Comments posted by Guss


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0 2. Guss commented 8 years ago on video Tesla Self-Driving Car Level 5 Autonomy

K2000 is near real !
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+2 3. Guss commented 8 years ago on video The English Language In 24 Accents

French accent is really good!
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+4 4. Guss commented 8 years ago on video Schipol Airport (Amsterdam) developing from 1916 to 2016

And now, i want to play airport tycoon !
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+3 5. Guss commented 8 years ago on video SpaceX at it again

How can someone think, loosing years of work within seconde, is hilarious ?
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+3 7. Guss commented 9 years ago on video Guy demonstrates impressive mechanical saw that he invented himself

Thats not really new, it s a duplicator

like this one
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+4 8. Guss commented 9 years ago on video Wingsuit Jumper Defies Death And Logic

"Defies logic" ? i don't understand why ? someone can explain me ?
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+1 9. Guss commented 9 years ago on video Emergency Party button

@8 not in the 80s but in the 90s ;)
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+8 11. Guss commented 9 years ago on video Cheerleader Shooting Skills

It seems to have a problem with this video
original here
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+3 13. Guss commented 9 years ago on video Snotr now has a messaging system for users! -PM System-

i'm here since almost the start. I think i have seen most of the videos here and I think this is a great website that sum up the overall web vidéos.
Thanks for all, this website is awesome.

PS: Is it possible to add in your "to do list" to have a marker that can tell us if we have already seen a video or not ?
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+2 14. Guss commented 9 years ago on video This Is What It's Like To Get Hit With Flame Retardant From A Plane

Launching the timer from a jet airplane of is weird , we used to see engine with propeller on that type of airplane .
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+1 16. Guss commented 9 years ago on video Heavy equipment operator turns crazy

Is it a fake ? there we can si a crushed truck in the background
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0 17. Guss commented 9 years ago on video 3x3x3 WORLD RECORD

Hum, by watching this video, it makes me thinking about someting:

What about the starting position of the cube. Is it a random position ? If it is, we can beat the record if the random position is set as we have to do 2 move or 1 move or ... no move, no ?
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0 18. Guss commented 9 years ago on video This Guy Could Have Deleted Everything on YouTube, but He Resisted

an Hacker on apple computer ? (look at the apple on the top left)

It is no longer what it was
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0 19. Guss commented 9 years ago on video Fail Compilation January February 2015 || TNL

at 00:30 is it "wash&park express" ?
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+1 20. Guss commented 9 years ago on video Tie Fighter

#6 that's also remind me 80's animations like M.A.S.K
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0 21. Guss commented 9 years ago on video "Beat It"

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+9 22. Guss commented 9 years ago on video Truck crashes on the highway, missing the cameraman by a few inches

Oh! what a strange driver...
If it was me, i let the camera falling down and tried to put myself away from path of the truck that running towards me !
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-1 23. Guss commented 10 years ago on video The Fastest Bike in the World

Before speaking about CO2 in Germany, they must shut down coal power plants that pollute the overall Europe ...
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+1 24. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Ken Block's wild new ride

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-3 25. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Small electronics massively overloaded

What is the goal of this video ?
What did he expect ?

I wonder why it was accepted on snotr ?
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+2 26. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Nuclear fusion propulsion

#1 you can see it working everyday by looking at the sun ;)
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+8 27. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Why Britain uses separate hot and cold taps

#2 it is not advisable to drink water from hot water circuit because if it's not enough hot some bacterias can grow fast like legionella
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-4 28. Guss commented 10 years ago on video New barrier to stop vehicles trying to ram into buildings

#6 Sometimes there is some people who loses control of there car ... they can be killed by this barrier. But if we use a barrier that stops the whole vehicle, accident en ram are stopped without killing anyone.
I don't understand why this barrier has to be deadly.
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+14 29. Guss commented 10 years ago on video New barrier to stop vehicles trying to ram into buildings

A barrier that kills passengers of the vehicle ... clever :S
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-1 30. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Fastest Gun in the World?

Edited message
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+1 31. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Dutch rider on old Harley smokes "Yamasuki"

We can explain why the old Harley won.

