood = a joke that won't get you laid :D
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+7 856. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Google chrome speed tests

The video edits are awesome wither you like gooogle or not...
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+2 857. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Parking trough the wall

I wonder how fast She jumped out of the car after She hit the wall.....She should know better! She almost ruined Her car....
Eine furchtbare Fraulesbe Schwangere Fahrer... ;)
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+5 858. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Henry the Hoover's cocaine overdose

Dude he crashed hard....Rick James was right!
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-1 859. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Merry-go-round of death

replay 0:07! :(|)
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+9 860. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Jet Lawnmower

NASA is spending money to see if they can cut grass on the moon :O
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+4 861. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Team Celebrates Too Early

#7 was closest to the basket as he watched the game he won fail right in his face!, that was a BIG F.U>!!!! >:)
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+13 862. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Tornado forms in front of car.

Good thing the man has all the answers after his wife started freaking out! :D
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+7 863. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Table Slide Fail

And you sir sit at the HEAD of the TABLE! wow thats bad :P
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+12 864. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Table Slide Fail

It's so perfect it looks like he meant to do it >:)
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+8 865. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Visible shockwaves from eruption at Eyjafjallajökull

Volcano Tours are up in business! I love these videos!
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+22 866. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Don't mess with Ukrainian lawmakers...

When the sun shines, we'll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella

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+6 867. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Evangelical TV: Mom spanked the gay out of me

His 3 children will turn out just fine! :D
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-5 868. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video LEGO Pop up

AGREE #2 around 1:00 I want Metal Music & a Moshpit to destroy the legoset! >:)
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-2 869. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video First!

#12 Would it even matter?
Why do you hate Smart-Bush!!
He's so funny!
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+2 870. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Flooded river destroys road

BTW No one is funding your roads anymore
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+1 871. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Crazy Orange County Police Pursuit

Only a Woman would put her Hazardlights on during a Car Chase....I'm in Hot pursuit donchaknow! ;)
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+17 872. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Soccer fans Dream come true

The only way people smile that much is if they are getting paid to do so :D
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+4 873. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Concrete Breaking

HEY BITCH! Get out of the way!!!! I can't see what he's doing! :P
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+16 874. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 Biggest and Best Jumps Ever

Sounds like dude almost got stuck out in space :P
Thanks Gravity!
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+4 875. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video A homebrew trick called Lampuh!

I like how the music makes it sound like something really spectacular is going to retrospect: it's just turning on a light switch :P
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-3 876. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Only energy source is the wind and the sun.

The song is Alan Jackson - Chattahoochee since I know so many of you were dying to know :D
WTF was that at 2:32 ???
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+16 877. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Intentional car crash

It's one of those things that you want to do but probably shouldn't do :P
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+3 878. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Microsoft Office prank

Some dumb American would have called the Bomb Squad! :P
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+1 879. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Penn Station Performers

that was crunk
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+7 880. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Cat Using an iPad

This would be the only reason I would buy an IPAD
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+2 881. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video NBA Fail

Balls to the FACE and he feels the shame! :P
This is what he'll be remembered for in his basketball career....
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+3 882. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Spectacular Footage From Above The Icelandic Volcano Crater

That was breathtaking!
It doubled in size by the end of the video and they seemed kinda freaked out by it! :D
First Volcano filmed in HD!!! :D
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+8 883. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video How to light a campfire

a little bomb?
The fire was close to the road so it doesn't look like any trees were around.
Someone got a Sunburn! :P
Besides it's not like they used gasoline so stop hating on their fun.
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+13 884. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video BMW GINA Light Visionary Model: Premiere

I agree #3 I could really see myself in the Gina ;)
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+3 885. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Uphill Maniacs

#14 doesnt like this video due to his virginity :O
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+21 886. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video What?

At least now she can blame the smell on the fish ;)
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+3 887. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Would You Intervene?

#6 I was thinking the same thing....The bystanders are more confused if anything. Why the green screen? ...if you want to prove a point! ;)
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+2 888. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Garbage explosion

it's fun to replay 0:21 over and over again :P
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-4 889. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Garbage explosion

This would be the ultimate flaming bag of poo!
You gotta ring the doorbell first than shoot fireballs at it.
Why are people so careless with explosives.
It's all about "distance" ;)
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0 890. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Road Rage

Wouldn't it also depend on the each state represents a little country of its own rules haha...It would be called "versucht fahrzeug totschlag"
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-2 891. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Road Rage

He used his car as a weapon. In the states that'd be an instant attempted murder charge...
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+8 892. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Awesome shotgun trick shooter

He should invest in earplugs ;)
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-9 893. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Awesome shotgun trick shooter

He should be an Olympian but probably is......anyway Skeet Skeet Skeet MF!!! >:)
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-4 894. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video 2010 Superbowl Ads

0:04 - 0:07 - 0:08 - 0:10 - 1:03 but not 0:37 or 0:39
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+3 895. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Super Burn Out FAIL!!!

Now the engine matches the window....but you still need to slash the tires & key the car....stupid car :D

haha nice RIM!
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+35 896. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Milkman vs. Mailman

That wasn't a milk mustache...
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+1 897. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video DJ Cat

#(removed comment) DJ MEOW MIX!
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0 898. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video DJ Cat

I mix/make music & her timing was right on at some points
I like how she drops the beat @0:45 :D
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+2 899. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Bike Hero

The whole concept doesn't make any sense....
Why would you combine the two?
Guitar Hero is played out!
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+9 900. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Unbelievable excavator stunt

Great View @5:55 haha wtf was he thinking?!? :P
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-3 901. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Over

this show once was glad they brought it back
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-1 902. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Fire balloon

Another bad video wasting my time just leaving a comment that should be taken as not to kind.....
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+9 903. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video 160 Greatest Arnold Schwarzenegger Quotes

Introducing AVADAR!! :D
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-16 904. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video What Trololo guy is really singing

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+6 905. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video How to make a fire faster!!

#16 no....the video just sucks
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+1 906. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Redneck Art

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+1 907. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Hidden Camera Bath Prank

What if it wasn't a prank!!! ;) hahaha
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0 908. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Tv Salesman Fail!

