Comments posted by JaeMarie


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+59 1. JaeMarie commented 13 years ago on video Top 10 Pranks of 2010

The ring might be real, but your fiancee is a douche.

Was anyone else waiting for him to snap the box shut on her finger?

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+14 2. JaeMarie commented 13 years ago on video Harry meets Guillotine

#5 - ..."let alone"...

Just sayin ;) .
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+7 3. JaeMarie commented 13 years ago on video Wrestler Completely Misses Table

Did they actually just throw his corpse on the other guy to finish the script?
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+5 4. JaeMarie commented 13 years ago on video Crazy twins run out and get hit on motorway

#26 - It's actually a mylar blanket. They're ridiculously inexpensive, lightweight, take up almost no space, and work really well for trapping body heat. They're a great addition to any emergency kit.

I volunteer at the Chicago Marathon every year, and all the runners get them after the race to help prevent hypothermia.
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+3 5. JaeMarie commented 13 years ago on video Awesome High Speed Compilation

#1 - They're filming at high speed (special extra expensive cameras) then playing the film back at a regular speed, which makes it appear to be in slow motion.
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+37 6. JaeMarie commented 13 years ago on video Cold and Refreshing

Notice the skateboard?

Not TOTALLY creepy hanging out in an empty pool drinking... just skateboarding and stopping for a beer break.

Which sounds like a combination that'll bring us more great Snotr vids.

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+4 7. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Sci-Fi RailGun, for real

#9 - I believe the point is accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency.

Think of it like treating cancer. It used to be that doctors would only be able to poison the whole body with chemo in the hope of killing off the bad stuff before too much damage was done to the rest. As technology progresses, they're getting better at isolating and attacking the problem, while leaving the rest of the body relatively unharmed.
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+23 8. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video North Korea military parade

I wonder how many beatings it takes to learn how to march like that?
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+7 9. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Nasty Big Oil Tank Explosion!

#11 - I didn't suspect that there was any fire inside the tank, but as they mention at 0:25 that excessive heat can cause an explosion.

Years ago I was talking to a firefighter friend of mine, telling him about the house my mother had just purchased. It was a brick home with a VERY narrow walkway in between it and the next house. He mentioned that situations like that were a PITA, because if one house was burning, they had to be sure to keep the neighboring house hosed off to keep the temp down to keep the interior of that from igniting.

Fire needs 3 things. Oxygen, fuel, and heat. Water doesn't just suffocate a fire, but it's also used to bring temperatures down below that of ignition.
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+4 10. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Nasty Big Oil Tank Explosion!

#1 - Of course you don't put water on an oil fire, BUT you CAN use water on the exterior of a tanker to try to keep the temperature down to help keep it from exploding.
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+3 11. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Houston Metro Rail

I'd be curious to know what percentage of those drivers causing the accidents drove regularly in the city vs the ones that weren't used to the streets.

Just a guess, but I'm thinking that the majority are unfamiliar with the streets and probably trying to find their way and read street signs instead of noticing that GIANT METAL THING running them down.
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+10 12. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Did u know


#10 - If the woman releases multiple eggs that are fertilized, the babies will be fraternal twins (either sex & look different.) Same process as above, but more of them.

If she releases one egg, and after fertilization when the fertilized egg begins splitting and growing (2:20ish) if the cells completely separate, then a baby can grow from each. They would be identical twins, of the same sex and appearance, since they come from the same DNA. Triplets and other identical multiples are the same, just having split off more cells from the original.

Conjoined twins occur when the cell split is incomplete. They are identical, but never completely separated.

The egg itself doesn't begin splitting/growing on it's own - it needs to be fertilized first.
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+5 13. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Cop ran over

Ummm, did anyone else think that at 0:48 the cop was either going to have his throat crushed or nearly be decapitated between the bumpers of the cars? That is an extremely lucky man to not be dead.

As far as only drawing a gun in the face of a deadly weapon ie knife or a gun? Well, it sure as hell looked to me like the driver was using his car as a deadly weapon. The way he was driving could have caused any number of fatal accidents, and he showed no hesitation backing into that officer or plowing into that other car.

As for the innocent(?) passenger (of a stolen car), if the officers had guns on them, then common sense would state that they've had appropriate training... which would mean they wouldn't unload blindly into the car. A trained officer isn't going to take a shot unless it's a clean one. Not only that, but it's just as likely that they might have used the guns to take out the tires to keep the guy from flying back and forth.
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+5 14. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Fake poop.

As F'ed up and disgusting as this stupid video was, I couldn't help but laugh like an 8yo boy...

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+5 15. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made - Magnets

ICP would do well to become fans of Snotr. ;)
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+1 16. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi MAX - Display King

#21 Please see hyperhydration.

The consumption of too much plain old everyday water CAN kill you. Just because something is "natural" or an element doesn't make it safe. Arsenic is a natural element (double whammy!) and I'm sure you'd find that your body doesn't handle it nearly as well as a diet pop. ;)
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+9 17. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi MAX - Display King

#17 - I'm believing this one before some random youtube link. Besides, I find it odd that an egg sitting in a cup of coke for a YEAR? is filled to the exact same level as when it was poured, and the egg hasn't rotted from the inside out.

Besides, if you're worried about the breakdown of calcium in your teeth, ANY acidic liquid will have the same effect with prolonged exposure. Orange juice, lemon juice, tomato juice, black tea, coffee, and beer are all acidic.

Like with anything in life, use a little moderation, common sense and enjoy. ;)
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+5 18. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Pepsi MAX - Display King

It's the Trickster! I love Richard Speight! LOL

One of my absolute favorite characters on Supernatural :D .
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+9 19. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Jewellery Shop Robbery FAIL

#8 - no kidding!

Someone at a high risk place like a jewelry store hits the panic buttons TWICE and it still takes 20 min to get there? WTF! He could have slaughtered the whole bunch of them in that time.

The end was the best solution though. All they need is a buzzer to control each door, and say "Sure! I'll let you out!" and trap him like they did. THAT should have happened oh... the first time he demanded they open the door?
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+5 20. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Hang Glider Crashes Doing Loop

Great catch #5. With the tossing around, I missed the deployment the first time. Having flown kites as a kid, I imagined that at the angle he was at he would have otherwise buried the nose of the thing.... ACK!