This is because of le length and weight of each bike.

The heavy and long Harley need more torque to lift up the front wheel (and do a back flip) than the light and short Honda, so it's mean that the Harley can exploit more power to accelerate that the Honda
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0 32. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Vaccum cleaning isn't easy ...

#8 ... hey Germany produce so much form solar and wind AND COAL that we have spikes of pollution during winter in the europe ...

Nice move politicians :S ... that's ecological to cover Europe of coal smoke instead of ... water (uranium doesn't go into the sky with nuclear power, it doesn't move, only water is moving)

They are all watching for a short time, no for a long time ... what they will do when Europe will be under coal smokes ? Oh nothing they will be retired ...
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+12 33. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Engine has too much power

The goal is, like in all other sports, is to be the first.
The "Tractor pulling" is the Formula 1 of the farming tractors.
The cost of tractors like this one is comparable to an F1 car.
The manufacturers build parts for "Tractor pulling", with sports like that they can improve technology , as in car competition.

Mechanics can say that engines like this are jewelry
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+5 34. Guss commented 10 years ago on video What to do when you see a drunk driver

#3 we don't see if they let the car in the middle of the road ;)
The stop it, but what they do after, we don't know.
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+7 35. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Barefoot Skiing behind Airplane

doesn't work
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0 36. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Terrifying onboard video of a rally from the mid 80's

#11 no, trubo was useed, Peugeot 205 Turbo 16, Porsche 911 Turbo, Renault 5 Turbo 2 ...

It was groupe B
It was a "no limit" category (the only one was the design and the number of cars produced in series)
I think, there is nothing equivalent today in rally.
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+4 37. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Guy connects 244 9v batteries in a row...

i wonder about the goal of the vidéo ... putting 1.5V LED on 2000V ... why ? the result is predictable, you don't need 244 9V batteries to do that...
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0 38. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Making a knife from an old sawblade

well thats cool, but sawblade is not important in the story, with another piece of metal it would be the same ;)
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+1 39. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Celebration goes wrong!!!

Oh, now i understand why there are so much ads to buy a new TV when there is football world cup.
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+2 40. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Car vs. cyclist

the 3rd sequence we can see a fault from the bicycle ! He didn't the the sign that we can see at 0:36

The other sequence show fault from other vehicles.
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+2 41. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Driving the same car for 53 years

It seems to have a problem with this video on snotr there is only the end
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+2 42. Guss commented 10 years ago on video Small bird flying at speeds of 90km/h on the freeway

Hey bird, use the blinker when you change of lane :D
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+11 43. Guss commented 10 years ago on video 80 Amish pick up and move a house

This is the cosplay of "Antz" :D
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-1 44. Guss commented 10 years ago on video 25 angry dogs - What would you do?

We can say anything but if he goes without saying nothing at start, perhaps dogs don't do anything.

We can see just when he start to shout, dogs goes to him ...

And we can see that this man don't now anything about driving sheep in open lands dogs are not here to protect them but to drive theme and to let them grouped.
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+4 45. Guss commented 10 years ago on video The Chilliman

I think that the song "eye of the tiger" fits better to this video ;)
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+6 46. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Just a little tip from your friendly Truck Driver

#10 this is the same in France ... :(

people run to other and jump on their brake ... idots ...

into traffic, i do like this truck driver. Doing this you also save your brakes, fuel and engine
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+14 47. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Accident at a Russian steel plant

An accident in Russia seems to be normal for them !
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+2 48. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Excavator precision

Already on snotr but without sounds
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+1 49. Guss commented 11 years ago on video POV of the recent skydivers mid-air crash

That seems to be a little like World of Warplanes,

But to see that in reality is making fear
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+12 50. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Volocopter V200

In case of battery failure, what's happening ?

Classic helicopters can do emergency landing without running engine.
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+5 51. Guss commented 11 years ago on video American Fotoplayer

Korg, Yamaha, Roland .... are nothing compared to this one !

That is a mechanical jewel !
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+4 52. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Chinese toungtwisters..

