Comments posted by JohnDoe


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+3 1. JohnDoe commented 14 years ago on video Insane Car Mod

-a silly "let's be different" suspension modification that is done in the rear by letting the independent R&L/Swing-axles move up into the wheel-wells, --and at the front by re-welding the independent R&L/wheel-spindles at a pitched angle to the road; ---all of which totally destroys the safe-handling of the vehicle, and should be rewarded with a pricie ticket to restore back to oem-specs! But the one i liked best was years ago seeing a black family driving to church early Sun.-morning in a 1960-Corvair (a good car made by Chevrolet) but which had NO Tires on the four/steel-wheels, --thus was leaving a trail of sparks along with a horrendous noise upon concrete freeway at 35-mph! Apparently they had no money for tires, -but Mom said Dad, --you're taken us to Church! --They were all look'en prim and content like, as LosAngeles/Freeway-5 on-lookers were in wide-eyed fear they'd end in disaster, as the wheels would soon be worn to nothing down to the brake-drums, --and it would be impossible to stop fast (-locking the wheels would result in the car just sliding along like on ice). I drove on past as i didn't want to be anywhere near them when disaster was soon to strike, --so don't know the outcome; --hopefully their Lord or a PatrolCar intervened and saved their souls... (Absolutely true story, -i swear to God!)
Picture of JohnDoe4 achievements

+1 2. JohnDoe commented 14 years ago on video Boom!

-despite the running tally, i believe 'AryanKnight' trumpted 'LB187' owing his greater intellectual insight about the real world; --but then that's why the mental-migets like to make things go KaaaaaaaBooooooooMmmmmmmmmm!!!:D
Picture of JohnDoe4 achievements

+1 3. JohnDoe commented 14 years ago on video Slipping Down Stairs

-#30 is absolutely correct, i could do this SlickTrick as well in HighSchool where the leading-edge of the steps was of metal (-and i had smooth-sole shoes without heels)! --But wait there's still more, for looking a bit closer, --i believe he's wearing Roller-shoes! ---A spiffy craze here in USA that i sure wish we had as kids...
Picture of JohnDoe4 achievements

+1 4. JohnDoe commented 14 years ago on video Donald Duck - The Spirit Of '43

Hummmm, a little shocked at first, by above AK's commentary, but in re-reading it as an ex-usMilitary man, i believe he has a learned insight as to how we've been terribly hoodwinked by propaganda like this into becoming just what our Founding-fathers warned about, by those he accurately calls the Bank'sters, that are obviously doing everything they can to destroy the economy of our besiegued nation. Recently we've senselessly destroyed the once fine nation of Iraq, and now the Isralies want us to join in murderously nuking the soverign nation of Iran because they are trying to protect themselves from the warmongering Isralies, and refuse to be a part of the ruthless Bank'ster cartel. We presently occupy some 130 nations, --its time we pull our wasted troops out and place'em on our borders, and repatriate some 50-million job-stealing Illegal-alien invaders back to south of the border down Mexico way...