I'm also glad they played with the camera angles the way they did. It made it much easier to make sense of what was happening.
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+4 21. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made: Contact Lenses

#11 Thanks for the extra info.

I'd almost forgotten how many versions of "disposables" there are lol. Thinking back on it, I believe the specific ones I have are weekly use disposables... or something like that. In any case, I've just taken care of them the same as I took care of the other more expensive contacts, and they've held up just fine and feel great.
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+10 22. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made: Contact Lenses

#3 & #6

Many years ago one of the prime time news programs did a show where they talked to eye doctors and manufacturers of contacts about the differences between disposables and regular contacts. There were only a couple doc's willing to say it, but I think they got one of the manufacturers to fess up that there's really no difference. The biggest differences are when it comes to extended wear (that you're supposed to be able to leave in for like a week at a time, then toss) as those are more gas permeable.

Since I saw that show... probably almost 10 years ago, I've purchased the much cheaper disposables and worn them and cared for them like daily wear lenses. If you take care of them, they last just fine, and I don't feel bad tossing them after several months or a year if I do start getting deposits on them. It's also quite convenient having spare sets around in case I loose one.

The ones I have come 6 to a box (one box for each eye, as my prescriptions are different) and after about 4years, I still have one pair left. I'll be going in this spring to get my eyes checked for health, even though the scripts don't seem to have changed. I'll order some more then.

Just for comparison, I have an astigmatism, so the lenses were more expensive than the regular ones at that time. When I got these I paid about $27 per box for the disposables, whereas they wanted in the $70 range for the SINGLE pair.

Easy math. ;)
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+27 23. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Oscillating Truck

"Boy, he got lucky."

"Yeah, I don't wanna get too close."

REALLY? It looked to me like you were catching up to the guy. I would have backed the F off :O .

#1 - The load is WAY top heavy. It's possible that either winds are a factor, the driver made a move right or left too quickly and started it rocking, or a combination of both.
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+16 24. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Illusionist walks through table

LOL - that was pretty slick!

The finish on the surface of the table is pretty flat, but you can see at 1:57 that there's some kind of seam/interruption of the surface in line with that inset. If not for the windows in the background casting some glare on the table, it would be harder to see.

Now, as far as whatever mechanism they have installed that is opening to his front/closing behind him, or however THAT works, I can't really tell. I've got to think on this one and watch it on something better than my netbook lol.

Another thought - maybe it's something along the lines of a high tech roller shade? He works his way into the middle of it, and stays in the hole while moving forward slowly with it. If you notice at the end, he takes the jacket off and covers himself from the front before he leaves the light colored inset.
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0 25. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video bus driver fights with child

#10 "You clearly didn't raise any children yet..."

You're right - I'm not FINISHED raising my children, but I am raising them now. I bust my ass to take care of them, sit with them and help with homework, ask them about school, friends, etc, and pay attention to them.

"Leading by example doesn't work at all. All you get from that is the kid thinking you're a weakling and becoming more distant."

So, kids don't pick up behaviors from their parents? Disrespectful adults don't tend to raise disrespectful kids? I guarantee you that my kids don't think I'm a weakling just because I don't slap them around, and they're anything but distant.

My parents never laid a hand on me, other than the occasional pop on the butt as a little kid (which I've done with my own kids as well, if they were endangering themselves or someone else.) They raised me to respect them (not just by laying down rules, but by SHOWING ME what respect for others looked like) and had very high expectations of me. I never DREAMED of smarting off to my parents or stepping out of line. They always knew where I was, I never got into trouble at school, I never drank, smoked, or tried drugs and *gasp* I know this is hard to believe these days, but I also wasn't having sex (so I reject the "We accept that kids can start their sex life earlier" part, because not EVERYBODY accepts it.) My parents worked hard at doing a good job, and I'm following their lead.

If parents are willing to put the effort into their kids where the kids need support and supervision, there wouldn't be so many "douchebag" kids. Track down the douchebags and look at their lives. Do they have parents who did their best to give little Johnny whatever he WANTED, or what he actually NEEDED? Do those kids have responsibilities/chores to do, or do they come home and play on the computer and X-Box all night?


Thank you, I did ;) .
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-2 26. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video bus driver fights with child


The problem isn't that the kids are supposed to be learning respect "at that age", the problem is that they should have good parents teaching them respect WAYYYYYYYY before they're ever ready to start going to school.

You'll never slap respect into anyone. The only thing that teaches is fear of getting slapped again, or worse. When parents lead by example and teach their children respect by guiding them, THEN children learn respect... and yes, I am a mother of 3 boys (who teachers consistently tell me are of the best behaved and most polite, helpful, and enjoyable kids.)

Lastly - "Child abuse is when the kid ends up in hospital, or, worse."

Really? I damn near choked on that comment. I have a friend who is dealing with an abusive ex (who the Department of Child and Family Services has investigated for a dozen or so reportings by the school, doctors, etc) is stuck having to turn her daughter regularly over to this monster. The bruises he leaves on her are always discreet, he plays a "game" of raising his arm to her face but only hits her some of the time, throws things at her, and while he hasn't locked her in a dog crate for a while, has threatened to kill her a number of times.

But I guess by your definition, that's not abuse. Maybe my friend just needs to wait it out till her daughter "ends up in hospital, or, worse" before she worries about it.
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+54 27. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Evil Hamster

I used to work at a pet shop, and I have to say - hamsters ARE EVIL!

The nice ones got hearts drawn on their tanks to be sold as pets, the ones that bit got red X's and were sold 1/2 price for snake food. Even then, there were only a few snake owners who had snakes slick enough that they'd buy them. The last thing a snake owner wants is the snake's food kicking it's ass :( .
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+1 29. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video SeaPort "lanslide"

When I was looking at the parking lot to the right, I kept thinking I was seeing people standing around watching. PLEASE tell me that it was just the poor quality of the video combined with - I don't know... cracks in the pavement?