That remind me
(for the frenchs)
"Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont elles seches, archi seches"
"Où sont ces six saucissons secs ?"
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-1 53. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Building a rocking chair without power tools

5:00 accident was near !
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+1 54. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Boeing introduces first unmanned F-16 as an aerial target

Skynet is not far !
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0 55. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Cake Skills

I don't think we can call that skills, everybody can do that quite easily ...

But if it's done without turntable, yes, there is more skills needed.

Here it is just quite inventive, or a clever way to do it.
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+5 56. Guss commented 11 years ago on video London to Brighton Side by Side

#3 the music is this one
Star Guitar - The Chemical Brothers
The particularity of this music is the synchronisation between music and the video elements
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+9 57. Guss commented 11 years ago on video A doggie Rube Goldberg machine

That's fun but, it would be better if it wasn't done with synthetic sequences (look the last ball how it is rolling ;) )
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+1 58. Guss commented 11 years ago on video A Water Bomber cools off a traffic accident.

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+6 59. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Tron dance

That sounds and looks good !
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+19 60. Guss commented 11 years ago on video What Happens Inside You When a Mosquito Bites

Need some explanations.
Someone can explain what we see ?
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+3 62. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Little girl and her carpenter bee pet

#9 yeap, but i red that carpenter bee aren't aggressive and often its sting is too short to penetrate human skin.

They are solitary bee and make hole on dead wood.

Any years i see bee like that in my garden, they are really impressive.
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+1 63. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Inside a running engine

#7 as #12 said, it depends, you describe the direct injection (common rail and other new technologies), but on old diesel engines it sucks fuel mixture, those engines are called indirect injection ;)
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+1 65. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Pixar's Presto

for sure, I have seen it on snotr but i can't find it where it is
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+3 66. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Fire-fighting plane water bombing a house on fire.

There classics ways, and there is the Russian way :x
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0 67. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Ferrite - Interactive Ferrofluid Sculptures

That is ferrofluid, is not exactly Ferrite :

Ferrofluid can be used to build high vacuum rotary feedthrough
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+7 68. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Russian folks save a moose from freezing to death.

And cameraman doesn't help them to pull ?
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+2 69. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Car attempts to overtake in the rain

#8 but it's not exactly aquaplaning, if you look well, he had done an emergency turn because there were someone on the other side. So fast turn + rain = easy drifting ... and crash
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+8 70. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Very fast typer

He can play in a movie where some hacker fighting against virus by fast typing on the keyboard !!
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-9 71. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Underwater Bubble Room

(i) to #1, carbon dioxide is not toxic, oxygen will be replaced by carbon dioxide while they breath
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+7 72. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Neat scaled down bullet time effect

There is always a Gopro behind nice images !
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0 73. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Insane RC helicopter skills

Very good mechanical endure for all that
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0 74. Guss commented 11 years ago on video The Modern Motorcycle Diaries

I don't like motorcycle, but after that video, i want to ride a motorcycle !

really nice video !
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-1 75. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Next Generation Transition(R) Unveiled

imagine "fast and furious" vehicle with car/plane like that! lol :D
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+5 76. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Electric Supercar

the future is close
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+5 77. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Pentatonix - Evolution of Music

That's nice!

I just found the beginning, before 1900, is a little light compared to after 1900.
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+7 78. Guss commented 11 years ago on video 10 Unexplained Discoveries

10s all times are often wrong or inexact or based on rumor :/

Videos are well made but often the informations are not ...
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+1 79. Guss commented 11 years ago on video 1,000,000 matches lit all at once

Lol "do not try this at home" ...

but, who can do that at home ?
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+6 80. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Bat infestation on a roof

why this guy have fear ?
Most of bat like that eats fruits and insects.
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+1 81. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Brutal Self Inflicted Nutshot

Darwin in action :p
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+6 82. Guss commented 11 years ago on video How animation was done in the 30s.