Elvis shoots TVs...So I only assume Americans want a bullet proof TV.
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+1 909. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Entrance

He's ON IT! Fkin Tght!
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+19 910. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video How NOT to be a Soldier

now cover me
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+18 911. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video How NOT to be a Soldier

follow my lead
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+3 912. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Manual wiper blades

He didn't have his headlights on...are those manual as well?
....Holding 2 flashlights outside the window :D
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0 913. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Cheeseburger in Hydrochloric Acid

Comparison Test! An all natural Cheeseburger vs. McDonald's.
Hell, for all I know my stomach turns all my food black :P
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+3 914. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Funny baby accidents

0:18 awww it's the baby's 1st front hand spring :P
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+7 915. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The real spiderman

The vacuums do work better when a rope is pulling you up :P
Now swing from building to building!
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+2 916. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Guitar speed record

looks like a 7 string guitar
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+3 917. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Amazing sniper shot

That's some nice shootin tex
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0 918. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The Global Trip: Erik Gets Shot In Colombia

Gold Medalist at the Colombian Darwin Games
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0 919. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Hungry cat

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+2 920. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Disappearing plant

I DO ILLUSIONS! Tricks are what whores do for $$$!
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+1 921. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video A beautiful morning...

crazy kiwi!
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0 922. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Winter action

suck on that!
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+3 923. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Great self-defence strategy

I'm hungry let's fry'em
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-2 924. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Trading in the Stone Age

Prehistory sucks!
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-1 925. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 Aussie beer commercials

Let's get drunk already
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+1 926. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 Aussie beer commercials (2)

sorry no american beer allowed
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+1 927. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pimp my ride fail

The ride is pimped & your it's bitch!
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0 928. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pole Position Commercial

This game will always suck
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0 929. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Scientists find the first earth-like planet in a habitable zone

To much space in outerspace
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-2 930. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Most bizarre interview on Letterman

This dude fucking sucks....predictable basterd
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-8 931. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Human slingshot

BOING pogo pogo!
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+1 932. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video T-shirt fail

wear a suit and tie next time
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-1 933. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Screaming frog

kiss the frog
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-3 934. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video 2 years old Tiger Woods

#4 I like hockey
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+2 935. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Transparent display

I can see right through your lies
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0 936. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Huge dust storm in Australia

Wicked Dust!!!
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+19 937. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Typical Male

Even with all that T&A it still comes off being homoerotic....Typical men to him are Gay :P
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0 938. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Elevator rapist owned by a kid

#32 it doesn't look like animation...
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+4 939. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Cinco Uranal Shower System

George Costanza's career really took off & this is from the "Tim & Eric: Awesome Show!"
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+2 940. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Elevator rapist owned by a kid

You're the best! Around!
Nothings gonna ever keep you down! :)
Picture of Gringo_el_Diablo45 achievements

+11 941. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Jim Playfair Loses His Composure!

This is awesome! Only the players act like that & coaches are the ones with the composure.
He used to play hockey before he was a coach! :P
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+21 942. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Wake-up Prank

#2 the fire extinguisher but same difference.
Horrible degree burns don't heal as well as a nice bruising from a paintball.
Good thing he woke the hell up.
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+7 943. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Forehead Tittaes

So is 2nd base using your nose to tittyfuk her forehead?
Would you still be able to blow snot all up in her hair?
Can she just wear a paper bag?
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-7 944. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Dragging a tree

haha #2! I already said the most obvious & redundant joke! :D
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+51 945. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Dragging a tree

In Russia Tree chops you down!
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+15 946. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Toll road accident

#2 & #(removed comment) Guy in the Blue Car gets out to see that he can't do anything.
Nobody told him to drive like that & they can't be responsible for somebodies mistake.

Your both right though. I hate the heartlessness of bad Samaritans as well. At least call some emergency response team asap.
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-8 947. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Toll road accident

Nobody got out of the flaming car....but the sad truth is they were asking for it.
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+1 948. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Truck Jumps Crazy Fan During Race

Good thing he tucked & rolled! :P
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+2 949. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Goatpipes

So that's how they worship Satan in Éire! >:)
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0 950. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The homemade flying hovercraft

auf und ab Hovercraft... komm mit aufs Hovercraft :P
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+57 951. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Wall Of Death

This is how you make nascar fun to watch
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+4 952. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Blind soldier learns to 'see' with his tongue

At first I assumed he just went around, licked everything & then described it...

I want to taste with my ears now!
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+3 953. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Bush wipes hand on Clinton's shirt

Ok #4 Electronic Voting? & Brainwashing the dumb Sheeple to think that this man is Godlike that cannot do any wrong.

I vote third party since I don't like to throw away my vote on the 2 choices: (A)Same Party (B)Same Party
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-11 954. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Bush wipes hand on Clinton's shirt

Now he just has Clinton's DNA all over his hand!

but he still can't get the blood off his hands ;)

#4 Electronic Voting
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+4 955. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video David MeShow

I started freestylin` @1:23
You cannot deny that beat doesn't hits hard! :)
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+36 956. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Your life and Videogames

I'm still in denial :D
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+8 957. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Funny football moments

Psych him out & grab his dick!!?? :|
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+7 958. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Granny DJ

Keep on Rollin` Granny...
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+53 959. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Ed Alleyene-Johnson

It sounds better than the original....since Axl is not singing! :O
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+10 960. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Curling

#3 It depends on your family ;)
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+16 961. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Curling

That guy has been practicing! Hardcore! :|
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+10 962. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Police car gets totaled

I notice people hesitate in the face of danger.
Don't look....just run!
You can see the crash on video when your still alive!
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-11 963. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Football idiots

Rugby players act the same way...
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+4 964. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Monkey using tools

Here we see the Monkey going to extreme measures just to bust a nut! :(|)
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+1 965. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video How to park for free

#22 your comment is underrated! OMFG that's funny! Adrenaline lulz!
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+15 966. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Who needs a steering wheel?

Good thing it's not a Socket Wrench! ;)
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-3 967. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Wheelchair tricks

Hot Wheels can do more than what most of you CAN'T do on a skateboard! :P
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+5 968. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video You know, I...

I have confidence in our President! lol
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+3 969. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The Taste-Test Whistleblower

How to make Chips:
1. Oil
2. Salt
3. Potatoes

It tastes about the same & you can find it prepackaged with alot less BS for ingredients.

Doritos new flavor: Vomitburger! >:)
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+5 971. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Poker tournament robbed live on TV

Uh! uh! nah nah nah nah!
Snotr is UP TO DATE!
quit your bitchin`
Obviously the video's not a movie :P
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-3 972. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Hooligan police

Yippie Yippie Yeah, I thought this was a different German band :P
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+45 973. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video It's him!

You married a bitch! >:)
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+24 974. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Professor tackles student

What a surprise! The Chicken ran! He was Chicken after all! Chickenman can't defend himself! :P
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+17 975. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Chairman

#2 After he hears it you can see the fear in his eyes & nervousness in his voice as he thinks,
"...don't break...please don't break"

0:22 "Well... :| Down I go"
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-8 976. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Jimmy Surprises Bieber Fan

who are these people & what have they done for me to actually give a shit about them? :P
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-7 977. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Incredibly Stupid Cinder Block Cannon Explosion

Soak a LONG cloth in kerosene & have the other end of the cloth inside the PVC pipe. LIGHT IT, WALK AWAY, DRINK A SHITTY AMERICAN BEER & WAIT 2 MINS. & BOOM!!!!