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+28 30. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Top 20 Gymnastics Fails

I think I spotted a couple spinal cord injuries there :( .
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+1 31. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video BMX Rider Faceplant

#15 - It could be a number of things. There could be some degree of neurological damage, the sound of someone trying not to scream, he could have the wind knocked out of him and not be able to take in enough breath to cry out, or maybe he broke his jaw and can't manage more. :|
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+2 32. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Japanese Group Mime the Olympics

I blinked at 1:16 and had to replay it to make sure I wasn't losing my mind LOL.
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-1 33. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Bystander Effect - people watch girl being abducted

"99% of the time, when you see this, the child is just being a brat."

And then there's the other 1%.

Think of it this way. Let's say you were walking down the street, saw this happening, and did nothing. Later that day you see an Amber Alert with a picture of the child you dismissed.

Can you say in good conscience that your inaction would have been justified and you wouldn't question your decisions?
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+6 34. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Bystander Effect - people watch girl being abducted

#19 - Ohhhh Noooo! Embarrassment? *gasp* We can't have that!

Who the hell cares? It's simple - "Hey little girl, do you know this guy?" If the answer is no, CALL THE POLICE. If it IS some snotty brat trying to manipulate the situation, when the cops get there and sort things out, she's going to get an earful and a half from them AND whatever's coming to her at home.

Why bother and go through the hassle? There's only 1 in 100 chance it's something bad? Don't you think it would mean a HELL of a lot to that kid that gets raped, beaten and may or may not be lucky enough to be found dead in a ditch? How great does the percentage have to be before it's worth inconveniencing you? Yeah. Maybe you could have saved some kids life, but you were running late and really wanted to stop at Starbucks on your way to work. I mean, it would be a shame if you didn't get your morning coffee...

#22 - You make no sense. Do you think shows do things like this with the intent to mess with people's emotions for entertainment? They do shows like this to try to get people to WAKE UP. They're not *making* any "good people" look like fools. The "good people" are making THEMSELVES look apathetic. Don't be whiny and blame the reason you wouldn't help on the thin chance that there might be actors involved. Own your apathy and admit that you just don't care about enough outside of yourself to be bothered.
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+4 35. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Bystander Effect - people watch girl being abducted

As a mother of three, when I see something like this the thought that comes to mind is the question "If this were my child, would I want someone to step in?"

The answer is YES.

I have yet to witness anything like the above or come across a stranger in the park watching kids type scenario, but I have been in stores and brought children to the attention of workers/management when I see parents ignoring their children or children unattended and wandering off where they could be grabbed. I've found that if I say something to a parent directly if they're not paying attention to their child, the child will likely get yelled at, but it's less likely when an employee/management says something.
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+3 36. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Useful Dog

While this shows incredible training, let's not forget the service dogs who do many of these same "tricks" on a daily basis to help people ;) .
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+19 37. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Lions attack

Any info? Where was this? When?

I hope that's more than just a mesh/netting divider containing them. I can't imagine having my kids there and seeing that...
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+69 38. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Guy Has Different Way of Doing Tequila Shots


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+4 39. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video We no speak Americano

#10 Trust me, this is not.

There's been worse LOL.
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+23 40. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Frat Dudes Glow In The Dark Routine

That was fun and creative... and damn if it didn't put a smile on my face LOL.
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+12 41. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video 240 mousetraps


If people had lives, there's be 95% less traffic and content on the internet.

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+25 42. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video 240 mousetraps

#3 - but like dominoes it takes concentration to put your hands in the right places, it sucks if it goes off too early, and in the end it feels like a small victory yet worthy of celebration!

Hmm. Sounds like a lot of other things in life as well.

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-2 43. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video IKEA releases 100 cats into its UK store

I bet the marketing person that came up with the idea is that funny smelling eccentric woman that lives in a basement apartment who wears old lady hats and has 17cats she that she refers to as her children.

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+36 44. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video easy robbery

I worked at a convenience store and yes - I've been held up.

While these two were slacking in a way that you should *NEVER* let your guard down, she did the right thing by keeping it non-confrontational and letting him have at the cash. Unless you have the upper hand (which they obviously didn't) and don't mind getting shot at, you cooperate.

Rules for getting held up.

1) Don't piss off the dude with the weapon and get yourself killed.

2) Give them what they want to get them out of the building and lock the door behind them.

Everything else beyond that is material and can be replaced.
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-19 45. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Babies eating lemons for the first time.

Some immature idiots Lemon Party joke in...




Aw crap.

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+31 46. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Pole Dancing Fail

#1 - I count 3 fails.

The third one is letting the footage escape to the internet ;) .
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+3 47. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Mythbusters Bullet Proof Pizza

Maybe #9 is confusing the shot/bullet with the shell?
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+5 48. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Hilarious Toy


"5 years old and the novelty whore off my child by the next day. (I returned it)"

Keep your kids away from novelty whores - they're nothing but trouble. Good move on the return.

Stick to the professionals and remember, they are for adult use only.

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+2 49. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Horse playing with a ball.

There's another toy for horses called a Jolly Ball. It's much smaller, but has a handle.

As much fun as horses can have with these toys, the mom in me still comes out when I see things like the video above. I want to yell "WHERE'S YOUR HELMET?!?!?" and "WHY AREN'T YOU WEARING KNEE AND ELBOW PADS!?!?!?"


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+4 50. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Hilarious Toy

#14 #16

NEW for Christmas 2010, it's IMMOLATION ELMO!


That really was f-ing disturbing...
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0 52. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Obsessed El Camino guy

BTW - I should have thrown in that I did see this episode. He went through some intensive therapy, and by the end of something like 10 weeks, he was able to DRIVE one without freaking out.
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+18 53. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Obsessed El Camino guy

#4 - he's mentally ill. OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

There's no end to the number of ways it manifests itself in different people, but for the most part it feeds anxiety and fear. People are overcome with thoughts of "If I don't do (fill in the blank) then something terrible (sickness, disaster, death) will happen." The thoughts can become so overwhelming and obsessing, that some people won't leave there homes, lose jobs, and lose family and relationships due to their inability to function normally.

It's quite treatable with therapy, if the person can stick to it.
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0 54. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video 10 year old girl amazing voice

Whitney Houston.