And today, 1 guy with 1 computer can do the same thing in 1 week !
The evolution of the technique is really impressive.
Yesterday that's taking so much time, and no it's so fast !
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+4 83. Guss commented 11 years ago on video The walking dog

Darwin is not so far :p
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+5 84. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Amazing ski stunt five floors of fury

I waitting for the Level 2 :p
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+3 85. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Catching a Train

Try this in France with the TGV :x
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+2 86. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Afraid to fly ? ride a jet !

to #5 I know this place, but the probability to see it on a video of snotr is nothing !
Should i play lotto?
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+39 87. Guss commented 11 years ago on video Afraid to fly ? ride a jet !

Oh! :O I juste realised where the video was shooted,2.627301&spn=0.005889,0.013207&sll=49.0908,-0.35665&sspn=1.492901,3.381042&hnear=R%C3%A9au,+Seine-et-Marne,+%C3%8Ele-de-France&t=m&z=17&layer=c&cbll=48.601111,2.627301&panoid=LpmUsdEHGQkrLryvz-v2nw&cbp=12,76.31,,0,14.11
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+3 88. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Silo demolition

Darwin award failure ?
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+2 89. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Golden invention

I want one, bye bye back pain !
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+3 90. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Fastest workers compilation

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+1 91. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Gotye - Somebody That I Used to Know - Old School Computer Remix

It's me or it miss a note on the xylophone playing?
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+4 92. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Thanks for over 5 years of fun!

Oh that's good, snotr summary into 7 minutes
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+3 93. Guss commented 12 years ago on video FedEx aircraft movements

It's a litle like ants ;)
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+1 94. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Slingshots in the Roman Empire?

OMG shoot a gopro away !!
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+4 95. Guss commented 12 years ago on video GIF sound the video

That is that we can call a real internet video
Imagination, fun, and can't see anywhere else
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+7 96. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Just for the Millionaires

Oh that's cool to unload the shooping's items :D
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+4 97. Guss commented 12 years ago on video How a turbocharger is made

with a turbo you can increase the yield of the engine so with the same load output it can uses a little less fuel
but that's not true at all engine speed and load.
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+1 98. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Archery - Fast Shooting

She just shoots my heart <3
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+4 99. Guss commented 12 years ago on video 2 hamsters one wheel

Really resistant, not sick after that !
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+39 100. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Van explosion

#1 no, just like in Russia ...
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0 101. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Intel's music machine

There are some genius who made 3d videos of impossible machines ... and other genius who made them for real ! :O
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+2 102. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Super Dog

Oh! that's a so good video !
Need a new video with Gopro on the dog head now !
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+8 103. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Volvo Trucks - The Ballerina Stunt

That can be a good action/spy movie sequence
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-1 104. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Fans showing the way

If somebodies support my team like that, i 'll suppose they are laughing about me saying "hey! the goal is here, not on the other side,are you blind?"
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+4 105. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Plasma speaker: making musical sparks

And what about the ionization ? and alpha gamma X ray ? and also UV ?

Doing plasma like that produce all of that, il is not so safe, so be really careful if you try that !
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-2 106. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Eco-homes: Living the good life

but they are all using a lot of tools build with fuel and chemical products ...
they turning a blind eye doing what they do.
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-2 107. Guss commented 12 years ago on video The Schiebel CAMCOPTER

cool but we don't see it flying :/ only what's watching (need another one to see how it's fly :D )
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+3 108. Guss commented 12 years ago on video How It's Made - Vinyl Records

#1 go to real music shops, you will find some
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+1 109. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Airplane Refueling... in Congo.

Can anyone tell us the capacity of the fuel tank of this plane? I guest it s more than 500 Liters ...

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+1 110. Guss commented 12 years ago on video World Yo-Yo Champ

A slow motion please ! :D
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0 111. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Metacrylics products Tested at temperatures below minus 70 degree Fahrenheit

-70°F (-21°C) you don't need to go to antartica

In antarcica you can reach -112°F (- 80°C)
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+4 112. Guss commented 12 years ago on video How to build a Jet Engine - with Lego

Agree with #9
Lego doesn't need to be glued. That's a shame to glue Lego bricks :'(
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+1 113. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Introducing Word Lens

oh! i had a same idea 8 years ago ! but that was only an idea ...

But it's a cool thing that is working with todays computers
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0 114. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Crash at Summer X Games 18

WTF the guy on the left is catching video with an Ipad ?! :x
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+25 115. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Man Climbs Building Frame When Suddenly....