Why can't stupid people like this be least for one video!
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0 978. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Cat catches bat out of the air

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0 979. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Nail Gun Art

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+1 980. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Ralatak

#1 & #3
Just look at your Grammar if you want to see the flawlz! >:)
(n/m if English is your 2nd language)
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0 981. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Bear Grylls eats elephant shit

That's how I drink McDonald's food! :S
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-8 982. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Chinese toilet

I've seen this episode before! :P
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+3 983. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Francis Gets His Warcraft Account Hacked

WOW, a Real life Stereotype!
1. Fat with Glasses
2. Lisp
3. Messy Bed
4. Princess Leah Poster
5. Unreachable & Unshaven Chin Hair least he has a Girlfriend. BIG PIMPIN`! >:)
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0 984. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video When its too cold to fly...

"Walking Rat!"
Ever been to NYC?
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+1 985. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Christmas Special - Achmed

Bill Hickz - Shotgunz & UFO Sightingz >:)
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0 986. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Christmas Special - Achmed

He's good the Ventril. act but his comedy is very predictable & demeaning to intelligent humor.

I wish Bill Hicks was a Ventriloquist with a TV Show! >:)
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-1 987. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video What Does Marsellus Wallace Look Like?

#15 don't sound like #(removed comment) since me & #19 think alike when it comes to you :P
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-2 988. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video What Does Marsellus Wallace Look Like?

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-1 989. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Estonian sniper assassin at work

Damn You Aftermath! >:)
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+9 990. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Epic Beard Man interview

He tells it like a "Tall Tale"
60% Truth & 40% Exaggerated! >:)

Epic yet Humble!
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0 991. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Cheerleader get saved

...and the Bucks lose again! Unable to save another game from implementable defeat!

Hockey is better >:)
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0 992. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Nerds Unite

Hooray! Their team won by being the best yellow bellied liars but after awhile you'd begin to notice.
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+5 993. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Old man beats up thug

I'm wondering the same thing....
1. black guy was holding onto the pole during the WHOLE know in case the bus stops abruptly.
2. @1:14 :before a fight it's best to smoke a cigarette

"Oh stop it oh Jesus Christ! LMAO!!!!!" >:) >:) >:) >:)

What did she say? lol :|
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+45 994. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Aren't you missing something?

The only thing he's missing is a Medal..........but he did land it! >:) 10 10 10
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+12 995. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video The Good Samaritan

#5 You sound like a Sami-Lover...
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+3 996. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Yeah....we love russia

#11 it's only funny thanks to the redundancy of that joke & how much of what you had said made no sense what-so-ever.....& that's why it was funny.

It Looks like I'm drinkin` Vodka Tonight....
& Tomorrow I'll be sippin` on some Pedialyte....
C'mon! :(|)
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+44 997. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Horrific Traffic Accident

15 cars takin` out by 1 bus!

Fuck You Keanu Reeves and your need for Speed... :P
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+13 998. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Whale of a Tale

FINE PRINT: "Professional driver on closed road. Do not attempt."

I cannot believe that it's a real whale....hahaha
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+2 999. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Clean Your Balls..

That "Balls" Joke runs dry after only 1 Minute! :O
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0 1000. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Annoying Orange

#9 I guess you haven't heard "party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus! That'll prove you......right :|
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-3 1001. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Gigi D'Agostino played on church organ

I think Gigi D'Agostino me I know I'm the only one....but it's weak sauce techno >:)
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0 1002. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Hamish & Andy

Jack Black said the funniest thing ever & it was in this video! .... "YEAH" 7:03 :|
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+4 1003. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Transformer

Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! >:)
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+2 1004. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Serving Guinness

#5 Mmmm Mmmm! Dirty Ass Beer is the best!
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+5 1005. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Cool business card

#(removed comment) #(removed comment) #(removed comment) #(removed comment) Did he Banned?

Youtube jokes are the funniest!!! NOT! >:)
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+4 1006. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Falcore Juggling

I swear I've seen this on here before.... :P
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+7 1007. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Ball Hits bird in Tennis

Now it's 15 Love way to go buddy! :|
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-1 1008. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Goose attacks guy in kayak

Goose was pissed that he didn't get to eat the Fish, duh :P
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-4 1009. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Death Swing

:(|) :(|) I'm sticking to swinging from trees in the Jungle :(|) :(|)
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-3 1010. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Police Roadblock

Spike Strips are alot cheaper than those Mercedes looking Police Cars or a gun would work....night stick not so much....
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-2 1011. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

That's right #7!
When I count I start with the #1
1-10 NOT 0-9 ;)
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-2 1012. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Who needs snow!

eins, zwei, drei.... JAMAICA!!!!! >:)
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-5 1013. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pizza Guy Pranks

It's called Take away where your from?
That just sounds 'off' to me just like Take 'away' but Take 'out' means just about the same thing.

What did you take away from him? hahaha >:)

Pizza dumbass! ;)
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-3 1014. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video AIDS Ad

#7 Exactly! Wear a Condom & you to can fuck anything that walks! >:)
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-8 1015. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video AIDS Ad

The lil` dick is protected but he sure does have alot of different Vag juice on the rubber.....
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-3 1016. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Pizza Guy Pranks

#5 "take away" is part of a subtraction problem for Math. It was a play on words that set the guy up for failure.

It's really called "Take Out" not "Take Away" but that wouldn't be funny
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-1 1017. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 14 years ago on video Mortal kombat is not a tournament

Ya'll are oh so critical of my fun :P
What's not good about it? besides "IT THUX"
What do you guys listen to?
I actually make music too....I'm just interested in opinions. Thanks
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-8 1018. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Mortal kombat is not a tournament

#4 did it suck because you were consious the whole way through it & not put into a K-hole trance of Minimal techno?
It must be the reason since your mix sucks too! ;)
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+14 1019. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video How much snow?

He's also just as soft as the snow ;)
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0 1020. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Public-access TV Host Bombarded With Prank Calls

1:50 I think it's good that people can have handguns....hahahaha
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-3 1021. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Narwhals

Fuck this! You people listen to stupid fucking music with stupid fucking lyrics! There I ruined all your fun!

You all get a -1 for dissing my music! >:)
w/e n/m f/u :(|)
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-7 1022. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Narwhals

Anybody think that this is better?
It's legit.
French Hardcore is the best & yes, I fix all the bass so it's not sounding like some treble chipmunk bullshit
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0 1023. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Know Your Meme

#2 #5 #6

Here's Lady Gaga Happy Hardcore I mixed with a friend who did everything else for the song :P
Check it out & give me a thumbs down if you hate it.
Since this is music related! >:)
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+3 1024. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Know Your Meme

have you listened to pop music in the past 5 years? It's all Auto-Tuned! 8-)
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+1 1025. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Gillian Cooke

I would ass well #6 !
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-3 1026. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Gillian Cooke

I just became a big fan of Snotr :|
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+3 1027. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video That's one way to come down the stairs

That Pussy sure did know how to go down on that Hard-Wood! :|
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-1 1028. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Port-au-Prince

Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world I do to say it wasn't a piece of shit before the earthquake is just denying the truth. Obviously it just got a lot worse.

I lived with alot of people probably from countries most of you are from so to say I just spit flat out hatred for the Haitian kid I knew is bullshit.
It was a weird place anyway but nobody really liked him but only for who he is & not where he was from.

