Comments posted by Hellie112


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-1 2. Hellie112 commented 8 years ago on video Stop a Douchebag SPB - Response to 'Stop a Douchebag'

I am still waiting for the video where they messed with the wrong Russian and get a beating. There a lot of Russian road rage video is so at least that is a possibility. On the other hand they are pussies and only go against weak targets.
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+1 3. Hellie112 commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week - Winning Categories

Thank you Snotr, for supplying us with these great videos through the years.
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+2 4. Hellie112 commented 8 years ago on video Snotr Category Week

Compilations, Documentary, Awesome
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+2 5. Hellie112 commented 12 years ago on video Extreme crosswind landings

#16 Enigma - Return To Innocence
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-1 6. Hellie112 commented 12 years ago on video Philips light bulb commercial

maybe philips and other manufacturers should not have made agreemends of how long a light bulb should last... Planned obsolescence...
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+1 8. Hellie112 commented 12 years ago on video Monkey Vs. Cat

Am i the only one that thinks that those people need getting there ass whooped
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+1 9. Hellie112 commented 14 years ago on video Visual Improvement

i dont like this car, you have no feeling in the steeringweel, (you cant feel what the front tires are doing)
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+3 10. Hellie112 commented 14 years ago on video Ferrari F40 top speed

how can he be charged for reckless driving when they don't have his face on the video? (i can't recognize anyone in the mirror)