Teaching kids from various countries to sing in English since 1985.
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+32 55. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video World's farthest basketball shot.

I was thinking it was a viral ad as well, but looking into it, it seems to be a 17yo High School quarterback was given permission to try the shot. He was given a 2 hour window to try, and with about 10min left, he made it!

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+20 56. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Load Fail


More women driver jokes? More kitchen jokes? Really? That the best you can come up with? Gee, it's not like they ever get old or anything...


What about the GUYS who set the FAILING ramps up? What about the GUYS who didn't get the spacing right? What about the DOUCHEBAG who immediately starts snapping off on the driver?

Seriously. If Dale Earnhardt Jr. was behind the wheel, the car still would have bit it on those ramps.
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+3 57. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Jackie Chan Trains a Fish


I hate to point out the obvious, but you guys know #8 is correct... right? It's just a repetitive behavior he's claiming credit for.

I know it spoils the joke, but I get embarrassed sometimes for other people who believe such things... :(
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+2 58. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video The Kid's Got Some Nerve!

Where's the ownage? I was waiting for someone to level the little creep.

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+23 59. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video One Fat Guy wants to get on TV

LMAO. Here's some others...

Does this guy have a built in radar for news cameras or something?
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+4 60. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Huge backflip in wheelchair


Post a video of that here, or it couldn't happen.

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+2 61. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Realistic mask

That was incredible.

Oh yeah, and really f-ing creepy too...

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0 62. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Prison Activities

#13 - How they are kept depends greatly on the severity of the crime and the behavior of the inmate.

There are prisons here ranging from "tent cities" to maximum security prisons where inmates are held in individual cells and only allowed out to a controlled area by themselves for 1hr a day. The more violent the crime and more misbehaved the inmate, the more controlled and restricted the environment they're kept in.
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+14 63. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Parkour Training Fail

#6 - Not anymore.
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+4 64. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Prison Activities

#9 - It's a documentary tv series that checks out different prisons, how they run and what it's like for the inmates.
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+4 65. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video The USB Typewriter

#1 From the first sentence on the website...

"The USBTypewriter™ is a new and groundbreaking innovation in the field of obsolescence."

In other words, coming up with a "pointless invention" WAS THE ENTIRE POINT!.

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+2 67. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Graffiti

"all that money when you dont even need FDA approval to goto market. "

Maybe not in your country, but in the US you do. There's certain allowances for "supplements" leaving them unregulated, which means you don't know if those pills full of powdery stuff contains *exactly* what the label says it does... because no one's checking or holding them responsible.

"When i was in middle school there was only one person in my age group who was on meds for ADHD, now there are classes where over half the students are taking meds for ADHD."

Soooo... the drug companies are force feeding kids these drugs - not the PARENTS who are complaining that little Johnny won't sit still or makes too much noise and go to their doctors DEMANDING they give them something to "fix" their kid? Because people will demand a "quick fix" pill for everything, the drug companies are bad for looking for those fixes?

Do you blame fast food companies for making people fat as well, or is it the responsibility of the person putting the food in their mouth?
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0 68. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Graffiti

To the people upset with "huge monster companies"...

When you get sick, do you refuse to use the medications created by these "evil corporations" and just hope you get better, or are you grateful that one of these "greedy scavengers" spent HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars on research and development to get FDA approval, so you could feel better?

BTW - current estimates are that it takes $1.3 - $1.7 BILLION USD from beginning to end, to get a drug to market.*

It makes the $802 MILLION it cost in 2006 look like a bargain.

*NOTE - Only 21% of drugs make it to market. How much is also spent working on possibilities that fail testing?
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+1 69. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video CMA Mental Arithmetic Demo


If you go to the website, you see the $14.99 is a 14 day trial price, after which they charge you the $149.99. If you search the internet for scams related to Brainetics, you'll see cases where they charge BOTH the trial fee AND the full payment of $149.99 at the time of order, then suddenly have difficulties refunding the money if you call them on it.
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+2 70. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Drunk guy vs pole


That thought crossed my mind, except I think he spits some blood @ 0:16 .

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+7 71. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video CMA Mental Arithmetic Demo

While I won't discount that some genius kid is using a mental abacus, months ago I checked out the Brainetics DVDs that teach this type of thing. Here's the catch that they DON'T tell you...


You spend hundreds of dollars on the DVDs to find that YES you can add a list of 7 numbers whether they be in the tens, hundreds or thousands, AS LONG AS the list follows a Fibonacci series and you know which digits of which number in the series to add. These are not random numbers that you might come across and be helpful in everyday life like say, when grocery shopping? I made it through about half the DVDs before chalking it up to parlor tricks.
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+10 72. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Savant meets Savant

Synesthesia is fascinating. I actually have a form of it (there's over 60 types)that effects the way I see days of the week, months of the year, and some numbers. They take a spacial quality, where I "feel" the days of the week in a flat oval in front of me (each day remains at a specific point of the oval) and the months of the year create a similar oval, but running above my head (february) curving down in front of me (summer months hit about waist high) and curving below my feet and back up behind me (nov, dec, and jan) to my head. Where numbers end up is too complicated to explain effectively.

I honestly thought this was completely normal and that everyone did this, because it's the way I've always seen things and never thought to question it. I'm 38 now, and only about 3 years ago heard about synesthesia. After talking to my sister, I found she does similar things but more associated with colors (certain colors "feel" soft, hard, sharp). She also, thought everyone else did it too.
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+55 73. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video When you get annoyed from airport security

Hmmm, probably cheaper than those full body scanners that airports are installing... :O
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+4 74. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Awesome Videogame Racing Chair

I think it's less a race game, and more a "how long can you go without puking" game.

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+2 75. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Anti-homosexuality tape from Uganda

He makes it sound like homosexuality is all "2 girls 1 cup."

The gay people I know, have all had much better taste than that...
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+7 76. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Baby Gets Rick Rolled

At first I felt bad for the baby, that Rick is what it would take to make him stop crying... But then I realizes it's the PARENTS getting punished, having to listen to that.

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+2 77. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Beautiful, perfect wine bottle cutting.

Looks like you could make a "wine glass" out of the tops of those bottles. Just cap/seal the openings and flip 'em over.
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+11 78. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Remember Modems?