Du gehst mir sehr ab mein dicke Freunde....but not that close :P
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+3 1029. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Box of wine + microwave

My homeless friend always said that the best wine comes from a box!
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-10 1030. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Port-au-Prince

I lived with a Haitian for about 6 months. He was fucking stupid, couldn't take a joke & played the race card whenever something didn't go his way. I hope the rest of the people from Haiti are not like that asshole....Who said he "hates white people" but now lives in America far away from his country that already was a piece of shit before the earthquake.

I feel for Innocence & not for 1 person to represent an entire country.....even if that guy REALLY fucking sucked a fuck!
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-11 1031. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Coca-Cola In Taiwan

The best video on Snotr!
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+7 1032. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Fun on a snowmobile

1:30 = DAM!!!! :O :O :O :O
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0 1033. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Hitler Reacts to Wolfenstein 3D

WAIT A SECOND! He's not saying that!!! :O You guys need a new translator.... :P
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-3 1034. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Rémi Gaillard as Tarzan

You are the law in France....aka FRANK....Frank? Wait What? >:)
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+3 1035. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Rémi Gaillard as Tarzan

0:51 Ivory Hunting is evil! >:)
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-1 1036. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Freerunning

Does anybody else ask the question, "Where are they running to?" ;)
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+3 1037. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Tightrope tricks

Everybody is getting -1 for spelling it "Germay" hahaha :|
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+5 1038. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Tightrope tricks

I love this song!
I actually listen to it before I go to work!
BIER! :(|)

#2 Germay is the coolest :P
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-8 1039. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Firefighter Grabs Guy Attempting Suicide

Did this happen in Croatia?
Anybody know Croatian for what the dude said at the end? :S
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+1 1040. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video News Report

I would have said,"No Shit buddy" if you would have shown me the video before you said this ---------> "It's still dangerous for Dublin Pedestrians..."
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+1 1041. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Ride the Beam

I'm just happy that nothing ever goes wrong Mr.Bowling Alley! :|
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-2 1042. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Fresh Prince of Bel Air - Carlton Gets Crazy

French Prince of Bel Air.....

NOOOOOON!!! je m'en fous >:)
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+5 1043. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Jumping Volvo 240

It's the Dukes of Hazzard: Swedish Edition

Get them Duke Boys!!!! yeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaawwwww!!!! :|
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+8 1044. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Near Death Experiences

Just realized how close her leg was to being crushed @ 0:16!!! :O
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+16 1045. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Near Death Experiences

That's what happens when you think climbing a sandstone mountain is a good idea :(
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+5 1046. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video The world is getting more dangerous

#7 It's called "Treble Clef in key High Pitch"
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-1 1047. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Honest Spam

I see a couple Bills missing after he gives the Briefcase to the Woman. ;)
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0 1048. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Former Ku Klux Klan leader Johnny Lee Clary

Sounds like something out of a Hogan's Heroes episode & This guy is Colonel Klink! :P
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+4 1049. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Rooster says "hello"

If you slow the video down it sounds like METAL!!! >:)
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-2 1050. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Techno Jeep

Start @ 0:55 honestly....then it gets really Industrial!
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-9 1051. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Stupid Criminals

This has nothing to do with wither they are criminals or not!
It's about the State getting $$$$$
Everyone on this show 'AIN'T' doesn't even know what a "CHOP SHOP" is! >:)
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-1 1052. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Crazy Pilot

Watch out! It's every movie that has Helicopter Blades coming at YOU! :O
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0 1053. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video The Invisible artist.

The Invisible artist....Watch him paint NOTHING! >:)
(obviously he can't :P )
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+2 1054. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Huge jellyfish

The Floating Brain!
I kicked a Jelly Fish when I was at the beach (not on purpose)
Then I freaked out! >:) :(|) >:)
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+5 1055. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle jumps over 24 trucks

#18 Nothing is more American than jumping 24 Trucks with a Japanese Bike! ::(|)
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0 1056. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle jumps over 24 trucks

#3 He would have hit the last truck if he didn't have the landing ramp go over the last 4 Trucks.

ha! he was short! still awesome though! >:)
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+5 1057. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Christmas Shoes

#2 Your #(removed comment) joke made me laugh I have to admitt!...THUMPS (not thumbs) DOWN!!! >:) :(|) >:) :(|) >:) :(|) >:) :(|)
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+9 1058. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Porsche GT3 173 mph

Agree with #3 but you have to admit that 1:19 was pretty fucking sweet! :P
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+35 1059. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video My Heart Will Go On performed on flute

That's not a 'Flute' it's called a "Recorder".
All the Elementary School kids are forced to play them in music class & they sound awful!
Just like the Original Version or Any other Parody of this horrible/forgettable song.

Guy playing Recorder next to the Ocean....WE GOT THAT B ROLL! >:)
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+4 1060. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Around the globe in 2009

"In April a NEW Virus developed called T.S.F."
no No NO! This shit has been out since the 1970's & more people should be scared of the shot rather than this Bullshit of nothing Bacteria.

#14 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes & Yes!
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+8 1061. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video We got that B-roll!!

hahaha I just said what he said! >:)
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+6 1062. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Escalating Interview

His name is Aziz Ansari.
I went to this thing called a "Search Engine"
& typed in "Human Giant"
Pressed Enter
& then got alot of web pages
after hours of scrolling I found the page!
Why it was the page of the entire cast.
The day was saved when I say the most Non-White name on the page.
Then I logged into Snotr
Click the Escalating Interview Video
& now I'm adding a comment.
post comment...
:* :* :* :* :* :|
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-1 1063. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Smart cat opens door

#18 Anytime I see a Cat Spam Video I feel obligated to make the same immature joke but with different variations that relate to each video! :P

I Hate Cat Videos! >:)
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-7 1064. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Smart cat opens door

That PUSSY sure can SCREW that KNOB well! >:)
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+8 1065. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Muppets: Ringing Of The Bells

The Swedish Language is pretty easy to learn since it's only one word.

Bork bork Bork bork Bork bork Bork bork Bork bork! >:)
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-5 1066. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Lovable Frog

I <3 Froglegs!
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+1 1067. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Godzilla vs. Statue of Liberty

#(removed comment) the torch changes into a pile of shit after the probing >:)
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-1 1068. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Godzilla vs. Statue of Liberty

Wow, They made the Statue of Liberty win.
I assumed they would make us lose.
All our Hollywood movies aways make POCCNR lose!
Nobody even knows why we hate them.
Yes sir e Bob! Someone told me they be the enemy! :(|)
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+2 1069. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video More Christmas lights

He also paid someone to put the lights up just to show how worthless you are! >:)
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+3 1070. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Great motorcycle save (2)

Shit like this always needs this music
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-1 1071. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Great motorcycle save

Shit like this always needs this music
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+14 1072. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video 150kg of Thermobaric Explosive vs. Car

There is nothing that Duct Tape can't fix! >:)
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-11 1073. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Never get off your couch again!