A question :
Why don't use the ladder ? :D
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+2 116. Guss commented 12 years ago on video How To Get A 14 Ton Digger Off The Silage Pit

to the question : How did they get it up there in the first place anyways ???

The digger has done the silage pit under it, silage need to be hardly compacted. There is no better way of using a digger.

more information about it :
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+3 117. Guss commented 12 years ago on video 24h of le Mans - Toyota crash

#3 the red car(Ferrari) was driven by a rookie driver, and the 'flying car'(Toyota) by a pro driver.

There is stickers on the cars to help drivers to identify pro drivers an rookie drivers.
Toyota driver explain, that he pass 3 cars, the 2 fist were pro, and he can't see, which was the last, he tough, that was also a pro, but when he on the side he realized that was a rookie, and they were turning, i don't know if the red car driver he him or not ... it seems no

There is specifics rules for driving in a race, you can't pass a car if you don't know if the driver in front of you have seen you.
It's not like on the road for everyone.
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+8 119. Guss commented 12 years ago on video $5,000 go kart stroll

i like the air filter :D
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+4 120. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Vacuum Cleaning Fail

this is a new technologie likes wireless, this is the new pipeless Vacuum Cleaner :D
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-2 121. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Bike Race Crash

#1 you don't have to touch him until the rescue arrive except if someone know how what to do
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+1 122. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Penguins Jumping Onto An Iceberg

That's remind me the game, MTP target :P
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+6 123. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Quadrotor Machine Gun

to 7#
he is not Russian, he is American
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-1 124. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Harvey's Electric Air Bike

If we don't see the begining of the video, it like a bike propulsed by big farts
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+3 125. Guss commented 12 years ago on video football player shares booger with young friend

There is only a football player to do that in front of a camera !
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+2 126. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Elephant knows how to use a touchscreen

Pretentious end ... bigger is better ... that's fit well with other kind of videos
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+4 127. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Bobsled ride , helmet cam

it's a shame that the video compression is bad, we don't have speed sensation ...
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+7 129. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Awesome X

for information
The Glitch Mob
"We Can Make the World Stop"

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0 130. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Helicopter Crashes During Top Gear Korea

Corvette 1 - AH-1 Cobra 0


i m far away ...
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+4 131. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Gladys Ingle of the 13 black cats

wait a minute !
Why there were so many cameras ?
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0 132. Guss commented 12 years ago on video Formula car drifting at the Nurburgring

Cold n Hot !
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+8 133. Guss commented 12 years ago on video A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors

That's remind me "Space Invaders" :D
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+1 134. Guss commented 13 years ago on video BCB Wall Breaker

The 4x4 car is enough to break the wall
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+5 135. Guss commented 13 years ago on video 25 Ways to Wear a Scarf in 4.5 Minutes!

A really elegant video !
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+9 136. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Tri-Love

Interesting, but a bit long for showing 2 functions, no ?
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0 137. Guss commented 13 years ago on video The Oomphalapompatronium

That makes me rememberer, Monkey Island 2 :P
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+12 138. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Drop test

this is plexiglass(iphone) vs ploycarbonate(galaxy) ;)
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0 139. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Back to the Start

great video, but easy to say, to do it's other thing
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+1 140. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Watercone

be careful it's not a really good water, there is no minerals in it, but it's better than polluted water.
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+3 141. Guss commented 13 years ago on video According to Microsoft the Future is Like...

food is also virtual ? :x

What is the other face of this video ? Who wants to make an underground video with hackers using the same technologies?
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+3 142. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Park Like a Boss

" Slippery road or nerves of steel? " ... or bad suspensions
He slipt just after have bounced on the road
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+2 143. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Motocross accident - Big surprise on track

#2 with the curved terrain the sound doesn't go directly to the walkers, so they can think the bike is far.