That's what I have set on my cell for when I get a text message.

I once had someone ask me if I was getting a fax...

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+8 79. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video vertical fail

Hey #3 - At least there's some spackle to patch up his nads!
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+1 80. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Britain's Got Talent Dancer Tobias Mead


I agree! If my sister had a huge pubic, *I* sure wouldn't be focusing the camera on her!

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+16 81. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video MythBusters Explosions Montage

Adam - "Am I missing an eyebrow?"

Love this show LOL.

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+6 82. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Hitler Sings


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+4 83. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Dumbest tattoos ever

I saw a tattoo on a late 40somethingyo woman recently - it was a tramp stamp that said "It's all good".

All I could think was that when she's 90 and in a nursing home getting her diaper changed, if the nurse is going to agree with her or not.

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+6 84. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video 10 Worst Infomercials

I know someone with a "Hawaiian Chair." I tried it for about 30 seconds on a moderate setting, and not only did I want to throw up but my neck hurt and I ended up with a headache. :S
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+2 85. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video You Can't Trust Science!

#46 "but let's face it, there's only one of these arguments that actively uses itself to impose restrictions on the way people think and act based on nothing but bullshit, and it sure as hell isn't science."

Blanket statement much? There are a-holes of every persuasion - I had an atheist harp on me for a number of years trying to force his beliefs on me.

Nobody is ever going to argue someone into an opposing belief, so to make the greatest impact on those around you, just be an example. If people want to know what it is that makes you so happy, centered, or whatever you're getting out of your beliefs, they'll ASK if they're open to it!
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+4 86. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Winscape Construction Time Lapse


Waste of money? Maybe if he popped a real window in there he'd have a great view of his neighbors bathroom or something.

"Next time just buy a house in the right place with the right view."

...because that's just so easy and everyone can afford to do so?

Dude's not hurting anyone and it looks like he'll probably get some enjoyment out of it. Who cares how much he spent on it? It's his money to waste or appreciate.
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+1 87. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video You Can't Trust Science!


I'm a Christian, and I agree with you completely.

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+3 88. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video A Turing Machine

#21 - Don't sweat the rating. I totally get that joke & appreciate it LOL.
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+2 89. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video San Francisco in 1905

I would absolutely love to see this footage recreated today - same speed down the same street and played side by side for comparison.
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+27 90. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Landslides hit Italy after heavy rain

I kept staring at that house on the right, waiting for it to shift :O .
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0 91. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Bicycle rush hour

There's a lot of great things to be said for getting around on a bike. Too bad I live 26 miles from work and bring my 3 kids to work with me during the summer for childcare.
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+17 92. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video A Turing Machine

#(removed comment)

01001110 01101001 01100011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01111001 00101100 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101011 01100101 01110011 00100000 01101101 01101111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01101110 01110011 01100101 00100000 00111011 00101001 00100000

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+11 93. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Family Guy - Who Wants Chowder


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+4 94. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Snake Bite Caught On Camera

There's probably something else going on here that we're missing - were they in an area that doesn't normally have rattlesnake antivenom? Was it freakishly expensive and she needed a lot of it?

I ask because I know someone who spent almost 2 months critically ill in an ICU, needed a transplant, and their costs were only slightly more than that. BTW - the vast majority of those costs were covered by their insurance.
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+11 95. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Parking Spot Revenge

Enjoyable video, but 2 things bother me. 1 - why were they filming her looking for a parking space, and 2 - why did the white car pull in so tight to the car at the bottom of the screen when they could have easily centered themselves in the space (you can see how much room they have)?

Even though it looks entirely set up to me, it was still worth a chuckle ;) .
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+8 96. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Airbag Seat

4 out of 5 chiropractors recommended.

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+39 97. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Double Skateboard Fail

I like how it looked like the shed swallowed him LOL.
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+7 99. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video no comment

Coitus interruptus fail.

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+2 100. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Top 10 Biggest and Best Jumps Ever

#6 It's a remix of Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation.
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+3 101. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video The Regurgitator - Britain's Got Talent 2010

#14 - Why? You think he held the billiard ball in his cheek or something? As others said, just look him up and you'll see he's been doing this for years.
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+7 102. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Lucky Guy

I love how we get to see his reflection at the end. I wonder if he was ever ticketed/arrested for it lol.
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-2 103. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Parkour Fail Compilation

I think I spent the last 25sec yelling "DON'T DO IT!"

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+5 104. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Yellow Lab Grabs His Own Diner

LOL - I LOVE how happy and proud of himself that dog looks!
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0 105. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video African waterman

1 man 1 bottle?
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-4 106. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Dragging a tree

I'm more surprised that something off of was fit for viewing here! lol
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Comment rated too low. Show this comment

-7 107. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Toll road accident

Reminds me of what happened to Nikki Catsouras.

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+6 108. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Goatpipes

I'm totally creeped out.
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+8 109. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Who needs a steering wheel?

Yeah - REAL funny till the wrench slips off going around a corner :O .
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-1 110. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Bear Grylls eats elephant shit

Since that man's not taking me to dinner, I don't have to worry about him kissing me at the end of the night either.

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+2 111. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Expert recreates Toyota sudden acceleration


Perfect reference from one of the best movies EVER! lol

(in case others didn't pick up on it)

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+2 112. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Big balls trail ride

Doesn't the amount of concentration required not to kill yourself somewhat negate the enjoyment of the ride?

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+4 113. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Expert recreates Toyota sudden acceleration

#6 - there's at least one reported case of a car that wouldn't shift out of gear, even when it was thrown in neutral AND reverse.

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+14 114. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Expert recreates Toyota sudden acceleration

I heard a discussion of this report earlier in the week.

What it came down to, is that just because you could hack into the wiring system and *create* the issue, doesn't mean that THAT is the cause of the issue in the other cases.

If microwave ovens started exploding, there would be investigations. Just because I could stick some aluminum foil wrapped dynamite in a microwave and make it explode, doesn't mean that's what was happening in the other cases.


Please don't wrap dynamite in aluminum foil and microwave.

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+9 115. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Machine creates aluminium helmet

The future of dentistry?

