Comments posted by Jamiem


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+10 1. Jamiem commented 13 years ago on video Tribe Meets White Man for the First Time

Awe inspiring
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+43 2. Jamiem commented 13 years ago on video Who can get a ticket first!

Would love to have known what was said to the seocond driver as the cop pulled him over...
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+5 3. Jamiem commented 13 years ago on video Offtime

I definitely need to try this!
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+9 4. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video How It's Made: Contact Lenses

Thats a really interesting video, but, i wear contacts, disposable ones which i change every day. I got through hundreds a year, imagine what a couple of thousand people get through, and then remember that this video says each one takes 15 minutes to make....!
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+72 5. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Base Jump off the Death Swing

Also, congratulation to Snotr, this is the 6000th video posted!
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-2 6. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Electric Power Line Explosion

"I just got that on video dude!"
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+17 7. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video 2010 Indy 500 Mike Conway Huge Airborne Crash into the Catchfence

The first shots don't look too impressive, then you see the sheer speed they are going and it seems amazing anyone could survive that.
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+10 8. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Enjoy Your Flight

This is definitely like Ryanair, they are going to start charging £2 to use the toilets on their planes.
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+3 9. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video 4 Minutes Of BBC News Blunders

It's hardly surprising their are so many news bloopers when they all run 24 hours.
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+5 10. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Red Bull Really Does Give You Wings...

This was a great race, Good thing they are so safety conscious, even 10 years ago this would have probably have ended in a fatality.
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+89 11. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Epic Fail

Love that everyone was just sat there staring at him, doing nothing as he screams in agony...
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+26 12. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Get out of there!

Get out of where?!
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+21 13. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Japan's ramen robot

If they can create robot chefs, then no surely no job is safe...
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+19 14. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Weirdest of Guiness Book World Records 2010

Sorry, got to vote this video down, if only because it was submitted by jok, after all his continuos spamming he will keep getting a thumbs down from me.
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+49 15. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Soccer Ball K.O.

I like how no one looks at all concerned that someone has just been knocked out!
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+10 16. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video BMW 330i driving itself

You got it, drive it once, it will remember how fast you did it and the cornering etc
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+102 17. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Kopps - Benny's Dream II

If only all action films were as realistic as this one!
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+65 18. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Groomsman Taken Out By Windmill

"Hey guys, lets not do that" Great line after someone has possibly given themselves life threatening injuries!
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+11 19. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video The Orchard Spider

Yeah, far too many videos on bugs. They are great, but 5 in row?
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+45 20. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Merry-go-round of death

Classic last words to utter as the camera stops.
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0 21. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Disturbing japanese commercial

We get it already, Japanese adverts are weird, do we really have to keep seeing them?
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+2 22. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video The Waldo Ultimatum

Love this, should be a full length movie.
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-18 23. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Ricky Gervais - The Bible

I vote we make Gervais our new God
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+39 24. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Street Performer Playing Glass in Washington DC

Very talented...I guess he is a glass half full kinda person.....
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-12 25. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video How the UK National Grid responds to demand

And know i know the answer to a question i never needed answering!
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+24 26. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Avatar 2 Trailer

hahahm this is brilliant!
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+50 27. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Singstar game

Very good!
Stick to your Wii little girl :)
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-2 28. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Bush wipes hand on Clinton's shirt

#(removed comment) No, we wouldn't, don't be such a twat
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+33 29. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Bush wipes hand on Clinton's shirt

It's so easy to take the piss out of George Bush, but when he does something like this, what else are you supposed to do?!
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-1 30. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Crazy door

great door!
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+3 31. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Bubble man Returns!

That last scene looks more than a little dodgy!
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+30 32. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Wake up prank

Thank god for that black circle!!
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-3 33. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Breaking News

Very similar to this snotr clip:
but slightly funnier and more American!
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+4 34. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video How Animation works

This is a great little short. I'm sure this company had been asked to explain the process so many times to clients that they made this, but it acts as a great showheel too, great vid!
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+16 35. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video T-shirt wars

Good idea, good execution, but still can't help but feel it was all a waste of time....
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+11 36. Jamiem commented 14 years ago on video Pizza Guy Pranks

#(removed comment) There are no indians there you idiot. Scott is English, and it was clear to me that the pizza man was Scottish. Think before you type.
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0 37. Jamiem commented 15 years ago on video First Man in Space

Wow, congrats to the people posting Boards of Canada, they have some of my favourite albums, and as for that video, it is my al time favourites.

I guess the relevance of posting this video now is because someone in the last week has said they want to beat his record and go from even higher and actually beat the speed of sound. He was the same guy who flew over the British Channel with the metal wings.
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+2 38. Jamiem commented 15 years ago on video News Report

Watch the whole show, its great. On iPlayer now if your in the UK