But walking on a track like that is always very dangerous even if you know there are bikes running
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+1 144. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Supercar Crashes

The last is not a crash, but only a car failure
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+3 145. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Tug Toner

Oh, I don't need that :x
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0 146. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Vintage race car crashes

no ABS, no airbag, no ESP, no assisted steering, no disk brakes but drum brakes .
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+2 147. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Deer runs over dog

No one, but the reaction of the dog is logical, because its not a hunting dog, it's not abnormal.
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0 149. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Reality Hits You Hard Bro

Yeah, reality hits you realy hard!
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+1 150. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Deer runs over dog

But this is not a hunting dog.
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0 151. Guss commented 13 years ago on video National Guard trucks drown

#10 you are wrong, military trucks uses simple engine that doesn't need electrical parts to run.
As long as the air intake doesn't suck water, it's still running, but if it's suck water at best engine stops, at worth engine breaks because water is incompressible.

For petrol engine you there is also the Delco head that needs to be waterproof
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+1 152. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Monster Tajima's Record Breaking run at Pikes Peak Hill Climb

GoPro rocks ! and the pilot also
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+1 153. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Hair on fire

Is this way the human evolution ?
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-1 154. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Mega bass

what is use to? ...
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+2 155. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Guy Discovers Problem with Engine!

I prefer to have a tiger in my engine ...
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+3 156. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Japanese Train Goes 300 MPH

No the limit of the TGV is not the friction to stop it, is the tension of the catenary.
When it is rolling, the pantograph that touches the catenary makes a wave on the catenary in font of the pantograph.
More the train speeding, more the wave is near the catenary.
To makes it farthest you have to increase the tension of catenary.
For the last record, the tension was of many tons (i don't remember exactly)!

Imagine a tension of 10 tons on a single copper wire of 5 cm of diameter ...
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0 157. Guss commented 13 years ago on video SMS while driving

How the car of the girls could be taken into shandwish between the two other ??
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0 158. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Worlds Strongest Redneck

the strongest perhaps, but not cleverest
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+2 159. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Pocket Rocket

Whaou! this is the new police nightmare ! :D
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+1 160. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Glasses-Free 3D Display for iPad 2

Another guy did the same thing before with a wii

here that is better, is the head tracking, apparently without IR LED
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+2 161. Guss commented 13 years ago on video How to really erase a CD..

That does not erase CD, but only remove the reflective coat, if you recoat again the surface with reflective material, you will be able to read it again.

The datas are bunred into the plastic disc not in the reflectif coat.
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+1 162. Guss commented 13 years ago on video So much cooler then icecubes

Cool, but one thing is can be a problem ... when you want two or more Ice cube !
During the building of the second ice cube, the first one melts ... :x
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+2 163. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Russian soldiers create avalanche by firing artillery

Russian style ... what else !
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+3 164. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Increasing Gas prices?

Hum... and what about narrow road with a front wind? :x
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+6 165. Guss commented 13 years ago on video 2011 WSBK Donington - Race 1 - Maxime Berger Crash

look at the inside of the wheel. There is no longer the center of the rim as if it had broken and the rest was still on the bike 00:08
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+3 166. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Great Add on a iPhone

This is technically possible, but, don't know if this video is true or not
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0 167. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Russian fake motorcycle

There is some quite good ideas
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+9 168. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Truck crossing a river

This is the cheapest ferry-boat ! :P
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+3 169. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Water Fueled Car

This is simply a fuel cell, the mane problem is industrialization. That uses a lot of platinium. Now, we don't have enough ressources of platinium on earth to industrialize this system at large scale.
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-1 170. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Crazy dog jumping fire

That's this we can call an hot dog :D
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+24 171. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Drunk Hero Fights Off Armed Robber

Drink and save the world ! :D
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0 172. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Magnetic liquid

to #1
We use magnetic fluid to build seal and vacuum rotary feedthrough
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+6 173. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Rocket-Powered 'Aerotrain'

Aerotrain was abandoned, but they continued to use a part of the rail to test the engines of the mythic plane called Concorde
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+10 174. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Don't Talk On Your Phone In A Concert

this can be dangerous if it is a piano concert ! :x
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+1 175. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Music Painting

Really brilliant idea
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+3 176. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Ultra-fast Trap

French accent ! Good ! >:)
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+5 177. Guss commented 13 years ago on video Ewan Dobson