This is some stupid shit from the Bill Maher Show.
I guess people laugh when everybody else does.
Boooooooo! Weak Sauce Comedy!!! >:)
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-2 1074. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Handjob

I'll sue for False Advertising if I can't use it for Masturbation!

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+5 1075. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Handjob

I'll sue for False Advertising if I can't use for Masturbation!

P.S. I remember seeing a Uncle Greg on 'Dateline'. What are the Odds!
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-1 1076. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Every Band In The USA

You misread what I wrote.
Everything Pop is garbage since it's 100% Un-O.G.!
Just because it has a beat doesn't make it music AT ALL :P
...The Left Rights is some catchy garbage though.
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+4 1077. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Every Band In The USA

Our underground is more mainstream than all these talentless acts that don't even write a single note of the music.

Everything Pop now is stolen from our Electro-Punk scene & ends up being recycled garbage.
Screaming Mechanical Brain
Electric Dragon
Vyncent Flaw
Bubblegum Octopus
Baby Giraffes
& tons more!

I wish our Rap was more like Diechkind.
So much Rap is FUCKING AWFUL!!!
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+11 1078. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Bait Ball Feast

Oh My God!
They Killed NEMO!!!
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+1 1079. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Slow motion popping popcorn

Let's Go Out To The Movies & Have Ourselves A Snack! :S

I'm making some now since this video made me want some.
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0 1080. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video L.A. Springs a Leak

I'm sorry this is one of those bad representation of the idiots that feel the need to try describe something which can't be put into words!

OMG???<<<<<How about STFU!!!
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+1 1081. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Jack Bauer Interrogates Santa Claus

Let's attack the North Pole before they attack us!
I'm scared! :O Hold me! :|
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-2 1082. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Rally Crash

The Car Launched the Man.
The Car was stopped by a Tree.
The Car DID not roll over!?! :O

He was asking for it....
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0 1083. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Pond watersking

Only in Russia! :D
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-10 1084. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Suspect disposes of evidence

Rodney King! Rodney King! Rodney King! Rodney King! Rodney King!
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+11 1085. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Will Smith

That was FRESH! >:)
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+2 1086. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Beginner Smashes Motorcycle Into Wall

It's OK your Brain is just bleeding as I Laugh/Cry at YOU! >:)
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+5 1087. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Clutch explodes In racecar

DUDE! That was a wicked ass cool fucking sound! I WANT TO SAMPLE IT! >:)

Replay @ 0:08 1,000,000,000 times :P
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-6 1088. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Baby Vs Cobra

I'm pretty sure it still has venom though, right?
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0 1089. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video You won 100k!

I always wondered what drove sane people to the brink of violent actions! :P
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-3 1090. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Saturday Night Live - Tiger Woods

#4 & #10 I guess all you have to do is pronounce the 'W' as a 'V' &&&&& VAHHLAAA!
das amerikanische Volk besserwisserisch fremdsprachlich.... :|
Ich weiß schiß! :D
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+3 1091. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Double-Decker Drift

A Bus that BIG only has 180HP?!?! :O
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-6 1092. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Fluteboxing

'Kenny Muhammad The Human Orchestra' is amazing to see live & to shake hands with & to get an autograph from. :D

This guy could beat Jethro Tull's ass any day of the week! >:)
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0 1093. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Rammstein VS Cookie Monster

Rammstein is good but could have always been better.

You people ever go to a Mindless Self Indulgence Concert?
waaaaaaaay better ::(|)
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+7 1094. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Misheard Lyrics

In the states his accent SERIOUSLY sounds like a RETARD RAPPING!
Mouth out the words like 'one of the less fortunate' & PROVE ME WRONG! :|

This is the most anyone has ever listened to Sean Paul! >:)
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-4 1095. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Dell Computer

Randy isn't used really used to describe if an American is Horny.
Just like #9 already knew.
ALSO: Dover is a type of dog breed. If you really want to get clever with it then he was insinuating the "Doggy Style Sex".

These Wankers always act so Fricken` Poserish on the Tele. :P
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-2 1096. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Maru's magic show

#9 read #2 & give me a negative vote for truth! >:)
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+9 1097. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Fifth Gear Loop the Loop

That little yellow thing is a "REAL LIFE FAMILY CAR" ??? :P
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+12 1098. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Maru's magic show

'Insert' Pussy Jokes Here------------>_________________. ;)
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+1 1099. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Budweiser

I wonder if they can use their Telekinesis Powers to change the piss water taste of BUTTweiser.... >:)

Always good commercials though
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+1 1100. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video America's Dumbest Criminals

#10 said it first #13.
Don't steal his thunder!
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-2 1101. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Hardest Hockey Shot Ever!

That's what Curling needs HOCKEY!
Put a Hockey player in a Curling Game as a Defenseman.
& then it might be interesting & challenging
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-4 1102. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Little Cute Cat

If I wanted to look up Cat Videos I could have.
For some reason C.Vs get a ton of views
then end up leaving the same old comment about the awww so Cute Drunk Russian. Thanks to the Vodkakakakakakaka baby!!! :|
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-7 1103. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Timelapse: California's mountains.

Double the comments = Double the fun in my bubblegum :O
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+1 1104. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Timelapse: California's mountains.

I figured I'd see Fire on the mountains :|

Alaska has a better sky lights.
C'mon it is Alaska! :P
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0 1105. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video America's Dumbest Criminals

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+1 1106. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Amazing Zig Zag Touchdown Play

BASKETBALL is our real export.
Hockey is better than your sport.
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-15 1107. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Utah Refinery Explosion

"Here comes the burning blood red head on fire
As laser beams shoot from the eyes of the choir
It doesn't need a body, cause it flies through the air
It's a blood red head on fire and it doesn't care!"
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0 1108. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Inmates Save Deputy

Tampa is not Miami! >:)
Only 4 Hours away from eachother! :O
Some of you know what I'm talking about....IT'S MIAMI!¡!¡!¡!¡
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+3 1109. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Fake TV spot recordings in Mexico

That's what you GET for signing that Waiver form! >:)
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-11 1110. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Slam Artist Jumping 150 Feet into Cardboard Boxes

#(removed comment)
your comment blew
but what you gonna do
this video was crazy like glue
Skip to 0:32 for a better view
in case you didn't kneeew
get a clue
or get a kick in the Jewel! ssssss :S
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-7 1111. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Drifting with zero experience

Yo can't drift & shift
but yinz can still get dat lift
From dis mindless gift
Broke yin leg so lurrrn how ta knit
Get a new car & blow it to bits! :O
-1 Monkey headz cause I'm spittin` dis shit! :(|)
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-1 1112. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Russian Traffic Police

:O :O :O :O :O :O :O
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-15 1113. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Sarah Palin book jokes

I voted for Pa1in & 0bama! ;) ;)

Yo Jay Daddy MkKane
Yo up in yo brain
drivin me insane
but I can't complain
since all these my-higgazz
are all the same
playin the game
Changin` names
Before it began you knew who to blame
Yo Momma be preachin "Son That's so LAME"!!!!!!!!! :'(
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+13 1114. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Rockslide in Tennessee closes road

This ROCKS! :D
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0 1115. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Large Hadron Collider - How does it work?