I'll go toothless - thanks :O !
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0 116. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Squirrel Fight

I think they're married, and she just asked if eating seeds made her tail look fat.

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+53 117. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Man vs. Wild

That man is NOT taking me out to dinner...
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+4 118. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Dragons Den

#16 is right. Homeopathy if founded on the idea that you can take an incredibly diluted amount of something and reap it's benefits. For example, to cure nausea, you should take something that causes nausea, dilute it, and consume that as a cure. Distilled water is used, then X (whatever causes the symptoms of what you're trying to cure) is added. Now here's where it gets funny. The solution is then diluted SO MUCH that there aren't even molecules of X to be found in a sample. The argument by those that believe in the benefits of homeopathy is that the water "remembers" or still contains the "essence" of X, and is therefore helpful. Overall, what homeopathy is, is distilled water.

There was recently a mass overdose of homeopathic "medicines" recently, as protest to show that there really is nothing in them.

The only ingredient that he mentions that could have some effect is the silver. Colloidal silver was thought for years to be another "cure all", but has again to be found to be nothing more than snake oil. Unless you want to turn yourself blue forever...

FWIW, I'm a massage therapist. Because of that, for some reason there are many people that assume that I'm into alternative therapies. I'm into what can be scientifically proven through sound research. The benefits of colloidal silver and homeopathy are not among them.

And to those that say drug companies don't want us to know that these things work because they can't make money off of it... REALLY? There are a tremendous number of medicines derived from plants that drug companies are already using - don't you think they'd love to find more *if they actually worked*?
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+10 119. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Water Ceiling Prank

He left her with a weapon.

:D >:) :D
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+2 120. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Backyard Roller Coaster

That looks like fun, but DAMN! Who's gonna haul that cart back to the top for me? :(
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+5 121. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Conan O'Brien Cheetos portrait

#17 - I don't think so. Those darker ones are the firey hot ones. My kids can eat them, but I can't handle them. All I see are Cheetos and a bottle of elmers glue.
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+1 122. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Buttered shower floor

Do THAT many people really sing in the shower in the real world? I haven't known anyone to do it, but it seems sure enough if there's a camera running...
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+2 123. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Stewie kills a hooker

#13 I wasn't going to rate down your #7 comment, but I will now that you're making an issue of it. ;)

Maybe if you're lucky, it'll only get downrated to -20, just before the delete >:) .
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+1 124. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

For some reason 3:04 was my favorite :D .
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+2 125. JaeMarie commented 14 years ago on video Silly Birds

#12 - As was pointed out, they're zebra finches. Be careful. They're inexpensive, cute as anything, make the sweetest little meeping sounds, and breed worse than bunnies, mice and hamsters combined! lol
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-2 126. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Porn Buddies!


I can't remember the last ad or pop-up I had...
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+3 127. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Bullet Proof Glass


If that "little kid" had a weapon on him and this was a public place, I could just hear the cries for lawsuits if he'd hurt himself or someone else and there wasn't what someone judged as enough cops in pursuit.
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-2 128. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Smart-ass spelling bee winner

Whatever's going on, that was painful.

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+2 129. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Body scanner

I look at it like this.

1 - Not everyone would be going through these scanners. The scanners are meant to be used on people chosen for greater scrutiny.

2 - The screen isn't going to be broadcast on a jumbotron for everyone waiting in line to view. Maybe a couple people might be viewing the monitor.

3 - They screeners aren't exactly taking home movies here - it's "get 'em in - get 'em out" and move on to the next person. They're not going to have the time or interest to hang out and ogle people... and on that note...

4 - Do you REALLY think that after hours and days and weeks and months on the job staring at people's assorted everything, they could really care two hoots about what YOURS looks like? They're probably just as interested in seeing your stuff as you are in showing it.

I'm ok with it.
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+3 130. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Drifting Idiots

To the people complaining about comments.

Note that comments can be voted down. After 20 thumbs down the comments are deleted (like the first comment will soon be.)

Also, I'm sure like most sites the staff is here on a volunteer basis. They have jobs, families, and lives outside of this website. Short of paying someone to monitor the boards, the next best thing is to mark comments down so they get deleted on their own and/or be patient for staff to get to it.

Honestly though when I see someone make a racist comment, it says more to me about the simple minded moron making the generalization than the group they're attempting to slam.
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+7 131. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Stupid Criminals

To those suggesting that the cops are picking on people in lower economic neighborhoods, consider this.

How do cops choose the places they use to set up stings? They pick neighborhoods where those particular crimes happen. This was likely a neighborhood where there had been several cars stolen. They do the same thing with drug and prostitution stings.

Would it make sense to set up a car theft sting in a neighborhood that hadn't reported any car thefts? This isn't about income levels - it's about where crimes are committed. I live in a crappy neighborhood and have had contact with the cops in the past regarding crimes that occur on my street and what to do to deter them (everything from domestic situations to drug and gang activity.) We were told straight up - the more calls to 911 we place from this neighborhood, the more patrols we'd get. If time and time again we reported a single particular type of crime occurring on my street, I'd think the next step to getting the criminals attention that we were tired of putting up with it would be to lay out some bait and GET THEM AWAY FROM MY FAMILY!.
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+9 132. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Stupid Criminals

#30 "Entrapment - In criminal law, entrapment is when a law enforcement agent induces a person to commit an offense which the person would otherwise have been unlikely to commit." Note that the cops would have to be intentionally causing a law abiding citizen to do something they would NOT likely otherwise do.

If an undercover cop TOLD those girls to take the car and they did, THEN arrested them for it, THAT is entrapment.

If an undercover cop posing as a prostitute APPROACHES someone walking down the street and PRESSURES them into purchasing her services, THAT is entrapment.

If an undercover cop looks up registered sex offenders and sends an underage looking person to their home and has that underage looking person PROPOSITION the sex offender, THAT is entrapment.

To leave a car on the street with the keys in it is not CAUSING a normal, law abiding citizen to do ANYTHING they wouldn't already be willing to do. A dear friend of mine lost his car last year because of that exact scenario. He was in a hurry to catch a bus, parked his car, and missed the fact he'd left his keys inside. Does that mean he's guilty of coercing someone into stealing his car?