Realy good picking play
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+3 178. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Sum Ting Wong

Love the last words "welcome to China" :D
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+8 179. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Reverse Graffiti : Ossario

Clean and clever art
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+50 180. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Internet Commenter

Really good transposition. 10 years of Internet forums summarized in 2 minutes.
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+4 181. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Rock Star Attitude Fail

#14 agree with you, i think this is a fake
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+1 182. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Crane Drops Pallet

oh no, they missed the dog ! >:)
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+1 183. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Mayo vs Meath Brawl

Are they dancing ? :S
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+2 184. Guss commented 14 years ago on video 8 BITS

woooh realy cool, 8bits rocks, lets go back to the 80's
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+4 185. Guss commented 14 years ago on video iPhone Melted by Solar Death Ray

?? What did he think. Nothing can resist to sunlight, an iphone is not an exception ...
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+5 186. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Ridiculous Drumming Skills

Good skils but that sounds bad ... Now he have to do that with real drums
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+3 187. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Amazing crash

Darwin awards Medal ?
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0 188. Guss commented 14 years ago on video The French Air force saluting the 50 years of cartoon character Astérix

Hey they don't flight in 2D but in 3D, so if we watch smoke on other awy we don't see anything
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+10 189. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Ever seen a train lay its own tracks?

Really fine mechanics
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-7 190. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Baby born with 12 perfectly functional fingers.

This is the evolution ! Welcome to the Xmen world :p
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+7 191. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Kinetic paper craft sculpture.

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0 192. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Cheeseburger in Hydrochloric Acid

Try this with fruits or vegetables, i think that the result will be the same ...
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+5 193. Guss commented 14 years ago on video What is a browser

People who don't knew what is a browser don't know what is exactly a computer, but they often used it ...
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+3 194. Guss commented 14 years ago on video Guy Driving Wrecked Car

Poor Peugeot 406 to robust enough to ride after a crash!
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+1 195. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Box of wine + microwave

the hole seems like fake, how broken dishes can be stacked after the explosion ? (top right of the video)
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0 196. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Honda CBR 1000RR Fireblade

So driving like that is bad, but this engine sound's says "push to the red line and more" >:) !
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+1 197. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Multiple motorcycle crashes

I think they are going too fast at the end of the curve, so there bikes touch road and rear wheel loose traction
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+8 198. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Body scanner

And what about the danger of repeated X ray exposition ?
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0 199. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Awesome piloting

same video sources but higher quality
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+3 200. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Fifth Gear Loop the Loop

Fifth Gear and Top Gear team are realy crazy but it is so good
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-1 201. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Escort takes-out bike riders

I don't understand why bicycles didn't stopped !
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0 202. Guss commented 15 years ago on video "Le chance" compilation

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0 203. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Baby Born With 2 Faces

#8, you can see the full video here
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-1 204. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Baby Born With 2 Faces

finally maybe Ganesh has really existed !
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-2 205. Guss commented 15 years ago on video One Man Band


That shows well, what men can do for only money.
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+3 206. Guss commented 15 years ago on video It’s better when it’s French

I'm Not really agree with this ad ...

That is really French
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+2 207. Guss commented 15 years ago on video 8-bit trip

LEGO, we can say that is the first 3D pixel in the world :D

Lego + 8 Bit sound = 80's nostalgia
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+8 208. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Rally Driver says sorry

I am right with #5 and #7, the principe of this web site is to list the best of what we can see over the web, but not always listing the same video, it isn't useful having a video twice.
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+36 209. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Running 100m in 9.58 seconds

look at 1:0 , photographers can run faster :D
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0 211. Guss commented 15 years ago on video A truck for the woman with no time to find a parking spot

It is a realy cool ad for the TV channel SciFi
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+1 212. Guss commented 15 years ago on video Microphone

Think what it will be when you will be old ...
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+4 213. Guss commented 16 years ago on video High speed train: 575 km/h

This is not the world's fastest train, but this is the fastest railroad train and fastest comercial train
The Japanese train is a prototype and magnetic.
its maximum commercial speed (with passengers) is 320 km/h