Gigidy-Gigidy-God Particle!! :(|)

All you need is:
1. PVC Tubes
2. AA Batteries
3. Refrigerator Magnets
4. Adams!
= Backyard Black Holes! :O
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+2 1116. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Comedian vs Angry woman

Good thing she had a Mic! :P

FYI: I'm Racist against the Human Race because I Fucking Hate Everybody! :D
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+11 1117. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video World's deepest bin

This is GARBAGE! :O
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-2 1118. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video NASA - Launch of STS-129 (Atlantis)

::Breaker Breaker 1-9 do you copy my mad funk skills? Give me a response & let me know your real::
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0 1119. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Jumping from an 8 story building

Life News! hahaha :P
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+1 1120. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Jumping from an 8 story building

@ this point why would you wear a helmet
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-1 1121. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video CSI Miami - Endless Caruso One Liners

@ #2 *YEAHHHHHH!!!!*
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-2 1123. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Epic Seesaw Flip

svinoyeb! nabit' ebal'nik! :O
Che na HUI?!?!! :S
Russian Bear has mighty arms that will crush Rocky's Apollo Creed! >:)
This is not the Price is Right Wheel.... :|
Watch your fingers kid 8-)
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0 1124. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Heckler vs. Comedian Joe Klocek

@15 The difference between the comedians is that this one let the heckler prove his own stupidity! :O

Unlike Carlin & Hicks who were less mellow but intense! :P
See Example:
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+3 1125. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Tornado

...sneak up & hit you like a Fucking Tornado! :O - Jimmy Urine
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0 1126. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Diving Board

It was an accident that she got owned by the diving board.
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0 1127. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Clerk wrestles gun from robber

::BOOM!:: Your Dead @0:15

Don't try to fight someone with a gun if you don't know how to fight.
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+3 1128. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Heckler vs. Comedian Joe Klocek

George Carlin or Bill Hicks couldn't have done it better
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+19 1129. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Heckler vs. Comedian Joe Klocek

This kinda Gold cannot be staged!
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+2 1130. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Bugatti veyron crash into lake

For Sale: This Car is Garage Kept! It's practically Liquid Gold!
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-6 1131. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Boat vs Bridge

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0 1132. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video "Le chance" compilation

Some of us live this Matrix unlike you! :|
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0 1133. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle accident

#23 I only take my bike off road for the time being until I can get it ready for street.
So I have no idea what the top speed is.
Kawasaki KE 100cc 2stroke 1cyl. No Gas/Oil mixing

I like Chipper Food
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0 1134. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Human Pixels Perform

The "Human LCD" video was better but this was alright.
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0 1135. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle accident

#11 either that or he just looks at the driver & blames him
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+1 1136. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Lucky train inspector

#(removed comment) That should be a Category!


I think the word FAKE is Tainted like the love you give me #(removed comment)
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+2 1137. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Motorcycle accident

#2 Yes sur! It's a moped seat.
They go 45 km/h (28 mph) at a roaring 50 cc with a electric pedal motor generator chick magnet!

Or just get a 125 cc street bike that's 97 km/h (60 mph)
I can get up to 3.26L/100km :(|) 70 mpg ::(|)

Hybrid Hummer!!! :|
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+4 1138. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Hawaii Chair

Not endorsed by Hawaii
Made in Chinastan
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+2 1139. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Contact Movie Intro

Hey, it's the Honda symbol [H] in the clouds at 2:02
I feel this video is giving my eyes some hot sex! >:)

Also: Louder/Better music would have overpowered most of these bands! :O
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+15 1140. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Buzzard Gets Clipped By Wind Turbine

I thought Wind Turbines were supposed to save nature :(

Damn you Global Warming!...
Wait! I meant Climate Change...
Wait! I meant CFCs...
Wait! I meant Carbon Dioxide!
...Screw you Carbon Dioxide! You didn't create shit!!!
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+4 1141. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Panda Bears

Here ya go #6

This is the ultimate one man band! :O
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-2 1142. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Deer Jumps Into Lion Enclosure

I would have jumped into the water to save the baby deer...
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+19 1143. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Panda Bears

They BEARLY Escaped! :O

ßrünö? @ 0:05 8-)
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+1 1144. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Birds swarming

0:58 DENMARK! :)
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0 1145. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Bare Bears

Bears are soulless killing machines! :O
...but I feel sorry for'em
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+1 1146. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video SNL Digital Short - Firelight

crap comment :D
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+4 1147. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Horse Gets Revenge

Pwned by the Merry Go Round!
Ultimate Horse Fighting!!! >:)
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+2 1148. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Birds swarming

I'm surprised none of the birds are flying into each other.

Abstract art in motion or just Flubber...
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+7 1149. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Taylor's Day on The Price is Right

Bob Barker looks like he really let himself go.
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+12 1150. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video I lost my teeth!

At least it didn't feel like he was falling....he was FLYING! >:)
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+2 1151. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video SNL Digital Short - Firelight

Frank doesn't look like he ever washes his hair!
Just like the hygienic problem hottie from Twilight!
I'll give my daughter money for this movie... long as it still makes her confused about her emotions when it comes to random men.

Her name is "Spaz" ::(|)
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+3 1152. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Self Defence Class

Post some Spamalot clips (if anybody can find'em)
The show did make over $175,000,000 so I assume it's as good as the movies...

#2 Get outta maugh Snotr & Go back to Youtube from which you be comin` from! :D
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+3 1153. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Morons and motors, they dont match

#19 This site wouldn't be fun if I was wasting my time making different usernames by rigging the vote.
I'll forgive you as long as LB stands for LIMP BIZKIT! :(|)
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+6 1154. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Boat Accident

I wonder how long they were screaming until they crashed! >:)
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+1 1155. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Jennifer Jones Best Curling Shot!

PAUSE @0:22
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0 1156. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video One more faints

I didn't know getting paid in Women was making fun of a religious following that I made no mention of....Oh Suck on that! I did none of what you said I did that's why I love you but god forbid :P
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+1 1157. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video One more faints

I didn't know getting paid in Women was making fun of a religious following that I made no mention of....Oh Suck on that! I did none of what you said I did that's why I love you but god forbid :P
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+4 1158. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Just Taking a Walk



....but this guy needs to find a thrill in life that doesn't involve your balls & guts making the decisions for you
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+3 1159. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Morons and motors, they dont match

I agree with #(removed comment)
#(removed comment) is never wrong
no joke
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+1 1160. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Morons and motors, they dont match

Why would anybody wear a shirt on a Crotch-Rocket?

0:08 is why they are called "CROTCH-ROCKET" >:)
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0 1161. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Turn that "toot" into a tune!

Just so everybody knows: Saturday Night Live did a skit 'just like this' 5 years ago. Expect it would fart out questions but it's virtually the same skit.