Final thing. To those that think your financial situation decides your morality, you're sadly mistaken. I've lived below the poverty level for many years and have yet to steal a car, rob a bank, or mug someone. What little I may have in possessions, I've worked my tail off and saved money for. Lack of money doesn't forgive lack of morals.
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+7 133. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Smack Me On The Head With A Shovel!

#12 - probably has 2 prosthetic legs and a metal plate in his forehead. lol

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+3 134. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video To Catch More Predators

For direct information on the show . If you go about halfway down to the videos section, there's an overview of some of the people we've seen here - in addition to bringing up the point that some of these people had previous arrest records for sexual crimes, as well as one guy that was picked up on one of their stings, THEN went to a different city and was busted a SECOND time on the show.
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+4 135. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video To Catch More Predators

I love how they always refer to what they're doing as a "mistake."

2+2=5 is a mistake.

Grooming someone you believe is a minor, picking up supplies, and traveling to meet them is intentional.

#22 - in case you missed it in the other thread...
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+4 136. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video To Catch More Predators

#6 - it is illegal to solicit a minor on the internet. Because no one is checking ID's at the keyboard, it is illegal to solicit someone REPRESENTING themselves as a minor.

These people committed crimes.
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+5 137. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video To Catch a Predator

#15 - I encourage you to check out the link I posted to . This is NOT a case of mistaking the age of a child who presents themselves as older. Rules are followed carefully for stings like this, otherwise the evidence can not be used for prosecution. Like I said - chats are logged by a third party - chats that show these predators are AWARE that the person they are talking to is representing themselves as WAY underage CHILDREN. These predators send images/videos of themselves naked, performing acts upon themselves, and encouraging *who they believe to be children* to take part. They groom them, try to become their best friend, encourage them to isolate themselves and disobey their parents. Eventually, they try to get *who they believe to be children* alone to "hang out", or more bluntly, for sex.

This isn't about just not liking someones preferences. This is about people who search out vulnerable children to have their way with.
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+7 138. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video To Catch a Predator

To people who think they're setting people up or wasting time looking for "simple" cases of someone looking to date someone a couple years younger than them... check here . Dateline worked with the people at Perverted Justice to find these sickos and call them out into the open.

Basically it's a group of people who go into internet chatrooms and pose as CHILDREN. They are approached by adults and things go downhill from there. This is not entrapment. The "kids" are not out there looking for attention or contacting people - there are very strict rules regarding what they do. This is a case of ADULTS searching out children. Everything is logged by a third party, and information is verified before the authorities are contacted. There have been cases where the adult will say "hey - let's meet at McDonalds" and when the meeting is arranged (with police on board) they find the guy has rope, duct tape, handcuffs, sexual paraphernalia... Obviously NOT looking to innocently share a Happy Meal.
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+1 139. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Buzzard Gets Clipped By Wind Turbine

That's what he get's for playing chicken with the blades.

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-4 140. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Mouse VS Cat

Looked more like a young rat to me as well.

I'm guessing either it's a pet and the two animals aren't entirely unfamiliar with each other, or if this is a "wild" scenario, the rodent was probably in shock (thus not running away.)
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0 141. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Parrot imitates baby

And as #(removed comment) points out, these guys live a LONG time.

I want my kids to grow up and leave the house - not to get to listen to them cry for 20+ years... :O
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+14 142. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Parkour fail compilation

All I could think was...

Broken rib - check
Broken nose - check
Broken back - check
Broken ankle...

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0 143. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Drive Thru Freestyle

"Say crispy - just say crispy."

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+16 144. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video White Blood Cell Chases Bacteria

I think this one needs some "Pac Man" audio added to it ;) .
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0 145. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video this is just... awesome

WOW - FYI, apparently when someone gets their 20th vote thumbs down, their post gets deleted. :O

On another note, those guys are skilled. If I tried it, I'd end up impaling myself...
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+4 146. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Pedicab operator + taxi driver fight

#1 - correction. Crazy New Yorkers ;) .
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0 147. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Good Cop, Baby Cop

According to Wiki...

"In April 2007, Ferrell launched "Funny or Die", a streaming video website where short comedy films are uploaded and voted on by users. The site features The Landlord, starring Ferrell and Funny or Die co-founder Adam McKay. Ferrell's character is harassed for the rent by his landlady, a swearing, beer-loving, two-year-old girl (played by McKay's daughter, Pearl). Child psychologists have criticized Ferrell and the McKay family for child exploitation, to which McKay responded:

Fortunately she is in this great stage now where she repeats anything you say to her and then forgets it right away, which is key. She has not said the 'B-word' since we shot the thing.
—Adam McKay"

I swear the Landlord clip is around here somewhere, but I couldn't immediately find it.
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+15 148. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Shady optical illusion

But what about when I cover all 3 borders? ;)
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0 149. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video The Crawl - 1997

To those saying that these women were in poor shape or not prepared... if THAT were true, they never would have finished let alone placed 3rd and 4th. Many great athletes couldn't do half of what these women did. While you couldn't get me to run (unless there was a knife wielding psycho behind me) I have experience with marathon runners. Trust me - only those who train and prepare (most likely for years) come close to finishing these things.

While I agree that people do horrendous things to their bodies in this and similar competitions, I'll never criticize them considering the dedication and heart it takes to drive themselves towards their goal.
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+1 150. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video 2 Girls 1 Cup Song

#5 - I was never tempted to watch the video myself, but there's several reaction videos out there that are disturbingly entertaining to the disturbed ;) .
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+4 151. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Peace day in Afghanistan

The guy had to have known. I would at least have tried to arc it back behind the banner.

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+4 152. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Crash safety test: 1959 vs 2009


Old car - harder outside, person inside takes the force of the crash.

New car - softer outside takes the force of the crash, person insides eats a pillow.
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+4 153. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Clean Kitty


If a cat isn't cleaning itself there's probably an underlying health issue, and should see a vet - not get trapped in a modified dishwasher. Healthy cats take care of themselves just fine.
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+1 154. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Magic Poop Collector

Oddly, this isn't anything new. Google "doggie diapers" if you're bored enough.
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+2 155. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Giant vortex gun

I like the DIY backyard version better ;) . Less lethal = more fun... usually...
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+5 157. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Steel frame building demolish

Conspiracy theories are full of excitement, drama, mystery, romance... and many other things that make for a great movie.

