Comments posted by Jonsu222


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0 1. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Can Big Girls Fly?

chewbacca sound at the end.
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+8 2. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video First time machine

i think it's pretty old.
did you look at the monitors they were using.
ancient stuff.
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+17 3. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Working Lego Sniper Rifle

anything made of lego is totally and absolutely epic.
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-1 4. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Purse Snatchers on a Motorcycle Beaten by Angry Crowd

what the is that guy holding at 1:12 ?
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+56 5. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video The Simpsons

Bart's a girl ? :O
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-7 6. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Doggy Beatboxing

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+7 7. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Follow Me Trailer

i'd say that even tho these guys have serious skills, I think that the camerawork absolutely brilliant.
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+4 8. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Baby sitter

i just let out a BIIIG sigh at the end.
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+7 9. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Best Cry Ever

im gonna go to hell for laughing at this >:)
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+2 10. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Ultimate Protection Cat

why the hell did she pick up the kid?
the child was perfectly safe.. damn selfsaving babysitter.
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+24 11. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Mom Meltdown

i love how the dad is really cool about it :D
where's our china? 5x
they must be mad at us... 5x

most epic thing evar!
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0 12. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Another funny accidents compilations

good to see some old classics
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0 13. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Doing The Dishes

Oh My God....
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-12 14. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Switch to silent, Now.

Dilulu-du dilulu-du dilulu-du duuu
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+13 15. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Dog Man

this just cracks me up everytime i watch it :D :D
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+6 16. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video The Grudge Girl

i like the way she waves and greets at the beginning
and then starts to scare people :D
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+10 17. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Acoustic Freedom

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+5 18. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video Reporter Makes Backwards Half Court Shot

he was like: again, for realz? just... ughh fine.

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-4 19. Jonsu222 commented 14 years ago on video A city made of toothpicks

Anybody got a toothpick?
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+6 20. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Epic Trailer

which is based on a true-stroy .
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+1 21. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Sliding

Yea, would be cooler if they did some backflips n sh.. stuff like that. :D
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+31 22. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Coach Dragan Stojkovic

and tell me again why is he a coach and not a player :D
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+36 23. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video This Spider Rollin', They Hatin'

in the end when he stopped he was like: and that's how i roll :D
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+1 24. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Kitty vs Dog fight

lol excactly when the dog drove away the kitty the crowd in the background started cheering ;)
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+1 25. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Chinese kid singing ‘Loving You’

What The Sh*t :D
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+11 26. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Kid Stuck in Skate Bowl

honestly? like.. for real?
maybe it's some sort of entertainment over there:
"Watch the Fat Kid trying to get out of the Super Skate Bowl."
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+1 27. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Lucie Jones on X-Factor

her dad was always looking behind himself like: that's my daughter u know, i raised her, she's my daughter u know.
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-4 28. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Small jumping cat

maybe the carpet was electrified or something :O ;)
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+18 29. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Super Bowl 2009 commercials

I would've taken a few more Doritos while looking at that babe >:)
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+1 30. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Sony New Controller

ahh damn the video ended before another cool headshot :D (robin hood style)
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+2 31. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Project Natal

the xbox in the end looked a lil' bit like WALL-E :D
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+1 32. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video An analog digital Clock

You would have to buy loads of batteries. >:)
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+8 33. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Real Transformer

haha at the end it was going to fall down :D
still a nice piece of equipment.
now only if we could enlargen it and make it look like a Chevrolet.
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+16 34. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video Backflip Guy

first of all: ouch
second of all: I lol'd when he tried to throw himself off his back :D
third of all: He actually did a good job, c'mon at the end he had clearly improved ;)
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+8 35. Jonsu222 commented 15 years ago on video The Past, present and future of the World

im gonna be so far up north
not that it'll change something :D

but cool
too bad i cant live long enough to see it happen
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-3 36. Jonsu222 commented 16 years ago on video Best goal celebrations

lol at the tall guy doing the robot :D
i think it's peter crouch or someone else like that