1:10 "Your pretty popular this morning...." >:)
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0 1162. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video High Voltage Electrical Wire Blast in Hollywood

2 Explosions! >:)
When the big one goes off, a smaller one is seen behind the trees.
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+7 1163. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video How to ruin $250,000 worth of vodka

Play this as background music in another tab!!!

It goes perfectly with & yet it's such a powerful feeling of sadness :'(

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+3 1164. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Jennifer Jones Best Curling Shot!

It's funny how Curling is considered more of a sport than Skateboarding.

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+3 1165. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video truck fail compilation

#1 You must look at the long term benefits for gaining time by not gettin` dead.
0:42 situations are like an unlucky lottery
gone in 3 seconds... :O

Sleep you greedy assholes!
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-3 1166. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Half of the Car

This is the largest automobile he can afford...
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+2 1167. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Half of the Car

Manual Transmission! :)
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0 1168. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video One more faints

YOUR RIGHT #(removed comment)

LOOK @ his leg
0:13 Leg drops onto the Snakes NECK!
0:14 PAUSE. Only the head is exposed as he manages to get away.

It's like a WWF stunt gone wrong.
The snake 'might' get hurt but he'd have one nice bite on his ass! >:)

......or he's just like fuck you snake I'm gettin` paid in Goats, Oil & Women :P
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+2 1169. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Women's Tennis

#4 It's happening @ Wimbledon all the time.

Real Men that watch Men's Tennis just ignore all the grunts.... NOW YOUR A MAN! M. A. N.---- MAN!
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-1 1170. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video South Park - Cartman singing Poker Face

Another version

This episode was just fucking weird.... :P
Agree #1 - #2
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+2 1171. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Golden Age of Video

Nice tribute to Bill Murray. He deserved it!

1:26 1:28 MST3K!!! (Mystery Science Theater 3,000)

Is a show where a guy & his robot friends are forced to watch cheesy movies in a space station. They make fun of the movies & have skits as intermissions.
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-2 1172. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Bedroom

He forgot the room the painted from all the fumes he inhaled the night before.

At least he didn't wake & I say, "DEAR GOD MY HANDS ARE RED WHAT HAVE I DONE!" :O
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0 1173. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video ARES I X Test Flight

I come from Planet Rock.

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+5 1174. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Heineken commercial

Those are some nutty people who don't eat nuts! :D
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-1 1175. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Cannibal Shark

Ribs are messy!
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-1 1176. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video ARES I X Test Flight

WTF? This comment can be deleted (double post?)

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-3 1177. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video ARES I X Test Flight

Kennedy Space Center in Cocoa, Florida!
I've been there to see this awesome power take off!
12 Days of launch delays later & it was still amazing regardless.

This rocket looks like a Syringe or a Giant Tampon :P
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+1 1178. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Japanese McDonald's ad

McDonald's makes you sleepy & sick.
Chick-Fil-A has some O.K. Waffle Fries.
They taste just like "chips" but not as crisp.

#5 It's gonna hurt whither he eats it or not :P
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-3 1179. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Road Race Fail

I agree asswell
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-6 1180. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Road Race Fail

I bet the driver's ain't friends no more with that there cameraman.

Kevin Bacon Tractor Chicken Race ended almost the same way.....

Science will later confirm that's some type of physic magnetic force that drew him in to his own demise >:)
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-1 1181. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Zlatan Ibrahimovic goal

Speaking of Italian.

That looked like a round house
He's got some awesome accuracy
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-6 1182. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Awesome Jaguar

I can be cool.
I can fit a Pinto into my Ford Pinto! ;)
Let's race you "Jag-Off"
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0 1183. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Football fail

Here! This is what I was talking about!
The Füßbäll/Football! :P
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-4 1184. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Football fail

#7 Thanks, I was just trying to be clear instead of saying the football twice.
& if you watch them snap the ball the quaterback does look like he has his hand in the centers ass.
& Nobody seems to say anything about it.

Anyway, the black & white on your "Füßbälls" are now the colors on some of our NEW "FOOTBALLS.
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+1 1185. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Things you dont say

This is twice as funny when you consider Newer Green Day as a Joke.
I'd paid money to see this stand up.
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-9 1186. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Football fail

In the States we've started making 'Footballs' with the print of a Soccer ball.
that fail is so bad you end up feeling sorry for the beating he'll receive later from the rioting fans! ;)
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0 1187. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Kittens Playing on a Slide

"Who Needs a Treadmill? :(|) "
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-16 1188. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Very good language recognition

>:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:)
"what the hell is this?"
* 1.1 First Circle (Limbo)
* 1.2 Second Circle (Lust)
* 1.3 Third Circle (Gluttony)
* 1.4 Fourth Circle (Avarice)
* 1.5 Fifth Circle (Wrath and Sloth)
* 1.6 Sixth Circle (Heresy)
* 1.7 Seventh Circle (Violence)
* 1.8 Eighth Circle (Fraud)
* 1.9 Ninth Circle (Treason)
>:) >:) >:) >:) >:) >:)
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-4 1189. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video I Am Canadian!

#17 Do you know how much shit I shouldn't say just so you understand that our control of the system is navigated by PIRATES!
I pay the tax that isn't even law & nobody will still see a fucking dime.
Business depends on the rest of the world since the only sad thing we do ship out is the dollar. We have nothing physical to ship out just our jobs around the world since ya'll do it cheaper for a living. Along with bailout money going to 30 million? ill. immigrants that completely went around our system but my tax money paid for the bailout that I'm not getting any interest on. oh wait I forgot my retarded racist ass could just get some god damn mother fucking INTEREST RATES!

I'm sorry we fucked everybody........ :'(

& I have Canadian friends that I've met in real life :O
The Alaskan's I've met are 'The Hybrid American-Canadian!' :P
I lived in Montana for many years...
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-13 1190. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video I Am Canadian!

Jesus Fucking Christ you people hate America!
Well, Fuck your Stupid Fucking Country & all your Fucking Stereotypes.
If we fail we're taking all you Mother Fuckers with us.
Because all you Fuckers depend on US to work the MOST hours in the world.
You'd be Mexico's bitch without TEXAS! :O

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-4 1191. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Russian Dance Crew

I was more entertained by the "Russian Bum Fight Crew"
It's good to see the comrades are still kicking though.
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-7 1192. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video I am a geek

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-8 1193. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Womens bathroom fart prank

I'm pretty sure it's illegal to put cameras in a bathroom :P
Wouldn't the mic pick up audience laughter?
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+3 1194. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Saying Goodbye

(I hope we chat about a threesome)

"I want a divorce" :|
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-2 1195. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Dodge Viper Crash

In America we call them 'Hooligans' 'Evat' 'Git' 'Prat' 'WOF'

This guy did have ALOT of Spunk in him....You can tell he was FULL OF SPUNK!

