Comments posted by JamMan


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+4 1. JamMan commented 11 years ago on video Operation PLUTO in WW2

I wonder if it is still intact, and if so can be get some cheep petrol back from france now please!
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+1 3. JamMan commented 12 years ago on video Shark Impossible Shot From Above

The balloon was too high, would have been a better shot closer to the shark or zoom it in!
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+4 4. JamMan commented 12 years ago on video The fastest F1 pit-stop EVER!!!!

Even more impressive because Button sligthly missed his mark
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+2 5. JamMan commented 12 years ago on video Oops,wrong bar.....

Something is not quite right when you advertise guns with an attempt at comedy.
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-11 6. JamMan commented 13 years ago on video Russell Peters Best Moments

Race comedy just isn't funny
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+8 7. JamMan commented 13 years ago on video Tanker Truck Fire

Clearly no evidence of him smoking, but don't let that stop you all from blaming the guy. I think Hero.
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+4 8. JamMan commented 13 years ago on video Winterwonderland

Thanks #11 :)
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+1 9. JamMan commented 13 years ago on video Winterwonderland

Does anyone know what the music is?
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+3 10. JamMan commented 14 years ago on video Alien vs. Human Intelligence

Talk about dumbing down science, why do you all think this guy is so awesome?
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+21 11. JamMan commented 14 years ago on video Tractor flipover

Why are there so many people sitting around watching a couple of Tractors?
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+4 12. JamMan commented 14 years ago on video Fail Compilation

Anyone know what the electrical explosion is all about at 6:01?
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-1 13. JamMan commented 14 years ago on video Apollo 11 slow motion launch

#6 I read the articles very interesting. The Fox one does say "His extra $6 billion for NASA over the next five years does little more than pace inflation...." So we are not talking small change here. It also says his EXTRA $6 billion, so is that on top of the existing budget? Thats a lot of money for a country that just bailed out its banks and car industry!
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+4 14. JamMan commented 14 years ago on video Pancakes II: Pancakes for your face

#3 These are what we in the UK call Pancakes, I've had "Pancakes" in America and they are quite different :)
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+1 15. JamMan commented 14 years ago on video Fail compilation

#15 That is one big spider!
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-2 16. JamMan commented 15 years ago on video Street Hero Bus jump

Don't think its viral, but still pretty stupid!....
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+2 17. JamMan commented 15 years ago on video Porn Buddies!

The Scientology ads are far more offensive than the porn ones!
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0 18. JamMan commented 15 years ago on video Another Water Experiment

Just tried this and it didn't work cos the bits of pepper were too big :( Need really fine pepper for success!
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+6 19. JamMan commented 15 years ago on video Cabbies' Worst Passengers

"blind as a welder's dog" love it, brilliant lol :D
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+2 20. JamMan commented 15 years ago on video Rooster says "hello"

#4 or a zx spectrum loading Horace Goes Skiing :) I certainly didn't hear hello!
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-2 21. JamMan commented 15 years ago on video 2-wheel driving world record

Fake or not, why is the music from rubbish uk police show The Bill?