The truth is often much more boring.
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0 158. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Don't get hurt Healthcare

If healthcare is so terrible in the US, why do people from other countries come here when they have serious conditions or are in need of potentially dangerous surgeries? Maybe because it's not safe, or the wait is too long in their own country?

And the whole "free healthcare" thing cracks me up. Nothing is free. If your government is footing the bill, they're paying it with your own taxes. I'd rather hang on to that money and choose my own heathcare provider and services... thank you very much.

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+14 159. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Man stares death in the face, and then takes a picture of it

I like how casually he leans back and crosses his ankles to take the picture.

But not just him - where was the guy taking the video perched?!?!?
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0 160. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Cigarette trick


My ex used to work at a match factory. The chemicals they use to make the match heads are about impossible to extinguish once ignited - it has to burn itself out. Had the guy waited past the initial flare up, it's very possible it could have gone out.
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+1 161. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Vomiting babies

"But then I'm not dumbass enough to hold him over my face after forcefeeding him twice as much milk as his stomach can hold. "

Just wait - you're still new at this. ;)

Sooner or later after a normal feeding, what appears to be 4x the amount of food that went it, WILL come flying out. lol
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+6 162. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Flying Pitbulls

Do these people have 20' tall fences in their back yards?

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+19 163. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Comfort Wipe commercial

Ok, Ok... if you're somehow disabled, then great! But for the germaphobe that wants to maintain their dignity? Yeah... real dignified going out to dinner with THAT hanging out your back pocket or poking out of your purse :O .
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+15 164. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Guy jumps off building, superhero Bubbleboy

That's a Darwin Award waiting to happen.
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+9 165. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Lucky basketball shot

"1 ) why does it always happen at the last 3 seconds of the game?"

Because at any other point in the game when there's time on the clock, there's no reason to throw a "Hail Mary" pass.

"2 ) why is the shot always the deciding factor of the games outcome?"

Common sense. Why throw a "Hail Mary" pass if it won't affect the score of the game? No reason for the team that's ahead to do it, no reason for the team that's behind by too much to bother either.

"3 ) they are all wearing one coloured shirts...get real.."

Actually, on my monitor there's kids wearing red shirts, and kids wearing burgundy shirts. Close, but still different.

"4 ) they look 10 years old, they probably cant throw that far."
They look more like the jr high kids around here - a couple years older.

"5 ) why is there a huge black thing hanging from the ceiling helping to *guide* this ball into the net ?"

I'm guessing it's the mechanism used to sometimes crank up and pull the backboard out of the way, or maybe a black climbing rope like we had in our gym, pulled behind the backboard to keep it (mostly) out of the way.

"finally, as clearly stated by the ref. it wasnt even allowed anyway? so good going to whoever makes these shit fake vids, they dont even achieve nething."

No, once the ball bounces off the ceiling/rafters it's considered out of bounds. Whether it counted towards the games score or not, doesn't take away the fact that it's a cool shot.

Anything else I can help you with while I'm here? ;) .
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+7 166. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Burning water

Remember, natural gas has no odor, so gas companies add a stinky funk to it so people will be aware when there's a leak. I'm sure they should have been able to smell SOMETHING was wrong - particularly when going to drink it.

Can you imagine putting a pot of water on the stove to boil?
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+3 167. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Natalie Portman: the rapper?


This is about as real as anything else shown on Saturday Night Live lol.
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+6 168. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Kid's pet mouse ownage

#5 Is right - it was a set-up. I saw it on AFV when it first aired, or as a rerun some number of years ago.
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+5 169. JaeMarie commented 15 years ago on video Japanese Ronald McDonald

All Your BigMacs Are Belong To Us.
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+1 170. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Kyle vs Marlee Lightsaber Duel

I like the way she wiped the saber off with her hand after gutting dad LOL.
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+7 171. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Mega fail

I like how his skiis race past him at the end lol.
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+7 172. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Drifting gone wrong

#10 I'm guessing if they DID have insurance, their companies would really appreciate the footage ;) .

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+1 173. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Freestyle ski <3

#(removed comment) I may be wrong, but I think it was noted somewhere that if you don't submit your name with the video, you can't get credit for the submission... therefore m_u is probably just posting uncredited videos.
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+3 174. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Broccoli Kitten LOVES Broccoli!

#9 I had a cat that would do the same to carrots. She never ate them (just wanted to chew and roll in them) but went ballistic when she smelled them. Otherwise she was a perfectly normal cat.

As long as they're not doing things to create aggressiveness in other situations, this kitten will probably grow into a nice healthy cat... with a broccoli fetish LOL.
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+6 175. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video How real men catch fish

That's pretty much it - it's called noodling, and to some considered a sport.
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+2 176. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Bunny show jumping

Yeah, but can they do it with a pancake on their head?
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+1 177. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Peace dove fail

You can see it gasping right before they zoom in.

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+1 178. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Skater vs security guard

Unless we could see what happened before this, it's hard to say who deserved what. For all we know this little snot's been warned over and over again to hit the road... or the guard could be a jerk. Either way, the dumbass kid should have just picked up and gone elsewhere instead of making himself look like an idiot.
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+1 179. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Sadam & Osama

EXACTLY - Saturday Night Live. I think it's a couple years old, but still funny LOL.
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+2 180. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video 100,000 pounds of TNT


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+16 181. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video The musical road

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+3 182. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Awesome downhill skateboarding


"Its illegal, he filmed it, he put it on the internet..."

...and put their names in the credits.

That's thinkin :| .
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+2 183. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Pac-Man the movie

That was much better than I expected LOL.
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+4 184. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video So you think you got crazy moves?

He ended up doing a commercial for Ikea.
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+1 185. JaeMarie commented 16 years ago on video Surprise, surprise!

Funny, but I'm calling fake.

The way the robber leans in and stretches his arm is rather awkward, and he just happens to have a patch *right* where the dog bites. It looks to me like he's presenting the dog with his mark rather than holding up the clerk.