I'm full of Spunk too! :|
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-6 1196. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Fairy Fail

It's Fairy Hunting Season
We be eatin good 2-night!
Git-R-Dumb :(|)
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+5 1197. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video The "Hillary" weapon

/U/S/A/ cities & towns receive the most devastation when the "Hillary" weapon is deployed for some campaignin`
(in a g-string) :O
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-4 1198. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Accalerating to 300 km/h

He was going 186 MPH for those who are against the complicated Metric System.

WHY would you buy a fast car just to go the speed limit?
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+1 1199. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Superior Motion Control

Everybody thinks it's not amazing since we're acclimated to robot arms creating CARS!

You cannot compare the difference between the 2. This shit seems childish but very impressive.
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-2 1200. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video This Spider Rollin', They Hatin'

Limp Bizkit would be better music for this video.

What! Yeah! Ok! :S
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-4 1201. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Water powered Spud Gun

Think of all the people that are hungry for the potatoes they are wasting! >:)

Eating contest's are still evil. Glorified in yo starvin ` face son! :O

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-1 1202. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Eggs candid camera

Dammit #12 & #13

Along with eating contest's this shit is pure EVIL! >:)

Might as well laugh at all the people who can't get food! :(
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0 1203. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Sandwich

Fast forward, Fast forward & Fast forward.

I watched 4 mins. in 20 secs. >:)
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-5 1204. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video F1 Brazil fire at pit stop

Carpooling in my Hybrid is saving the world! :S

F1's get 3.1mpg (1.3 km/l) so they must be harming the environment! :P
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0 1205. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Mad Trampoline Skills

Parkour is better with trampolines...
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+33 1206. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Turkish Ice Cream Man

Behind the cute tranny are people waiting in line for the same thing to happen to them. :|
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+11 1207. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Close call

#(removed comment) Reality is stranger than Fiction.
That is why this could be right out of a movie.
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-3 1208. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Kid Stuck in Skate Bowl

Why are they cheering for his nonathletic abilities? ::BOO!!!::

Hooray for push ups & for the invention of rope!
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+2 1209. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Flexible OLED Display

#(removed comment) Try hitting a hammer against your monitor to see if it's FAKE! >:)
(of course you meant the flex screen)

Ever been to a tech. convention? :O
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+2 1210. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Your business card is #$@!

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+1 1211. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Hugging lions

I'm pretty sure they're killing him @ 0:50 ;)

This guy needs a girlfriend or medication...
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-1 1212. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Lucie Jones on X-Factor

I bet she can't win Amurrican Idol since I give a shit! ;)
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-6 1213. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Biscuit Rap

Someone should make a parody of Rap parodies....
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-4 1214. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Un-pimp your ride

Zieg mir diene pflaume.....Was auch immer
Ford Fokus Scheißeboxen! löl
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+2 1215. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Michael Jackson fail

Replay at 0:12 repeatedly :P
...wish they had a slo-mo of the end
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-1 1216. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Low-cost low-rider

It's not like I was given the illusion that the car was jumpin`

Paint the rims silver to match that Grade A paint job! :P
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+24 1217. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Ten things

#3 - "I just get in between here...ok?"
#4 - "HANDSFREE! hahahaha!"
#8 - "Scheiße"
#9 - "Funny these veins you have. I don't have them"

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+3 1218. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Slow Mo Bullet Impacts

Bullets are Fun! >:)
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+1 1219. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Awesome icehokey goal

That was not an accident.
No reaction from the Goalie :O
Luck!?!?! Pshhh off! :P
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+2 1220. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Max as Batman

Did I just see the NEW preview for "DARK KNIGHT 2" !?!?!
Looks pretty good! 8-)
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+4 1222. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Are we the baddies?

I didn't know the British were Nazis! :P
It's hard to tell sometimes throughout history... :O
(not the only ones)

Stalin killed 62 Million of his people as opposed to Hitler's 21 Million.
(62 - 78 million dead from "Hitler's WWII";)

All ya'll are propagandized evil from a distance...We don't sympathize ::(|)
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0 1223. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Leg work

Oh Ho!!! ::(|)
The Hooligan was brilliantly bamboozled to just seem more odd than funny....

I smarter thaen you.... me sound lyke dis qwhen I talkz!!

Ballocks - balls yet to be unlocked
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-1 1224. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video The U.S. Army, Aww Yeah!

Your Experience May Differ!!! :D >:) >:)
marvelous!! >:)
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+1 1225. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video A little bit tipsy

#1 - #11 That's correct...
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-1 1226. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Spider man faceplant

I think this guy likes the way his butt feels in the spandex
He did volunteer for the job....
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0 1227. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Dear loser...

#10 I think the words in the video made you feel connected to "what might have been the love of your life"
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-2 1228. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Driver soaks kids at bus stop

In his defense: It was not intentional!
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+4 1229. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Norwegian Military Drill Team

I've seen American Drill Teams do more tricks (-1)
but Norwegianz were very N'Sync & didn't make one mistake.

Goosestepping may make you look like a Nazi
but it's THE BEST THING for your legs :P
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+2 1230. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Hidden Camera Prank Gone Wrong

Good! Maybe it'll teach all those other prank shows to not fuck with people.

How is anybody able to distinguish reality when people with money act childish!
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+6 1231. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Horse kicks moron in the face

I wonder why he forgot his hat :(|) :(|) :(|)
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-3 1232. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Come Back to My Place

That was Gay! :O
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-1 1233. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Lanlord & his wife goes crazy on a reporter

What's with all this SYMPATHY for the FOX NEWS REPORTER!?!?

Do you hear no evil?
See no evil?
& you still don't speak of the evil!

Screw all ya'll scumbags! :P
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+6 1234. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Beer commercial

"She has a Penis!" gets my comment removed?
It was about the video.
The Man turns into a Woman
So he would be screaming in pain
unless it didn't detach ;)
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-3 1235. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Lanlord & his wife goes crazy on a reporter

Punch the news right back into that FOX "reporter"
OH NO! He's so innocent & cute! :'(
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+2 1236. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Arcing powerlines cause tree fire & explosion

Ya'll have ADD!
The build up was awesome.
He was only 25-30 feet away!? (8-9 meters)
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+1 1237. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Falling tree nearly hits car

Only a store like Liquor-King would have a HUGE FUCKING TREE right in front of the store!
What forest are you trying to save exactly?
Remember not to Trim so you may invest in future lawsuits!
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+18 1238. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Lucky skateboarder

Awesome new TRICK!

Frontside Rail grind into a 180 board spin Lazy American! :O

dehumanized? >:)
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-8 1239. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Hawk takes on a rattler

#2 So your DICK shoots poison!? :O
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+1 1240. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Do-Re-Mi at the train station

Verdammte Scheiße! I missed my train! :O
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0 1241. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Man under a train

DJ Lethal was born in Riga, Latvian SSR!
Thanks for the export! :P
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0 1242. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Dunking Devils

#10 are you racist against your own race?
I can dunk! :O
Anybody can do it as long as your not a lazy ass....
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+2 1243. Gringo_el_Diablo commented 15 years ago on video Man under a train

He should have stayed @ home & played something safer.... Russian Roulette!

Good thing he's a professional.